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.I-- \ Capital, $500,000. Surplus & Profits, $300,000 American National Bank ..Pay A* You Go You will pay less, and can afford a bank account. Spend less and bank the difference. One dollar’s worth of pleasure, if that dollar be the first one invested in a bank account in this bank, will result in many dollars in good cheer and contentment in the days to come. Live, work, and enjoy life in the present, and save for the future. Save by a plan for a purpose. j We Pay 3 °/o on Accounts "s. OFFICERS: OLIVER J. SANDS, President WM. C. CAMP, Vice-President WALLER HOLLADAY, Asst. Cashier CHAS. E. WINGO, Vice-President O. BAYLOR HILL, Cashier D. W. DURRETT, Asst. Cashier The National State and City Bank. OFFICERS. %m. H. Palmar, jKwldent. Jnn. S. Ellett, Vlw-FHridwt. Wm. M. HID, Vice-President. J. W. Sin ton. Vice* President. Julton H. Hill, Cashier. ^ DIRECTORS. E. B. Addison, James H. Anderson, J. L. Antrim, James D. Crump. John S. Ellett, A. R. Ellereon, Joseph M. Four qurean, Horace S. Haves, 8. H. Hawes, Wilhnm M. Hill, Edward C. Mayo, Edwin A. Palmer, William H. Palmer, Granville G. Valentine, Stewart M. Wood ward. S PER CENT INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS, COMPOUNDED EVERY SIX MONTHS. The consolidation of the capital, business and expe rience of two of Rich mond's very successful banks, assuring to those who have accounts here the best of legitimate bank ing courtesies and the ac commodation of larger cap ital and surplus. Your account is invited and your deposit will earn 3 par cent, compounded eveiy six months. Capital, - - - $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus, - - $600,000.00 Capital, $1,200,000. Surplus, $600,000 ERVICE and UNDNESS Are the banking qualities considered by care ful depositors. Likewise, the /personnel of officers and directors. t ' The great number of depositors on our books will vouch for the excellence of our service and the soundness of our policies. If your business or personal account is not as well cared for as you would likcj we assure you of every permissible banking courtesy if brought to us. The National 45 YEARS OLD ■i.: j-vrr. ■ ■ - -UK*" ; ' ~ . '<■ ' <: 1 ' ” \ . " : 1 • . . '* L '_V • BANKERS KNOW WORTH OF SAVINGS DEPOSITS Few Inatitotiona in Country Now Regard it u Good Buaraees to Disregard Thb Particular Department. ttmli «f MiiiUort—m i«hm In Ik* New KmtUMiil the autm State*. In Urn iUUm nr* M p*» c«nt of ntl tba depositor* MMMkuwlu atone ku nearly two million depositor*, while Now York hna two and throe nwnrtar mtlllona of people with •** Inci-kaak naoounts. In tho New ■■■ kad and Eastern state* are tho moat rtforoaa laws for the eafe-ruardln* of eavlnre-baak investments. As a «*n ered nils, the farther west yon ■* tna les stringent becomes the r#rotation* and reotrletlona around sarin** tnstl tutlona 10IEISSTEM II STOCK HIKE! Slight Losses Follow Opening But Quick Rally and Re covery Follow NEW YORK, July •bout li to >-« of a point war* tallied generally In the Sret taw mte utw to-day, attar wUdb tba etaefc market In yiiiimm’mt the end ef teen minutes. Sailing of Readlne stock to decline two points. Ware was similar seillnc In a number of seillnc In a number of taetadtaf Meta eeamea. > and taiaew INselBa Union PneMIe t Governments unchanced; other bonds dull. The stock market closed weak. »*, ■ ! r. V. ■ jfljjfeMfej; tu*skii£ii Jr Vo. Rr. A p. Co. So. 10M f.v U STREET RT. STOCKS. tW«<A*M Norfolk Rl. St P. Co •«« ..••• Vo. Rjr. s P. Co. pfd..lO* ... ... ▼a Rf. * P. Co. core..100 ... 14 ... Atlanta and Chorlott*.,1H ... fifinir Nor. a« Woat. QM»....jM »* h ? ^p^TMl.^riao0 STOCKS ' M| WlttOM) a a a non Mrtjl H&ftlt • • • •!$ • • • _::: Capitol hrlan Bank... 10 .. fw National .i*« >#• Marohaau National-100 CM National BnakoTVa.. 100 m NMMrt (M^SrSoJ! ... Planter* National.100 ISO Savins* Bank ot Rick'd H 4* Union Bank of Rick'd.. 00 ... Virginia Treat Co.10# ... INSURANCE COMPANIES Vo. giro anS Marta#_11 ... Virginia Ti~*n_ ** ... NISCBXXANKOUS Amor. La Prof. Op. ot. 1M ... ... Amer. La Prof... ... ... • •• iio ll( iii Am. T*k la ot. kendo.. la in* .....ISO ... Va-Cor. Cham prof lp« 10# 111 Va-Car. Chom Com.TT.100 M Vo. car. Cbona 1st ■ I * mi ,.loo ... »> CHICKENS GOING DOWN AND «GG8 GOING UP Thar* wm t slight drop htwltr In th« pries ef chickens is the Cary street produce market, while a small Increase was observed In the quotations of eggs. The general tone of the market contin ues a little weak. HICBMOMD rgqDl'CB Richmond. Va. July Id, Chickens, ebolce, large. cwtimmk ■ per lb. . .Iff j Chtefeeas. choice, medians IT Hene. per lb. . ; Roosters, each .. I Geese, tet and targe, each ! Geese, small, each.It i Ducks targe, roung, per lb.1« • M Cratea nearby, fresh laid. .It Crates, other, sections. Guinea Eggs, ^er, Choice. faz^Uy packed-11 Merchants’ fair jmr ^ *0 Veals, choice to fancy, par lb. Veala poor to fair, per lb t Calves, runners, per lb.... 4 Sheep, per lb. .......... 1 Lambs, spring. per Ik..... t Cattle, fair to prime, per lb I It I ! 16 II i $ t • K ip, per id. ba aprtag. per Ik..... # _Je, fair to prima per lb 1 [ W<8o»3»y" ■ Arosillweil »a Hama well-smoked, small tb. ...11 « 11 Hama well smoked, large - lb. .".*..It Mdea well smoked, per lb It Shoulders, well smekad, lb M Dry FUnt. per lb. ..... Dry Balt, per lb. . Groan, ppr lb. .......». Green Balt, per lb. Green, damaged, per lb. Bright. Nn 1. tub-washed. lb . *t 9 Bright, No. 1. tub-washed ___ ..It • ebstca unwashed, tree of burrs . ,ti o Ckatea unwashed, lightly borry Chalea unwashed, very It It It It • ' Z U COTTON Mime • ICES DECLINE Effort Made to Break Down New Withdrew. YORK, Mr *«.—At the open WK, July **.—The weekly Mitt shows: Mi aU deposits. Increase, on 4aposits other than V. ltMtt icteaoe. M.MO.Tto. i ere see. Ill.lll.m. idol* increase. $2,3tS.70«. -iEmm. iM.fT7.4M. H^doctease, *128.2*0. TO BUY SPRINKLER sTO settle DUST Ifexkot Coromitteo Takes Steps to Abate Nuiaanoe of Long Standing. • 'Mnrttf frequent complaints taeSmmlua the amount of <M which % W tbreaah the Second Mar. hot Mtafee kjr Mery May fust of wind. ' that ma ofca* has . a.,— Capita], $200,000.00. Surplus aid Ihdmded Prate, Y ON SAVINGS 0 ACCOUNTS Safety aiid Profit EVERY dollar depos ited in our Banking Department is not only amply protected, but earns money for the de positor. We conduct a general banking business—invii accounts of every description. Your business or personal account will be appreciated. - BRANCHES. Twenty-Fifth Street Branch.Twenty-Fifth and Broad Street Broad Street Branch......No. 4 East Broad Street Fulton Branch.Williamsburg Avenue 1889. Strong at the Strongest" 1910 The Savings Bank of Richmond, 1117 Eatt Main Street, / ■ \ * t Strength Experience Conservatism The three essentials necessary for management of the savings of thrifty people. One dollar starts an account, and the same treatment isaccordrid to everybody. We lend ir We' leaf money on real estate on very liberal terms. When you select a bank you want to blow who its mantgm are, We submit to you our list of officers and directors, and their names are sufficient to guarantee safety: L L NORRIS. President. JANES M. BALL, Codder/ DIRECTORS: GwadaKf, ,F. Thoms L Moore, RSddo. “Safe as the Safest.' » has purchased the business and good will of die IllljIM I Bank of Richmond, located at 303 East Broad Street, taken charge and is prepared to extend to all of its c every facility consistent with good banking. f * The Broad Street Bank has given dut the contract far of a handsome and. commodious banking building at location. The entire business of the Broad Street Bank wilt be oond*c*a Baaed Street until the tonpletion of their new building. HR! The Broad Street Bank Haa ax Capital of Surplus and Undivided Profits, - - W. M. Habliston, : President.— Ben P. Alsop, Leon Dettlebaoh, T. H. Ellett, H F. GrimmeU, Andrew M. Glover, OFFICERS: J. W. Rothert, Vine PfimHunt _ Andrew M. Glover, Cashier. ^DIRECTORS: W. M. Habliston, l. H. Kaufman, Raphael Levy, G. W. Minter, John Murphy,