Newspaper Page Text
Wants HELP » ANTED—MALIC. WANTED— by a respectable colored man, work In atore or caring for office. Addreaa 1106 \Y. Lelght street. WANTED—POSITION AS BAKER, second hand on bread or cake. C. A. MOORE, 410 W. Main.__ WANTED—POSITION AS COLLECTOR: can give best references. Address “W. F. O." Olen Allen. Va, _ COLORED MAN WISHES A POSITION as coachman or employment of seme kind with horses. Address J. E. B. No. all North Second street. WANTED. A SITUATION WITH SOME good person in the poultry business, or will go In with some good reliable person. In care of Ills Knight St., Lynchburg. Va. WANTED, BY’ AN EXPERIENCED registered pharmacist, a position; best refereftcea. Address PRAHMA CIST, Care Carrier No. 8, Alexandria, Va. WANTED. SITUATION BY ItEOlS tered pharmacist of twenty years' experience; single, best references given and best required; no soda fount man; salary, fifteen dollars per week Address SALOL, Box 181, Fredericksburg, Va, WANTED, POSITION AS CHAUFFEUR, private family preferred: make own repairs; referanres If required JAMES, Box 121, Roanoke Rapids, TOUNG MAN OF FOUR YEARS' Ex perience In drug store desires posi tion by July 15. Address F P. B.. 226 Main street, Earmville. Va A YOUNG MAN WITH SEVEN YEARS experience In the meat-cutting and arocery business wishes a position Can give best of reference s. Ad dresa Box <6. Louisa, Va. POSITIONS WANTED—MALE. 5 k—r—wTSTTirffr—xrT'firsrxsr? wants work. Address Box 176. Ash land. Va. Situation wanted by “man who had had nine years' experience In a planing ml!!. Can run any or dinary engine Have had experience tn running planers, moulders, etc Have also had experience at the turning lathe Can give good refer ence as to being a good all-round man In a planing mill Address 8. C V. Box 103. Hlackatone, Va WANT ED—Yt HNG M A S “ W IT H R E I' - erens-es wishes position as bookkeep er or shipping clerk. Address H-7. ^nart^lrjlnlairv^^^_____ POSITION WANTED—PKMALB. WHITE GIRL WANTS POSITION with family to take care of children and do some houeew-ork. T WEL DIE, 10 Meadow- Bridge COLORED’GIRL WOULD LIKE Posi tion as nurse for one child. E A . 812 North Second street. W ANTED LADIES'' WASH ADDRESS t* B.. 622 St. Peter ItlASt MIDDLE-AGE! • COLORED \V>>mA*N would like plate »' nurse for one child not less than 1 year old. or wait on lady that wilt travel for -ummer out of the city preferred. M S, SIR N Second street wanted, position as companion or housekeeper for the fall cl!> preferred Address PHILIPPIE care Poetmmster. Amherst Va SITU A THAN ' W A N T ED BY TV HIT E woman as housekeeper or cook. Ai> ply 2108 East Broad w aNT'cn-By 'iTrstTclASS ‘W ASH' erwornan. washing to do at home satisfaction guaranteed. 10 Mitchell street FlKST-t'l.ASs LAUNDRESS WOULx5 like gentlemenN or famllv washing Address GERTRUDE EVANS. 213 W Coutts street. YV.XNTED-PEAUE FOR EXCELLEN T nurse and good cook. Phone Madison 1351 - J __ _ Ti' ANTED— BY' SETTLED CHRISTIAN lady of experience, position to care fer for elderlj or invalid person Address 3V. A C.. care of the Rtch raond Virginian. _ colored"wmiitjTw \nts place as a cock Apply 816 N Second street W ANTED—FI RST-CLA SS " ASH \ NG best spring water, satisfaction guar anteed 504 Mitchell street. TV\HT ED— POSITION “ A S '' HA M R E It" . m.x id. dryl.,, 1 *- .yefocc.i:.rre ,. Avote.A .-Six sired Apply 4TT N Second street wXNTED—PLACE B V A ' OO'l.t >1 fTt) tvotnan to do half dav s work or light chamber work- Apply 12*13North First street. __ TV ANTED. POSITION B Y FI RST-l 'LASS German house girl no cooking Ap ply Associated Charities CAPABLE LADY. TV ANTS POSITION to assist tn housekeeping, In small, refined family In or near the city Addrass CAPABLE, care of the Rlch inond^Ytrgliilarv^ FI MRU. DIRECTORS. WANTED—1.000 ADULTS TO JOIN T* Richmond Co-operative Burial A >r octal Ion. A *100 certificate cost* only 13 cents per month: gives a *100 funeral at death. The cheapest pro le-, tlon on earth A gent*-. »inieu <• A. HAIGHT. Secretary. 11* North Seventh street. Rhone Madison 3Tuti T SPECIAL NOTICE. rare- vir£~ v.rixryr.T^B^rNrTrrT Glenard belt* hy a patron 1 would not part with It for a million dollars If 1 knew I could not another like It Relief when we are suffering Is one Of the greatest boons of life Come and tee them. MRS. A. J. PYLE. . N. Fifth street GO WITH THE RICHMOND YACHT OLt'B on their moonlight to Dutch Gap. Steamer Pocahontas. Tuesday. June 21*t at * 15 P. M.; good music and dancing, refreshments at city prices. Tickets on sale at wharf. .Ham tonic. —?cfAssff^mcrE<<iR—rs^^srrrr gon's Antiseptic 1-lalr Tonic, price f0 REA I- ESTATE FOR HARE. RENT PAYER. READ, THINK ACT, not to-morrow for It never comes. but to-day, do you want to stop pay docs. In* rent? Every sane person \V« will guarantee to every per.-on that pays rent that within twelve years from the date that you make application to us for a loan to buy you a home, whether it t>« one or ten thousand loan, the loan will have been made to you and paid In full and home yours In fee simple But you can pay It off sooner If you are In the position to do so. Our pay *.'y ments after loan Is made Is only *» »t risr month on each thousand. Interest s only 5 per cent: principal and in terest reduced every year. How many of you have been paying rent for ten or twelve years? how much of the house do you own? us knew. ANDERSON REAL, ENTATE A LAW CO.. Eleventh atreet. Mr. .Mason, the State agent will be at our office for about ten days and will be pleased to talk with you. F%OYD_-CVTEN UE~AN D MAIN STREET lota near the Soldlere' home; autt able for building homea, city water. Apply *16 Brook avenue. * ^ UR fftNiC. tic Hair Tonic becauae It contains no grease or oil and keep* the hair light FOR WENT, THREE CONNECTING ROOMS WITH bath at 501 Fourth avenue. Chestnut Hill; phone Madison StJl-J. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT: DE llghtfully cool; piano, telephone, transients solicited: central. Phone Madison I58B-J. ■.. TRANSFERRING AND HAULING. TRANSFERRING and hauling" OF all klada furniture and piano mov ing a specialty: office 61* No. Sec-; ond atreet; residence 70* Munfnrd street, Richmond, Ve., phone, Madi ien *»<« P. POWJUSS, proprietor. i Wants Wants , i ii ' i Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. L FOB SALE FOR SALK—ELECTRIC FANS OF ALL kinds, both new and second hand; complete stock, prices right; also motors of all kinds, new and second hand ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CORP. J. C. HERBERT. Mgr , 1J No. Twelfth street, phone Madison 4012 IF YOU WANT A FACTORY MADE delivery or grocery wagon that has good wheels and wagons which will wear satisfactory get the "Mllburn. Single trucks and any style spring wagon you may want. BRISTOW WORSHAM CO, 1*17 K. Main._ SEE THE CUTUNDER CUSHION RUB ber tired runabout we are offering for HOC The high grade cutunder surreys wp are offering for 1150 can not be surpassed In style and quality hv an' that will cost from 125 to more. BRISTOW -WOKSH A M CO.. HIT K. Main FOR BALE—ONE GROCERY WAGON and a on* horse truck; they are new and our own make; also saveral second-hand grocery wagons. one top buggy, one rubber tired phaeton and repairing and rubber tiring a specialty. W H. MADISON & CO.. 1R"0 E Cary street. , _ ONE OAK BED AND SPRINGS AND one Singer sewing machine, both In first-class condition, cheap to quick purchaser. Enquire 7i5 west Main W ALL P tPI * J. W SMITHER3 & CO, SO* NORTH Fifth street; wall pliers; room mouldings, etc.; high class work; __lowe«t_prtcewjrivestijate__________ TINNING AND PLUMBING. NEVER SINCE CHRISTOPHER CO lumbus discovered America, has our superior In the tinning, plumbing and gas-fitting business been found. Honest prices, superior work, gener al satisfaction and promptness are a few of our well known character istics L W. DORSET * CO.. 114 N. Seven;), street. Phone, Madison SUIT HAIR TONIC. .^3Tn?irrwirf:'Tr(i*7AY Nelson s Hair Tonic will do It tne MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Board of Visitors of this Institution held on May II, 1 *10. the Dean was authorised to advertise the follow ing chairs as vacant. Operative Den ' tlstrj and Prosthetic Dentistry Ap plications should be addressed to Christopher Tompkins, M D, Dean. Richmond, Virginia T H. BARNES. M D. Tre« of Board of Visitors. -^__R;-JdicCAiULEYijjecretjir>c^^^^ W AGONS. W AGONS. W AGONS. OPEN AND TOP FROM *«5 UP; 8UR ries runabouts and top buggies from 115 up. Mllburn and Thorn Hill farm w-agons narrow and wide tires from *15 up Repairing painting and rub ber tiring a specialty; coni* and get my prices before you buy. B C BRISTOW. 11-13-15 North E1gh teenth street _____ PERSON AL. MAGNETIC AND MENTAL SCIENCE healing i tires, acute and chronic; dis ease- wherein no relief Is obtainable under other e*.stems of ' ’ 'MKXT'.UV 8G3ffivVYlST.'-'lV stray:- Phone. Madison DtV1* therapeutics el East Clay HAtW. THE LATEST IN HAIR GOODS .VI yur own pru«* large cluster of puffs ;*Sr coronet braids at ... HOAHOERS U 4 WfcC yrsTTTtr-iTyro&T otv ~f twagy • tlemen to board in private family. On car line Apply ©01 Kourtb avenue Vhewtnut Hill I>ouh> Ybh hi:\t. ~ MOULT FURNISHED ROOMS SIN gle of as flat; home comfort*. 11 North Sixth, between Franklin and Main. FURNISHED ROOMS BV TIM# DAY. week or month until Sept !w It Y\ Main, Phone Madison 4558-J FOR RENT—TWO ROOMS WITH hath; centrally located. Bo* 2, city. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, also rooms for gentlemen. Apply 506 North Seventh street. CENTRA U,Y LOCATED FURNISHED rooms. Hot water 607 East Grace. Transient*. BKA UTi FULLY" FI RNISHEtT ROOMS; housekeeping flat, summer ratas. Ap ply 7 North Sixth FO R RESawfH RE 1: ROOMS ON third floor, on Grove avenue. Rea sonable rent Phone Madison 5163-L. WEST-ENfh't'ONVEN'fENT-TO CARS, private family, bright front room adjoining bath; with or without board. Inquire 10# North Strawber o;_ _ _ FOR RENT-CHEAP, THREE NICELY furnished room* In Highland Park, oak grove and good water. Apply US E. Broad street, upstairs. FI FINISHED ROOMS " BY THE DAY, week or month until Sept. 15. 14. W. Main. Phone Yttdlson 4556-J. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR light 'housekeeping; also others. 710 E. Franklin street. large furnished ROOM " FOR gentlemen. 104 S. Third street. ROOMS FOR 'UOHT_HOU8EkBEPIN'G; also others. 710 E. Franklin street FURNISHED ROOMS" CLEAjJ AND bright; 11.50 per week or $5 per month. 60S N Fifth street, Madison ;’04»-L. S BEAUTIFUL ROOMS AND HALC furnished for light housekeeping, bargain If taken at once; central. Phone Madison 204»-L. Ice water, bath, phone free; quiet, re fined neighborhood; oentrally locat ed: detached house; rooms cool; ex cellent meals served next door. Ap ply 1002 Hast Clay. Madison 4#26-L. DES1R ABLE FQCR-ROOMF FLAT; large, cool room*. 104 West Grace. rooms"tarn light hoWfTkee^inu, also others. 710 E. Franklin street CENTRALLY LOCATED-'FURNISHED rooms. Hot water. 807 East Grace Transients. KicgLY FURN ISH ED ROOMS F5R rent; central location! -use of phone; hot and cold water, transients, 6oc per night, Phone Madison 56I7--L 402 Nerth Eleventh street. FOR RENT—THREE-ROOM SECOND floor flat; large, bright and airy rooms. Very reasonable. Call after 6 P. M. 30# East Marsnall stroet. T WoTn ICEl iV ~ FU RN I SHED ROOMS for light housekeeping; also room* for gentlemen. Apply 506 North Seventh atreet. comb WTvTb cl a y for nicely furnished rooms: first clasa beds, cen tral loeation, refined surroundings »nd ghQM J MISCELLANEOUS. HAIR. LADIES. TOUR HAIR—BARGAINS thin week, we are selling real hair switches at very great bargains. 214 North Fifth street. Liri. | CLEANING AND PRESSING PHONE Madison 3735; 202 North Fifth street, ladlea' work a specialty. SCHREMP—213 NORTH FIFTH. UMBRELLAS COVERED AND RE paired, expert work; SCHKEMP. Tne Umbrella Man. HAIR. TO LADIEft—THOSE PRETTY NECK curls, made from your own combing* or cut hair, charges moderate. 21* North Fifth street. NEW MANS, 3I*~E. BROAD. WE COVER AND REPAIR VMBREL Iss and parasola and make them to order with your own good* at very reasonable price*. Thone. Monroe, 2109. FI R.NITI RE AND CHIN A PACKING. FURNITURE. CHINA AND WEDDING presents packed and shipped with ( care Estimate* cheerfully given I JACOB UMLAUF. 706 \Ve*t Main Street. Phone Madison 3292. ' HAIR. LADIES. TOUR HAIR IS IMPORTANT. Your cut hair or coming* made into! beautiful switches. pompadours, j puffs, wig* or front piece* In the, mo*t artistic manner, charge* very __modera^e^^^^North^HU^stree^^^ CLEANING AND PRESSING. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW SYS tern? We make your clothing look like new. Feather*, glove* and slip per* cleaned at *hort notice; let us clean them once and you will let us have them again. We clean and ren ovate anything In ladle* and gentle men's apparel: we pay epressage one way on any out of town work. SWOPE'S FRENCH DRY CLEANIN'". CO.. 303 North Second street.. Phone 61adisonllLU^_ MONEY TO LOAN. money'~"to loan with the rent payer. How much longer are you going to pay for real estate, man s home ." Why not your own. I will loan you the money to buy your lot and build your house, $1 on the hundred, with 6 per cent. slmple interest. Giving y6u seven and a half years to pay loan back. Call at 1301 East Main street. N. P HARGRAVE. Mgr. WILL NOT INJURE Official.-. Declare Charges Will Not Hampi r Thera—-Po-t Of tie*’ C harg'is Traud. NEW YORK. June lt>.—The '.barges made yesterday against officials of the United Wireless Telegraph Com puny will be presented to the grand jury by District Attorney Wist Much of the evidence is of a documentary charac ter, and consists of letters sent to stoikholders it t» cxpec’eti that in dictments will be returned, bat the officers of the company declare that when their side is heeard it vil! be shown that there has been no It tud, and that all statements by th m were made In good faith. They take is; ua with the poatoffice inspectors oho tl Sego that money received, from s ock sates has been diverted from iht de velopment of the concern. In an official statement C. C Oal braith declared to-day that the com pany would continue Its comment*; business at its three hundred stations as usual. “The interests of our company uie too widespread for us * > fear that in surmountable obetacles will be put in the way of our development. We ar.. not responsible for statems.its of stock salesmen and cannot be ham pored, no matter what any of the.n may have said.” The poatoffice Inspectors claim that the assets of the conetrn will not exceed $400,000, with obligations run ning well Into the millions. The three officials of tie tompuny Who were arrested: Chr' e. Wilron, president ;8 .8. Iljgart, \ice president, and William W. Tompki,,*, president of the New York tiding Agency, furnished ball pending an ex amination before United States Com missioner Shields on July is. The technical charge against Itiani is uxing the malls to defraud by making false represenattlona as to the value cf the telegraph company's stock. INSURANCE MEN FOUGHT MEASURE tSpeclal to The Richmond Virginian.) NEWPORT NEWS, June 1«.—The most sensational testimony in the celebrated Insurance trial yesterdav was that of Judge Martin Williams, of title* county, representative in the State legislature, who detailed his experience in attempting to have the Wharton bill re-enacted at the ses sions of 1904 and 19os, He said that the Insurance Interest* made themaelvea particularly obnoxious to th* members of the legislature at , that time. He stated that the rneas- ; ure passed the house, after a atrenu- i oue tight, and when it came up be fore the Senate .committee on bank ing and Insurance, of which Senator Saxon W. Holt, of this city, wee chair man, It was found that the measure contained & Joker relating to some fertlliber legislation. Judge Williams testified that he ! had never seen so many lobbyists in his Ills *a at the time the Insurance : matter was up. Thf joker referred to was discovered by him so late in the session that It was impossible to have the matter corrected. Senator Holt also testified along the same j line*. Sol Miller, W. E. Barrett. J. 1,. | Patton and other local men were ex amined. POLICE OFFICERS ELECTEO FOB YEAR Petersburger* -Elect Chief,/Lieu* tenant Two Sergeants ami Two Detectives. MARRIED BY FATHERS Mrs. Christiana Pritchett Dies Funeral Tomorrow—Burial in Blauford Cemetery. (Special to The Richmond Virginian ) PETERSBURG. VA , June 16—The Police Commissioners oi the city of Petersburg met Wednesday night lor the purpose at electing mem aero at the police corps. The (allowing offi cers were elected, other members ere to be announced later. chlet of Po lice, K. K. Hagland. l-leutenant. John J. buualiue. Hrst Sergeant, John b. TUmus; Second Sergeant. J. K. Payn<•• Detectives, 1/avid 1 . banes anad J. J. Heelan. ., It. A. Gondv, of Altoona, Pa, ii*s been appointed manager of the t’e torstnirg Gas Company, to succeed 'Mr. fc. C. Pond, who recently resigned. I Itotnpeon—Mcliwaine. A beautuui marriage at the Second Presbyterian church was the •joeml feature ot Wednesday in Petersburg, when Miss Annie Clalnorne Mcllwulnc, daughter of*-Ms. and -Mrs Will! un Biard Mcliwaine. became the bride ot ltev. William Taliaferro Tliummun, Jr., of Washington, D. C. ltev. Augustus Worth Shaw, of Noilh Carolina, was best man. end Miss buck Atkinson Mellwalne, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Misses Don ald F. Claiborne. Katherine Min.i, Mary Plummer Mcliwaine, bucy iii ilwaine Davis, Isabel .Martin and Mary Gray Harrison, of Petersburg, Bessie Gammon, of Kiedericksburg, and Hjv ilane Edwards, of Macon. Ga. The ushers were Messrs. William B Mcliwaine, Jr., J Nat Harrison, Thomas J. Holden, beinroy Jones, ail of Petersburg;''Thomas K Voung. of West Virginia, J- Harry Whitmore, or Charlottesville; Messrs. George Young, of Washington, U. C., and Charles Miller, ol North Chevy Chase road. * The bride was in white silk, with rose point lace, her veil caught with orange blossoms, and carried Brides roses, with lilies ot the valley. The bridesmaids carrle dheld daisies, in picture hats, tied with green ribbons, and were gowned1 In vvnite organdie and with green sashes. The maid of honor wrot white and carried maiden hair ferns. The ceremony was performed by the father of the groom. Kev. William Taltaterro Thompson. D. D., of Wash ington, V. C. Harrison—Bryan. This evening at X o'clock- In Grace Episcopal church Miss .Delia Bryan, daughter of Dr. and Mrs C. Braxton Bryan will be married to George West Harrison. The ceremony will be per formed by the father or the bride, who Is rector of the church. Miss Bryan will he attended by her sister. Mrs. J. Merton Townsend, as matron oi honor. Miss Dorothy Pleas ants Harrison, sister of the gryom, and Miss Mary ,C- -Bryan as maids of hon or The best man will be Nathaniel Cole Harrison, of Duquesne, Pennsylvania, the ushers are. Braxton Bryan. Jr. of Petersburg. Mr. William Henry Harrison of Asheville, X. C.; Mr. J Coalter Guinnan. of Norfolk: Mr. Jo* eph W. Smith, Mr. Leroy Jones, Mr. \V. Roane Ruffin, of Petersburg After the ceremony a reception will be held at the home of the bride s par ents on High street. The honeymoon will be spent at the ntwror .tMfbX' Xtf /Mr»' 'RriVtt,; of Richmond, at Eagle Point, Glouces ter county. Dsath Reported. Mrs Christiana B. Pritchett widow of W. H. Pritchett, died at the resi dence of her daughter. Mrs. C. B. Wil liamson. on New street. Wed net/ ay af ternoon after an illness of six months Mrs. Pritchett is survived by two daughters. Mrs C. B. Williamson and Miss Indiana \V. Pritchett, also at adopted daughter, Mrs. Ola Brown, of Wilmington. Delaware, and one sister Mrs Susan Dy son of Sussex county, The burial will be in Blandford ceme tery, Friday morning. NO DECISION REACHED IN HAMILTON'S CASE Believed Likely, However, That Condemned Lynchburg* r Will Mot (Jo to Electric Chair. Governor Maun said Thursday that he still had the case of Angelo Ham ilton, sentenced to die in the electric chair lYIday June lit, under adviee ment. hut had reached no definite de cision. The chief executive had a talk with John Armstrong, who witnessed the killing of Mrs. Sallie Hicks, in Lynch burg, Sunday night before leaving for a three days trip to Harrisonburg and Salem. Tne Governor made two ad dresses in Harrlaonburg, but when ha reached Salem he discovered that the Roanoke College exercises at which he was to have spoken, had been con cluded before hia arrival. Speaking of the Hamilton case, Gov ernor Mann said he had received pe titions from a number of the Jurors who convicted the doomed man and aleo from many cltlaens, but Common wealth Attorney Robert Yancey oppos ed commutation or pardon and Judge Christian, who tried the case, made no recommendation whatever. It It believed probable that Hamil ton will not die in the electric chair. MAY ALLOW MOODY TO LEAVE BENCH Resolution is Now Before Senate. Must Be Within Five Mouths. WASHINGTON, Jupe 18.—A report recommending the passage of the resolution providing for the retire ment of Associate Justice Moody, of the supreme court, was ordered by the senate committee on judiciary to day. A special meeting of the com mittee waa held for that purpose. The measure provided that the resignation be recorded within si* months, and the committee In reporting the bill changed this to live months, The measure may be passed at once so that It will be possible for President Taft to name Moody's successor before nuARoaas, VOH SI MMER BOARBrbs TRY THE Richmond Virginias Want Advs, congreaa adjourns. This would give a complete bench when the supreme court of the United States meets In October to consider the big trust cases. The measure was favorably report ed to the Senate by Senator Clark (republican. Wyoming). Clark said the committee requested Immediate consideration because of the exigen cies of the case. -Because so few Senators were present, ClaflT said, he would renew his request later In the day. Senator Bacon (democrat. Georgia) said he favored postpone ment until a full Senate was present, owing to the gravity of the situa tion and the public Interests Involved. He wanted to avoid any possible charge of undue haste. THANKCQLONELFOR His Lettei* to World's Missionary Conference Arouses Enthus iasm. MIST WORK TOGETHER Belief Expressed That Churches 'Can Cooperate Without Sacri ficing Principles. EDINBURGH. July 16.—A letter from Colonel Theodore Rooaevejt In which he pleaded for a United t'hris tendoin in the work of the world's evangelization, created intense en thusiasm to-day among the 4.Out) delegates, representatives ane visitors attending the World's Mitib nary con ference. The latter was read by Lord Balfour, president of the conterence, and at its conclusion the delegates cheered for several minute* After expressing regret a; hla in ability to be present as a delegate from the Dutch Reformed church, the ex-presldent said "Every man imbued with the teach ings of Christianity must rejoice in the effort to combine the strength of all churches for the christianizing or humanity. It is imperative to re member that a /llvlded Christendom only perfectly witnesses the essential unity of Christianity. "1 believe it is possible for churches, without compromising their belief* or losing the ogod contained in their diversity of girts and differ ences of administration to And a way for ‘friendly co-operation regarding the underlying essentials upon which all Christian churches are built, if we make up our minds to work to gether for the common good, we will And that doctrinal differences will not interfere with our work.” The conference adopted a resolu tion of thanks for Colonel Roosevelt's inspiring words." a speciall engrossed copy of which will he sent to him MAYOR SIGNS MEASURES FOR BRIDGE ANO WATER City Attorney Authorized to Ac quire 14th Street Site by Purchase or Condemnation. Two important ordinances, one in structing the city attorney to pro ceed to acquire by condemnation or purchase the necessary route for the n* \\ free bridge from the foot ot Fourteenth street across James river into Matv.'hrrt.rr. and the other *tw. tng"the State Fair Grounds the*right to use water from the mains on Her mitage road, were sent to City Clerk August, signed by the mayor. Thurs day. Both these ordinances have passed council, to which body they will be returned, that they may be entered in the regular list of city ordinances. Dr. Boatwright To Spaak. Among the prominent speakers at the Baptist encampment to be held in about two weeks at Virginia Beach will he Dr. fYederick \V. Boatwright, president of Richmond College. Dr. Boatwright announced Thursday that his subject will be "The College as a Character Builder." DOG TAX SUBJECT , OF SUIT AT LAW fy - County Trcasuref Heckler Will Probably Await Order of Court to Change Tax Slip?. STATE OFFICER OBJECTS Commissioner of Revenue Smith Declares He Will Xot Make Changes on His Books. The method of collecting dog taxes in Henrico has caused <|uitc a stir in Henrico and those In dose touch with the situation declare that there is likely to be a disturbance o\er the question before it is finally setled. Commissioner of the Revenue, c. E. Smith has taken a hand and expresses hlntSelf rather freely concerning the action of the supervisors in ordering the county treasurer to place the dog tax on th" personal property tax slips. The commissioner was seen after the meeting of the supervisors and after stating that he would not talk for publication he began to freely state his views in the matter, "Tlie county treasurer las no au thority to make any entries on his per sonal property books tliHt are not taken from mj hooks, said Mr. bniith. '“and I can say right now that there will never be an}’ dog taxes entered on my books' When asked what he would do in •case of a suit in the courts. Mr. Smith said. "That "ill make no difference to me. I am a state officer and niv books are State books and I am out of the JurUdlstioiT ef the court.'’ Treasurer in Quandery. Count,' Treasuier Heckler is at a loss how to proceed In the contin gency that now faces him The su pervisors agree that It is too late to make the change now since many of the tax bills have been paid. They agree that the unpaid taxes shall be collected by the constables htis year but that next year the taxes shall all be on one slip and be paid together. In speaking of the matter Treas ure'- Heckler inters that he will not make the change unless forced to do so by the court: he Interprets the law in such af way that he does not fee! free to put the taxes on the same slip with out the order of the court. It is evident that the matter will have to be settled in court and prom ises to be an intergating legal tight with the supervisor* and conimon j wealth's attorney on, the one side and th<- county treasurer and commissioner of the,revenue 0n the other. The supervisors adopted the motion to give the order to the treasurer af ter receiving the advice of Attorney Gt.nn that their step was legal Mr. Gunn gdvi«ed them that he had re ceivedo favorable advices from Judge Scott. Tin* Cause of It. A promint nt member of the board of supervisors, in speaking of the mat ter declared that the matter of col lecting dog taxes in the county has been sadlj neglected, and that some step waa absolutely necessary. The supervisors believe that if all the taxes are Included on one slip the tax payers will come to the office and -set tle up for each Item on the slip all together, and that there will be m further trouble. They say that th* taxpayers object to being served wifi: a Second slip after they think the} have paid all their taxes The county treasurer points out th*t the dog tax is a license tax. and hu no connection with the real estate, personal property and capitation taxes. He says the change will cause compli cations in his accounting system and will be generally unsatisfactory. The treasurer says further that the , dog .tax question !«. simple^••nmigb. and ran easily be soiled if fKe con'stabb = are made to do their duty In the way of forcing the payment or killing the 1 dogs. Ready For Encampment. (Special to The Richmond Virginian i NORFOLK. YA . June IS.—Prep aration for the coming of the Vtrginia Baptist Summer Encampment at Vir ginia Beach are now betng made. The body will begin its encampment next Tuesday and th# elaborate program arranged covers nearly everything imaginable. , It is expected that several thous and strangers will he attracted to Vir ginia Beach when the encampment ‘opens. _ Searching Lake Como Near “Wife's Body Was Found. SAID TO HAVE ESCi Persistent Reports That Huai Crossed Frontier and H$a Been Seen Since Murder. « COMO, June 1*.—Divers from, Royal Marine diving corps of CJen are to-day searching Uake Como the spot where .the body of Mrs. Scott Castle-Cnarlton was dr» from the lake, in the hope of findt the' body of Porter Charlton, It’ band of the murdered woman. The Italian government oru, the divers to sc-arch the lake upon urgent request of the American “ department. About the only pe: involved In the solution of the tery of the murder of Mrs. Char# who think that the husband, too, slain. are United States Ct Caughy at Mllar. and United 81 Ambassador Irishman. The P are practically unanimous In th* lief-that Charlton killed his wife al fled from Italy. There was a revival to-da.V of g-umor that Charlton escaped if . the Swiss frontier In the garb Of, priest. Two men called upon " police and declared they had enco tered Charlton, though at the til they did not know of the tnuft* They say they saw' the husband Friday a few hours before the tTj containing the body of Mrs. Char' was pulled from the lake. The police have received no V fication of the report that Char!1 was seen in Condon. After a careful Investigation of ft the known facts, the police this ternoon said they were convinced Mrs. Charlton w as killed either on night of June 5 or June *. and WP her bodv was not thrown Into tl lake until the night following 8 murder This would have gif' Charlton sufficient time to catch steamer Verona, which sailed frogg Genoa for .sew York on June 7, -— < Spec ial to Tlie Richmond Virgtnlan.1 ASHLAND. June 16.—Under auspices of the Woman's Forelg Hi isslonary Societj of the Method* church, an entertainment will b*, given in the college Chapel next Frl* day afternoon. A special feature •will he readings of children's selection® by Mrs Frants Naylor, of BalttMOfO* f'r. J. Fred Messlck leaves to-mof* row for a visit to his home in Mary*, land before going to' Auburn, Ala.* v, here, he w ill be professor of m»'*' ematlcs in the Alabama A. and College. Mr. F.dgar D Hellweg is via* in Baltimore. Md. Mr. William R Smlthey, pr of the Petersburg High School, visiting his mother. Mr. SmltT leaves Saturday for Harrisonbv w here he "111 teach throughout summer in the State Normol. gchooL Miss Natalie i^ncaster. prnfiMW*^ of mathematic in the Harrisonburg Normal School, is visiting her pa* rent* here. Miss Lancaster will leax*g.■ in a few days for Columbia Untv«r • ■(ity, • where she I* 1 taking » v c.-urse in mathematics. APPEALS VERDICT OF CIVIL JUSTK Hearing of an appeal from a Jud. ment of 167.10 secured by the I« ternational Text Book Coral against Arthur t>. Sprenkle wa» gun in the Court of Law and Equ at 11 o'clock Thuradav morning. Ill the original suit, tried before i| civil justice, the text book com par was awarded damages following th alleged nen-payment by Sprenkle 1 a correspondence school course. Richmond Virginian’s Commercial Weather Map June Observation* taken at S A. M.. Eastern Time. U. S. Department of Agriculture? WEATHER f BUREAU WILLIS.L MOORE.kChigf' .hour* at Boston New York . Philadelphia ... Washington .... RICHMOKD .... Norfolk .. Atlanta . Birmingham .... New Orleaaa ... Galveston .. Jacksonville ... Buffalo ........ Detroit ........ St. Paul . St. LouisL......... Kansas City ... «-hlea*o .. Denver ........, Salt Lake City . San rranclsco Portland O ...,5 Memphis ....... Cincinnati Pittsburg Minimum *3. RICHMOND, VA., June If.—Forecast for Richmond and vicinity: Showers to-night or Friday. WASHINGTON. D, C , June IS —Pore cast for Virginia: Showers to-night or Friday The area of rainfall that has persisted over Virginia and the south Atlantic States for several days past d northward during last night and now extends over all seaboard sections between North Carolina and land leaving fair weather In South Carolina and Georgia where the rain ha» previously been excessive, of heavy rsin now overlies the mountain regton of Virginia. On the southern mountain tributaries of ( from t to Ms Inches of rain hav# fallen, while in the Rlvanna valley the fall ranges from 1 54 Inches gt © 2 «5 Inches al Charlottesville, In consequence of these reins the James rtv er at Columbia will rite ato> to-day and the period of high water a tRIchmond will be prolonged, although no immediate change In the Is indicated. At " A. M. the cage stood at 10.* feet. The unsealed weather will continue ami ahowai expected during the next thtrarThly haute.