e Th* cvwpl* 1 am* »■» Wnmngi.m ut
itcnmnanh d ■• 1 oMcr '•‘t;-. ining a
marriage - : • pr<*. **«.d<d to ’ *
rr . at>- n..; v t..t. n
rcmiio / . jvi •• *->i, fn- nli* . ,l?
Mr. n .■?■’. b* i :.4? i ■ c> 'v
n*«m s.
H#r Father Prostrated.
WASHINOT* *N l* < .!un* 11.
Judge Paul < "harJtni the fit tb*;l of
P'*rt»r Charlton the mossing lombard
nf the woman who** body was found
In l^ak* Com<>. Mai.. collapsed tn-da\
«s a result of the report that th*
body had ben Identified aa his son's
.fudge Charlton a.«k* d i'a state d*
i*&rtfnent to necurwidi possible itiforma
tU»n rorofrnmg the - ase H* i:* fear
ful that hi* son also ha* i". - n mur*
deree! The state- departin' i t received
a brief disi <?rh t«• -da from Consul
Caugby at Midi i reporting that the
body had beeti identified 11 > * * of
Mr*. Mary S* ■ -\1 turtle Charlton.
tContinued from First Payc >
at k o’clock 1\ M. in the gy miiasi m
of the Associated Charitiaa .building
JNotno of th;.- meeting was gi; n *
~ publication in the pnpwr* and
otherwise, and ut th»* hour named \\*
began our work .which va* diilgemlx
jiroeKiUrd froin Aifiir. to time nniii
Tuesday. June 7. when the examina
tion oi vvitn « s closed Pull rn*n
utes of those proceedings wer*- car*
fully noted by the *e retary and are
returned herewith as part f our »
part. From this r«- * <d it I » ♦
pge-ti that, t*v. tit seven w Itn ‘-u-h
fbrmahy examined, and a number cl
Informal statement.- made. We *y>.ir
tf*d fto effort to tin ure the >itt<l*<liin e
of all who had, or * ere sup
posed t * h«\< iny Information (••n< h
lug the matter in h and, and ever) on*
who wished t<- he h nrd \vn a old*
th cop portiir.ity «•?’ d uni.: so \\iiho.;t
l*t or bindnvre A »i nd* of . .
-Henei wtri disregarded in the * 'nnrc
"." deed re—c*— - -*——r +*--4 ■
■ fk'’-r* »gh •■■•. ml e ,
- . , '< -■■! . ■<! ■ 'I’ ■! It
fsiril.-r.-. I t . . , • ■ ■>■ -II t:
ft Ml it.
I In* I »»<Im tiin nt.
Th** first step for >*»rtr
wiv.# t<> formulate fat* Mm if something
like an indictment u|*<»n who h t •
try th»- » uHe Xitel n-j*- n.UM.iiT.i
i-lon of what data a' •. n bh it
Mimed that such indictment would
contain rive counts. muriel: t 1 » Tha
thx Associated * iciritii - building was
kept in a filthy < <'iidftiott. <2* that
the fom) M pplpd to t|o benelb. - s
■was* men and » ofi i • them. < t
that there has he. n gnet in t!*•-» • l
in mist i ation «»f >«»or affn-Ts. t» that
I>r. Buchanan * i .1 m his
merit of thos* undo i, nm, mil
that he ha* been guilty <>t im
proper umdut t. These several * :h&rg«
may be disposed ol vci ■ 1 »i i*My in tin
order named
!. Till* building—This :..u.
though figuring ii« tn.« original puh’i
cation, st ems t** ha • » been forgot** >
by the critics of y-nr institution whn
put upon the stand a* v. tinc.-s.-,- Th.-n
is riot h word «•{ .•.i«i«;u< tending iv
•uslain the chaig* * »n the > "ntrny,
it abundant!; appears that tin liil
lard > U* pi roan clou*!>
~—rh?an~T‘n. i vi,«-n the A woe tat 1
Charities i ; \ ••-••••*. oi tins phi .
it w as in a horn *• diitv and dilapi
dated x.mdiuon that fn*- building h,.
been com pi.-o i • n»\ it- 1 ami tin s'
adapted p. its pr. s. nt purp-*sch: th it
this was do? - > tiie labor of men
w ho Would otherw is* ha\* been nup
yorted i 11 _ idP ness. md that the ‘m
fr~ erty amount ttt vai a to many th> jk
ands of dollars
2. The food fcupp!/. V- hub *
lienee wr»B gp ' n ,n dispu: ogcmeril of
the far which - fur? Mo b the \
sociatUiu. and that Idle was air thing
but impfW'h • On th* .-th.r I. ^
it is shown b\ p*rs->,v. .,f niiiniiiuuiui.
t*|« vWra< »t> and w • ! • • 'piainteb with
tne facta that tin f pin in -
|1 should he is a 1 '.cm a In - • S' t: * end
the held '• d« 1 »" • ■ g - • ppli* «!
by leading m< • - - • ‘ • - ft' .
3. Graft »r» toe Administration It
was #aid that 1 >' b J man had v *.t
clothing fiiv* -:o>- 'of t :pooi to
the store of c: • s i i!i*i ' Uared ir.
the profit* a>«IT|l i >a e
•ame: This Mr h'i* g*n w; - xam *<
8* A and « u 1 ii .i.iHljj denied
ever having 1 an* « h i . g
frasn D*‘. Jiiici.uu.i n <•! ir -n-'l s*, ,i h
him the profit.- oi r \ tran-u- t;*e
The tcstliruny this w • 1 « s amt
others utterly < • . i ti. im.-g.
for which no on» ap|-*.u*d t » stand
4. Cru«'ty of D» Buchanan.
from establishing this * h;ug* ■. u -
timony ahow* that >• • 1 r «i*r » i >•.
mar> is a man of kino, s.mpatheu
diepo»ition, and impr* oh: . :t! ,t d* * ;•
•en»e of ro»pon»il»iiitv f r th* vs:»
ward and ihe unfortunaU*. th:.* }.* ,s
Inclined to rrr. If at It, rn. I -r
-lanfan* y ~r and- tiiat. i-j- tr^-at-fneyu r-~
those who come under his .:n : . st
humane and uplifting Tht.« 1 gj.» b.
no great virtue if his v, h wit. cun
-fined To *anr mm K •.. M uFj r, T<Tt 1.1
:• tuie occupying the j-okH; i. which
T*r. Huchaiuatr holda b const.mtly
dealing with abnormal t; p. ^ m hu
■ j—w ith the recentr> , tin degen
•rate, the depraved, the criminal - «nd
ft would noj be aura nee if In ins in
tercourse with auch llfBdpIt character*
he should sometime* patience or
•vgn resort to violence; but there is
1 fto reliable vfdnoe that Dr Buchanan.
Mr whatever provocation^ ha* ever
d llll*
l«*Kt hi# sejf
b. Improper conduct. i r« is abso
I’M* ]y riothing i”. this charge Th«*
only pretext I«»r ii a as the incredible
' •
Immoral. mentally (!• li * • i * * 111. and
sh<»wil to be umxorthy cf belief *c
•nth. against tills* vtatldv tin
~n}ii1 T'-mim-tm > »T rc~j m f a »»!•■ peppU*
who Iitiv* hud every opportunity to
oJ*s*rxe I>r 1 $u» Imnan s manner c.»f lir**
uiuirr all c ircumutancec i««r years* past,
i i • • i tl
word ai.rl deed. of Ills circumspection
and of his high >*-ii.*te of t ormr. Then,
tor», we hair ih»* Doctor's own state
ment. weight- and convincing. that
tl »* story |« fal«e.
T otiiily Devoid of Merit.
Without uiuluiv prolonging ihla ?•
port, your l ommttti» l- **atifd1ed that
the *-hargrIn uuntlon ere totally
cle\ol»J of merit that the conduit of
I »r. Buchanan lias boon above re
proach. and th; i tin work of tin*
a 1 latlon 1« admitt sit red ri • t only
Honeai i. but .< coiding t * methods
hem approved b\ modern sociology
U «• |V# , o.ailed b\ th** » idem* In
aylng that. so far from btung con
demned, our- ‘?cneral secretary de
serves unqualified praise, and should
ha\v the thank- of the whole com
munity for whm h* haw a< • oniplivhed
along fl»c lln> * of < •imtrunMv ■ * char it*.
The Ah3< -elated f’harities is an in
stitution of which Hie hrnond rt.av
w«.d| be pr**ud V'Uhmg hut » letter
understanding of its work is needed t<»
insure th* <v :njeitl>> and co-operatt* >n
• ■f the puldi No. xxhiie deprecating
tin- e-1 cuinat a rn . whic h brought
about tin nppomt nietjt of this com
mittee, we hop* and btdleve that its
much adwrti'd jiive.-.tiga lion and
th*.* liinliRKE her* in amioun* *-*! will
nerve t*» strengthen the i aus as it
* '1«1 hu.i been in no other way.
• 7H**' f bn e! > our h. ,.ird ar«*
* *» Mvlr Hnl Montagu* for ,s ssi;-1 ing
u : ui th* f'.amuiation of witnesses,
a .. • to 1 • r Me-tin and Mr Jeffry
Moniug n . \! ho kindi lowsented to
?it with the committee in nn ad
x ii ■ r> < a pa* it \ monographic- re
port of th*- testimony taken lc, Mr.
John <; is r«'ii{rr:'*l here
with. iln- f.'e f«*r .Mii- li ice will,
if Im understood, 1 paid i>* membe rs
of th* board.
f: • > r • if.- •- ihnt it ted.
tSigned i ,\ \V I’ATTKIIKOX.
< ‘hairma n.
* Signed* T. o MU.l.KU,
« Signed ) !; V !.A X* 'AST1-1!. J
* Sign* d i <t \ HAW'KINS
vMd .LLtili'-JU-I in LUe iWaXcdii-g r^p*u-i
sign.i t > .!’A
iv^ehmond. \ ,, , June* 11. 1010,
\ lidntNcMl hy Hoard.
After the report was received Pres
'.'•r t lark^ ' JTi f t cl lh« f«>lb»>- iiig r<-fi
olidlon. x'-hbdi xv,us s. i onded’ by Stew
art P.rynn and adopted by the direc
‘ Whcr.-as .th sp» * ml * unmitbu
aj»P'dnt.d for to.- p*.t*p*.s* *•> nv-• <
g ituig the i against the* Asso
ciated < haritbos and its general k**c
retary. llev. Jam* s Huehanan. which
• omrnifti *• was romp*>«<*iI «*l Mr. A V\'
J>att« rHon. chairman, I.. (». Miller. K.
A aster, Jr , *» A. Hawkins, from
thite board, and llev. .1 T. Martin,
s***-retary *»f the State Hoard of t’har
itles and OorreetionB, and Mr. Jefir.x
Montague, haa M>hmktt«>d its report
t*» this nncting *»f the board of di
rector* of th** Ass..*Muted Pharltbs.
and xvher**;.iv. the work of this avso
' • Mtlop is of interest t*» bur subs* r i l * -
« is and the puhih* generally, parti*
nlarly in view «.f the public* charac
ter of the charges therefor, be it
Hesolwd. 1 That this entire re
port he made public, s*j that that in -
ten st niiiy be fully informed as l«» the
.findings i»f this committee
11 K**sol\ed. That this board i'x
press its appre* iation of the laiior per
rormexi r.v this ■ ■•rnmitt^-h
11 * s.•!\ »• ii. That a copy of the
•.put of the i i>mm*h* c*. together
with this** resolutions, be handed to
..ui general secretary. Ilex. • James
Hon hanan. as an evidence of our con
tinue*] confidence and respect both in
his personal coiidu* t and in his offi
cial • apa* itx
Mr. VtctillHirl \n»»%*rr».
Aii echo of an ln\csligatiuri xx ^.s
*:»•;«rd Satuniav. wliciv ill.- llev ch oree
W . Ah-1>aniel pastor of the l,Misi lisp
liwt ehuit li. denied that he had r- fused
ic* assist Mrs. Fred .lone - u ho t**sti
;.»-d before the . ••rmnjtte** dr Jon»-«
t.-*-titled that .--he > * u«»t aalecj n* tr.e
|- ,rsi Hapt t chur. h *»f Vx i*• tx her fnih
♦ i . ad h. * n h dea - n. I »r M - ! >ttldel
Milii Naturdav that Mrs Jones is n*'«
r« * eiving n\<>rt than ?li a uumth from
the church
: W'li.i Shut Him \Vi[! Bo
Ti.. 1 X-\t Week at War
1(1111111. X. (
S. ].• t .1 i: t' Travis, of North <'ar
i , II.. who was shot and “eriotjs|.\
i , ,)(i. .i o'vi'tul months hk>> hy a man Powell. is slowlv reeovering
o, A4ern--tt»l Hospital, in tins illy,
t hr HHl HOIt rd PolVjrrt TS To he
lo .1 In Warrenton. N < next Wed
to ■:.! \ June 15. Tile fu st trial was
—hespnT TrrTtatmnr :< C , ~TTie~ si one of
th* tragedy, hut the mlgt eonaented
to have the trial transferred on uc
eount of the personal leellitff among
ditTertt. faitioii- Senator Travis I
n<iw aide to walk around In the hos
pital, Inn it is hardi.v likely that In
will tie aide to attend the tiial. Powell
is lx ing tried for The murder of Scott,
another of the men shot ut the same
time that Senator Tania received a
' hall in the mouth.
Miller of Vulacki i* Aliule I’rc-i
<lent uf Virpnia A
ciation. r7
Hall l.a-t „\ight \Y;h llrilliant
Kvenl—Ilmiilml Hrescin in
Climnberl in.
f*. fral : ng men from lie hrnond
at included in iii*' list of I'nivercity
• i Virginia i:i"' graduates announced
I'riua- Among them in Sir. Richard
W ntltii “ Carrington, son of Mr T117.
■a .11 Carrington, prominent tohae o
nist of Richmond, and vice-president
Chamber Commei -
Another name in that of Mr. Wil
liam Wood Crump. son Of Judge
Beverly 'I' frump, former chairman
of thi .Slate Corporartlon Contmia
finr. and f ir many years one <n the
leading lawyers in Virginia
Still another i-; Mr. Morgim !'
HublM'in, who lias been pm ii .iik
law in Richmond for- the past ><ar.
Mr Robinson ntisred his degree last
• -ion by one ticket, hut easily made
it on a speeinl in the tall. Mr. Rob
iiii.i'it is a s*»u of Mrs. John l-.nders
Robinson, prominent in hlstorhal
.I other patriotic sen ietics ot Rich
Mr Iwiii m Max Holler, who is also
in Rie list of H I.- s. it a son of Mr.
Il.-nry He’ler. I XL’# West time.* sti..
.Mi- Umisori Haahiell, another II.
0 a son of Mr-. 1). Minor ,1 >asltie11.i
of Richmond.
These young men, with the exeep
1 mi df Mr. Robinson, will, hate to
pass r'he State liar "exam" before
sett ling dev il to practice.
Board nf Supervisors in Secret
Session Solved Blaus to 1 *r*•
vent Spi'inlih”.
A ut oniold lists m i' \\ urni it lo be
chart in touching tlntr toes m ae
. ell rat.T.s and «•» keep n wary <•:*■'
upon speedometers in driving through
til. eoutitv Htiniiav anil ori every dm
thereafter for the enmity authorities
urn on iho war path ami offending
tilotiil’latK will tind thomRelvea hailed
before various m a glut rates and suli
jo* led to finis for exceeding tile speed
In tvs
It will be safe lo open up In th
dour spa. es Put In approaching
clumps of bushes hedges And wood
ed country. those uut meeting pleas
ure In tln-ir inrs. had lieat ho care
ful in their Ruing for each fen* e mr
iiit, bramble bush or tree trunk may
conceal the vigilant personality of a
county constable with atop natch in
hunt! ready to catch the time and
compare note? \v ith a confederate
turther down tile road
Thu county board of supervisors
til el Suturiiii'. morning in secret ses
su o and outlined their |dans for put
ting n step to the speeding autolsts
in the county who have, aeeordlng to
ri je lls, bre, me very numerous of
laic. Sheriff Kentji was present at
the meeting and look an active part
in the i onicreation with the super
visor. The county pollen oftli ers were
also present and v* re made familiar
with tiie work that Is cut out for
thi m. The;■ will doubtless hav e a llt
iie difficulty at first In getting accus
tomed to the new work that is tn.ip
ped out for them hut It P promised
that they will have plenty i f practice
and little time will elapse before they
will be as proficient in the art of;
spotting speed* is as ar< the practiced
mid experienced off), era *<r the city
t* i ce.
The several pres.- representatives
who had th* tcnifrilv to enter the
► ipervisors * hamher were allowed to
remain tint more than a minute when
all taik was hushed They were ush
ered to the door with Ingratiating
smilpr and ,v lot! to make them
selves scare.' while the Intrl. ate plans
w * r*- * vplalneii in the anxious yet
confident i Itleei - The reason h r
tics was that the rupenoor. do not
want tin speeder- to he forewarned
of what thi > an to expeiCertain
plans *i r their i pture wn re outline.:'
and it w as i t d. sir. d that those be .
mu do pul lie lin e they would be j
worse than usch ,
The county ofllci rs will begin their
■ * : ■* - —.k*’i and e",rTy.-T
it\i< at \ i in: \ ri: >ii:k\i<>n
IN < I M HA I. M. K. (Ill 111 II
i*' I ir hi for will preach the bae
"•* .it- *'union lor the Houthshlo
II*k:i Hchool in Central Methodist
church Sumla night. lie U one ol
the rn. st brilliant nratmi in the. city,
ami tin* church will undoubtedly be
crowded with puplb and their parental
, to hear the sermon.
imm says
.Mini found in Sirt-t t ;ii 1 v
Hour With four llulk-t Hole.'1
in Hi- llnok.
Suffering from f« •:r bullet " "unds
in th* imrk, Juli )>* Zwanxljrer. a
>aU-r. who is about fift; ' car* i*f age.
uaf found in the >tn t at the Inter
ne* lion of Lombard?. and Blair streets
at an ear:\ hour Haturda> morning.
ThtLaml ulanee wa« t ailed by Officers
Thrltnpsori and Ore- n and the man
w as rushed to the < ity hospital, where
he was treated n> In*, Gilliam and
turned o>-» r to I >r rabor.
.Saturday morning Zwanzigcr was
t able to walk ar< und and no attempt
was made to extra* t the bullets from
his back Me in* ** 1 upon being al
lowed to go home, and when prevail
ed upon i«. remain In the hospital tor
a da or so. said that he had busi
ness to attend t<* ' th the woman
• ho sh« t him T-ns was the first
intimation that :u • »:' th«* officials
had that his assun'.»nt had been a
worn a n.
Totll Offhfi Her Name.
The n an main! in* d an unbroken
Mien froru the tirn- he was taken
i to th«- hospital until after n«»on <*'
Sat 'id., Officer Krengel visited
him and prevailed pop him to f o
"Vits;li in** name of the woman who.
he na• s. Hrr-d at him several times
with a -2-eallbn revolver. He wu«
iiminng awax from her when she
shot, lie said, and ill of her bullets
| struck him in th* ;,a k
But he w« uid not consent to an
! opt-ration, and inasmuch as there ap
pear* to he no danger of any i»m
piiiatioi .• setting in, he ..was allowed
to have hta wa;
Tried to K ill If finsHI’.
. Zwanzig* r the man wh > • “ntlv
j triWi to kill h e -dr by drinking lau
danum whi standing in a Broad
street po<dro. -o H» has tohl ?’■ oral
people with whom h»- is a<-jualnted
that h* j a* no d ending h « life and
when- he r..r found in theatre*?.
. . thi opintoo that in
had agiiiti t.ou] to commit "U side.
\• *t rTntit !•* was at the hospital and
had been (*;• • b "U a cot. wen* the
wounds m his bark discovered. Mr
! Tabor was st of th* opinion hat
the small h •- were made b »
mu! w Tt l ire hot if a weapon had
he,.p i:UM. \<>t until tho mat) he
anu- angi about noon and v anted
t • i g<> t> his home in Lombardy
> treet did th*- td.osicinns know pogl
t. ■. h*-. had been shot In
... ing t! . min.. r the woman wh ni
he sn « shot l in. Zwgnzlger declared
tn, ; he v .ej i nut have her arrested
11*- is me married and has been liv
11: g h*r* till* :• few months. B
• trade he is a linker.
•«‘oritinvied from Kirst PiRf )
^if* jurivdh lion >f the court an<1
therefore tr< i m could be v*roai«*<*\11
<m| < nl ! •!- th offenses committed
h< re.
!n pinning bin under bond to keep
the inn i* i i\*> monthr, Juwtlce
t’rutehil id v. ,t he would probably
order h 111:>h< v rnmission within a
short nno
Ihi* l.ittlt* to Say.
Greenwood h man m n<> stands at
U * ;t six {'♦*.: .. tnehes and weighs
about tw* huriuird pounds, had but
little to sh- \ lawyer qualified my
< f«*r ni.' in the country." he de
clared I ha\. had some trouble
with my wife slapped her once
or tvvt< * Hiii r nm sorry and will
treat her letter if I go back with her.
1 don’t like rn oldest child very
much, hut |c>\ e her some."
Back in the odl he talked In a
random manner to the reporters He
raid that when he was fifteen years
of age—he j> now thirty-three—his
parents him to the Williamsburg
asylum tor. ;u> remained for two
month# *The\ didn't want me To
stay but « month, but I Rtaid two
month# and got well,” he remarked.
Since hr has been grown Greenwood
said he ha-> ha as good sense as any
Mrs Greenwood will leave at once
for the I mi* nf her mother In the
Postpone1 (iii Acciniui of Condi
tion (>t Injured Man W ho is
1 tilltl\ Slashed.
The ' uf J. hn Coifs, colored,
eliarRuU niu, f-nttinpr Attiprt t*rhnot,
another negri- with a knife or other
eharp Instrurmnl, wat postponed
Katurda* morning until Friday, June
Cole ;y iiadly Injured, and was
imulili i( appear In court.
The i till . ■■■ h.t\e a warrant against
School ■ « in . ,|t py t:( ie, charging
him « ilo the '.one offense, hut H has
nut y* t i.eeii served on account of
the i's ndltlon of the Injured man.
The sane win come up before Mag
lHtiatc T. J. ruryear.
| .. !
Riclinmnil fvton to Quit
Slii'lv Rooms for Three
Month's Recreation.
C’oiiuneuccnicnt Exercise- to be
IIel<l at .John Marshall High
1 Decks are being cleared cut, tin'
scribbled notes being reread, giggled
over, and then torn into inflnitesmal
pieces, and thrown av.ay Hooks ore
being carried home, or to the second
hand dealer to be exchanged for a
frac tion of the ir one-time cost Voting
hoys and younger girls gre talking
eagerly and excitedly of wonderful
things that hate happened during tht
past nine months, and still more won
derful things that are going to hap
pen during the naxtthrec months Old
enmities are being pate heu up
Boys and girls »»t so young ar<
talking together along much the sane
liner. There exists a 'ague atmes
phere of restless uneasiness:, a strain
ing under the hit." as a horseman
might say.
’Ibis rather strange condition of ai
fd.n. exists throughout the student
body of Kjthnioml. The reason tor
it ail Is explained in four brief words,
school c costs next week “
location is at hand—that vacation
■ f which the student has dream.-.j
during the long winter months us ip
-ai g.iadng in'o space, seeing vvonder
l-d nunc pictures, conjured up aft. r
living n- vain to g. t the straight of
'licit subjunctive clause in Cicero, or
figuring determinedly but futile) ....
'-•tftc- protfbrri th <ab uluH where the
cttr.vcr" thus achieved did not e.»r
f' -pond " ith the cm- . one gi . n
in ’ in the* bac k of the l ook
t'v Wednesday every public «. line,:
r ioio ,n the city, from tin ,,
r-purtirent. to those ... ,;u hygt
---Itoi i will be turned over to th,
t uili r ntetvies of me" . .1 1 v\.,u.en
armed with mop#, brooms arid otto
such appliam-ps. who will give th
walls, floors, desks, evervitilng a thor
!"ttgh cleaning. The rooms will then
b<- sprinkled With some concoction
which will prevent the breeding of
disease germs Then they will he
locket', not to be opened lorthrre
« omitictHVJneiit \\ educed:iy
Commencement Men ise* of tht
John Marshall High School nil! be
hold in Hip City A udltorium Wed r.( jc
day night at X.15 o'clock. Charles
A Ifonau Smith, profesaor of Kngllsh
j literature at the University of Vir
ginia. will be thi' orator of the even
t ing
■ Prof. Smith ta a distinguished schol
ar and has been honored by an ap
pointment to represent this nation
in the gathering of professors from
ail the higher seats of learning in
the world at the University of Berlin
next year.
Admission to the exercises Wednes
day night, the program ot which has
not yet been completed, will be by
invitation. Out room of the City Hail
quarters of the board of education
is now being utilized in the arrang
ing of seat checks.
The list of graduates has not yet
been announced.
That the graduates never lost the
affection liot*n of the years spent in
the "old school" is proved conclu
sively by the recent organization ot
the High School Alumni Association,
formed for the Join purpose of en
couraging good-fellowship and pro
' iding a library' for John Marshall
High School.
Alumni Night.
Monday will he alumni night ot
commencement week. Not only grad
uates, hut all pupils yvlto attended
school for one year and left In good
standing are eligible for membership
in the organization, and the presence
of every one of this tr urged at this
the first, reunion of the High School
The following program will hr ren
dered Monday night:
Uhorua, "Madeleine” . . i Tloeckeli
High School Chorus.
Opening Remarks —S. T. Beveridge,
'75. f'res.
Selection, I-ci t'imiuaiualne" l From
i labriel Marie's Air a 1'Antlquei
High School Orchestra
The Richmond High School Look
ing Back card—J. H. Bintord. '»2.
Song, "Mar'li of our Nation”....
tG elbel)
Girls' Glee Club..
The John Marshall High School
Hocking Forward—Atvin B. Hutz
ler, 'OR
yChcrur,—Loss nr ttlrhmrdul Hill ", .
( McNally)
High School Chorus,
Song. "Water Lilies''.(I-inders)
Girls' Glee Club.
Presentation of Class of I Din-—Rp
sponre by (.’ran ford O. Crouch.
Selection. "When the Swallows
Homeward Fly". . (Air. by Wataon>
High School orchestra,
j Roll-Call of Graduating Classes—
j Mrs. C. U. Burtons'll 2.
"Auld Hang Syna."
Survivors of Otryj* Bravo ( oru
in a ml As^oinUlf at lih Anon
at (VU ltraiiou.
Celebrating the day when they
marched forth to war lorty-flve years
ago. aurvivora Of Otey*l Battery gath
ered at the Yew Pumphouse on the
r*ver front Saturday and fought the
war over again.
Among those at the annual reunion
were Robert Gwathmey. of Balti
more. John P. Webster, **f Chester
field; Jack Sharp. c>f Norfolk; Buck
Miller and Jud li. Wood, of Hlch
Among the sons present were I>r
Greer Baughman and Or. Clifton
Miller. <»f Richmond, and Lynn Web
ster, of Chesterfield.
Louis Glazebrock, a gallant mein
b€ r of the battery, who has attended
many of its ic-union. is a paralytic
at the SokiUrs Home and "n accruin'
of his tnhrniltlc was unable to ven
ture out Saturday. He was with it's
comrades in spirit* however, it, not
in ri-fh. and they remembered him
with a N-x full of good things after
the celebration was umt I#hs»t year
Veteran Glaze brook was .convened
tlie reunion in a carriage and he had
hoped to b» able to attend this year
OU*j I ir-i Convm»ii(trr.
< key’s Battery was Mr: t i-mmarid
et] by Captain ti-Fton Otey. of Lynch
buig, v, h > was in business in Rich
mond when the war broke out. He
.died of a carbuncle during the con
flict and th* n th* command fell t*»
Captain i»nv id N Walker, of Rich
mond. who ( ntlnmd m charge
through the remainder <.r tn* bloody
cintcvt between the States
Th>* batter Uni a strong hand in
-a- king up M a bone's < barge at th*
Crater It a;* > played a conspicuous
part in bloody lighting roar vi Id Mar
b< r. in the e-ai !;• part of the war.
tin * ;?tter* Sh** vet v t' p our In IV- «*t
V rginui and T tinftf**'*- oorj
n* 'ted with Mudwatf" j>o k.«o?» *
• mmend tn the latter Stau
Form of th. remirdm »*n« es related
at Tru* reunion Saturday will be *mti
bodied fn th** hi.* Tory of tn»' battery
bring prepared, by Thrrnion Mahood.
Jr . f Birmingham. Ala., father
‘fought with th** baton
The ot. ran ; parto. u <.f a bountiful
repast and enjoyed thems.lvo to th**
! utmost Hard!v thirty of them arc
left. vacant seats at the banquet
spread being noted year bv year
Hui k Miller, *»f Richmond, ir presi
dent of th** buttery aFFooiailcm.
A urt.ghtful tni.sI.Ai i.i’oKiam will
he chrr)* ii out in Asbury Methodist
• hurrh Sunday nixht at S o'clock. It
I? as follows
Processional march and opening
ohorns. ‘ The hildren are Singing With
Joy To-Day". prayer. , hant. "The
l.ord Is M> Shepherd"; superintend
ent s word: recitation; welcome ad
dle s; motion song. 'Nearer, My <Jod
to Thee"; duet and chorus, "Christ,
th< (Join! Shepherd", reritntion, "I>o
Vo.i Think I'm Too Small", recitation.
"Mow They tirmv"; solo, A Shep
herds Song' responsive reading
song. "Who Will Me (>ut Shepherd
True": recitation, "The Utile Pink
Toe Brigade": recitation, "Who Be
longs to Our Cradle Roll"; solo. "Cra
dle Jtoll SongJB; recitation, "The Fa
ther's Care": sting. ''Happy Little
Children": recitation. "Love and
• live", recitation, "Object of Our Chil
dren's Day Offtring": exercise. "Plea
i.i the Na’lons Colleetion"; quartet,
"line Sweetly S. lemn Thought", song.
"Dear to My.Heart of the Good Shep
herd". .losing song. "Song Glory,
G.ory": tienedlctlon.
J S. Renner, director of music; Miss
Mattie Walker, organist; Mias eUttic
Perdue, assistant organist: Mrs. W. G.
Burch, charge of recttatlons, arranged.
The quartet assisting In the exercises
are Miss Etta Bond, soprano; Miss
Nellfe Clayton, alto. Wilbur East,
tenor; E. B. Phillips, bass.
Richmond Virginian Want Adrs
CouimeiuTmont Exercises lo Er
win Stindav Eve
After nine months of hard work,
student* of Richmond College are now
ready to receive their reward.
The closing exercises of commence
ment week will begin Sunday night
at S 15 o'clock, when the baccalaure
ate sermon will be preached by Rev.
Ijr O. C. P. Wallace, pastor of the
Kind Baptist church, Baltimore. >!d.
Thin session of the college prom
ise* to be a memorable one. It will
be one of the last t'> be held in the
old buildings, for the institution ha*
prepared to locate at Westhmmpton.
A meeting of the board of trustees
will he held Tuesday morning to
make arrangements in this connec
Monday win be .Ins* day' when
i la: * orator sand historians will y le
with one another lor distinction. This
feature is scheduled for g:ir* o’clock.
The class ol iSI0 consists of one *an
didalc for the degree ot master of
arts, twenty-six It bachelor of arte,
four for ha' helor of avion* c and four
teen for bachelor ot laws
Vlumnl l»a>.
Tutsdst will be appropriately tele
brat* d us alumni day The ttr.l
event will he the meeting *i the trus
tee* at I I o'clock At 2 o'clock the
annual dinner of the society ot ths
alumni uo*1 r* union of the classes
1S60. lHt»5. 15*00 nnd 1**15 will take
The w*>n on graduates of 1910 at 4
o'clock will be the guests <*t the te
inale alumnae at a lumhoon at tltith a.
This promises r** be a delightful al
ia il
M nigh' the dramatic * ! tb .*• the
« oiltg>* will prevent Two Cent:* men
of Verona This a iVi take plat ' at
k 1 5 o t to* k
I'* mmen* ement day will o< tr Wert
ne'iy' At 11 o'clock Lbc* academic
pro*'* s. >.n will ta*f I 'd * ’**U" '..ed
irnediatei; by the award of honorary
degrees. II If. ill 1: . U U 1*1* U .
oi Atlanta, (la, an orator of e ids
reputation, will del lx or the rommeii**
ntent address.
The final exercises will take piaea
Wednesday night at 9 It* **'* *°* k. when
degrees will he awarded and honor*
0 ill#- session confessed This will be
followed b ya reception by President
and Mrs Frederick W Boatwright to
the graduate*, students, alumni snd
1 duration Hoard to -Meted,
V meeting of the education board
will be held in the otfl. e of l.teuten
ant-ifo'ernor J Taylor Bilvson in th«
Mutual building Mondav arternoon at
1 o'clock The principal business
will he tin nomination of a man ;o
succeed John t’. William*, who re
: igned from the tiosrd of trustees cX
Rii hnu nd College.
Lunacv (.< i hi mi salon Savs Woman
i* Mentallv Sound and She
is Released.
Mis Elinor® Wold. the youtig wo
man who tried to end her life by
swallowing poison, and who wander
ed shout the street* In the early hours
< f the morning In a condition that
fort«d officer* to take her to the hos
pital ward of the city jail and order
h. r menial condition looked Into, hai
been pronounced sane by a lunacy
< ommir.slon. Member* of the com
inlrr.on examined the woman at tn*
.tail Friday afternoon and she was
ot tiered to he gt\ on her liberty.
Mir. Wold claims that the govern
ment should pay her ?31>^* month as
t. pension, hc-r husband hating been
blown to Btnmr when the lattleah.%
Maine wart to the bottom She said
rho was Infatuated with a business
man of Main rtreet and tpat when she
|was sharply spoken to *ho tried to
erri her life.
June S. 1010.
Mr. Arthur Arrington,
Dour kS!r:
I thought it might be pleasing for
you to know that your Fire Extinguisher
put out n carbide fire for us almost in
stantly, and prevented what promised
to he a destructive fire. Please let me
know the price per dozen for these ma
i hint's.
Yours truly,
Sam. W. Mekk, PresidenI
'■»» November fl, 1009.
This If tn certify that at the recpnt
Firemen's National Convention at Grand
Hanids, Mich.. I saw exhaustive and
elaborate demonstrations of “Pyrene." the
i new Chemical Fire Extinguisher from
New York.
After witnessing these tests, which
were the severest to which we had ever
seen any hand device subjected, such as
various combinations of gasoline oil with
carbide, cotton waste, excelsior, etc., we
were compelled to admit that “Pyrene’*
stands in u class to itself.
IN retie being a non-conduotor is par.
ticuiarlv applicable in all forms of electn#
fires, that so far only sand has bee*
found to control.
For the above reasons 1 do not hesitate
to recommend them most highly for ao£
kind of an incipient fire.
Very truly,
i Chief Engineer, K. W. D,
Addrew ARTHUR ARRINGTON. G«ner«| Delivwj.