OCR Interpretation

The Richmond Virginian. (Richmond, Va.) 1910-1920, June 21, 1910, CITY EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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t beautiful wedding tf'ok place Tum
p n«mtn| at halt-past eleven o'
Ck at ta« home of the bride's moth
Mn. Laura Shepherd Webb, Hi
Grace Street, when Miss Lauru
jbto became the bride of Mr. (.has.
Cowardin. son of the late Colonel
O'B Coigardit). Father J. B. O'
‘ r performed the ceremony, and
Shepherd Web, brother of the
j, played the wedding marches,
several beautiful number* during
ceremony. Both drawing room*
attractively decorated in paltne.
and stniiax. with vase* of pink
white gweet peas.
ie bride was gowned In a gray
ding suit with hat and glove* to
d. and carried a prayer book,
shower markers of white sweet
Mrs W. Douglas Leake. of Blr
m. Ala., was her matron of
and only attendant. Mr. James
Cowardin. brother of the groom
the best man
Immediately after the ceremony. Mr.
Dotvardin and his bride both of whom
Ire prominent in social circles here,
left for a northern tour. They will be
it home in Roanoke, \a after July 15.
Whist Club.
Admiral Webster and Mrs. William
R. Robins made top score on Monday
Evening when the Stay-in-Home Whist
■was entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
fen II. Tyler. 514 W<?st Franklin
it. Thr*-e tahics were engaged,
club will meet nest week with
(tra, William R Robin* on South Third
Charming Recaptions at Club.
With the irresistible charm of a
Of tea and the riuterlng of dainty
Slid furbiilow*. the Informal re
:iau at the new countr\ club on
y afternoon was, Indeed, an at
« affair. Tea was served on the
iwn and porches, while' a coni breeze
the river wafted the laughter and
for from one delightful party to
tar. Doing the honors Tuesday
©on will be Mr*. Henry ia-e Val
ine, Mrs. Edward C. Mayo, Mrs.
Warren. Mrs, O. H. Funaten,
Walter Hubard. Mrs alvern 0.
itterson, Mrs. J J. Leax*. ill** Char
latte Bern Isa. Miss Mary Bali, and
WiM FVaticis Myers
Alias Page Waller Morris daughter
If,. Hr. and Mrs. John Speed Morris
WW married to Mr. Frederick Camp
I# Steward Hunter, of King George
Utty, Va„ Monday evening, at the
’a home. 1*33 California street,
ngton. at S o'clock. The Rev.
. , ,*C. Ernest Smith officiated. and only
ifee members of the families and a
Rw out-of-town guests were present.
: Mh>» Pattie Morris was maid of
tpnor, and Mr. Thomas Lomax Hun
*r was best matt. The ceremony was
followed by a small reception.
Mr, and Mrs. Hunter left afler the
peeption for a Northern wedding trip.
PH*y will be at homo in King George
Sotpity, Va.. after July 5.
Among the out-of-town guests were
Hr. and Mr*. R. T. Hunter of New
'k. parent* of the brliiegroont; Mrs.
hert Toombs, of Oklahoma, and Mrs
S, Bowie, of Virginia, sisters of the
Irldegromn; Rear Admiral Oouden of
<fw York; V '
. . . Miss Dolly Young, of New
fork: Miss Joan White, of Charlottes
Ifllf, Va i George Tayloe, of King
|*Org* county. Vh, and Prescott
Kean, of Baltimore.
Richmonder in New Orleans.
Of much Interest here is (ho mar
riage of Mias Marie Page, the daugh
*r Of Mr. and Mr* James E Page.
T Gastonia, N. r\. »„ Mr. Charles W.
opkin*. nnw of New Orleans which
celebrated very quietly in Nev
Its front the home of the bride's
,. ter-la-law atvd wVster. Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph L. Rhode*, in Henrv
Way avenue. Plans for th« wedding
fegd been decided upon very recently
Ifed the event was very quiet in rmi
Sequence Mr. and Mrs Hopkins; will
ip at home after July 1 at the ri ,«i
lance that Mr Hopkins has recently
(tad erected. No. 241 Audubon booh
. Mtss Page and Mr. Hopkins had
ikveral Informal affairs gr m in .heir
honor earlier in the week by friends
fet James Campbell gave « dinner af
Antoine s in their honor Friday evtp
tlif. Hie guest* were Miss 1‘uge,
Mr Hopkins. Mr. and lire J. I,
Rhodes. Miss May tjrehau. Mtss Lou
l«e Hopkina and Messrs. Randolph
(fefnpson, C. C. Rhodes and K. Con
Why Broun, of Richmond. V i Thurs
fhy avening a number of Mr Hop
SP*’ friends gave a stag dinner in
honor. In the party, besides Mr
foktna. were: Messrs. S. P. Walms
Jr.. Dan Charhonnel. James
pbell. e. Conway Broun, <>i tti< h
; J. L. Rhodes, C. C. Rhodes and
Nit* Smith Married.
The announcement of the marring*
ill*’ Alice Glenn Smith, daughter
Mra. Alexandria Coke Smith and
Bishop Smith, of Norfolk, to
Charles W Doughti. . .,f Nor
ik, comes a* a surprise to their
y friends here a* well n* throttgh
tfea State The wedding oi urreQ
irday in Baltimore
While the engagement of Dr
Ughtie and Mina Smith was all
ik.Tio time was set
iounved laat week,
for the marriage, and it was supposed
nuptials would be celebrate-1 t vrly
Mia* Louise Smith, the orrlea sis
•T, who has been teaching during the
winter in Lynchburg, left Frida)
Baltimore, from which place to
for Germany. This was the direct
of the interesting romance. Yhe
and groom were accompanied
Mr. Osgood Smith and Mr. and
Erltck Smith, brother* and ;d*
of the bride, who had gone to
Itimore to bid farewell to Miss Lon
Rtnith. The bride was given In
■e by Congressman Carter
i, of Lynchburg, a devoted lrb nd
Miss Smith's parents, who was
wmmoned from Washington for the
ie. The ceremony was rel*
at the First M E chapel and
performed by Rev John R. Yan
s, dean of the Woman's College,
an old friend of Bishop Smith
4 family.
. Tha bride's other, w ho approved
arrangement, was unable to be
(following the ceremony a luncheon
served the bridal part) at the
*t Hotel, after which Dr. and
fetle left for Atlantl ■ city
eir honeymoon
Wedding to be Quirt,
marriage of Miss Alberta
ey, daughter of Mrs Abby
Owathmey, of 1«0& East Clay
to Mr. A. Nash Patmore, will
Park Place
c. & o
Which la patant.d tad la
which Om4 Luck Bakin*
Pawdar la paokrd axclualvalr,
kaapa tha pawd.r fraah and
Act antbiia* It ta raach tha
ftttehan with all Ita ort*1aa!
laar.aln* power.
Good Luck
Baking Powder
Gtvss biscuit, rakes. waffle#,
muffins, battar-bread. *«c.# *
lightness and freshness, yet ft
firmness that an other powder
Valuable coupons cut from
ran labels are ear hanged for
useful and ornamental pre
• ounces, f cents: 1 pound.
If cents; at your dealers.
The Southern
Manufacturing Company,
of only the immediate families Tues
day evening at 8 o'clock in the par
lors of the First Baptist church. Mrs.
Uwathnuy has recalled all invitations
to the wedding because of the death
of Mr. Charles Talbott.
T yrw-W i I ki n son.
Miss Stifle K. Wilkinson, of this
city, and Mr. Marshall Tyree, of Lex
ington, Va., were married on Saturday
afternoon at '■’> o’clock at the home of
l>r. 14. Franklin Bryan, who per
formed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Tyree left Immediately for Lexing
ton, where they will make their home.
Called Meeting.
There will be a called meeting of
the Confederate Memorial Literary
Society Wednesday morning at 11
o'clock In the Confederate Museum.
This meetiiWr will be held in place of
the regular monthly meeting on the
last Wednesday of earn month As
this will be the last session of the
society until the fall, a full attendance
is desirtd.
F«<t lho Sheltering Arms.
\ moonlight excursion to Dutch trap
for the ben el! \ of the Sheltering Arms
Free Hospital will be given by St.
John's Circle of Kings Daughters on
Thursday evening. June 211.
Prises to Southern Women.
A notable (act of which sail Southern
women arc Justly proud Is that 111 the
Interstate Literary contest Instituted
by the Cicneral Federation of Women's
Clubs, both prices vver* captured by
women of the South. Miss Florence
Trail, of Frederick, Md . won the sec
ond prize with a paper on ''The ori
gin of Italian Literature.” Miss Trail
has long been a student of Italian art
and literature, and has published a
history of Italian literature in two
volumes and another one on "Study in
Criticisms." The first prize in the
contest was won by n woman of Ken
tucky. The articles were, not signed,
so were Judged on merit aloft*. Mrs.
May Alrien Ward, was chairman uf the
To Take Trip Abroad.
Mr Claude M. Dean, deputy clerk of
the United States Circuit Court of
Appeals, will leave Thursday, accom
panied by Mrs. Dean, for New York
and will sail Saturday for a two
months’ European tour. While away
Mr. and Mrs Dean expect t« visit
England. France, Switzerland, tier
many. Austria and Bavaria.
Mrs. Philip S. Powers, and son. of
: 1410 Park avenue, left Sunday for
< harleston. U eat \ Irglniu, vvher.. they
will remain until (September.
* * «
Misses r-oulse and Ellen Jenkins and
i Miss Constance Junu, who have been
|th» guests of Mrs. (!. F. Spitzer ill
this city, have returned to their homes
In Charlottesville.
* • *
Mr. Hamilton Claiborne sailed Sat
urday from Philadelphia for Liverpool,
to be absent several months.
Mrs John Page and Miss Virginia
Page are guests of Mrs. A. W Maths,
in Suffolk. Va.
* * •.
Mrs B. A Johnson, who has been
visiting relative* near Goldsboro. N.
. C., lias returned to h»r home on West
Clay street.
Mr. Benjamin T. Golden, who nas
i been spending the winter at 2122 Park
! avenue attending school has left for
! hi* home In West Virginia
Mrs O H Foy. of West Clay street,
who with her son, has visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Foy near Pollockavllle. X
j C.. has returned to her home in this
Mr. and Mrs s?. A. Smyth spent
j tin week end In Suffolk. us the
‘guests ot Mrs. Smyth's parent*. Mr.
jand Mrs, Nurney.
M is* Mary Bail, who ha* been visit*
; fng friends in Alexandria and Fairfax
I has returned to Richmond.
Miss Courtney Crump, who has been
the gue*t of Miss Flora Mason In
Fredericksburg for several day* has
left by steamer for Mt. Ain', where
she will spend some time.
I Miss Mamie McGuire, of HerryviHe,
!!■ the guest of relatives in Richmond.
j The Rev R J. MoBryde. Is spend
j ing several days In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cochran, of
(Staunton, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Minor Woodward.
Mrs. Hettie Wallace has returned
from Frederickshurg. when she was
(the guest of Mrs. Josephine Wallace.
Miss Madge Freed ley is attending
(the summer session of the University
j of Virginia.
Mrs. Mary Male.
PETERSBURG. June 21—Mrs. Mary
j F. Male. M years old, died in her
home here yesterday morning
Charles Traylor.
PETERSBURG, June 21.—Charles
U. Traylor died yesterday of typhoid
I pneumonia. He is survived by several
. brothers and sisters.
$50,000 Fire.
l’ORK. PA , June 21.—Fire of un
known origin early to-daj destroyed
the plant of the National Roofing Com
pany at Cly. I .oss $60,000.
Another Horn# Robbed.
The home of Mr. J. H. Thompson,
2IS North Plum etreet. was entered
Monday night and a lot of articles of
Clothing stolen. He has reported the
rubbery to the police.
Oouple tr> Start Out Penniless
on Hike of Thousands of
Keefer Former Richmond Printer
11a- Already Covered Over
14,000 Miles.
Man} newly married couples hate
started out with the pockets n[ the
groom bulging with ochre-hued Wil
liam* of laige denomination*, only i"
return from the honeymoon a few
week* later without money dough
h ft to tip the train porter. Such a
course is not only common, tut papu
la r. *-&
ft is rather unusual, howevef. for
a couple to turn the tmng around, and
start off without a cent
And this latter is what George K.
Kufer, nmv of Baltimore. hut former
ly a Richmond printer, and his bride
of a few weeks are doing further
more, instead of viewing the scenery
from the observation platform of a
Pullman, they are "hoofing" It. fur
thermore again, although Ih v start
ed out without funds, they expert, to
walk two thousand millex and ic-turn
home with wealth a-plenty Finally,
if they succeed, Mr. Kuter will receive
$4,000, the same being the amount of
a wager which is responsible for the
protracted hike.
Mr. Kufer started out to walk Ifi.
OOll miles on April" 23, 10011, with the
understanding that he complete hP
journey by October 211 of this year
He was not to ask tor money, lie 1
now on the home stretch, and says
he Is sure to win.
Since starting on his trip Mr. Kufci
has taken unto himself a wife. He
met her in Woodvllle, Ohio, on June
4 One hour later the two were mar
ried, and the wife, donning a khaki
suit, started out trudging alongside
her husband. The groom will receive
$500 additional If the bride completes
the journey with him.
The couple have been to many
cities, taking the precaution to set nr:
a signed statement from the mayor
of every place, certifying as ti their
prest nee therein. In Washington they
called on President Taft, and Mrs.
Kufer was presented with a rose by
the chief executive.
Monday Mr. and Mrs. Kufer called
on Governor Mann, who. after sign
ing their papers, presented Mr. Kufer
with a crisp one dollar bill. Tues
day the two w|l| call on Mayor Kb li
ardson. and will spend the day in
Richmond selling postal car is bearing
their pictures By the terms of Hie
wager they are not allowed to a*k
any one to buy these cards, hut there
Is nothing to prevent them from sell
ing them provided the customer makes
the tlrst advance.
Children Will Be Given Advan
tfl'rc of Special Physical
Hist ruction.
Regular courses of physical exer
cise will be afforded children who pat
ronize the city playgrounds. if the
plans of those tn charge are fully ma
: terialized. A number of boys went
(through a series of exercises Monday
'afternoon under direction of Prof.
Reithard of the V M. C. A. When the
grounds were formally opened with
ceremonies at William Byrd Park.
Other events, including a relay race,
| added to the pleasure of the occasion.
Mayor Richardson, the principal
speaker, praised the good women of
Richmond for the part they had played
in having the grounds established.
I making special reference to the work
of the Mother's Clubs und to the Civil
Improvement League. He stressed the
necessity of physical development of
the child, declaring that without physi
cal strength the child can never at
tain to moral strength.
Similar sentiments were voiced h>
Hr. Frank M. Reude, city council
man. who has recently returned from
Rochester where he attended a con
vention of the National Playgrounds
Association as a delegate from this
‘ city.
ibenlal to The Richmond Virginian >
Qartleld Hutchins and Lindsay Huff
man, two white convicts, were shut
yesterday by Guards Dull and Or I (tin
when the attempted to escape. Hut
chins was mortally wounded, hut Hart
man's Injuries are slight. A buck-shot
entered Hutchins head at the hack
Huffman was injured about the ears
The men were working on the road
and ran into a corn field and kept down
by the fence for a distance of about to
yards when both guards fired and the
men drooped.
Hutchine was serving a term of 00
months for robbery, and Huffman had
a term of 14 months for forgery Hut
rhlns was brought to the hospital here
for treatment, but attending physicians
say there Is no hope for him.
Norfolk In Hill.
NORFOLK. June 21.—The Interna
tional Association of Ticket Agents will
hold ita convention In Norfolk March
15th, 1911. according to the secretary
at Pittsburg, Pa. Upon adjournment of
the convention the ticket agents will
leave by special train for the .South, en
route to Havana Cuba
Vacation Program at Wachapreague
t-.ascern Shore. V«.
Seven Miles Ocean Front,
Ten Miles Country Drives.
Best Ocean Surf Bathing, Power Boat
ing on the Ocean, River and Bay, Fish
ing unsurpassed '—(With all the advantages
which Old Cobbs Island was once noted
and many more). Hunting, Auto, Buggy
and Hay Rides, Tennis, Bowling, (Free
Pool), special fishing rates, perfectly
ventilated rooms, shady lawn, 10,064
sq. ft. verandas—Hot and cold salt water
baths, (2 hotels, same management),
$2.00 day, $10.00 to $14.00 week. Route
via Norfolk or Old Point, Cape Charles
and Keller station. Send for Booklet.
Wachapreague, Ya.
Carrie.* Off First. Honors in Hi
County W. ('. T. I .
Mrs. .I, Tyler Jobson Directs Af
fair Held in Calvary Bap
tist ChureTi.'
Miss Pauline Harmon.
Mist, Pauline Harmon, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Harmon, 2820
Hast Marshall street, and a pupil of
the Richmond High School, carried
off first honors Monday night at the
grand gold medal contest held at Ual
vary Baptist church under auspices
of the Ul-County Woman's Christian
Temperam,. l nton. Her reward was
a Beautiful gold medal, suitably in
scribed and designed. The other six
competitors were each given a pair ot
gold shirtwaist cuff pins They were
Miss Theresa Johnson, Miss Estelle
Oanzert, Miss Alice Heckler, Miss Ol
ive Pace, Miss .Stella Jolly and Miss
Myrtle Turner.
Miss Harmon, who selected "Saved”
as In r subject, recited the piece In a
manner that would have done credit
to the finished elocutionist, winning
unbounded applause from the audt
, enee that nearly tilled the church edi
llie. She Is a pupil ot Mrs. W. E.
Thurston, principal of the Richmond
1 School of Expression, who trained her
'especially for the contest.
Miss Harmon is regarded as one
of the brightest students at the high
school, from w hich institution she w ill
graduate next February.
Me*, Jobson in tin- llclin.
Mrs. J. Tyler jobson, president of
the Bl-County Union, occupied a seat
j immediately to the left of the fair
young contestants, and filled the roh
I of charge d'affaires with much gru
• iousness and ease of mariner. When
the judges retired to pit k the winner,
she eulle do pun Rev Hr. IJ. V. Mac
lachlan. pastor of Seventh Street
Christian church, to I-.: I time," and
it is needless to say that he acquitted
himself well,
I *r. Mm lachlan amusid his audience
Immensely when he said that the
chicken was the most religious ldrd
in the world, because it entered the
ministry most frequently. He also
won applause when ho declared that
the penny was the most religious coin,
because it went to church oftener than
any other coin.
Hollar lilll Claimed.
As the audience was dispersing, lfr.
Maclachlan again proved himself
equal to the emergen. > when he pick
ed up a dollar bill in a p, vv near tin
pulpit and raising it abox,- his head
asked if any one had dropped the bill
accidentally in an effort to get it into
the contribution plan There was' no
response for a few moments. Finally,
however, a young man came forward
blushingh and claimed the bill, pock
eting it without further ceremony, af
ter thanking the minister for find
ing it.
"Evidently that -money was not in
tended for the plate." remarked Hr.
Maolachlan. as the young man hastily
! departed from the . hureh.
When the contributions for the eve
ning had been summed up it was
found thal exm-i. c $3.11! had horn
dropped into the plate. This w as J J 0
less than the nn-si of the gold medal
and pins, and as Mrs Jobson explain
ed It. would be up to the Bi-County
Union to stand for the difference.
Those* Who I’icUed Winner.
Judges of th, contest were Rev.
] John J. Fix, pastor of First Presby
terian church. Washington Ward.
Rev. Robert It R .avden, pastor of
j Barton Heights Baptist church; Mrs.
! John H. Johnson, wife of the pastor
j of Venable Street Baptist church.
Mrs Jobson was paid a high com
pliment by 1 >r. Maclachlan for the
great work her union is accomplish
ing under her clew r management and
"Richmond," sai l the minister, "has
! perhaps less temperance sentiment in
its churches than my other city of
its size in the • mtry, and 1 must
admit that most of the se ntiment that
does exist is a dirt i result of the work,
which the women -ire pushing tot
\ ward."
i Mrs. Jobson acknowledged he cotn
i pliment on behalf of her sex. and
j thanked Ur. Maclachlan for honoring
the occasion with Ills presence. .
Musical Program Rendered.
The contest was interspersed with
j musical selections that added no little
I to its attractiveness Among those who
volunteered their s-rvices in thia con
nection was Miss Nancy Allen, of 301
.South Third street, who sang "Qood
Xlght, Little Girl, Hood-Night^' in
i excellent soprano v oice. Others whu
participated in tin- musical program
was Miss Sue Hogan, Misses Mlnson
and Hull, who sang ,i duet, and Mr.
Leon W. Booker.
The Southern Educational Association
has decided to place uB North Carolina
representative in this county. She will
aid the teachers of the county In their
work. President Foust, of the Stale
Normal College, made the proposition
to th* county school hoard and it read
ily agreed to lake up the offer. Miss
Anna Meade Micha.v of Greensboro,
has been selected for the position
Goes to Rockingham.
(Special to The Richmond Virginian.)
HARRISONBURG. va„ June 21.—
Ur. H. S. Barckwlck, of Charlotte.
N. C., has accepted a call to the Pres
byterian churches at Bridgewater and
Dayton, Rockingham county, to ttid
the vacancy caused tiy the resigna
tion of Dr. A n Wauohope, who was
transferred to Oklahoma.
Sola Without J.lrrase.
(Special to The Richmond Virginian.)
EMPORIA, June 21.—John AVUliani*,
a negro, was tried Saturday evening be
fore Mayor Everette, for selling liquor
?lthout a license, and was fined *5* OiJ,
he mayor is opposed to blind tlgors.
liras IRE SORE
Surprised and Disappointed That
There is Nor Another Judge
Provided For.
Bar of this City and Other Places
Ilad Endorsed Him for the
indignation was expressed among
members of the Richmond tsar on
Tuesday user the defeat of the senate
Still In the House of Representatives
which was intended to create an ad
ditional Federal ludgt for the Fourth
United States circuit.
It was pronounced an outrage by
more than one attorney. This Is the
only circuit in tho I'ntted States which
has only two Judges," declared one
wrought up lawyer. "All of the others
have three," said he.
For the past eighteen months this
subject has deeply interested all mem
oirs ol the bar hi the Fourth circuit,
consisting of Virginia, West Virginia,
Maryland, North and South Carolina.
1-Taetically all of the legal organiza
tions ol Virginia, with the exception
of Norfolk and Portsmouth endorsed
Judge Edmund Waddill, Jr., of the
I'ntted Statt s district court of Eastern
Virginia lor the Judgeship. It was
generally conceded that Judge Wad
dll! would be the recipient ot the new
go , i iiito at plum, there • being no
thought of the ultimate deteat of the
measure. The bar of Norfolk en
dorsed Judge R. U. PrentUs. but not
until after a spirited contest over
Waddill. Many attorneys of the Tide
water section personally urged tnu
selection ui Judge Waddill.
it being taken for granted that
Judge Waddill would receive the
nomination there were many candi
dates in the field to succeed him
Henry W. Anderson, well-known at
torney of Richmond; George Nelni
Wise, of Newport News, and Floyd
Hughes, collector of customs at Nor
folk. were spoken of as the most for
midable aspirants.
So when it was learned Tuesday
morning that after a lively debate the
house kiljed the bill by a vote of iMi
to MU it created a.email uproar
Congressman Webb, of North Caro
lina, who fought the measure, declar
ing that the business of the Fourth
circuit was dereearihg, came In for
no small amount of criticism at the
hands of local attorneys. It is denied
that the work of this circuit Is fall
ing off.
Judge Waddill could not be seen
Tnesda; lie js luking a brief vaca
tion nt Virgin'* Reach.
Hold at Mitrphv’s
Practically everything is in read
iins-.s for the eighth annual cunvwi
tn*n of the Retail Furniture Dealers’
Association of Virginia, which meets
at Murphy’s Hotel this week. The
convention will be opened i’hursJay
night with an address of welcome by
Mayor Richardson, h> which Prjsilont
Hi , ad, of the association, will respond.
Mr. W T. Dabney will then d liver
the address <>l welcome on ben. It ■,(
the Richmond Chamber of Commerce.
Tin opening session will be enliven
ed by the following program: Banjo
and s->ng. Mr. D. L. Leftwlch, Way
nesb-.r.music and Song, Messrs. D.
L. Loftwich and Ben B. Lyon.
The order of business schedule 1 for
Friday, the (losing day, is as fol -
Roll call of members; reading min
utes of last meeting: reading cept rt
of president; reading report if sec
retary: report* from committees; in
surance, G. B. Sydnor aand J. F. B.
Jurgens; grievance. K. A. Thurman,
Roanoke-. legislation. S. P. Jones,
i ttticers of the association at a.
President, K. A. Snead, Clifton
Forge, Va.; Vice-Presidents— W. A.
Bloxtori, Roanoke, Va.; D. W. Han
cock, Blue field. VV. Va.; W. M Pugh,
Norfolk, Va.; J. Ferrell, Danville.
Va.; VV H. Wilcox, Petersburg, v'a.;
Secretary, J. A. Gilmore, Charlottes
ville. Va.
Committee chairmen: lneunice. Q.
B. Sydnor, Jr.. Richmond; Grievance,
)■’. A. Thurman, Roanoke; Legislation
H. P. .1 ir.es, Richmond; Finance, C. S.
I. 'earns, Lynchburg; Membership, j.
W Ferrell, Danville; Transportation,
K. C. Kent, Petersburg.
BOSTON, MASS., June 111.—The ar
mory A. A., will close its boxing sea
son to-night with a 12-round bout be
tween Billy Papke, of Illinois, and
Jack (Twin) Sullivan. Both men are
in good condition.
(Special to The Richmond Virginian.)
ASHLAND, June 21.—Two negro
convicts, who escaped last night from
Smith's sawmill, near Elmoni. were
arrested by the town sergeant this
morning two miles north of Ashland.
The negroe* submitted quietly to ar
rest and were returned to the saw
mill, where they have been employed.
The young people of Westminster
Presbyterian church, at Grove ave
nue and Elm street, will hold a lawn
party Tuesday night on the. him h
grounds at this corner. The utfuir
gives promise of being a great suc
cess. both gnancially and otherwise.
The young folks are especially in
terested in the plans for building a
new church, and it is likely that the
subject will be given a good boost
at the lawn party.
Held for Murder.
ALEXANDRIA. VA., June 21.—
Michael A. Nolen, a tramp, yesterday
was indicted by the grand jury for the
(killing of Robert Murphy. Jr„ of this
city, whom he stabbed in the throat
Friday, and who died as * result of
his Injuries.
. V: /
) . ; / ;./v; ; ' , j.T v:
- R- .
Aviators Wil Try to Drop Bomb*
on Gun Boats
Heavy Guns Reply to Assault—
Prize of $1,000 Offered Vic
tor by Aero Club.
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. Juno :'i—
Three aeroplanes, with the foremost
aviators guiding them, will run the
gauntlet of a withering Are from one
of Uncle Sam's mightiest battleships
to take a chance of sending the thlp
to the bottom of the ocean with n well
directed bomb. This Is fart of the
program for an over-an-ocean avia
tion meet that the Atlantic City Aero
Club will hold during the week of
July 4 to II, Inclusive
The "withering Are" and the
“bomb" are to be taken on!* In the
theoretical sense. The battleship will
train Its guns on the airships, and the
aviators will drop bombs loaded with
A prise of $1,000 will be given to
the aviator who first succeeds In drop
ping upon the deck of the battleship
the bomb. In case the guns of the
battleship, as shown by photographs,
are successful In repulsing the attack,
the money will be given to the crew.
NEW YORK. June 21.—For the
purpose of servlr# notice on the
Wright Company of an alleged in
fringement of his patent planes anil
wings of a Hying machine, Alexander
V. Wilson, an aeroplane Inventor ot
Rar Harbor, Maine, Is here to-day.
The patent which Wilson claims the
"rights infringed is one for elevat
ing and depressing an aen plane and
maintaining equilibrium in the air.
Wilson claims he made application for
his patent in 1908 and that it was is
sued in September, 19(18. The Wrights,
he alleges, saw his model at the aero
plane show- hero in 1906 and adapted
the Invention for their machines.
Wilson says that he does not object
to the use of his patent by- aviators,
provided recognition Is given him. but
claims the Wrights refused to do this.
KIEL. GERMANY. .lime 21.—The
American racing schooner Westward,
owned bj Alexander t'ochrnn Smith, ot
New York and with Charles Harr, the
famous skipper, in control, started to
day on it* first attempt to be^tt the
Kaisers yacht Meteor It was the op
ening race of the famous Kiel regatta
and though the day was marred by
the absence of the Kaiser, a brilliant
crowd gathered to witness the race*
The westward was pitted against tha
Meteor, the Oermanda. owned by Herr
Krupp Von Bohlen-Halbach the Ham
burg. owned by the Hamburg Yachting
Club and the Nordstern. owned by Pro
fessor Harries, of Kiel The ace. how
ever was supposed to lie between Hie
Westward and the Meteor end was
generally spoken of as a race between
these two.
The course of to-day s race was from
Ctixhaven around the mouth of the Ki
be river and return. Originally It w-us
planed to sail out Into the sea around
a given mark and return
The Kell regatta will last until tha
end of the month and there will be
nine other contests between the West
ward and Meteor Including those at the
Travemude r< guita. Immediately fol
lowing the Kiel festivities
The Westward was built b> the
Heereshoffs In America, the builder of
the sucessful cup defenders, and is be
lieved to be one of the fastest yachts
ever built.
Pospoffue inspectors TuesJuv re
sumed their work in che» king ihe af
fairs of the Richmond postofflo*». Thu
is a regular inspection. The Absence
from the city of Postmaster Eager
Allan. Jr., will not interfere with the
work, which is purely formal. Mr.
Alien is in Pennsylvania enjoyinc a
fishing trip The inspectors will like
ly conclude their investigations Tues
day night.
— Mr. F. C. S. Hunter, clerk of the
Circuit Court Of King George county,
and Miss Page Waller Morris, daugh
ter of NJr. and Mrs. John S. Morris,
of Washington, were married yester
day evening at the home of the bride
in that city by Rev. Dr. R. Ernest
Smith. Miss Pattie Morris, sister < t
the bride, was maid of honor, and
Thomas Domax Hunter, brother "f
the groom, of King George, was best
man “• Only the intimate 'rienda of
the two families were present. After
a wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Hunter
will reside at King George Court
Hopki ns—Page.
(Special to The Richmond Virginian i
telegram haa teen received hero an
nouncing the marriage of Mlsa Mary
Page, of South Carolina, to Mr. Chas.
W, Hopkins, formerly of Newport
News, in New Orleans Saturday even
ing. Mr. Hopkin* is one of the lead
in*- real estate dealers in the South
and ts well known in this suction.
ALEXANDRIA, June 21.—Miss
Minnie Hglena QrillborUter, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. OrtllborUer,
was married Monday to Louis Lin
wood Arraistead. manager of the Pos
tal Telegraph Company in this city,
by Rev. J. R. Sevier. Miss Alone
Armlstead, of Lynchburg, was maid of
honor and the best man W. C. Wil
liams. of Washington.
(an nlnahnm-f >aker,
t^peclal to The Richmond Virginian.)
H A R R I 8 O N B I RQ, June 2t.~An
nouncement is made of the marriage
at Moorefleld, W. Va.. of Miss Nannie
W Raker, of Wardensville, W. Va.. and
W. Strelt Cunningham, of Castle Shan
non. Pennsyvanla, Rev. C. D. Gllkerson.
of the Presbyterian church, officiating.
The groom is connected with the Da
vis Coal end Coke Companv. The bride
is a «Istet of Dr. H. C. Baker, of
Va* Meter—Crave.
(Special to The Richmond Virginian.)
marriage Is announced of Dr. Wllltam
C. Van Meter and Miss Carrie Grove.,
all of Petersburg. Grant county. W. Va.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Mr. Smtth at the Presbyterian church.
Mlsa Elisabeth Bowers.
(f>teclat to The Richmond Virginian.)!
HARRISONBURG, June 21— Miss j
Elisabeth Bowers, eaventy-flve years
old, died Sunday near Moore store,
Shenandoah county. She1 leaves a
brother ana two sliders.
Keeps everythin* pur* tad whole
some, end at the same time reduces
your ice bill.
Sold only at this
We can sell you a Northland Re
frigerator that will hold and keep
75 pounds of ice for
"■ "*■! ' ■ U. J-J MAS-VLUimsuim.
Rothert & Co.,
Fourth and Bmd Sheet*.
Signs and Returns Rig Batch of
New Laws to City Clerk
The following ordinance* and re*o
lution* have been returned to Cltjr
Clerk August by the mayor with the
latter'* signature:
| Ordinance extending for six month*
from June 30 the time for the com
pletion of the construction of the
Richmond and Henrico railway.
Ordinance providing for the coilec
i tion of taxes and license* in Washing*
; ton ward and for the reporting, de
positing and disbursing or such reve
Amending the ordinance recently
adopted in relation to closing certain
streets In connection with the new
street car barn plan of the Virginia
Hallway anti Power Company, so as to
save the city harmless, the corpora
tion accepting all liability for dam
ages to adjoining property owners.
Requiring the Southern Railway
Company to shift its tracks on Pock
Allowing the Crystal Its Company
to maintain pipes under Dock street to
oonn.1t its plant with the Richmond
Authorising the Amen, an National
bank to construct and operate coal
vaults under alley in rear, and side
step* ami entrance* along Tenth street
side of building at Tenth and Main
Authorising the construction of pri
vate sewer In God din street at fh#
expense of abutting property owners.
Authorising th> Richmond Passen
ger and Power Company to shift cer
tain track* from Strawberry to Kim
street tn the Idlewood loop.
Authorising the board of health to
license maternity hospitals and in
stitutions engaged In l«>arding and
placing out infant.
Ordlnance amending the system
tor making and completing local as
Accepting the dedication as a pub
lic street of the southwest corner of
the t'apltol Square. from the State
of Virginia
Increasing the oay of the assistant
city attorney to 13.400 per year.
Increasing the pay of the clerk of
the committee on water to $150 per
Increasing tire pay of the night fore
man of the gas works to *3 per day.
Describing the boundaries and
namea of the public cemeteries be
longing to the city In Washington
w ard, and deal mating that part of
Maury cameterv sit apart for the use
of colored people as Mt. Olivet ceme
Mr E T I.ong. wood and coal deal
er. has the distinction of having been
the first to appear before Justice
Crutchfield upon a charge of not hav
ing taken out licenses for ht* carte.
He was given a warning and said that
he would supply each vehicle he had
with the necessary tags. No fine was
imposed, but In the future Justice
Crutchfield said he would collect the
license lax In the police court.
Report* from the Retreat for th*
Sick Tuesday said that Mr. Arthur O.
Lewis, Southern passenger agent for
the Baltimore and Ohio and an au
thor of considerable note, la doing
nicely, and will likely be able to leave
the Institution within the next walk
or two. It was stated, however, that
several months' rest will be neceaaary
to restore him to his normal condi
tion. Mr. Lewi* is said to be suffer
ing from nervous breakdown due to
overwork He has hi* headquarter*
at Norfolk.
Preparation* are already being
made for the convention of the Rail
way Signalmen Aesociation which
meets here the early part of October
in the Jefferaon hotel. Member* of
the Kailway Supply Association will
be here at the same time for the pur
pose of exhibiting their goods and It
is anticipated that nt least 1.000 per
sons will be brought to the city by tha
two associations,
Badly Burnt.
(Special to The Richmond Virginian.)
G. Mahor.e, an engineer at the plant
j»t the Newport News Distilled lea
Company, wag badly burned Sunday
afternoon at the plant of the com
pany. when an ammonia’ cylinder ex
ploded. While painfully burned, Ma
hone will recover.
1 - - ' ""■.'...IJU.-UbW
The Annual Excursion
Buckroe Beach
Christian Sunday-schools
of Richmond
Is Wednesday, Jane 22d,
and not 27th as stated in morning papOk

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