Newspaper Page Text
BT'SlNKSS— Madison 175S. KDITORIA L-- Madison 1922. SOCIETY -Madison 1923. JULY il K ILL. FAIR. ( L E A N A N l> A C (' U RATE N E VV S r-:™ * JULY 1 <* .. • t fT PRICE OF VIRGINIAN. Per Copy, City Edition.,, lc. Per Copy, State Edition. .. 2c. By Mail, One year.$4.00. m RICHMONPjSyiRGINlAN Pi Ml HftJKKl* l.' M*T DAT Lt. IP. <1 Mi« THF. RICHMOND VIRGINIAN <\>MPAN\ I' .Hamuii, W Mm H**i*}*f V n'UJ'r S R WooDrix Vuwii' • fc- /■. < ■ Buwc*** <vlfic*. Tb« Y;rgiai*fi BuudiUg Governor and R '** RICHMOND » VIRGIN! * PaJLY On \ lAR. POMTAtiK PaIII DaJLT 8lt MoXTH* PoUTAtifc Pill Daily Thry« Movthp 1*o«ta .a Pi n *4 '■** %2 Oil SI O' Knter^d m eecond raster. .Unuer • 2b, 1910 *• ih<- por Die** *t Richmond \ * under act «*f MnrrO. 1*7^ Let the Virginian Follow You. If you intend leaving Richmond foe a vacation, have The Virginian sent daily to your cottage or hotel You may then enjoy the mountain or seashore air and at the same time keep in cloac touch with all that is happening in the city and State, and country political, social. business and sporting circles. 7 SPEED AFTER PROCKANTIN' \TK>X. We are triad to note that < minci! shi \v- - 11 of at last awakening to the necessitv i traffic regulation-. After two year* of d*la;. it i* now said that work is being "rushed" "ii an ordi nance. While, a* a general rule, "rush" ordi nances are aj>t to lie detective, the rule does not necessarily follow in this instance. <'omnion sense and well-nigh universal municipal nrac tice indicate clearly the regulation* whi'-h the ordinanc must supply. 1* is astonishing that so important a matter should hav« Is-eti -o long delayed. If long procrastination i- to lie ended. —as procrastination generally- /.* ended with a rush, sped is jus! as essential now a- it has been*these many months. Tt would seem, however, iliat rather than to attempt lo a lmig and intricate ordinance to meet the many conditions arising out of street traffic, or to meet these conditions l>\ several ordinances, the simpler cmirsi would be an or dtnanee in general terms authorizing tie Roan! of Police Commissioners to promulgate rules and giving them the power to enforce them. Under such an ordinance the city department whose acquaintance with traffic condition* is naturally most wide and specific would he en abled to act intelligently, to 11*0 discretion, to tit “The regulations to those portion* of the city win n regulations arc 1110*1 needed, and to relax tin reg ulations in other portion* whore conditions <lo not demand them. In other words, the Police Commissioners should lie given the power to deal with the streets and the traffic ns a of police regulation—which is the logical method of treatment. If The Virginian, by calling attention to this matter, ha* done its part in giving the prod mov ing Council to action, it has the satisfaction of having contributed to a public ls-nctit. A WANT OF ( ()NF1I»F\( K. if: There is a world of meaning in the English phrase- which is used wiicn they overturn a ministry. Political change is predicated i:p«»n P the exact reason which makes it advisable. Situ fe- ply to refuse a vote of confidence furnishes every necessary excuse. I he ministry is not thereby discredited. Its sincerity may ho tniipicstimied. Its motives mav !«• above suspicion. Hut, be cause England i- in fact as well as in name a Democracy, ti want of eoitfidenee. means the end of usefulness. Power is held subject to Un people. When tile people withdraw tIn ir grant k i Bid m of jtower, its exercise ceases. What is politically true in England is practical d lj true in business, that employment ceases at ly, the moment when harmony cuds. What is true x of business is especially true of the busmens of L\ baseball, which is 1 h< sport of tin whole ..plq. It may be a far cry from the Premiership of i’ England to the uuipireship of a baseball Icagm*. A but the principle that obtains in one ease ought H? lo obtain iu another. An umpire may lie never ff so well qualified for hi~ job. but one*- the pub A lie loses confidence in his decisions he i- as out Sc of evmpathv with the game lie attempts to di ♦' » * KjL rect as would U* an English minister who would Ip::,' attempt to cling to his jiorffolm after an adverse vote. All of which is to sa\ iliat, for all w< know to the contrary. Empire .Mace may be the Ivina pin of hi8 g,raft. He may hnvi he eye of an eagio and the brain of a split-secoml stop watch. He may be—and doubtless i- entirely fair in in tention. But the fact remains that the Rich mond baseball public doe. not tjiink s,,. That .may la*. Mr. Mace’s mi-tortune, but it ought 'o end his usefulness as ari umpire in game- in ! which the Itiehnmnd < lub j■:<nh-ipa**-. Hi pi- continuance under such eiremnstanei s liamiu-aps #f the game, take- the “snap” out of He players, puts a damjM-r on public interest. It may be fate, but Empire Mace has seemed to officiate at most games in which Richmond ha- play* d. and in a great number of such games Richmond has lost by decisions which did not “look right to the fans. That being the case. He re i- a want ■fKisoirfidencc in this particular iimoire. li may ||be unjust, but it is a fad. The fact existing. iktbe cause should cease to exist. We give no much space to this question 1k : cause-baseball is more than a game, it is a ppubltc institution. It depends entirely on the sbtic, and the public is the jury >>t i:- own tastes. Baseball spectators, whih partisan, are fptjod losers, so long'us they have confidence in ftfoe fairness of the result. When that confidence | is destroyed they become bad losers first, and » to be spectators soon afterward. WHAT OK Till- <'HIKI>IiKN ? ()f I’wur-i it is entirely hromidic, with refer c nee in rlic practice <>t divorce. to ask. What of Hit children Yet n i- jn-t there, ut the point "t thi< natural and ununswerahle question, that r«sts the "problem of society involved in the numerous instances of men who "hail a wife and couldn't k»*ep her". Hut tor the children siicieiv could well afford to ignore the promis cuity of certain of its lights, so tar a- heir per sonal matrimonial peculiarities are concerned. However, since there are children, and since the 'question persists, the innocent results of whimst* eul matches remain as the growing interrogation point of civilization. Sin vent- ago Frank tiouhl wa~ wedded to Helen Kelly. It was a mutch of youth, with millions on either 'ide. 1 wo children lent it charm and distinction. The Kittle Hod seemed to be in jovial humour. 1 hen, however, it sjeidily di w loped that the Kittle God was the k-tst constituent of this fusing of lives and for tunes. Krank Gould took to the Music Halls. Hi- lettiis to actresses, exhibited in court re cords. show the lameness of fancy of the rich man -training at sentimentality. Marital dis coid grew apace. The Gottid fancy wavered, llieki ring here and tie re over tin choruses like a spot light. It struck at length fair upon Edith Kelly, a mite of femininity in "Havana . After ward' Edith Kellv w< nt to London on a shopping fpidition. Gould hied him to Haris to rice horse'. Helen Gould obtained a divorce. We would not treat of this sordid and familiar narrative, wa re it not for the fact of the little Gould girl-. They serin to have hern like two -pots, T (-gotten in ihe shuttic". Em- Mr-. Helen Gould, the "outraged wile", i- taking another millionaire husband. Sla was, in fact, to have married him so Iona ago as l-ebruary. had it not Keen for a death in his family a circumstance that called for the etiquette of delay as the inci dent of a remarriage could not do. So it ap p< ar- that, a: the time Gould was making his conspicuous pilgrimages among the chorus ladies. Mr-. Gould was preparing also to change partners. Mr. Gould, it develops, hud la-en forehanded in this matter. Five weeks ago he married hi- lady from Havana, hut with great ronrtesv refrained from giving the ceremony publicity until hi- wife should have taken a yoke-fellow. Kpon the announcement of her intention to do so, he could not longer restrain his triumph. To Mrs. Helen Gould's nuptials he sends, «s wedding present, the announcement of his own marriage to Edith Kelly. I hi>. of course, i' a commonplace tangle. 1 r» it-, meshes the little (ioulii girls are entirely hidden. Thev appear, in tael, only in the last paragraph of the rou-om*. when it i- stated that bv eominon consent they are to he turned over te tlteir aunt, Helen (ronhl, spinster phihnithrnp iAt. strange off shoot of a family whose member stem to he whirled hetween money-hunger ami eroticism. ("ndoiihtedlv s||f. will he a better mother than Helen Kelly (build ; there is no ques lion hut that site will he a hotter father than Frank (ionld. It follows of course, that thes( innocent spawn of millions will grow up in luxnrv, will inherit wealth. What will the) do with it Is their drstiux in the blood, or it: the training which tiny will receive from thif henevolcnt aunt taking a sedate path through I gold to child less age, will they find in life f I new meaning f Ha ir future i- one of the trag jedies of what wo tire pleased to term "high so oietv”. I.ct it he hoped that, as representing the one pure ineidetit of all the scandal, an earl) adverse fate wifi operate to -end them a mat tin deliverance. Hut what of the parents who in their east fail even in the elemental eoneern of animals for ■heir offspring f who, themselves endowed with :evervthing that goes to ameliorate life, leave their children paupers in love' who, in the promiscuity of a certain phase ot modern exist ence, are even more eruell) promiscuous than 'the vert beasts who roam the jungles and defend with their lives the eaves in which they real t hei r Voting t it would he well it. at the moment ol thi> eoii-pieltoii - development, a count n, that passe from one sensation to another as the colors shit; in a kaleidoscope, that i- as quick to forget to it is instiint in indignation, should turn i:~ eve from lo tto to Paris and New York and, eeasint to reflect upon "What of Johnson'" consider a proposition of infinitely more humane concent, it- it affects nor only them hut many hundred other American children— W'hat ..f the litih Helen ami Margaret Would i SAFFRON TWINS. Now that a preacher has said it. we trust that the \ el low preachers will take notice. Rev. David M. Ramsay, I*. I>. pastor of (iruee Street llaptist church, hits done a puhlie service. < 'rit ieizing "\ellow" methods in journalism, tht tread of wlntt started as an ordinary and fa miliar discourse took a sudden shift to a "live wire" of really vital eoneern. There is a yellow press, -ay- l>r. Ramsay, brtt. also- and this R the poim there i- « yellow pulpit. <'uriously enough, one of the chief weapons in the arsenal of the sensational preacher is denunciation of the s< ii--.itional press; and one of the most cherished possessions of the sensational press is tin exploitation of the sensational pulpit One helps the other, the pulpit by furnishing grist for u press sometimes hard put to it for scandal; the press by placarding the fact that it has been, and is being, denounced. Twin brothers in mis chief. these two agencies for the exploitation of indecency wage a mimic warfare in perfect sympathy and understanding! W’c do not entirely agree with all that Dr. A Ramsay has u> say concerning the* conduct of newspaper*. lie suggests that tin- managing edi tor Ik* n "good mother", concerned with sprcau ing mvirim-" ami light, iii-timl ot di-seminating deed* of ' i*deuce, tales ot blood. reports of scandal. lit* <mimt-t- tin- attitude uf the jtaper wiiieh claim-' that it ‘‘gives the public wlmt it wants”. Within lioiinds there i* no doubt <it the justice uf lie-r strictures, hut it must lie remem bered that the province <>t’ the press is the double one of reflection and opinion. It may seek to better the world instead <>1 debauching it tor money, but it must report the world. If it did not report, it could not hope to better. I he question in this particular i- one of method— is one of the treatment of news. 1 he moment a newspaper ceases to print the news, that mo ment it becomes impotent as a journal. Its aim i- to give information, and then to draw the lessons which incident and development sng g<-t. As it does not stop at giving the news, , but proceeds to advertise evil, so does the press become \ellow. As it does not stop at a recogni tion ot evil, hilt eaters to the curiosity of a crowd that revels in the narrative id tamiliar phases of vice does the pulpit forget the light by which it i- guided. Dissimilar as thev are in preten sion, the vellow pajier and the yellow pulpit are whelp- of a single litter. 1 he exponent of "either could “make good" a; the trade of the other. Said Dr. Ramsay: "If should be tin- crucial test ot a sermon that it possesses power by ap peal to the conscience to lift men and women to higher things, .lust as liter ature is common experience sifted through uncommon minds s<> that if has become permanent in its beauty and potency for good, -o should the sermon, by taking the common expe riences of life, elevate and inspire. This can be done by 1.1 ashes of light rather than by sensational recitals. Why should a man sa\ in the pulpit before a mixed crowd of young men and women what any gentleman would not sav to a group of wumg people in his parlor, where his own daughter is present? Here, as in journalism, we must not vield to the'temptation to give what the people, or what some part, of them, want, but ratio r what they need; not what will please, but what will ennoble." These lie sane and wise words, the crux of whose lesson i~ that there is nn absolute lack of good in the narrative of evil withoTrr n pur pose. Within bounds, the press inns: narrate evil, for it. is a part of life, it is a part of con ditions which the press combats, which it strives to better. Properly, the pulpit is a powerful aid in this fight, bur evil needs no exploitation at its hands. Its function, in eon»1 rast to that of tli<• pn ss. js not reportorial. Its recitals are always at second hand. When, a- frequently happens, thev stop at recital, when the story is nine parts of the discourse and the moral a tenth portion dragged in bv the tail to save the amenities, the pulpit.-that is supposed to U- “thundering" against vice is in reality doing no more than furnishing it a ven effective pros- agent service. President Tafr's indifference a- to a second form shows ihat he B not. as blind as ho hn« boon painted. Madriz lias again liocn repulsed. Some peo [ile never seem to know when they are not wanted. [t is evident that the Republican armor plate is ‘'spalled’ . The public may congratulate itself that the garment makers’ strike comes at the moment when it needs clothes least. Brookins' aeroplatii flight at Atlantic city dis turbs the axiom that it is the "higher the fewer". The Petersburg Index-Appeal is forty live vears old. It is a hundred years wise. Governor Harmon's reported determination to oust the Mayor of Newark indicates that he flunks thi prop* r •• atment for tho lynching fever is the removal of the cause. Georgia again prmv.s that lynching i> not a sectional matter— by a lynching. The President's *h i rtnination to "stand or fall by his own acts" at least gives the hope of act ion. The return of General Leonard Wood may or may not man that the Colonel feels the need of a 'sparring partner. The Springfield Reunion. , Heal veteran* of both federal and Confederate armies will rejoice at the reception given the old Confederates in Springfield. Massachusetts, on the 4th of July. This Is the first occasion we recall when representatives of a Confederate camp In the South have been entertained In such hospitable manner tiy New England and It will do much to bring that section and the South in closer touch than has been the cuse since the civil war. The Petersburg veterans went to Springfield, an orig inal abolitionist town, at the special lnvation of Its G. A. H. post and from.all accounts the Southerners who ! fought with Lee and Jackson received ihe warmest kind of a welcome, not only from the men who fol lowed Grant and McClellan, but from the entire popu lation of Ihe city. Neither was the welcome lacking In tact, for we are told that the old soldiers marched, not only to the strains of national airs, but to the tune of their beloved Dixie as well. I Such meeting* a* there shave often been held In Fredericksburg and Petersburg and Richmond, but they have been too few In the North. They have nccom : pllshed wonders down here In obliterating old feelings I of bitterness and the\ win do the same In Springfield or Boston or any other New England town. New Eng land and the South used to be mighty close together and there Is no reasons why the old conditions shouldn't j obtain once more.—Fredericksburg Free .Lance. THE PEOPLE’S FORUM l’au*e and HITi'Pt—lYiitli and SolHJmewK. Editor Richmond Virginian. Bear Sir,—I am quite heartily in accord with the post-fight unanimous protest of the press against fur ther encroachment of the prize ring upon our civil ization It is not Impertinent, and will he well worth while, to pause a moment in our vociferation against the unseemly spectacle «<l a mill between race pugilis tic champions and Its attendant had effect, and con sider some of the causes that brought about the encounter at Keno, and the measure *»l race feeling engendered thereby. As 1 understand it. Mr. .Jef fries was coaxed from his retirement by sports, who insisted that he should come forth to "save the pres tige of the white race” In the fistic arena by defeat ing th»* black "champion of the world.*’ The event was scheduled to take place on the anniversary of our declared national independence. It was exploit ed by the press throughout the land, special corre spondents and artists were dispatched to the training camps. Front page stories and pictures were daily carried by nearly all metropolitan papers. Special announcements were "boxed,” informing readers that direct wires would supply the bulletin board with prompt details, to be followed by graphic stories by ex-pugilistic and other celebrities. All this parading the fight made it the one sensationally interesting event <*f the hour, and when the black man and the white man faced each other on the "glorious Fourth, multitudes of whites and blacks, old and young, male and female, were in place t<» get "the retufUF Nat urally, the representatives of each race wanted "their man" to win. The black man won (fairly, it is ad mitted >, and all at once there is expressed great concern lest the peace of the rat es be disturbed. To be sure, it is proper to prohibit moving picture ex hibitions that might inflame race passions, and to move for legal statutes barring brutal prize light ing henceforth Hut. suppose the same volume of united protest had been made before the light’Sup pose. instead of carrying flaming head-line stoHes, prophesies, pictures, cartoons and what not the great public press had pounced upon the proposed meet ing between the black man and the white man'’ Not that there were no editorial dissents, but the protests were tarne as compared with the post fight articles, and were weakened by the news-carrying columns. Nor will an> one pretend that all who became in tense ly interested in the out ome "f the battle are In favor of allowing such things The exploiting of the event b> the press created the widespread In tel est which permeated more or less high as well as low society—other wards in Richmond as well as Jackson ward < <»f course, all of us wanted t«* know tlie result). Now, there is not a condemnation <>f the press, which seeks to please the public, and. In this instance sure !y succeeded—but the rather a sugges tion that such strenuous exploitation of the thing which subsequently called f'*rt’n the united anathemas "f the public prints, chiefly served to popularize it. The white race needs no physical force* of one man ♦ prove its "superiorlyIf so. and the inferior race wins through its champion, is It t<» be expected that the representatives <>f that race* will tot feel elat' d or. was it out - f all probability that the inferior race would win' The white race has the prestige in everything that goes to make up an intelligent and progressive people. To pit a representative white pugilist against a black one and parade the event in a manner to cause such popular manifestation of in terest in the "returns" as attends a presidential elec tion, is well calculated t" date (he inferior race. "Behold the white champion • «>no-th forth t- do bat tle with the black man! All the world is watching the great contest’ Our man's pictures are everywhere to be seen his name everywhere heard in connection with the white man! We have never had such recog nition before! All this noise and excitement must mean something’ Mb' and if we win, what a glad day 'twill he" Well, the 'champion" fought while the world held its breath. The negro wins. th. whit' man faTTs t > wrest frmi him fTfe "prestige" <■{' his brutal championship; there is great rejoicing among the blacks; the whites arc glum, and in some ale tj*--s inexcusable negro hilarity '•aus«,8 rims—and. th» r< you are, ad nauseam! Now. why should men of the superior race have permitted such a situation .' Yea. verily-—w hy ? Perhaps this rude awakening of the public < on science to the unseemliness of such exhibitions may cause the crystallization of such a sane and decent sentiment and purpose as will henceforth put under the ban all prize tights, whether for money, famu or rate prestige." Let us at least hope so W M BICKERS. Richmond. Va., July 7. 1010 Virginia Comment Vot a Mailer for Haste. Governor Mann has issued a statement in which he says he will not consMer the app.lntment of a Fntted States Senator to succeed tin- late Senator Daniel f r at least two or three weeks, as he does not think it respectful to the memory of thi dead slut' -man to at t hurriedly In the matter. Good for Judy. Mann. At least ghe tin people time to recover from the shock of the death of a man who was heh o 1 and honored hy every one, before bringing up a contest ever his successor for the remaining eighteen months of his term.—Loudoun Mirror t olehrathiK the I'ourtli. In the course of a patriotic editorial oil the glori us Fourth the Northern Neek News says: lt is safe 1" gamble that the larg. map rity of Vnorlean men, and almost all of the American wo men. worked harder last Monday, having what they tall a holiday, than they "ill again- until the next ••holiday." They rose betimes, spanked all the*. gfrpd ail the chickens, roasted all the lambs and shoals, boiled all th< tea and froze all the lee . r am, returned t,, the babies, washed, eurtieil and brushed them, and then drove miles to some point of celebration and paid good money for their own eomestibles. Through out a warm day they sat around and waited .01 those who eame to eat. and. to a large extent, at. them selves of those various focal products guarantee d t.> produce Indigestion. They “rooted lor baseball teams, and dared sunstroke in gasoline launches, c aught sand tb as and topped off on the deadly h e cream, and came home out of pocket. "Ut of temper and spunked all the babies again, and went to lied t■ ■ awake to— adult nightmare and infantile cramp coll.. But they all had a good time. Sure.' Deadly Statistics. Mr. Roosevelt's adhorrenet of murder—in Egypt— and his contention that political assassination demon strates that a people—in Egypt—is unlit for self government brings forth a reply from tin Manchester. England. Guardian. It cites the international statis tics of homicide, with the sad result id showing that the rate per million for the I nlted States is ten nr twelve times higher than in any country of Europe. Chicago, with two million*, has as many murders in a year as hu« India, with three hundred millions. Nor in the matter of political assassinations are our Wilb ers unwrung Tin- Guardian recalls the murder of the Governor of Kentucky and of tin- Lieutenant Gov - ernor of South Carolina, and puts the malicious In quiry • if you cannot keep order, you must get out. says Mr. Roosevelt. In that case, what nation will takeover the government of the I'nlted States.fhe above is unanswerable. The Guardian could have referred to the steadily increasing number of lynch irigs. the c rimes of night riders, etc., which are a disgrace to our institutions. In our endeavors to Christianise China. Japan. Korea. India. Africa and other countries we seem to lore sight ot the fact that our own country, notwithstanding its aim to be fore most among civilised nations, is still an extensive mission field.—Alexandria Gazette V Virginia Word for Knox,. Pennsylvania papers are urging the appointment of Secretary of State Knox to lie Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to succeed the late Melville \V. Fuller. That Mr Knox possesses the qualities and qualifica -tb ns requisite to this high position is not to lie suc cessfully gainsaid- brilliant ability, broad culture and a profundity of knowledge touching constitutional law surpassed. probably, hy that of no man In the coun try. and equaled by that of but few. More than that. If we may judge by his recent public utterances, he Is anything but a nationalist of the Roj^gevelt-Taft type, hut holds firmly to the belief that the best In terest of the country lb s in preservation to anil by the several States of all their proper prerogatives, rights and dignities.—Virginian-Pilot. Mrs. Blohhs—Poes our hired man rnako many mis takes? Blobbs—Does he? Why., he was just asking where to find tho milkweed to feed the cows with.— Chicago News. Head of the Family—bur tlrm is going to advertise for sealed proposals. Popular Daughter—Oh, don’t, pa; It's so much better fun to get them personally.— New I'ork American. In a Summer House Hy MABEL CLAIRE SMITH. << opyright, 1910, by Associated Literary Prea#.) Burton Kuh 1 shrugged his shoulders with amiabl# surprise when he realized what a storm of objec tions he had brought down on his head by the aim “noumrement of an important happening. What a fuss you are making, Grace!’* he inter j posed, hastily taking advantage of a momentary pauso i *n ^,,w eloquence. "Really, one would think 1 had committed a crime in daring to engage myself | to the dearest girl in the world. Your only objection I to Miss Kloyd. as I understand you, is her profes sion. Well, what's the matter with it? A doctor is a handy person to have around, 1 think. I’d trust ni> life in Esther's hands a good deal quicker than in the hands of some masculine practitioners 1 could name. Mrs. Trevelyn sighed expressively and elevated her elebrows. { an 1 -vou understand?” she cried- vehemently* I hat s Just why you should not marry her! Just think what sort of a home you'd have with a wife riding around the country at all hours of the day and night, at the call of anybody and everybody! 8he t an t be a true woman when she deliberately chooses a professlorf like that. I'll warrant she hasn’t a spark of taste in tires*, either! 1 can’t understand your choice, 1 m sure. it's hard to be disappointed it* an only brother,” she* mourned. oh, nonsense!” frowned Burton. "Esther wouldn’t keep up Iter prat th e after we were married, of course# At least, not to the extent of answering night calls. J wish you’d look at the matter in an unprejudiced light, Grate. I never interfered with you and George, though 1 knew ail the time that he was as poor as poets usually are and never would amount to a tow* of beans. You've had time enough to find that there’s plenty of truth in that, 1 rec kon. If it were not for th. little dowry you brought him I fancy life would bt? a work-a-day Job for George Instead of his pres ent easy, rhyme-making existence. Why can’* you show the same generous spirit toward me?” "The two rases arc quite unlike. Burton!” flashed his sister, with an indignant toss of her head. "George and 1 get on beautifully together, and we are both home-lovers He lik* s i<> write poetry and 1 like him l“ do it. If so little of it is published it isn't be aus* it larks merit. I’m sure, fur all the rejection slips say it isn't I’m thankful that George doesn’t have to go away from homo every day and slave In some hot. stuffs office." \\ -11. each for his <>r her hearthstone.’” yawned !%rtoii gathering up his reins and lightly feeling the l it I wish you would call <01 Miss Kloyd. though# Grace. She would lik** to know you. I'm sure. Per haps she * mild pro*- t> y..u fetter than I that a ladjr dor* not have to relinquish femnine gra* *•? and ao • ompllshments to i.e.-orne a member of the huslnestf world.*' When I do it'll f»t .1 red letter day. Burton KuhfJM claimed Mrs. Trevelyn. I suppost you're riding ovef to 1 all on her this afternoon?” "Yes. I'm going to take Esther to lock over Wood lawn this afternoon. If she likes the place 1 mean to buy It T.-r our future home We shall he near neighbors of yours then. Grace; two miles and a half between th*' two pta«‘» s Bettor make up your mind to be a sister to ns " ' You'll know it when i ti ■ nodded Mrs. Trevelyn* as sht tojuted him a f+-s~ rto«4 wat-hed him canteg out of sight down the dusty road. Left a|on. th* Inti, lad return* 1 to her fancy work in the hammock at *»oc end of the cool por* h and pondered th* disturbing 11* w s Burton had brought* She sighed restlessly, and finally bundled up her fancy work and stared thoughtfully at th* tips of her white* slippered feet "1 wonder v, h* ther th. girl has small feet and - hand*m*t-***i w-tift n dubious—rhake—nf tin* head S ppoM, she t> 1 big. awkward creature with a wide sn «■ and ;* grip lik** a man's* Suppose she has a -oid. hr a it \..i<*» and a « *mpelliiig manner which ! .mr<- r.-sist Just suppose p*»*»r Bur ton has' «•*»* i las '.nat*.1 ; . mus* . ar Amazon and means t * make for my su-ster-in-law ’ Horrors! If Georg*- wasn't busy r>*mp“Ring a new ; »orn I’d run up ar.d ask him If h«* knows what sort of a person thla I >r Esther Kloyd is George hates to be bothered w hen he's writing. * - 1 r* k n I'd better not inter rupt him « >h. dear' I wish 1 knew how she looks! I shan't have a Lit *-f p* ..« . until I find **ut. 1 know, I d go 11 * . all .-n her this v*’-v afternoon if Burt <r\ hadn't made siu-h n fust- it and if he wouldn’t iflnd it out Wh> « ouldt.'t fie haw taken her to Sumldenly Mrs Tr.wlvn sprang to her feet. « mischievous sparkle in her i-u* Whisking Indoors, hi. ran- Hithelv upstairs ami hurt:edit changed her It •ns.- dr.-ss for an outdoor gown of a pale yellow’ shade, with hat. parasol and licit to match. Then, popping her head ■ in at the door of h.-r husband's don she informed him that she was going for a walk Having re.wived an Irritated grunt by way of response, she softly do.. 1 tin- door and ran down the stairs and out to the road ' I’ve Just got to got a glimpse f that girl this Vorj da;., fair or i t fair sht murmured, defiantly. 'If I ran get to Wo. .-Hawn before they do. I’ll hide m the old summer house and peek all I please with out an > body bed g the w is. r Site took a short cut through a t, Id and another through an or hard ' 'e!ra< bins' ' she panted, soma minutes later, as. tired and hushed from her unwont ed speed, stio Beared the unoccupied frame house set among stately old shade trees "lt'8 a spooky, lone ly Ida. o. I'll wager this lawn hasn't been mowed since the owner went away, tiir. • >ears ago. (everything looks ..!v and mildewy to me It's just the sort of hous. Burton lik. o though, she added, as she hur ried through the high, tangled grass to a rustic sum mer hull* hall way between the house and the ni trate e gate- "lie always did want to get as ne.cT nature as possible." The summer house was overgrown with vines, and Its interior was fur front inviting; but there was a rustle seat just inside the d c.r. and Mrs Trevelyn was \, r> tired With • urefully ■ kit hod skirts gml fearful eyes she entered the retreat and seated her self on the mossy bench. The day was unusually warm for that lime of year and Mrs Trevelyn was not accustomed to so much exercise I'nnseqti* ntly. before she had been seated in the cool place five minutes her eyes closed and she slumbered peacefully ,» Fifteen minutes later she . ante to herself with a terrified start Something sinuous and horrible waa gliding away from her across the floor of the old summer house and there was a queer numb feeling in the lingers of her left hand. With a gasp of ter ro, #h< raised her hand and stared at two round pru ks ..n the tip of her forefinger. With a muffled • ry, Mrs. Trevelyn sprang to her feet and dashed from the summer house just as two people came up the walk from the gates. i i-oh, thank goodness for somebody to help me!** gasped Mrs Trevelyn. thinking of nothing save her extremity Mo something for me. won t you. please?-* she walled, appealingly holding out the wounded fin ger to the wide-eyed newcomer*. ' I’ve been bitten l x iv snake eh. an awful thing’ 1 know I’m gedng to finger feels queer! Mo something for me!" ' Ye gods and little fishes!" gulped Burton, help lessly patting her back "Urnce. poor girl, flow'd you do it? You’re sure it was a snake?” me see the bite, please.'." said a quiet, low toned voice from the trimly < lad woman at Burton’# back She stepped quickly forward and took Mrs. Trevely n’* shaking ting* rs. “oh. yes, I see the two tink punctures quite plainly. she observed, after- ft brief scrutiny of the injured finger Her brows dre# toy.ther as though something puzzled her and sl«9 l .died uncertainly toward the summer house. "Ii the snake still in there?" she asked, expectantly.” oh 1 suppose s > ? shuddered Mrs. Trevelyn. feel ing void and ill. “Mo you think it’s a deadly bite? Win l die'.’ O-oh. for goodness sake tell me how long I have to live! The girl's lips twitched nervously, but her voles was gravely reassuring as she made response. "Many years. I trust," she said, gently Then, turning t» the equally concerned Burton, she asked him to enter the summer house and see If the snake was still iq there. utrrmc-irhsouH.l.oOwplacTdvuTItl 1| fih mfw.b Burton grabbed a stick and went boldly within the ' retreat. After a few moments of brisk run>maglng he returned bearing on the point of the rod a shlm I mering length of yellow ribbon with two pins stlck 1 ing In one end. "This is the only snake I can find!" he declared, with much gravity. "From appearances 1 should take It to be a summer house serpent of a non-potsonous kind.” Grace stared at the ribbon while the btnod slowly returned to her cheeks and fingers. "Gracious me! so it was just my belt: ' she twittered joyfully. Well. -F-rnigf}t have died of fright If somebody hadn't thought to find the thing. Burton, dear, aren't you go ing to Introduce my rescuer?'* And Burton, with twinkling eyes, cheerfully filled. “ - - —