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MONUMENT ANNEX lie Eyes of the Investor and Homeseeker See Its Rising Value! -3 ■■■»"■ ...... Bound to grow if Richmond grpws—Stare to be annexed as the sun shines—now within the shadow of the city limits—certain of increase in value of double, to treble—must be seen to be appre ciated. Automobiles to show you the property at any time BLANTON & COMPANY, Sales Agents, 1110 East Main Street. Si i ndsome Apartment Houso on West Franklin is Imposing Structure. <* ,000 SPENT ON IT -J. - Tinder of Ohariottesvili© Will Hare Charge' of Management. f Gresham Court win be ready for fccupancy September 1 next Thin announcement was made 8at frday by Pollard A Bagby, real es tete acenta who promoted and built ;.fWa handeome apartment house lo fated at Franklin and Boyd streets. / ONfkan Court, is the most modern apartment house of Its kind south of Washington, it is fireproof from top ••bottom and in many respects ranks /With the finest class ef apartment bouse* in the country* The building represents an Investment of 1200.000. H’ _ Twe-lhMi Banted. i When Pollard dfc Bagby announced xhat they would undertake to put up Wpim. a structure. It was freely pro ./(dieted that they would fall in their hffaOHa or at least would experience IWreat difficulty in procuring occu pant*. developments, however, have shown ; ffce wisdom of the firm, nearly two /pW* ®t tne apartments having been &*se*ad already, with prospects of the jgvamalmder being taken during the Snoath Of August f;£_Oroaham Court exceptionally hand I* design and equipped in the /■tost Improved sad up-to-date style, /fa aa imposing structure wltg seven -,#tOftas and a basement Vt, within the past week Pollard A SjB*gby have rooelved Inquiries from •five persons desiring apart iuarters and a number of these, «g »hown through Gresham readily signed up without fur Br, C, J. Tinder, a hotel man of Me experience, will be in charge of management He announce# that Mag will be left undone to ren tbj oervloe the very beet posai Mr. Tinder comes to Klchmcnd isnts in Gresham Court -V —--can Am -•* .girferent prices, according y*,yn*b*r °t end general wUuCu til* is building contains thirty-eight rata apartments. Y THIEVES IN OFFICERS CHARGE EtotioB Officer Portiaux Will itettpt to Reform Youngsters Who Entered Residences. wl* bpyu sftma of whom is more twalVe years old, were arrested “dag morning and turned over to ■Of* Officer Portisux, who will k. »*sr them for n month or so V Hobble, the robbery of residence* In different parts of the city. The youngsters were brought Into headquarter Saturday by detectives who believe they are the ones who have committed the many petty thefts In Richmond. Chlef-of-PolJce Werner, cognisant of the law which says that a person under the age of seventeen years shall not be locked up was puzzled about the boya Probation Officer Portlaux was In the police court where Justice Crutch field w«* keeping him busy with the care of men who do not support their families, but the chief came first and he dispatched an orderly for Mr. Portlaux. "We ain't never done nothing,” iddd the youngest of the lot. "That’s what they all say,” remark ed Clerk Pollock, and then the boys were taken in charge by Mr. Portlaux. Never In the history of Richmond has there been so many reports of petty thefts as have been reported within the past month. Detective McMahon says the num erous thefts are . due to the hot weather. People, he assumes, sit on their front porches at night and pay no attention to the windows and rear doors that are left open! Funeral of Mrs. Haley. The body of Mr*. Bessie Brooks Haley, widow of Mr. H. Brown Haley, will arrive hero Saturday afternoon from Campbell county, and the fun eral will take place from the chapel atJHolljfWoodjtJ5ijo|clock^ HELP WiVTED—MALE. borer*. Apply fill E. Main street, or Stop IS Olnter ' Park, line. W. D. stop 15 Oh NEWSOME. HELP WANTED—FEMA1.E. wxj?¥tns=T?mr(rrTi5To~x^ Kiris to make paper boxes; beginners paid while learning; steady employ ment; light clean work and good wages. Apply to THE RANDOLPH ‘ “ BOX C PAPER BOX CO.. Ross street. POSITION* WANTED—MALE. -A'WSTtT^mK~BOT wants a permanent position In real estate, arrand boy, or office boy; fin ished a grammar school; writes fair ly. quick at figures and knows the town well; no cigarette smoker, but faithful and steady; best references as to family and honesty. Address E. B. a. Box 928 City POSITION WANTED AB BUTLER, driver or general housework In good family by young colored man. An 625 North Fifth. POSITION WANTED—FEMALE. WP&fEITTH ~7rYorx<rT.xm~To: ■Itton to teach small children two years' experience, references ex changed. Address D. K. ANDERSON, care Postmaster, Amisvlile, Va. WANTED—rB Y YOUNG LADY STENO grapher, position Hi office has had some experience willing to com mence on moderate salary where there is prospect of promotion. Ad dress MISS TAYLOR, 27d4-Ii E. Grace - street-. HAilt TONlt. ??§n!3SH*rT3xrTrmf^^ tested for ten years, that Is why we can sel It cm a guarantee—you sat JLjffied^jyourjmone^backj^^^^^^ PERSONALS. W'VAKEXifpasfxi'^rer^msxr: log and curing nervous and stomacn troubles; Mental Scientist; reference*. Bast Clay street Richmond. MotSE AND SION PAINTlNfi. decorating and signs, call on Wll Jlams-Hewltt Co., <85 W. Broad street ...---Phone, Madi ali work guaranteed son 1*75. U HaIIi tonic: war axvt -a- girmift-g'gAix' ts5g M haarl ■rh*w we... _ — . _ *_ a head when you can save your hair by using Nelson’s Hair Tonic In time, Its onl* 60c. 3 j > * ► 5 Wants FOR SALE. t I I 1 I BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN COM fort make a comfortable summer at home; we can supply you with all these comforts; we are selling the Detroit Jewel Oaa Range and other standard makes of Gas Ranges, De troit Jewel -Heaters for hot water In your bath room and all those Inex pensive appliances for bath and klU • chen. VA PLITMBINQ & HEATING CO., 26 N. Ninth street. ONE SECOND-HAND STEEL TIRED I runabout with harness In good order, $30. cheap for cash one second hand pony runabout with harness, will sell cheap for cash these are cheap i and worth your attention. B1U8 TOW-WORtUjAJtf CO., 1417 E. Main. ; 473 SMALL PIANO FOR THE CHIL^ dren to learn on; In good tune; stool i and scarf Included; 50o per week pays for It. CRAFTS, Fifth and Qrace streets. Send for our bargain list. B A ^1 TON HEIGHTS, NEW HOUSE, 6 rooms, bath, electric lights, latrobe, hot and cold water; lot 40x160; narlor and reception roums white enambled, sliding doors, cabinet and slate man tles. small cash payment, balance to suit. Address D-30 care Virginian. WE ARE OFFERINO~UNUSUAL LOW prices on our line of Ranges, Mantels and tiling; now Is the time to save money If you are Interested. VA. PLUMBING A HEATING CO., 26 N. Ninth street. FOR WAGONS GO TO-RICHARDSON BROa 616 Brook avenue. LOW PRICfcS~ON~ALL RANGES; SEE us now while the prices are low; all standard makes, which means a great deal when you want repair. VA. PLUMBING & HEATING CO.. 26 N. Ninth street. $65—-<JOOD, SMALL PIANOLA, ROSE^ wood case; has been used but is In fine condition. CRAFTS, Fifth and Grace streets. TWO RUBBER TIRED TOP BUGGIES good as new, will sell cheap for cash also have new buggies from $40 up guaranteed for one year, and they have no comparison for the same amount of money. RRISTOW-WOK BHAM CO.. 1117 10. Main. $45—Parlor organ; oooiTmakeTr and of sweet tone; 60c per week buys this Instrument. stool Included. CRAFTS, Fifth and Grace streets. MAKE YOUR BATH ROOM "SANITAH"i for the summer; that means good health; we employ experts In this line. VA. PLUMBING A HEATING CO„ N. Ninth street. ONE MODEiTt FORD TOURING CAR. newly painted with new top of nice mohair with wind shield used one season. In good condition prlca $7VU. address Box 286 South Boston, Va. FOR KENT. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SLEEPING also (or light Housekeeping. Apply 413 North Seventh street or phone Madison H04-L FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHER rooms at 111 E. Marshall street. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. the Richmond Co-operative Burial Association. A $100 certificate costs only 13 cents per month; Alves a $100 funeral at death. The cheapest pro tection on earth. This plan has been successfully operated In Philadelphia, Norfolk. High Point, Birmingham, Macon. Nsw. Orleans, St. Joseph, Mis souri and various other cities, south and west, tor over 12 years. Why not In Richmond 7 C. A. HAIQH, Sec. Phone Madison 3706. 'ftAlK TONIC. — fled with Nelson s Hair Tonic. If not ^ltsjyour money back. Tt’tLi, paper. Fifth street; wall papera, room moulding, etc., high class work; low est prices; Investigate. . & v Wants Wants Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than tea cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madisoif 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. I L SPECIAL HOTICi. LABIE*’ TAILOR. LADIES, I HAVE JUST RETURNED * FROM NEW YORK. WHERE I SAW ALL THE NEW PARISIAN MODELS, AND NO BUST FORMS ARE TO BE USED FOR THE COMINO SEASON. THE SOFT EFFECT THUS OBTAIN ED GIVES LONGER AND BETTER LINES THAN THE STIFF BUST FORMa I BOUGHT A LARGE STOCK OF THE NEWEST MATERI AL IN A VARIETY OF STYLES, WHICH I AM GOING TO MAKE UP REATLY REDUCED PRICER HW LEWIS, LADIES’ TAILOR, 202 NORTH FIRST STREET. PHONE MONROE 2661. WANTED—LACE CURTAINS TO wash. Write or call 30S North Sec ond street. SEVERAL TRUNKS OF DRUMMERS’ •ample trousers; special bargains: high-grade gods, bought cheap; sold •ame way. N. F. JACOBS A BON. Ninth, near Broad street. LADIES’ TAILOR. 4 M GOLDSTEIN SAYS WHEN THE CLOAK AND SUIT MANUFACTUR ERS AND DRESSMAKERS BEGIN TO USE THE UOLDSTKIN BUBT FORM. WHICH HE INVENTED AND PATENTED. THEN THE LADIES’ TAILORS WILL HAVE TO BK BUSHBLMEN IN THE DRY GOODS STORES. BECAUSE A READY-TO WEAR SUIT WITH THE BUST FORM WILL BE 100 PER CENT BETTER THAN A TAILORED SUIT .WITHOUT THE BUST FORM. THE LINES AND SEAMS ARB IN THE PROPER PLACE. WHEREAS AFTER A TAILOR ALTERS HIS SUIT. PER HAPS HALF DOKN TIMES. THE SEAMS AND LINES ARE ALL MJS BPECIAL NOTICE—IF TOU NEED rubber tires, I am stiU putting them on at the old price, aa I bought a good lot of rubber before the prleo of rubber advanced. So get buay end thbg thadVH;ntasre of' thlaj Aj>pljr 1° BRISTOWS No. 11. II, Eighteenth street. ——~~ Cadies don’t neglect y6ub hair complexion and nails when you can MTR ^Broad^swe^u^gjg^ l#Bt Hue of drum mere* ettvtple troth ten: ksvsml tM,nb. Ninth, ne« B?oad' MI SCKLLANEO tr». STOP! LOOK AND THINK. J°HN LA TOUCHE. JR.. NEW PLACE. 417 W. Main; Monroe 1452; French and steam cleaning; ladles princess and dresses cleaned 11.50; pleated s*lrta French cleaned, 75 cents; plain, 60c.; gloves cleaned, any length 10 cents per pair, gent's suit* dry cleaned. 50c; French cleaned *1.00 reduction in all work. CLEANING AND PRESSING. QO TO THE BEST PLACE IN THE west End, when you want your clothes cleaned and pressed; all worn K fan teed flrat class. J. R. BERK LEY, JR >1* W. Main street. Phone Monroe 133. HAIR. human hair bought and sold at Hughe'S, 10* N. Third street FURNITTJHB AND CHINA PACKING. FURNITURE, CHINA AND WEDDING presents packed and shipped with care. Estimates cheerful hy given; JACOB UMLAUF, 705 West Mam Street Phone Madison 3202. LBB’I. CLEANING . MadUon IT; Indies’ w KHI UMBRELLA ^PRESSING; PHONE North Fifth street; deity. north nm. IMBRELLAf € ffisamg COVERED AND RE “ work; 8CHREMP, The k*:cuk*io>\ - wgTfMdiifi ycS: witcrmrsm Jfrr«* country hem and J. e. m. -.^ hjkef wm donate 2 boxes X li. M, August 10thth* <*rocer* Excursion, drummers samples at. high-dase >-™u*tr* pre**nt* IlMlI now; we got era cheao—me abb wmi • k..s i. »**UW » W® §Ol lTFQh rBOUN,b-* b* <*UlCk Broad street. Ninth, near “wxNWHur yAM'f^'i ws - iaesT 5 • **• bl* *o«pei tent meeting Sunday July II, oor Twenty-eighth and P •‘■■eeU. Rev R j. WlllTnghai? wtli preach. Subject; •’Life's Decision/ WANTED^-foUNG, CPrtfBROKE driving horse; must be fair slse, and good raodster; give description and *f*te *?**•! cash price. Address B, care Richmond Virginian. 1 virali ittbi uPAinisi, SWSKr^VrCtii WYSt? Jrt*« *M» coupon with shoes and SKI* *,?«“ h “?“*> «c.; I* SJfcft *0cv* children e, 40c. and up. with waxed nax thread; rubber heela 15c. extra 8HOJB tajo TORT, n* b. Mala street, k Wants _ 5lOO*S FOB RENT. Fofi ms??:—Rgarrorera: rooms and bath. Apply at 220 West Broad street. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, also one hall room. 107 North Third street. 814 EAST CLAY—COOL, CLEAN, S1N gle rooms, nicely furnished, bath phone. ROOMS FOR RENT. 808 EAST CLAY street, furnished or unfurnished. Rhone Madison 2998. ONE PLEASANT THIRD-FLOOR ROOM for rent 209 East Franklin. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED, FOR light housekeeping. 710 East Frank lin street. LARGE. COOL FURNISHED ROOMS for rent Apply 710 East Franklin street WHEN YOU COME TO RICHMOND get a clean comfortable bed for SOc.; ' phone, bath and Ice water free; ex cellent meals served next door. 1002 East Clay. LARGE, cool rooms, with or without board. 1002 West Grace. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS HOME comforts. 14 North Sixth, between _Franklin and Main. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR light housekeeping. Apply 710 East Franklin street FOR RENT—TWO LARGE ROOMS ON upper floor, with bath. Price, |« per month. No. 229 South Cherry street NICELY FURNISHED ROOM TO A settled man for an hour’s work early morning and late In the evening. Ap ply 414 West Broad street. FOR RENT—THREE DESIRABLE rooms and bath. Apply at 220 West Broad street. 814 EAST CLAY—COOL, CLEAN. SIN gle rooms, nicety furnished; bath, phone. ROOMS FOR RENT, 808 EAST CLAY street; furnished or unfurnished. _ Phone Madison 2999. LARGETnTcELY-FURNISHKD ROOMS also one hail room. 107 North Third street IllHKS HICK HH1UHT ROOMS 8EC ond floor; private bath, front or back stairs; well arranged for light house keeping; possession August let. Ap ply 613 North Seventh street. 814 EAST CLAY—COOL* CLEAN, SIN gle rooms nicely furnished bath, phone. ROOMS FOR RENT, 308 EAST CLAY street, furnished or unfurnished. Phone Madison 2009. LAROE^KtCELX FURNISHED ROOMS also one hall room. 107 North Third street. two Rooms, furnished foH ‘‘Kht housekeejplngt. Apply 718 East \ Franklin street. iLaHDe, CocS" 'furnished ~r66Hh for rent. Apply 710 East Franklin street. NICRLY FURNISHED ROOMS; H6ME comforts. 14 North Sixth, between Franklin and Main. NICELY FURNISHED ROOtia BlUffi comforts. 14 North Sixth, between Franklin and Main. < FOR RENT-ON® BIO BOOM FOB light housekeeping also one f«r lodging. Apply 413 North SeT.nth - - ~ RKALlMTATg' So FO??—WaW?—1—H5KE?—BJ adopting our plan, you .will be land lord. 8 7.60 per month, _ plus S per f / *' •> UHVII.J Ml p«T U1 n full at any time, thereby stopping further interest we win also Hake Up" rOAll on J. W. PONDER, *4-88 Chamber ot Commerce Bldg-, JUchmond, y* . Wants RKAL KSTATK TOH SALK. Jfre^TJsnaiEJt TiaITSa i RtrMrTsrr>ETP ■on HmI Estate and Law Co., Elev enth street. ABOUT new, six room house, Taylor street, beat condition; larste lot, always rented, only *1,150. BEAUTIFUL, FOREST HILL HOME ON car, seven rooms, lot 62 by 146, witn pantries, three porches all modern conveniences also fruit and flowers, *3,750. • ROOM HOUSE BARTON HEIGHTS, all modern conveniences; lot 40x14*; concrete cellar and cement walk*; price only $*.7*0. « ROOM HOUSE HIGHLAND PARK; pantries and closets; cnma press, la trobe, bath, ranee; built for home, at corner, nloe place, only *2,300. TWO 6 ROOM HOUSES, ONE « ROOM house; Ooddin street Fulton, renting for *21.50 a month. good paying tenants; price for all ll.oeo. THREE HUNDRED FEET OF GROUND Brook land Park. 11 per foot. 1*0 FEET W5A4JHINGTON STREET *500 per foot, cor Beverly street. 8EVENTT-ONE ACRES. NINE ROOM modern house, one block of car line, on hill; beautiful grove; few blocks of Lakeside park. This Is a big bar gain. as It can be very easily cut un into lots; price *32,000. 11 3-4 ACRES, NINE-ROOM h6U3E, all modern conveniences, all out buildings R. F. 4k P. R. R.; Are miles north of Richmond; ideal home, *L> 410 ACRES, DINWIDD1E COTTNTT, If miles from Richmond; six-room house; all outbuildings; only two snd half miles from railroad station; *5, •49 ACRES, near Lynchburg, VA., ON James river Division C. A O.; nine room house; all outbuildings; only, three-quarters mile from station; •10,000. 81 8-4 ACRES. TWO HOUSES—ONE seven-room and one four-room; new cottage; two miles from Qlen Allen, Oh R- F. A P. It. R, nice crops; about 100 chickens, pigs, cows and horses, implements and household goods; all for n.000. TWO ACRES, NEAR GRANITE. Otf Southern railway; eight room house and everything on place, $1,900. * 1-8 ACRES, FIVE ROOM HOU8E; twelve miles from Richmond; one square of car line; price, $1,800. -*» ACKER, EIGHT-ROOM GOOD house; three and half miles east of Richrpond; good soil and nearly all under cultivation; a bargain; $4,000. FIVE ACHES. NINE ROOM HOUSE, four and a half miles rrohr Rich mond on R. F. A P. R. R; one-quart er mUe from station all outbluUhngs, price $4,000. IF TOU WANT A HOME, LOT. anything in theTreal estate line. ua We are thoroughly equipped, to * handle^your ^ropertyT' Autombhflci on |o‘ show the Pfhjpvrty. AMOS A POINDEXTER, lilt East Main street SXfeirt You’ have a md at goed farm in a good location an right piles, list It now for my fail catalogue. X. M MoCLURE. Ill E. Malnstreet meal, ml ><U THE BROAD STREET *?$« % #W*4 .■ I. ■