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MIT BETTER PUNS FOB HER SHIPPING Petersburg Council Takes Steps Looking to Imported Facilities. GETTING READY FOR BALL Workman Putting Park in Shape Sports at Hoapital—Girl’s Narrow Escape. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) PETERSBURG, VA., July 7.—The monthly meeting of the Common Council, which had been postponed several times for lack of a quorum, was held Wednesday afternoon. The reports of the City Treasurer and City Auditor for th month of June showed the cash receipts to have been $14,63*.*4 and the disbursements to have been $36,615.2*. Fines In Police Court amounted to $175. Ap propriations were made for th* dif ferent departments of the city govern ment. Mr. Wilcox's ordinance, that the hooks of the City Collector of Delin quent Taxes for the preceding year be turned over to the Deitnqeunt Tax Collector by August 1, was adopted. Better shipping Facilities. "H- The recommendation from the Al dermen regarding a committee from the tho bodies to confer with the railroad authorities about better ship ping facilities for the merchants on River street was concurred In. A resolution was offered giving th* Petersburg Grays use of the old ar tillery house on Tabb street. Refer red to Public Property Committee Messrs. Stratton and Price addressed the Council urging a better fire alarm system. It was moved by Mr. Stratton that the contract for Installing a police electric patrol and telephone system be referred Jointly to the Police and Fire Commlseloners. with a view- of embodying in the conrtact a tire alarm svstem. and that $250 be allowed for the employment of an expert electri i ian to superintend the work to be paid out of funds already appropri ated. The City Auditor was Instructed to pay to the State Treasurer the sala ries of the Judges of the t’orporation and Circuit Courts. Council adjourned at 7 o'clock. Prequiring the Park. Seventy-five laborers went to work on the grounds of Riverside Raseball Park Thursday morning. Frida).• when the club from Oanvllie plays two games on the Petersburg dia mond. these grounds will be in per fect condition, and the visitors wilt tind a large and enthusiastic bunch of rooters for the home team Petersburg is going in to win. al though now on the bottom round, the enthusiasts declare they will not be ■ there many days. Manager Grim was up this morning esrly attending to the matter of directing the work, pre paring the grounds of Riverside Club Park. Peteraburg's team will be fur ther strengthened by new men. Sports at Hospital. Wednesday was a clay of sports a. Central Stale hospital At ten o'clock in the morning several hundred ot the patients of that institution gath ered on their ithSelic to wit ness sports participated in by a num ber of male patients The following was the program I standing high jump; 2 running high Jump; 3 stand ing broad jump. 4 running broad Jump; 5 1©0 yard dash; 6 shot put, ^ 7 3-legged race. Backward race 50 yards bat. throw, pickaback race 50 yards, bag race 50 yard*, potato race 220 yard dash, ah or race, relay race 1 mile, consolation rate 100 yards The con tests were spirited and exciting and were enjoyed by participants and visitors. A number of prizes were given the winners. In the afternoon a dance mas gnc„ In the amusement hall. In the most progressive institutions out doer amusements constitute a chief feature in the treatment of the tnsant Dr. Hanks, one of the assistant phy sicians trained, the patfent* for Wed nesday's program News of Many Sorts. At Tuesday nights meeting of Petersburg Aerie Fraternal Order oi Kagles. It was decided to extend an Imitation to Mr W. Jt. Broin. of Norf< Ik. Slate worth) president to visit Petersburg and deliver and so dress on July 13. Mr. Walter T. Baugh, delegate , from Petersburg l.odge B. P. O. Elks left this city Thursday for De troit, Mich . to attend the Grand Dodge of that ogder which convenes next Tuesday. Wednesday evening a special missionary program was grven at the Second Presbyterian church by Dr. D. H. Roiaton, pastor. The meet ing was devoted to setting forth some significant signs of the times In the progress of foreign missions ano papers were read by Rev. W. R. Mc Uwalne, Jr., and Mr. James Smith, Albert Walker, the Pittsburg negro charged with murderously assaulting and robbing on the hlghmay an old negro named John Wesley Goodwin, was before Justice Plummer Wed nesday nurnlng and his case sent on to the grand Jury. The assault wa* one of the boldest and most brutal that has occurred in Peters burg for some time. It is belteveu that Walker is wanted elsewhere. Hr is regarded as a dangerous charac ter and his capture was fortunate. Rebecca Gellman. (laughter of Mr David Gellman. a merchant of this city, residing on Franklin etreet, nar rowly escaped being killed Tuesday night. The child with other children was playing on the third floor of Its parents' residence near a window and the nurse in charge had left the room for some purpose. During her ab sence the child crawled up on the window side and fell to the ground, a distance of about forty feet, but most remarkable, escaped 1th only a few slight bruises. CLEVER FIGHT RETURNS HEARD BY TOBACCO MEN Richmond Manufacturers Report Fine Time on Conven tion Trip. i Virginia tobacconists who attended the annual meeting of the Tobacco Association of the United States, held aboard the Old Dominion steamship Jamestown, en route to Norfolk to New York last Saturday, are return ing home, after a delightful stay in Gotham and other points up North. Several members or the association Three Days in the Mountains $2.00 Read Trip to LjBchkrt $3.00 Roud Trip to Rouokc Train Cmtn Richmond 12:10 noon, Friday, July 15, via. N. & W. Ry A special fast train of vestibuled coaches will leave Richmond 12:10 noon, : Friday, July 16, over the Norfolk and Western Railway, running through to Lvnchburg and Roanoke without change of cars. Returning, will leave Roanoke 1:30 P. M. and Lynohburg 3:00 P. lyf/bn Monday, July ISth, 1910, thus allowing three days in the mountains. This train will stop at Bedford, Montvale and Blue Ridge, but will make no other intermediate stops. Round trip tickets will be sold for this train at the low rate of $2.00 to Lynch burg, and $3.00 to Roanoke. For fur ther information apply to C. A. OVERTON, Jr, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, 838 East Main Street, or C H. BOSLEV. District Passenger Agent. doing business In Richmond have al ready returned to the city. A number of ths tobacco men found recreation In New York on July 4 by hearing returns from the Reno prise fight. An Interesting feature of the returns, they say. was an exhi bition of the blows given by Kid Mc Coy and "Bud" Lewis as th#» fight progressed. This was a novelty which the to bacco men had never witnessed be fore. They say It worked very clev erly. WILLIAM JACKSON CEIS TWELVE MONTHS TERM Xegro Who Was Shot in White Man's Yard is Given the Maxitnin Penalty. William Jackson, whose case was sent back to the magistrate's court by Judge Scott Thursday morning, was tried by Magistrate J T I^ewls and sentenced to twelve months in the county Jail On the night of June 25th. Jackson w&i seen trying to enter the dwelling of Mr. Edward Shank He refused to halt when called and Shank fired a load of bird shot at him. a large num ber of them lodging in hi# head. They w’ere picked out by a doctor and when the negro appeared In court he was none the worse off for having been shot. NEGRO THIEF IS BEHIND THE BARS Thought tn be a negro who ha* entered several homfs and stolen va rious articles. H\iroh «n ar rested Thursday afternoon and is be in* detained at the Second Police Station b»- detective*. who believe they can trace other crimes to hi* door.' Burch has confessed to steaiin* a lot of spoons from Mr. Kelly Schwarts, and wa* on the verge. so it I* said, of telling of other robberies when he was Informed b ya friend to keep quiet. CRI'K IIFIELD HEARS DISAGREEABLE CASE Marie Joseph, a young woman llv tn* at 9f7 North Twenty-ninth street, »t» in police court Thursday morn ln* upon the charge of conducting a disorderly house. After a partial hearing of the case Justice < rulfh tleld ordered a bench warrant for Mrs. Hannah Joseph, mother of the accused woman It was said that beer was sold In the piece and three cases, two empties and one full one. were taken from the house by the policemen. Not satis fied mlth the evidence before him the One John continued the hearing or the case until Wednesday, the twen tieth. In the meanwhile Miss Joseph. It is understood, will move to anothei neighborhood H. CHEMICAL PLANS 10 BUILD NEW PUNT Sum of $100,000 is to iV Spent iu South ('Hrolinti City. Officials of the Virglnla-Caroltna Chemical Company whoso headquarters sre located In Hlchmond say that worn will be g 1 n shortly on the plant to be • reeted In Greenville, S. f\„ to replace the one destroyed by (Ire last March, Upward of $ 190,000. it Is said, will be spent on the new plant The plant will be erected on anoth er sit* In the bouth Carolina city, which the company has owned for some time. The burned site, it Is learned, was recently sold to the F W. Foe Manufacturing Company of Greenville for 170.000 Although It looked over the field for a new site, the .chemical company fi nally decided to rebuild on property It had previously acquired. BANKING LAW IS CLEARLY DEFINED When Certificates of Deposit Are Equivalent to Stock—Prelimi naries Essential to Organ ization of a Bank. BALTIMORE. July S.—-In responae to a request by the State Banking Commission. Attorney General Isaac l-obe Straus ban given several opin ion* bearing on the new banking law, the doubtful provisions of which he clearly defines. In hi# first opinion he decides that In cases in which savings bank* give certificates of deposit these certificates are equivalent to stock. Continuing, the Attorney General says: Under the charters and by-law* of the various “savings banks" presented for consideration by your inquiry, I hold and advise you that the Institu tion* In question are to be regarded as having a capital stock. The charac ter of the “weekly deposits,’ the rights they confer upon the depositor* and the relations they create between the corporation and the depositors are of such a nature as to render the cer tificates or evidence* of *uoh “weekly deposits" the equivalent of shares of stock In the several corporations to which thej relate. A share of stock may be defined as a right which It* owner has In the man agement, profit* and ultimate assets of the corpoiwtion. Some of the charters of the various banks in question ex pressly recognise these “weekly de posits” jfttrtlflegtes as capital stock in the corporation. NEWS OF SOUTH RICHMOND WuU*(t« War4 Item au4 AirrrllwaniM rerrlrrA at Virginia Bureau. J. W. Craae's Rtora, 1!M0 null atrrat. Something Was Lacking When the Country Nine Came to Washington Ward. Oak Orove baaeball players beat nine amateur Cobb-Wagner diamond •tare in a game playe'd In South Rich mond In the afternoon of the glorious Fourth. Cheater, a village between ''Man chester” and Petersburg, thought It had a team. It now thinks different ly. For the suburban ball players did all in their power to beat the near-visitors, and their efforts were eminently correct. Oak drove won. Clark pitched for Oak Grove, and the visitors secured but two hits off his i delivery. Redford was behind the | bat and his signals must have been right. 1-awton waa wild for the Chester aggregation, allowing twetve hits, and Bruce found none of the run ners as they started from first to second base. I)R. RAGLAND IS NOW MUCH BETTER Friends of Dr. J. F. Ragland, of Centralis, who was Injured in a run away accident, and who Is now being treated at the Memorial Hospital, hope for a speedy recovery. Dr. Ragland suffered a blow on the knee, and an operation was nec essary. Water had formed near the kneecap and this had to be removed. Personals and Briefs. Mr George Eastwood, of Spring field. Mass., visited his cousin In Balnbrldge street last week. Miss Temple Carter, of 1102 Deca tur street. Is visiting friends in Pe tersburg. Frederick R. Beattie left Yesterday for Detroit to visit his parents, and also attend the annual meeting of the Elks' I-odge, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Broadus left Thursday for the Buffalo I.lthla Springs to spend two weeks Mr and Mrs J. T. Abbott have JOHNSON MAY VISIT NATIONAL CAPITOL Washington Ministers Are In formed That Fighter is An American Citizen. WASHINGTON, July 7.—/Ministers In this city to-day were Informed by j their attorney Is that there Is no pos sible way to keep Jack Johnson from j visiting Washington, If he wishes to j come. The attorneys declare that the negro 'pugilist, us an American citizen, is at liberty to come to Washington at any time he may choose to do so. According to the legal view. John 1 son has the right not only to visit .the Capital hut he also may sit on the Whtte House steps and climb up the gloomy stairs of the Washington i monument. He may smoke cigarettes, eat peanuts and ride In a "rubber 1 neck wagon.” i - POLICE FEAR TROUBLE WHEN JOHNSON ARRIVES Thousands of Negroes Gather at Chicago Station to Greet Champion, CHICAGO, July 7.—Two hundrtd policemen were detailed to the North western Railroad station this after noon to prevent trouble when Jack I Johnson returns to his home here. Colored admirers of the champion ; began gathering at the station at 9 l o'clock this morning, although the Johnson special was not due until I S this afternodn. and It seemed the , entire population of the Chicago j 'blabk belt" would be on hand to cheer the puglist. Despite Chief of Police Steward's order, prohibiting brass bands and a parade, every negro with the "price'’ j hired an automobile, and a string of machines several blocks long was ex j pected to trail Johnson's racer throughout the streets. The sidewalks along the streets were certain to be ; jammed, and the police were appre hensive that trouble might result. | Hundreds of dollars’ worth of flow ers were taken to the Johnson home i to-day to be used for deoeration and | for the carpet of roses laid from the curb to the front door. A brass band was placed In the j yard of the Johnson home. and the i entire population of the "black belt" was on hand to pay homage t" the fighter. 811k hats and frock coats were much In evidence along South State street, and the colored women were arrayed In all their finery. Houses ‘and stores In that district were deco rated. Negro politicians, who are booming Johnson for alderman, pre dicted to-day that the pugilist would have no trouble in carrying his ward. I which has a large majority of negro ■ voters. DENDRON WIN8 HER NINTH SUCCESSIVE VICTORY (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) DENDRON, July 7.—In one of the fastest .games of the season. Dendron won her ninth successive victory here ; Wednesday afternoon. Waverly wan the victim this time, the final score being 4 to 1. A shut-out was narrowly averted in the ninth inning by hits made by U. Arnold and H. Fleetwood and an error by the oppoalng team. The pitching honors were nearly evenly divided. Though both per formers in fine style. Guy had a shade the better of the contest on account of his keeping the lilts more scat tered Smith, the lanky south-paw of the visitors, benched ten men, while Guy retired eleven via the strike-out route » The score is as follows: WaVerly .000000001—1 Dendron .000 1 1 00 2 x—4 Batteries: Smith; and B. Rest brook; A. Gug and L Guy. , returned from Henrico county, when they apent a pleasant vacation. The Womerrs Missionary Society o Woodland Height* will give a lawi party Thursday evening. The publh Is Invited. Mr. and Mrs. Brldgeforth return 1 ed to their Ijome In Lunenburg coun ; ty eWdneaday. after a pleasant vlsl with the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mr* B. M. Robertaon. Mr. Charlie Angel Is In Norfolk '■ where he has accepted a position a a clerk In a hotel. THEATRES IN BRISTOL WILL NOT HAVE THEN i (Special to The Richmond Virginian* . BRISTOL. TEN.V. July 7.— An [ nouncement was made to-day by tin i Patterson Amusement Co., of Bristol to the effect that the Jeffrtes-John son pictures would not be permitted on Its circuit which includes many motion picture parlors In the South The order Is final MRS WHARTON SUMMONED TO POLICE COURT AGAIN Mrs. Sarah E. Wharton and her tw< daughters, neither of whom Is mort than sixteen years of age. according tr the police, will he called in police courl next Friday morning to apswei charges of a serious nature. The matter of the girls is P> be ar raigned for keeping a disorderly house Twice before she has been in polict court upon a similar accusation. Her daughters are to be given intr the care of Dr. Buchanan of the Asso ciated Charities who will deal with them as he thinks best In the mean while the case Is In status quo ant! there I* much spec ulatlon as to wha' will be done with the children of th< 1 young mother. ■ MILLER REQUISITION PAPERS SIGNED BY GOVERNOR MANN Before leaving for Gettysburg Wed , n.esday evening. Governor Mann signet ; requisition papers In the case of Larri Miller, wanted l« South Carolina ai a fugitive from Justice Miller li j charged with murder In the Palmett' i State. LYNCHBURG TO HAVE NEW REAL ESTATE CONCERN Tire Peakland Corporation of Lynch burg was granted a charter Thurstlai by the State Corporation Commission Its officers are R. D. Apperson. pres blent; J T. Coleman, vice-president R G. Blackford, secretary. Real estati Is put down as the object of the ne-a concern. Maximum capital is placet at 150,000 and minimum at 110.000. — STRONG FRIEND IN KING GEORGE Xew Monarch Loans Towards Ed ucation arj<l Finos Arts—Two Courts for Women. LONDON. July S.—That educa tional societies and circles of learn ing will have a strong friend tn Kim George V. Is evidenced by the revep i tlon at court of the Royal Society 'which is the oldest society that ha the privilege of direct access' to tn. | sovereign, having been founded t>: Charles II, "for the improvement o natural knowledge,” and which wa last received at court in 1901, whei King Edward signed its charter hook There is not the least doubt tha men of science in every part of Kini George's dominions look with per 'sonal confidence to that personal en ; couragement of their alms ant method* which his majesty's prolong . ed technical training and career a a naval officer seem to warrant. The: remember his ispeech when he pet formed the opening ceremony of th< I National Physical 3.aboratorv. What King Said. "This ceremony," he said, is no merely a meeting with the object o taking over a new theater of inves tfgation and research. Is it not mor. than this? Iaies It not show in i very practical way that the nation i j beginning to recognize that if he commercial supremacy Is to be mam tained greater facilities must be givei for furthering the application n science to commerce and manufar ture? In the profession to which am proud to belong there are, per hape. sp* ; tal i pportunitie* of gain lug a certain insight into the genera trade and commerce of the world an< of comparing the commercial vitalit: |uf the different countries’’ The Charter Book, in which thi king .ascribed his name as patrol on a specially illuminated page. I of uniifue interest as a roll of honor It dates fiom the year 16t>4. and It; leaves are of the finest vellum Bourn iti (rimson velvet, It has gold clasp and turners, having on one side : gold plate showing the crest—ai eagle holding a shield. The arm of England. superbly embroidered adorn the first page, and those of th< society appear on the next. Two Courts For Women. The first page of the autograpl portion exhibits, within an ornamen ta’ stroll border introducing the rosi and pink, the signature of 'Vharle R.. Founder. " written in a hold ham and evidently with a finely pointei pen. On the next page, beneath th. obligation which heads each leaf. ar. the rlgnatures of the early worthie of the new experimental learning crowded together with scarcely i blank for an additional name. Oi j following leave* are to be seen th autographs of fe|lo#g, all distinguish ed men. down to the present year. ; spe» ial page was opened tor th reign of Edward VII., In 1901, am the same course wa* adopted for th , reign of George V. There will, however, be a curtail ment. owing to the mourning for th late king, of th«s* courts to whicl society women come to pay the! homage to the king and oueen. am to present their debutante daughter; Only two. it Is said, will be held thi year, and these of a diplomatic an very exclusive nature only. Indeed during King Edward's reign, the i were few and exclusive enough, n compared with* the "drawing rooms' of earlier days. DOG TRAVELER IS HERE FROM JAPA> Chum, a Bull Terrier, Comes will MY. and Mrs. Peter Augustus Jay on the Berlin. NEW YORK, July 7—Mr. ani Mrs. Peter Augustus Jsy arrived Iasi night on board the Berlin, of tht North German Lloyd line. Mr. Jaj was recently appointed -consul genera at Cairo and Is in the United Statei on a leave of absence before going t< his new post. Another member of Mr. Jay’s par ty wgs Chum, a thorough Eng!Isr bull terrier .which, according to hit Two Brick Dwellings CORNER OF MARSHALL AND HENRY STREETS will be sold privately within the next (j FIVE DAYS See uh at once. ' ~. A J LHEWNING CQ.MPANY. FOR RENT, : Modern Apartments of Seven Rooms, Bath, etc., 719 West Grace St. ONLY fOfiO PER ANNUM, Including Heat (hot water). J. A. CONNELLY & CO. July 7 It _ FOR SALE, Park Avenue Lot near Meadow Street, facing City Park. Prire to a quick purchaser. $5 per foot LESS than adjoining property. J. A CONNELLY 4 CO. V. 7—7—10—It. Rent Specials: '206 East Grace, third flat. 3 rooms and bath. 500 North Ninth Street, 6 rooms, bath. See this. 303 North Meadow. 6 rooms, bath. BLANTON & CO. HENRY 5 HUTZLER8.C0 BANKERS SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE IN ALL LINE S OF GENERAL BANKING. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS ACCOUNT 5 . I master. Is one of the most traveled dogs, Churn has been with Mr. Jay ■ in Japan and in nearly all parts of ? the world. In Japan, where Mr. Jay was first assistant secretary at the American embassy. Chum was an ob ject of admiration to the natives, who 1 were not accustomed to wrhite smooth 1 haired dogs, with their ears clipped. On hoard the Berlin chum became : the chief playmate of several chtl 1 dren. among them the son of Baron ! ess de Schaueness, who was Miss To* ’ j land, of Philadelphia. Mr. Jay will go direct to Wash ington for a week, and then spend | the rest of his leave of absence at Newport. Among the other passengers were ' Countess Lazzarl. the Kev. Father Patrick Murray, superior general of the Iiedemptionist Order, from Home, , and the Rev. Father John Favre and the Rev. Ftdelis Speidel, of the same order. who are to make a trip through the I'ntted States and Cana ‘ ada. visiting the members of theif order. The three prelates were met at Quarantine by fifty of their order t and came up the bay In the Osprey. JELLS OF CONQUEST OF AFRICAN GAME | Col. Roosevelt Exhibits Specimens Killed to John Bnroughs mnl Mr. Faulke. OYSTER UAV. X. Y. July 7—Ex plaining his conquest of the game of Africa to John Burroughs and talk ing civil service with William Dud ley Foulke. former civil service com ! mlssioner. occupied most of Colonel Roosevelt's time during the early . hours to-day. Burroughs came over , last evening to spend the night with l his fellow naturalist, and the two ex I amined the specimens of African bird life secured by the colonel and his > party on the big hunt. It was to Mr. , Foulke that Colonel Roosevelt ad dressed a number of letters on pub t lie matters while he was occupant i of the White House, and Mr Foulke > was warmly received when he reached . Sagamore Hill to-day. It was expected that Western poli . tics would come in for discussion this ; afternoon. i'nited States Senator • Beveridge, of Indiana, is scheduled to arrive on an afternoon train. : GOME FROM NORWAY i TO MAKE HOME HERE ■ Maiiv Desirable Immigrants Com ing to Virginia and Other Stales. r ' e ! (SpecieI to The Richmond Virginian.! NEWRORT NEWS. VA . July T.— Tile steamer Xnruega. of the Norway i Mexico Ottlf line, arrived hero yes terday with 23 passengers from Chris tian. X-rway, the larger part of ! whom were immigrants who will make the ir homes In this country, several of them in Virginia. The -last ship of the line to arrive here, the Texas, brought a * number of colonists for Claremont. It Is antici pated tiat a large number of very desirable Immigrants will be brought (from Norway by this lljpe to Virginia. Child is Burned. NORFOLK, July 7 —Rachel, th* five year-old daughter of Robert B. Walker. I L"j , U-?1' HELP WASTED—MALE EEtnrsrrBsra®: i COTTRELL & C OOKK, 1315 Ross street. I HELP WASTED-—FEMALE. \v*aT^k rRl?TX?T?LiTTWftr one that is neat In personal appear ance; nice home for right party. Ad- ! dress J. M P., care Richmond Vir ginian. * * \VAXTi:b~A* NICK SETTLED WHITK woman to keep house In a convenient flat Addreae J M. P-, care Riob mord Virginian ■■■■l.—■■■■MM , I .I..— POSITIONS ANTED—MALb. WANTED—BY AN ORPHAN BOV OF thirteen years, who resides with his grandparents, work as office boy or to learn some trade; good references ( given. G E. T . care Richmond Vir- j ginian. __ __ i WANTED—-POSITION AS LVMBE R 1 clerk. good reference. Address J., 812 South Meadow street, j DRUG CLERK DESIRES POS1TI >N j with one years' experience In phar macy college Address COLLE O', care Virginian POSITION WANTED—FEM/ILB. WANTED—B Y RELIABLE COLORED girl a place to nurse. Apply B. E., 1116 Catherine street. WANTED—YOCNG LADY WITH TWO years high school education wants position In office: will accept small salary for a start. MISS M . 507 N Twelfth street City. \VANTED— ROOM AND "wUBD 'IN private family, suburbs or county, for elderly lady. Address 0-10, care Virginia n. A LADY DESIRES A POiSITlOK-AS AN asslsta'nt bookkeeper, or LO supply, for the summer Address MISS T. 1103 E. Clay city. MIDDLE-AGED COLORED WOMAN wants place a* nurse. M. T., 81* No. Second street. GOOD COOK AND CLEANER WISHES place for summer. Rhone Madison 1072. W A NT E D—W A SH I NO * TO DO AT home. Apply 1114H North First st. city.._ FOR RENT. A VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM, nicely furnished, for rent, reasonable. Apply to DR. H. R. SCOTT. *04 K Grace street. FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED rooms, 718 E. Marshall street. Ft IR RENT—FURNISHED-ROOM, 3117 K. Frankhn street. FOR SALE. AUTOMATIC STAVE MACHINERY ShingI* Mill, Lath Mill, Cut Off Saws, Rip Saws, Resaws and Plains; good condition, 1 BLUFORD & CO. f 15 -NICE LITTLE PIANO FOR A BE ginner to learn on; 60c. per ween pays for it CRAFTS. Fifth and Grace streets. FOR SALH—ELECTRkTfAN¥OF ALL kinds, both new and second hand; complete stock, prices right; also motors of all kinds, new and second hand. ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT COKP., J. C. HERBERT, Mgr., 13 No Twelfth street, phone Madison 41H3 $15—GOOD TONED SQUARE PIANOi in elegant condition; good make; stool included: 78c. per week. Free delivery in the city. CRAFTS, Fifth and Grace streets PLANE R8, HE A V Y FOUR SIDED L power, first class condition: also me dium weight three sided planes 1. BLUFORD A CO. PLA TER-FIANOS AT VE RY LO W prices; 1*00 up. Send for our list. THE CRAFTS PIANO CO., Fifth and Grace streets. FOR WAOONS GO TO RICHARDSON BROS. 813 Brook avenue. PI ANOS—ANY MAKE; NO MATTER what you want In a piano or what make you prefer. Write us for our bargain list. We have nearly all the good makes to select from. CRAFTS, Fifth and Grace streets. LOT SECOND HAND WINDOWS cheap. 1 BLUFOBD A CO. rori.TRY, PETS AND LIVE STOCKT ^uTluCOu^wTTrte^nd'bfownleglfofnS' games and hantam*. pigeons and rab bits. also hay. grain, meat, mlllfeed. and all kinds of poultry foods. THE BROAD STREET PET STORE, *08 W. Broad street. Phone. Madison 288-J. BIO Hrf Tuesday at VAUGHANS removal sale i East Broad street. CLEANING AND PgBIHIO. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR NEW SYS tem? We make your clothjag look like new Feathers, glove* wnd slip pers cleaned at short notice; let us clean them once and you will let us have them again. We clean and ren ovate anything In ladles' and gentle men's apparel: we pay epreesage one way on any out of town work. SWOPE'S FRENCH DRY CLEANING CO. 303 North Second street., phone Madison 1183. WALL PAPER. J. W. SMITH ERS & CO.. 204 NORTH Fifth street; well papers; room moulding*, etc.: high class work; lowest prices; investigate RE AL ESTATE" FOR SALE. FLOYD AVENUE AND MA.N STREET lots near the Soldiers' home; suit able for building homes, city water. ^Jjg£dy«I5Bnjol^jivenue, Southern Railway. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND N" B.— Following schedule figures published as information anti not guaranteed: . 0:10 A. M.—Daily—l.oonl for Charlotte. 10.43 A. M.—Daily—Limited -For all points South. Pullman and Day Coaches. 41:00 P. M. Lx. Sunday— Keyenile Local 11:43 P. M.—Daily—Limited, for all points South. Putlmsu ready 9:30 P. M. YORK RIVER LINE. 4 30 P M —Ei. Sun —-To West Pt., eonnerting for Baltimore Mon.. Wed. and Fri. 4:30 A. M—Ex Sun. and 2:t3 P. M.—Men.. Wed. ami Fri.—Local to West Point. TRAIN ARRIVE RICHMOND From the South: 7*0 A. M.. 9:30 P. M.. daily; * 40 A. M.. Ex. Sun.. 4:10 P. M . Daily iLocal;. From West Point. 9:30 A. M.. daily; 11:33 A. M. W«J. and Fri ; 3:44 P M Ex Sun. 8 E. BIROKSH. IJ. P. A., 920 East Main Street. Phone Madison 444. of Park View. Portsmouth, waa prob ably fatally burned yesterday on the body and face. The child was playing about the stove and its dress Ignited. S|icftl Artist Killed. MOTOR SFEEDWAY, INDIAN APOLIS. 1ND., July 7.—Tommy Kin caid daring driver of a national car was killed here yesterday afternoon when his car dashed over an embank-1 meat - in the motor races. He wo* caught under the ear. SPECIAL NOTICE. M GOLDSTEIN. AFTER WORKING ONE SOLID YEAR ON A LATENT SYSTEM. SHOWING HOW TO MAKE A PERFECT LADY'S TAILORED SPIT AT 50 PER CENT LESS THAN OLD PRICES AND STILL MAKE THE SAME PROFIT, HAS COM PLETED HIS INVENTION AND PATENTED SAME IN UNITED STATES, CANADA. ENGLAND, GElir MANY AND FRANCE, AND WE ARK NOW IN A POSITION TO MAKE ALL OCR SUITS A OREAT DEAL LEdS THAN OTHER TAILOR* AND MORE PERFECT AND WITH LESS FIT TINGS, ORDER TAKEN NOW FOR FALL SEASON OF BEST MATE? RIALS AND LININGS. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED FOR $«.»<». PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY “ THAT YOU MAY HAVE IT HM IS TIME. IF YOU PREFER FURNISH YOUR MATERIAL WILL MAKE YOUR SUIT FOR M GOLDSTEIN, LADIES* T/ " IIS NORTH FIFTH. 531 NOTE THE VALUE PLAC Glenard belts by a patron. I not part with It for a million r if I knew I could not another , Relief when we are suffering of the greatest boon* of Mf#, and see them. MRS. A. 3. PYl N. Fifth etreet. BOARDERS WANTED, or nearby suburb: a family of adult* and (wo children; two required; state price, location particulars. Apply B-21 .car* ’"--rtnf Richmond Virginian. Of WANTED—A FEW SUMMER BOA! era at Mountain View House. Btu Draft, Va„ excellent location; te reasonable; for further lnformatl## address W. B. DODGE, ~ “ . SHOE REPAIRING SPECIALS .-...- - - - - NeAeen* HEELING SHOES FREE IF YOU bring this coupon with shoe* *<ul have them half-soled: mens, 76c.; IIP dies. 80c.: children's. 40c. and up. white oak soles sewed will) flax thread; rubber heel* 2Sc. Mlrj SHOE DREW'S ELECTRIC TUM' ,UJJ rt NERAI, DIHBCftlk. WANTED—1.000 ADULT8 TO 301K the Richmond Co-operative Burial Association. A $100 certificate costj only 12 cents per month; gives a II** funeral at death. The cheapest tection on earth. This plan ha* ' successfully operated In Fhlladeli Norfolk, High Point, Blrmlagn Macon, New Orleans, St. Joseph, sourl and various other cities, and west, for over 12 years, not In Richmond? C. A. HAIOH, l Phone Madison 2708. room# For rIESIl (V.-5L~"yf,gAg'm'gesggr,w facing street; every copveni board, if desired. 201 East Frai FDRNISH13D ROOM. $1.60 PEfc'wSl private family. 11 South Adams. 214 EAST CLAY; CENTBLAir' urnished; furnished or unfurnlsh bath; home coraforta ROOM NICELY FURNISHED two gentlemen or couple; *!*• table board. 11 East Grace ~ FURNISHED FRONT rent. 10* North Seven WEST~END~iJdNVENtlSfT® cars; cool front room; two $2.50 per wkek; bath. Strawberry. firWIMbd TWO NICELY for light housekeeping; room At>ply 410 N~ seventh tinning and PL1 NEVER SINCE CHS lumbua discovered superior In the and gas-fitting bust* Honest prices, superior ai satisfaction and prt a few of our w*U known lstlcs. L. W. DORSET * < . seventh street Phone. Madison i I L£AM\G AXD FKESSIMR QO TO THE BEST PLACE lit West End, whan you want clot has cleaned and pressed t all guaranteed first class. J. R. 1 ley, JR., jio W. Main Itrwi : Monroe 132. closing oTp?.' REMOVAL SALE HARDWARE A housekeeping goods. It you .(H bargains visit us. Screen door* i windows, fly wire, lawn ntdRN rubber hose, etc., at big cat. >? move soon to No. 1C E. Broad stn opposite Cohen Co. VADQKANl East Broad street. NK^jl(AK^ grt *, *a*t*j^« WE COVER AND REPAIR GERM las and parasols and maka them order With your own goods At fill reasonable prices. Phone, Mew BAIR. HITMAN HAIR I at Hughe’s. I0» nirwzmw GO AT 460. EACH TUESDAY Ite ware sale; cents take y« VAUGHAN’S, 2 East Broad, al sals. KIUMTIRE AIR CHINA $A FURNITURE, CHINA AND presents packed and ahl care. Estimates cheertu JACOB UMLAUF. 70S .V Street. Phone Madison Sli CLEANING AND FRESflX Madison 3736; 202 North ladles’ work a specialty. '—an cogn UMBRELLAS COVERED paired; expert work; SCI umbrella Man.o IF YOU WANT TO W SUIT. WE CUT ANi GUARANTEE IT. LEARN YOU IN UTES HOW TO 1 FREE OF CHARGE LADIES’ TAILOR. FIFTH. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY In* and curing nervous troubles; Mental Sciential lot East Clay street Kiel GOLDSTEIN LADIES’ TAILC BUST FORM, THE COAT TH