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fiifi wor CET UPPOINTMENTS .Members of University of Vir ginia Graduating Class Are Sent to Hospitals. CHARLOTTESVILLE. June 11.— Dr. Richard H. Whitehead, dean ot the medical faculty of the University of Virginia, has announced the following apolntmcnts for the medical graduates this session: Kansas City Hcspltsl. Kansas City, Mo.—Albert Van Devanter Braden, of Paeonlan Springs. Lakeside Hospital. Cleveland. Ohio. —Arthur Shade Jones, of Bfuatleld, tv. Va. Waltham Hospital, Waltham, Mass. —Rockwell Emerson Smith, Campania Brasil, 8. A.; Robert Emmett Wilson, of t harlottesvllle. Quarantine Hospital, Swlneburne Is land, N. V.—William Aexander Mur phy, of Morgantown, X. C. Bellevue Hospital. New York, X. Y. — Mark Roy Kevllle. of oDlgeville. N. Y.; Gordon Livingston Todd, of Ml. Solon. Post-Graduate Hospital. New York. N. Y.“Rl'hard Vipon Taylor, Jr., of Mobile, Ala. Red Cross Hospital, New York, N. Y. —Henry Wirt Jackson, Jr., of Keswick. Polytechnic Hospital, Philadelphia. Pa.—Lawig Booker, of the-' University of Virginia; Archibald Douglas Mc ■Murdo, of Charlottesville. Union Protestant Inflrmaiy, Balti more. Md.—Cedi Dabney, of Char lootevllle. Providence Hospital. Washington. D. C.—Claude Carlisle Caylor, of Wash ington. D. C. -lames Walker Memorial Hospital. Wilmington N. C.—Thomas Edmond Hughes, of Laurel Mils; Oeorge Her mann Lajig, of Savannah. Ua. U. S. Army Medical School. Wash ington, D. C.—Adna Godfrey Wilde, of Vicksburg, Miss. Kings Daughters Hospital, Staun ton—Clinton Franklin Cottenbakcr, of Mauch Chunk. Pai St. Vincent s Hospital, Norfolk— Garland Eggleston Faulkner. Jr., of South -Boston Protestant Hospital. Norfolk—Wil liam Henry Baughman, of Richmond. Wiliam Dandridgn Haden, of Char lottesville. University of Virginia Hospital— John Minor Blackford, of Alexandria. Alfred Power Jones, of Fredericks burg; John Henry Neff Jr., of Harri sonburg: Ernest Alexander Purdum, of Providence Forge Barton Heights Mr. am] Mrs. John Frischkorn chap eroned h party of pi- nickers d.-jwn James river Friday night. Tit* par ty left Barton Height* at » .“cluck. anJ returned about 10 o'clock. Mr Versal Blackburn, of Ktehmand. took the party on hie beaulitu! naphtha launch. The following were the in vited gue.sta; Mieses liuth Farrow. Marion Wallace Kathleen Gregory, Loutse Seay, Gladys Martinateln. Nel lie Sydnor and Messrs Frank Farrow, .Robert Pitt. Percy Yarbrough, Wil liam Rady and Buford Rose. The I-adies' Aid Society of th* M» thodlst church will meet at the home vt the president, Mrs Fred H Jones, Miller avenue, nekt Tuesday aftsSnoou at 4 o'clock. A full attendance Is desired, as it Is an lmpottant meet ing- . Miss Louise Terrell, who resided at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Pos til and attended school tn Richmond during the past session, hss gone to her home at Frederick's Hall. Mr Charlie Bigger, of !.amb ave nue. became suddenly and seriously' ill Wednesday evening. Dr. Cullen S. Pitt was called lu and the patient was made as comfortable as possible He is much better now. « j&ev.. A ' *c* Reupeyniiin w lib-prea-cft a special sermon Sunday morning a: the Methodist church to the chil dren. He will also preach at s o'clock at night. The Barton Heights baseball team will play the "Pikers Saturday af ternoon on the Barton Heights dia mond. Mrs. 1. T. Wallace, of Church Hill, is th* guest of her son. Mr. E. M. Wallace, 716 Barton avenue. Miss Nelli* Sydnor. who Is visiting a * Elleraon. will he home to-day. Mrs. Flora O'Bannon will go to Washington Monday, where she *s- ' pects to spend some time with her daughter. Mrs. Hattie Sangster. Misa Bella Davison, a trained nurse of the Johnston-Wlllls Hospital. Is resting at home for a few days. Mr. L M. Lee is on a business trip to Norfolk. Dr. I. J. Haynes Is at St. Louis. He will return home In about two weeks. Rev. G. Peyton Cralghlll will con duct the usual services In the Eplp hanv church Sunday at 11 A. M. and *;1S P. M. i Miss Elisabeth Archer Penlok. of South Boston, la the guest of Rev. and Mr*. G. Peyton Cralghlll. Miss Bessie Bosohe. who has been visiting friends at Ellerson, returned home Friday. Rev. sand Mrs. Clarence Taylor, of Steelton. Pa., arrived Thursday morn- I Ing and are visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Charlie Bigger, who! la quite 111. Mrs. Hugh Cooke is visiting rela tives and friends In King and Queen county. Mrs. Sam Baylor, who has been boarding at home of Mrs Flora O’Bannon for some time, will return to her home at Fisherville, Augusta county. Monday. And her husband, Mr. Baylor, will go to New York the same day on a business trip. Mrs. Wyth Klngsolvlng, the wife of a former rector of Epiphany Epla- ! copal church, is visiting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. R H. Pitt. Rev. T. M. Lcmly will preach at the Overbrook Presbyterian church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, and at, Keeda Memorial chapel at night at The Men's Brotherhood of the Fres &: 15 o'clock. byterian church will hold Its regular monthly meeting Monday night at the home of Mr. James A. Clayton. Mon Rer. R. H. Bowden will preach gt‘ telro avenue. the Baptlat church Sunday morning; subpect, “The Hurt and the Cure.” At 1:1*. subject, “Non-Conformity.” Mrs. Mary Thweatt and Mr. S. M. Shepherd, both of whom are at St. { Luke's Hospital, are reported to be j improving. Westhampton !■ Mias Ella Hlnford, of Richmond, , haa been spend Ins some time with! tier brother, Mr. Jullen Blnford, in {' his new home et this piece. !, Mrs. John Landstreet has with her ■ in her new home, "King's HHl." her i two nieces, the Misses O'Keith, of I Greenville, Tenn. !, Mrs. Alice Kinney has sold her ] • home to I>r. Hodges, of the Hygla j i hospital, and bought the triangular , m at the intersection of the West* i hampton car line and Three Chop | road. Mri. Rebecca Blackburn, of Rlch i mond. spent this week with her ; daughter, Mrs. Franklin, of this place. B. W. Blackburn, the rural mall carrier of this route, has been con j fined to his home by sickness this week. Mrs. Archer Harris has returned home, after spending some time with her mother In North Carolina, who has been quite sick. Naomi, the youngest daughter or Mr. and Mrs. U J. Blackburn, has tieen quite sick with measles. Miss Katie Binford hss returned home, after spending some time will* relatives in Powhatan county. Kx-Governor Claude A. Swanson tva* a guest at “Takonee.” the eoun j try home of Mr. and Mrs. Cunntng i ham Hall, last week. \ Mr. R. u. Meredith moved his j family into hit new home at the in i tersectlon of the Throe Chop and i Ridge roads, last week. Sunday. June 12, will be children’s \ day at Ridge church. Quite a nice : program has been arranged for the occasion, and a large crowd is ex pected. Tho regular preaching ser vice will take place at 11:SO A. M. as usual. Dr. William Ball, pastor of Taber ■ nacla church, will preach at West hampton school house Sunday after noon In the assembly room, where Sunday-school is regularly held. r Fulton News News Item* mtr l» left at Nel ■en't furniture Store, or phoned to Madison 4749. A large crowd attended the 'Fam j ily Album” Thursday night, which j was given tn the Fulton Baptist ! church lecture room. Those who ! took part were: Mrs. Hobbs. Mrs. Ben r-evy, Mr Hobbs, Mr. Frank Klch 'srdson; Rtttle Girl. Dorothy Reams; Twins, Rosatte and Marlon Peal; ; Preacher, Mr. Ned Dinwiddle: Preacher's Son. Willie Garber; Wife, M'ss Rtzale Garber: Bride, Mias Susie Childress; Husband, Mr. Carl Black; Village Beauty, Miss Ruth Hicks; . Nurse. Miss Maud Duke; Angelina. Mis* i^ottle Garber; Poetess, Adrl emie Marcum; Jane. Miss Josle Itog er%. Husband, Mr. Vernon Rice; Grandfather, Mr. O. C. Rice. Fol lowed by solos by Miss Kofa Jordan and Raura Garber. The laidy Maccabees will hold their meeting Monday night in Nelsen's Hal! No. 2. Miss Nancy R. Clarke and Mr. John Wea> were married Wednesflanight i nttie Apostolic church by the Rev. Mr. Teas, Mr. and Mrs. Seay will make their future home with the bride's mother. Mr*. Clark, on Cen ter street. her. who died June 9 at the home of his parents, SOS Nicholson street took place from the home Friday morning The funeral of William R Cum at 12 o'clock. Interment In Oakwood Cemetery. Monday night the Junioi Order of United American Mechanics will meet in Nelsen's Hall. A very pretty wedding took place Thursday evening in the home of Mr. , an.l Mrs Hutchison on Fulton Hill, j when their daughter, Rosa, became, j i the bride of Mr 8am Perkins. Both bride and Rrnora are very well known In the East End Fairmount The boys' brigade •will meet at the r 'hutr^ti SitkTxv afternoon at l' .30 o'clock, ready to march to Fulton to take part in the exercises that will he held there. Children's day will be observed at the Methodist church Sunday after noon at 3 o’clock; alio at the Chris tian church. Twenty-third and the avenue, at 8:30 P. M. Sunday. Mr S. P. Ralley la very seriously ill at his home on Twenty-first street. He has been confined to his bed for three weeks, and his condition seems unchanged. Mrs. J If. Tvler will leave Sunday for Portsmouth, where she will spend the remainder of the summer with! relatives. Mrs. \V P Chenault and children have returned home. after a very! pleasant vtait to relatives in Hanover county. Miss Kuby Carter, of Roanoke, if visiting her friends, the Misses Bate mans, on Mosbv street. Mrs. James Johns remains very sick at her home in Ltttlepage street, j Miss Ethel 1-auders. of Brookland j Park, visited her aunt. Mrs. C. A. Miller, here during the past week. The Just for Fun Social Club met at the home of Mias Abbey Gary a Friday night, and a very pleasant eve ning was spent by those present Ar rangements were made to hold a pic nic out in the county on the Fourth of July. The club will continue their; meeting during the summer months. . Mr. George Wade, of Qordonsvllle, j Vt„ Is visiting his sister. Mrs. T. L. Overby, on Carrington street. Mrs. Susie Lane, who has been very' sick at her home on Mosby street for the past two weeks, seems to be some what better. A quiet but pretty marriage took] place Wednesday evening at 7:301 o'clock at the Methodist parsonage, when Miss May Dunn became the! bride of Mr. Emmett Jones. The Rev. J. N. Hartness performed the cere-, mony. After the ceremony they were; driven to the home of the bride, where1 a reception awaited them, and where thev will make thetr home. Miss Ethel Smlthera, of Lawrence- j viUe, Va., Is the guest of her friend, j Miss Eula Brown, on Q street. Be- i fore her return home she will visit friends at New Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Johnson have returned home, after a pleasant visit to friends in Hanover. Radford (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) RADFORD, VA., June 11.—Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stevens and baby, of Ports mouth, O., are visiting Mrs. A. D.' Stevens. Mrs. Kenderdine has returned from an extended visit to Washington, An napolis and Philadelphia. Mrs. Palmer Rosamond, of Lake; 1 City. Fla., is visiting Mrs. William j ingles, Jr. Miss Louise McElrath left Mondayi' to attend a house party at Keystone,' : Va. ] ! . Miss Melita R. Wilson, daughter of! i Dr. ^nd Mrs. W. A. Wilson, will be i married to Dr. James Loula Earley 1 Thursday evening. June 30, at half I after 7 o’clock, in the Presbyterian church. Senator Bob Taylor will lecture here i Monday night for the benefit of the muelc club. The gueeto at Halwyck for the ger man were MUses Cornelia Ell's. of Shawfvltte: Henrietta Taylor, of Pine , Bluff, Ark.; RoSe Haywood, of New : Orleans; Thereee Nurney, or Suffolk; Louise Oil), of Clark evil le, Tenn., and 1 Messrs. John Hett, Jr., and mfw mw Messrs. John Haywood, of Roanoke; , Captain West. Jr., and Paul Berrln j ger, Jr., of Blacksburg. The guests at "Caasallton" were Miss Pallte'Haywood, of New Orleans, , and Miss Helen Steiner, of Alabama. Mrs. J. Hoge Tyler and Miss Lily Tyler will leave this week for a visit j to Major and Mrs. 8. Heth Tyler in ! Norfolk. Miss Bailie Howe will return this ■ week from a visit to Norfolk, accom i panted by Miss Lecretla IteJarnette. v Rev. and Mrs. Stephen S. Catron have announced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Margaret, to Mr. George Jason T,ewla of Chattanooga, Tenn. Ths tvedlng will be In July. Jake Simon was awarded the schol arshi pto the Washington and Lee i University. I Rev. and Mrs. C. T. Thrift, of Vic toria, Va., will bs ths guests of Mrs. 8. A. Hunter for a few days this week. Miss Glenne Martin has left for a month's stay at Eggleston and Moun tain Lake. j Mies Georgia Morris will spend her | vacation In Newport News. Mr. Newton Wilson, of Johnson City. Tenn, formerly of Pt. Alban's school, was in town during the week. Mr. Thomas Jones Is home from Randolph-Mecon. Bedford City. Miss Minnie Howe had as a guest for the german Mias Helen Hoge, of Giles county. Miss Julia Evsns. of Christians , burg, bas been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sullivan. Miss Meta Bullard hae returned ; home. Farmville :<gp*cl*4 to The Richmond Virginian > “FARMVILLE, VA„ June 11.—Mr*. M. M. Moore, of Richmond, was in town for & short while this week visiting her old friends Misses. Fannie and Mary Berkeley are at home from their respective school*. Mr* Woodson and Mra. Newell, of Charleston. S. C., are guests In the jl.oma of Mrs. B. L. Anderson. Hon. Robert Turnbull, representa tive in congress from the Fourth dis trict. was in town during a part oi this week. What the people of Farm ville are most concerned about ju«t now lg a public building erected by !the government. Mr. Turnbu:: i promises It, y t j Mr. and Mrs. c'reyke, of Washing ton, attended the Normal commencr 1 ment to witness the graduation of her sister. Miss Beasie Paulett. Mrs. W. A. Land, of Blackstone. who has been spending some tinic jwlth friends in Farmville, has re j turned home. Miss Blackstone, of the Normal j faculty, has asked for leave of ab sence for one year, and it ha.- beer, granted She will prosecute her studies at Columbia University, N. V. ■ Mr. B R. Owen, the private secre tary to Governor Mann, was one of the interested attendants upon the Normal school commencement. Mrs Booker, the matron of the I Normal aohool, will have charge of | the Rockbridge Alum 8prings this ; summer. ! Miss Eva Minor, who ha* taught! I music in the Norma! school for some years, has resigned, and will not re turn to Farmville another year. Th's l Is regretted by all Farmville. Ml** Johnson, of the Normal school faculty, who for several years has taught the *tudeni)i the arts ot sew ing and cooking, has tendered her ;-resignation,. »ltd w(Jl not return a • : other session. She resigned to take a similar position in her own StaL t of Georgia. Mist Pattle Watkins has returned from her school work in North Caro lina. Mr*. K. a Wingo, who has re- ‘ sided In Texas for the fast two year*, reached Farmville with her little daughter on last Monday. They v, it) spend the summer here Mr. Henry T. Scott, of Ri hmond. is home for a rest. He experts to spend bis summer month* In the .mountains of Noith Caroline Mr. and Mrs. K. I>. Green and chil dren. from Ohio, are no\. perrna - ; nentty located In their beautiful ii >me I* the nursery farm near FarmviUc. : P ocahontas POCAHONTAS. VA, June 11—Mr. and Mr*, go] Beach gave a delightful bowling party In honor of Mias Ma hal Baach a gueata. Mia* Etta Rosen feld. of Radford, Va . and Mia* Man' 1 Harrl*. of Saltville. Va., and Mina Marion French, of Greensboro. N. C. j Delicious claret punch. Nabisco and j candle* acre served during th# even ing. Those present were: Misses 1 Mary Harris, of Saltville, Va.; Etta • Rosenfeld. of Radford. Va.; Marion French, of Greensboro. N. C.; Mabel Uaach. Annie Minter. Margie bright. ! Tillie Uaberger; Mesdames J. Frank- ! lin Ward. Janies H McNeer. George 1 H. Zimmerman. Rose French, M Bloch, it. Bert Wright; Messrs. Rob- j erts, Minter. Haach, Thompson, Me. . Neer, Herbert, Bloch. Priaes were won as follows; Mrs. ! J. Franklin Ward, first prtae; con- ’ solation, Mias Margie Wright. Gen- : tlemen’a flrat prlae. Mr. Charle# Min- | ter.; conaolation. Mr. James H. Me- j Neer. and a guest prlae. which con- ! slated of a brass picture frame, waa awarded to each of the viaitlng guests. Score made by each contestant; C. Minter, 2«6; John Roberta, 228; J. H. McNeer, I9»; L,. Beach. 212; Dr. Thompson. 103; Miss Minter. 1*0; Miss Baach. 1S«; Mra. Zimmerman. 171; Mrs. Ward. 21*; Mrs, French. . 13 5, Miaa Roaenfeld, 130; Mias Her- 1 ns, 110; Mlsa Wright. »1. Dr. George H. London, who was ! In Salem attending the unvetling of j the Confederate monument and via- ! Ring hi* son in Roanoke, haa re turned home. Dr. E. U Brandis, State Held secre tary for the Virginia board of phar macy. waa In the city this week In the interest of his department. Mis* Williams, of Cambria. Va.. la in the city, tha gueat of Mr. and Mra. Harvey G. Campbell on Weat Water street. Mr. and Mra. Charles Montague Galway have for their house guest Mra H. E. McLane. of Wllmore, Ky., (he sister of Mrs. Galway, who came here to attend the Irvlne-Haller wed ding. Mr. and Mra James W. Bailey have for their guest Mra. Henry P. Shaffelbarger, of Rural Retreat, Va. Dr. and Mra. John Paulett Hallar have for their guest Mrs. A. H. Jor dan and daughters, Miss Elisabeth of Ptthurtrt City. Va.. j wtto ram 3 h«r» to >ttna nte rrvtn* and rtallar wedding C. F. Deaton. of Princeton, W. Va., was in the city Thursday, the guest of relative*. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Whitman, or Bfamwell. W. Va., were in the city this week attending' the Irvlne-Hatler nuptial. Manassas ! (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) i MANASSAS. VA., June 11.—Cards are gut announcing the marriage of Willlaan Willi* Davies, brother of i ConuSpn wealth’s Attorney II. T. ' Davl^t and Miaa Norma \ era Round, eldest daughter of Hon. Oeorg. C. HounA of Manassas, in Trinity Epls , copalghurch, on next Wednesday evening at d:S0 o'clock. | Mrs. A. E. Poole, years old, died I suddenly of appoplexy Tuesday af 1 ternoon, at the homo of her mother, Mrs. Dr. Walter Shannon, in this place. The body was taken Thurs day morning to her former home, at Poolsville. Md., for interment. Misses Mayfne and Kffle Oulick, of Manassas, left here yesterday for Richmond College, when their brother, Joseph F. Oulick. will grad uate in theology. Dr, H. C. Hoop, president of Eastern College, has Just I returned from a trip through Mary land In tha Interest of his school. ! Mias Elsie Arnett Triplett, daugh ter of H. F. Triplett, and James A. i Weaver; a prominent young mer chant, of Bristow, this county, were married at the home of the bride's parents, near Galnsvtlle. Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. Mr. Welsh, pas tor of the Sudley circuit, officiating. ; iuaetu.aD—. .u.N'e-dh fiJ ( shrdlu CLARA MORRIS LOSES HOME. ; Court Ordrrs Huum1 to Be Auctioned Off Over Dying Artre**' Head. WHITE PLAINS. N. V., June 11 — While Clara Morris, the former (actress and authoress, lies almost blind land dying In her old home, the Pines. I on the outskirts of Yonkers, a judg ment of foreclosure and sale of her home was filed to-day in the West ' hester county clerk a office at White Plains. This means that her house is to be sold at auction by a referee. The title of the action Is the l,»e Iyer*' Title insurance and Trust Com pany, nT Jfew York. against Clara Morris Harriott. Frederick Harriott, her husharnd; the county of West chester. and other defendants. The action was started in 1908 and was postponed, as the interest on the mortgage was paid by funds derived ‘from apublic benefit given In Man hattan. Now Justice Keogh h«R sign ed the judgment and appointed I man Orlaby, of N'tr York, as referee | to sell the property over the dying ; Roman's head to the highest bidder in front of Manor Hall, at Yonkers. I The date of the sale Is to be fixed . later by the referee. [ The amount of the mortgage Is .12.900. and the proceeds of the sale I Will be used to satisfy this claim and ‘the payment of the costs of the ! action. Mrs. Harriott does no know- any thing about the court order, as her (husband and nurse* have kept it fnm i her. I __ STREET BAPTIST CHURCH SOO.V TO HAVE NEW ORGAN . Within a few months time Leigh Street Baptist church of this city v ill have a new organ. will be the munificent gift of Mr \V.. A. Parrish, who places It there as a memorial to; hlr, beloved wife Mrs. Parrish, at the time of her death, was the president [of the Ladies' Aid Society of this r church. She was a w oman of sunny I and lo'able disposition and noted for ; her activity in deeds of mercy. A* the organ builder was instruct ed by the donor to spare no expense in making the instrument everything 1 to be desired, this organ wil! be In man} respects the finest in the city It will have one beautiful stop, which1 no organ in the United States now possesses and another stop which has onlv four duplicates- - Resides ra»ny valuable devices not in any organ In, Richmond Mr. H. A Burke will have charge) of the installation and voicing of this instrument The noted Dr. Walter, of Wash ington. D. C i said to be the highest authority on pipe organs in this coun try). claims that no man could have' been found better fitted for this work it was Mr. Burke who tob-ed the magnificent organ in the Jew ish tem ple. where Dr. Walter has played so long. The happy organist of Leigh Street church is Mrs Leslie F. Watson, wtio ‘ for the last sixteen years has presided! a*, the old organ. REV. M»{. MHLETT PREPARING TO HE EPISCOPAL MINISTER Rev. H. W. Sublett. recently con firmed in St. Paul’s Episcopal church, is apostulant for the Episcopal minis try. He was formerly a minister of the Disciples' church. Negro Vote Increases. tSpecial to The Richmond Virginian.) M AN APS AS. VA... June JL—Ac cording to the qualified list of elec tors for Prince William county. Just furnished by County Treasurer James E. Herrell, there are L384 white and 171 colored voters, a falling off of sixteen white and an Increase of four-' teen colored, as compared with the list Of 1809. Bowling Green ' ... - (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ' BOWLING GREEN, VA., June II. Russell Robinson, who has been a student or the Virginia Polytechnic , Institute at Blacksburg for the ses : slon. l« with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Helper M. Robinson, at the Lawn Hotel. Mrs. Robert A. Coghll! is visiting friends • fn Rtetimona. Miss Lucy O. Huiruss, who is spend ing the cummer with her brother, the Rev. Granville Rurruss, left Thurs day for Ashland, where she will at tend the Randolph-Macon commence ment. C. L. Cblllns. who recently sold his home on Main street to Miss Madge i Coveil, of Washington. D. C., has moved Into the academy building, sit uated on Milford road. Mr. Collins expects In the near future to go to Washington, V. C.. to live. I - Highland Park Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Tubbs and j three children, of A*htand, K)\. are ; at the home of Mr. F. K. Rennie on ; Fourth avenue. Mr. Tubbs will re turn homo after t pending about two W’eeks, but Mrs. 1'ubbs and the chil dren will spend the summer. Mrs. Tubbs will be pleasantly remember ed as Miss Kuth Rennie. Mr. F. F. P.ennle has gone to , Amelia county on a visit to hla father and mother. The regular meeting of the Moth ers' Club will be held In the assem bly hall Tuesdat, June 14. at t P. M. The funeral of Mrs. Ivathrine Tun stall Ttgnor, wife of Mr. Thomas Mile* Timor, will take place at the Northside Rapt 1st church Saturday at 4:30 P. M. Mrs. J. Minor Long and daughter, Rente, of Atlee, Ya vlsitedeat Mrs ! Duval's on First avenue last Tues , day. Mr. and Mrs. John Janowski. ot j Chicago, III., are visiting their broth : er, Mr. Steven Janowski, on Fifth . : avenue. Miss lola Nuckols. of Rockville, Va . is visiting in the home of Mr. O. C. Peers on Virginia avenue. Mr and Mr#. T A. Cary, accom panied by their daughters. Misses Pat tie and Cammle, left Thursday for New York. On Saturday the young ladles, with their cousin. Miss Eve- j iyn Sitwell, will sail on the "Mlnne ; waska” for England. They will spend ' some time with Eord George Sitwell I before touring the continent. They will be gone several months. Mr. and Mrs, Cary will spend some time traveling in the north before re- ' , turning home. Mrs. 1,. C. Daniel and Mrs. J. C. ! t Sitwell, of Bedford county, are vtsit I ing In the Cary home near Hrook- , j land. , There will be regular preaching ! at the Baptist church Sunday morn ! ing. There wilt be no service at i night on account of the baccalau- ■ i reate sermon fo he preached at Rich- j mood College at S P. M. by Dr. O. C. F. Wallace, pastor of the First Bap tist church of Baltimore, Md. Mrs. John Tyler Is unite sick at.' her residence, 204 Fourth avenue. “Children's Day'' win be observed at the Methodist church Sunday ; morning at 11 o'clock. A splendid program has been arranged by the : committee. At night the Rev. M Asbury Christian, presiding elder of Richmond district, will preach at 1 j P. M j The Sunbeam Missionary Society | ! will hold a lawn party on the 23o ! of June. Mr. A. L. Smith has returned from Virginia Beach.'-- somewhat improved ! in health. Mr*. A» I.. Smith, who has been visiting in North Carolina, will re- ’ turn home next week. Her niece, Miriam Creath. will accompany her. j Chester (Special to The Richmond Virginian I ('HESTER. VA.. .tunc II.—Mr. end Mr*. Hinton A. 'Veils end children left thl* morning via the "Cannon Ball train for Virginia Reach, where Mi's " ells and children will spend a week ’while Mr Wells will return home Mon day to look after his large saw mill Interests. Miss Annie Smith, of Newport News, has retlurned to her home after a de lightful visit to Miss Berle Bruce. Mis Lila Duval, of Arvonla, Buck ingham county. Is spending some time at the home of Mr. T J. Shepherd’* Mr. and Mrs. Hebron Chalkley an son visited friends here recently. Mrs. R W. Coon and children, o Rawltng Va.. visited friends in the vi. lage last week. MANASSAS HIGH SCHOOL HAS ITS COMMENCEMENT (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) MANASSAS. VA., June 11.—The commencement exercises of the Ma nassas Agricultural High S< hool took place in Nieol Hal! Thursday night. Prof. UradfurJ Knapp, assistant In farmers’ demonstration work of the Fnlted States Department of Agricul ture. was the orator of the occasion. His address was followed by the awarding of diplomas and certificates and the giving of the prises for Eng lish composition offered by the alumni association of the school. A reception was given last night In Ruffner school bonding to the students of the High School by the alumni associations of the Manassas Institute and Agricul tural High Schools. CHILDREN OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS GIVE DELIGHTFUL CONCEKT A musical carnival was held by the pupils of the grammar and district schools of Richmond Friday night. Chorus work by 2;>0 children of the 1 graded schools, was a feature of the pre-gram. The children. many of them barely in their teens, had been thoroughly drilled by Professor W. C Mercer. They sang the more simple operatte airs and several old fash ioned favorites such as "Annie Laurie" and “Morning Invitation,’’ and performed most creditably. Other numbers of the program in cluded solos, duett, trios and quar tets by high school students and a number of instrumental selections. The concert was given In the John Marshall htgh school. Admission was free and a lareg number of friends and patrons of the school were In j attendance. REVELATION AT SINAI WILL BE COMMEMORATED In commemoration of the Feast of i Pentecost or Shebouth, services will 1 be held at Beth Ahabah Temple Sun- i day evening at 6:30 o’clock and at 10:45 o’clock Monday morning. Tra ditional melodies will be rendered ana the regular quartette will be rein- i forced by the Choral Society. The Fesst of Pentecost falls on June i 13. It commemorates the revelation of the law at Sinai. Incident to the celebration, nin, 1 children will he confirmed at Beth Ahabah on Monday. A Cable Ad. Every Day. SEVERAL EXPOSITION REMAIN Come To-Day and Secure Your Choice | of These Fine Pianos While these instrument' have received extra fine finish* ing touches, they are offered at the regular Cable standard prices. Pianos DcLuxc from the factories of The Conover, The Cable, The Kingsbury, The Wellington, The Schubert, The DeKo?a, The Derives & Harris, The Radie, The Jepson and The Cote. See the Victor Exhibit . hi We purchased the splendid Victor Exhibit shown at the National Piano Exhibit, and these exceptionally fine Vic- f| trolas are now to be seen at our salesrooms, in soundproof rooms, where you are cordially invited to come and hear your favorite selections. iM Your Visit Will Not Be Complete If You Fail to See the Inner-Player Piano (Electric Elevator to Second Floor) The Opportunity of a Lifetime to Pur* chase a High-Grade Piano. Cable Piano Company, Phone Madison 2734. 213'East Broad St. CELEBRATE FINALS AT STONY CREEK Improvement League Meetr< to Ilrar J. H. BinfeHl—Pro gram of Exercises. ; (Special to The Richmond Virginian, t STONY CREEK, VA., June 11 — The finals *>f the Stony Creek High School were held in the auditorium in the High School building here Tues day and Wednesday nights, and were witnessed by large and appreciative audiences. The first night was given over en tirely to the annual meeting of the School Improvement league. After the business session of the league was closed Mr. J. H. Hinf'ord. of Rich mond, of the State Educational Asso ciation, addressed the assemblage on the educational advantages of the present day as compared with those when he was a boy. He .expressed the hope that there, might be as great a change within the next few years as there has been in 'the last in the growth of educational facilities. He made mention of the fact that this league was the largest and most en thusiastic that he had attended, and, considering the short time it has heen in existence, since Jahuarv 29. 1910, it had accomplished much. Among other features of the evening were several recitations by Miss Coney, of Randolph-Macon Woman s College. The officers of the league are Miss Elisabeth Edwards, president: Miss Janet L. Freeman. vice-president; Mrs. 1. A. Prince, secretary; R. F. Jarfatt, treasurer. The meeting dosed with a solo bj Miss Janet L. Freeman. Program. The program was as follows: 1. Chorus. "Merry June." 2. Recitation, Richard Robinson. 3. Piano duet, Clara Lee and Effic Neaves. 4. Recitation. Ethel Lanier. 5. Hoop drill, twelve little girls. 7. Chorua, lai Hurdy-Gurdy Man, (b> Mother’s Prayer, (c) The Owl. primary gru des. S. Piano duet, Annie and Ellie Co ker. 9. Flag drill, twelve boys. 10. Recitation, Vianna Cobb and Louis Fuller. 11. Vocal duet, sopranos: Lulu Eppes, Idora Fuller, Etlle Coker; at -— JMfl FOR REHK A FOR RENT IN’ ,T»» Virginian want advt^_yrJ tonaii! (os: uracft Cobb, Maud Houser, U cllle Crow der 12. Recitation. Maud Houser. HI- Plano, duct, Lulu EpPM (i Mtin* Freeman: ' ' • ™ 14. Dialogue. Klfte Neaves and A) nte Houser. 15. Chorus. .Santa Lucia. Delivery of distinctions and prtl tions. -o Hi. Scarf drill. . , __ M u s i c rendered by Miss Janet Freeman, of the music depu ttv Stony Creek High School. The second night was devot the commencement exercises. K ried program '.vas rendered. Dr. William D. Prince JnW William R. Cocke, who. after i speech, delivered the distinct!* promotions. This closed the first session which in this short tin to be one of the beat of the country. Much the faculty In Its untl school, grown section is due forts. >fw Hotel Opes. (Special to The Richmond Vif WINSTON-SALEM. N\ C., Ju» The New Hotel Frances, has ened. It contains sixty-twe^ and is furnished in mahogany It is of pressed brick wfr trimmings. The Board of Aldermen on. ) condemned the north wall of; ten building on the corner Main streets and ordered It to i down and another one rebuilt. mlttee was also appointed ! all of the otde.r buildings lit, ness section and report to ’ and It Is probable that a M others will be condemned. Ml-s Missel's Cornu Mias Lena l. Massei's their second annual eommgli 214 North Twentieth street day evening. They acquit selves with credit and show improvement over the preceding year. The program wag varied,) selections from Liszt's “ garian Rhapsody in dug# .Miss L. I. Massei and slsfi Honors "‘ere awarded ft cienoy to Lena and RertlMk' Tl lditizia Oiillo, Ruth Spain. Onesty and Dora Pas Miss Masse! was preset)ted handsome gold ring by her The Genera! office of Long the Woodman is 1506-10 Broad Street, phone Madison 1069, but he -has yards, and each one is stocked with perfectly He oak and slabs, prepared to suit every housek one load and be convinced that he is a