Newspaper Page Text
■ -Kj' Social News From All Sections of Virginia h Suffolk (Special to The Richmond Virginian i SUFFOLK, VA.. June 11.—The event of greatest interest here thia week was the wedding Wednesday afternoon of Miss Leoiine Catherine Ktheridge, ut Charlotte, N. C., and Mr. Tcharnor. Harrington de Qraflfm ried, of Columbia. S. C. The wedding j was celebrated at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. W. R. Withers, In j North Main street, and was a beau tiful one. The drawing rooms were : decorated in masses of white flowers, ferns and palms, the bridal party j standing under a marriage bell of , blossoms, suspended from a green archway. The service was read by ' Rev. George H. Vest, of Norfolk, in the presence of a large number of ; invited guests. The bride entered on the arm ot Mr. W. R. Withers and wore a beau tiful gown of imported satin, with trimmings of seed pearls and duchess lace. Her flowers were a shower ot 1 lilies, of the valley and maiden-hair ! ferns, her veil being caught with tiny I sprays of the same flowers. Her two ] sisters, Mrs. W. R. Withers and Miss I-aura Ktheridge. wearing dainty Itn- . geric gowns, acted as matron anil ' maid of honor. Tnetr flowers were huge ann bouquets of roses. Mr. Robert C. Jolmaofl. of North 4 Carolina, was beet man. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. de Graffenrled left for 1 a tour ot the principal Northern cities and will also spend some time | in Canada. A number of out-of-town guests ] were present for the ceremony. Mirs Virginia Jenkins is entertain- ! ing a house party this week, which : ts composed of a number of her j schoolmates from "The Castle,' Tar ry tow n, N. V. Numerous entertainments have been planned in their honor. Mr. John J- Pinner is at home from the University of Virginia Miss Margarita Springs has return- i ad to Charlotte, V C„ after attend- ; tng the i>e Graffenried-Ktheridge wedding. An engagerm nt of great interest ^ust announced is that of Miss Rose Marie Brut t daughter of Mr. and Mrs R M ftruce. and Mr Milton Thomas Elliott, of North Carolina arid New- York. The wedding. which will be a bril liant ch.urch affair w ill be celebrated on the evening of July it. at ? o'clock Mrs. J. Calvin Little, of Annapolis, M<1., will be matron ot honor, and numbered among the maids will be Miss Nell Jordan. Miss Katharine Brothers, Miss Emma King and Miss Mildred Nurney. Tuesday afternoon Miss Porter Kiev entertained most charmlnglv her guests. Including a number of out-of town peopta. Among the girls attending Anal* at the various colleges are: Miss Laura Etheridge and M!*s Siarguret Phil lip#. at Washington and l-»e. and Mies Katharine Brothers, nt V. I I and the University of Virginia. Miss Katharine Pinner will also go to the University. Miss Frank Underwood, of Frciltn fietd. is the guest of Miss Mary Ju deth Smith. Miss Margaret Phillip* will enter tain a number of Hollins girls at a house party, beginning on the 1Mb Among her guest* will be Mis* Lu ciie Paxton, of Washington. 1> C.. M!»* Alice IYavis, of Norfolk, and Mis* Janie Cocke, of Roanoke Muuiea Rose and Su'.ley lieywood. ct New Orleans: Misses Lucy,Witt and Margaret Cbewniug of Rich mond, will be guests Of Miss Pes-oe Holland during this month Oxford (Special to The Richmond Virginian • OXFORD. N C. June 11 —Miss Willie Grlmele' "I Snow Hill. N. t . la the house guest of Mr? T I*. Booth. jtf. and Mr*. 1. S. Massey left tor Raleigh this week, where Mr Massey i nmmcm es his work a* editor of the Christian Advocate. Mr. Edward Rollins, editor of tne "Durham Herald” spent Sundc with Mr* Rollins, who la tne guest oi Mr. and Mrs. I- J. Steed Mrs W, 11. White is on an extended tlsit to her daughter. Mrs. McKetban, In Fayetteville. Mr P. Q Bryan.-of Scotland Neck, formally of the city public schools here, was in Oxford the past week, on his way to Statesville to assume his duties as editor of the •'Sentinel Mitts Cristene Roaeman spent Sun day and Monday In Durham. Mr and Mrs li O Lassiter and Ml. W. T i.assiter were the guests of Mr. K. W. l.asslter for several days the pa*L weeek. Miss Margaret HorsefteUl. who ha* been a member of the faculty of the city schools In ■Wilmington, has returned home for the summer. Mrs. W. W. Spratley. of Richmond, is the house guest of Mis. J. F. Meadows on North College street. Mrs. E. "W. Fitzgerald and Mr*. Charles Thomas, of Keysville, Ya., are opening the week with Mrs. Rogers at her home on High street, Mr. E. M. Ellison, of Liberty. X C.. spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. K. p. Hackney this week. Miss Myrtle Sliamburger is visiting Miss Susie McGhee In Raleigh. From there *he goes to Eastern North Caro lina. where she will visit friends Mrs. Margaret Moneypenny-, alter spending the winter with Mr*. E. If. T. Marsfleld. has returned to her home in Cambridge. N. Y. Major A. S. Lanier, who haa just returned from tho Philippines. Is visit ing his mother, Mrs. Bettie Lanier, on North College street. He will make his future home in Richmond. Va . where he will practice law. Miss May Davis, of Raleigh, and Miss Aliens Whitaker, of Norfolk, are the, house guest of Mrs. W. B, Ballou. Mr. and Mrs. Armstead Capeheart and family have gone to their coun try place in Vance county to spend the summer months. Fredericksburg 11 ... (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) FREDERICKSBURG. VA„ June 11. Mlu Josephine H. Maddox la visit ing friend* In New York. Mtaa Elisabeth Steele, who haa been visiting Mias Nannie Willis, haa re turned to her home tn Richmond. Miss Lucy Mason, of Louisville, Ky., la a guest of Mias Agnes Chawntng. Mrs. Marla K. Daniel haa returned to her home tn this city, after a visit to her son. Mr. S. O. Daniel, of Wil mington, Del. Mm H. H. Johnston and son, Stuart, are guests of Mrs. R. O. Egerton, of Petersburg. Mr. Julian Mason has returned to. New York, after a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Howard'at "Ken-, more." Prof. 8. W. Somerville and family1 have gone to their summer home In i Raptdan Mrs. John R. Ronebro and son, Robert, are visiting Sirs. Rosebro’s parents in Baltimore. Miss Emma Anderson, of Bowling Green. Is visiting Mrs. Alvia T. Rowe. Miss JCIlen D. Somerville' is visit ing her sister, Mrs. H. 1- Merchant.' ol Richmond countj. Miss Bessie B. Taliaferro, of Essex ^ county, spen^ a few days this week| with Mrs. J. P. Rowe, of this city. t Mr T. M. Murphy, of Richmond, has returned to his home, after a| visit to Dr. A. C. Doggett and ram-j Uy. Mrs. Natalie F. Smith, of "Scotia.^ j Is a guest of her sister, Mrs. 'E. V. Valentine, of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Lewis and daughter. Miss Elsie, left this week Tor New York. Miss Lewis will go abroad this summer with the "School er" party of tourists. Prof. A. P. Wright, superintendent of the publ'c schools of this city, at tended a meeting of the William and! Mary Alumni Association at Williams burg this week. Mr. Robert G. Reginalds, of Rich-! mond, is visiting his sisters. Mrs. Mar-j tin and Miss I.lule Regnolds, of this city. Mr. James W. Thomas. Jr., who •was recently graduated in dentistry from the University of Maryland, has returned to his home in this city. ; Miss Louise Eubank, of Essex coun tv. wag a guest of Miss Helen Phillips, for a few data on her return from the State Normal School at Karmville., Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Myers, of Wash tngton, are guests of General and Mrs D. D. Wheeler. Roxbury ROXBl'RG. VA.. June 11— Mss Gus-j sie Tunstalt. Tun* tall Va.. Is visiting Miss Mattie Nance. Mr. T. Kenny Poet, who has been vary ill at his home near Magruder. Va., has returned to his work at Rlx bury. , Mr White BSnns. who has spent sev eral weeks with his brother In Rox bury, has returned to hi* home. Binn'a Hall. Va MB. Major Nance. West Point, \ a is visiting hla mother tor a few- davs MISS Kthel Head!*' Hubbard has re turned to her home from the StRte K» male Normal FarrrvlU'*. Va where she graduated in thi* year's class The game of baseball which was to lav., been played Thursday at Nance shop between Mountcaatle and Rixfeurc teams, was postponed on account of the death of Mr. William Waddlll. who was closely related to some of the Roxbury players Wytheville ■ Special to Th« Richmond Virginian. 1 , WYTHEV11XK \A, June 1!—In: (spite of the generally cool weather, i number* of summer viaitora from points north and aouth are arriving j in Wytheville. Mr. John J. Stuart, of Abingdon, brother of Hon Henry Stuart, is vis iting his aiater, Mr* A. A. Campbell, ! of thi* place. Mr Roy Smith, prominent attor ney of Roanoke: Hon J. C. Wysor, of Pulaski: R. I- Jordan, of Radford, are among the attorneys attending the Court of Appeals in session In Wytheville. Mrs Page rtanoe. of Baltimore 4* visiting her mother Mrs. Elbe Put ney -n th‘v plare Mrs, i-ettie Goodwin left yesterday on a visit of several months to her son. Rev W. A R Goodwin, in Roch ester. N V Miss K'eanor Terri has returned h.-me, after attending Randolph-Ma-. 0,1 Woman * College in Lynchburg Mr and I^rs, Chris Thomas, ot BaHlmcre, are visiting relatives in Wytheville. A very pretty and imposing mar riage was witnessed in 8t. Andrew s <Ua»«-l at Ivanhoe. in this county. Tuesday at noon, the contracting par ties being Mr. Fletcher T. Duncan and Ml.? Cocii, the attractive daughter of Col. C R Pri> a. of that tow n. The marriage was performed by Rev. P H. Craighil! rector of St An drew's chapel also of St. Johns church. Wytheville Miss Myra Chambers of Rb hmond. is visiting iriend* in YVytheville Bon Air BOX AIR, June 11.—The Bon Air Summer Club opened it'* door, on Tucs da;, night with a dance. A full at tendance proved the popularity of the Club, and argured well for the com ing month* itailiea. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs Polk Miller, Mr. and Mrs. It. 8. Chrt»tian. Mr*. Cha*. Ryland. Mr*. Douglaas Wherry, Col. and Mrs 1. M JR. Talcotl. Mr and Mr* R. M. C. Butlngton. Misses, Maude Mil ler. Virginia Lee Miller. Ellas and Nell 'Christian. Nellie McCluer. Julia Wher rv. Hu Hie and Eva Tuleott, Loulae and Hatel Hudspeth, Harriet and Marie Crake, Rebecca Walker. of Richmond; Flippie Kearne*. Rannle Taicott. of Richmond, and Montague; Me*ar*. i Clayton Torrence, Basil and Keith i Jone*. Neal Richard, Smith Neville and Percy Montague, Daruley Adamson, Dr. Echenrode, Lewie Larus, Carrtng ton. Sclater Blacklston, Bate* McCluer, and other*. * Mrs J. C. Hagan, Mr*. Cha*. Ry land and daughter, Gertrude, Mias Re becca Walker, were with Mr. and Mr*. R. 8. Christian through the pa*t jweck. Mrs. ajmet W. Hall, of New I York, was with Ml** Carrie Moore ' recently, Miaa Ayllfte Wherry, who has been attending William and Mary finals re turned home on Friday, accompanied by Mlsa Elisabeth Macon, of Williams burg. Mias Elisabeth Creke. has returned j from a month’* visit to friends In Washington. Ml** Augusta Barfield ha* opened her home hare, for the summer, and has with her, Mr. and Mrs, LaGrange Cooke, Miss Lllllam Cooke, Clarence I Cooke, and daughter Lillian of Fair mount, W. Va.; Mlga Helen Ople, of Falrmount, W. Va.; and Glover Cooke, of Thomas, W. Va. Mlaa Nanny Power* ha* returned . from Forest Hill. Ml** McKenna Jones ha* returned to 'liter home In Petersburg. Mi** Louise Miller, who waa visiting :Ml*e Ayllfte Wherry ha* left for her home In Richmond, Mlaa Hattie Beott la with Miss Hal I lie Taicott. Mlsa Ltineon la visiting her sister, ' Mr*. Bellany, at Keswick. Miss Lucy Mason was the recent i guest of Misg Hertnin* Moore,. Winchester I -Special to The Richmond Virginian.)] WINCHESTER, VA.. June M.— j Mrs. Gardner. W. Brown, of New York, ia visiting her parent*, Mr ana Mrt. Jameu H. Russell, at their home on Waahlngton street. Mrs. Virginia Vredenburgh, of Free hold. N. j., i* spending some time with her parent*. Mr. and Mr*. Alex ander M. Baker. Announcement this week of the engagement ot Miss Lucy Marshall j Wllilti, daughter of Mr*. Marshall Willi*, of Wincheater, to Mr. Charles nidgaley White, of Baltimore, is ot more than ordinary Interest. The wedding will take place in the tall and will be one of the leading social . event* of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Pendle ton. of Winchester, who are now in New York, will spend the summer in Europe. Colonel R. r. Chew and Bishop W. L. Gravatt, of Charles Town, \Y Va . were In attendance at the. Shenandoah Valley Academy finals here. Mr. Samuel R Atwell, of Roanoke, spent a few day* w'th relatives here this week. Dr. and Mrs. Aibury C. Swimley have returned from their wedding trip and have taken tip their resi dence in their fin« apartments on Pic cadilly street. Rev. W. T.. Walter and his bride, nee Miss Facile Richards, have return ed from a visit to friends in North Carolina. The» will shortly occupy a handsome residence now building on North avenue. Mr. William Connor, of Cumber land, Md., spent several days with his old friend* hereythts week. Miss Gertrude Schneider, of Cum berland, visited relatives here this, week. Mrs. Dr. F. M, Hisey, of Edinburg, has been visiting friends here. Rev. N. H. Skvte*. of Woodstock, Va., occupied the pulpit of Centenary | Hfformed church on Sunday last, the pastor. Rev. T. K. Cromer, being ab sent in Maryland. Mr Donald Wtems, son of Mr. E. V. Weemii, of W inchester, has been electeu captain of the baseball team of the Jacob institute of ort Deposit. Md., where he has been attending school for t.ev«rn 1 years. Mrs. Warren Rice and little son, John W. Rice, Jr., have gone to Den ver, Col . to spend several months with relatives. Mrs. Henry S. Baker is visiting he; parents. Colonel and Airs. Samuel II. Higginbotham, a’ their home in Jef ferson county. W. Va. Mrs luiura B. Swart*, of Milwau kee. Wia , is visiting relatives in Win chester, her old home. Mr John W. ShafTer. of Page coun ty, visited friends in Winchester and vicinity, this week. Mrs. Kinley McMi’len. of McKees port. Pa,, who has.beet-, visiting Miss KMa Morehead. has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schlosshauer have returned from their wedding trip and are at Edge wood ’ rh" home of Mr. George Reynolds, near Berryvilje. Clarke county. | Mr. J. tV. Leathers. of Oakland, Md.. visited hi* brother, Mr. B. W. Leathers, In this city,- this week. Mr. and Mrs Blackburn Smith, of Berryville, were visitors here this week. Mr*. Margaret Henkel, of New Market, who has been visiting rela tives in Wilmington. Del., and Win chester. has returned to her home. Mr. L. R Dettra and wife and Mr !’. M. Funkhouser and wife have been spending the past ten da;.* at the great Punhard Conference at Winona Lake. Ind. Blacksburg BLACKSBURG. VA . June 11 — While the festivit.ea of commencement week are the all absorbing topic ju»t now. considerable Informal entertain ing is to be oone by the people of the town and college for their houst guests particularly f^r several of the students who will bring their wives with them. Two at least, of t"e latter arc brides of the late spring and have \ isited here at other finals and during the session. Among the Blaiksburg young ladies returning front school or college this week are: Misses Mlnta Mathews. Ruth ■ Cary and Nan Crowder front Ksrm 'vine, Bessie Hall from Abingdon. Anna Murrll from Atlanta. G« Anna Bar ringer from tl’e art school In New York and Margaret Barring*- from Peace Institute at Raleigh, N. C The , Misses Barringer are entertaining a j house party at "The Grove" for the finals Mrs L, 8. Randolph and two children : have gone for a visit to the former's | taniily in Maryland. Mr. and Mr*. Louise O'Shauneasy have arrived at the home of Rev. and Mrs. y. D. Surface for the summer. Mr. William Kelsey and family of Clifton Forge, and Mrs. Homer Kelsey of Hoanoke. are guests of Mrs. J. H. ; Kelsey. Mrs. T P. Campbell and Mies Ellen i Campbell are in Chrisriansburg for two week* aud Prof. Campbell has tgone to Giles on a fishing trip. Mrs. J. H. Martin arrived from Charlottesville to-day. to spend some time with her brother. Prof. J. M. Johnson. Miss Nell Walker leaves Saturday to attend the Hampden-Sidney finals ! where he brother. G. L. AVa'ker -will graduate this year f t Appomattox (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) AFPOMATTOX, VA.. June 11 — Mr*. T. H. Hancock has returned from a vlalt to her daughter, Mrtr C. V. Campbell, In Lynchburg, i Mice Louis GUIs hat been sick for ; several day*. Mis* Margaret Keeker, of Boyd I ton, was a guest of her sister, Mis* Lena Reekea, here last week. Mr*. Emma Pentacost, of Burilng ' ton. N. C., returned to her home last | Monday, after a visit of about two * months to relatives here. Ml toes Ola Abbftt and Carrie Hun* ter are at home from their achool in Farmvllle. i Superintendent Hannah and his ! daughter, Miss Ruth Hannah, have left for a' visit to Mrs. Carrington In Charlotte, where they are holding a family reunion this week. Mr. and Mrs. E, W, Taylor hare returned from a trip to New York j and Boston. Mias May Wolton I* at home from ! her achool at Hollins for the sum mer. ! Assistant Cashier. R, L. Burke is ! attending the Bankers’ Association at Old Point. 1 Miss MoUle Dinkins and Mr. Con ley Blevins were married by Rev. R. T. Hobard here last Saturday. The ceremony w*« performed In their buggy in front of the church. 1 he> left on the atternoon train lor Wiiti lngton county, the , home of the gi oom. Mr. and Mr*. Edmund Schaeffer, of Lynchburg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs J R. Atwood last week Mrs. !. O'Keelffe, of Williamsburg, is visiting her daughter at the home of Mrs,. C A. Hancock. Mr and Mrs. John Shaubach of Crewe, have returned to their home, alter a visit to the letter s parents, i Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Browning, of Richmond, came up last week on a j visit to their parents Mr*. Brown- | Ing will i emain probably all summer, i Mr. Lindsay Cralle has returned ; from a visit to Roanoke. Miss Clara inge of Lynchburg, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. w. T. : Johnson. Mrs. Walter Davis and Mr Ben Inge, of Roanoke, are visiting their home people here this week. Mr. D. O. Almond, who lived near Stonewall. In this county, died at his home last Sunday, in the seventieth vear of his age. He is survived by a wife and raven children, some of whom reside in this county. Mrs. R. 8. Mayberry died on May 25 last at her home near Spring Mills, this county. Deceased was sixty-two vears of age and the remains were interred at her late home Services i were conducted by Rev. D. 8 Hub- 1 bell. Phe Is survived by ber husband I and six children. Spottsylvania (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) 1 SPOTSYLVANIA, June 1!.—Mr. F. W. Sanford, who has been visiting in Spotsylvania has returned to Newport : Nett'*. ; Miss Maxie Pendleton, of Spotsyi- | vanla. is vititing Mrs. C A. Tompkins, of Brokenburg. Mias Julia Newman, of London, who has been on an extended visit to Spot sylvania. has returned hor. ■ Miss O. E. Morrison, of Spotsylvania, is vifiting In Washington. .Mrs. Fanny P. Jliildrup, of Chancel lor. after visiting a week in Spotsyi- j vania, has returned home. Mr. Beale E. Carme. of Spotsylvania, Is at home again after a v isit to Wash ington. Mrs. Phoebe Shaul. of Spotsylvania, 's visiting' Iti Alexandria and-Wash ington. Mr C. E. Gordon, of Spotsylvania, is at home again after visiting for a week to Lynchburg. jlr. Corridor, Lyons, of New Vork. is tli' gtie. t of friends in Spotsyl % a ilia. Mr. B F. Payne, of Chancellor, has returned after visiting In Washington for some days. Christiansburg . i Special to The Riihmond Virginian.) CHRISTIANSBURG, June 11.—Miss Edna Procter, of Texas, arrived Tues day and will spend the summer as the guest of i.ol. and Mrs. Sidney Shelt man. Master Howard Haymaker, entertain ‘ed his little friends Monday afternoon on hia filth birthday. Hary Haymaker, Tatum Smith. Earnest and Ella Wai ters. Buster Rowzie, Margaret Miller, Mary Kent. Hawley and Ruth Light, and Mcatrlce Charlton enjoyed the games and a (east of fruit, cream, cake and candles. Mrs. Clara Deale, of Chicago, is vis Jtii g relatives ;n. Chrl*tian*burg . Mr. W Hicock celebrated his eightieth birthday at the home of his so,’, .Mr. Walter Hicock, of Cambria. All his children, Mrs. ('has. Gardi ner, Mrs. .1. N Simpkins, and Frank Jlicock. of <'briatlansburg Messrs. Walter and Earnest Hicock of Cam bria. Mrs. t lara Deale. of Chicago, and Mr. J. H. Hicock, of Roanoke, were present A host of grandchildren also attend ed. Mr. Hicock is exceedingly popu lar In the county and la hale and hearty Among the young people, returning from the different schools and college* are Mtsses Isabel Hand, and Isabel Judkins. Rulin'* College. Bristol. Miss 8u»ie Robinson, and Miss Connie Bel vin. Normal Rihocd, Farnivllle. Monta gue ralhn! and Henry Spindle, Augusta Military Academy. Miss Mary Willie Meluer of North Carolina, Is the guest of Mrs. Johu A. Miller Dr. and Mrs G. T. Surface, little son. and Capt. Wm. J. Shelburne, have ar rived from New Haven, Conn., and will spend the Sommer at their sum mer home, Edge Hill. Dr. Surface will resume his duties at Tate University in September. Chase City (Special to The Richmond Virginian ) CHASE CITY. VA, June The Woman's Club was delightfully tnter • talned by Mrs. A. T. Pinch In her charming home on Academy Mreet Wednerday atternoon, when an &t i ternoon with Stevenson was greatly ' enjoyed by the ladlea, and following that program the clever hostess hi j Prepared a most amusing animal con 1 test, which was rich in It# clever de tails. and voted by all as the great est show on earth. Punch was served during , the afternoon and dainty refreshments at ita clore. These present were: Mrs. Beckett, of Scottsburg; Mrs. Sidney Jeffreys, Mrs, R. J. Pruden, Mrs. Robert Jeff : reys, Jr, Mrs. Charles M. Boswell, Mrs, T. G Boswell, Mrs. Bascum Dye. Mrr. P. H. Maddux. Mrs. N. H. Williams. Mrs. W. A. Broocks, the , Misses Elam, Mrs, W. D. Norvell. Mrs. . E. W. Hudgins. Mrg. Charles Osborne. of Keysvllle; Mrs. Kate Pettits an . ' Mrs. George Gibson, Jr. | Elinor Roberta, the little daughter j of Mr. T. S- Roberta, has gone for j an operation to the Memorial Hoa i pltal, Richmond. Mrs. J. Wick Roberta has returned from an extended trip North. Mrs, Beckett, who haa been on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Sidney ' Jeffreys, trill return to her home in Beottsburg to-day, ~ Mias Houston, slater of Mlea Kthe’ Houston, will join her hare at the n for a few weeks, Mra. Henry M, Bancroft, who haa been a guest of the Gibson for atx week, haa left far her usual sojourn ' In Asheville, N. C, Or. H. L. Surwelt was called to Richmond on business- yesterday, j Mra. Lucius Gregory, jwlfe of Col. Gregory, of the Governor's staff, who has been distressingly ill at her home | hers, la able to see a few of her > friends, and Is slowly improvise. Ashland (Special to The Richmond Virginian ) | ASHI^A.N’D, VA., June 11.—A most delightful Jjarty wu given at the home of Mis* Carolina J. Midyette on ^ Wednesday afternoon in honor of her three guests. Mies Annette Kilby. of 1 Norfolk; Ml** Emily 8. Joner. of P«s tersbuig. and Mian, Marie McCullen, of Greensboro, N C. Progreeslve games were played, after which re lreBhmentr, were served. Among those present were Mltsea Annette Kilby, of Norfolk: Marie McCullen, j of Greensboro, N. C.; Emily 8. Jones, of Petersburg; Mary Eleanor Cain, ot Springfield, O.; Grace Lee and Kubl nette Lee, of Irvington. Va ; Sea I brook Midyette, Annie Macon Potts, Virginia Potts, Ethel Lawiest, Mar . porie McKee, of Chicago, Jli.; i aro Hna Midyette and Messrs. Claude Car roll, Warner Peatroes, W. B. Mid- , yette. J. T. Gillette, L. L. Gravely, H. V. fjmeaster, J. W. Midyette, t red Keilani, E. I). Hellweg. W. T. Pearce, W. G. Fairbanks and Winston Fowlkes. Zeta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Fra ternity gave Its annual banquet on Tuesday night in the Henry Clay Inn. Covers were laid tor sixty-six persons. , The banquet hall was tastefully dero i rated In the fraternity colors, with design" of ferns, smliax, red roaes , and magnolia* used t*v artistic advatt , tage. The entire affair was charm- . ing and was enthusiastically enjoyed by all present. Dr. Hall Carter, of P.andolph-Macon College, was toast master. Mrs. Arthur Kyle Davis, of Petersburg, responded to the toast, j 'Fraternity.' Mr. Cyrus W. Beale, i of the chapter, gave the toast cf wel j come and Mr. E. It. Hellweg con ! eluded the toasts. Handsome souve nirs In the shape of K. A. steins tinted ; In crimson and gold were given the guests. Commencement exercises of Ran doiph-Maeon College were held In the college chapel Thursday morning at 12 o’clock. Degrees were con ferred upon a class of thirty-ftve, the largest in the history of the college. The commencement addrexs teas de livered by the Rev. W S. Neighbors, : i D. D , president of Sullins College. Abingdon. Ya. The Sutherlin medal I for orator^’ was won by Mr. 8. B Dolly, thA junior Murray medal for scholarship, by Mr. Howtson. and the . senior Murray, by Mr. Stubbs. The ; Walton Greek prlr-e was awarded Mr. laaps'.ev, the Bennetthlstorica!- msdsl ; to Mr. Stubbs and the Shepherd chemistry medal to Mr. Beane. Gordonsville (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ' GORDONSVILLE, VA., June 1 Mrs. John G. Woolfolk and little daughter, of Uno, are guests of the former's mother. Mr*. Mollie Sneed, and other relatives In th'e city. Miss Pauline Jordon left ci few days ago to visit relatives at Palmyra. Mr George Christian, who has been attending school at Lunenburg the past session, hat returned to his home in the city. Mr. Mayo Davenport and two chll idren. of Richmond, were recent guests of relatives In the city. Mr. John W. Martin visited friends in Richmond this week. Mr. J. Parker Clarke has been spending the week with his sister, Mrs. Roberts, near town. Mts* Sadie Block has returned from Baltimmore. where she attended school the past session. ... Mrs ,, Blanche Beckham and- two : sons have been spending the week in Culpeper. Miss Alice Burnham, of Lindsay, v. as the guest this week of Miss Anna Ross. Miss Lizzie Merchant ia a visitor nt the home of Mrs. Mollie Sneed Mr. James T. Bailey has been spending the week with relatives in < 'harlot tesvilie. Mis* Jennie Wright, of Louisa coun tv. is on a visit to Mrs. E. W. Wil liams. in the city. Miss Maybelle Cardoza of Rich mond. 1* the guest of Mis* Lettie Martin, In South Gordonsville. WARRENTON (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WARRENTON. VA., June 11— Miss Rosa N Tongue has gone to Lynch burg to Tirit Sira. John Utterbaek. Mr. Harry Lee Nelson, of Lynchburg, spent several ‘lays this -week In town with his family Merer* Orlando and William Hodg kin, of Georgetown University, Stuart Williamson, of Fredericksburg College end Russel Ramsey, of Vnerverslty of Virginia, are at home for the summer vacation. Miss Florence Boston, of Farm vl lie and Mies Agnes McIntyre and Lindsey Carter, of Chatham, are also at home for the summer months. Among the graduates In law at Georgetown University this week was Mr. Maury Curtis, of Warrenton. Miss Nellie V. Butler and Miss Craw lev, the latter of whom has been s stu dent at the Fauquier Institute the past session, sailed on Wednesday from »sew York for Cuba. Miss Mary Hagan, of Alabama, and Miss Mary Post, of Washington, have been the guests of Miss Edith Butler at Fauquier Institute for several days. Miss Elizabeth Gibb, of Rya Semi ns rv, and Miss Mary Keith, of Miss 'Hlbb’s school, of New York and Dela ware, respectively, are at home after the close of the session. Mr, and Mrs. La* Noble are at Al wington after a trip North. Mrs. Nannie Powell, of Washington Is the guest of Mrs. ames P. Jeffries. Mr*. Hermace and two children, ot California, are the guests of Mrs. A W, Strother, Miss Alice Smith, who was expected last week ts now the guest of Col and Mrs. Grenville Gaines. Mr. Ripley Robertson and Miss Lilly Robsrtson, who have been making their home In Atls.nta, Ga.. are visit ing at the OurHe's. - Col. and Mrs. Grenville Gaines en tertained on Tuesday night at Bridge. Miss Bally Marshall entertained on Thursday afternoon at Pembroke. Mr Robert Wall, who la now work - Ing In Washington, spent the week end in Warrenton. I on Memorial Day seven new men men were added to the company ol i Warrenton Rifles. 1 ! Cspt. J. B. Beverley. Lieutenants Lew W ood and T. E. Bartenstlen have re 1 turned from Petersburg where they went for Instructions In Military Tac tics. Miss Chester Woodfln, asslatant prln > | clpal of the Warrenton High School, left this week tor her home In Itlch i 'mond, Va, Miss Frances Sublett and Mildred Lea veil of Washington who spent s 1 short vacation In Warrenton, have re turned to their homes to complete th« i session of their schools. I Mrs. Powell Withers, ot Washington, and Mrs. Yates, ware welcome visitors j In W'arrenton this week, Miss Margaret Ryan after spending ‘ several days with Mrs. Wilbur Btooe r tss returned to her home In Baltimore. Ur. Archie Cl oh am. of West Virginia visited friends neer Warrenton recent ly. ' Mrs. Maude Spicer, who has been, spending several months In Washing ton, Is In Warrenton on a short va cation. , Miss Virginia Hllleary left on Wed nesday for Brooklyn. N. Y.. to visit friends. _ Miss Georgia Newby vent to Balti more on Wednesday to the annual con vention of the A. K. A. who are In see- i slon there this week. Mr. C. E. Tiffany, of the Fauquier I National Bank and Miss Oenevtve O. Fletcher, left on Wednesday for Old Point Comfort to attend the banquet of the Virginia banker* Mrs. l>. J. Carver, of China, is visit ing her mother. Mrs. V. H. Council. Miss May Fair spent several days this week In Washington. Mr. Montgomery, of England. Is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Montgomery. Miss Jane Forbes i* at home after a visit to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Scottsville (Special to The Richmond Virginian.> SCOTTSVILLE, VA., .Tune IK—' "Among the Breaker*,” a drama, wm gHen in the school auditorium Tues day evening to a large audience. Those w ho took part in the play were Misses, Clara Pitta,. Lucy Powers, Pimple Rlalf, Annie Jone*. Messrs. E. T. Fox, A. P. Kincaid. Willoughby Rhodes, T. E. Bruce, and L. G. White. The proceeds which amounted to; about $70, went to swell the piano fund. E. L. Fox has been elected treas urer ct Scottaville to till the unexpired term of Jacinto V. Pereira, whose re signation w ill take e(Te< t June 30. The high school here has closed the session ot 1909-1910. and the princi pals report show s that the school was much larger than ever before, and the session was the most successful It, the history of the school. Piplo mas w ere awarded the following grad uates; .Misses Anne Browne, Helen Harris, Willie Christian and Walter Edward Browne. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bell have re turned to Altavista, after a visit to Mrs. D. P. Powers. W. A. Powers, of Richmond, spent Sunday at ""The Terrace." Miss Sadie Cabell Parker, of Rich mond, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harris. Philip Pmlth, of Bon Air. was a recent visitor at "Belle Haven,” the home of Captain J. L. Pitts R. I. Wade, of Richmond, spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. M, M. Blair. " C. B. Harris, Jr, left several days ago for Philadelphia. Miss Fannie K. Patteson. of Roa ; nuke, crho-has been visiting her uncle, |C. B. Harris, has returned to her home. T, E. Bruce was In Richmond ' Monday. Miss Grace Norveli. of Centenary, was a visitor to our town several days Mr. and Mrs. R. Blatr White were the guests of Mr. and Ms. L. G. White this week. i Francis Harris has returned to his home In Honceverte. W. Vs., after spending several days with his par ents here. 1 j Mrs. Dora Lynch, who has been at j tending Miss Scott's class In Char ; lottesville, has come home. i Miss Marian Briggs, of Richmond, ; is visiting at. the home of her uncle, G W. Briggs. v, w _ Pr. B. L. Dillard, of North Gar 1 den, was in tow n several davs ago. M'eses Pierce. Roberts and Mrs. i White Hughes, of Arvonia, were via tors here this week. Miss Elizabeth Woodson, of Fiori a will spend the summer with her randmother. Mrs. J. H. Fox. Miss Ethel Faulconer and Mr and lr». J'.*e'. TPauieotifT wW vamrd at he home of Herbert Faulconer this reek. Dr. Charles M., of Bon Air. ittended the Fmith-Harrls wedding if re Friday , Mis# N. M. Hill Is in Richmond, vis ting her uncie. t ’ongrersman John ’ Miss' Susie Blair left for Altavista ; Friday, where sne will be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. G. Beli. 1 Emporia i Special to The Richmond Virginian.) i EMPORIA. VA., June 11.—Misses Mattie and Sarah Wyche. Suale Pow ! ell and Lula Lee have returned from the State Normal School, at Farm ville. to their homes in our tpwn. j Mr. S. S. Green, of Ante, was a vis • itor to relatives here this week. Mr and Mrs. W. C Weaver. Mr and Mrs W K Deal. Mrs. George 8. Bruce, Messrs. P. W. Turner, W. T. Raiding and H. W. Hall, ot Emporia, attended a meeting of the Bankers' Association at Old Point this week i Mr and Mrs. J J. Alston visited friends at Pleasant Hill, N. C.. this 1 Miss Sarah Ogburn. of South Hill. has returned home irom a visit ti 1 the home of Mr. J. S. Weaver, of thi! town. ! Mrs. Charles M. Howe, with hei children. Jack and Alice, has gone tc her former home in Michigan tor a ! i month's visit to old friends and rela 1 lives. i Misses Satlie Squire and Bottle Lee i of this place, spent Monday In Rlch i mond. ' j Dr. J. H. 8mlth was summoned tc . Atlanta to attend his lather in his ' last Illness, has returned to his home in our town. Mrs. A. A. Rotheschilds, with hei children, Is a guest of friends at Mar garitesvllle, N. C., this week. Mrs. L. A. Guy, of Richmond, and I Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bounds, of Wel don, X. C.. were vialtors at the homt ’ of Sheriff 8. W. Lee this week. I i Mr. J T. Whitfield, of Richmond visited Mr. J. C. Llfsey here this . j week. Sunnyside , i (Special to The Richmond Vlrginlan.1 8CNNTSIDE, VA , June 11.—Mr ’, E. A. Swlneford. of Drewry'# Bluff, ! representing the Equitable Life In '! surance Company, was a visitors hert ■: last week. (I Misti Eva Byerley, who has beer i ■ teaching school In Turbeviile, Vs., hat ■ i returned. >! Stanley Branch, who has been quite ■ sick. Is somewhat Improved. ' Mrs. Glimer Minor, of Richmond, wat 11 a vlaitor last week. I The children's day eaerotse*. whicb , were to have been held at Hobson'i . Chapel Sunday, were postponed untl . the first Sunday in July. (Special to The Richmond Vll VIRGINIA BEACH, VA.. J* Under the auspice* of the Reach Hotel, a meet enjoyable was Riven Saturday evening, was beautifully decorated in Japanese lanterns and attract! toons. A men* those present Wt-T and Mrs. SouthRate Taylor. Hr. Mrs Harold Bonnell, Mr. and 4 William Sterling. Mi. and Mrs. _ tor. Campe. Mr. and Mrs. Hobort . Mr and Mrs. Roy Saunders, Hr. _ Mrs. James Johnson, Mr. and HlRii O. Shelburne, Mr. and Mrs. Jam** len. Mrs. P. C. CushlnR, Mrs. Hartwell, Misses Lena Brooke, Field, Mary Kinsey, Katherine “ noy. Fanny Pannill, Warfield ahaw, Meta Randolph, BUT Wheat. Anne Grover, Grace burne. VirRlnla Gruner, Lena Augustine Allen. Mary Smith, Shelburne, Leila Major and Whealen. Messrs. Clay Klnaey,_ ard Ragley. Hurt Hannah, Flveash, Linford Warren, Ga cote, George Kelly, Thomaa James Hume. Walter Irvine. . Kinsey. Powell Oroner, Claud# Lester Graves, Crowley Blanton, rence Brooke, Harry Coldwall, 1 Bowden, Willis Newell, MatvtR nold. Mtss Eloise Williams entertain## • the Atlantic <rtub TueadnjL* honor of Miss Harrlette Br Detroit. Mlehl; Miss Anne He and Miss Anne Atwood, of Ste Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh ’ chaperoned, and Mlaa William*’ _ were Miss Browner. Miss HoopoT. Atwood. Miss Polly Whaley, Mia# ginta Jenkins, of SufTolw; Mr, glnia Jenkins, of Suffolk; Mr. man Allen. Mr. Claude Bain, Mr. land Thorp, Mr. Thomas H. Will , Jr.. Mr. Robert M. Hughes, Mr. Masi. Mr. Severn Nottingham. Mr. and Mrs. Menalcua La*. of Norfolk, will spend the month* June and July with Judge and Edmund Waddill. Jr., at the Joy tage. Judge Edmund Waddill, Jr., ' family, of Richmond, Va., hava ti the Joy Cottage for the month# June and July. Mr. William F Stopswood, of folk, will spend the summer at Kinsey Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur CannOh« Richmond, Va.. are the auaat# Judge and Mrs. Waddill. Jr., at Joy Cottage. _ * Mr. .gnd Mrs. Frederick Hobba family, of Norfolk, have taken Washington Cottage for a month. Major and Mrs. Albert McLern L\ 8. M. C„ of Washington, J*. ! are spending the summer at “The I lington." ! Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jordan family, of Norfolk, have taken Victoria Cottage for the summer. ! Mies Evra Womhle and Mrs, Chart*# ! Hart, of Smithfteld. Va„ have taken.'., the • Driftwood Cottage" for the sum* 1 mer. . _ Jai i Mrs. A B. Branch, Miss A. D. Flek ien and Miss Katie Branch, of mond. Va.. are spending some time *#j 'the Gardner Cottage. Mr. and Mr*. McCabe and chHd, Richmond, are spending two | at the Waverley. Mrs. Thomas Hamlin and ! of Danville, Va.. hare opened Myers Cottage for the summer, j Miss Elisabeth Baldwin, of 1, ' mond. has returned to the beach, _ ter her sister, Mra. Sheldon, In Norfolk. ' .-£M i Miss Helen Fisher has return#* t*/ 1 her home in Richmond, after *jj—“•* j Mrs. George Minor Meredith. Kihg George (Special to The Richmond Virginias. 1 KINO GEOROE. VA., June flip Mn Harry Mills has returned 1 after a visit of a week In WaahlS Misses Nancy and Georgle Orel Washington, are guest* of MiM Pollock at "Hobson," and v" there all summer. Misses Ltssle and Minnie who have been teaching near ington. are visiting their brother, J Robert Baker, at Edge Hill. Rev. R. G. Jones has returned a trip to Washington. Miss Ellen I,ewia is visiting Gladys Holcomb tn Washington, Mr. Minor Baker has returned 1 from Bedford Academy, where a student. Miss Stella Dickinson I* friends in Washington for n weeks. Mr. Joseph A. Billingsly, whs been a student at Fork Union 4" emy, has returned home for the i mer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. T L White turned from Washington, after lightfui visit. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mot returned to New York, after _ some time at their country here. Miss Evelyn Ninde. of Era burg, is a guest of her coil" Misses Caruthers. Mrs. Ladson, of Hyattsville. visiting her sister, Mrs. Wed. The* Rodier, of Was are guests of Hon. and Rogers this week. Williamsb (Special to The Richmond WILLIAMSBURG, VA., i Rev. W. A. R. Goodwin, t Paul’s church. Rochester^ his yeung daughters. ! Catherine, have been ! week here. Mrs. IV. P. Graves, of [ News, has been visiting , Mrs. J. V. Morris. Mrs. W. T. Douglass home from a visit to Alt ; o'.-----1—SL Mrs. W. T. Christian daughter left Monday for in Wilmington, N. C„ after i Mrs. W. T. Christian. Miss Elisabeth “ ton, W. Va., and . ton Galt art guests ! Chrlstisn. Miss Mary Ware Galt j home from Staunton, % " been attending school. ! Mra 8. J. Brooks, visited relatives hers Miss Mary the guest of Miss j Miss Rosa Warty from school at -- Mr. Charles Bowry, was here this week. | Mr. N. R. Proctor 1 visit to reiattvt BOJ THE RICHMOND Ad vs., win 8U yt msr boarders