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DEED MODE ROOM; EILIRjyHUOCR Baptists of Fredericksburg to Make Addition to Their Building. TO BUILD BETTER ROADS County of Spotsylvania to Great ly Improve Its Highways— Personal JSiotes. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) FREDERICKSBURG, June 1C.—Rev. R. A. William*, pastor of the. Baptist church here called a special meeting of the board of deacons Tuesday night the discuss the question of enlarging the Baptist church building. This church was organised tn 1804, and the present building erected ln‘ 1854. It is a large and handsome building but its seating capacity it not great enough to accommodate the Increase In church enrollment Which has reached aTO mem bers. The'Sunday School department will be better equipped by the increase In the size of the church, for at pres ent the large roll of 810. can not he accomodated In the small space al lotted for the use of the school. The proposed Improvements will cost from ti2,ooo to Benefits of Prohibition. The monthly meeting of the Wom an's Auxiliary to the Anti-Saloon lea gue was held Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian chapel and th< question for discussion was. "Echoes from Pro hibition States.' Several articles were read showing the benefit that Southern States had derived from the enforcement of Pro hlhltlon Jaws. Special prayers w;as offered that the Anti-Saloon forces v-ould be successful In Bowling Green. Ky„ win r< a l.oeal Option election was being held at the same time. Dr. J. S. 1*111. former pastor of tht Baptist church here, is now actively engaged In Anti-Saloon work tn that rltv and at Ids request, prayer was offered. To Improve the Roads. Mr. R. G. latssltcr, of Virgllina, who recently seemed the contract for road Improvement. In Spotayhatila count*, was here to-day, and met the road Commissioners to sign the contracts. Thirty-three miles of road will b> hullt In the Oourtfand and Chancellor districts. An engineer from the state (Jo. at Road Department will h* In chary ,,t the work, which will begin July 4U.. Wedding Announced. . .Mr....4Uiii Mrs WWc'ti. PanniU, ♦ Raccoon Ford, have announced th.- up proarhtng marriage ,.,r their daughter. Miss Edna Ms* Pannill, to Mr Frat Hunter Thompson. Th. ceremony w:!i he performed at noon on Wedn.-sda* June 22, it Palmyra Methodist church The engagement of Miss Marjory Tnnney Smith, daughter of Pi of. and Mrs. Wilbur Flake Smith, to Dr H. Seth Anderton, of Tappnhannock Vo has been announced. The marring will take place during the latter part of this month. Mr. Stewart McBryde. son of Dr. R. J. Mi Bridge, will leave In few days to accept a position wth the Seaboard Air Line Railroad in Bir mingham. Aia . as concrete inspector In tunnel work. ROUGH RIDERS CAPTLRE TAFT WASHINGTON. l> C, June 15 — This was rough riders day at tin White House Twoscort free-and easy ' heroes of San Juan.” in route to New Vork to greet their f-irni' r colonel, stopped In Washington long enough de*. end on the *' hit* Hems*. President Taft received the port' ahead of such visitors as Scmi'ers (farter and Stone and sent them on their way rejoicing The Westerners are In a high state of good humor and going to "whoop it up" in New York The rough riders come from Ari sona. New Mexico and Oklahoma. They were in charge of Captalr George Wilcox, of Arizona, mid Pan Colvert. of Flshomingo. irkls About 20t* rough riders Will help make New Vork lively when Colonel Roosevelt lands Saturday. SPECIAL ELECTION FOR SCOTTSV1LLE Telephone Company Will Begin Construction of Several Rural Lines. tSpenal to The Richmond Virginian.) 8COTTHV1L1.K. June 16.—At a meeting of the council of the town Tuesday afternoon, a telephone fran chise was awarded the Scottsvllle Telephone Company. This company will, at an early date, begin the con itructlon of n new line from Scotts ctlle to Charlottesville, and the coun tiea of Fluvanna and Buckingham. On account of the failure on the part of the proper officials to com ply with the legal requirements, there was no election held in Scottsvllle Tuesday. These conditions were not known by the town authorities until late Monday afternoon. It is prob able a special election will be asked for. NO TASTE OF TAR IN GAS HOUSE FISH Expert Admits Refuse May Blacken Boats, But Insists That’s All. The taste of tar which fish caters iaciare taints the meat of the finny beauties caught in the waters near the gas house exists only in the Imag ination, according to an ultra scien tific opinion given out by Mr. K. X. Ezekiel. chemist of the water depart ment. who has made a thnrougn examination of the matter following numerous complaints. According to the complainants, re fuse from the gas house flows Into Utllles Creek, giving a dark unsightly tinge to the hulJs of boats, and mak ing fish unfit to eat. Mr. Kseklcl admits that the re fuse might easily blacken the hulls of the river craft, but he says there Is not enough tar to cause the fish to become contaminated. Mr. Ezekiel's opinion was sub mitted to the committee on light Rt a meeting of that body Wednesday night, and was ordered Wed. Col. Button Returns. Commissioner of Insurance Joseph Button returned to hts office In the Capitol Thursday, after a week's ab sence, during which he attended meet ings of the National Association of State Insurance Commissioners conimlt ItN ia New York City. NOMORE PERAMBULATING ON COWPASTURE RIVER Xew Law Makes .Stream Private Property and Prohibits Tres passing or Fishing—Law of 1822 Repealed by ' Lcgis lature. Jr any man contemplates walking on the surface of the Oowpaature river, he had better think twice De foro he does It, for be It known to ail that placid stream entwining It self cai cost ugly around the hills and dells of Highland and Hath coun ties Is no public highway. Time was when the historic river of the bovine grazing nomenclature was a Public highway. There has been a lot of time that It was a pub lic highway—In tact, eighty-eight years of time—but all that Is In the past. The stream Is now as personal and revered as the sacred ox of the Kast. Yet even more sacred than the stream are Its banks. If you own no riparian rights along the beauteous Cowpasture. 'twere best to keep away from It. On December 19, 1822, the legis lature of Virginia declared the Cow pasture a purine in*""".’. Who would might tread all over Its bolom and romp at will over Its surface. At the latest session of the ; deneral Assembly—there Is no such blessing as "the last session”—Dele gate Stephenson, of Hath county, ln I troduced a bill repealing the act of 1822. and after a hot light It was passed. Farmers owning land Jut ting out into the river may plant i crops out on the peninsulas, turn their cows to graze In the river, or do anything they like. They may also practice marksmanship on any one who tries to walk on the river ' or on their riparian land. If you don’t own land touching on or ap ! pertaining to the Cowpasture. you ! need not set your mouth for any fish , from that stream. j The new laA- went into effect I Thursday. GENEROUS APPRENTICES ACCOMODATING DENTISTS Throe am] Thirtv Kmbryoes to Act as Good Samaritans to Those ^ ho Suffer and Swear \Y ith Afflictions of the AIoutK—lerma “Thank* on Demand”. Have, you h snaggle tooth, enam el less bicuspid. protruding tusk, or molar with a cavity In It? Have you over gotten excited and nrallntrpd your false teeth and lacked the where withal to purchase others .’ Were you ever kteked to the face by a fractious mule, and ther> by lost sev eral of your masticators ’ l>o any of your teeth overlap otht rs" Have any of voter false teeth broken off relations with’ the plate because they did not con sider the other teeth In It In their "sett"? Is your "dining room” in keep ing with the remainder of your physi ognomy V Gather nigh, all ye who suffer Jvnd swear because of teeth troubles and bemoan your fate be. auxe you haven’t the gel! to pay a dentist for allevia tion of the torture. Thirty-five good Samaritans In the persons of dental students who have graduated and are now aching to drive forceps Into the mouths of their fellow man. will be on hand at the Medical College of Virginia bright and early Frldaj morning to render "free gratis" all the aid they can to the kpwwmor* <’f throbbing’ teeth, sW-ollen gums, abscessed Jaws and other bless ings m disguise. The more sufferers who flock to the ■ ollege for free treatment of their ill the more merry will the embryo den tists wax Th' students have worried through the thro. «. of the iheoreth al examination incident to their trans formation to real live dentists, and are now scanning the horizon for sub .•»- ts eti whom to demonstrate their practical knowledge of teeth pulling tilling, cleaning, false molar fitting and other kindred duties of mouth doctors FRIENDS OF DR. CLARK PLEASED W ashirurton ami Lev University Honors Hector of St. Jaine.e ( imreb. -pi- - H.' i:--U 'If Vy ti ytcA-f' Friend* of R*’\ William Mvade Clark rector of St. Jame* Lpl*ot>j»al church, are more than pleaHcd at new* from Lexington that W^hington ami University has conferred the honorary dc^r*» of P. P. »doctor of divinity) up* ••n ' in in recognition of hi* attaln na’nts as a si hoiar, editor and preacher. Pr Clark now attending final px r r*'is»*.* at the Theological Seminary tear Alexandria and will not return home until Fri<ia>. Member* of hi* family here first learned of the honor conferred upon him through a tele gram of congratulation received from Pr W&t*on James. .»f Richmond, who ha * beer, attending finals at Lexington Pr. Clarke obtained hi* academic ed ucation at the University of Virginia before graduation from the Theologi cal Seminar' For the past thirteen 'ears he lias filled the charge at St. James and during part «»f that time he i ha* served as editor of the Southern Churchman of Richmond, the oldest Episcopal publication in America I)r Clark is also a member of the Episco pal Dome st ic and Foreign Mission hoard. He attended a meeting: of thl* hoard the earlv part of the week in New York before going to the Seminary f nals Dr. Clark is regarded as one of the brainiest clergymen in the Virginia :il Another Richmond minister upon whom the honorary '‘doctor of divinity" title has Ju*t been bestowed is Rev. Hy land Knight, pastor of Calvary Baptist church, thl* degree being conferred by Richmond College during the present i . r mmencement l>r Knight Is a native of Shelbyvllle, : Ky He first studied at Georgetown University of Kentucky. Later he went to Princeton where he won the degree of Bachelor of Arts He re. reived his ministerial education at the Louisville Baptist Seminary Dr. Knight ha* held hi* Richmond charge 1 for the last six years. TAKE TRIP TO WOO FISH FROM DEPTHS Intent on wooing the members of the finny tribe from their haunts in the watery depths, ten enthusiastic worshippers at the shrine of Isaac Wal ton set said from Richmond Wednes day. bound for Old Point Comfort. I'r banna, Horn Harbor. Tangier. Onan cock and Kagle Point. The party will return Friday evening by which time It is hoped that the catch will have equalled the capacity of the boat. The fishermen are Messrs. Curtis, Si. Ocorgo Bryan. Robert J"\ .Bryan, Page, Rucking Simpson, Manning, and Ful ler. j FURNITURE DEALERS TO HOLD MEETING HERE I The annual meeting of the Retail Furniture Dealers’ Association of Vir ginia will be held In Richmond be : ginning next Wednesday, It is expect ed that about one hundred delegates j will be present, ua Interested centers In severe’ matters relating to trade abuses. Delegates w-111 be chosen at ! tills time to represent the Old Domin ion at the annual meeting of the Na tional Association of Furniture Denl jers. The officers of tlm State organisa tion are as follows; J. P. Snead, Clif : ton Forge, president! 8. P. Jones, Rlch imond. first vice-president1, Fred Jur }gens, Richmond, second vice-president; land J. A. Ullniorc, Charlottesville, sec retary. The meeting here will be held at Murphy's hotel. miivsiife if*' p mere ihubc ferers who prefer to writhe and en dure their agony with whieh they art familiar than run chances with the dentists in the making This fear might be well placed but for the fact that the would-be dentists will work under the supervision of several of the most skilled gentlemen in this line of humanitarlanisin, and if there he ehanceg to run, they are nt most re duced to a minimum. All extractions are guaranteed to be painless—to the student, if not the pa tient. All the students are diplomatic and can bo trusted to get disgruntled false teeth back into “sets'* without any social nn tlons. They cannot re ins tat ernolars which have quit the family circle, but they have enough of the druggist in them to “give you something just as good." If you be long to the royalty and have drifted far front regal realms, they will re store your prestige with a crown—to be sure, it will hr on your tooth, but a crown's a crown for all of that. In t:ne. these gentlemen in waiting will make - your nj»uth ft credit td your family, assuage pain and heighten your personal attra- liveness by 100 per cent. The cost is your presence at the Medical College of Virginia Friday morning at 9 o'clock, or there abouts. there'll be no •'chewing” over the necessity for the work, and no "biting'* sarcasm about the paj The dentists who will supervise the work of the embryos and who consti tute the State Hoard of I'ental Exam iners are 1 >rs J. I*. Stiff. J. K. Col vin, U C. Lewis. A. H Sprenkle and H W. Campbell, the latter being president. WILL OPEN BIDS Structure Must Have Solid Kook Foundation, 16 Feet Iklow Low Tide. flirt* fdr the construction of .the pro pcsed new wharves and bulkhead, along the water front from Gillie's < reek at Nicholson street, will be open ed at t> o'clock Thursday evening when the committee on James River Im provements meets. According to the recommendation of the committee, at a meeting Wednes day night, the new wharf must have a solid ropk foundation, sixteen feet below low tide. It Is estimated that the work will rost approximately J33, 000. At present only 130,000 is avail able but this sum is regarded as suffi cient to keep operations going until next year when a new appropriation can be made by the Finance commit tee. The improvements will be construct ed In a cordance with plans drawn up by City Engineer Bolling These plans were considered In detail by a sub committee, members of which, made a personal Inspection of the visit Mon day, on board the tug Thos. Cunning ham. ST. J1MES rtCNTC FRIDAY WHETHER RAIN OR SHINE, P.alr. or shine, the annual picnic and excursion of the St. James M. E. ehurch, Sunday-school will leave Fri day morning at 8:30 o'clock for West Point. Arrangements have been made with the Southern Hallway for ample transportation facilities for the large crowd which is expected. Several In teresting features have been prepared for the outing which promises to be one of the most successful in the his tory of the school. SEVERAL TOWNS ARE WASHED AWAY King Peter Visits Morava Yalloj Where Hundreds Were Drowned. BELGRADE, June 1®.—Reports re ceived to-day from King Peter, who is personally conducting the relief work In tile flooded Morava river valley, in dicate that between three and four hundred persons have lost their live* and that at least twenty towns have suffered heavy loss. Thousands ol persons are still marooned by the flood and unless the work of relief is great iR expedited, hundreds of these will be either drown or die from starvation and exposure. Owing to the washing out of mosl of tile roads In the flooded district and the destruction of bridges, the rellvl work is progressing slowly. Several of the smaller towns have literally been washed away, Breakage of ev i evry conceivable sort la being carried down by the Morava river. The situ ation is the worst in ten years. I Four llandred Drowned. CONSTANTINOPLE, June Oi.—The town of Haasankolsh, north of Krase rum, In Asia Minor, has been destroyed by a flood and 100 of its Inhabitants drowned, according to messages from there to-day. The flood Is the worst In the history of that section. — Mas ten—Stockton, (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., June 16. —Miss Florence Stockton and Mr. Henry Masten, two prominent young people of this city, were married at the Home Moravian church yester > day morning by R«a J. Kf Pfohl in the presence of about five hundred witness** Mr. Masten I* register of deeds of this county. The couple left after tha ceremony for a trip North. REORGANIZE CITY BOARD OF HEALTH Lynchburg Also to Tlavo Sanita tion Officer Elected by Council. (Ppcolal to The Richmond Virginian.! I.YNl'HBl'RcJ, VA.. June 1The reorganisation of the c-lty health de , partment, which has been the sub i Ject of much (let.ate and discussion by the two branches of the c’ouncll. was finally perfected when the Hoard of Aldermen concurred In the health 'ordinance passed by the Oomun V'"UH j ell Tuesday night. It was signed by | the Mayor. A Joint meeting will tie held this i month for the election of the offii -its provided by the new plan sometime this month, as the ordinate ,: gees Into j effect July 1. The new ordinance does aw ay w 1th | the combined office of president of the Hoard of Health and elt.v phy sician, separating the two. and pro j tiding for an assistant to the city phy ! sli ian, as well as establishing the new 'office of city health officer. The po | sltion of city chemist hHS been merg ed into that of iho‘city health officer. The city health board Is to remain , as at present, being composed of one ! member from each ward, although a tight will be made when the time of election comes up to have a practicing physician put on the board. The health officer, whose salary will be per annum, will have entire Real Estate charge of the sanitary conditions of the city. II will tin elected by the Council Tin city physician, whose salary will be $1,200 per annum, will be elected by the council nnd will have chance of the city hospitals, charity patients and all emergency calls. The assistant to the < Ity physician, whose salary will be $>500 a year, will! elected by the Hoard of Health, subject to the approval of the Cuun-’ ell, anil tbs duties of this office will" Ic prescribed by the Hoard of Health. The sanitary Inspector nnd assist ant Inspector and clerk to the Health Hoard will tie elected by the Board of Health. The Inspector Is to bo paid; $75 per month, and the assistant and, clerk the sum of $50 each a month, i It is not thought, however, that an assistant inspector will be elected aC once, and It Is probable that the hoard will undertake to begin its Work with out the aid of a pal dclerk. The Hoard of Health will have charge of all of the sanitary and health work of the city, making monthly reports of Its work to t.hf found! Committee on Sanitation and annual reports to the City Council. The members will be elected for the first term for terms of one, two and three years, and then each term there after will be' for a period of three' years, one member of the board being elected annually. VIRGINIA ROUGH RIDER GOES TO GREET TEDDY Cl -Mr Ben I.. Christian. Km Route to •Jotham to Iieceivt* (jI;k! Hand from Former Clmftiuii. Wearing a gold badge whh li he won.! for bravery as a member of Roosevelt's , rougn-rlding troop in Cuba, Mr. Hen ( Lu Christian, of Sandy Point, Charles' City county, left lor New York Wed nesday afternoon to greet his forn.^f etiiet who will be given "one gramf' ovation in thut city Saturday following his return from Buropt am tin Afri- I can Jungles. Mr. Christian, w ho one s tie dis- ; tinetlon of being one oi ti v- ry n w i rough riders Jett in this part of tile country. carne up to l;i, ne r..| lust Thursday to \ iait relatives ix fore pro ceeding to \* ^ York. Wttih rp re, ha. I w as the guest of his br ■'re r-n.-law, ' -Mr. B '"ary .Nelson, Fourth .ml IranK lin streets, and of ids sister-in-law, Mrs. W. B. Moores. 2221 i*. *‘k avenue. ! He was accompanied by In- w ile, for- : merlj Miss Urai ■ n, w ho proud- ; ly wore an "K. K. H. pin during her stay in Richmond Some o: tier friends; 'thought the letters stood !■" Rah, rah, rah." but she i xplalned t.,..t the'.' spelt "Roosev it s Rough Rider's The pin also bore tile letter B. wiucli litdir i eated tile company to which her bus-’ band belonged. Others tr* Party. Included in Mr. Christian's party* willcli iaft for New York ly wav of, Norfolk and the old Dominion route* were Mrs. B. Cary Nelson, and Mis* j Bessiee Harrison, daughter of Mr. R. I i,. Harrison, druggist at 36ul Williams burg avenue, Fulton. Mr. Christian carried with him the rough rider coat which did him ser I vice in Cuba and he regretted that he : no longer had the rest of ids original I outfit, and particularly his lutt which was riddled with several bul lets at San Juan. Mr. Christian re tained. however, on* indelible mark of that bloody conflict This was a sear ton the right side of ids face Just below the cheek bone, seared by a bullet iron, ! one o£,.tb*?. .trvles, , ! In New York. Mr Christian w'ilf garb himself in a brand new might rider outfit as will other survivors of (he famous troop, for they are to be given first place in tin* line of march, not to mention the glad hand whiph Teddy wdll extend each of them Just as soon as he hits An '-riran Soil again Fearless and Oaring. Mr, Christian, who was it resident of Norfolk, when the Spanish war broke out. went to the front at tin ; first call to arms, enlisting w ith tlm Rough Riders. Hiring and fearless, with a reputation as a rifle and pist'd ■hot extending beyond til* bounds "f I the Old Dominion, he had little trou ble connecting hints* if with this com mand He had known Teddy before the war and that was an additional feather In his cap. In Cuba, he was ever ready t" face the enemy and. go where duty called him. even though it was in the very mouth of the enemy's bristling guns. For a number of years prior to the outbreak of the war. Mr. Christian wa* connected w ith the Norfolk Light Artillery Blues, serving for some time as one of its oommisaioned officers. Since the war. having fallen heir t" a | comfortable competence, he has made ! his home oq a prety litle farm near i Sandy Point where he follows the avocation of an agriculturist rather *as a pastime than because of neces sity. Mr Christian is now In his fifty-third year but he looks ns vigorous as a ; young man of thirty. FIX' K SWISS CITIES AKK FNDEK WATEI* j BERNE. June 1ft. — All the low' land of western S»ttxerland an» now aub merged. The towns Altdorf, Zurich. La«rn«, Kl.inx and Aarau are partially under water and a number of buildings I have collapsed. A factory at Altdorf collapsed, killing eleven employed, j mostly children Land elides are reported tu many place*, though the client of damage resulting from these has not beet us - cet talned. Train 1‘artlea abandoned. NEW YORK June lfi.— Arthur J Sheldon, who makes a business of run ning special trains to big sporting eventaiand had arranged for what was known as the "Wall Street Special’' to I the light, via the New;, York Centra! Railroad, said that ever since Gov- nit I let! was reported several weeks aftu to have said that the fight waa a fran c up" he had received cancellations of reservations every day, and that tec same thing had happened to all oiler managers of special train parties, j "It had# resolved Itself into a Imr money-making affair and true sport had been lost sight of in the shuffle, i he said. "Therefore, when the ‘fake |’ \yas raised, a Rood many who had J Intended to go. dropped out.'1 I daughter op governor GLENN BECOMES BRIDE (Special to The Richmond Virginian. I WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ June 18. —Miss Rebcckah Glenn, only daugh ter of ex-Governor R. B. Glenn, and Mr. D. E. Hoffman were married last night at the First Presbyterian church by Rev. Neal L. Anderson. The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion snd large numbers or people witnessed tbe ceremony. Mr. Hoffman is secretary and treasurer of a local manufacturing giant and / Mr. and Mr*. Christian. tho bride is prominent in State serial circle® They left after the ceremony for a Northern trip. THIRD OF YALE SENIORS FAIL Kxan.irintrnn' ftriiip Disaster, |<v l'la-'—(’harpo it to Ropers. NEW HAVEN, CONN.. June IS.—, There was wailing and gnashing of teeth among the members of the Yale law school graduating class to-day. The cause was the posted announce-, roent by the law school faculty that th!rty-thre< seniors, one-third of the entire class, had flunked. The men generally attributed their failure to the stiff requirements for graduation. They say that since Dean Rogers has come to Yale the courses and examinations have uniformly be come too difficult for all but the '•grinds.'' 1 The "busted" seniors can obtain their diplomas only by passing further examinations or taking the year’s work over again. HYENA AND JAGUAR TERRIFY NATIVES Circus Train is Wrecked Near Johnstown and Animals Get Loose. JOHNSTOWN. PA.. Junr 1*.—A hyena and a jaguar are roaming around and the natives are In a state of terror. They are part of the wild animal collection of the Frank A Robbins circus. anil estaped when the circus train was wrecked early to-day. Two circus employes. John Barrett, IS years old, and William Heir, 21. are In the Altoona hospital suffering from serious Injuries received In the smash, but will recover. MONEY COMING IX; MONEY GOTXG OCT __- ] Thousands of dollars are pouring into the state cofferes from city and 1 county treasurers who are now mak ing returns to the Auditor of Public Acounts for the taxes they have col lected during the past six months. It Is believed nil the license money front liquor dealers, lawyers and other pro- : fcssional men. and the various trades from which the slate exacts coin of 1 the realm for the transaction of bus- i in. es, will amount to several millions of dollars this year. All the money will be in the hands of the auditor b the end of June, that being the time limit lived by law for the payment of On- taxes and licenses. A large por- j tlon of the money is possed taxes. The money will be paid out to the State ; officers and departments almost as soon as It Is received. FATALLY INJURED WALKING RAILING | (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EMPORIA, June 16.—Bernard Ball-, ey, who while attempting to walk ! "light-rope” on an Iron railing fell and i internally injured himself Tuesday af- | i ternoon, died Tuesday night. He was I the son of George Bailey, county sur veyor Call, Write or Phone Madison 3301-3362 FOR OUR NEW RENT LIST V. 6-16-10-1 t J. A. CONNELLY & CO. We Can Lend You Money On high claw city Real Estate, first mortgage at 6 per cent. No safer in vestment to be had. Blanton & Company Real Estate and Loans. 1110 E. Main St. Call for Our New Rent List in: HAVE A LIST OF MOST ATTRACTIVE AND DESIRABLE HOMES. Phone Monroe 2100. GREEN & REDD 1114 EAST MAIN STREET. Call, Phone or Write FOR Fall Rent List POLLARD & BAGBY 1102 East Main Street HIMPDEN-SIDNEY CIS DECREES Robert Hubbard Delivers Alumni Address^—List of Graduates and Honors. RAMPLEN'-SIDNEY, VA.. June ! 5. —The 134th session of Hampden-Std a«*y 'Ci«S6d' yetwerdk-y.' The' adflrea* he fore-the alumni was delivered by Rob ert T. Hubbard, of Fayetteville. W. Va. The valedictory was delivered by Wyndham Blanton, of Richmond, chosen by his class as Its most popu lar member and beet upeaker. The following: students received their diplomas J. W. Slnton. of Rich mond, who received the M. A. degree: W. B. Blanton, of Richmond: R. F. Graven, of Paeonian Springs. Va., K. V. Brugh, Troutville, A. C. Buchanan. Tazewell; J. M. Cecil, Richmond; J. H. Curry, Paeonian Springs, J B. Fitts, Richmond: W. 1’ Gilmer, I>raper; R. S. Johnson. Farmville; K C. Lacy, Scottsburg: J. T. Lacy, jr„ Scottsburg, J. M. Millard, Bethesda, Tenn.; W, V. Moore, Richmond; C. V. Morton. Falls Churc; R L. Morton. Meherrln: W. O. Osborne, Rlppon, W. Va.; T. A, Painter. Pulaski, George Richardson, Jr., Farmville; E L. Walker, Blacksburg, C. S. Wilton, Morefleld, W Va. A. C. Buchanan received second honor, and J. H. Curry and George Richardson, third honors The sopho more scholarship was won by Hun ter Barksdale, of Richmond; the freshman scholarship by A. P. Zeh mor. of IUnwIddie The magazine medal was won by O. L. Walker. Blacksburg DUPLICATE TRIP Secretary of War Will Inspeel Philippine Islands and Cross Siberia. WASHINGTON, D. C., June 16 — Secretary of War Dickinson will start from Washington to-night to dupli cate Taft's trip around tho w orld. made when he was secretary of war. Secretary Dickinson will go rlrst to Nashville to attend the military tour nament, then to Chicago, and will sail from San Francisco June 25 for the Philippines via Honolulu and Japan. He will be accompanied l>y Mrs. Dickinson, his son, J. M. Dick inson, Jr.; General t'larence R. Kd warcls and Mre. Edwards and their daughter, Mr. and Mrs, lair* Ander sen and Lincoln K Clark. The secretary will Inspect Pearl harbor and the fort at Honolulu July 1. The party will arrive in Yoko hama July 16, and will remain In Japan until July 20, when they will sail from Nagasaki for Manila. The secretary will spend about five weeks in the Islands, making a general trip of inspection. On the return voyage the party will leave Manila September 6, returning via Hongkong, Peking, the Tran Siberian railroad to Moscow, thence to Warsaw and France. The will take the steamer at Cherbourg about Oc tober 8 and will arrive at New York about the middle of the month. HUTZLER REAL ESTATE RENTALS SALES LOAN 5 1013 EA5T MAIN bTRELT PHONE MADISON 31 ZS CALL, PHONF, OR WRITE FOR FALL RENT LIST Pollard & Bagby, 1102 Easf Main Street HERMITAGE ROAD ~ Lots 100x300 fret; sewer and vruiet available. Near new Bryan Park. Only $13 per toot LEWISGLNTER LAND AND IMP. CO. FOR RENT That first-class Store and business stand Southeast Corner Franklin and 14th See us at once. JOHN T. GODDIN A- CO. STATE SECRETARY TO MAKE T\LK AT AVNl'AL St PPER Mr. S. A. Ackley. State secretary of tho Virginia Associations. will i make the address at the annual r.up« per of the evening college of th* Young Men's Christian Association to be given Monday night in the dining troom on th- third floor of the new building. An informal reception will be held froru T to 7:30 in the "Blue Room." and the awards to the honor students of »h» past session will b# ; announced. ..—. . .Jil'B " TWO HOTEI,*. BEST Ot'TIXG—MODERATE RATE* WAl'HAI'HC.Uil E, VA. Real values—perfectly venUl%te* rooms, excellent bedding;, hot, cold an* salt water baths anti shower*. 1.2>t lineal feet verandas, shady lawn, beau* ilful sandy beach, makiiiftcent surf bathing, bath houses with shower*, beat boaUiia, toll kinds power hoatrf : 0 sail and row boats, Ashing unsurpasaed, auto, buggy and hay rides, tennis, bow* ling, pool, etc. Hend for booklet. A. K, ti. MEABS, Wachapreagne. A'a. Rout* frpm Richmond via Old Point or Nor* folk ami Keller station. Special out* Ink rates, power boat 10-20 mtlea datlA 10 cents, special rtshing rates. pOW«#| hours^ftO cents each. Proposals SEALED PROPOSALS will received until NOON, Saturday* July 2, 1010, to furnish the Pe tentiary 785 pairs Low-Cut, 115 pairs of High-Cut brogans,! ■j 676 pairs of High-Cut brogaa* i the State Farm. Good* to delivered by October,.10, 1910. For further information apply I jj. B. WOOD, Superintendent