Ho representation on the floor, and whan any request Is made by this de wwn icm**«*o •• -- . _ . partment It ts either disregarded c*. Hrely. or rnl*understood, and looked ' . •« i. _J , . n>*ti 01^11 U I lie nraiy. or —-■ »- >n at ridiculous and unreasonable. 10 the case of the eating house 1 tie'* just referred to Mr. Pollard ad viser me that thr only way 1 ■'hilght proaenute was under the State Ian on the subject of common nuisances Such casts as thla do not come under that heading. A place may 1* so filthy that It I* unbearable >et it being private concern. quietly managed. #U-.. i. cannot exactly be regarded as a common nuisance" The ruling of c'lty Attorney Pollard waa originally given Feb 11. 1905, ■when the former »M asked for an opinion as to whether or not board ing houges, hotels, saloons and similar aatahlishments might be taxed for •oiling milk and fc odstufft Hi* re ply folows Pollard's letter "Dr W T Oppenheimer. President Hoard of Health. Cltj ' Dear Sir. — By order of th* com* nslltee on health as to whether the ordinance entitled an 'an ordinance to create the olflie of Inspector of milk and food supplies. . h approved Mac y, 1904. In the matter of a pay ment of a tax or fee applies to board ing houses, hotels, saloons and soda water merchants, In response to which I have, to ssv that In mi Judgment aald ordinan e in the matter of license »nd tax applle- to dealers In milk and foodst Jfff not laker- or consumers of milk or food "Boarding haute kaspera. hote1*. sa teens and soda water merchant*, wh'la they furnish milk to their customers yot this 'S incident to their business. They are not dealer* in milk and food supplies they *-• consumers through their customers of milk and food. "Therei -re ii is very clear that the 'owners and proprietors of the estab lishment* named are not required to takr out u license in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance or pay a tax thereunder ' "Vers truls yours • H. U. POLLARD. "City attorney." . According to r»r Levy, this opinion ■June- tmllln s any pro< edlnga nn his part. ' I; thej hav* no license for us to revoke, «hat can no do'.' Obviously nothing said hi "In order to make matters more cer tain, however." he continued. "1 wrote to Mr Pollard asking tor specific Infor mation as to whether or not w« hud any authority in this matter, .ailing his at tention to the crying need that w. be given popers to act it! those cases where we found flagruri violations of the purelooti laws Dr. Levy's Letter. 1 he letter was written July I'l, 1901, and was .is lolluws " Hon. H R. Pollard. City attorney, Richmond. Va lkor sir, ■■The attention of ihls department has been very lor ib'j dlrcotid to the necessity of yitr hi iig complete 1url« dot* not requlri pla condition, that It must be regarded as a menace to the health of those who eat there Your —previous opinion has been that the ordinance of June 9, lstOt, does not Apply to restaurants There must sure ly he some * a; iu which we i_a:i reach Such places as thi*. as they constitute an unquestionable menace to health. “Please gi'a this your opinion at once AS to the proper method of procedure. Under existing ordinances and judi cial powers of the Hoard of Health. Very truly yours, “E C. LEVY. “Health Officer.'’ Has Givsn up Fight. To this appeal came the oft relter Atsd rsply that the health department has no Jurisdiction, that It could do nodilng save prosecute under the com mon law. relating to nuUar.ce, which Ia» sal do m if ever applies In such cases. "And so ” said Dr I evv, “I have given UP tJT'tg to get any authority. JCvsryttma l ask for an opinion and '.|PK It, I find ims* u little hit worse Ofl than I WAS be'ur ■ ns a result. We feats just been bluffing end making the Muff work Now that the story Is out I suppose svsn the bluff will be called. Pggslfely how ever, Council, whl rush to the rescue fiT'Certalnly something needs to be ' BELIEVE PRENTICE SEEN SINCE FIRE .Now Thought That He Ha? l*is appeared Fore Reason? ol His Owu. (Special to The Richmond Virginian 1 HOWLING GREEN. VA . June l.f> — Report* have reached here that ** man believed to be George Prentice was seen about ten miles from hero the day after hi* house was destroyed by Are. and this together with other tthlnga lead the people to believe that Prenth <> was not burnt up and Is not dead, but lias left the county for some mysterious reason of his own. Mrs Prentice, who recently appear ed on the rcene. sold all the personal and agt Cultural property and went to Ohio, had very little to say. it Is believed that there are some who know more about the case than they care to tell. The rumor that Prentice was mur dered by some one who w ished to get money believed to be on hla person has been given up a» untrue It had been believed that the missing man drew a certain sum of money to make a payment on a place bought bv him some time ago. hut It has been as certained that this payment will not become due tinlil October, and it )« therefore thought that If he procured anv money at all it was on collateral, and for the purpose of going away A coat has bc«n found in the barn which is believed to have belonged to Trentice In one of the pockets was a receipt for the payment of >3.74 to the Modern Woodmen of America on an insurance policy. The ?a.e of this policy would be about >3.000. According to the receipt, the insurance was tarried with l amp No. 7034. which is in Ohio The man seen In another part of the. county, believed to have been Prentice had a prominent soar on his forenend Some time ago Prentice was kicked In the head by a mule, leaving a scar very similar to the one described by those who saw- this man. SAY BOOK AGENT ATTEMPTED FRAUD Cutler Alleged to Have I nlawful lv Si cured $.■> from Rui ( n»c Not Proven. J .1 (hitler, a book agent, was be fore Police Justice It A. Mauri, c In court No. 2 Thursday morning on a charge of fraudulently obtaining Si. from Mr* Mary Rlely The accused pleaded not guilt' and declared that he" had no intention of swindling t'pon his offer to reimburse the plain tiff and as the latter was not inclined to press the charge the case "as dismissed with cost*, paid by the bpok agent. Mrs Rlely Is said to have pur I . haaed a set of books from Cutler. and the latter Is alleged to have I overcharged The matter was taken up with the publishers, who stated j that their representative was not au thorized to Increase the price of the j books The matter seemed to be a case of misunderstanding MUhael Wood, colored, whs fined >2 60 and costs by Justice Maurice for drunkenness Cotton Hawthorne, a ten-year-old white boy. was arraigned in court \ upon complaint of Janitor Luck, of ■ the Ralnbrtdge street public school The lad Is said to have maliciously rocked” the building, amaejilng sev - eral windows The court deal len I lent!' with the hoy. placing him un i der probation » OBITUARY .Ware* .Higgint (Sp-V i 1'v Tpe R I,'1, n ml.'l ViigCiUr,, ’ FREDt.RlVKSBl RG. .Ini' 11 Miss .Mans Hlggin*. aged ...> \sar* daughter of Mr Walter Higgins. fur in> of Spotsylvania county. now of Washington. <1 Ir-tl in that • 11 y ycater day, We’dnesduy, after a long illness Spencer Cornick i Spencer Comtek aged thirty-nine ■rears died Wednesday a' the Virginia. Hospital. He leaves a widow and two sons. Parker and Carrington Comtek. For years he was secretary of a local real estate firm. The funeral w ill take place Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock from Mr Cormlek's home, No. 613 Hast Leigh street. Kec li. 1) Maclachlan 'will conduct the cemnon- Interment will he in Hollywood cemetery. Mrs. Sidney Johnson. i Spec ial to The Richmond Virginian ) ItOA.VOKE. VA , June 1 ti—Mrs Sidney Johnson, of rismunt, died here to-day at the home of her son, Mr C. S. Johnson, alter an illness of secerai weeks She we* seventy-six years old I’he body was taken last night to the old home in Albemarle and the burial will be in the family burying ground. Mrs Johnson is sur | viced by three children—C. S John son. of Roanoke; Lloyd Johnson and Miss Cora Johnson, if Cismont. PRESIDENT WILL SPEAK AT WATERWAYS CONVENTION WASHINGTON, June 16.—Presl 'dent Taft to-day promised Represen tative Madden, republican of Illinois. (Graff. republican of Illinois, and ' Ran*dell, demlbrat of Louisiana, that he would apeak at the next conven tion of the National Waterways Con gress early next September. j CO I NCI I. ME N ELECTED IN TOWN OI MARION i Spec ial to The Richmond Virginian i MARION. VA . June 16 —Cnusual interest was manifested in the election of town officers here on Tuesday, the principal contest being the race for councilmanlr honor*. Seven mem bers were to he elected, and there (were thirteen aspirant* Two hun- i dred and seventy men were entitled l to vote and 26k u»ed the privilege The election resulted in file choice of the following: Mayor, Robert L ; Williams; sergeant. J. Hlaine Rich ardson. recorder, A. P. Snider. Mem bers of council. W P. Francis, T M. Greer, James White ShefTey, Dr George W sprinkle, J II Grose ■ lose, W C Beaver. J. M. Brisco : and W. A. Tartar received the same I number of vote* for the seventh place, and J. M Brisco has with drawn In favor of Mr. Tartar. The town ta filled with Epworfh Leaguers this wee, attending a con- j ference and institute Evangelist , George Stuart was to addreR* the con ference last evening Episcopal High School. ALEXANDRIA. VA , June 1«.—The ' cimencement exercises of the seven ty-first annual session of the Episco pal High School were h«-id yesterday afternoon In Liggett Hall, on the .school grounds, west of Alexandria, In the presence of the faculty and many of the parent* and friends of the stu dents from this city. Washington and I the surrounding country. The graduates were Norborn* Berk elcy. of Danville, Vg.; Eustace Con vvay, of Mississippi; Robert Klnloch Maiitc, Jr., of Fairfax county, Va.. Walter Joseph Suthon. Jr., of Louis iana; William Nicholas Wood, of Al bemarle county, Va., and Plchegfu Woolfolk, of Richmond, Va. St. Mary’s Graduates. ALEXANDRIA. VA„ June 16.—The annual closing exercises of St. Mary's Academy were held In the Opera House Tuesday afternoon before a large audience. Graduating medals and diplomas were conterrsd by Hev. Father M J. Futler and Reo Father Ilagerty, C. 8. P., of the Catholic Uni versity. Washington, read the awards. Ue\. Father Cutler alsjj, delivered an address to the graduates. There were ten graduates, six In the &. ademte course and four In the com mercial course. They were as fol lows Academic course. Misses Mary Madeline Hjrne Catherine Mary Daly. Maude Elmina AUensworth, Marie Es telle Gaines. Mary Audrey Murphy, Maria Ther< sa Waters. Commercial course, Misses Minnie Brooks Pettit. Ellen Jenkins. Kathleen Marguerite Sullivan, Mary Ella Ikurgees. ROANOKE COLLEGE CONFERS DEGREES Marc Graduates Receive Coveted Iiipiomas—Changes Made in Faculty. SALEM, VA , June 16—Roanoke College has conferred the B. A. de gree upon the following graduates. James Ernest Abshire, Roanoke; Ro bert Tomer Anderson. Graham; An drew Jackson Aylor, Brightwood; Charles lUjmond Brown, Retspring, Guy Hudson Brown, Relsprtng. Cla rence Hreston Caldwell, New Castie; Nathaniel Haw kins Copenhav er, Bris tol; Henry Grady Davis, Greenville. Tenn.; •dward Compton Hanks. Kansas City. Travis Fillmore Holt man. Madison; Thurston Bantz Keis ter, Roanoke: John William Keith. Richmond: James Francis Mort-m, Arcadia Tenn ; Thomas Motlev Plsnk. King s Mountain. X". C ; How ard Orln Price. Tuscaloosa. Ala.; Er nest Marlin Shank. Concord, N. c ; Ira Bolen Vaught, Newport. Va ; Gordon Victor Youce. Salem; Paul Euther Tount, Greenshurg. Pa The A. B. degree was awarded Miss Mary Gardner Keister, Roanoke, and Miss Anns Margaret Toledo Web ster. Cumberland. Md.. special men tion being made of Miss Mattie Belle Guy. of Roanoke, who completed with distinction the entire A. B. course except i hemistry The A. M degree In course w is conferred on Pleasant David Brown. Salisbury. X C.: Hubert Francis Cooper. China Grove, N. C.: Wilbur Furl Mann, Cumberland. Md.. and J..hn Samuel Sherertz, Roanoke- Tne A. M. certificate was awarded Miss Fannie Dudley Moffett, Salem, end Miss Mary Barnette Oakey, Salem The A. M in absentia was awarded Rev. Marion David Huddle, A. B.. Rural Retreat. Bernard Ingram. A. B. Annapolis. Md., and William She rey Keister. A R., Roanoke, and an A M certificate to Mias Ethelyn Crabtree. Salem. It was announced that Prof. 8 B Powell, A. M . acting professor of chemistry- and physic*. had been elected full professor, and Dr. K lb Blodgett, of the Johns Hopkins Fnl verslty, had been elected acting pro fessor of biology and geology. COUNTRY CLUB TO OPEN SmURDJIY AT NOON Bnanl nf Governors Perfects Pro £ ram ot Festivity and .X'fcU'brn.tinp, ; , With three days of festi\ its, gaiety and 1 eleiuiuion. ■■■ ginning satin da: . the Country Club of Virginia, the South s finest suburban social meet ing plaie. will he opened fn the one thousand numbers and their friends. The hoard of governors held a meeting Wednesday evening and de cided that everything nas in r.adl ness for the opening of the hano some clubhouse perched on a 1 "in manding eminence in Westhampton. A tentative program for the opening was gone over again by the board and perfected. A band will discourse mush-. t< unis players will compete on the three courts, golfers will whang the festive rubber bail over the head end no r the hill, the hounds "ill be tethered In the kennels and bay lustily for the blood of the fu**y-tailed inv. epl rtted hunters will stamp restlessly in their stalls and long to vault the fence In pursuit of elusive Reynard, while the dub members lounge ub jt.t the spacious portico or stroll through the colonial rooms and smile in con tentment and satisfaction. owing to the large membership In the club and a desire on the part of all the members to be on ban] to Initiate the new clubhouse, no guests will be Invited Saturday. During the remainder of the celebration, how eve.r, the club members will Invite their friends to the clubhouse and many smart social function* and spi rited athletic tournament* will he held HENRY CARPSO WANTS OWN PRIVATE YACHT GENOA. June IB.—Manager Per rons. of the Anseldo shipyard at Kan Pierdarena. near here, to-day received a renucst from Enrico Caruso, the operatic tenor, fur an estimate on the cost of a 2 000 to 2.000 ton ocean going yacht, to he launched next fall. Caruao say* he wants the vaeht for hts trip to America in 1911. As a token of his regard for American*. Caruso will ask Mr*. I.etshman, wife of the American ambassador to Italy, to christen the yacht "Radames," after the tenors character in the opera "Aida " Alt RESTED FOR ROBBRRV. NEGROES ADMIT THEIR C.OLT (Special to The Richmond Virginian. 1 WINSTON-SALEM. N. C, June IS — Robert Hargrave and Will Stewart, both colored, who were arrested at High Point Tuesday night on the charge of breaking Into Boyles Bros.’ store and taking *700 worth of mer chsndlae. were brought to this city yesterday. They confessed being im plicated. hut said that they vverw on the outride and that a third party entered the store and handed them the suit cases. Practically all of tho stolen property was recovered. Mr#. Mary Davia CSpeclal to The Richmond Virginian-! SCOTTSV1LLE. June 16*—Mrs. Mary Dav's. wlfa of Alfred Davie, an em ploy* of the C. and O Railway, died at her home In Pluveno county. Tuesday afternoon. She had been sick with pneumonia for only a few days Mrs. Davia leaves three email child!*" beside* her husband. SESSION CLOSES IT HIGH SCHOOL John Marshall Graduates Given Their Diplomas at City Auditorium. INTEREST! NG PROGRAM Gloomy Weather i'aila (Jtcck Attendance-—I-i?t of Honor Pupil* ( While rain felt in sporadic torrents outside, a capacity crowd rilled the city auditorium Wednesday night to vtfTfncos the commencement exercises marking the closing of the thirty sixth annual session of the John Mar shall High school. it was an enthusiastic crowd of spectators and a not less enthusiastic number of graduates and undergrad uates who helped make high school history A long and interesting pro- j gram was rendered, and enthusias tically applauded, but for all that the Interest of the evening undoubtedly centered about the awarding of diplomas and the announcement of those xvhc had won honors during the scholastic year Just e losing The brilliance inside the auditorium was in marked contrast to th< gloomy, rainswept streets The stage was decorated with a profusion of (lowers. I both of the wild and hot house •ariety. These were set e?ff by a back ground of the flags of the State and the nation. On this stage the graduates inarched, and were seated in the cen ter On either side of them sat teachers, speakers and members of the school board. The opening address of welcome was delivered by Professor James C. Harwood, principal of John Marshall High school. The speaker traced the (growth of the school mentioning the names of several eutieators w ho had 1 been prominently identified with Its ! constantly increasing success. Musical Program. Follow ing Mr. Harwood s *'address came a musical and declamatory pro gram by the pupils of the school, feel lowing which the chief address of the evening was delivered by Dr. C Al | phonso Smith, of the J'nlverslty of North C arolina. Dr Smith spoke on : "Individuality," he held up Thomas Jefferson as an example to be emu lated, t The exorcises closed with the awarding of the diplomas, which were handed out by Chairman Charles Hutxler. of the? school board The list of graduates has already been pub- i ! liahed In The Rtchme.nel Virginian The names of the honor pupils, and those who have won scholarships, as announced by Principal Harwood, are as follows Scholarships. Boys—First, Norman Ernest J.ar son. Richmond College . second. Clif ford Algernon Folkes, University of Virginia: third. Garland Melvin Har wood, Hampden-Stdne; . fourth. Craw - ford Curry Crouch, William and I Alary ; Girls—First, Florence Alma Nor mfnt. Richmond College, awarded bj i F. H Williams; second, Kolia Brans ford Leftvvieh, Richmond College, awarded by E Carrington Cabell, third, Thelma Baldwin Watts, ltan (Jolph-Mac.on Woman's College; tourth, Florence Ellse Minor, Rich mond Training-school for lvlndergarl | ncrs. 'I'he William Fayette Fox scholar ship. which Ik awarded annually to the girl graduate of the lllgh school upon the recommendation of the prin cipal, war awarded to Marion Brew | ster Monsell. Rosemai; Library memberships, which are awarded at the. close oi i each half term to the pupils standing I ■'highest tii - (In t TgspgtfU, e gtiides, were awarded to the following. Februar' . 1910—-Campbell Berko- ; !e>. Alma N • rment, Mary Watts, Brownie Burk, Coulee Welslger. Helen , Monsell. Louise Geptarth, Mary Hum- i phreyj,. Marlon Heller. June, ISOu— Aline .Vorment. Will l Farrlsh, Louise Weisiger Malcolm i Strauss. I,must Gepfarth, Mary Hum phreys. Gladys Burnett, Russell i Bow lea. Promotion. First Honor l*upi|s. i B i—Will ] Farrlsh, Lima Meredith, Allen* Ir ' Inc, Howard May. Frank Hancock ! iithirs Regularly Promoted—Paul ine Harman. Harold Felly, Kurile lajng, Mart t'hildrey, Harold Calls, lx, , Horace Hellatern. Calvin Childress. , Virginia frump. Annie Graham. Flor- ' enoo Lichtenstein, Laura Garthright, i Henrietta Sv ha pirn. Eleanor Swann I Neither Absent nor Tardy—Ailene Moore, Elnta Meredith, Frank Hea- i ! cock. Pauline Harmon, Calvin t'hll- : dress. Virginia Crump. Florence Lichtenstein , First Honor Pupils. 4 B i—Ruby Block. ., Other Pupils Regularly FYomoted— j Brownie Buck, ivy Tiller, Wilfred! Lowery. Mlnm. Staude, Irene Lynch, j Hilda Holzhauer, Ruth Sherpley. Pupil Neither .Absent nor Tardy-—! IWilfred Lowery- i' First Honor Pupil*. 3 B 1—Louise P. Welslger, Man V William*, Alice I L Spier*, Rudolph C. Brauer, Clvde C. Webster. 1 Other Pupils Promoted—W. Gordon ; GI bison, Emanuel i Wallersteln. Maei1 Perrin, Raymond P Dunning. Beryl !( |W. Hundley. Louis Bloomberg, Meyer |E. Relnhard, Alma Bloomberg WII- 1 lyiam M Rinadberg, John IV: Spiers, Rita J. I'llmsn Audrev F .Dillon Frank M. Bradbury, Miriam H. Me- 3 Graw, Marguerite McCullough, Agnes!' t-. May, Archie p Cone, Louise S j Goode. Jessie T Witham. Teressa Johnaon. Pupils Neither Absent nor Tardy— ! W. Gordon Gibson Meyer E Rein hard. Clyde C Webster, Rudolph C Brauer. Louise p Weialger. Firat Honor Pupil*, 3 B 2—Russell ! Wingfield. Marge ret Clendon. Other Pupils Regularly Promoted—' Besaie Shuman Elizabeth Gray, Louise Baldwin. Glad's Johnson. Grate Dodd. Ethel Smith. Elizabeth Potts, Rosa Burton. Bessie Woody, Al.vae Bates. 1 Joete Richardson Lilly Tlgnor. Kfi 111 e ' Hancock, Columbia Hargrove, Ruth I Scott. Pupils Neither Absent nor Tardv—'! Stanley Donaldson. Thomas Lipscomb, , Margaret Clendon, Elizabeth Gray, Co- 1 i lumbla Hargrove, Firat Honor Pupils, 3 B 3—Maurice I • , L. Hutsler. Hobart C. Smith. ' Other Pupil* Reguiar|v FYomoted— Oliver B. Cro**. John A. Skinner. Jr. 3 1 Neither Absent nor Tardj—Maurice |L. Hutzler. John A. Skinner, Jr , E. '• Wills Woodward. Firat Honor Pupil*, 3 A Malcolm ' Straus, Jesse Harris, George Falrlamb. - Other Pupils Regularly Footnoted— ’ | William Cogblll, Blanches Ham, New-1! ton Ancarro". Elizabeth Jenkins, Sid- ' new Clarke Theodore Huxall. Samp iOellman. Thon.a* Kuhn, Brook* An- 1 ideraon. Rher Elltck. Norma Loth, Ml- 3 !riant Smith. Eletse Walthall. Emelie Howerton. Rutherfoord Wingfield. 1 Beulah Rarksr Alice Marcuse, Virginia Pay re U-j Pupil* N»lth«r Absent nor Tardy— 1 Malcolm Straus, Thomsi Kuhn. Alice Marcuse. Charles Montgomery. Firat Honer Pupilfc 3 A 2 —Mary C- 1 Women’s Dainty Neckwear There seeih# to be no end to these pretty licceesoriee— everything in this sample lot of Women's Neckwear to add an additional charm however they may be worn. AU the newest styles for summer, most every style included, as round Dutch collars, mull and lace com binations, lace and pleated rabots. Long jabots, lare and mull; white and colored ascots, lace bows; also the jabots with the aide pleated effect, hundreds of different styles, every one worth 25c, and some worth more; special, 12 l-2c. -. .i ... '■ ■ .. Short-End Sale of Silks. All small lots of Silks, consisting of Foulards, Taffeta and Messaline, in checks, stripes and fig ured designs, also plain effects. Jot No. 1 are Silks that sold originally at 25c and 39c yard; reduced to |2 1 -2c lot No. 2—Silks that sold originally at 39c. 49c, 59c and ft9e yard; reduced to 25c. lot No. 3—Silka that sold originally at 49c, 59c. 75c and 85c; reduced to 39c. lot No. 4—Silks that sold originally at 75c. 55c, $1 (X) and $1.25; reduced to 49c. Friday Bargains of Unusual Interest I In the Remodeling Sale of Garments W'r have arranged some special attractions in Waists, | Dresses, Suits. Skirts and Petticoats for Friday shoppers. Take advantage of these offerings tomorrow. Here's a chance to (jet a $1.00 Shirtwaist (or less than half, white in lingerie and lawn cither plain lace or embroidery trimmed.t1*/C Your choice of 350 Waists that were made to sell at $1.50 and $1 7.5; special in the remodeling sale, at.. $1.00 WASH SUITS, $1.98. One lot of Linen Suita, white and pink go on sale Friday; special tor the remodeling sale at $1.98. SF.RGE SUITS, $6.98. One small lot of Serge or Worsted Suits, black or navy, moat all sues; original price was from $13 50 to $15.00; go in this sole at $6.98. PETTICOATS, 49c. Black Petticoats, not the real heatherblooin, but will wear as well, worth $1.00; in this sale at 49c. WASH SKIRTS. 98c. One lot of Duck and Linene Skirta. all good styiea. made to sell for double the price; in this remodeling sale, 98c. WASH DRESSES, $1.98. Just 370 Dresses, including linen*. 1 eharabrav anil ginghams, some of these, sold as high as *5.00; all specml for this remodeling aala, I $1.98. I Lingerie Dresses, lace and em broidery trimmings—the kind you have been paying $6 00 and $7.50 for—all go in this remodeling aale. $3.98. Children's Muslin Bonnets Were $1.98 and $1.75, Friday, 98c One Small lot of then* Bonnet*, slightly nauesed from handling; Friday at 98c to close out. Another lot of Straw Bonnet#, trimmed with ribbon and flow ers; original price 12.75 and S3.50; special, tomorrow, $1.48. Knit Underwear Reduced Shirks and ?ant* for Boj*. in Balbngsan, regularStnce 25c; Vn day, 15c. On'.v 1^ piece* in Women'? Tow Necked T'nion Sun*, silk taped neck, and armholes. lace trimmed, regular price $1.00; reduced to 75c each. Special lot of Women * Low Necked Vesta. Lisle and mercerized, special for Friday. 25c each. Bargain Basement Specials Economies here tomorrow that housekeepers will appreciate. 81x*)0 Inches Double Bed Sheets, 70c quali ties; special for . Made of heavy grade, full bleached sheeting, free from dressings otanv kind. 3-inch top Item, an unusual good value. 10c DRESS GINGHAMS. 7 l-2c. 1,300 yards of good 10c quality Drcs* Ginghams, in r’l^ks plaids and stripes of blue and rank; all of thejn neat and desirable styles a special offering. 7 1 -2c yard 10 AND 12 l-2c CAMBRIC AND COTTON, 7 l-2c YARD. dfl-inch bleached Cambric and Oottou. worth 10 to 1'2 l-2e yard, in assorted grade*, and length* of 2 to * yards: all perfect good*. 7 1-c yard. 10c CAMBRIC. 7c YARD. .tfvinch full pieces. 10c Cainhrie. perfect goods, except slightly soiled on selvedge which the laundry will make as good as new, 7c yard. Remnants. ph'»rt lengths of Ginghams. Percales, Cottons, Sheeting* etc. .■ J1 ..!B m Shin*. Helen A Mansell, Ethel I. Smilher. Constance M >. Laura B Ut aar^lson. <"Ethers Restiluri; P- nr-’.fd -E‘i7. ieth Brown, Louise Doyull, S'!\an toth- hiid. Mar; 1> Smith. Edith K Slmore. Rosalie I .a wren- Tere«u Do nmtcl, l.ui-t M. Taliaferro, Cornelius < 'liapin. Ethelyn A Tiller. Virginia ac\', Mantle H. Graven^ Georgi* M'S ,■ ( i. Robe.-; Phlnne>. O'enwood Clark, Jury M Christian, Lttliam Watkins.^ N ither Absent nor Tardy- .Mart • thine. Constance M Gay. H. Robert ■hinttey. Keith Kibble1**. Ftr*t Honor Pupil, 3 A 3—Russell Cuhtt. Uther Pupil* R fulfill.' Promoted— Iel»nts Newman, Aliens- Figg. Bessie ‘"ord, Firit Honor Pupils. 2 B 1 -Louise Jepforth. Sophia Meyer, Minis Breit t* in. Margu-rit Ha> lies, Hazel T> r-e, bit M'oolfolk. Clothilda Hassel, Mal er Galeski. Ilc^sie I.ee Marks. Othi r Pupils kRgeulsrly Promoted— tobert Wood soft. Mary Dowden. Rey tolds Rackatt; Nannie Sid nor. Abe Ireitstein, Frnyser Childrey, Marie tramr, Jennie Gary. Sntn Padgett. Uii U Mill, Lottie t rass. Celeste Johns, liars Lynham, Millie Moore. Nannie 31111am. Pupils Neither Absent nor Tardy— •VHlingtOil Cottrell. I.ottie Crass. Mary low-den, Louis ' Gepforth. Clothilda ■Jassel. Sophia Meyer M illie Moore. First Honor Pupil, 2 B 2—Nannie B. rhomas. Others Regularly Promoted — Mnrga et Mard. Eva Gilbert, Jessie M llson, -lasklns Coleman. I.ester Wallerstein. Stria Gilbert. DeM’ltt Adams. Fannie trown. Elizabeth Davi". Alice Ramos, iolon B. Woodlln, Jr., Bernard Blan on. Neither Absent nor Tardy—Alive Ka nos. First Honor Pupil*. 2 B 3—Blanch Jaw kins, M'ilson M’ilmer, Reuben J ilartins. May Snead, Luvllle Crutch Id. Louise Lawrence. Other Pupils Regularly Promoted — '.'orma Smith, Johnson McRee. Wynne lohnson. Wirt Hatcher Gordon M’ar viek. Elsie Binns, Mary Eastman, •airline Klrsi-hntan. French Cason, dllian McClelland. Aubrey Smith. Oil ner Warfield. Julian Turner, Gertrude rane, Lee Palmore. Harris Willing* tarn. Pupil* Neither Absent /nor Tardy— 3lanch Hawkins. Norma Smith, french Cason. Lee Palmore. Louise ilrsehman. Pauline Kirschntan, Wil ton Wllmer. First Honor Pupil. 2 B 1—Jack Jlggs. Other Pupil- Promoted—Clarke Ro >er. Florence Garthrlght, Carrie foods orth. MTInter Van Denberg. .ouise Van Pelt. I^orraine Hay, Italena ^eters, Mary Burke. Ruby Withan, trthur Brown, Guilford Van Pelt. Jeorge Bruce. Waverly King. Pupils Neither Absent nor Tardy— ilary Burke. Clarke Roper. First Honor Pupils. 2 A 1—-Clara iomma, Lynn Lew-is Jones Other Pupils Regularly Promoted—1 Veil Hall, Louise Johns. Jose Ramos, oseph Hahn, Maud* Lombard. Ettza ,*th Llpacomb, Frieda Diets, Wilbur ’erkine, Hazel Hamilton. Ethel Atkin on. Elva Goode, Edna Shuman, Grace Vyatt. John McKee. Clarence Brum lie. p.enjamln Golden. Lucy Anderson, tuth Harris. Pupils Neither Absent nor Tardy— amis* Johns. Richard Hardesty First Honor Pupils. * A 2—Mary lumphreya. Bessie Powell, Lttey Iruwn Regularly Promoted—Elizabeth Du ’al. Richmond Stover. Gladys Gaskins. :dna Howell, Kathleen Hardwirke,; . . ■" . 1..■ .u. .igj Warren Mulle. Annette Gary, Roberta Pleasants. Marx Blount t’lure Tram J-outse Gaks. Edwin Sadler Neither Absent nor Tardy-- Eliza beth I>uVal. Gladys Gaskin*. Roberta Pleasant*. Raymond Bottom f irst Honor Puplln. 2 A ;t—None Pupils Regularly Promoted—Sophie Gay le. Mary Carpenter. Ralph Austin. Wirt Marks. Noiella Jennings. Ida Earvay. Mildred Rountree. Sara Thorn ton, Louise Hunter, Matgaret Gordon. Sylvia May. Allan Thompson, < >ra Keys. Clara Taylor. Nelson Polle. . Sa die Redd Roswell Aaron. Idrsi Honor Pupils. 2 \ 1—1 ,ero.‘. Hutzler, Jr.. Clare M. Rev;. Other Pupils Regularly Promoted-— Retta V. Hams Gertrude G Barker. < J Robert Beadles, Charles R Watts, Mabel K Reid; . Charles Pearman. , Krank W Skinner E. Malwlne Bat- I tige. J Arthur Evans. Hazel G. Wll- | liatns Pupils Neither Absent nor Tard;— | l-a-vrence Meyers, krank Skinner. ■ Charles R. Wait*. Retyi P. Kama, ! Clare M. Revy. I First Honor Pupil* I R 1—Gladys Burnett, Charles Schremp. Mamie Haynes, Virginia Basket Gray | Schwevkert, Margarita Powers, Oar- i land Burnett .Georgie Ewes. I Other Pupils Regularly Promoted— j Roy Porter. Sam Taylor. Clarice Bibb, Carleton Crawford. May Proffitt. Hen- ] ry Nolde. Al. Willie Ward. Pupils Neither Absent nor Tardy— Gladys Burnett. l First Honor Pupil*. I B 2—Adrian Bendheim. Marlon Heller. Myrtle Crump, Lewis Strauss, Ralph Phln ney, Eleanor Hoffman i Pupils Regularly Promoted—Inez ( McOlintock. Selma Foss, Mildred Ca- ] llsch, Ruth Watkins. Susie Allen. May i Walters, Rorelene Neale, George Fmither, Philip Poliak, Ree Newman, | Berylo Holland. Phyllis Pitman, i^u- f cilia Pelouze. Jeannette Burgess, Oa y id Satterfield, Carter Taylor. 1 Pupils Neither Absent Nor Tardy— i Ralph Phlnney, Philip Poliak. Mil dred Calisch. Selma Fogs. Eleanor 1 HoiTntan, Ruth Watkins. Rottle 1 Wright Ree Ne.vman, Ernestine Bro- < zendine. 1 First Honor Pupils. 1 B S—Simon 1 Passamaneck. Ira O. Wade. • Other Pupils Regular Promoted— ( Virginia R. Rorralne. Mary R. Gor don, Alpha M. Jordan. Gladys S Hewitt. Theresa F. Shefferman. Wes- 1 ley H. Morris. Marion F Waller stein, Richard F. Berkeley. Florence 1 G. White. William C. llagau. Archie J. Harris. Roberdean Holderby. Routs ' G. Brandt. Eulalia R. " right, Melvin ! J. O’Grady. Pupils Neither Absent Nor Tardy— Ira O. Wade. Alphia M. Jordan, 1 Gladys 8. Hewitt. Weglay H. Morris, Louis G. Brandt, Lillian V. Noble. First Honor Pupils, 1 B 4—Mary R. Porter. , Other Fuplls Regularly Promoted— Sadie Marcuse, Gertrude H. Gary, j Maurice X, Tyler, Fannie Llchtenfeld, , Benjamin B. Mathews, Janet E. j Swann, May J. Campbell. Leslie i Jones, J. Manning Potu, Marie An- j draws. Lilian A. Flanagan. Ella Z. j Williams, Edith P. Batkins. Thelma j M Griffith, Goldie G. Spilberg, Han- , nah May. Fuplla Neither Abaent Nor Tardy— Lilian A. Flanagan. Rachel A. Pyle. First Honor Pupils, I B ,V—Philip ( Meyer. ,t other Pupils Regularly Promoted— Bertha lie I*arue. H. Herbert Craf ton, Louise A. Wooldridge. Annie M. ] Plunkett. Carl Blsrhoff W Albert , Malian. Russell J. Rowlett, Eva M, ,1 v ■Jl'-M-i 1!J" . ... — ■=,' ...L 'MiiUULUJM Kuhn. J Harry Flcke. Ernt&t A. Seasic;. frank J Ptsse ■ Neither jMwattt/ --Nor ■Herbert Craftcn. Conrad B Gentry, Eva M. Kuhn. First Honor Pupils, 1 A I—A Ru« ■e! 1 Bowler. Sam E Bins s anger. D. 'teasarts Tv ler. M'>Se» Gallman. Au lre> P. Faber. Other Pupil* Regularly Promoted — Annie B Hord. Margaret L. Phillip*. Fllla K Dunn. Mariam Perrin, fiallle -P Elllel Helen F. Knmi. William VUG Forbe*. Gertrude Murray, Kath arine M Harvey, Kdythe G Christian, VI < hri*tine Fleet, Helen Smyth*. Neither Absent nor Tardy—It hristlan Fleet. Hr»l Honor Pupil*, 1 A !t—Flor ncc Manner. Esther Hodgebeth. Ula Jrlddy. Sadie Slaughter, Oiyntpia Wil lamson. Katie Stern. Regularly Promoted Pupila—Mil ard Lindaty. Laevfe Hoov er, Ed* In 'yree, Clara Stein, Adell Kitchen, ■huabeth Cates, Henry Winston. Wil iam Mays. Ethel Dupree. Bertram lobins, Sailie Montgomery, John 8. ■lartin. Robert Neal, Hunter filer mg. Sam Crowell. Jennie Tiller, Emma iilllarn. I-ula t'ulllngworth, Sylvan Itraua. Mary Clark. Eulalte Bowden, lamuel Watake.v, Merle Ball. Neither Absent nor Tardy—Lawlti i> over, William Ma>s. Ed* In Tyres, Ala Pilddv. Kate Stern. First Honor Hull, 1 A .V—Margaret ithremp. Wirt Waller. A. I,. Stratford. other pupils Regularly Promoted— ilary Smith. Margaret MeVey. Joaia .ambtrt. Edgerton Frank. Btanchei 'ole, Wlllte Stagg. Ivy Gordon, Helen Jarthilght. Rachel Pearce, Rosa (rug, otto Hamilton. Raymond (lev c-sahl. Neither Absent nor Tardy— Mar raret MeVey, Margaret Schrtmp. First Honor Pupil*. I A 4—Wilson •trown. Vivian Douglas. Eula Moore* tartha Chappell. Doris Ambers, Thel* na Robe> other Pupils Regularly Promoted— Jargaret Wallarstein. Grace l.eunard, Bernard Childress. Martha Clarke, ,’atherine Andrews. Grace Campbell, -ouiae Goode. Bernadette Buchanan, 'lara Kelley. Horace Baker. Conway Jordon. Maude Childress, Elizabeth 'lark. Mlnette Yaiden. Pupils Neither Absent nor Tardy— ■lartha Chappell. Maude Childress, Sllzabeth Clark. First Honor Pupil, t A 3—Mary W. tall. Pupil* Regularly Promoted—H»r- _ ■Id Hutzler, Woolner Callach. Joseph taker, Gilbert Cawthorn, Alice Moor ng, William Ready, I«slie Johnson, Cva Lowery. Wellford Domlnlcl. Mar ;aret Roaanfeld, Luke Falrlmnk. Neither Absent nor Tardy—Wool icr Callach, Joseph Baker, Harold iutzler, Alice Mooring. First Honor Pupil, 1 A •—IrvltMf Vhite. Other Pupils Regularly Promoted— tntrim Dinwiddle. Sadie Overton, Cenneth Wood. Malcolm Zander, (ate Worrell, Hazel Strang, Elizabeth lason, Hugo Blankinshlp. Mary .ubner, Joseph Hoaer. Vlolat PerKtna. Pupils Neither Ahaent nor Tardy— rvlng White, William Melvin, Ken eth Wood, Emma Hay. I'SCtaETigi.ntBGdai shrdlu I A 7—No first honor puptls. Pupil" P.egularly Promoted—Kin all King, Edith Stokes. Beauclerk 'oietnan, John Ketiler. Ludweil Hill. Vllllam B*yant. Pupils Neither Absent nor Tardy— "dlth Stoke#, Harry Thompklnss, Ed* ar Terry. Douglas Holland, Char lag lay, LvdweU Hill.