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V $2,000 IN CASH TO BE GIVEN AWAY The Richmond Virginian, Virginia's new daily State paper, has reached on its merits in a few months a foremost position in Richmond and throughout the State of Virginia. It desires to make its merits familiar to thousands of Virginia homes, and proposes to reward liberally all who help to accomplish the result. Contest Opens June 27th, 1910 and Closes Sept. 30thy 1910. The Plan in Brief: Tho Richmond Virginian will award $2,000 CASH in addition to 10W commission on all subscriptions secured in a gigantic subscrip tion campaign. The plan adopted is the fairest ami most impartial conceivable and affords every one un opportunity to earn money without an element of chance. It invites legitimate competitive work on a basis, where personal effort and perservance will be liber ally awarded. The basic idea of the contest is, of cour.-e, the securing of subsm}> tions to The Richmond Virginian. $2,000 in cash, in addition to 10% on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the popular workers who secure the largest number of credits to be issued by The Richmond Virginian for paid-in-advancr subscriptions and for coupons clipped each day from The Richmond Virginian. 10% ('onimission will be allowed on all subscriptions secured by contestants, enabling every one who enters the contest to receive a substantial cash award. Read Conditions Carefully: Anv person, man or women, hoy or girl, resident of \ irgiriia is eligible to enter the ( 'ontest provided the condition* set forth are com plied with The Content Manager reserve.* the right to reject any nominations. r Candiiiatps must i>e regularly nominated in writing, on the nom ination (dank printed in this paper, or a similar blank furnished Ia The Richmond Virginian Candidates must reside in the .Mate of \ irginia and in the district froin which nominated. ( 'andidates will not !«• permitted to transfer credits to another after a credit certificate has been issued by the Contest Manager \ credit ballot will be printed each day in The Richmond \ irginian which when properly filled out, and sent to the Contest Department of The Richmond Virginian, will lie good for the number of'credit* printed thereon, if received before the expiration date printed on each ballot. Postage must be fully prepaid on all ballots sent by mail A credit certificate will be issued by the Contest Manager, good for the number of credits, as per declining credit scale, which may lx retained bv the Contestant until the close of each voting perns I or such a time a* the Contestant may desire to have same published In order to secure credit certificates, all money must be sent direct to The Richmond Virginian Contest Department bv the contestants or their friends, as credit certificates will only !>e issued by the ('oil test Manager. In ease of a tie for any of the cash awards offered by The Rich mond Virginian, each candidate will receive a cash award of equal ruble rf the award fled for < 'ontestants that live m one district are not prevented from .*• cur ing subscriptions in any other district ( redit certificates will lie issued in accordance with the declining credit scale on prepaid sulr scriptions, secured anywhere m the Cnited State* Tnc Richmond Virginian reserves the right to alter fir make any changes that may be deemed advisable other than reducing the value ol the cash awards by published notice. Division of Districts. In order to equalize compensation bo that each and every contest ant will have an equal opportunity to earn one of the cash awards, the State of Virginia has been divided into 6 districts, viz. DISTRICT NO. 1. Embraces Greater Richmond, Barton Heights, Brookland Park, Ginter Park, Chestnut Hill. Highland Park, Forest Hill Hwanns boro. Oak Grove, Woodland Heights and Fulton, South Richmond and Fairmount. DISTRICT NO. 2. Embraces the State of Virginia at large, excluding the territory embraced in District No. F DISTRICT NO. 3. Embraces the Buckingham, Prince < ieorge, Brunswick, Southampton, Cumberland, following counties, viz. Powhatan, Nottoway. Mecklenburg, Nansemond, Appomattox, < harlotte, Sussex, Princess Anne. How to Enter the Contest: Fill out the nomination blank for yourself or friend and send same Chesterfield, (Excluding the territory em braced in District No. l.i Amelia, Lunenburg, (ireensville, Fii Bath, < 'ring. Franklin, Banld, Scot t, Buchanan, Botetrout. Montgomery, Henry, \\ isc, Tazewell, Prince Edward, Halifax. Isle of Wight, DISTRICT NO. iraces the following counties, viz.: Nelson, < 'ampbell, Pulaski, ( arroll, Washington, Rockbridge, Bedford, Pittsylvania, Wythe, Russell, Dinwiddie, Surry. Norfolk. 4. Amherst, Roanoke, Patrick, I ,ee. Dickenson, Alleghany, (dies. Floyd. (irayson, Hmvth, DISTRICT NO. Embraces the follow ing counties, Highland. 5. viz.: Albemarle, Madison. Frederick. Rockingham, < itlpeper, Clarke, DISTRICT NO. Embraces the following countlc-. viz. Shenandoah, Prince William, Augusta, Page. Warren, (Ireene. Rappahannock, Loudoun, < (range, Fauquier, Fairfax, 6. Fluvanna, Caroline. King and Queen Middlesex, W arwick, Ijouisa, King George, Richmond, < 'harles City. Northampton, ■'pottsylvania. Henrico. (Excluding m District No. 1 Westmoreland, New Kent, Mathews, Stafford, King William, Lancaster, York. (ioochland. (Re terntorv Northumberland, James City, Accomae. Hanover, Essex, Gloucester, Eliz;d>eth City, Division of Awards. $200.00 DISTRICT NO. 3. cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 3, who secures the largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. 4. $200.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 4. who secures the largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. 5. $200.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 5. who secures the largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. 6. $200.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 6, who secures the largest number of credits. Contestants resident of Districts Nos. 3. 4, 5 and f> and these districts only, are eligible to the grand State award of $500 in addition to the district award of $200. wraeed to The Richmond Virginian Contest Manager and sub-i npi, .n blanks, receipt books and necessary instructions will be furnished. < 'andidates may nominate themselves Each contestant is entitled to 5,000 credits, which will be issued on receipt of nomination blank. Only one uoimnation blank to be • redited to each contestant. Every contestant receives )(> per cent commission on each subscription secured In mailing remittance deduct 10 per cent, from amount it is not. necessary to lie a subscriber to The Richmond Virginian to enter the contest It will cost you nothing to enter W hen you have entered you will become an enthusiast and w ill thoroughly enjoy participating in the contest. All that it is necessary to do in older to enter is to send in your name or get some one to do if for uni (See nomination blank After entering visit your friends and ask them to subscritic for TheVirgiman and help you secure a cash reward Get your friends to work lor you It will only require a few hours' work eaeh day. $."><XI rash means the establishing ol a substantial bank account, and 10 per cent commission on all subscriptions secured mea^ts a salaried compensation for the time consumed in ailing on your friemia. District No. 1. Award No. 1. $500.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 1, who secures the largest number of credits. District No. 1. Award No. 2. f $100.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 1, who secures the second largest number of credits. ^ District No. 2. Award No. I. $500.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 2, who secures the largest number of credits. District No. 2. Award No. 2. cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 2, who secures the second largest number of credits. $100.00 must lie in the office of The Richmond Virginian liefore the expira tion date printed on each coupon. The first coupon appeared June 27, 1910, and counts 20 credits. Credits cannot he purchased in this contest, but can only be se cured on paid-in-advance subscriptions or by clipping the daily coupons. Declining Credit Scale. Credits will be allowed on all prepaid subscriptions during the three voting periods, as follows: First Period—From June 27. 1910 to July 31. 1910. Bv Mail. Price. $12.00 8.00 4.00 2.00 1 00 By New Carrier. Subs. Price. Credits. 3 years' subscription.. 2 years' subscript mn . . 1 years' subscription. .. (i months' subscription. 3 months’ subscription $0 00 6.00 3.00 1.50 .75 40.000 30.000 12.000 5.000 2.000 Old. Subs. Credits. 20,000 15.000 6,000 2,500 1,000 Second Period -From August 1, Bv 1910 to August 31, 1910. How Credits Will Be Issued. ( 'redit* are secured iti this contest by paying vour subscription in advance. New subscriptions count twice as many credits as old ones. (See schedule below i <'andidates are not restricted to getting subscriptions in their own particular district, lint may secure subscriptions in any /tart nf the l riiteil Stn!>s. and if cash accompanies the order, credit certificate* will be issued in accordance with schedule printed below. Candi da!, - in one district are not competing with candidates in other districts, i xeept for the grand award in Districts Nos. 3, 4. 5 and 6. The division of districts, as outlined, so equalizes competition that every contestant has an equal chance to secure a grand award Besides credit allowed on subscriptions, aeoupon good lor a rertian number of credits will be published m each issue of The Richmond Virginian unless otherwise notified, The first week these coupons will lie good for 20 credits, the second week 10 credits, the third week and thereafter 5 credits. These coupons ran be voted by any one regardless of subscriptions. Each coupon will be limited, and 3 years’ subscription 2 years’ subscription . 1 years' subscription . 6 months’ subscription 3 months' subscription Mail. Price. *12.00 8.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 By New Carrier. Subs. Price. Credit*. $9.00 6.00 3.00 1.50 75 35.000 25.000 10.000 4.000 1.000 Old. Subs. Credits. 17.500 12.500 5,000 2,(XX) .500 Third Period— From September 1, 1910 to September 30, 1910. Bv Mail. Price. $12.(XI 8.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 3 years' subscription . 2 years’ subscription. 1 year’s subscription 6 months' subscription 3 months’ subscription , The Richmond Virginian's Exclusive Carrier Service Greater Richmond and Suburbs: Ashland. Petersburg and Williams burg. By Carrier Price. $9.(XI 6.00 3.00 1.50 .75 New Subs. Credits. 25,000 20,(XX) 8,000 3,(XX) 1.000 Old. Sub*. Credits. 12,500 10,000 4.000 1,500 500 covers The First Announcement of the Standing of Contestants Will Be Published July 9, and Thereafter Twice Each Week During the First Voting Period. CUT OUT THIS NOMINATION BLANK. AM) SI ND TO THE “CONTEST MANAGER” OF THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN. RICHMOND. \ A. I \CH CONTESTANT IS ENTITLED TO ONE NOMINATION ONLY’. GOOD FOR 5.000 CREDITS. THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN’S CASH AWARD CONTEST. NOMINATION BLANK. 1 hereby nominate Mr., Mrs . or Miss (Same of Contestant ) Street No... • • • ■_■■■• • • • • • Town or City .. . \s a candidate in The Richmond \ irginian'* Cash Award Contest Signed . :... • • (Xdrne of Sender.) Address. Town. Date. THIS NOMINATION COEVJ'S 5.(XX) CREDITS—Only one nomination to be credited to eaeh contestant. cumstaneos will the nominator’s name be divulged. Under no cir Write or call at the Contest Department of The Richmond Virginian, corner Books and Instructions. Phone Madison 1758. Ross and Governor streets, Richmond, Va., for Subscription Blanks, Receipt -4S ;V] Pm v4 STEPPED ON SNAKE AND WAS BITTEN Devoted Father Sticks I'oisou from Son - Wound and Saves His Life. JIFRT I]FT PROTECTS RARV Alothor Thrown From Buggy Down Fmbanktnent. Rut Keeps Child from Injury. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HARRISONBURG. July 11.—Three year-old Norman 1’riee stepped on a copperhead snake at Mariinton. t\ Va., and was bitten on the ankle, ktantly the lad's father. Or N. l’rice. a prominent physician, put mouth to tile child's ankle, sucked poison from the wound and saved boy’s life. The mother witnessed Jn R. his the the tile when operation and was with the hi he was bitten. Near Marlington. Vo.. Mrs. Homer. Poe. of Huntersville. W. Va.. while out driving w ith her three t hlldren, hgured In a peculiar accident. The horses became frightened and ran off throwing .Mrs. Poo, who hod her baby in her arms, twenty feet down an em bankment among rocks and logs. She pas picked up unconscious and serious ly Injured. All Ihe time, however, she held the baby in her arms and the little one escaped without a scratch. Near Madison, Va.. lightning struck the barn of Janies W. White, in which (our of his little boys were playing, 'he father found all four of the lads it the floor unconscious and three of hem painfully burned. The terrified man at first thought hat his children were dead. They will ill recover. The barn did not catch i tire. R. H. Fout and his son. Virgil, well o-do farmers of Hardy county. W. i'»„ are under arrest on the charge of -utting a tree post to a gate on the the High Knob Orchard Company A f i< r th«- deed Mood hounds m-ri pat on the trail anil the arrest <>f th> m«*i followed. Kuch win* hailed in the- sum of $'00 to await the action of the grand Juti As a result the authorities of hotu Hardy and (Irani counties huv* d* - elded to purchase bloodhounds it hunting; down and detecting criminals. J. YV. Marie*, for a number of o ars pust-ofHce Inspector in this district, has bet n transferred to Baltimore. He has s<>ld his home in Staunton. After his brave stand on Monday last w hen lie held a mob of 3,0"l) lynchers at hay with two Mg pistols. Sheriff E. J. < arickhoff made an ob ject surrender yesterday when, the stork visited his home over the jail and brought twins two girl babies weighing six and a half pounds each. Dr. John Tamitt, State Evangelist id West Virginia, walked from ins home at Clarksburg. \\ Ya., this week to Edinburg. Shenandoah county, to spend his seventy-eighth birthday with his child ren. Mr Tam In has just received a pen sion from England. $6,500, which came In a lump sum. With her tiny baby In her arms. Mrs. (His Kagei, of Dayton, Rocking ham county, tried to light a gasoline stove with a match, when the sb>ve exploded throwing burning gasoline over the mother frightfully burning her face, hands and arms. She had to he chloroformed to undergo treatment. The baby, strange to say. was unhurt. A Baltimore auto party broke the speed limit in New Market. Shenan doah county,, last night and had to pay a tine of $25 assessed by the mayor. In the parti were Mr. kmi Mrs. [sum' A. (iggenhelm. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Crank. Mr. and Mrs. Abram .Moses and chauffeur. They were reg istered here at the Havana ugh hotel to-day. Andrew Wallace Warner, 79 years old. is dead In Hexington. As a mem ber of the Rockbridge. Rifles, Company H. 27th Virginia Infantry. Stonewall Hribade, he lost a leg at Gettysburg, afterwards being captured and taket prisoner to Johnson's Island. It If a coincidence that his death occurred on the annlversury of the battle ol ' Gettysburg. While plowing corn near Manor's Mill, Shenandoah county, J A. Zir kle, found a partridge in the fen->< corner with a brood of fifteen ham partridges and one tiny Plymout! Rock chick. The chick answered th< call of mother partridge and madi 1 itself entirely at home. PASTOR HANDLES BOUTS WITHOUT ANY GLOVES ];< v. I >r. Biiuisay of (iracc Strict Baptist Dt iivrrs Both- Blow at Pimilistu from Pulpit. lbmouufing it as I'amabL liusiiuss— Says Eight Must Stop. Denouncing prize lighting as a “damnable business. Rev. Dr. I' M. Ramsey, pastor of Hrace street Halt list ehurch. declared from the pul pit of this ehurch Sunday night that tiie time is cumins a .ten pugilism will be barred from every State in the Country. "To-day," ht> said, “tens of thou sands of men and women are pained and distressed by the evident retor sion to barbarism as exhibited in our national disgrace, tie- recent prize : light. Wo shall be reaping bitter : fruit from tfeit sow ing for years to j come. t Suffering From Hot Box. “Our trouble is that we are suffer ing from a scourge of mad sensation alism due to our overwrought ner vous condition. We must be moving; we cannot ride fust enough or fly high enough. We are suffering from a 'hot box' as individuals and us a nation What Is to be done to relieve the stl I nation'.' “Business men should not go so fast. Our homes should guard with a sa cred ■ vigilance the life of the children, and tiie colleges' and schools have no small part in the Herculean task. Hut the main burden lies upon the shoul ders of two of our Institutions, name ly, the pulpit and the press. Hand in fiund they are walking down the cen turies eitner as ministering angels or else as demons whose breath is blis tering the soul of youth. Rather let their influence be as a gentle zephyr fanning the cheeks of age and youth." “hirst as teacher*, the press and public must be in close sympathetic touch with the age in which we live. In writing and speaking they must deliver a message for our own times and a gosjiei for our own age. Must Lead Public Opinion. “Second, the pulpit and the press as i public teachers must recognize their proper work. We have been trying to show how we must identify ourselves 'with tiie people with whom we live mid labor. Now comes the question of our aim Is it merely to please and entertain'.' Shull public sentiment lead us and make us the mere creatures of the unreasoning public ' "The answer to this question i> of prime importance '1'" those who hold high views of the missions of the press and pulpit it seems to me that there is but one answer; namely, that th \ i must lead in shaping puble opinion and in creating public sentiment. That most effectually answers the position lakett by newspaper men for gi'ing us most objectionable matter. They ; say they Kit e what the public wants. : And here tin reading public must take .its share of the hiame. Alas' boa eagerly did the public drink in all tiiat the newspapers gate us of the recent prize tight In that Western town It is said that it; our own city then gathered at the baseball park or the evening of the Fourth many of our 1 sentiment-making citizens, and it is ! said that there w ere ministers among [them. The object must hate been to 'get the details of the tight between black bruile and the white brute ill ! Nevada. Hut in many easts the daily papers hate created a taste for this most unwholesome reading. The pub lic fattens on what its feed upon.'' iiirmitril (« Weii. Marriage licenses were issued by the clerk of the Hustings Court -Monday to the following Elbert M Lilly and Miss Louise 11 Allen. Jesse 1-. l’ettus and Miss Maude M Miller William G Whitlaw and Mrs. Llllii Thompson, ^widowed. Electricity Committee Mcc*«. The committee on electrict y wli lioll a regular monthly meeting at I o'clock Monday Itoutine bust ness wtli be discussed and tt Is re gnrded as Improbable that many mat lers of especial Importance will bi i brought up for consideration. Soldiers of Third Battalion Re cipient;- of Compliments for Camp Service. L1KEW1SK ARTILLERISTS General WotliiTspixm Send- Com munication Commending Sol diers’ Mein and Work. I'nstinted praise for the field work ■ >f the Virginia volunteers was forth coming from Brigadier-General \\. tV. Wbtherspoon when the troops broke earn i> Saturday morning and began their homeward movement a,or nine days of strenuous maneuver work at the big encampment at Gettysburg, Pa. Especially did the commandant of the camp compliment the Third Battalion, First regiment, of Rich mond undei command of Major Raw reniv T. Price. Colonel Perry, com manding this regiment, received a let t. :■ from General Wotherspoon con gratulating him upon the splendid showing of the men of his command, with special reference to the manner in which the officers carried off their part. Major T M. Wortham, of Rich mond. commanding the field urtil lery, also received a communication fri m General Wortherspoon highly commending the splendid discipline which was maintained in the artillery camp, and upon the general 'efficiency of tho batteries More Hiking Here. Disappointment was a keynote of the feelings of the men Saturday dur ing their homeward Journey It was announced that It would be lmpoasi i ble for Colonel Charles H. Consolvc, 1 paymaster-general of Virginia, to pay off. Many of the men and officers had been depending? upon their pay envelope on the lent day, and const uuently were very .short of funds when they arrived in Richmond. A large majority of them did not have the price of t ar fare to return to their homes after leaving: the armory. It was given out hv Colonel Con solvo that failure to receive the money for the Virginia troops from the war department was due to governmental red tape. It will now be necessary for the paymaster to send checks to all company commanders to pay the troops for their ten days work. This will likely be done within the next t» n days or two weeks. It appears that tne rourr martial of Thomas Carroll, the negro cavalry - man who threatened Lieutenant E. M. Hardy and Corporal J E. Truehart. of Richmond, will take plate at Fort Leavenworth. Kansas. Lieutenant Hardy has preferred charges against the negro ami evidence in the case Is now in the hands of the war depart ment It is not believed that a gen era! court will be ordered to sit at tiettysburg, though It is barely pos sible. It has now come out that General Wotherspoon accepted the Interfer ence of Governor Mann in this mat ter in no polite manner and in fact, it has been authorltlvely stated, plain ly showed that the intervention of Vir ginia's chief executive was not wel come. Hut the governor supported the troops by recognizing the pro test of the officers of the First regi ment and has thereby won the favor of all line offieers, though staff officers. It Is understood were not in sympathy with the executive action. It Is generally conceded that the sympathies of General Wotherspoon In this connection have been with the negro trooper STOKE IS lilt OK K* IA TO l GOODS AN D MONEY STOLEN. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EMPORIA. VA.y July 11—Thieves broke Into the store or Mr, S. It, Proven at Pleasant Shades about four miles west of here on the Southern Railroad las: Friday night and car ried off about Jut).00 in cash and goods Mi Prown with Constable Saunders, ot North Emporia, seaehed for the thaives a greater part of the day Sat urday, when NVillle Alton, colored was captured here by Mr. Saunders, and lodged In jail A new suit of clothes and $26 In cash were found In posaes ! slon of the negro who say* he had an j accomplice, but does not know his name ■s'-'. Lamb and Wickham Will Address Clay Ward Actives un August 6. The debate between Congxea m&B John Lamb and Judge Ashby T. Wickham, rival candidates for the eoil greeional nomination which was to have been held before the Clay Ward Actives. In Monroe hall Saturday night, has been postponed until Satur day, August 6th. The action wa* de cided on because of the few menders who were present last Saturday night. Both Messrs. Lamb and Wickham were present, and were prepared to urge their claims ai the meeting:, but the intense heat kept all but a scoro of the Clay Ward active members at home. FIRE-BUG IS STILL AT WORK Attempt Made Saturday Night to Burn Home Brewing Com pany Building. That a tire-bun is iomewh«re In Richmond at this time is the opinion of detectives and police, and every effort will be made to land him be- s. hind the burs before he starts a se rious conflagration. An attempt was made Saturday night to set fire to the building used as a bottling works for the Home/ Brewing Company. Harrison and Clay streets. The blaze was discovered and extinguished before any great damage was done. Every fact pointed to the conclu- ’ slon that the blaze was the work of j an incendiary. This Is the fourth/ time within two weeks that houses i have been set on Are, and tha do- , partment is somewhat worried. Oj « theory that has been advanced ia th. the work is that of some half-eras : ij negro, who simply wants to see tb : | department respond to an alarm Ir. firs. * ■'