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much interest been ftimounwl Kaspar to of ■ iaa wtdV frien^s In ch t engagement of which has Just hat of Miss Franossk;* Huron Willis Lawson, jifET—Mts?r Kn?pnr. who own soloist, mad*' many jjjfegBond during the onurrts whi |®hi? fftfP In this city rc*'cntl>. Kspor Jall> on “Society Night." Sh** i* the tftfttitfht*'} of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kh« jMtr,' of Washington. After ' <r m»r fftMO' IW September. Miss Kas,»ar abandon her st.jg* < »re» r hut • >t singing. She has sung in opera, lias be* n a frequent soloist with Philadelphia Orchestra. She will re tain after her marriage * nl> her p* Sltlon ns soprano soloist t tin Met ropolltan Methodist Kpiscopal • hur< Choir. Dr. lacatn iv a wrlhknown *"ir fm-n, ttud • . v '■Washington l niversi'ty. He was as tdstant State thetrjlst of M m-p>t*an ’■* fore removing to Washingt* Kaspar and her mother s.idc. day from Host on tor :i three trip abroad. Th«*>4 will g.» t thence over the «,**ntin*nt retarn t« America s. pt*.*i» w ill Ik r and the jonths Naples Lcavf For Country Momet Ylrsfr ... " > tion ■' * luring.’1 ■ winter gaities in ihr . r •• * *■»“ '' aided. are Beginning t • take •> Iffe »nd beatit' ■>s thr r • •> tiers flock to tl»m for thr iiimni'i. I .. ' • •' *rnor and Mrs M. H Merritt ■' t. > • gDDf to their hot nr n tin Mtcnaiidoah ynilry, and have in ’h-P *. ■ ests it",' adnttr.ii and M * 1 ■' Hut* Washington. m Mr. amt Mn* Be n 1 - * ' tl nil \( F;-.i home n A1 ks. and have *<1 week-end BoHAt street t**r* j- week for tln-d trn Vlrgn ■ • '**t* -t until th*' riot <*f 4 (* t*»t ~ Mrs. i'Iw 1 1 * | Buck have tH*‘ii t tin i benuu-ir for rri.ruI tv entertained n trtml» parries. Mi* Carl a lnout*, o' Mtrii.Jnt* fr, era I ttrrkt lust now t; vtiauiie *'tt\. at the conclusion of u-hictt stir will g1 to Selsenborst. her summer liotio d Jth . vTior.t. \ Tea At Woman s Club. Among th* most delightful affair* *? 0( the past few weeks hue *•• * : thr* itmsl ■. i* " th< Woman’s Club ’ 4>n Monday afternoons. Vnotl cr *»ur i. of these charming affair- " holhy lr.foi i mat. Will !*■ given on Monday after * jw»on from r> t*. s o’, lock invitations Issued. '■ Captain and Mrs Chartce ‘...odal Bread. of Fork l toon. Vi. have is sued invitations to the marriage of their daughter. l>**le Travers. to, f Hr. Ernest Payne Burgess. at noon, Wednesday. -Tune P». at 1- *rk 1 tnon Baptist Church. A largo reception In the homo of the brides parents will follow the oereniom p. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. 11 Nell Inn Jsrijed Invitations for ti,. marriage of! j—their daughter. M v e i Tyre*, t*. Mi Reginald M. Hodgson, to he solemn ised the 2Fth of June In the FYeemn son street Baptist churi'h, N'orfnlk A reception will follow thr ceremony at the home ot the brides' parents, n Olnry R itl (’hvetng Recital. Miss Zell Mm *r s class will their (losing recital at the W**M,iti Ouli next Tuesdav evening .tun* ut S.-SO nVlo* k. Friends oj M ss d nor and. her p..pil- .on «• ' * ■'> oi adniission hv * ailing at ‘'1 Bast Franklin street an., time after sijtur (la: . f ji B Ma: - M«i 1 itm'IAioii iij («nuluaUN. Mis* Mary Ju»<*vh Gardner ^r- ho. tcfc« at a v ory attractive re. epti *.i • 'Thursday afternoon from i * ii'dotk in her h>nu*, -Mo North 4>od afreet, in boner *»f the gntd-ia' m « las* of Monte Maria .\r;idtjmv, • which *h»» in a m* nih« r A mimlx young people w*r« present t•» mum ulatc the graduates who wore M‘s.v* * Mary Gardner. Gertrude Stumpf, Marie Holxgreh and Man-' Ki; -r Among the • alh rs w»r* K*-v } -«'»■ r <5harJ»‘S, U*?v. father Glenn. Miss A; \in. Mrs. lsa.a« Fdon, Mrs I!. « h Myer, Mrs. Allan Gn-ntret Mr ■iwrph {Hum; •• ■ 1 ■ * Mrs. John Black. Missos Mary Kucillc Kpps. Helen Martin, Hendors n. Margaret • »‘Bri*-n. CuniBiing> ll' l'-n \l. haneugii. garet Bum f. !■'i>*i»■ **■ « Stumpf. garet Hughei* and others Th* n»*. • was beautifully *!*•• «»rat**d with • *1 . carnations and roses, the t *• »• un being white and pink. Miss Gardner J **. *.: * d man; gifts and beaut it ,;l t «v\« r > Mothers* ( Mod. The home of Mrs William «hm intli. 110* Capitol street, president • f the Richmond .Federation MoF* s’ 4-luhs, wus the h* * in of a v» ry pica ant gathering •>»» Frida > niternoon Mi the newly appointed monitor* “! fnuj -Wgygl'i»undf* wrfr present, iii- h t he (Oflicef^ oi the Federal- *n and dis i ghe aim atuj management nla - grounds Gt mmell, at • hairnn i oj the Fed* ration’s playground had invited Mr J. * Judkins 'y to tDMt with them and give tb nresent the benefit «»i his w id* end -'Carted fund of Information eon* rn jjng the subjtM t und» r *h.- mission ' I ; Interesting and sugg* stive add. s 'y ^Al-- much * BP reel tried In rid v ■ ■ > h&trd it. Mrs Gemmell has < i !• t a minting of the executive hoard of the Fedoralien for Mcmduy n*-xi a* \ F M., at Central School auditorium, discuss and a* l upon a sugg made hy Mr. Judkins in < •■mm with this w ork Refreshment per • « d during th* discussion, followed th* announcement of point merits, which were as follows - pisygroufHl. monitor. Miss Mary f\ lx>bbins; Klha playground, monitor. Miss Mary s MoFtie. Ful ton playground, monitor, Mrs. J. I McKinney; Marshall playground, nionit r, Mrs. Florence Mitchell, Madison‘-playground monitor Mis* Kate Kidweil. Randolph pla monitor. Miss A H Kind field playground, monitor. Mr Turn* r. Iliiw kin>— Morion. Mit*£ Kdith M«»rion. daughter. • • Mr ami Mrs. O. y. Morton, was married * t*. Mr. Henry <\ Hawkins, of opeiika Ala. \V**ditotida.v evening, June * -it the home her parents. 111' i aru Avenue. V**sjK*|- Seivirfs. 1 *r. N C. Jarnefi wtu speak a’ * i«* y. M C. A V o»per servii * % Hunda uft«rn<»**n at h\ •<*!«». k at the > ..mi 'try Ohih. Mr? Haddon Waik'ihi and -Miss Kdith Watkins will sing P.n joy able KximiMon. If' The excursion to Natural Bridg and i-uray <’a\-rn« for the t.eneih Sf. Mara s Kpir* e^w- « itt-r•-:i ?e t« ap • und s gro Spring s. W. 1*. MAUI h AM HARD A\ OKI On of the greatest intentions of the age and one of the most simple is the Vm'uum <’leaner Tor the homo, store or hotel. Tries,- i leaner* “in indispensable domestic appliance, as it does work which < at,riot he done by hand. It remotes dust and dirt tiytt rannot possible l>e reached by any other method. There t* no part of a home and nothin* in n tonne . soccept the folk* but ahaj the Vacuum Cleaner will clean better than any thing elite you ran get They are so very reasonable., too. Fur Informa tion or advice, call Madison 3400, Vir ‘ Kailua/ and Power Company, tiled to leave Richmond Juno 1».th, promise* to be a decided «ucce»». Judg ing from the laige number «*f w« il kni^vn people who have already sig ntfted their Intention of taking a«t vantage ot thi low rate* offered to \ t*lt then two it rand and wonderful' work* ot nature l*ikrmnab. Miss Mary Catlett and Miss Itolle V«agi r have returned t-» 1th htnond from Wllliamf but k. where they at tended the William and Mary final*. --- * • * Mm* Serelda I'pshur, who has been spending the winter in Ki» htnond with r*ativ«s ii West lira street and attending Mi s Klle^ts h«*«d. has re turned t«* her home in Northampton count* * ♦ • Mrs William IV Saussurr and Miss Kstelb IV Hau^vure be t Kh h m**nd <*n Thursdn> owning, and sailed fur Kur»»jM Frida.*. Miss Kkt» Mason K«>iati<l. wh has }♦. «n visiting relatives in Baltimore, has returned jo llhhniond. M jsses Anne Traylor, Fannie t'ren ■ the hop and reeeption at the Riverside Coiintr.- f’lub this afternoon Irom t ■ * 7 o'clock. Mr and Mrs \S !*• nl nor, of this < ity. were among the i»ut-■•l-town guests at t he Ibn k lift-'ii! I wedding at Wiivirl) Va Mr**. Het t> VVallm • i* th» K■ «.-m • »! her sister-ih - law Mr.- Josephine Wal la.. on I'rin< ess Ann* Mr* <*t. I*‘r* «i* ? - Mrs John Mimo. who has been th* *>>.-«? .*< {Hende hrr*' f«*t several (Invr. has n t^nu-,1 to hrr home in Florida . MIhs Helen Vincent. • l.mporia. \ < is the k o-st »f lJi. ndK in this Mr ami Mrs. «vhnrie? tta\is anil Mrs Hoardman Wood, of L' I8 K a si I rariklin Mreet. all; wp'bd the Minnm r^it Froze*. *J — I rv lnr—Hnllrr I’Oi'AHi »N*rAS > \ .1 un* V • euc wedding t<>«»k place at mo> home . f Dr. and Mrs John V Haller in this «• 11\ at their homf *>n AV-*dnesdaj evening at H u'clork, when their flnujh ..r Muo- (Jrrtrurte Whitman, became t nr bride of Dr H <». H Irvine. -r «’oopers. W est Virginia The ceremony w a* j»er formed by Rev S W. Moore, of the Vresbvterlati ehurcM of William son. W \ a The only attendant w a* Miss Virginia Haller .sister of the bride as maid of honor The bride tv ore n andson.e town of VI ;te embroidered eh Iff on over me--a : line and carried w hite r<-— - 'I he niaM of hoar r carried pink rose After the ceremony the guest* were .ushered Into the dining hall v m< h w <» beaut if nil ‘ de. orated in ptnlc h*«. < -‘ml simlax with hack Kroumi of n •tintain laurels, where <* delicious . our • w » served. s t eu*% r — - mi < to . <Htvecia! to 'The Kichmond \iiginiAn > FA HMV IKKi :. N X . .hum 1 1 v nuiet li« :ne marriage wTv* < .-lebrate 1 here on Wednesday morning when the oitra t iv»- daughter *»f Mr and Mrs W l> Sind be. ante the bride of Mr Herber t Sj, f f’.uekingham county K* v V, ,u .,r the Presbyterian church . » . ■ .,i the marriage, and Mrs f v, (rut.- played the wedding inarch The r.t tendants were .Miss Id/M* Whit .Smith w ith -1. W Harnett Miss Sbp i ..f West Virginia with Ibrnard • alter. <T 1’roMpet t I mn.-dSa t"|v after lit" , erernony the couple left on the west r.-oirid- fraiV, f.o an *M''r P. which they will reside in fbnkingham §83.000 FOO PROPEflTY i'..r ill*- sum *»! t h* \ ir* 1 K U'la Kaihvni ‘und l **m *-r * ompany li„s - 111 to Hum ;, r Wall"! -Ueln its property at Ht’oad ami Shafer streets pur* hased sonti >* a!ArtSru front tuc ItK hmonil Tra* tion ffinpaw. >t 1» : understood that Mr YVallersteln has a* ipiitiai Hi* property for investment purposes Th** deal Ms put through l*. the 11-alt; firm * r McCurdy anil Johnson, and is on*- of the two mg sale* in Frond street prop*-rt.v made I., the Virginia Railway ami 1’ower i ’umpati} within the past •■lira! months i It Mas report oil Saturday that FeF lat-il amt Hagby. "In* handle a good deal of West Hroad propt»rt>. hah put the deal through, t>ut it was learned that this was Incorrect. 'the report was dm lu the ltt*-t that this firm has u* ted as agents In a number oj trans it* tmris foi -Mr. Walleratem tn rei unt months The property at Shafer and Hroad is mostly vacant, hut it Is believed that steps Mil! l>»* taken t<» Improve it with business structures ’ere the lapse of another year The property has a front ago «*f 1177 feet on Hroad street and a depth of 140 foet. IU \ . UK W H. 1 SMITH Wil l 1‘RIMH ORIHNATION SUMMON Hev. K 1. A* kiss will be formally ..rdalned as a minister of the gospel in Second Raptlst church Sunday morning at 11 ‘ih-hiek. ltci Or. \\ H. 1.. smith will preach the sermon in* ldent to the occasion Owing to the annual sermon at Richmond Col lege there will he n*» services in the church Sunday night. .MdlUtCIl FISHING t int TO t\MAI. OFTING ON THU H\T Member.*- of the Mohjack Fishing -I'liil* will * ruoi . a 'vi ek’s cruise In t’hrsapeake line during \ugust Finns f*.r tlie trip wen discussed at the annua meeting of the club Todd i Thu radar nigh! in Klks’ liotne. The . rms" -ill start Uigust It, according t*. present plans. ,\;i jkilt <>iti■ * 1 )|>tTHti>r lieu' \ Figure' in Big Broad Street Deal. * rlrhmir Vnuhrrhar^. Nf,. o! t<* The Richmond Virginiar.. 1 NFWhiHT N>:\VK. June 11 YeMer wa? the fort y-nlnth anniversary of • . battle of Pig liethfl It wan up pr<11>rlhrf* 1 >’ celebrated b> « large num !>« : of « onfederates* and their descend wm> uiwrit^o*.! j.* ?i»** aOARA *lv*r# • . brso < on federal« lost hie life In the great etrugglr (Jardiner Tyler ad dr******! tho gathering. also Major .1 N St .hhs .-f Gloucester. .rnport Sams Final*. Special to The Richmond Virginian > NKWl’ollT NKWS, June V T‘ . finals of 'fne Newfioff Neu> 7 ! •school will take |da«-e Mot.da * iiU-i.i There w 111 he twelve graduate* ex err lace will be ron«1 tot r.•■! ,1 •* \cademy of MuhIc and un elaborate program has l wan arranged Ke\ I* tj. Ji.htftor* will deliver tie addrcNK to the graduating < lae« Hugh John Fitz gerald. Jr., wtll deliver the salutatory and Mleh i.auta Adn « nrver the valedic tory. For Now Korul. HI FFOUv, VA . .1 :nr 1 f - The pr«d|mlnar> nuro y >. ai- completed for a new railroad t » < r«-.«s Southampton and Hunrex • •»u;111 • The road will reach from Pope o.i th«* Bout hern .railway to Lutnberton, in BqimX coun ty. and according to surveyora eigh 'tofen additional mile* may be laid to other £>ointa. NORMAL HIGH SCHOOL AT PALMYRA CLOSES MOST SUCCESSFUL SEASON L — (Special to TIm* Hi. hmond Virginian* l*AL.M VK.\. VV Juno 11.—The* Norma] High School at, Palmira round* <t iip .< \ ery yunessful s#-r sum n-fth *-\« ffdtnglT interest mg ftmrf me t-relse* running through a series of days this ‘siot-K. Rev. I. H. Walton delivered tin* ad dress «* t* t he occasion. A prominent foatur* of th**s»* exHrisrs wh* deliver ing th** training tea. tiers' . ertifirat* s n th*- Xornml I o part meat These are !11 * fir*t of' t he Kind atf-fwd ed hi this school. and xv* prosumo H ■ M among tIj** first a\var- -:*-d in the Statf*. Misses Louise Shiflett Kisif Omohun dro and Mhi v Had**: f* the happy recipients There vv♦*!•** no fnl! ' hiates in the Hiplt Bt'hool t+epnrt hh \ h I® ia the third year s’ • its organiza tion. I '***•*♦» the <ert it** at» s awarded to the third v«ar student* there Is tine promise of a number * fall graduates next .riti There \\*r* "tie hundred ; i r.. 1 thirty-odd pupj- ' foiled in all of th«j departments session, and oar people are beginning to talk about new Imlldingr to m*-t the growing demand* of the school, arising fr«*m the increased interest. and the inter est in education throughout the county, and the increased appreciation of the opportunities afforded by a Normal High behead in «»or midst. -j There were between .*>00 and 600 people present at the closing exercises, and during these exercises one of the patrons of the school made a motion j for a vote of thanks to Prof. t*eo. A. Jordan, the Principal for the faithful and efficient work done b\ himself and his corps of teachers, which was heartily responded to by n rising vote. COLLEGE WILL BE COMPLETED JIN. I ,\i\v Medical .Insiiiution in In Modeled A Iter * oloiiial Style. I'l.ANS XKARI.Y KKAPY InMiranee Money Will He I scd io I ’a y i Ml Mortgage on O i • l Building. Plans :-*r tli♦ • nnv l niwrsitv. Col lege of Medicme, which will likely I »*» adapted, (.'ill for a *hree-story brick sunn-tore modeled after the • b nial style of architecture. The building, which is to be erected on th* site of the college destroyed by fire last January, at flay and Twelfth streets, is expected to -*t- partially ready for occupancy ;.\ next October, wh-en the collcsfe open* It i*» antici pated that the building will in fully tompleted by January 1. 1H11. More than f»O0 subscriptions hav» already been received by the cam paign committee soliciting funds, and it is cunlldently expected that the de sired sum <>f $100,000 will he in hand tn subscriptions b> June *b». the date set for ‘ losing of the soliciting work The • ommittee in charge of this work >a\ s the sul>M riptions received aggregate a nn-st gratify ing sum. but it feels that it vmld In somewhat permatur. ju.vt. nov. to give out the exact s im rai®-d It .1 Allison Hodges is chairman ..f the commit tee. Spend SHi'i.ii iii 011 Kuilillnir. Practical!,- all »h< money raised *>.' this committee will lx spent on c*m i struclton of the new building. the money subscribed ie the faculty to ! lie devoted toward equipping the cnl ‘ legi The latter fund in said to have leached a vert substantial figure It is hoped to have at least $J6,d00 available for equipment of the college alone. None of the Insurance money, it Is stated, will be used in the new col lege. us it is desired to make use ot this fund to pay off the mortgage on tin old college, so that the new In stitution niny start off entirely unen . umbered. Representatives of tin* college have ' made several trips north within the i past month or two, with a view ot getting ideas for the equipment ivwi , (instruction of the new strutrin , and these have been largely utilized by the architect firm of Noland and Haskervllle, « hb h is drawing the plans. Know TMhiis Shortly. Ill Hodges states that the exact nature of the plans will probably' tie known within the nest ten days. Ur. Hodges and other members o) the campaign committee met Friday night at the Jefferson Hotel and went over the work which the committee has In hand. Great satisfaction was expressed at the manner in which the public Is subscribing to te project, the I but of progress from all quarters be ing reported. After the business no eting Mr. F.dgar 1 • Taylor, a mem ber of the committee, entertained the other members at supper Governor to H|>ouU. Governor Mann will deliver an ad 1 dress at the Grove Avenue Baptist 'church at the morning service Sun day. —r- . .... 1 EDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA 1838 1910 line, Dmntutry, Fhm rmmty Ba»«n*y-thlM Itovaton b**ln» SVpt- It, Iflfll ■acaltant USoraaorr and clinical fact MU**. Climate aaluhrtoua. I.i ring cipcaaaa modaantfc Writ* for t#nni and catalog M. UfWtilu ImmUm,«. I, Itu, llttoMi, la. Highland Park Wood and Coal Co. 2nd Avenue, is very conveniently i located with the original growth Wood and the Ixvu free burning Coal, also fine Plate Ice that keeps cold longest. Ask your neighbor, and Phone Monroe 1320. 13. V. TAYLOR, Manager. “AS YOU LIKE IT” BOTH RARE AND RAW Kirluiiond Public I'lttVt1' Wifli Gn\ Lyric ,J uggler Who Warbled of Hast .1 unts Man at (him l>ora$*o I’ark Says Ho s Deal ing (i Host W'oathcr He Ilit.s in Stock. What is ho rare a> * hay in June* delightedly sang the p •••t Powell. What is so raw as a day in June? gloomily ask the long v 'Tering man kind of Richmond To l>e Hur**. it is ail d ■** to Halle> s ,1-met. What e)ge v have made «» 1 Sol hid'* his fa • *r three days at a time and let Jui * Pluvius pit** a on e*std ed ga m e * •\V.* are ruined ’ 1 the haber dasher as he gazed r'.ornh into a show rase of straw 1 ds and gauzy underwear Saturda Saved!” exclaim*-- the ordinary ilG p.r mortal, as h* picked i- his ot erooa-t and forofta 1* •! a visit !•’ his “ mrle” t<r* get t last year’s Kelli There was sure son weather; and more or' it coming, *t' the weather man's pn*gnostioatici a go for any thing There's a storm over Central \ «r ginia." hr shout. d over the telephone. , astmg down h >p» * w hi, h had been carried to the seventh heaven when th« sun stuck • his beak and made eyes at Richmond shortU after Id ./clock Satnrda> morning No," went on the voic e from t'him boiazo Park. the temperature will continue about the same It will he cooler Monday. I expect We arc going to have unsettled conditions until that storm center moves off. It is gradually Working northeastward." Thus* far June haa been a record r.masher for fierce weather. In the upheaval of elements brought about by the visit of Halley’s celestial wan* d»red. s immer evidently got lost in th»- shuffle If old Kit* Van Winkle had opened his dreamy cy*v In IUoh mond Friday ne probably would have remarked. Huh, this is March, ’tis m* for another snooze. and turned »-v«*r ora his hark until- December, when. If things follow as they have been going for the past few weeks, all the glories of an old-fashioned Virginia June would brighten the eye. The mercury during the past ten days has been hanging around tS de grees. In years past It has stood as follows 1*01, 58 degrees; 1902. 52: 1004, 6 4 1905. 52: 1907, 51. and 190s. 57. These Junes were consul ered exceptionally cool. During the first ten days of June se\ n have been rainy. VuTsbiirff Organization bloc Officers \l is-it-sippiau c 11 <>1 il (!not. C1IU;< II IS OKGAMZKU School of Mu-i ('i lebrato !■ iiiaU of I’r ■ Winners— I >;inc ;i limrsMe. <Spe. ial in Till l:ii hmond Virginian ) VKTKRSnrit'i VA„ June 11.—The regular monthl. meeting of the Ra dies’ Memorlu Association was held Frida> in \ 0 Hill Camp Hall. The following ortieere were elected f,,r next year. IT. dent. Mrs. E. 1.. Marks; First V; . President, Mrs. Da vid Callender; v. nd Vice-President. Mrs. William 1 Badger; Recording Si i rotor ■ Mr- Shelton Chleves; Cor responding S... rotary, Mrs. Maria Al exandra ; Treason r, Mrs. Charles Kirkham I The resignation of Mrs. William E. Beasley was r. ;ved with regret, Mrs. Lou Clark. .if Mississippi, was an honored guest .f the association. Cliureli Organised, Friday evening drove Avenue Bap tist church was organised, making the fourth white Baptist churi h in Pe tersburg Tin ( r Ises were opened with song s. i vi ... led by the new pastor. It. \V. T Tlnl], and the prayer i was delivered !• Dr. ft. X. Robinson, i ol Ettrlok T'r. J. M 1'iTher read the consti tution and r. ■ v enant, and received the candidates for mmhershtp. The ad dress ot welcome was delivered by Dr. Fred W. Mo,,re, pastor of the Second Baptist . huroh. and Dr. IT C. Taylor, of First church, spoke on "He 1 sponslbtlities and Duties." Prayer was offered by Dr. 11. E. | Matthews, nr.d th. meeting was clos ed with henedI- non by Rev. A. R. ! I line, pastor rf West End Baptist j church. This new organization owes its suc I cess to the efforts In Sunday school work III the ’ll a lit v of Messrs. T. C Crowder, I'. tv Smith and Fred Pil cher. ;-.-uUoot Musical. The closing . v. rcises of lhe Peters i burg -School .,r Musi, were held Fri day afternoon in the music rooms on Marshall str. -t. The exejdses were priv'ate. in- one being present but teachers and pupils The tea. hers, Mias E. V. Major, . principal, Mis- Hcttie Jones, Miss l Beatrice K Jones and Mrs. Charles D. Witherw).. awarded prizes uml specla’ distill, tlotiH to the students who had attained an average of i)6 per i cut m more on examinations. Th. se winning prizes were Miss i Mary Wil.- m Koper, Miss Bella H. Easiitei. Mi-s Alii e F. Kent, Miss Alice Beigli Mason, Miss Mutgaret I'. Bast Iter, Miss Susie J. Robertson. Mis* Elizabeth Ham II. Those specially distinguished: Mls» Fannie Kerr. Miss McKenna Jones,! Miss Ruth Brister Miss Elizabeth l '»* agg. (iiu* l>amr, The fortnightly dan.*- will take j»ia< »* at Riverside Flub Tuendav night a. s.3t> o'clock at th»- < lubhouwe. Mu sk the occasion will be furnished' b_ Prof. Ripple's orchestra. A memorial shaft is to be erected or. the battlefield near Petersburg by the State of Massachusetts tr» th*j sol diers ol that State who fell here dur ing the Fivil War This shaft is to cost IF000. and tJovernor Draper, of Massachusetts, has appointed a committee of three i*» select the site and have th«‘ monu-j ment set up. One of the members appointed to prosecute this work is (\d. James Anderson, of Springfield, who is well known to many citizens in Petersburg, being a frequent visi tor to the city. ORDERS HYDRANTS TAKEN FROM WARD i Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NORFOLK. June 1.—Because At to. ney \V. D. Pender, of the Norfolk County Water Company, fulled to sub mit in writing a proposition to fur- | nirh free fire protection to the ward it the request for hydrants to the city council was railed, the Seventh ward local hoard last night stood pat on its former action and ordered the water company attorney to take up Notice to Taxpayers Office of Collector of City Taxes. Citv Hall, Richmond, Va THIS OFFICE WILL BE READY TO' RECEIVE ALL OR ONE-HALF OF CITY TAXES. REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL. FOR THE YEAR 1910 ON JUNE 15TH. THE WHOLE TAX IS DOE, hut the ordinance provides that one-half may be i paid in Juno and the remaining half in i Iteeeinlwr. Failure to pay all or one half in June incurs a penalty of 6 per cent, on the whole amount, which is due at once, and if not paid before SEPTEM BER 1ST, the Collector is required to j levy, with costs added. ALL MALES 21 years of age ALL PERSONS (MALE OR FEMALE) who own personal property, or iiold personal property as fiduciary, and all parties eon* ducting business in the city of Richmond i (of whatever nature) are assessed, and will please call and settle, so as to avoid ! delinquency. OR ADI NO, PA VI NO, PIPE AND SEWER < '<)XXIX TING BILLSure pay able in the same manner its Taxes, and' nt the name time GIVE NAME IN WHICH PROPER TY STANDS, ami see that you get all your hills. This being the only notice provided for by law. please gite it prompt attention, ns under the new ordinance 5 per cent, pen alty will have to be added to the whole bill after June 30th. 1 W. CUNNINGHAM. Collector of City Taxes. WASHINGTON WARD TAXES, i to t>e ]iald in same manner at the offiee of jd P. ROBINSON, Special Asst. City Collector, at 10th and Hull Streets. WHY PEOPLE TAKE LONGER TO BOARD OR LEAVE CARS HERE THAN IN OTHER CITIES Delay Caused by the Old Style Cars. Richmond to Have Quicker Car Schedule. With a view of giving faster travel on all the lines here, officials of the Railway and Power Company during the last week have been busy timing passengers getting on and off cars. The result of this investigation has been very interest ing. One fact has been clearly shown that it takes passengers longer on Broad street to get on and off cars than it does passengers on Main street. When asked as to the reason of this, the only answer that could be found was that the people were slower and more deliberate in Ixiarding anti leaving cars on Broad street than on Main street. Another fact that was clearly shown was that it takes people in Richmond on an average of 25 per cent more time to get. on and off the cars than it dot's people in such cities as Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago, Buffalo, Kansas City and other cities of like and larger size. The great aim of the Virginia Railway & Power Company is to give ther patrons rapid transit, that is to get the passengers to and from their homes and destina tion with all possible speed consistent with safety. In casting alxiut to find why the schedule in Rich mond could not be maintained as fast as in other cities, the time taking in getting on and off cars showed the answer. The Pay-as-you-enter ears have been found to reduce the time for passengers entering and leaving cars very materially,and the company firmly believes that, with the introduc tion of Pay-as-you-entcr cars here, the time lost in getting on and off will be very materially re duced. The fact that in the new or standard Pay-as-you-enter cars which are coming in vogue in even- city in this country and Europe, there are two entrances and two exits. A passenger getting on is never delayed by the passenger getting off. The Passenger leaving the car leaves by one door, front or rear and the passenger getting on gets on by entering the door at the rear of the car. The time taken on Main street, showed that it took nine persons nine seconds and a half to get on or off a car and eighteen passengers an average of twenty-three seconds to get on or off. On Broad street it took nine passengers eleven and four-fifths seconds to get on or off and eighteen passengers twenty-eight seconds. The Pay-as-you-enter cars will materially reduce this time and get people to their homes and destina tion quicker. his tire hydrants ami remove them • from the ward. Mr. Pender was present when the j board handed him the stand-pat ; package, and he wn* iruhjeoted to , eross-tire questioning by nearly every member of the board. He said his reason for complying with, the request of the hoard tor a written proposition was because he understood the body had adopted the minutes of its previ ous meeting which carried with them ; the order for the removal of the wa ter company's tire plugs CHICKEN THIEF IS SENT TO .TTRYi Accused of stealing a coop contain ing twenty chickens from Mr. K. R. Evans. lYank Moseley, a young negro, I was sent to the grand Jury from the court of Justice Crutchfield Saturday morning. The negro broke two locks in getting Into the stall in Market Place, where the coop of chickens had been left over night. Sergeant Kerse was on his way home when he raw the negro trying to sell the chickens i and after a talk with the man dis covered that the fowls were stolen. WEEK'S PROGRAM AT WASHINGTON AND LEE LEXINGTON, VA„ June 11.—Fol lowing is commencement program for Washington and Le» University: SUNDAY, JUNE 12. 10:60 A. M.—Procession of the board of trustees, faculty and grad uates. 11 A. M—Baccalaureate sermon. Bishop John C. Ktlgo, D. D.. LL. D. 8:30 P. M.—Address before the Young Men’s Christian Association, Bishop John C. Ktlgo. MONDAY. JUNE 13. (5 P. M.—Boat race. 9 P. M.—Joint celebration of the -literary societies: President, K. L. P> tter, Virginia; vice-president. C. P. Heavener, Virginia; chief marshal. R. W. Alley, Virginia. Orators—Graham-Lee Society: L. It. Coates, Tennessee; F. C. Williams, Virginia. Washington Literary So ciety T. R. Gather, Virginia, W. L. Oa*ort, Arkansas. TUESDAY. JUNE 14. 10 A. M.—Annual meeting of the board of trustees. 10 A. At.—Band concert on the campus. 10:60 A. M.—Procession of the hoard of trustees, faculty, graduates and alumni. 11 A. M.—Commencement address: Hon W. V. Hensel, Lancaster, Pa_; unveiling of a memorial tablet to the Liberty Hall volunteers; address by Hon. W. A. Anderson. Virginia. V P. M.—Presentation of the Pink ney prise cup t otho winning crew; address before the alumni association, W. It, Vance, M A., Ph. I>„ LL. B.. ’95, Washington. D. <*. 10 I*. M.—Alumni banquet. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 15 10:60 A. M.—Procession of the board of trustees, faculty and grad uates. 11 A. M.—CloBtng exerciser: De livery of prises; valedictory addrass, C. K. Burks Mississippi: a word to tlie graduates, Hon. Claude A. Swan son. Virginia; delivery of diplomas. Norbert Caugley Home on Visit. Norbert Caughy, whose stage name is Clinton Hamilton, and who has Just concluded a successful season with Mary Irwin, in "Mrs. . Jan,” is In Richmond, spending a brief vacation at the home of his mother. f-■-» AQUATIC MEET BY Y. M. C. A. ATHLETES Evonis of Interest, to Young Athletes Planned for Next v Friday-, N ight. The athlete* of the Y. M. A. will have an aquatic meet next Friday night, which promise* to be of spe cial interest. This will he the pro gram, 1. Twenty-yard swim—First heat won by J. A, Davison ; second, 'A. Neal. Second heat won by W, A. Farmer; second. VV. H Holmes. Final won by Farmer: second. Holmes; third, Davidson: fourth, Neal. Time, 12 seconds. 2. Form front dive—Won by W. A. Farmer; second, M. H. Holmes; third, J. A. Davison. 3. Four hundred and forty yards (breast stroke)—Won by A. H. Straus; second, W. A. Farmer; third, R. D Jack Time, 34 3-5. 4. Form hack dive—Won by W. A. Farmer; second, H. H. Holmes, 5. Plunge for distance—-AVon by H. H. Holme*; second, U. D. Jack, third. C. A. Neat, fourth, H. H. Holmes. (Neal was tied for third place with Holmes, and in breaking tie made 33 feet 2 lnche.s.) Relay Race—Farmer, Davison and Jack defeated Holmes, Straus and Neal. Next meet will be hold on the 24tl» of June. Events will be: 40-yard swim: 20 yard back stroke; under water swim; candle race (twenty yards); 100-yard swim; front jack-knife dive. Xts York Rank Statement. NEW YORK, June 11.—The weekly bank statement shows: Reserves on all deposits, increase $2,539,850. Reserve on deposits other than United States, Increase $2,541,250, Loans, decrease $4,451,600. aj Specie, lncraea $1,091,600. C Legal teneda, Increase $730,lSll ■f Deposits, decrease $2,872,600. Circulation, Increase $137,000. Surplus In banks $23,521,200 Hgainst $13,494,835 yast year, and $58,349,40# two years ago. Total loans $1,192,120,800. . Repair Permits. Permits were issued by the build ing Inspector Saturday as follows; W. T. Clark, to repair frame dw ell ing 616 North Thirty-second street, to cost $290. Cauthorn Brothers, to repair brick stable 1919 Hast Franklin street, to cost $400. __ EVERY LADY WANTS ONE * Every lady wants to own an elec tric sadiron for herself. When she stays at home she can use the Iron in her room at any time for Ironing dainty hits of lace and linens, as well as other things. And when she goes away to the seashore, the mountains or the springe, she can take this iron with her and attach the cord-tto a lighting socket in her room and do 1 any Ironing ahe wants to. For lnfor ! matlon or advice call Madison #400, I Light and Power Department. V|*» ! girda^-Hallway and Tower Company.