Newspaper Page Text
— Complete North Carolina! Issue Soon Disposed • of. SELMA HAN ENDS LIFE D. T. Massey Blows Top of His Head Off—Fatal Shooting and Cutting Affray. KALEIOH, N. C.. Jifne 31.—The State treasurer has awarded the bal ance of the State bonds, which, to gether with the flrat acceptance of -one million and two hundred thous and, disposes of the complete Issue. Of the bidders Just accepted all were North Carolinians, except the Ameri can Tobacco Company, which receiv ed $740,000 of bonds, and as the Dukes are from this State, It can al most be said that all tho bonds were taken by homo folk. This ends the crisis of Governor Kltchln’s adminis tration. Evsry governor has a critical period In hU administration, but few have dealt with theirs In the manner that Kltchin has. Sir. Maiiuey Kmis Life. Mr. D. T. Massey, a well-known ett iaen of Selma, committed suicide Sun day evening about 7 o'clock by plac ing a shotgun to his forehead and completely blowing the top off above the eyes. Pieces ot skull and brain wero found as far as twelve feet from the body. He was a widower and leaves six or seven children, four of whom are grown. The cause of the rash act Is supposed to have been a love affair. He was In correspondence with a lady In Durham, and on Sun day received a letter addressed to her that had been returned from the dead fetter office. He waa noticeably agi tated when he received the returned letter, and went to his home ar.d reau the Bible for some time thereafter. Noticing his despondency, his daugh ter-in-law Invited him to go to walk, but he refused, loiter he got down his gun and began to dean It. saying that he was going to shot some young rabbits. When the family re turned home later he was gone, and a search found the body a little over a mile from the town. In a piece of woods. The gun waa clasped between his knees and a stick was found n<-ar ahowlng how ho had tired the fatal shot. Kills In Self Defense. Jn Frsnkltn county, Just beyond the Wake county line. Sunday evening. Pink Page, a nlneteen-year-old white boy. shot and killed Will Barham. Page waa calling on some young la dles when Barham, who was consid erably older than Page, came up and threatened to kill the latter, and slap ped him In the face with a ha*. Page resented this, and llarliam asked him to come out and talk It over. When Page had gone a few steps, Barham turned on him with a knife and slash ed his cheek from above the tye to the mouth. Page drew a pistol and fired, and was again cut by Barham, this being a long gash in the right breast. Barham then drew s pistol, but before he could fire two shota from Page's pistol had finished him. Page went to a physician and had Ms wounda dressed, after which he went to a deputy sheriff and surrendered. From all accounts it was a case of self-defense. Barn Burned. Sunday night, between 1 and 3 o'clock, some person went to the barn of Mr. B. Hobgood. who lives about seven miles from Raleigh, stole u horse and buggy, and set lire to the barn, destroying four mules, one horse, one cow, feedstuff and farming Incitements. The perpetrator was traced towards Selma, and it is thought that his capture Is only a question of a few hours. Fairmount There will be a musical and literary «ntertalnment at the Baptist church here Tuesday night, June 21, at * o'clock, given by the Sunday school orchestra for the benftit of the picnic fund. Mrs. Addle Delia Shelton ha* sent out Invitation* to the marriage of her daughter, Mamyc t'oleman, to Mr. William Donald Chandler. The mar riage will take place from the home of the bride on Twenty-llrst atreet Wednesday. June 22, at high ^won. They will leave Immediately after the ceremony for a bridal trip North. A reception will be given them to-nlghl. Mrs. Sadye K. Gary is making ar rangements for her musical, which will be held at the Baptist church on June 28. The proceeds will go to wards the building fund of the church. The president of the Young Peo ple's Union earnestly desires the pres ence of all of the members at the meeting of the union Thursday night. The joint twilight that was run by the Daughters of Liberty Saturday af ternoon was a decided success. Two sections were necessary to accommo date the people. Miss Mary Bowden, of Clayvllle. Is the guest of her friends. Mr. and Miss Sj. E. Foster, on Twenty-llrst street. Ideal Council, Daughters of Liberty, will hold their regular meeting at the Town Hall to-night. Mrs. R. D. Watkins and little son. Richard, have returned home, utter a pleasant visit to relatives in Lunen burg county. Mr. Emmett Simmons, of Baltimore. Is here on a short visit to his sister, Mrs. Robins. He will leave Wednes day for Portsmouth to join tits family, who are spending their vacation there. Mies Bertha Estes left to-day for Ocean View' to spend three weeks at the Honeysuckle Cottage. Mrs. George W. Troxler, who has been on' a visit to her parents here for the past week, returned to her home in Philadelphia to-day. accom panied by her three daughters and little son. Mrs. Troxler has lived in this vicinity for fifteen years, and her frlehds regret to see her leave. She will make her home there. Mr. Trox ler having been sent there by the American Locomotive Company. Mlsa Ethel Lane and her brother, Ernest, left Sunday to visit their grandparents in South Boston. Mr. ahd Mrs. Davis, formerly of Richmond, who have been living in Norfolk: for some time, have moved back to this place and are now at bom* on Twenty-first street Mlsa Louise Grimes, who has been very sick at the Retreat for several weeks, Is very much Improved to-day. lklM to State Prison. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SPOTSYLVANIA. VA.. June 3L-r Talley W. Child res. % convict In our jail and sentenced to two years' con finement In the penitentiary for forg ing a check for ton dollars was yes terday taken to the penitentiary by X. W. Payne, one of the penitentiary guards. Childrens was sentenced at Ifeg Jana tarn last, -.he; -''■■Xi--/ .i - *•i.-. iv- '...'’-.iS&'i.iisit The General office of Long the Woodman is 1506-10 West Broad Street, phone Madison 1069, but he has severa yards, and each one is stocked with perfectly dry pine oak and slabs, prepared to suit every housekeeper. Try one load and be convinced that he is a Wood Man CHURCH HILL NEWS (News luma Intended for tUi colon nsj ha Ml la paws at the Church HUl Beak, or ’pbowed to Msdleon 7SSS.) The Third Christian church ia hav ing: its annual outing at Forest Hill to-day. Various kinds of outdool sports and contests have been arrang ed to make the day a pleasant one. and a large crowd went over thl» morning. The home of Mra R. L. Eubank, of 216 North Twenty-first street, was the scene last Thursday morning ol a quiet marriage, when her daughter, Miss Estelle Ragland. became the bride of Mr. Waverly Betty Pollard, Dr. George McDaniel was the officiat ing minister, assisted by Rev. R. H, Potts. Mr. and Mra Pollard left Im mediately after the ceremony for their weddtng trip, and returning will be at home to their friends, 301* East Broad, after June 26. Mrs. William B. Haynes, of North Twenty-sixth street, has returned home, after an extended visit to her daughters tn Washington and New York. Mr. Floyd Jarvis, who has been quite sick. Is now much Improved. Mr. Leroy Phaup, who has been spending some time with hts uncle, Mr. 8. I*. Turner, of Chlmboraso Park, left last night for his home In Mathews. Mrs. Martha Rawlins, of Norfolk, Is visiting her friend, Mrs. Sarah Snead, of 2407 East Clay street. Miss Belle Burch, of 2501 East Marshall street, who has been under going treatment at the Virginia hos pital. is now convalescing at her home. The West End Social Circle met Iasi week with Mr and Mrs. Weils, of 518 North Twenty-six street. Games ana music were enjoyed until a late hour, when dainty refreshments were served Among the number, who en joyed Mrs. Wells' hospitality, were Misses Jennie Tiller, Dalsle Bray, Mamie and Edna Gordon, Myrtle Pearman. I/ouise Carlton, l.izzte Hahen. Ruth Walton, Ophelia Bray, Mesdames Hord and Wells and Messrs. Wertley Rray, Arthur Pullen, I- J. Patterson. Luther Walton. 8. T, Jarvis. Edgar Stanley. Forreat Har rison. Richards md Wells. Hr. W. H. Evans, of Concord. Va, Is In Richmond, taking the State medi cal board examination and la stoppln* with relatives on East Grace street. Min Mary Goode, sister of Mr. R. N. Goode, of 3408 East Broad, waa the week-end guest of her brother, en route to New York, from which place she aalled to-day for Europe. Mias Goode Is teaching In a Southern ' college, and will tour the continent 'during her vacation. Mr. C. V. Strickland, of New York, I It visiting his brother, Mr. Andrew i Strickland, of 3703 East Grace street. I Sterling Dorset Is quite sick In his ' home, 2(08 East Grace street. Miss Dyke, who has been visiting iMlss Roy Palmer, of 714 North Twenty-fourth street has gone to Charlottesville, to attend the summer normal. Mr. John Brauer. of North Twenty fifth street who fell in his yard and broke his arm, la getting, along very ; nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall DeWltt Wal ker, nee Bryant have returned from ; their bridal tour, and are at home to their friends at 2(18 East Grace I street Misses Snead and Seay, of Pork i Union, are visiting Mrs C. L. Peers, j 2918 East Marshall. Mtss Lucy Wlllye Austin and Mr. William Bankard Robelen were mar ried In Washington Friday by the I Rev. John Griggs. They will spend jsome time at Virginia Beach, and re 1 turning to Richmond will be at home itto their friends. <11 North Twenty i fifth street, after July 1st. The bride 1 wore a handsome Imported gown of i blue broadcloth with hat to match, and ' carried a bouquet of Bride roses The family of Mr. John P. Scher merhorn. Sr., who died last evening at i his residence. 228 North Thlrty-sec : ond street, have the sympathy of their ! many friends. Mr. 8chermerhom’s health has been falling for several months, and an operation was per formed In the early spring, with. It was thought, beneficial results. But this was not permanent and death re lieved him of his sufferings Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Barker, of 717 i North Twenty-seventh street, enter tained their friends and relatives in ; honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage Friday evening. Mrs. Barker was gowned in a beautiful sil ver gray silk. Many handsome pieces of silver were received as tokens of their popularity. SOUTHWEST RICHMOND Wednesday, June 22. the Alien Ave nue Christian church will combine with several other Christian churches and run their annual excursion to ltuckroe. Three of the Newport News • 'hristlan churches will meet them at Huckroe and an unusually' pleasant day Is anticipated. Mrs. J. Claude Ralston and children have returned front a pleasant trip to Clifton, Ga., where she was ths Kuest of her brothel, Alex. C. Soule. Mrs. Todd, of JS1T West Main street, left Saturday for Kdgetyood, Nottoway county, to attend the Ros ser-Verser wedding, which takes place Wednesday. June !!. Mrs. Todd re i ently entertained the Francis Wil lard W. C. T. r. in her home at their last meeting before adjournment for i the summer. Miss Ira Hayne. of 1004 Meadow street, who was so very 111 Saturday and Sunday with appendicitis. Is bet ter to-day. Mr. and Mra. V. H. Perkins, of 1718 West Main street, left Saturday for an extended trip to Washington and Butfaol. Before returning they will also visit several points of Interest In Canada. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Markey and Miss , Kate Markey, of 6 West Cary street, are visiting In Scottsburg, Va., where | they were guests on Thursday at the i pretty marriage of Miss Beaale Wade Stlgall to Mr. Claude Willard Owen. I Miss Amanda Pltke left Saturday for her home in Cohoke. King William county .to spend the summer. Mrs. M. L. Chesley, of Fredericks burg, Is spending a few days In Rich mond as the guest of Captain and Mrs. J. A. Thompson. 606 West Main street. The marriage of Miss Katie Luck to Mr. Keith White waa quietly sol i emnlzed in the home of the bride's ! parents, Mr. and Mra. Abner Luck, ■ 215 South Harrison street, Thursday, I June 16. | Miss Geoligle Dansey. of 70* Ran I dolph street, who has been in I>rake's ! Branch for ssveral months, returned | to her home Monday. Miss Rosa Lee Hayes, who has been visiting Mrs. D. H. Perkins, ITU West Main street, left Saturday tor Stony Mr. L. W. Hoffman, of Pamplin City, Va., who has been visiting hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman, of 213 South Harrison street has re turned home. Mias Willie Shipp leaves for her home In Orange county this week to ■pend the summer. Barton Heights Mis* Louise Shackleford left Mon day for Jamestown Island, where she will' spend several days visiting friends. Mrs. John Hundley and children, of Dendron, Surry county, arrived to day and will be the guests of her brothers. P. H. and E. B. Bowden, for some days. Miss Ella Chisholm ( of Long Creek, Louisa county, arrived Saturday and Is visiting Mr. and Hn A. T. Good win. Miss Katherine P. Howerton, of West Point, will come to the city to day and will visit her sister. Mrs. R. H. Bowden, Til Barton avenue. ‘ On Saturday night about 11 o’clock (he lightning struck and badly dam aged the home of Mr. W. Mood]; Col . V tins on Virginia The black chimney nan shattered and knocked off, the mantels in the back rooms were torn from the walls, some window panes were broken and the pictures were scattered about the rooms. At the time of the storm the family was in bed and escaped Injury, with the ex ception of a small cut. which Mrs. Collins received from the shattered Class. All members, however, were more or less stunned by the stroke. Mrs. J. B. Woodward and daughter, Mieses Bessie and Norma, left Satur day for Virginia Beach and will spend some time there. Mrs. J. T. Bowden, of Dendron, Surry county, will arrive to-day and will be the guest of his sons. Rev. R. H. Bowden and Mr. E. B. Bow den, for several weeka The ladles of the Aid Society of the Baptist church will hold a lawn party on the public school grounds Tues day evening from * to 10 o’clock for the benefit of the church. Mr. J. O. Jeter Is quite ill at his home in Brookland Park. It is ex pected that ha will have to be taken to the hospital in a few weeka and be operated on. Mrs. Elisabeth Thweatt continues quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. E. Strother. She now re quires the services of a trained nurse. Mias Emily H. England, who has spent several months tn Barton Heights, left Friday for her home in Rockville, Md., where she will spend the summer. Mrs. Oarland B. Taylor and chil dren are in Albemarle county, where they will spend the summer. The Rev. Mr. Lane, of Warsaw, Va. who has been the guest of the Rev. Peyton Q. Craigbill, has gone home. Mrs. N. B. Croxton is home from Hsnover. Miss Julia Whitmore, of Chatham, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. O. A. Hancock. Mra B. Z. Harty, formerly of this place, visited friends here last week before leaving for her new home In Birmingham, Ala. The Epiphany Church Ouild will give a lawn party Saturday afternoon and night on the tennis court. Mrs. S. D. Davies visited her nleoa, Mra C. R. Kuyk, last weak. The Mothers’ Club will hold a call ed masting this week to discuss the advisability of serving supper to the Masonic Lodge. A splendid gams of ball was played Saturday between the Battle Axe and the Barton Haights teams on the homo diamond, an dreenlted in a score of S to 1 In favor of the Battle Axe. It was by far the bast game of the Mra H. W. Straley. of Princeton, W. Va. visited Mra R. H. Bowden Monday. The home of the Rev. E. E. Osgood, rector of Emmanuel church, Brook Hill, Henrico county, eras entered by burglars recently and rifled, his desk and carried assrIN in money, a gold watch and two beautiful rtflga The matter was reported to tbs police. CHILDREN* MOMB SOCIETY TO HOLD ANNUAL MBBTINQ The »th annual meeting of the Chil dren’s Home Society of Virginia Mill be held at the Receiving Heme. IMI E. Franklin street. Jane M. INI at I P. M. When reports for tbs past year shall be given, and directors elect'd for the ensuing year. All intareotod In the Society are oordlaUy iavttM is tee'Uifciai', ± ASKED TO HELP IN PRESERVING HOME Repreaentatirea From Many Bus 'rows Interests and Professions .‘Add Plea* to That of A. P. V. A. in Effort of Latter to Se cure John M4nh& 11 Residence. B«j>m>nUttw from practically all the more prominent walks of life added their plea* to that of a com mittee from the A. F. V. A. in urging the members of the school board to lend their efforts toward the preser vation of the home of John Marshall. The board took no definite action, but It is regarded sis more than probable that they will give the assistance de sired. From the beginning there has been a general approval throughout the city of the plan to convert the home of the famous Jurist Into a museum. With this object In view, the associa tion for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities hss prepared a petition signed by every patriotic organisation of the city, and endorsed by the Cham ber of Commerce and many leading business men. asking that the prop erty be given to them and remain in their possession so long ss It Is used for such a purpose. It Is th# UMeatlon of the associa tion to restore she noma to the con dition in Which It waa when John Marshall lived within its walla and to gather relics of the famous Virginian and place theth on exhibition in the houqe. Like the 'Confederate Museum, admission to the home will be free. The members of the association, a band of patriotic women, have work ed tirelessly, in furthering their pro ject and the success which la now al most at hand Is more than deserved. Solely through their own efforts they have appeared before various influent and anyone and every one whom they have thought could be of Influence, and have persuaded them to lend aid. Only the cohcurrence of the school board remains to be acquired to In sure the fulfillment of the aasociation'i desires. Board Members Approve. From the beginning It is said thal the school board members have ap proved of the plan. Thus far they arc said to have held back, however, be cause they wanted the property for their own use. This objection was partly swept away at the meetlna Monday night by James E. Cannon, representing the Chamber of Com merce, who declared that only a short time will elapse before it will be neces sary for the city to acquire property adjoining the City Hall, upon whlcn will be erected a municipal court building. The school board, said Mr. Cannon, will then be provided with ample quarters tor its needs Various other speaks lauded th« plan of the A. P. V. A. eulogizing John Marshall as s man and Jurist and urging the necessity of preserv ing his home that It may serve as a lesson to the youth of the city. Among the speakers were Mr. M. H. McGuire, who headed the delegation, and who read a letter from Colonel Gordon Mc Cabe, urging that the school board give the desired concurrence. Mr. John P. Branch, representing the business Interests of the city, Mr. Eppa Hunton. Jr., representing the bar of Richmond, and Lieutenant-Governor J. Taylor Ellyson. formerly a member of the school board. Mr. Ellyson paid a glowing tribute to the '-noble wo men of the association.” Rev. Thomas Cary Johnson, D. D.. of the Union Theological Seminary; Dr. Jacob Miehaux. representing the Richmond AcAdetny of Medicine, and Mrs. Norman V. Randolph, who rep resented *0# women, also urged the board to sanction the giving over ol the property t* the association. Mrs Randolph mid; ‘•All we want k for the school board to let us have the Marshall Home. I am not going to argue the matter, j but I don’t want a single man to vote against It. Following the appeals and argu ments Charles Kutsler. president ol the school board, announced that the matter would be given serious con sideration. Although not alble to In dicate what action will be taken he said he felt sure that the decision i would be for the best, and from the highest motives. . Fredericksburg U of paraly ego. took place (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) FREDERICKSBURG. VA., June SI | The M. B. Rowe Camp, Spanish Wai I Veteran* of this city, took up tht matter a ahort time ago of having the United States Government fur nish suitable markers for the gravet of tha Spanish war veterans burled In the city cemetery. The govern ment has agreed to furnish stones foi each of the graves on condition that the local camp will see that they ar« Immediately placed. Commander J H. Cole has appointed Messrs. W. B Larkin and A. a Billingsley to get permission from th# relatives of th< deceased to place theee stones. Thrs will be seven tombstone* asked foi for the graves of the following: Ser geant A. B. Botta. Jr.. Corporal W. N Knox, Edward Hicks. T. J. Oateiy, C O. Patterson. Maury Williams and Thomas Harrison. This Is the first camp In tha Stats to take this action, and It Is well pleased with the courteous and satis factory treatment accorded them b> the War Department. The Fredericksburg Lodge of Elki held Its annual decoration service yes terday afternoon. The members as sembled in the lodge rooms and marched to the city cemetery, wher* they decorated the grave qt each de ceased member with flowers. Wreath! were sent to the graves of those mem bers that are burled out of town. Mr. Duff Green, of this city, re ceived a cablegram Saturday from Mr Julian Morris, now in London, that David Grey had won the world'i championship for hunters In the Lon don boras show. This horse waj raised by the late Mr. George Monroe of Stafford, who sold him to Mr. Dull Green. Mr. Green later sold him t< Mr. Julian Morris, who developed him from a flat racer to a hunter. Mr E. H. Woathorbeo, of New York, pur chased him from Mr. Morris, and fa now showing him to the leading hora< shows of the world. David Gray, started his career or the Fredericksburg race track as ■ flat racer, hut was not a success. Mr Morris saw that there were good qual ities to him for. a hunter and at one* niffhiion1 . MBs Margaret Elisabeth Liillston daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F Littleton, of AcOomac. Va., and Mr Ray D. White afore married on Thurs day, at the home of the bride. Aftei a .wedding tour the oowple will residt to Berkeley, Va. , .. Mrs. Moule Barry, widow of the lat< ex-Mayor Robert R. Berry, died Sun Aay morulng e* qie.horae of Mr. I W. Carper, after a loagr Illness, st th< age of •! yepra. The funeral will take place Tues ay from the Melodist church. Rev 5 -ii o'clock this morning and the body waa sent to Baltimore for burial. RICHMOND BAPTI9J N N N NGOING TO ENCAMPMENT Richmond Baptist expect to be well represented at the annual summer encampment of Virginia Baptist which convenes Tuesday, the first ses sion to be held In the evening at the Virginia Beach Hotel, opening with a sunset service conducted by Rev. Sparks W. Melton, D. D. Rev. R. H. Pitt, editor of the Re ligious Herald, will probably be among those to go down from Rich mond Tuesday morning. Rev. Geo. W. McDaniel, pastor of First Bap tist church, who will take a proml rfent part In the services, will likely go down Wednesday. The encampment win continue for ten days and will doubtless prove a great success. Fulton News New* item* may be left at Nel sen’s Furniture Store, or phoned to Madison 4749. The funeral of Henry Gary took ! place Sunday afternoon from his home on the Government Road. Interment In Oakwood. Mrs. A. Frank, of Baltimore, who has been on a two weeks visit to her son, Mr. Charles Miller, of Fort Lee, has returned to her home. Miss Edna Bew, of State street, who was operated on at the Virginia Hos . pital Sunday night, is doing well. | The Capitol City Lodge, I. O. O. F., ■will meet to-night In Nelson's Hall. The funeral of Mrs. Daisy Adams, who died at the Virginia Hospital Thursday, June 16. took place Sunday morning ten o’clock from her home ,"!«t Orlean street. Interment In River View Cemetery. The Daughters of Pocahontas will hold their regular meeting to-night In j Nelson's Hall, No. 2. i Concllman F. H. Garber is enlarging | and remodeling his grocery store on | Williamsburg avenue. I The sons of P. O. S. of A. will meet | Wednesday night In Nelson’s Hal!. Miss Bessie Black, of Denny street, left last week for Charlottesville, i where she expects to spend about six weeks. Mrs. Morilla continues extremely ill i at the home of her sister, Mrs. C. H. Smith, of State street, j Miss Marie Grubs, of Floyd avenue, I visited friends ard relatives here this week. | Dr. W. W. Nejsen of Graham street, ;who left for North Virginia some time ago for his health, is greatly improved. | Mrs. Elizabeth Williams Is sick In her home on Nicholson street. Mr. Harold K. Nelsen. of 3941 Wil , Harrisburg avenue, is out again after ! his recent Illness. Mr. Henry Hill, of Louisiana street has recently been elected as an officer of the police force. He experts to go on duty about the 27th, in the West End. Chase City CHASE CITY, VA„ Jun* *1.—Mia* Jeannette Hardy lias returned from a pleasant visit with relative* at Stem, N. C. Mias Annie Gregory Is visiting friends and relatlvea In Clover, this week. Mr*. J. E. Moore, of Danville, was a guest of The Gibson a few days last Misses Susie and Elizabeth Davis, of FarmvlHe, are the guest* of Mrs. Kobt. Jeffrey*. Jr. of Academy street. Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Taylor will occu py the house vacated by Prof. and Mrs. S. P. Duke, on Sycamore street, j Mr. Kenneth Hayes, of Oxford, N. C., Is on a visit to hts parents. Mr. Maphts Hold fa on a visit to his grandmother. Mrs. M. J. Hayes. Mrs. Patty Potts has remitted to her home after a visit to her sister, Mrs Sal lie Potts, of Sycamore street. FIGHT FOR SHARE OF MONROE ESTATE Trial of Suit of Mrs. Mavhew At tracting Much Attention— Court Reversed. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) FREDERICKSBURG, VA.. June 21. —The case of Mrs. Kate May hew against Mrs. Jencie F. Monroe's estate ■tin continues to hold the interest of the public here. Mrs. Mayhew, an adopted daughter of the late Mrs. Monroe, Is trying to break h-r will In order to receive her shares of the $39,000 estate. The last witnesses were examined and all the evidence was handed in yesterday. The argu ment of the counsel for both sides began when the court convened at HI o’clock this morning. The plaintiff is represented by Merer*. C. O’Connor Goolrlck, G. K i Wallace and F. M. Shichester. St. George R. Fltzhugh is counsel for the defendant. After the regular Sunday evening services at the People’s Mission. Rev. J. H. Henderllte presented Evangelist George A. Mills with a purse that had been raised for him by the business men of this city. The sum was given so as to enable Mr. Mills to take a long rest and vacation this summer The decision in the case of J. C. Chichester, administrator of tho late Charles Waller, against the F.. F. and P. railroad, in which Waller s heirs received $1,000 for hi* death by the railroad, was reversed by the Supreme Court at WjrthevlUe, upon appeal by the railroad. Attorney Sf. George R Fttshugh. during ltd recent session. CONTRACT FOR DEPOT TO BE ERECTED AT NEW BERN (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NEW BERN. N. C.. June 81.— While in the city yraterdny Mr. E. G. Lam be, president and general man 1 ager of the Norfolk-Southern Rail road Company. Informed the chamber of commeroe that the contract for the erection of the new $60,000 paa aenger station had been awarded and that the work of erecting it will begin 1 et ones. The contract went to a Newport News firm. » Open Hesse In * erf elk. NORFOLK, June 31.—Otto Wells, re presenting the Weils Syndicate, haa i leased from C. W. Grandy the Academy of Music for ten years. It is announc ed that this season the house will b< “open," playing the independent shows 1 as wall as any of the “trust” attrac tions that alay d astro dates. > THE BANK THAT PAYS Invites Commercial and Savings Accounts, large and Any amount from $1.00 up. Assets over $700,000.00. 907 East Main St., Mutual Bldg, Richmond, OFFICERS—John C.nrlnn't PoUnrd. Pmidmit: Jon»lh*a Bryan. Vieo-Prelt<!•■*» Kent, Jr.. Cashier: H. G. Procter. Aarifttant Cathiar. DIRECTORS—Jno. Bagby. A. R. Holladay, Jonathan Bryan, Robl Gnakf. If*, t Fairbank, John Garland Pollard. C. C. Pinckney. The American RICHMOND. VIRGINIA Solicits Your Bus 1 Capital, $500,000. Surplus and DIRECTORS: WM. C. CAMP M. C. PATTERSON OLIVER J. EMMETT SEATON CHAS. E. WINGO HENRY W. JAMES U. GORDON EDGAR G. GUNN R. H. HARWOOD CHAS. E. WHITLOCK. INCORPORATED 1832 The Virginia Fire & Marine OF RICHMOND, VA. JANUARY I, 1910 Assets.*1,557,761.68 Capital. 250,000.00 Net Surplus. 569,929.61 Surplus to Policyholders. 819,929.61 WM. H. PALMER. President. W. H. MCCARTHY, E. B. ADDISON. Vice-President. OSCAR IJ. DIRECTORS. WM. H. PALMER, D. O. DAVIS, J. E. B. ADDISON, N. W. BOWE, W. H. E SITE 1 FOR CEMETERY ; Poor Committee Dpcicta* to Sell Property to Hebrew Cemetery Association. I The land constituting the site of j tho old Colored Almshouse, on North Fifth street, will be sold to the He brew Cemetery Association, If tho de i cision of the Committee on Belief of | the Poor holds. The price will bt; |1S,000. A reservation of sixty feet will be made for tho extension of Federal street, it is also specified that the i city is to be allowed to continue to i haul gravel from an embankment in , the rear of the lot for a period of one f year from the date of sale. terms, agreed on at a meet ing of .the committee Monday night, are in the nature of a compromise, particularly us regards the price. Ac cording to the assessment of real es tate men engaged by a subcommittee ! recently, the price of the property in question was fixed at 126,550.75. The real estate men. T. \V. Wortham & Co., and Rb heson & Crutchfield, pre sented a bill to Council tor tSi.i for j making a sale. The bill was returned. , the committee holding that the agents | were entitled to a fee for assessing the valuation, but nothing mori If tho property had been sold for ! tho assessed value, all of Jt would have been disposed'cTf,' ft Was decided j to make the reservations already men tioned. however, and accordingly the I price was cut to $ Id.0(^0. with the jjn j derstandiryt that the cemefefy eoTfri i pany bear the expenses or assessment | and of making the transfer. The sale was decided on after n strenuous debate, which ended with the members divided In opinion. The i final vote stood six to four in favor \ of making the sale. Messrs. Uennett, ; Butler, Burke, Gentry. Hlrschberg and Umlauf voted ''aye.” Messrs. I Kirkwood Mitchell, John J. Mitchell, 1 Nelson and Hobson voted "nay." l>is[K-uaary for South Hide. The Board then proceeded with its routine business. A Seventh District i dispensary for the distribution of med icines to the poor in South Richmond was arranged for. the drug firm of ! Wetsiger & Anderson, 706 Hull street, being designated as dispenser for the : dispensary. Mr. A. R. McCauley, a druggist at J Louisiana and Williamsburg avenues, : Furton, was appointed dispenser for | the First District in place of R. L. , Harrison, who was represented as riot j being a resident of the city. The oth | er five dispensaries were designated as heretofore. J Mr. W. H. Snook, former proprietor of a West Main street drug store, was elected first assistant superintendent of the City Home. He succeeds Mr. Beverly C. Lcwjs. who was not a candidate for re-election. Captain Herman Paul was re-elect ed second assistant superintendent, and Mrs. Florence W. McDougall was re-elected matron. Other officers will be appointed by Superintendent Ca bell. MILDRED RIDGELEY MARRIES VISCOUNT Fashionable London Audience Sees Auotlu r American Beauty Transplanted. LONDON. June 21.—The British peerage claimed another transatlantic beauty to-day in the marriage of Miss Mildred Rldgeiey Carter, daughter of John Rldgeiey Carter, former first sec retary to the American embassy in London and present United States minister to the Balkan stator to Archibald Charles Montague Brubu son, Viscount Acheaon and heir to the earldom of Qostord. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Prebendary Aiders,>n in St. George's church. Hanover Square. London’s most fashionable house or worship, and but for the recent death of King Edward It would hav, been one of the most brilliant functions of the season. Even court mourning, however, did not prevent one of the most fashionable audiouc-ea ever gath . t ' ** rri j In London from witnevaia® ceremony. Lord Aeheson comen of an old;, family, and ht* father own# J tracts of land In Ireland atulr. where. The viscount was foifpl in the crack guards regiment,: served through the Smith African being wounded at Modder river, is 3-1 years old. Notice toTaxpayfci — *’: Office of Collector of City Tun, City Flail, Richmond^ Wm, THIS OFFICE WILL RE READY 1 ALL OR CINE-HALE i RECEIVE_ . .. CITY TAXES, REAL ESTATE PERSON AL, FOR THE YEAiCfj JUNE 15TFI. THE WHOLE TAX IS D0®1 ordinance provides that one-haf|j paid in June and the rei^iatfUa(Ej December. Failure to pay all <j half in June incurs a penalty cent, /on the whole amount, wfakfe at once, and if not paid before SEP HER 1ST, the Collector is reqqj levy, with costs added. ALL MALES 21 years of age, PERSONS (MALE OR FEMAJL! own personal property, or holdj* property as fiduciary, and all partt ducting business in the city of Ru| (of whatever nature) are aasaaM will please call and settle, ao Hit delinquency. GRADING, PAVING, PIPE SEWER CONNECTING BILLS* able in the same manner as Ton at the same time. GIVE NAME IN WHICH P18 TY STANDS, and see that you.) your bills. j.This-lssing the only notice provfc by law, please give it prompt atteni under the new ordinance 5 per 10 .•thy will have, to be added to th* bill after June 30th. F. W. crNNINGHAl Collector of City'S WASHINGTON WARD Tip to be paid in same manner at tb&d J. P. ROBINSON, Special Alii Collector, .at 10th and Hull Street* Chesapeake & Ohio 0:00 A.) Daily—Fast trains to Old Foil 4:00 F. > Newport New* and Norfolk. 7:40 A.—Daily. Ixical to Newport H« 5:00 P.~~Daily. local to OM Point. 12:<X> Noon. Week day* ' Mountain Hinton.” j 2:00 P.) Daily—Ixmi* villa and 11:0O P / Pullman*. 6 45 P.—Daily. “8t. Loui»-(Tiicag^' Pullmans. 8.30 A.—Daily — Chariotteavifle, Wki —Clifton Forge. 5:15 P.—Week day*. Local to Cordons 11:45 A.— Daily- L’burg, Lex.* C. Foil 5:15 P.—Daily. ToLyucbburs aadCIfl TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOS* Local from East—8:25 A. M., 7:0O K Through from Ea*t~-ll :35, A. M., 6ii Local from W tvst—*b:30 A. M.» P. M. Through—7:00 A. M.. 2:45 P. M. Jwir,« Riv« Line-—8:85 A. 51.. (LQ0 I •Daily' except Sunday. y Richmond and Petersbwf Bedr Cm* leave Manchester, Seventh Suwt*. for Peterdburg. *2 *0, 7. 8. »». 10. It. *12 P. M„ ». **3:45. *fi, 7, 8, *8. 10 P. M. lino P. M. tor Chester, 13no ■ Petersburg. Cur* leave Petersburg, foot 8700a lor Mancheater: 5:15. 6:35, **7:15. *7:38. 8:35, t 11:85 A. M., 12:35. *M8. 2:35. 3:3V 0:85. *7:35, 8:85, 0:35, *10:40, 11*01. •Carrie* baggage and ex plena. -A •Limited, except Sunday* and be lid All*ear» from Peieraburg wttnect *fi(J Kichuond. Wood and 2nd Avenue, is very c located with the origi Wood and the best fi 1 Coal, also fine Plate lei I cold longest. Ask you | and Phone Monroe 1$ i B. F* TAYLOR, :