Newspaper Page Text
FITE ABOUNDS IN NEW ENTERPRISES Throughout Virginia Many Indus tries are Constantly Spring ing l'p. RICH MON I > GETS SHAKE List of Contemplated Im provements for Kig Manu factories. Each day cninmlMlon 'coni erne to business In the In all line* at induatry In the South, •ltd especially Virginia. rapid strides •re being made. Nett enterprises are ?«on»tantI> twin*: launched. extensive improvements made to many already big manutai turtng plant* the State corporation grants charters to eaUihUab and carry Old Dominion. A glance at the following from the "■Jlanufacturers Record will show what haa been done in this direction In Kichmnnd and throughout the State during thi past ten days Richmond. New River Poa f Company, incor porated to construct water-power eleotrival plant* on New rlter, in four or more »«parate developments trans mitting 46,000 horse-power. with transmission lines and substations tor “delivering electricity to ctnca. towns and mines in Southwest Virginia, be * tween Roanoke and Bristol, and to ioBIuefeid. VV. Va . and Mount Airy . N 4*.: approximate cost of complete _v plant. **,000.000; president. F. S eVTeie. 4ii Wall street. New York, \ice ipresident. Hugo Knhlniaitn aecre -tarv, W. M Rlain. both of New York; ^'■treasurer. Percy H. flood win of H c. - Brown A Company. Calvert building, •and rOye Flo ylResJJfl shrdlu e - Baltimore. Md Decatur-Street Methodist church, Rev. O T. Forrester, pastor, award •*ed contract to J. K Andrews, of Rich mond. to erect edifice at Ninth and , Dacatur streets City will lay cement curbing and •uttering In Oak wood at coet of :s.,*1,200; will Invite bids; Charles E. r Soiling. city engineer. Ben Rosebrn has plans bv Arrhi s tact H P Atherton. Richmond, for .vapartment house; three stories, brick; Ana a nu get V®v* apartments W. E. Kagiand A : Company. Richmond, at *16,000, is t,lowest btdder. Ferdinand Ebel an<i others will re build Ebel building, at *32-34 East •Main street, whiih was burned; loss **,*«« to 110,000 4 Joseph A. Opplemsn will erect pgtore and dwelling; two stories; brick; *o*t *6.000. | *W. J Oilman will erect residence, two stories; detached, brick. cost #4,000 -O 3. Davis will erect three resi dences: detached; frame; cost *3.600. W. J. Oilman will erect dwelling, two stories; brick Mrs. Joseph Arme Oppteman will •fact store and dwelling: two stories; brick; cost fS.oOo Mrs. Virginia H Hubbard will erect ..two dwellings; two stories. brick; •Jeoat 14,000 Mr*. Virginia Hubbard will erect ,tWo dwellings: two stories; brick, cost >**,**0. £ Tobacco—American Tobacco Com - pany win ere-t factory budding ’J«#P*n,v will erect factory budding; four %0*orfes; brick, cost *30,000. Other Places. Altavista—Furniture—Consolldat- ! ed Furniture Company organised twlth 1*00.000 capital stock to ope- ! y rate combined plants of Eynchburg - Eo tinge Company , Snow Basket Com gany and High Point T'pholsterlng i-Company. both Of High Point. N C.; #lte com prises two and a half acres son Virginian Railway , will erect fac tory budding 200x400 feet; A. T ' tjulck, Eynchburg. Va., is president; P. V. Ktrkman. 'High Point. N. e. 4 vice-president. and it Q. Evans, sec •^retary * Covington— Wood-pulp board.— - West Virginia Pulp Products Com VUy, F. J. Meigs president, will be organized to manufacture wood-pulp board from shaving* and waste ol Virginia and West Virginia plant* of WMt Virginia Pulp and Paper Com pany, 200 Fifth avenue. New York, will build experimental plant near pulp and Paper mill at Covington, plant to be In operation In fall; eon tetnplatea enlargement later. New ' York company to be addressed at present. Abingdon.—Norfolk and Western Railway awarded contract to John P. | ^ Pettyjohn and Compsrn>, Lynchburg. | ,to erect brick passenger station; or dinary construction; 27x110 feet, with .umbrella shed: steam heat; electric .Fighting; coat 120,000; plana by com pany. Charlottesville.—Chesapeake and ,'Ohio Hailway, F. 1. Cabell, engineer maintenance of way, Richmond, will arect freight depot, brink and stone; . *00x60 feat; cfflo* building to con tain eight rooms; building and site to coat IMtMO; contract will soon be awarded. - Method let Church, Rev. W. J. Pi out, pastor. -g ooatsuct to Shordcey A Field. of Roanoke, to erect edifice; V<txl0< feet; Bedtead atone and pressed brick; aiata roof, oopper-eovered dome; malm walla 20 feat high; »u« dlgartum gfecM feat. With seating ca pgaliy Wd people. Mt double tier of ^sktmgM aaatlTig ss many mare. making total of l.OOO gent*; piana by Huggins A Bates, Roanoke. Va , W. f. Campbell H chairman of bonding committee. , Petersburg —Geo. Cameron la hav ing plans prrjmr.d by Huggins * Bate#. 808 Striokland Building, Nor __ folk. Va., for dwelling to coat $12, % ' i South Boston—City Hall—City awarded cootract at »i«.820 to Tur ,»ar and Company, Irvington, Va., for g -erection of municipal building to con |g .tala market Stalls, office. Jail fire de ' partment, etc.; two stories and base ment; 81x101 faet; steam heat; plan* <4ojf and construction under super vision of Heard A Cardwell, Lvnch •*»»*. Va, Norfolk.—Mrs. Lairg Melton has I -plans by B. F. Mitchell. Norfolk, for residence .v Norfolk.—Mrs May Sutton will mnct residence; plana by B. F. Mitch-. mil. Norfolk. :ji‘ Craws,—City has contracted with "9- Kent White, electrical engineer. -Bfayaeeboro, v« . for installation of electric light plane Norton.—Norton Car * Foundry will Increase capital stock ,000 to 140,000; erect brick .to replace old etructure. -R. M. Eastwood award __ to W. F. * J. T. Bawyer. '-sixth and Granby streets, Nor - erection of |4,t00 two-fam teat house; brick; S2x«2 John W. Sherman hai > * Bates, 000 Strict for 81,001 has plans by llunlni £ Hates. <09 Strictland 1 building. Roanoke, {or <1.500 dwell | In*. Roanoka.—R. J. Izard will erect i residence, two stories; brick; coat M.000 Kotstke.—W. H. Mobmaw will erect residence; two storlea; brick; cost $4,600. Roanoke.—E. I’ Tompkins will erect residence; two atorlea; frame; coat <$,000. H'anoke.—R. Fredmnn hH* plana by Huggins A Hate*. 60S* Strictland , bulldln*. Roanoke, for <4,000 dwell* I inj: RoanokO. R. Sanford ha* plana by Hu**tnz A Bates. 60? Strictland building. Roanoke, for *dwell ing Roanoke.—E. J. Inman haa plan* jb\ Huggins A Bate*. 6«9 Strlctlanct | building. Roanoke; for <6.200 dwell ing Roanoke.—I)e Moea Taylor haa plan* by Hoggin* A Bate*, 609 Strict - land bulldln*. Roanoke, for <12.000 dwelling Norfolk.—Abbott. Morris A Com pany will erect three six-room frame dwelling In Ocean View annex. Norfolk—Cornelia H ' Sullivan awarded rontract to Pear A Totty. Norfolk, for erection of residence, brick; coat <4.000. Norfolk.—L. H Watte awarded contract to Richard Overman. Nor folk. for erection of dwelling, two stories; frame; coat <3,50o. Roanoke.—Mrs Dorris Schrader awarded contract to 3. R. Carter. Roa noke. for erection of residence; eight rooms; frame; coat <3,000. Roanoke.—J J\ Wood* has plans by Huggins * Bates. 40 Strictland building, Roanoke, for <7.500 dwell ing contract awarded to J W Shields. Roanoke; heating contract let separately. Address proposal* for heating plant to owner. Roanoke.—Mr.i. J. Inman award ed contract to J. R. Carter, Roanoke, for erection of losldence; 3 0 rooms; two storlea; coat $7,000. Qulcksburg—Dee district school board awarded (.nitrate to J. S. Heat wo’.e Company. Harrisonburg. Va . for erection of proposed school building; 28x62 feet; ordinary construction; .cost <3,600, plans hy J. 1. Jones. Miller school, Ya. Ljnchhurg.—City awarded contract at <21.600 to W B. Snead A Com pany. Lynchburg, for erection of negro school; brick; structure to be 90x62 feet; ordinary construction; plans by ■ Lewis A Burnham. National ban* building. Lynchburg. Newport New* —State School for Deaf and Blind awarded contract at < 1 1.969 to R. H. Richardson A Son. Hampton. Va., for erection of laundry and shop, kitchen and dining-room and residence for superintendent and white teachers; also awarded contract at <1,276 to Hrlttlngham A Finnegan. Newport News, for heating plant in main building Roanoke.—School board awarded contract at <8.000 to J W Shields. Roanoke. Va., for erection or addition ; of four room* to Commerce street school; 43x58 feet; direct and Indirect steam heat; plan* by Hoggin* & i Hates. Roanoke. Va. J$orfolk. Henry day Hofheimer. Albert Herat and others will erect theatre. Pulaski. B P. O. E. will receive proposals until June 20 for erection of lodge building and opera-house pre viously noted Newport New*. — Finch >-*tate K II Mason and Judge Dudley, trustee* ;had plans prepared^ bv r. r Holu j(law Hampton. \ a., for theatre re-‘ .cently noted to be erected; twd-story j building; 50x100 feet; cost <8,000; J, W ,Davis. Newport News, at <7,99o! .1* low** bidder. Emporia.^—T. AY. Chandler Is- Bro., A Irglllna. AV, have contract at <1.200 per mile to construct 28 mile* of ; gravel road In Oreenesvllle county I-eeshurg.—Bids will he opened June 17 for construction of two mile* j of macadam road from Purcellvlllc »o. j " "I’d Sllcott Springs. In Loudoun 1 _;_;_ county; P. 8t. J. Wilson. State High way Commissioner. Radford.—City voted lusuanoe of $25,000 of bonds for street and side walk Improvement* and building vault In City Clerk's office; T. M. Turner. Mayor. Roanoke.—City will not at present receive bids on paving Thirteenth street, Franklin road, Holliday street. Church avenue, etc. Spottsyi vania.—Board of Public Roads of Spotfsylvnnia county. G. W. Porrj. president. Fredericksburg. Va., awarded contract to Morris * Gunter, Newport News. Va.. to construct 17 1-2 miles of ro tdauCon nifw mfw ww miles of road in Courtland and 9 1-2 miles in Chancellor District; contract price, about $2.QOO per mile. Washington.—Wakefield District of Rappahannock county will expend $30,000 to construct eight miles of macadam road; State Highway Com mission. Richmond. Va., will have i harge of construction; W. C. Arm strong, (l< rk Alexandr’a—Jail —<’ll\ has plans bv It. F. Smith. SI 7 Fourteenth stri ct. V W.. Washington. D. for re modellng city Jail; plans call <y*r steel i cells w ithin present walls, etc ; cost, $8,000. Martinsville—-Jail.—Henry county is receiving bids through John W. Mat thews for erection of jail previously noted; reinforced concrete and brick; cost. $15,000; plans by Huggins & Hates. 009 Strickland building. Roa noke, Va. l.ynchhurg—Williams - MeKelthan Dumber Company, Inc., with $400,000 capital stick; Krnest Williams, presi dent; W. li Harris, secretary; both of Rynchburg; James Mortimer, general manager. Dumber, S. C. Hon&ker.—Honaker Dumber Com pany conlemplates Installing lath and planing mill. Palmyra.—Palmyra Telephone Com pany purchased Fluvanna Telephone company; will establish central of | flee and Install metallic circuit; con nect with Richmond and Charlottes i vllle. Scottsvllie—Scottaville Telephone Company, Inc., with $10,000 capital stock; W. S. Dorrier, president. Scotta vllle; K. W. Tctyman secretary-treas tirer; George B. Walker, vice-presi dent, both of Charlottesville. Toms Creek—Commissary—Vir ginia Iron, Coal and Coke Compares will erect commissary building at Toms Creek (not at Tones Creek, as recent ly stated i; fireproof structure; cost, $31,450: heating and lighting, addi tional cost; contractor. D. J Phipps. Newport News. Va.; plans by Hug gins & Bates Roanoke. Va. Pulaski—B. P. O. E. will receive proposals until June 20 for erection of two-story brick building recently noted; lodge building and opera house; plans and specifications obtainable from J. W. Miller, or from Huggins A Rates. archlte< ts. Roanoke. Va. Alexandria—Moving picture ma chines-—Oliver Trl-Chromattc Com pany. Inc.. with $999,000 capital stock; T. C. Noyes, president. 1101 Pennsylvania avenue, N. W : Frank Hyatt, vice-president. The Rocham beau; Louis Garthe, secretary. 1410 Pennsylvania avenue, N. W ; all of Washington, D. C Dynt-hburg — Bakery - Dync-hburg Steam Bakery will be rebuilt; mate rial supplied. Appalachia —-Store ga Coke A- Coal Company. Stonnga, Vn„ will expend $21,000 on erection of wholesale gro cery building; contract recently noted awarded to D. J Phipps. Newport News. Va.; cost of heating. $2,000; electrical work, $H00; elevator to be Installed Virginia Beach.—Norfolk & South ern Hallway, F. D. Nicholson chief engineer, Norfolk. Va, will erect ho tel to replace burned Princess Anne Hotel: concrete and brick; also plans erection of casino. Graham.—The Graham Electric Railway Company has been charter ed, with $25,000 or $60,000 capita I and the following officers J. F. Dud ley. president; William Mitchell, vlee 1 president; R. B. Williamson, serre [ j ; i _, WO OTHER SUaURT'^^l IS AS GOOD AN APPROACH & NASH This is the Adv. You Are Seeing in the Street Cars mmmm BROAD-STREET mid ASBURY PLACE SUNDAY SCHOOLS EXCURSION TO BUCKROE BEACH Thursday, June 16th. ■ Train leaves Main Street Station, R i A. M Returning, leaves Ruckroe 6:30 I’ M ETCI RSK1V in ST. JVMI’.S VI. K. StMI.VV-SCHOOL TO WEST POINT. FRIim, Jl NE I7TH. 11*10. Raseliall—St .lames vs West Point. Ticket*. Adults 50. . children, 25c. train leaves Southern depot at 8 2il \ M tarj : <' W Keister, treasurer—all of Graham, Va j Norfolk.—Central Water Front Co. organized by Z. T. White. J. W. Fer ry and others: will establish oyster running plant, erect buildings, Fredericksburg.—Ancient Free and Accepted Masons planning erection of u mple. Basic City.— City will receive pro posals until June 20 on pump and electrical machinery for Improve ments to water works; W., M. Page, treasurer. Emporia.—Fa rrriers' Co-operative (Juan.I Company . rganlzed; W. B. Qoodwyn. manager; will sstahilSh I guano factorj TWO STORY COTTAGE FOR $2,230 -’I •CLYDE £> ADAMS -AKCHiTECT ^ECOHD fLooe \ ffr?5T fL9C&. ThU two-itory cottage presents It U of the bungalow type of house, j on<l floor, and fan tic built very I eiltng heights as follows. Cellar 7 The first floor contains a specious I and passage way through pantry to i place, a cheerful and well lighted d The second floor consists of four ! will be noted ,the main bedroom con The bathroom U equipped with An Itemized cost of construction several very novel features not *en although show Inn bedrooms on sec cheaply. The plans shown Include & ond floor S feet 6 Inches, porch, reception hall, with flower C kitchen for direct service to front d lnlng room, kitchen and pantry and bedrooms, m11 with ample closet sp tains an opsn fireplace, fixtures modern and up-to-date, and is herewith nlven: erally found In h<vme« of thi* class, feet; ftm (lorr 9 feet ; Inches: sec cellar under fin- entire house wtth c _ < oaser victory and colonial staircase. oor, parlur with u lur*e open flre rear porch ace. and a linen closet In hall. As I la complete In all its appointments. Excavating .. *155 i Stonework . 1T5 Carpentry . 400 Stair* ., 120 Plumbing .,.. >20 Hardware ..... >jl Lumber ..,400 Millworlt ..Mii.ifvti tdi'vr 41^ ( Painting ami glazing Hot-air beating ,.. . SS« 100 Total $7,000 Grace Ntreet Nice Home lx.t :iOxt50 McCURDV & JOHNSON’, Mutual Building. N. W. Bovve & Son Fall Rent List NOW READY GET ONE. for Sale $150 Per Acre DUMBARTON ACREAGE ■ Right at station. The best buyer on j the market. Sec us at once. BLANTON A CO 7* 1110 East Main. Rent Reduced To ouly $15 per month for 309 Sycamore Sr. In Delightful Barton Heights. Attractive, Detached Corner Dwelling ; Containing ti rooms and bathroom. Electric lights, |>orcolam bath tub. Only 1 one block from street ears. Splendid condition. Extra large lot. , A. T. CHEWNING COMPANY. RENT BARGAIN No. 600 Virginia Avenue At $330 per annum, large lot, beautiful 1 shade. JNO. W. BATES, 20 North Nth St. Price $1,700. Rpnt $!S0 Nice five room cottage, in East End. hot and cold water and hath. Good dry cellar with concrete floor. H SELDON TAYLOR & CO. MY PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVRN TO THE CARE OF PROPERTY AND COLLECTION OF RENTS. DOUGLAS E. TAYLOR, Renter and Belter of Reel Eat&te. Call, 'phone or write for our Revised I Rent List. H. SELDON TAYLOR A CO. Atlas of City of Richmond Property Oimert. See COMPILED BY » W. E. PURCELL, Jr. PRICE <100.00. W. E. PURCELL. Jr. 1(X) North Eighth Street. MEETINGS. THE NEXT MEETING OP TJIE VIR ginla State Board of Dental Exami ners will be held at the Medtcal Col lege of Virginia, Richmond. Va„ on Tueaday, June 14, WO- beginning at Rents A SPECIAL DEPARTMENT OUR DEMAND FOR HOUSES IS FAR GREATER THAN THE SUPPLY. YOUR PROPERTY IS SOLICITED. UOLSAN A NASH. fi>r two dwelling.' on Church Mill, rented to excellent tenant* Rental $330 t'er annum. J A. CON NELL\ A CO V CelO-lt Vacation Insurance. Don’t fail to in*ure your household furniture or dwelling before you go on vour vacation Wo can give you prompt service in the boat companies at the lowest rate*—a fire might wipe out your savings of year* and leave you where you started. Better be Insured Than Sorry E. A. CATLIN & CO. NO If. NORTH EIGHTH STREET RENT LIST i POSSESSION OF THE BELOW CAN BE HAD AT ONCE. I $240 per an.—No. 1908 W. Main St. 200 per an.—No. 108 N. Plum St. : 200 per an.—No. 3104 Taylor .81 200 (XT an.—Cor. Marshall and Boulo- j vard, $18.00 per month—No. 1258 Taylor St. 15.00 per month.—No. 1250 Ashland St. 15.00 per month—1910 Pleasants St. , 12.00 per month—No. 2804 E. Clay St. 11.00 per month—No. 715 W. Marshall street. 10.50 per month—No. 1800 Dance St. 9.50 per month—No. 814 Sprint? St. 9.00 per month—Fulton Hill. 5.50 per month—707-709 Chureh St. FLATS. ; $20.00 per month—No. 1516 Fourth Av$. , (Highland Pajk), furnished. 9.00 per month—No. 1262-64 Taylor Street. 7 00 per month—No. 501 N. Twenty eighth Street. E. A. CATLIN & CO. 16 N. Eighth Street. [Flats! Flats! Non. 1106 and 1108 West Cary, New, modern, well appointed, 7 rooms each, electric lights, beautiful baths. Rent only, $270 per annum. Possession July 15th, 1910. JOHN W. BATES, 20 North Eighth Street CALL PHONE OR'WRITE FOR OUR New Fall' Rent List .; POLLARD AfiAQBY. —... RENT LIST OF JOHN W. BATES. HEAL ESTATE AGENT, 20 North Eighth Strict. Richmond \ a. ..'.- ..~~~. STORES. Per Annum. $720.00—Southeast corner Adame and Main Streets. 600.00— Southeast corner Adams and Main Street*, next to Karaite. 120.00— 1002 West (Hay Street. DWELLINGS, Fall expiration*. Per Annum. $300.00—No. 614 North Ninth Street, September 1st. 420 00—No. 314 Park Street. September 1st. DWELLINGS, Possession at once $240.00—No. 409 North Thirty Second Street, at once. 330.00— No. 600 Virginia Avenue, at once. 480 00—No. 1404. Park Avenue, at one*. FLAT8. Per Annum. $720.00—Third Flat 102$ West Franklin Street, September 15th. 270.00— No. 1106 West C’ary Street, between Harrison and Morris, July 15th. 270.00— No. 1108 West Cary Street, July 1st. 250.00— Corner Adams and Main Streets over new store, At once. 200.00— No. 2900 East Broad Street, at once. 550.00— No. 2927 “A” West Grace Street September 1st. 550.00— No. 2227 West Grace Street, September 1st, FOR RENT, No. 3 West Grace Street A large, handsome detaabed Brick, of 15 rooms, two baths, large yard and good stable. It’s one of the beat on Central Grace Street. H. SEL130N TAYLOR A (X). Insurance Written by yjr. K. A- CATLIN A 00.,