Newspaper Page Text
Wants Mismaffl WAiiTtn. -MAIM some hotel or private family, where It pays not less than 110 per week; can furnish first-class recommenda Hona n'.it. ass v Thirtieth street. JAMES __ _ __iwwwww*"* lions. Write »*» N. Thirtieth street. I BUTLER, Richmond. Va. yVANTED—PIANIST. EXPERIENCED In solo, orchestra and motion pic ture work, open for engagement with first class company. Address Box SI7. Chase City, Va. _ V ANTED—OFFICE CLEANING BY A competent young man; morning* ora evenings. Address X>. ELLIOT. JOHNSON, 5 West Leigh street. A GRADUATE OF THE UNIVERSITY of Virginia desires college or high school work. Experienced teacher. Address Box 312, Richmond, Va. WANTED—POSITION BY YOUNG MAN office work preferred; some knowl edge of stenography; good refer ences. Address H. E. BAYS, Box 3«. Bedford City, Va. WANTED SITUATION BY REGI8 tered pharmacist of twenty*ona years’ experience; single; best ref erences given and best required; sal ary. fifteen dollars per week. Ad dress 8ALOL. Fredericksburg. Va., Box 1*7. TOUNG MAN. (COLORED) DESIRE I work of any kind, driving preferred. Has fairly good education. XX. N. LEWIS, til North Third street. WANTED—RY YOUNG MAN. HIGH school teacher, employment until September 1st; not necessarily teach ing. J. E. ALLEN, Warrenton. N. C. AN INDUSTRIOUS COLORED Bor wishes employment. Address . LiOC Tsylor street. position wa:.te::—femai-s. WANTED—WASHING AT HOME, well water. 1223 Moore street. MARY KAKLY TEACHER WISHES SCHOOL; FIRST grade certificate. MISS WILLS. Ar rington, Va. WANTED— BY NURSE OK EIGHT years' experience, (maternity or oth erwise) position to nurse. Testimo nials from prominent physicians. MRS. WYCKOFF, 10S N. Harrison St., Richmond, Va. WANTED—POSITION BY COLORED woman at cleaning or laundry work; food recommendations. Address 210 1. Franklin. SfTVATION WANTED BY WHITE woman as housekeeper or cook. Ap ply at 2109 East Broad. TEACHER WISHES SCHOOL FIRST certificate. MISS WILLS, Ar rington, Va. A REFINED LADY WISHES A TOH - tlon In a nice family as companion or nursery governess Am- w-ltting to leave town. Address MISS N. H . care Postmaster, Jefferson. Va WANTED—POSITION AS COMPAfT Ion. secretary or governess. Address Box IS. Klkwood. Vs. NtioYLitiHT t;mn*iu\. err^fTr^tTr^rsr^STr^rx^rrrrrr on their moonlight to Dutch Gap. Steamer Pocahontas. Tuesday. June 31st at S li> I*. M., good music amt dancing, refreshments at city prices Tickets on sal* at wharf, Blues Band will furnish music MOON LIGHT EXt t RMPV. " tfrVTf JTWKm!~sT> YXm’F fTTIi on their. Moonlight to Dutch Gap Steamer Pocahontas. Tuesday, June 21st. at s IS P M. Good music and dancing, refreshments at city prices. Tickets on sale ai wharf Blues Band will furnish music H MM TON IT. druff. It will remove your hair Nel son’s Antiseptic Hair Tonic will ;e jrnove^jh^jlajulntf^jmiljnM^^ Ft A EMM. DIRECTOR*. XX ANTED—-1.000 ADULTS TO JOIN the Richmond t'o-operallve Bona! Association. A 1100 certificate coats only 12 cents per month; gives a »l«o funeral at death The cheapest pro lection on earth. Agents wanted C A. HAIGHT, Hecretary. IXIt North Seventh street Phone Madls -n 22'.,ti SPEC I AL NOTICE. Glenard belt* by a patron. 1 would ^ot part with It for a million dollars 1 knew 1 could not another like it Relief when we are suffering Is one of the greatest boons of life Cone and see them Mils. A. J PYLK. N Fifth street. GO WITH THE RICHMOND YACHT CLUB on their moonlight to Dutch Gap. Steamer Pocahontas. Tuesday June 21st at S:15 P M : good music and dancing, refreshments at city lirlce®, Tickets on sale at wharf. It MXKR HOARDER*. large airy rooms; healthful location fresh fruit* and vegetable*, excellent spring water, fine shade Adores: MRS. I N. MAX", TrevUtan*. Louis* Co,. Vi ■ p. 1 K F, D, No. 1. H MR TOXIC. CvTT^?i^rrr~STrfr~A frcrer~i?Trn: that fie don't think what a pity hr did not know of Nelson s Hair Tonic In time. TINNING AMO PLUMBING. NEVER SINCE CHRISTOPHER CO lumbus discovered America, has our superior In the tinning. plumbing and gas-fitting business been found; Honest price*, superior work, gener al satisfaction and promptness are a few of our well known character Istlc*. L. w. DORSET * CO.. 114 N Seventh street- Phone. Madison 5*17 THtVtrEHHIXl AMD HAULING. TRANSFERRING AND HAULING oh all kinds furniture and piano mov ing a specialty; office 511 No. Sec ond street; residence 'll* MunforU street. Richmond, Va.. Phone. Madi son 4144 D BOWLES. Proprietor. WALL PAPES. J. W. 8M1THERS A CO.. S04 NORTH Fifth street; wall papers; room moulding*, stc.: high class work; lowwt prices; investrgata CLEANING AND PRBSSINU. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW SYS tsm? We make your clothing look like new. Feathers. gloves and slip pers cleaned at. short notice; iet ui clean them -once and you will let ua have them again. We clean and ren ovate anything in Indies' and gentle tntn's apparel: we pay spreseage on* way on any out of town work. SWOPE'S FRENCH DRY CLEANING CO.. 3*i North Second street., Phon* ltuT TfflPST CLEANING AND PRESSING: PHONE Madison 37IS; 10} North Fifth street ladles’ work a specialty. NEWMANS, SIS E, BROAD. WE COVER AND REPAIR UMBREL la* and parasols and make them tc order with your own goods at very reasonable prices. Phone, Monroa 1100. FURNITURE AND CHINA PACKING. FURNITURE. CHINA AND WBDDINU presents packed and shipped witr cere. Estimates cheerfully given. JACOB UMLAUF. T05 West Maui Street. Phone Madison 3101. SCHHKMP—SIS NORTH FIFTH. UMBRELLAS COVERED AND Re paired; expert work; gCHRSMP, Th* Umbrella Man. SHOE REPAIRING. 30 REBATE. WK HAVE A LOT Of light, pliant leather suitable for % soling ladles’ shoes and while it lasts If you will bring this coupon. w« wfll 44 so>o ladles’ shoes—«0c. re bated to 4»c. Every pair sewed. can not send for shoes at this special price. DREWS ELECTRIC 8HOK FACTORY, U* K. Main Wants Wants Want Ad. Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. L REAL CITATB FOR liUt. WEST END—SEVEN ROOM FRAME dwelling on cross street between Floyd end Orove avenue*; In good order; will make a splendid Invest-1 ment; price fl,<00. FLOYD AVE—CORNER HOUSE WEST of Boulevard; beautiful new house; lot 95 feet. Price, $7,000. WEST GRACE ST—EIGHT ROOM house new and up-to-date, Id.JOO. WEST GRACE ST., 100 BLOCK large 1! room. X story brick house;, first class order, in best section of' city; for a bargain see us now. GOL- ! BAN A NASH. 735 E. Main street, RENT PAYER, READ. THINK, ACT. not lO-morrow for it never come,-, but to-day. do you wan* to stop pay ing rent? Every sane person does We will guarantee to every person that pays rent that within twelve years from (he date that you make application to us for a loan to buy you a home, whether It be one or ten thousand loan, the loan will have been made to you and paid In full and liopie yours In fee simple. Hut you can pay it off sooner If you are In the position to do so. Our pA> ments after loan Is made Is only $9 *1 per month on each thousand, Interest Is only 5 per cent; principal and In terest reduced every year. How many of you have been paying rent for ten or twelve years? how much of the house do you own? ld(t us know. ANDERSON REAL ESTATE A LAW CO., Eleventh street Mr. Mason the State agent will be at our office for about ten days and will be pleased to talk with you FLOTD AVENUE AND MAIN STREET lots near the Soldiers’ home; suit able for building home*, city water. ROOM* FOR RENT. I FOR RENT—DESIRABLE FRONT j room, cool, with southern exposure, bath and phone. private family. Phone Madlaon 7388-L. FOR RENT—THREE-ROOM SECOND-j floor flat, large. bright and airy j room*. 'Very reasonable. Fall after! « IV M 301. East Marshall street. TWO NICE I V FURNISHED ROOMS for light ho a- e keeping, also rooms for gontlerm r.. Apply &W North Sev enth street. _ FURNISHED ROOMS, INDUCEMENTS! to permanent parties. 901 E, Clay phone Madison -: ■’ _ FOR KENT—NICE ROOMS. VEW1A painted, for office, at ft# E. Franklin street, on first floor. Apply 718 E. Franklin FOR RENT. VERY CENT R A EL V SIT uated. tool, neat room, on second ; floor, next to bath, with or without board, prefer a settled employed la dy Phone Madison 61* DEUOHTFTU.Y COOt. ROOMS: W«X dows facing street: bath, every con venienoe. Franklin Street central. Phone Madison 4*88 FOR KENT ONE NICELY FI RNISiiEDt hall room, with or without board. In private family. Apply 112 East Clay __ FOR KENT-THREE-ROOM SECOND I floor flat large, bright and alfi rooms Very reasonable. Call after 6 P. M 30* East Marshall street. FOR KENTdesirable FRONT room, cool, with southern exposure, j hath and phone private family Phone Madison 73*8-1, ____ I FOR RKXT—fWSTDOSSK Fl'R.NlSiT ed parlor, bed rooms; singly or en , suite. 710 E. Franklin street.^ FOR RENT. WERE FURNISHED DIN - inir room and kitchen, suitable for hoarders, best location. *17 East 1 Marshall. TWO LA ROE " ELEGANTLY FUif ! Planed hall rooms. Rent reasonable, (61 East Orace. ROOM, NEXT :i0l S. Fourth CENTRAL. PLEASANT bath, family of two. street. ___ j FURNISHED ROOMS, INDI’CEMEK'tS to p«rnmnent parties. SOI E. Clay i Phone Madison 255 v&if tu;NT~n'KNi&h &i> aooMiCm N, .seventh Htr«»€t. ___ FOR RENTT TH REE SEWNfT FLOOR connecting room*; second street, near Franklin; possession September 15 Address W. Care Klngan & Co. CLEAN'’ PLEASANT, NEATLY FU fi nished room, bath, gas, 5111-2 N Flfth ____ __ LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS two or more person*, for rent FOR Ap ply 716 East Franklin street. __ 114 K A STCLA Y NICELY FURNISHED rooms; fine bed*, bath, phone._ LARqIe FCRNisHED ROOM FORQE.N tlemen 104 South Third street. FOR RENT. TO GENTLEMEN. COM fortable. well-kept rooms. Apply 215 East Orece. __ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE or a* flat; home comforta. 14 North Sixth, between Franklin and Main. FOR RENT. TWO LARGE BASEMENT rooms, suitable for dining, reading room* or office. Apply 515 E&*t Grace. THREE CONNECTING ROOSH501 Fourth Avanue. Highland Park, Phone. Madison S8S1-J. CENTRALLY LOCATED 1TURNI8HED rooms. Hot water. SOT East Grace Transient*. WEST END, PRIVATE FAMILT. C6«>L front room; convenient to ear*; near bath; with or without board. 10» N. Strawberry street. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM; ALSO one *reall room. 107 N. Third. CENTRALLY LOCATED FURNISHED room*. Hot water. «0T East Grace. Transients. FURNISHED ROOMS. CLEAN AND bright; |L*0 per week or *5 per month. 56S N. Fifth street, Madison 2049-L P6ft’ gJLUg^gAI>"XTXC‘TOPWByrm 1200.00. Demonstration at Virginia Auto Company. West Main atreet Condltlon good, cheap family car. FOR SALE—ELECTRIC FANS OF ALL kinds, both naw and second hand; complete stock; prices right; Also motors of all kinds, new and teeond hand. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CORP.. ITC. HERBERT, M^r.11 No. Twelfth street, phono 0011 for bale—one Grocery wagon and n on# hors* track; they are naw and our own make, also several 4 second-hand grocery wagons, on* top buggy, on* rubber tired phaeton and repairing and ruhhar tiring a specialty. W. H. MADISON * CO.. U2Q K, Cary str* Cary street. MAGNETIC AND MENTAL SCIENCE healing cures, acute and chronic; die* * ' no reUi ‘ * MKKTAXd aClKNTIBT. HO! Em I Clay eases wherein no relief is**obtainable uSjhM'!Hr —— ■* other systems of therapeutics. street, rhone. Madison *»##. H A IH TONIC. WTO"rat?*amrtirerTn~^vrrTo^ hair? You would gladly give |50 t.< get It back when too late. Use Nel son's Hair Tonic now and save wor _ BOARDEK" WASTED. secure board at a delightful place It eight of depot on C. & O. Addreai MRS. J, C. rtOSWEIX. New Canton Va. POLICE FIND BED SOAKED IN BLOOD Wife of Murdered Man Hole ou Suspicion by Officicrs. REAL ESATE MAX C AUGHT Woman Had Large Sum of Monte With Her—"Other Man’’ Just Across Hall. PORTLAND, ORE.. June 21.—Jessi Webb am! Mrs. Alice Johnson wen arrested here to-day on suspicion oi murdering William A Johnson, th« woman's supowe dhushand. whose bod; was found last night Jammed into t trunk in the Union depot. The prisoners were taken by tin police in the early hours of tills morn lug as they alighted trom an aulomo bile in which they had been ridint all night. The woman had I1.5UU it her clothing. Johnson disappeared mysterious!; front the hotel, and the police hat been searching lor him suspectini murder. When the body was lount in the Union depot it had been lore ed to a trunk much too small to holt it. Hotly Mutilated. Johnson had been murdered am his body mutilated. He had appar ently been "blackjacked." shot am strangled. The murder was discovered and thi body dl»< losed ‘ w hen blood seepet through the trunk on the depot plat form. A trunk man directed the at lentlon of the police to the trunk am Johnson's room in a local hotel, i was found In great disorder. The mat tress was blood soaked and the wall blood stained. There were many evi denies of a desperate struggle, show ing that Johnson had fought ugains his msirderer. Suspicion iva* dlrectei to Webb when it was learned tha he decoupled a room in the hote across the hall from that occupied b; Johnson. When taken to the polio station Webb admitted that he knev Johnson, tiut said he last saw tlv slain man alite "down at the I'nloi depot." Wet>b was later identified b the police as a Seattle real estat agent. Johnson and the woman suppose! to be his wife recently sold a farn at Kenton, or near Seattle, for ll,60(j The money found on the women whs: she was arrested is believed to be th proceeds of this sale. IN COTTON MARKET Favorable Fables Bring Abou Advances Ktmnitijf as High as Niue Points. NEW YORK. June 21.—The col ton market was firmer at the open In* at an advance of 3 to 9 point* i response to better cables than ha been expected and an unfavorahl weather map. Business was mod •rately active after the start an prices held steady to firm. July. 15.16$ 17; August. 14.76©77 September. 13.27 #38; October. 12.6 ©57: November, 12.45 bid; Decem her. 12.37 ft 38; January, 12.32© 32 March. 12.34 bid; May, 1.2.38 bid. G0VKR30R MtNX 1.KAVE9 FOR V. M. I. COMMENCEREV Governor Man left Richmond .uonrls night for Lexington, where he will pai tictpate In the finals of the Virgin! Military Institute. While there he in Mrs .Mann will be the guests of Oei E. W. Nichols. Superintendent of the Ir stttute. After the exercises close at Lsxln< ton. Governor Mann will go to Burke vtlle, Nottoway county, to make an ac dress at a farmers' meeting. ROSTOV NATIONALS WANT IVFIELDER ABBATICCHI' BOSTON. MASS., June 21.~Pres dent Dovey, of the Boston National has entered claim for Abbatlechh the Pittsburg utility infielder, just n leased. It is expected that the n< gotiations for hla services will be core pleted and the player returned to th Boston team In a few days. HEADQUARTERS POSTCARDS wnoi t sail only * * 0 U : H f i < N B A K C; A ! N hOii'it *■-< » c r 1 r-^'i i 1 rJ i ) v/ A M ED1CAL COLLEGE or Virginia WnShrlnwulaMs M I.MMk mrnmr m r' IS SWELLED. HE MIS Fire Commissioner Chentwootl | Handles Building Inspector Without (J loves. CHIEF JOYNEK EXTOLLED I Bafli Tub Proportion Will Bo Tackled by Public Safety Board. "If there waa a question of right ' or wrong in any matter and the whole I board of fire commissioners were to say to Chief Joynes that he must vote against what he thought was right or lose his position, knowing the man as well as I do ha would say unhesitat ingly, Til get down and out. gentle men, before I'll do It.' '* ! Fire Commissioner W. A. Cheat wood paid this compliment Tuesday !to Fire Chief Joynes in commenting I upon the published statement that 'the Matter would likely be inclined to side with the lire commissioner when the board of public safety, of which Chief Jaynes is a member, sits Tuesday night to settle the war between Building in spector Beck and Commissioner Cheatwood resulting from the for mers refusal to allow Mr. Cheatwood ; to construct two bathrooms in resi dences at 2714 and 2716 East Broad street. Inference is Resented. Commissioner Cheatwood strongly resented the Inference that Chlel Joynea. who is named by the tire board, would allow' such a fact to In fluence hia action In the bathroom dispute In the slightest. "Chief Joynes.’’ he stated further. "Is the fairest, straightest man I ever knew and if I thought he was such a wishy-washy man as some people see mto think he is I d vote against i him for re-election regardless of his I action in the matter under dispute." Mr. Cheatwood then proceeded to I take a heavy fall out of Inspector BewU for declaring that the "lire commis sioner must think he has unusual rights merely because he is a mem ber of the lire board " Head Not Swelled. "I am not such a man as to allow : my head to become swelled as a re sult of the honorary position which ' I hold." declined Mr. Cheatwood cei , : phatieally, "but I must say that In spector Beck has allowed his head to ! become so swelled that the depart . ment which t«e direct* has become a nuisance and uj imposition on the public. 1 am not the tirst one whe has run counter to his arbitrary rul ings and others would doubtless at ’■ test what 1 say. ' Mr. Cheatwood went on to assert that tn his opinion the buildings, it whU*i it is proposed to construct bathrooms, are perfectly sale. tie agreed ,to submit the question to any five contractors in Richmond and t any one ot the five voted against hint I he .would willingly yield without an other w< rd. Assistant Was Hricklajer. "As a matter of fact," he declared, my property was inspected by one ol . Mr. Beck's assistants who has beev I a bricklayer ail his lite and J know I to my own personal know ledge tha Inspector fSeek himself has not seer j the buildings himself up to the Iasi . twenty-tour hours. Mr Cheat.» .od s iio was aroused by t the fol'owing statement whion Mr I Bock made to The Virginian Mon i day: "The buildings are unsafe, no! I tit for improvement. Mr. Cheatwood must think he has unusual right mere . lv because he is a fire eonimir.sioner 1 His position doesn't count with thi> . department and we are standing pat , Those bathtub* are not going to b< Installed If we .an possibly help it." ’ The other mem tiers of the board ol public safety who will tackle the prop I egition Tuesday night are Mayor Rich , ardson and City Engineer Bolling. VIRGINIA BETS OVER Oinnilms Public Building Hess uri- Provides Appropriation tor This State. LAST Ujf PORK BARRELS WASHINGTON. D. C. June 21. The omnibus public building bill, th< last of the “pork barrel" bills, carry ing approximately $20,000,000 was pu through the house with a rush earl; j to-day. Yesterday's session was pro longed until one o’clock this morninj in order to dispose of a number o private bills under suspension of thi ■ rules. Despite the protest* of five Demo i crats. the buildings bill was also jammed tnrough under the suspension practically without debate, ami will ; no chance of amendment. These flv< members who attempted to protes against rapid-fire legislation of thii ; kind were hooted down by those 01 both sides of house, the scene for dls i order being almost unprecedented. Thi j public buildings bill carries the fol i lowing Virginia items and amounts: Completing post offices at Suffolk *27,000. For new buildings: Bedford city *45,000; Covington. *45,000: Wvthevill *60,4)00; Hampton, *80,000 Franklin *5.000; Pulaski. *5,000: South Boston *5,000: Warenton. *12,000. The bill carries about eleven millloi j dollars for new buildings for the de j partments of state. Justice and corn merce and labor and » new post offio in Washington. Concession \o. t. TRENTON. N. J . June 21.—The Penn sylvanta Railroad Company has notifie the State Board of railroad commit sloners that, commencing August lsi ; It will grant this city a concession li ; the monthly commutation tickets t< ; New York and return The notice wa ! given In a letter from General Passen i ger Agent George W. Boyd to1 Alfrei 1 N. Barber, secretary of the commiasloi and the reduction will be from $25.5 to *18*0 per ticket. Each ticket l good for thirty round trips betweel this city and New York. LYNCHBURG ELECTS HEALTH OFFICER.4 (Special to The Richmond Virginian LYNCHBURG, VA„ June 21—At i Joint cession of the City Council to day, new health ofltcersi under thi reorganised health board were elect ed as follows: Health officer. Music G, Perrow; city physician. B. Barks dale; health board, B. B. Adams, Wai ker Pettyjohn and A. a Bercy. NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND WaaMacto: War! Ilm •»< AlnrflaaiW- w»nm al TlrftaU *■ 4. W. Craw'. Ilm. W* Hull alml I Islie W*jll Leave Hospitul This I Week ami Be at Trial of Her Husband. The condition of Urn. Ernest Stump, 1 the young wife and mother who was shot by her husband Saturday night i as she was descending the stairs from I the bedroom of her half-drunken hus- j band, was much Improved Tuesday and she will likely be able to leave the jClty Hospital this week. Her husband is condned in a cell jin the city Jail ofTtlchmond and will ; not be released until she has left the i 'hospital, If Indeed he succeeds In se j curing bail after tha*. He wl|l bf ! tried In Police Cott/t Part 2, on the 20 of the, tsaatfi. His defense will he shot hU> wire through an accident, that he was shooting at a I person whom ho suspected of having j j enticed his wife away from home. This ev idence will be olTset by sev - | leral witnesses, one of whom Is Miss j Hattie Hamilton, sister of the wound- | led woman, who declares that Stump told her he had shot his wife and j that, "I am going to shoot you too." j j Miss Hamilton ran down a flight of i steps leading into an alley In the rear j of the home and possibly saved her ! life. The children of the unfortunate wife ’are being cared for by her brother and | her parents. 1 GRAND JURY CASES ARE HELD FOR NEXT MONTH All grand jury cases have been oon jtinued over until the July term of Hustings Court, Part 2,' Only civil i matters will be attended to at this ■ session of the court, which Is being I presided over by Judge Ernest H. Well*. There are eight or ten felony cases to come before the court at the July term. The grand Jury was not lum j moned together Monday afternoon. Little Child Broke Arm. The little child of Mr. Bohannan, of Maury street, near Sixth, felt and broke its arm last Sunday. It was playing In the street and stumbled Uver an obstacle, falling upon its left 1 arm. | Dr. John \V. Brodnax was called and i rendered the necessary medical as sistance. AMI THEY MIGHT BE IV PETERSBURG Since there is no place In Rich mond or in Virginia for the children that were taken lrom the Yorks Mon day. 1 am rather sorry I did not send them to Petersburg." said an official of the street railway company Tues ! day. As teas told in The Virginian, the man and his wife, with-their two al leged idiotic children, came to Wash ington Ward Sunday, and represented themselves as having traveled on foot from Illinois. The man said he had a job in Petersburg and wanted to get to that city. While Officer Way mack was busying himself In an ef fort to find an officer of the Passenger and Power Company and secure pas sage for the four, the people left for Richmond and were taken up as va ; grants Inasmuch ns Richmond people know not what to do with them, the South Richmond man thinks it unfortunate that he did not give them tickets ,to the Cockade City, and let the people there puzzle about the matter. FORMER OFFICER VISITS THE CITY Mr. A. W. Burnett, who for thirty years! or thereabouts was a member of the Richmond police force, and I whose home is-in Norfolk now, is vis i Iting his brother in Washington Wrard. He has been away from Richmond for six years, and says that he sees a marked improvement In the city. Speaking about annexation, he stated that he had always believed the two cities should be joined, and his visit here now. while primarily to see his people. was secondly to look at the improvements. IVruotulf ntul Briefs. Mr. W. E. Bethel, of Farmvllle, Is visiting relative*; in the city. Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Gill have re turned from Washington, after a very pleasant trip. Miss Bland Gary is visiting her un de, Dr. Wyndham Gary, In Hender son, N. C. Mr. Abbott Archer has returned from Chattanooga, where he went to attend the convention of bank clerks. Miss Mamie Richardson, who has been visiting friends In the city, left Monday for her home In West Point. Mr. John P. Sampson and his sis ter, Miss May Simpson. are visiting their sister, Mrs. E. F. Fenner, in Henderson, N. C. A lawn party will be given Tuesday night on the lawn at 1 nirty-flrst and Spring avenue. The public i* invited. LOCKETthTdOORS: Members of Flock Make Grave Accusations Against Bru. Dickinson. Many "brethren an' sister n': of St. Peter's Baptist church. Brooklyn dis trict. Henrico county, Tuesday alter noon appeared before Magistrate T. J. Puryear as witnessts against Dea con Peter Dickinson, an aged darkey, who is charged with nailing up the doors of the church, thereby prohib iting worship on the Sabbath day. The old man was arrested last Thursday, but to prepare the case It was continued until Tuesday. It is likely that It will consume a large portion of the afternoon. It will be shown that DUkinson not only sealed up the portals of the place of woruhip, bat carried on several very high-handed matters, such as re moving the church records. Edgar II. English appeared as coun sel for the accused, while J. T. Lewis appeared for the flock, who have re cently been having their meeting un der the shade of great oaks in the church yard. Keporrctl That Diaz Orders Wholesale Arrests and Iu ea reeration. EL PASO, TEX., June 21—The frontier teritory of Mexico is in a foment to-day over the wholesale ar rests of alcged enemies of the Mcxicar government, and the report that Pres i idem Diaz has ordered the deportatioi I of Francisco I. Madero. the libera presidential candidate, now in the Men tery penitentiary. The Jails in every town oh the Mex ican side of the Rio Grande are over flowing with prisoners. It is claimed that followers of Madero have beer Inflamed to the point of an uprising vy literature distributed from the United Btatfs. The Madero followers, it is said are being urged to kill the officials in va rious towns if they are denied th< right to vote for Madero at the polls next Sunday. KAISER'S YACHT BADLY DEFEATED KIEL. GERMANY, June 21.—West i ward, an American built racing schooner owned by Alexander Coeflrar Smith, of New York. defeated th« j Kaiser's yacht easily to-day In thi j first race of the kiel regatta. Th« ■ Meteor was second and the Hamburg third. Houdou Statue Two Arrangements. PEDISTAL Replica of Likeness in IT Capitol to Be Plaecd in ble Hall in Versailles*'; Plans for the presentation *4,000 replica of the Houdou of Wcshtngton to the re France are now practically the commission, composed of James Mann. Senator 0on P, and Senator Floyd King, ha informal meetings at the W land Club and tne governor’s. Tuesday morning. Ail three of the commlssio pointed by Governor Mann ! the replica to France and f present it are gratified over ceptlon the project has the hands of French dlplo they are locking forward to replete with pleasant incident*,’ I/eave August *. The commissioners said after their meetings that they i leave New York for Paris on nard steamer Kerona on Aug On board the ship will be the , replica made from a cast flrst in creating the statue which t* in statuary hall In the Cap Washington. The rtatue will be placed ill ble hall of the palace In V next to the deputies’ chamber, which presidents of France are 4Hj§ ed. The pedestal on which the : will stand is already In place niche in the hall. On the the statue of Washington plcade a marble bust of Laf and on the left a bronze Count de Grasse, a naval hero/} materially assisted the Revolt!® colonists. The commissioners have b formed that Ambassador Ju will participate in the pr exercises and introduce the : ians to the President of France. Interesting Roster. Colonel Mann suggested that a ! ter of the French soldiers and who helped the American cofc be placed Inside the pedestal of I , statue. The French official* thog“ ' this was a splendid idea and ! to prepare I-es Combattants d#;jl Guerre Amerlcanlne, containing! names of 45.0*0 men who helpsutj \ struggling Americans to win ' freedom. Near the Hcudon statue replica 1 he placed two tablets, one in and the other in French, bearing inscription which was originally i cled on the base of the ilkeneaa the French sculptor. WOMAN CIS BIRTH II 300 CHILDREN IN Richmond Physician Tells of markable Case of rfuman ■ Fecundity. "Speaking of miraclea," said a mond physician Tuesday, “T upon something the other day in of my medical books that baffle* the fondest imagination of the and yet it was set down as a fa was nothing less than the atari, that the Countess Henneberg when :ncar Leyden in Europe. In ItH. ‘ birth to 365 children In one day, 1 "To-day,” he continued, “a men stands over her grave to the most remarkable caae of fecundity ever recorded In volume. The children all died at ’ and their mother's death soon ft ed." The physician gave Rambnt ; System of Obstetrics as au' the wonderful statement. 1 he declined to discuss the of its veracity. Highest during hours at— Birmingham Nsw Orleana Galveston ,i Jacksonville Buffalo .... Detroit St Paul ..... St Usuis , i| Kan»s« City Chicago .... Denver .. Salt Lake Ctl gagh w Pittsburg BATHER CONDITIONS. , J _, eif this meriting at •« area ot almost equal depth era n the Appalachian mountains a shallow depression v ecuthwest across the Plains ttatee. Elsewhere I* thi eats. and whiis cloudiness, and showsre ar« reported f the Rockies le experiencing clear skies These dad# s of the air hr radiation. Phja is shown Ip the fenjli re*«; and to the eaatern Rocky mountain slope, wh te highest temperatures being reported Cram eaatera Richmond Virginian s Commercial Weather Map June 21 Observations taksn at • A. M., Eastern Time. U. S. Department of Agriculture7 WEATHER f BUREAU WILUS-l- MOORE.VChitf' XT* 9.9 M0©M mmt 29.85 Ra>ir of Thermometer. The temperaturee In Richmond le* day were as follows: S A. M .. .7* 9 A. M.SI 10 A. M.... St 11 A. M .*« ,12 A. M. ,»T 1 P. M.tit Minimum (7. Nsw York , . Philadelphia Washington RICHMOND 3Ct0 Norfolk RICHMOND, VA„ June 2J.—Forseast : tor Richmond and Yiclnity: Partly olou I dy and continued warm to-night and 1 Wednesday. WAgHINQTON, D. C.. Juno IL—Pors. cast for Virginia: Partly cloudy and continued warm to-ntght and TYednes day. * Measurements ot air pressure show t tlons east of the Rpcktes. There Is. h draw the air Into ita center from the e