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y:,,,iT .i:=L~===r====r-T-- . “Safe as the Safest” Ik Savings Bank of Richmond 1117 East Main Street has been a powerful factor in the upbuilding of our city The bank has furnished the means wherewith the men with moderate income have been able to purchase their homes and become independent. Honest Management, Ample Resources Courteous Treatment These three essentials tor success of a bank are here. Sums of one dollar and upward received and interest allowed. Our Directors are men who arc well know n to the people everywhere. OFFICERS: R, A. PATTERSON. President. L. 2. MORRIS, Vice-President. JAMES M. BALL. Cashier. DIRECTORS: GLO. L. CHRISTIAN P VVHTTLf >CK H THEODORE ELLY SON VV. 11. ZIMMERM AN N B. AESOP K A. PATTERSON II. \Y. GWATHMEY I.. Z. MORRT5 F. SITTER DING H.SKLDON TAYLOR JNO. VV. GORDON G. (.. VALENTINE R F. PATTERSON JAS. M. BALE “Strong as the Strongest” Commonwealth Bank Capital, ------ $200,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. $25,000.00 O/ ON SAVINGS 'C ACCOUNTS Steady Progress i OFFICERS H- U DENOON. W. L; WAITERS. V tc*-P»*l<J«n« mat) Ca.hlcr Fi. WALTERS. A..t Caahi*/. DIRECTORS J. E. W ALSU. NupwlnlFndmi Moil™ Power iC A O. Railway GEO. C. WALTERS. PttMMMT anil I tweet or Atlanta Georgia H. L. DENOON . of G. 1.. & II. L Dettoon. Real Eetate Broker. P. C. CHRISTIAN. \ of Flem tnt It ChHetien Cm., Manilla* turet. and Wholaeale Grocer. CHAR. B. COOIK. Pre.ldent Richmond {Earning Journal JW DENOON, Real E.fate anrt Lain.. WM. L WADE. Tr— Iron Work. ISAAC B DAVENPORT, Wholeeele Grocer W. L. W ALTERS. Cm.hirr —in a hank indicates uniform excellence of service. .. . The growth of this institution has been steady and stu|ti\, because it hits invari ably met the banking requirements of its depositors. Start a business or personal account here, if you desire to patronize a bank that will exercise every legitimate effort to promote your best interests. 12 North Ninth Street. BRANCH: No. 4 East Broad Street. x>ci The American National Bank of Richmond, Invites Your Account. Its methods are up-to-date, and the efficiency of the service it renders its patrons signifies it has a thoroughly trained organization ably guided by a directorate of practical business men and bankers, whose personnel and financial strength have elicited the con fidence of the business community. -r— BANKS SUPPLY OIL FOR MACHINERY OF TRADD Richmond Institution* Keep Many Line* of Business in Motion and Clearings* Show That Material Progress is Being Made. Hanks bear the same relation to commerce and trade as oil does to! machinery. They lubricate, us 1t were, the channels of Industry and , keep business in all lines in running order. No community or section, therefore, • an prosper without banks Richmond hanks serve as oil for tho marhiffery of business in Richmond and the large territory throughout Virginia and mart Southern States of which 'Richmond ia the practical banking center. Thousands of farmers look to the banks of Richmond for capital, either directly or indirectly. Manu facturers rely on the banks for oil to run their business machinery and so it is practically all other business lines Nothing Is a beth r index of the growth and prosperity of business I than bank clearings. Statistic* show I th it * 1*7,000.000,000 were cleared by the t anks of Richmond for the first j ‘ ri\, month* In 1910 a* against *141, ■ onO.O'tO for the rame period in 1909. This show* that through the medium or the hanks In Richmond business , h;o increased to the extent of nearly |".ii.miO.OOO within the past year Tart of this growth took place In Rich- , mend and part in the territory covered l,\ the hanks of thl sclty. In this connection. It may be of in I tercet t>> note that clearings of Rich mond hank* for May, 1910 were , »:t».so(>,000 compared with $27,800. O0<> for the month of May, 1909 For th, week ending May 22, 1910, statis tics show that Richmond banks clear ed nearly *0,900.000 a* against *5.- I 1900,000 for the same week last year. STOCK MARKET i IS VERY WEAK Rh ilroad am! Industrial Sccnr ities Suffer Marker] Depres sion at Opening. CLOSTXG V ERY DULL Fractional Ralies Conic to Sup port .fii1 Before 1' inal Sales i\ re M ado. Ntw YORK. June 11 Pronounced weakness was displayed In all the ac 1 live railroads ami Industrials at the opening of the stock markpt to-day. 1 prices sustaining losses of fractions tu i more than a point. At tin- end of flf- : teen minutes fractional rallies were in progress. Price change were irregular, hut a strong tone developed at the end of the first hour 1 Government bonds unchanged; other 'bonds firm NEW YORK STOCK \fARRFT Open. I4t*t A met»nan Rcet Sugar. Am. Agr. Cham. Co. ...........a Allla-Chalmer*. AlHe-Cbamher*. pfd. ... AIroa’.gamated Copper. *1 Am^riftn Can. ^ln American Can, pM. '°*4 American Car A Fdv... M American Car A Fdy, pfd.. American Cotton Oil.. 61 Amcriran Ir»cotnntiee. 42 American looorontiy*. pfd. American Smelting. American Sugar. Hfl A met. Tel. and Tel. Co.. American Tobacco, com. American Tobacco, pfd. Anaconda Copper.. MS Atefalaon. 101S Atlantic Coaat Line. Baltimore and Ohio. 111 S Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific. 1WW Chesapeake and Ohio. ►OS Chicago Great Wentcrn. Chic. MU. and St. Pan!. 124S Cbi. and Northwestern. C G w . pfd. Central f eat her. Colorado* Fuel eed ieon.... ..... WU Colorado and Southern . Colo, and South., let pM. Col and South., 2d pfd.. Cooeolidated Gaa.. I Ail Delaware and Hudeon . 1A.V4 Denver and Rio O., com. .'14 Vi Denver and Rio G., pfd. Distiller*’ Sec. Cor.. 3t»S Erie.. 2 AS Erie. 1 at pfd . 43M Eric, 2d pfd..... General Electric... ' Great Northern, pfd. 12V»*« Great North. Ora. Ctfa. *A lllinoia Central. lut. Metropolitan. IAS I Int. Metropolitan. piM. 601-4 Int. Mcr. Marina, com. , Int. Mar. Marine, ptd.. ! International Papar.. International Papar. pfd... KaneaaCity So ,, aom.. Kanaaa CSly So., pfd. Louleviha and Naahrilla.. 142 Manhattan.. Metro. Street Railway.. Mo., Ken. end Teaae... Sft | Mo.. Ken. and Tesae pfd.. Miaaouri Paeifto.... A5M National l-ead... 72 New York Central. 115 N, Y. Ont. and Wantam.. 4.1*4 Norfolk and Waatarn. OUAi Northern Pacific.. 124 Pacific Mail. 24 V* PenneyIranta. ... IJUii* People’• Gee. 105 S Pressed Steel Oar. .14 1 lYemed Hlaal Car. pfd. Ha r. Steel Spring, com .. Kh S Heading.... 1 At S Republic Iron and Steel.. 2ti* . Uepuhlio 1. and 8 , pid. Rock Jaland.3sS ! Hock Island, pfd.......... t,,... 85 s Woee-Shaf field.,.r. | aouthorn Pacfflo. llw>f ! bout hern Railway..., 25 So'itbem Kellway. pM. .... b'j S lennewire Oopper.., Teaae Paciho. ... I uion Pacific.. 170 4 tinted Statu* Rubber........... United State* Steel.7n, l ruled h»*u>s 8tee!. pfd.„.. 11A Ye.-Car. ('kaiaieal,... 4W * Va.-Car. CLetoioei, pfd.........., ***>•“.... ]•'*. W.ttuli, pM....... III, W aaUiiu l: ruuti.... 63 V4 pale •2 H wS 7 n«d 63 S 61 42 74 S 116 103 S ms io«S 70S 12'S ■ 1 XHi Id-YS 3.S *04 7'S 4?S 374 rr.s 72 S 11 a 4 434 w<4 124 a 2*4 1 Jtn 4 KU41 34 3d* A, ' .'.4 iy 304 3th S 120S >1 • V,i, 1U»S 4 H* 64 HtCMMoND STOCK nillKni Richmond, Va., Juno 11, i ;• STATIi SluCURlTlKH Rid., I North Carolina, 4a. c. 1910 Va -I, Old C.'„ and R., 193:; Nr Cent urle». 2-3, c. and Jt.. IMfll .........*6'j Cl TV RliCI 'HIT1KB Manchester City . Richmond City As R. lllli* 11*30 .. Richmond City 4s. C. At B. 1 h R S-1» 4 S .. RAM.ROAD 1JUNDH. A c, L. U. U. Con. Tr. Ip. c. It.) a t* 1. -Ctfa tnd.-r*. <•, aud O. K. G«u. M. Its, mo Oaoruia Ran. 1st, 6s. C., 1023 110 Geomia Hou, and Fla., 11*1.. 11*6 On. and Ala Con. 6a. 1945.. 101 Norfolk and West- By. 4s. 1936 . .•• i.:.»« Nor. and \\ ekt. Coca. 4r 1944. Rich, and l>an. Gold 6 s, C. 1915 .I"6 Seaboard Air Bine. 4s 1950 in, Seaboard Adjustment, E« So. Railway 1*4-; 5*- 1*64 19*> So. R Dev. O. «*• «»• R»5« Was tarn N. C, l»u «a C 1914 106 STREET RAILWAY BONDS Si.rf"lK Ky & la. Co. 5*. 104 9 \ ii Hj. & P. Co., 5s. 19S4 Vh Elec. Ity. Dev. Co. 5s 1929 . STREET RV. STOCKS. l‘»r Norfolk Ky. ffr K. Co. . .25 \ a. Kv * I*. Co. pfd...100 Va K \. * I’. Co., com .100 KA 11 .ROAD STOCKS far ■ mia und Charlotte. . 100 v intn ami Charlotte.. 100 A ti ll* Court Lllip Com 100 Allan Coast l.lne pref J00 i o. M. T. J. D.100 N r anti W est, com . . . . 100 1 1 A- P Dtv Oblig .100 s ruicrii Kalla ay, pftl loo - .:. i rn Railway, coin 100 HANK AND Til* ,.T CO. American National ...100 I'.ruutl Street Bank .25 link of Htcnmond Bank of Com’r ami Capitol Savings 91 >,* 92 % Bid Asked 22 24 118 000 59 24 STOCKS 165 45 . . 152 112 160 ... 100 Tr 100 .hank . . 20 ly . 26 i t National .luo 300 .v rcnant* National . ...100 600 National Bank of V&..100 210 National State Bank .100 200 I’rt(M'sburn Sav. and Ins 20 . Planters National.100 600 Saving* Bank of Rich’d 50 64 rtiion Bank of Rich d . 60 210 Virginia Trust Co...... 100 105# IN SIR A NCK Cl >MPA NI ICS Va. fire arid Marine ....2 6 ... \ irg;i.ia State .25 ... MiS«'Kl-I.A.\LOr8 Am. To. Co. prd, 6p. c 100 Anifr Lo Pref .100 Va-Car. Chem corn ..1,00 Am. Tob. 4p. ct. bond* .. Am. Tob. 6p. ot. bond* ... Va-Car. Chem pref 8 pc 5* 1023 100 'a far. Chem. Com.. .100 Va far. Cham, let rn 5 s 1923 . Quotation* for interest-paying bond* an* af a price, to which interest muit be added Itaome bonds and certia cates of Indebtedness are flat. 106 122 69 12 % 8ALK8. ‘ *n*» thousand threes at 86 V Four teen hundred Virginia centuries at 867„ Eighty-three shares Bank of Richmond at 152. Ten Virginia Caro- \ line Chemical prepared at 122 COTTON MiRKET TONE IS EAST ■VBW TURK. June 11.—At the ' opening the tone wtt easy, with prices 6 to S points lower. Among 1 the room traders a reactionary sen timent seemed to prevail. News of the crops was unfavorable on the whole. * Cotton prices: June, $15.10 hid. July, tl5.30Q.Tl; August. $ 1«. 70 (fit 7 1, September, 11 3.24 Q 25; October, S12.45Q47; December, 112 32Q33; January, $12.27Q2S; March, $12.28 POOR BUSINESS RESULTS; I FROM RAINY WFATHER i The recent heavy rat ha have brought dull days in the Cary street produce' market The market generally ha«, oeen Inactive, wth a slight downward | tendency. There were no marked hanger in Saturday s •juotailons WtriTHY—lira Richmond. Va.. June 11. Chlckana, Spring large par lb. 25 Chickens. Spring mu all per lb .21 Hena . . Ducks, large young .10 ftooatem. per piece, live. . .40 ‘♦ease, per piece ....35 ni’TTKR. •‘hoice Family Packed.2S «“holce Dairy Packed.22 Packing . 21 EtlCift. • 'rat**, nearby, fresh laid.. Crates. other section. ,.,.11 Barrels and Boxes .16 COUNTRY BACON—Well la llama, choice, small per lb 20 Hams, ohoie*. largo.1* ' Shoulders, choice, per lb.. 14 sides, ehotoe. per lb.IS (gllghtly smoked meal from two cents per pound lees.) LIVK STOCK. Hoof Cattle, good to prims 1 i'aIves .< " Large runners ... 4 Sheep . * l.srnbs, spring ..7 Hogs, live ....110 1910. « 23 9 9 12 <U 46 «• 60 S25 23 « 22 4} 22 « « 17 oked. S21 II 9 i« • 10 one to 0 >1 WOOL. Hright. No. 1. tub-washed, ...»« Bright. No. 2, tuh-waahed. Ih .24 t holce. unwashed, free of burrs . 32 ‘‘holce, unwashed, lightly hurry ..... ■ ■ 1* ‘hotce, unwashed, medium burry ..17 ‘holce, unwashed, very 9 V 9 hurry Merino . .11 . .10 9 9 10 HIDES. Dry Flint, p»r Ih,,,... “ salted, per lh Green, salted, per lb..., ” per lb., Dry Flint Oalf eklns. per lb .............• 9 9 *4 9 IH ll U 10 - mm. I vaehes, Southern, pet i-arrier .. , -. -. - • 3 6® Huckleberries. per ct. 2 60 Itlackherrles, per ct . 3 26 Cantaloupes. per crate 1 00 Apples. Fancy. per bbl.• *0 Apples, common to good, |Mir bbl.S 00 Apples, Obolee. per ' bbl.* 50 Cherries. Fancy Wax. per crate .3 60 <'berries. Poorer grades per crate ..••...... 160 Potatoes, new. No. 1. par bbl .• ■ • • •2 186 Potatoes, new. No, 2, por bbl .1 »0 Tomatoes, per crate... 1 60 IVas. Green, per bus- .6 Cucumbers, per basket Black Peas . ,... • ■* 3» Black Eye Peas—No X, per bus ..• • -3 36 Black Eye Psas—No. 3, per bus. ..t 00 Clay Psga. per bus-1 .» Mixed Peas ... • --- ■» »* Deans—Navy No. 3. white . 3 oo Usans—C o ra m on »* choice ..I H : 6o 3 (IV 2 fill (ft 2 MO 9 7 00 W 4 50 9 5 e« a 4 oo 9 2 60. «» 9 1 76 9 2 00 9 »u 9 1 00 9 9 3 60 3 26 1 16 3 36 0 3 11 • 1 70 Banks, Manufacturers, Merchants, Profes sional Men Everywhere Know that the Bank of Richmond Is one of the largest, strongest, most progressive and most conservative financial insti tutions in America. Its Capital is $1,000,000.00. Its Surplus, $500,000.00 The officials who have made this bank so strong and successful are: ; JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS. President. FREDERICK E. NOLTING. First Vice-President. H. A. WILLIAMS. Assistant Cashier. LOUIS D. CRENSHAW. Trust Officer. A. D. CRUTCHFIELD, Mgr. Savings Department. Main Office .Corner Ninth and Main Streets Broad Street Branch. 303 East Broad Street Church Hill Branch.Corner 25th and Broad Streets Fulton Branch .3014 Williamsburg Avenue XTXT DEPOSITORY OF CITY OF RICHMOND. STATE OF VIRGINIA UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. A Solid Foundation For Your Financial Edifice This institution’s banking department cimstitutes a foundation the solidity of which has been demonstrated by nearly fifty years of unbroken progress. S Start to build YOUR fortune here, where there is every assurance of ample strength, conservative management, and best banking service. Any amount from ONE DOLLAR upward received on deposit. Same rate of interest paid on hoth large and small accounts. ) DIRECTORS! \ BENJ. I\ Al.snp GEO. L. CHRISTIAN T. A. ( ARY T. H ELLETT II THEODORE ELLYSOS W M HABLI8TON R H. LINDSEY WM T REED .1 W. ROTHERT R G. RHNMOLDS R RAND WELLFORD F. D. WILLIAMS T. C. WILLIAMS k C. LAIRD -W R GLENN OFFICERS: VV. M. HABLISTON, President. W. M. ADDISON, Cashier O. S. MORTON. Ass’t Cashier. National Bank of Virginia Northwest Corner 11th and Main. 45 YEARS OLD. . .----.—- -- INCORPORATED 1832 The Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Co. OF RICHMOND, VA. 6 JANUARY I, 1910 Assets, .... $1,557,761.68 Capital, - - - - $ 250,000.00 Net Surplus, - $ 569,929.61 Surplus to Policyholders, $819,929.61 Wm. H. Palmer, President. W. H. McCarthy, Secretary. E. B. Addison, Vice-President. Oscar D. Pitts, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. Wm. H. Palmer, D. O. Davis, E. B. Addison, N. W. Bowe, \_ 1 '-."-'-w-.. » ■ mmi..-ijuje'.;. J. Jordan Leake, W. H Palmer, Jr.