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DHTES IRE HIGHER f THUN III NORTH Instiranoc Invest ig%t ion in New : port News faring* Out Start ling Comparison*. MR. LECKY IS EXCISED On Account of Taxation in Vir ginia New York Companies Have Retaliated. ti>pc.’.al i< The Kk'hmoptl Virginian.) > d vV*P' »H i NKWS. June I i.—’i n* trial oi tne tw ent.v*tnre« insurance , unuerw mere, enargefl with cneiiring is till I in progress Alter t"" nay« of sparring and grilling Mobert Becky. .»r.. haa com gotten hl» teatir.vni in tne court ot sustlrc J V. t*. Brown me trtai this morning was con sumed in the examination of loesi jnsuiance agent*. .V W. nryant and v* Bet I await. The Commonwealth sought to bring out trie amount ot commissions taring p-ald I'nwell re puted to divulge information On O-mm-nn.-a tn m.-ieilng court gave wltnee? untt! Monday t<r consult an attorney. The defense endeavored to prove that the ten per cant, penalty Im posed on Newport News by ream . of its five per ■ rni. licence tax would result in * net gam ot only about eight dollars t<-r fa h ot tne -!x.t; companies represented, th-’ additional collections. .reported m be twelve thousand dollars thr defense s.howcct would be about eight ihotieand, wpiie the defense claimed that excessive taxation plus the normal disburse ments on each dollar of premium In coma would consume the additional premiums, collected Court adjourn ed until two o'clock Monday follow ing this examination Yesterday the examination of the witness by Commonwealths Attorney Berkeley took a *erloua turn whan the witness declined lo answer a question aa to the amount of commission paid agents in New York Mr I-ecky Insisted that this Infor mation was of a confidential nature, that It was tr-nlexan and that he should not he required to divulge It. Mr Berkeley .nststed upon making the witness answer, and witness ask-j •d for time to consult a lawyer. Batpr ' however the Commonwealth was aatisfled by certain admissions made by the witness which, while not di vulging the Information ronaidered confidential by Mr. Becky, answered the purpose of the investigation. Mr Becky had shown. however, that he would under no consideration give the Information sought, saying that he preferred to suffer the penal lies of contempt rather than to be tray a confidence In the course of the examination Information of great Interest was brought out It was shown that the average cost of Insurance iq Virginia for the year ISOS was $1.48 per hundred dollsrs' worth of protection, while the aver age cost in New Vork was 18 cents Of these amounts <8 8-10 per cent was paid back to New York In the form of f:r« losses and in Virgi.ila N only 48 2-10. On account of excessive taxation in Virginia on New York companies New York has retaliated, and. in adltton , . JB> the tax of I per cent, on pre miums. Mr Becky stated that his company had a claim against If In New York for fU.&oo additional taxa tion levied by the State. This claim wil be argued before the state Insur ance Commieeioner of New York this month Witness, when questioned as to w hat was done with companies that did not comply with the regulations of the Underwriters Association, said that the* were expelled, but denied that they were blacklisted. Other witnesses were put on the atand and considerable progress was made yesterday afternoon In the case Thera are seventy witnesses alto gather to examine SECOND TRIAL OF HARRIS ID COME UP MONDAY MANASgAS. VA . June 11.—Th* trial of Prof. J D Harrle, for the killing of W. A. Thompson, associate editor • if Th# Warranton Virginian, about a veer • fo. la aat for Monday. In th* circuit court of thla county. Judge J. B r. Thornton prastdlng. Tl.a ease wa« -e moT«d front the circuit court of Fau - qular county In April, on * change oi venue, and continued to thla term of the court. Over eighty wltr.eaae* have been aumoned lor the defense and much In itial. Mr. Harris w*» tried In th* Fau brlngtng In a verdict of four year* in th* penitentiary. The court of ap peals grantad a new trial upon th* ? rounds of Incompetent testimony be ers the trial court. In th# circuit court, on Thursday In the cat* of commonwealth against Har ry Thorpe, charged with the murder of I>*vld Carter, near Haymarket In April last, the Jury brought tn a verdict of not guilty. Tfc# evidence adduced clearly ahowtd tha killing to have been don* In aelf dafenae. The accueed wae repreaentad by Uona. Chaa. K. Nlrol and Thoa. H lion, and the Btate hy Commonwealth'p Attorney, Hawc* T Davtaa. ni-ji*.. f SERVICES OF SPECIAL INTEREST IN THE RICHMOND CHURCHES At the Grove Avphu» ' 1 church there will be preaching »t 11 A M. by the pastor, tb# Rev. " 1 Janie*. Th. D No senior at night r>n account of the commencement ex #rrl#»» at Richmond Gollege. Grace street Baptist church Preaching at 11 A M by the Rev. William E. Hatcher. D. l> there c IU be tx» service at night on account of the continence ment exarcleea at Richmond College Randolph Street Baptist church Preaching funds; by the pasl T. R v W. K. Robertson morning suble t. T’eter and John on Tils.', at night, ■ The Woman of Canaan I >r W R. I- Smith, prater, will preach at Second Raptiat church at J t A. M The ordination of Mr. E. L. Aaklsa win be the feature of the aer- ; \lce. No service at night, because of annual sermon at Richmond Col lege _ At Immanuel Raptiat Church -Fifth and ie-igh streets*, the twentieth an niversary of the organlaatlon of tne church will be observed. Rev. Janie* Nelson. O. D. president of the " ‘ - mans College., a former paetor of the church will deliver an address at n A M Subject. "Th# Retro spect— Lesson# of There Twenty Year#" At * P M. th« pastor. R-.*v. B Franklin Brjan. Ph IV will speak on "The Prospect-Encourage ment for Future 1 ndertaklns -■'pe dal music will be a feature of I hear services Haskrr Mt-th«cji*t murch. Lev. G. W. M. Taylor, pastor Sunda. school 8.30 AnM. . preaching 11 A. M At A p M.I there will he a special ser ine in honor of th# work of the La dies' Aid Society. A sermon to wo men will he delivered >>> the has tor and the subject will be "Woman at Her Best.' Reserved seats will I* held until 8 o'clock for the mornlKia of the Ladies Aid Society. At Broad Atreel Methodist church corner Seventh and Broad s*reets. the annua! childrens da* exercises will be held at H A. M. and the pos ter. Rev S. C. Hatcher. IX P.. will preach at the evening service; sub ject. From a Cottage to a Throne; From a Throne to a Suicide r, Gru'.'e. The hour for the evening service hat* been changed from 8 o'clock to V la in 1'nlon Station Methodist church preaching at 11 A M and *:!•> P M. bj the pastor. Rev. R. H. Pott*. Sunday school at 9:15 A M. Park Place Methodist church The pastor. Rev. B F. Ltpscomb. will fill the pulpit st both services on Sun- , dny, Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. At Centenarv Methodist church Rev A B Sharpe will preach it IT A. M. At 8: IS F. M. K«v. .1- N. Ijttham. I.> D.. till preach, subject, Judas." Aaburv, Place Methodist Episcopal church. Preaching at II V. M. liy the paster, Rev. 1,. I Williams At 4: It p M Pr. J H Mo*» will preach. Siinflay-achool at :30 A. M. St James Methodist church. Rev. O. F. Greene, paator. Preaching at 11 o’clock; subject, The lloly Sab bath Day.' At k 15 P M : subject. Knowing the Truth and Becoming Free." Central Methodist church corner Porter and Thirteenth street. Man chester. Va. Tte\ Henry C. Pfeiffer, pastor. Sunda’ -school at 15 A. M Preaching by pastor at 11 A M. and S.lf, P. M At right sermon to the graduates of Manchester High school. All are Invited to the service*. At the Kira! Presbyterian church thc-parinr. Hr. f . T. McFaden, having returned from Harpers Ferry. W Va,. will preach at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. First Parish Unitarian church, Highland Springs Religious services Win he held et il A M The sermon will *»e on "Our Fellow In e Great Religious Association " Sundas-school w ill be held at 1J: 1 0 F. M. Special services will he held ai the Alliance Gospel Mission. 506 West Broad street, at 5:3(1 P. M. also at meeting. 8 P M . preceded by an out door meeting. All invited. The Salvation Army. 18 East Broad ' street. Sutidaj. 11 A. M.. Hunday school: 3 30 P. M , Idlewood Park; 8:15 P. M., army hall; subject. I>e ; jliversnc*. All w elcome, (? Come. Westminster Presbyterian church. ’ Grove avenue and Elm—R*v. James V. Fair. l>. T> . pastor Preachlm; 1 to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8 1G P. M. ’ Sabbath school at 8:80 A M Weal i minater League at 7:30 P. M. On Wednesday night at 8:15 o'clock Dr. ■ Fair will lecture on the Sunday school lesson. All welcome. Falrmount Avenue Baptist church— ■ W. R. Burrell, pastor Services at 11 A M. and 8.15 P M. Morning suh i; ject, "Setting Under"; evening, "The 11 Kingdom." [ Falrmount Avenue Mi E church— • Rev. R. Nelson Hartnetts, paator. Ser vices at 11 A. M. and 8:16 P. M. i Evening subject, "Caught by a 1 Whale ” The children * day exer cises will he held at 3 P M. Venalile Street Baptiat—Special evangelistic service* will be held In the adult department of the Sunday school at the regular hour of meet ing Preaching at 11 o’clock by the pastor. 1 lev. J. R. Johnion. Sub ject. ’Faith and Confession." In the I evening the annual icrmon of the T. W. A.'» win be preached by Rev. C. j T. Willingham, returned mlaatonary from Japan. Cordial Invitation to all.: The pastor. the Rev. Henry Pearce Atkins, will preach to-morrow morn-j lng and evening at Allen Avenue! Christian church Services will be held in First Church or Christ. Scientist, Sunday morning *t 11 o’clock. Subject of 1 sermon will be- "Clod, the Preserver of Man ’ At Christ P. E. church the Rav. Morris S. Eagle will preach at II A M and * IV M. Subject morning service, "Sowing and Reaping." All: cordially Invited to attend. Dr. Douglas 8. Freeman will speak in the Putnam Theater Ooapel Mia-! aion, 1311 East Frarrkltn etreet, to-1 morrow night at 8 o'clock. He is a brilliant speaker and Is worth hear ing Prayer, prals* and testimony meeting at 3 o'clock, led by Mr. J. H Ooddin. Bible Haas at 8:3 A. M., H Goddln. Blhl* class at 9:30 A. M , taught by Dr. J. W. Williams. Falrmount Christian church—Ser mon at 11 A M. by the pastor, "Love Thy Neighbor." Quarterly reunion at 8.15 P. M . consisting of song#, reci tations, sfereoptleon illustrations, roll call and eating with the pastor. All1 are cordially Invited. First Unitarian church—Rev Al bert J. Coleman, of Jacksonville, T’la., will preach at 11 A. M. Grace Episcopal church, Foushee and Main streets—Rev, London R. Mason, rector. Services on Sunday at 11 A M. and 8:16 P. M. Seats free. Men’s Bible claa* every Sunday morning at 9:30. Colonel E. C. Mas-; aie, teaeher. A tordtal welcome to all. There will be aft all day holiness meeting held in the West Knd Mis sion, 806 West Cary street. Sunday. Services will begin with a sunrise prayer meeting at 8 A. M. 11 A. M.. Haerament and aermon, subject, "Hol mes* Unto the Lord.” 3:30 P. M., meeting for divine healing. 4 P. M.. holiness meeting; sermon subject. Entire Sanctifleatlon.” 8 P. M„ old: time revival meeting. Sermon, sub-1 ject. "The Lake of Fire." These mis-, slon cervices are attended by those of] almost all denominations All are wei-1 come. Saturday night a( K o'dock rescue gospel meetings in the Midnight Mis-, aion. U34 East Franklin street. The1 midnight meeting win begin at 10:301 I- M ; subject to-night, "The Gift* Bestowed Upon the Prodigal Son by llis Father." being the tenth of the: fifteen Bible talk* given on the prodl gflal son Prinking men especially I welcome to these meetings. An open air gocpel meeting will be held Sunday night at ~ P. M. on the I corner at the City Auditorium by mis sionaries from the iN'eat End holiness mission. WOMEN' BOMBARD WILLING PHYSCHIC Woman by the hundreds thronged and overcrowded the ltijou Theatre Friday afternoon to "ask Pearl Tang ley everything. " Pearl. It might, be explained, ie a thaumatriglst of great ability, who tells the questioner anything he or she wishes to know about the past, present or future With a shrewd eye to business Manager Kerbv fixed Friday as "Uadi**' Day." Tou had to wear skirts, rata, big hats and be perfumed within an inch ol your life to get in. Long before the performance in the afternoon started, thcie was a long line of expectant ladies strung along the sidewalk about and around the Bijou. About half the line got Into the theatre. Hundreds of questions were fired at Hiss Tangley on paper and she an swered all of them satisfactory. She told of marital difficulties, love af fair*. broken engagements, prophsled success and failure in business dealt engaged In by the women question ers and advised the married ques tioner* a* to whether they should re main with their husbands or leave them. It was a great day for the ; ladles, and the box office man's fingers I were tinted a deep green LICENSE GRANTED INSURANCE COMPANY License to do business in Virginia has been granted the National Life and Accident Insurance Company of Nashville by Commissioner of Insur ance Button The company has 1150. 000 capitai and was endorsed to Mr Button. LOOK IN THE BOOK MANY TELEPHONE USERS. IN CALLING NUMBERS. GIVE THE OPER ATOR THE PREFIX "MADISON." REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT THE NUMBER IS LOCATED IN THE MADISON EXCHANGE. THE RE SULT IS DELAY. ANNOYANCE AND CONFUSION. ALL TELEPHONE USERS ARE URGED TO GIVE THE PROPER EX CHANGE PREFIX. SAY "MADISON" WHEN A MADISON NUMBER IS WANTED. SAY "MONROE" WHEN A MONROE NUMBER IS WANTED. BY CONSULTING THE DIRECTORY AND OBSERVING THIS ESSENTIAL RULE YOU WILL HELP US IMPROVE THE SERVICE. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF VIRGINIA END BEST TEiP. IK Tip HISTORY Closing Exercise* of Fredericks-, bnrir Pnblic and High Schools. <8peci*I to The Richmond Virginian.) [ FREPERiCKSBBRG, VA., June! 11.—The Fredericksburg public schools and high school closed the most successful session *n their his-i tory yesterday. The commence ment took place in the court house In the presence of *00 chil dren, besides parents, friends and the member* of the school board. This j board is composed of Mr. A. 8. Bower- | ing, president; Captain 8. J. Quinn, j secretary; Mesrrx. W. D. Brannan, Isaac Hirsh, W. H. Ilurkamp, James ! R. Rawlings and George Freeman, j Frcfcraor A. D. Wright presided and , made a short address of welcome and outlined his plans for the coming ses sion. Tlie program consisted of j choruses from the different classes and instrumental solo* by several of | the students. Professor A. B. Bewertng delivered ! the main address of the day and hia. remarks were well chosen and suited! to the occasion The new public school building and the efficient principal and superin tendent, Professor Arthur P. Wright, of Richmond, have made the past ses- : slon a very successful one. The total ! enrollment, 716, was about too more than the previous year. There were fifteen teachers, an increase of four. over the year before A regular meeting of the Rappa- i bannock Valley Medical Association was held last night In Dr. C. Matos i Smith's office for the election of offi- ; ‘cars for the ensuing year. The following were elected: Dr. A. C. Poggett, president; Pr. J. W. Bar ney. vice-president: Dr. O. B. Har- j rtson, secretary, and Dr. R. J. Payne, treasurer. The next meeting will be held in July, so that Pr. J. W, Me- | |Cormack. who will address the Nor- i mal school at that time, may be pres 1 ent. Mr. William England, of this city, has been recently appointed deputy grand master of district No. 38, T. O. O. F., by Grand Master Robert p. Yancey, of the grand lodge of Odd Fellows, of Virginia This district Is ; composed of the following lodges: Myrtle Dodge, No. SO, Acorn Podge. No. 261, of Fredericksburg; Massn ponax Dodge. No. 2»S, and Stafford j 'Dodge, No. 397. Rev. Goodwin Frazer, who has .lust returned from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary et Louisville, was ordained a minister of the gospel | at Pamunkey church this week. Dr. j George W. McDaniel, of Richmond, preached the ordination sermon. 'The prerbytery that had charge of tnts | service waa composed of Dr. Mc Daniel. of Richmond: Wlnfree, of i Culpeper; Pastors Davis, of Louisa Staples, of Orange, and W. J. Decker, of Pamunkey church At the conclusion Rev. Decker pre sented Mr. Frazer with a handsome i Bible, the gift of the Pamunkev i church. Mr George A Young of Fairfax county, and Miss Mary E. Jerrell, of Spotsylvania county, were married I Thursday in Washington. ' .—___ r Raleigh, N. C. j (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) RALEIGH. N. e., June II.—Wed nesday. June 8. was a dav of wed dings in Raleigh, four brides leaving 1 city to make their home at other place*. Two were elaborate church wodlngs, whiei the others were home affairs. At 10.30 o'clock at North cottage Meredith College. Miss \Urv Appie I white, for four years head of the de partment of education of Meredith College, and Mr. John Yates Killian, or Newton, were united In marriage l'i Rev. Livingston Johnson, assisted by Dr. W. (V Tyree. The llbrarv, in which the ceremony was performed, was simply and effectively deccrated In palms and ferns and daisies. Miss Alma McDonald, of Greens boro. was maid of honor. She was attired in a handsome pink linen, with trunings of hand-made Irish crochet, and carried pink rosea. Mr. c e McIntosh, of Chapel Hill, acted as best man. while Mr. W. J. Applewhite, the bride's brother, gave her away. ' The bride wore a handsome tailored •suit of blue doth, with hand em-c j broldered collar and cuffa, and l.e | coming hat of burnt straw, with trim mings to match the suit. Her bou quet was of pink and white sweet i P*"** After the wedding ceremony the bride and groom left for the Vir ginia coast, where they will make i their headquarter* during their honej - moon, later going to their home at Newton, where the groom is a promi-1 ; nent and successful business man. One of the prettiest weddings of the j week was that of Miss Katie Wavland I Barbee, daughter of Mr. Claude Bar > bee, of this city, and Mr B. Mabry Hart, of New Bern. The wedding came as the rlnal climax of such a round of social courtesies and atten tions as had probably never been shown s bride In this city before. Edenton Street Methodist church was 1 beautifully decorated In palms, pink I sweet peas and lighted candles. Wilson—Srov karri. At 5 o'clock In the afternoon at the, First Presbyterian church. Miss Elsie Stocksrd, daughter of President Stockard, of Peace Institute, became the bride of Mr Arthur John Wilson,* of the department of chemistry of Cornell University. The church was decorated In palms and cut flowers The ceremony was I performed bo- pr. W. McC. White, i pester of the church. The bridesmaids were Misses Paul-, j lne Hill. Mas Montague apd Vivian Moncure The maid of honor was Miss Elsie Stockard. and tha dame of : honor was Mrs. Thomas Moore, of Norfolk. All were attlrsfl In white lingerie costumes and aarrlad pale I : pink carnations. The grooms, all classmates of the groom, were LeRoy Abernathy, of; l Hickory; 8 o. Perkins, of Lenoir; Dr. George McNIdor and H. M. Steed. Norris—-Wyatt. The fourth wedding or the day took place at 9 P. M. and was a quiet' home affair, owing to racent bereave ment In the family of both the bride* and the groom. IMas Louise Wyatt became the bride [of Dr. C, Pritchard Norris, of Dur- j ham, at the home of her father, Mr, | Job P. Wyatt, In the presence of only : intimate friends and tglativas. The only attendants were Miss: Ethel Buffalo, of Oxford, maid of] honor, and Dr. J. C. Johnson, of Dur-; ham. best man. The bride I* the granddaughter of; Col. W. J. Hicks, superintendent of; the Oxford Orphanage. Tha groom Is a dentist of Durham, wher* they will make their home. -__- I ; Discover* Now Cure. PETERSBURG, June 11.—Declar- ; Ing the blow on his head of a brick] thrown by Percy Stokes, colored, by whom he was assaulted, had cured bttn jft i»*vtni mg, wiiue Bon*, » Bulletin No. 39. Rebuilding the University College of Medicine. Workers in the campaign to raise $100,000 have been divided Into rival bands—the Whites and the Reds. Competition for results is reaching a fever heat, with a small margin between them from day to day, and sometimes the Whites are in advance, sometimes the Reds are ahead. It may be you would like to help your friend win this contest and would prefer to throw your contribution to his side. If so telephone him. The Reds: Psul W. Howie, Cept. A. C. Brown, Jr., C. Howard Lewie, ,1. G. Nelson, John Dunn, W. R. Jones, A. L. Gray, J. W. Sloan, W. B. Hopkins, A. Bolenbaugh, J, F. Winn, ,1. W. Henson. Hugh M. Taylor, H. S. McLean. Stuart McGuire, L. M. Cowardin, W. W. Dunn, M. E. Nuekols, E. J. Moseley. Jacob Micbeux, H- Ward Randolph. R. S. Pit.sgerald. W. F. Rudd, W. F. Williamson. F W. Upshur, E. L. Hobson, H. G. Russell. R. H, Jefferies, M. O. Burke, G. E. Barksdale, W. Lowndes Peple, J R. Blair, Wm H. Parker, T. A. Miller, The Whites: Stuart N. Miehsu*. Capt. K. G. Hopkins, E. C. Fisher. R. C. Brysn. G. P. LaRoque, J. Allison Hodges, Paulus A. Irving, B. L. Hitlsmsn, T. W. Murrell, W. F, Mercer, McGuire Newton, Edward WoGuire. William 8. Gordon, Joseph A. White, S. B. Moon, F. G. Simmons, C. 8. Pitt, a C. Woodson, C. M. Bsggerlyv W. W, GUI, C. R. Carrington, W, J. Cowardin, T. H. Scales, R. L. Simpson. Benjamin Bloaton, L. Z. Morris, William R. Miller, B. W. Rawla. negro youth, to-day before Juatice Plummer, In police court, withdrew hie charges against Stoke*. The ar.sault occurred May *3 dur ing a street tight, and Botts was knocked unconscious. The physician r,aid Botts' skuM was fractured and he removed a piece of the skull. 6tokes did not get off In court, how ever, until he paid a $15 fine for throwing rocks in the streets. Ashland (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) [ ASHLAND, June 11.—Judge Woods, of Roanoke, Is visiting Prof. Frank L. Day. Miss N'lta C. Blincoe. Masters Reed and Wiliam Blincoe. and Master Arthur Wlghtman, left Thursday for 1 Buckroe Beach, where they will spend the summer Mj*s Josephine Brown, who has been visiting Mrs. Hall Canter, left Friday to visit Mrs. H. Seldon Tay lor, of Richmond. Miss Kste Saunders has returned to her home In Richmond after a visit to Mrs. Walter Sydnor. Thursday evening the Bridge Club was entertained by Mrs. G. Barrett Sydnor. Mr*. W. J. Leake and Mr. Prank Boirne. of Richmond, are viaitlng Mrs. Clara H. Grundy. Mis* Young, of Smithfleld. has re turned home, after a visit to Miss Annie Lancaster Dr. Alex G. Brown, of Richmond, spent Wednesday and Thursday In Ashland. Randolph-Macon College conferred the degree of bachelor of arte on Dr. Brown this session. Mr. W. D. Duke, treasurer of the Richmond. Fredericksburg and Poto mac railroad, has rented the resi dence of Dr. I. M. Jones and will upend the summer in Ashland. Miss Frances E. Adams, of Wash ington. D. C., has returned home after a brief visit to Mrs. D. 8. Ellis. Rev. Fred R. Chernauit left to day for Petersburg, where he will All the pulpit of the Washington Street Methodltt church. Dr. Reeves, the regular pastor, has been elected associate principal of the Blackrtone Female Institute. Miss Imogen Riddick, of Richmond, Is visiting Miss Anne Hunter. Miss Kathleen Townsend, of Rad ford, N. C., ha* returned home after visiting Mies Margaret Tilly. BEYS T P VALUABLE WESTERN PROPERTIES NEW YORK. June 11.—The electric light, gas end *tre#t rellway proper ties in the Northwest, formerly con trolled by the Northwest Corporation of Philadelphia, were sold to-day to the American Power and Light Com pany. and it is stated to-day a big development scheme will be put through In the Immediate future. The control figuring In the trans action includes gas properties in Walla Walla and North Taklma. Washington; Lewiston, Idaho, and Pendleton. Oregon: electric light properties In Walla Walla, Pendleton and Athens: trolley lines in Walla Walla and the Walla Walla-Mllton line and the Strahorn properties in North Taklma and along the valleya of the Yakima and Columbia rivers. The American company la controll ed, It la announced, by the Electric Bond and Share Company. BRISTOL FIGHTING OVER POSTOFFICE Preiident, Taft Holds Up Nomi nation—Slernp Wanta Patron age, But No one Get* it. (Special to Tha Riehmoad Virginian.)* BRISTOL, fun* it.—Though the term of the Briatol postmaster has long since expired. President Taft has taken no notion with regard to the selection of a naw postmaster, since he wrote his Utter to Senator Penrose, holding up the nomination of Gaylord B. Ooodsll. a Virginian and a Slemp loadar. This was taking the office away from Brownlow, of the local Tanaesae* dls trtot, who has controlled it for years and who la making a fight to retain It The result of tna contest was that both Brownlow and Stamp appealed to the President for the patronage, The Eoattlon of postmaster pays only 0.2**, ut With it go several other Important positions. Including that of - assistant Sostmaater. so that It la more valuable. Ir. Brownlow had lust been divested of the revenue oollectorshlp and the numerous positions under It and made a strong fight to retain the Brtstol post office. What the outcome of the matter will be Is doubtful. Mr. Taft has held up the nomination of Stamp's man, at tha request, of the Tennessee delegation in Congrefc. M# summarily removed PoetmaAer R. A Warren. Brownlow* man. some month* ago, when Postmas ter General Hitchcock brought to his -L—.,-^ ' iturHon curtain alleged Irregularities ] , In the office. The fight fs protlng an Interesting | one. John M. Pain, acting postmaster, | put In charge of the office by 'W arren * ! euretlea, may be the next postmaster. | according to hie friend*. OBITUARY Christopher W. bounder*. Christopher W. Saunders. aged '2 year*, died Friday afternoon at hi* home. No. 1203 Jianee atreet. Mr. Saunders waa a well Known cltlssn, though a native of Caroline county, i tie had made hla home In Richmond since early boyhood. He nerved a* a member of the Richmond Gray* ; during the Civil war. and waa one of the oldest member* of St. Johns Lodge, A. F. and A. M He waa also a member of Riba Council, Royal Arcanum, and the old Old Richmond Grays’ Association. All of these or ganization* will be present at his funeral, which mill take place Satur day afternoon from the Randolph - Street Baptist church. Interment will be In Hollywood. Mr. Saunders leave* a widow and seven children: Mrs. Lucy G. Pratt. 1C. Walton Saunders. Arthur B. Saun ders, Mrs. Marla J. Farmer. Mlse Rva jC. Saunders, Miss Lottie L. Andrew* and C. Herbert Saunders. William Ft. Brady. ■William B. Brady, aeventy-one years old. an Inmate of the Soldiers Home, died Friday. He will be hurled Saturday, Mr. Brady w»i a native iof Chesterfield county and leave* no ' relatives. Funeral of Mr. McCroar. i The funeral of Arthur B. McCrone, who died Thursday, will take place ■ Saturday afternoon from Si. An drews’ Episcopal church. Interment iwlll be in Hollywood cemetery. Mm. Thomei M. Ttfnor. Mr*. Katherine Tun stall Tlgnor. wife of Tohmaa Miller Tlgnor, died Friday at her home In Highland Park The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon from the Northside Baptist church. Faneral of Mr*. Miller. The funeral of Mrs. Margaret A ; Miller, wife of William Miller, took ; place Saturday morning from the !Sacred Heart Cathadral. Mra. Agnes Boyle. ! (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EMPORIA. VA. June 11.—The fu neral of Mr*. Agnes Doyle, aged year*, was conducted by Rev. J. W. Heckman Friday evening at her old home In Oreenside county, and she I waa Interred In the family grave-j j yard. Mra. Sarah E. Norfleet j (Special to The Richmond Virginian.1; SUFFOLK. VA.. June 11.—Mr*. Sarah Elisabeth Norfleet, widow of {th elate Ellslla Norfleet, died at the I family home here yesterday afternoon, after a long illneaa. Mra. Norfleet > waa a woman of beautiful Chrlatlan character, and one of the beat known and be*t loved resldenti In the com munity. Five children, among them John 15. Norfleet. Suffolk'# present Mayor, eight grandchildren and saven ' great-grandchildren, survive. I (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ! WINSTON-SALEM, June 11 —Ciapt. J. . D. Terry died here yesterday at hi* ■ home from tuberculosis. He waa promlnant In local bustnee aand social j circles and in State military circles ( He was for many year* captain of the Forsyth Riflemen ad served In the: dpanish-Amerlcan war. FARMERS TO GET HOG CHOLERA SERUM j Owing to the parsimony of the last laglelaturc. Commtaalonar of Agrieul tura Kolner haa baan put to a lot ' of trouble making arrangamanta to furnish hog cholera serum to the : . farmers of the State, but now be- . , Heves he haa the matter settled. The legislature appropriated fS.OOO . j to be spent on eradicating hog chol- j f era on Virginia farms. This amount j i was Insufficient to start a plant for 1 j the manufacture of the serum. Bur- , Ing the laet several months Hr. Kol ner haa been writing to the manu- ; i facturcrs of the scrum ail over the , country In an effort to And a reliable j dealer who would sell the drug for a 1 reaeon a hie pries. Hr. Kolner has found an expert > manufacturer, who era* formerly j ployed In the bureau of animal Indus- j try of the department of agriculture, ! and probably will sign a contract [ with him. Before doing eo. however, 1 ‘ Mr. Kolner will go to Washington ' and have a talk with the chief of the animal Industry bureau, with a view of getting some pointers on the use of the serum. The |3,000 will be apent In purchasing serum, which will be furnished the farmers of Vir ginia _at cost. N SSI WORK NECESSITATES THIRD EXAMINER Corporation Commission Likely to Appoint Another Assistant to Jlr. Barksdale. Owing to the great volume of worn to be done, it Is likely that a. second aaalat«nt .-State Hank examiner frill be appointed by the Corporation Com mlaalon. Rtaie examination of banka le new. A bill passed by the laet Legislature authorized it. The bankers of the State aeked for the examination bu reau and will foot the bill* of the new department. The Corporation Commissioners were authorized to ohoie the Bank Examiner and one aealatant. Charlea 0 Barkedale. of Houston was named as the head of the new department, and Charles S. Hunter was selected ae hit assistant. Aftar going over the ground and talking the matter over with thr Bankers. Mr. Barksdale and the Com miaelonere do not believe one asalsi ant will do R. L. Harris, assistant cashier of the Cltlaena' Bank, of Biackstcne, tV. C. Paraons. of the Farmers' and Mer chants' National Bank, of Onley, John Ft. Kilby, general bookkeeper for the National State Bank, of Richmond, have been suggested at possibilities for the position of third examiner, whoee salary. w,,! probably be.>2,000 a ■SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS GIVES ENTERTAINMENT About one hundred and fifty peo ple enjoyed the entertainment given by a clean of boya from the Pine Street Bapttet Sunday acbool at th» I City Auditorium Friday night. The program *«» *s follow*. Plano solo. Mr. Landon Oili Solo. Mies Hex*! Powell. Instrumental chorus, W**t End An* gels. Recitation. Miss Parnell. Mandolin sextet, Dixie Mandolin . Club. Recitation. Mlse Doris Pickle. Duet. Mr. Marry Lucy and Mtee . Lucy. Recitation. Mim May Cary. Solo, Misa Ruby Snider. Duet. Messrs. Freeman and 'Mlson. A humoroua address, Mr. Diacont. Pay Poll Taxes. The number of Suffolk men who have Qualified to vote by the payment of three years' poll taxes is consider ably larger than ever before—namely. 8 44 white and 100 colored. This la taken to indicate an activity In favor of another local option election next •winter. Ows Is Karopr. (Spatial to The Richmond Virginian * NEWPORT NEWS, VA.. June 11 — Dr. W. Q. Starr, pastor of Trinity 'Methodist church, will sail Juns ZOth. on a trip to Europe. His pulpit will be supplied by Rev A. M. White, a stu dent at Vandarbllt University, from ; Portsmouth. Tax Commianlon Meets. Call for a meeting of the new tax ' commission created by tha last lag* islature was mad# by Governor Mann Saturday. Tha chief executive fixed June 21 as tha day of the first meat i lng. ! .* ,J» ..,.l,.U-.L...IlU.IUm.HJ-U -L-i.-L-im-IUll-LM THROUGH FAST TWO DAY EXCURSION TO CAVERNS OF LURAY. Hours with Thursday, July 21st-22»d Via N. A W. and G. A 0. R. R. of travel in the Valley of Virginia, with i full view of the Blue Ridge and Alleghany i Mountains. One night and more than ' one-half day at Luray. ALL EXPENSES, R. R. fare, supper, breakfast, dinner, ! lodging—transportation from hotel to caverns and return. Admission shown , with guide, beside* 10 Souvenir Postals of i the Caverns. $8.50 ChiSdrm, H.M Leave Petersburg N. A W. Depot, Thursday, July 21,0 A. M. Arrive Luray, 5:40 P.M. Returning leave Luray, Friday, 2:00 P. M. Arrive Peteraburg, 10:15 P M. Special Eleotrie Car will leave Man* Chester, 7:30 (making all stops) on the morning of the Excursion and raturn Friday night on arrival of tin Bacureignk IS HAM SL DYER,