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Teas at the Casino during tTte af ternoon concert and luncheons In the villa on Thursdoy followed the Bar Association's german in the ball room of the Homestead at the Virginia Hot Springs Wednesday night. Fifty cou ples participated In the german, which was followed by numerous supper par ties In the Japanese room. Among those entertaining the largest com panies were Justice and Mm* Horace Burton. Gen. and Mrs, William Ruf fin Cox. of Richmond; Judge and Mrs. J. Alston Cabell, of Richmond] Ad miral and Mrs. Beuhler. Mr. and Mrs Henry St. George Tucker, Mr. and Mm. John Tsrhune, Mrs. Decatur Axtell, of Richmond; MaJ. B. Stuart Symington, Dr. Delano Fitzgerald, Carman Runyon, H. Tale Dolan, J. B. Cochran and EL M. ScoviL Mrs. Decatur Axtell’s tea company Included Mesdames Edward Colston, John Hayes Caperton, William Ruf fin Cox. George B. Christian, J. Als ton Cabell, John A. Coke, O. P. Huff man, EL C. Echols, William Allen, S. C. Graham, 8. Griffin and George N. Wise. Others giving teas on the lawn included Mrs. A. B. Hopkins, Miss' Belle Perkins and Mrs, Hunter Mc Guire. Mrs. Georgs Gunton entertained at a luncheon at Gunton Bodge Thurs day afternoon for a party. Including Miss Ellen Hart, EL Medley Scovll. John B. Cochran and Carman Run yon. Mrs. Harry St. Oeorge Tucker has Joined Mr. Tucker at the Homestead and will remain several weeks. Henry W. Anderson, of Richmond, motored up from the valley with a party. Including Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Bryan and Miss Hamilton, and are making the Homestead their head quarters. Other arrivals at the Homestead In clude Mr. and Mrs. Charles K.- Car penter, Miss Ethel Devlin and Albert Ritchie, of New Tork; Dr. and Mrs. Striker Coles, of Philadelphia; EYan ces F. Homer, of Camden; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Timor, of New Mexioo: Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Gay, and Miss Gay, of Boulsvllle; John Bates, of St. Bouis, and Herbert A. Claiborne, of Rich mond. Leave for wayncaooro. Mimes Ida Byrd sad Elisabeth Warwick, the attractive llttla daugh ters of Mrs. Otway Warwick, of 1*01 West Franklin street.) have been spending several week* with the Brockenbroughs at Tappah&nnock. On Monday evening, a delightful lawn par ty was given In their honor at the home of Mr. B. B. Brockenbrough. They returned to Richmond Saturday morning, and will leave this afternoon with their ihother, grandmother, Mra W. W. Oordon, and sister, Miss Junle Warwick, for Waynesboro, Va, where they will spend the remainder of the lummcr. Entertained at Luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mason, of Washington. D. C., entertained at a very attractive luncheon at the Chevy Jhase Club Thursday. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Mason, of Edge Hill," Albemarle county; Miss Doyle, of Norfolk, Mrs. K. Sidlett of Portsmouth, snd Mis* Carrie Latmeer, and Miss Ruby Pace, of Charleston, 8. C. s Reave for Delaware Gap. Mrs. I. NT. Jones, of 307 West Frank lin street, will leave on Sunday for Delaware Water Gap. She will be accompanied by Mrs Charles H. Woods, of Norfolk, and Mrs Charles U Holland, of DanvlUe. They will ipend the rest of the summer at this delightful resort. German In Warren too. A small but very elaborate german was danced In the Warrenton town, hall Friday night, and was partici pated in by some thirty or more cou- j pics. The figures were led by Mr. William H. Gaines, of Rosslyn, Va., with Miss Stella CarusL of Washing ton. Among those dancing were: Miss Lucille Cates, of St. Louis, with J. S. White; Miss Margaret Hoge, of Wash- j ington, with Mr. Beverly Werthemier; Miss Frances Subiett with Mr. John Pemberton, of New York, Miss Fan- ! ny Scott, of Rlchmofld, with Mr. Worsen Keith; Miss Barbara Hoge, of, Waahlngton. D. C., with Mr. Taylor Scott, of Richmond; Miss Jane Forbes with Mr. John Stone; Miss Elizabeth Wilbur with Mr. Arthur Charring ton: Mies Harrlman, of New York, with Mr. W. F. Wilbur; Mias Myra Kanlett, with Mr. C. P. Curtis; Miss Virginia HJlleary with Mr. W. H. Cur- : tis; Miss Sally Marshall with Mr. j James Nash; Mias Lettlce Clark, of; Mobile, Ala., and Mr. Thomas Rector. j or New York; Miss Louise Evans with j Mr. C. E. Jeffries; Mias Masie Stone j and Mr. Dion Kerr; Miss Carust, of Washington, and Mr. W. H. Gaines; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Subiett. of Roches ter, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles R, Deere, Mrs. Gibb and Mr. Lee. Rapidly Recovering. Midshipman Victor McCabe, U. S. N., who has been 111 with typhoid fever at Charleston. W. Va., Is Im proving. He will be removed to his mother’s home at Leesburg on Mon day. Dance for Mias Wright. Miss Lady Hobson was hostess Fri day evening of a charming Informal dance in honor of her niece, Miss Wary Wright, who is her guest at "Howard’s Neck.” her country home tn Goochland county. Miss Hobson’s guests Included the young people of the neighborhood, and a number of Richmond men. Personals. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. TrevIUan, of 316 South Third street, left Thursday for Nova Scotia, where they will spend two weeks. Miss Belle Johnson, of West Grace street who has been the guest of Mrs. Charlie Blanton, is new visiting her brother. Tucker Johnson, of Farm villa. a a a Miss Margaret Crenshaw Is the guest at the home of Mr. James Hoge near Leesburg. • • • Mrs B. F. Lipscomb, of this city. Is the guest o her daughter, Mrs. Frank Talbott of Danville. Mr. Wil lis Lipscomb Is the guest of his ne phew, Mr. Frank Talbott Jr. _a_• •_ Mrs. H. G. Lame, of Warsaw, Is In Richmond with her aunt, Miss Gor don. who is under medical treatment here. • • * —-*— Mrs. William A. McCarthy, daugh ter and son. Miss Deborah McCarthy ahd Master Walter McCarthy, are vis iting at ''Windsor," the home of the Chandlers, near Montross, Va. • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tyler and little son are the guests of Mrs. Ella G. Halle at Tappahannock. • • « Miss Josephine Bowie has returned to Richmond ater a visit to Miss Mary Traylor In FannviUe. • • • Mrs. W. R. Loyd is spending sev eral weeks at the Fere bee, Virginia Beach. • • • Mrs. C. W. Menter and Miss Helen Menter are staying, at the Arlington, Virginia Beach. • • • Miss Evte FTeemangand Miss Fran cs Carrington are the guests of Miss V ;'v / \ , Corbin Spicer at the De Jamette cot* j tags at the beach. • •- • Him PhronU Paul Pegram la vis iting Mrs. John Skelton Williams at her camp In Pennsylvania. • • • Mr. Hllby Lloyd Is the guest of his parents In Suffolk. • • e Mrs. Mary Kuyk Is the -guest of her mother, Mrs. Goodwin, in Blackstone for a short stay. • • » Mrs. Bolsseux and daughter, of this olty, are guests of the Misses Jones In Cnlpeper. • • • Mias Kate Qllnn, of Olnter Park, Is the guest of Miss Elisa Temple in Albemarle county. • s e Dr. and Mrs. W, C. Flake and chil dren, have gone to Buena Vista for August • e e v Miss Sarah B. Pritchett and Miss Alice O. Welsh are staying at (he Ferebee, Virginia Beaoh. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Levy, who have been visiting In Is’ew Tork, will return Tuesday. ' Fairmount Mr*. 8. R. Johnson haa returned home, after a delightful rlilt to friend* In Albemarle county. Mr*. Ellen Rodger* la still very «lck at her home on Twenty-second street Mrs. Ida Lane, of Mineral, Is the truest of her sister, Mrs. M. J. Morris, of the place. Master Sam Mtnson Is very sick at hts home, after having; an operation performed on his throat Misses Mamie Pelvey and Essie Oermelman have returned home, after a pleasant trip to Ocean View. Mlaaes Jennie and Annie Cannon have returned home on Twenty-fourth street after a pleasure* trip of ten ; days at the Tak-U Cottage, Ooean View. Mrs. J. H. Overby, of Warrenton, N, C., who has been on a visit to ! her nephew, Mr. J. L. Qrlffln, forj j the past four weeks, returned to her ; home to-day (Saturday). I Mrs. S. T. Oreen and children, of i Farmvllle, Va., are spending the week ' with her sister, Mrs. Carter, on Mosby I street. 1 Miss Maggie Gtrubbs, of Hanover, : la the guest of her sitter, Mrs. Bot ! toms, on the pike. | Misses Lula and Ada Marshall left ' Thursday for CartersvlMe to visit their | parents the remainder of the summer. Mrs. Robert Payne and children will leave Sunday for a visit to rela j tlves at Columbia, Va. Mrs. Lily Christian, who has been | very sick for the past two weeks, is able to be out again. I The Boys' Brigade of the Baptist church, who have been on a camping I trip for the past ten days, will return ! ! home Saturday night. Mrs. J. L. Qrlffln Is still very sick at her home on Twenty-second street. Mrs. Lottie Farmer, of Croset. Va., is visiting her sitter, Mrs. J. H. Lane, of Mosby street. Miss Ellen Self is still very sick at her home on Twenty-fourth street. Miss Martha Tisdale has returned home, after a pleasant stay with rela , tlves In King and Queen county. I Bon Air BON AIR, VA , July 30.—The sum ! met visitor finds here & rare oppor { tunlty to enjoy as well as Improve the ' passing momenta, and our library adrs an attraction to the place that few 1 summer resorts can boast of. A stone structure, fireproof, cool, well furnlsh | ed, comfortable. with easy chairs, , railing tables, etc., and stocked with ; all the current literature, magazine* : and solid reading matter you only S have to grasp the fact that you are 1 well provided for and take the goods the gods provide. Eighteen hundred ' volumes fill our shelves and we are very proud of our village and Its attractions. Among the recent arrivals at the Bon Air Inn are Mrs. George Good rich and son, of Norfolk; Mr. Judge Atkins and Mrs. Ellen Rogers. Mrs. and Miss Pierce, Miss Cary Tatcott and Miss Edith Scoffln were guests of Colonel and Mrs. Talcott during the past week. Miss Mary Randolph Lathrop spent a few days recently with Mias Annie Kearns here. I>r. and Mrs. Charles Robins and family left on Saturday for their home In Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Donold Boyd were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Forbes at Monte Bello. Miss Eleanor Pinkerton and Frank Pinkerton, of Norfolk, are with Mrs. E. B. McClure. Mrs. Rucker and daughter, Kath erine. and Miss Kate Wrenn are with Mrs. James Patton. Mrs. Charles Brown, of Richmond, was here this week as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Beverly Randolph. Mrs. Randolph, who has been qutle sick. Is much better. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Miss Thaw are guests of Mrs. Wiliam Ellerson. Miss Katherine Hawes and Miss Lucy Mason were week-end guests of the Misses Moore. Mr. and Mrs. William Moncure were guests of relatives In Richmond dur ing the past week. The weekly dance was well attended and a number of out of town guests were present Miss Eliza Christian has returned from Petersburg. Miss AyllfTo Wherry Is attending a house party In Williamsburg. Highland Park. A garden party wan given at the home of Mr. C. W. Vaughn Friday evening by Mlse Alma Vaughn In honor of her cousin, Mica Woddle [Clay Smith, of Memphis. Ten. The large and beautiful lawn was brilliantly lighted by vari-colored and fancy shaped .Japanese lanterns. Music was dispensed from several stringed instruments and blended with the merriment of the lads and lassies. Delightful refreshments were served on the lawn and veranda. Mtsses Marian Starke and Virginia Sublet! served at the punch bowl. Among the guests were: Misses Mary Huff man, Frankie Purdie, Kate Watkins. Eleanor Enslow, Roy Cross, Emily Cross, Frances Crane, Isabel Hancock, i Mildred Clarke, Bertha , Marshall, Marian Starke, Virginia Sublett, Fan- ! nle Sublett, Louise Loraine, Isabelle Driver, Ivy Dame, Mary Dame, Ger trude Crane, Marie Todd, Irene Sisson, Kerah Cole, Edith Baker, Winnie Baker, Jessie Wood, Janie Gaines, j Hasel Butler, Louise Marshall, Katie 1 Lewis, Messrs. Cray Tyree, Albert j Sublett, Lee McFarlane. William Cat lln, Boyd August Chester Wool dridge, Jack Todd, Jeanle Bowers, Percy Holliday, La Loralne, Aide Purdie, Keeling Slaahn, Charlie Cross. Horace Wills, Robert Peat Will Saun ders, Bobble Wills, Frank Anderson, Thomas Watkins, Fred Palmer. Lynn Enslow, Rev. D. T. Merritt, Charlie ■ / Observation* taken at I A. it, Eastern Tima U. S. Department of Agriculture" WEATHER, BUREAU WILUS.l Highest temperstures during preceding 2« hours at— 8 A. M. » A. M. 10 A. M. 11 A. M. 11 A. M, 1 P. M. Minimum 71. .78 .83 .78 .82 .81 30.0 pfcMrwfttfcio* takes st 9 s. at. raarlitaa time. UOBAM.OT oonticjou* Uses, pmm tkrooph points of eqaeJ sir RICHMOND. VA., July 10.—For Rich mond and vicinity: Thunder storms this afternoon or to-night; Sunday fair. WASHINGTON, D. C„ July SO—For Virginia; Local thunderstorms this af ternoon or to-night; Sunday fair. SnssoL* latieta Kut of mubw: Q *lan (3 parti. «too<n, P sl««Sri (g)r«U, (gjsoowi ^ nurart misting. A■*■•*• St with ths wind Flm Ann. aialnus Mapmtmre - r nlafsll, if It i • -• 1 N psstRlwnre; sseoadKhour minfmli. U MM. wiasvplMitr of gf nils* per hni e» ■ t eonais M inch. / 8 A. SI. Reports. Boston .7 4 New York .6* Washington .72 RICHMOND .'it Norfolk .*i 8 Highest temperature at Key West .84 at Roseburg O. ....1,0 Ban Francisco, Cal... Boston .SO New York ..88 Washington .88 RICHMOND .00 Norfolk .88 Atlanta .88 New Orleans .0 4 Oalveston .88 Jacksonville ..9 t ■ Buffalo .82 St. Taul .St St. Louis .86 Chicago .88 Denver .84 Salt Lake City .88 San Francisco .68 Kansas .00 i Pittsburg .86 Portland O .70 Memphis .02 WEATHER CONDITIONS. Yesterday the temperatures reached 00 degrees or more throughout the Gulf States and along the Atlantic Sea board as far north as Richmond. They also exceeded 90 degrees In the Southern Plains States and the Plateau Re flon and they ranged, from 100 to 102 degrees In Northern Texas and Arizona. As compared with readings of yester ay morning the changes have been slight, although the temperatures are a little tween the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi valley, tlons of the Atlantic and Gulf States. lower In nearly all sections be Unsettled weather with local showers Is reported In all sec ! Gaines, George Wills, Charlie i Vaughan, Gilbert Larue, Herbert Baker, Norman Smith and William Chalkley. A delightful hayrlde was given to Lakeside by Mr. Beale Sale Friday evening, the large wagons leaving the hill at 9 o'clock and returning In the “we sma' hours of the morning.’’ The following young ladles and gen tlemen composed the company: Misses Beavers, Harris Bowman, Grace and Mattie Goodall. Goodwin, Terry and Grimm, Messrs. Fourqurean, Chris tian, Goodall, Lewis, Marshall, Leslie and Milton Williams, Goodwin, Gresham. Wingfield. Larue, Tiller, Brooks, Gaines, Harwood, While and Beale Sale. Mrs. Christian Goodall chaperoned the party. Ice cream and cake were served In abundance on the lawn at Lakeside. Mrs. Thomas Russell, of Staunton, Va., and Mlases Alice Heath and Con stance Enslow are guests of Mrs. L. B. Enslow and will remain until after the Enslow-Kable wedding, which will take place at Highland Park Methodist church Wednesday, August 3, at high noon. A reception will be given Tuesday evening In the bride's home to the bridal party and out of town guests. Dr. L. Connie Smith and two chil dren returned home Friday from a visit to relatives and friends near Ra leigh, N. C. Mrs. W. J. Long an Is at home again, after spending three weeks at her old j home in Louisa county. Miss Blanche Mertlg returned Tues- j day from a visit to relatives and : friends at Crittenden, Va. Miss Rosalie Shafer returned Thurs- j day from a visit at the home of Mr. ! H. T. Holladay In Orasge. Mrs. Ella Clayton Terby, of Rich mond, spent last week with her daugh- ! ter, Mrs. W. H. Holladay. Miss Myrtle Turner continues quite ; sick at her home on First avenue. j Miss Irene Sisson, of Galveston, | Texas, is spending the summer with Mrs. E. F. Sisson. Mrs. D. L. Boatwright and son Ray, j of Arvonla, Va., left Friday, after spending a week with her daughter, i Mrs. N. W. Perkins. Mrs. N. W. Perkins and two children will leave Monday rooming to spend j the rest of the summer In Albemarle ; county. Miss Isabel Holladay, of gtaunton, i Va.. has been a guest of Mrs. Charles Shafer and 1s now at Mrs. L. B. Ens- , low’s. Regular preaching at the Baptist j church Sunday, morning and evening, j by the pastor. Rev. S. H, Templeman. Evening subject, "Judgment. ' King George (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KINO GEORGE, VA., July 30.—The seven-months-old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. R. Vivian Turner died Wednes day night at "Woodlawn,” their home near Pount Conway, after a brief Ill ness. Dr. Andrew Fisher, medical district Inspector, delivered a lecture with lantern demonstrations at King George Courthouse last night On ac count of a thunderstorm the attend ance was very small. Dr. Fisher will lecture at Comorn to-night. Mr. Oswtll Ferrall, whose sawmill and gristmill were burned recently, is about to purchase another outfit from Mr. F .P. Taylor, and will continue work near Weedonvllle. There was no Insurance on the burned property. WARRENTON . WARRENTON, VA.. July 30.—Mr*. : Louis Antonsattl, of New York, who Is at home with her mother, Mrs. James P. Jeffries, gave a tew on Thurs day afternoon In honor of her guest. Miss Elaine Powell, of Washington, j 'Mrs. Eleanor Johnson and Miss Jo sephine Johnson reft this week for : Oreenwttch, Va. Miss Julia Johnson goes to Norfolk, Va., where she will accept a position In the Norfolk schools In the fall. The young ladles In Warrenton and vicinity, who took the civil service examination In October for clerical work in the census department, have 1 been summonsed by the department 1 and will report for duty on September i, mo. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Nelson and Mias Wary Nelson motored to Clark coun ty this week, where they will spend several days. Prof. J. D. Harris abd Mr. T. S. Settle, who are. both well known In Warrenton, spent several days In town this week. • The second german of the Warren- ! ton german club was danced In the j Town Hall op Friday night and well; attended. ' • C Mia* Sadie Smoot, of Richmond. I Va., spent the week end with Mrs. 1l). Ben rayaon at Mrs. Willis'. ! Mrs. William C. Hayes, Miss Hay ; den and Master Billie and Jack Hayes . left on Wednesday for Pennsylvania, ' where tjiey will spend several weeka In the tennis tourney that was play ed on the courts of the Warrenton ! Country Club Mr. Harrlman and Miss , Wilbur won the cups, defeating in the Hnais Miss Margaret Hoge and Mr. Hugh Sptlman The cups were donat ed by Mrs. Will Hayes and Mr. J. D. Hall. Miss Ruth Carter, of Orange. Va.. is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Albert Fletcher's, Sr. Mrs. A. M. Ross, who has been spending some time with Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy at Cassillis, left on Friday for New York. Miss Louise Evans is at home again, after a two weeks’ vacation spent In Hancock, Md. The ladies of the Catholic church gave a lawn party at the Warren Oreen Hotel on Wednesday night, and quite a large sum was realized from the entertainment. Miss Bally Marshall attended the Manassas Horse Show on Thursday. Miss Margaret and Barbara Hoge, who ar espendlng the summer at Cap tain Carter's, spent several days this week at Mlddleburg. Miss Lily EdnAonds is at home, af ter visiting friends In Stafford county. Mrs. E. M. Fair and Miss Emily Fair have gone to Atlantic City for a visit of several days. • Mr. Ous Kelly, of New York, who has been visiting in Warrenton, has returned home. Mrs. Fred Savage, who has been spending some time In Warrenton. is visiting Miss Nolan In Mlddleburg. Mr. Pete Lees, after spending a vacation In Warrenton. has gone to New York on business, where he sails for Porto Rico to return to his posi tion there. Miss Maud Foste, of Washington. P. C., who spent som^ time In War renton last summer, la the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth «aines-Smith. Mrs. Hoge gave a bridge party on Monday morning. Mr. W. A. Chadburne, of New York, visited friends In Warrenton this week. Mr. E. H. Sublett has returned to Warrenton, after attending the Ro chester tennis tourney. Keysville (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KEYSVILLE, VA., Julj' 30.—Mrs. C. I. Phillips, of Richmond, is the j guest of Mrs. L. J. Hunt. Mrs. R. H. Wilson Is visiting friends In Louisa county. Miss Nellie Rudd, of Drakes Branch, is spending the day with her parents. Captain and Mrs. W. D. Rudd. Mrs. S. R. Tuggle and Mrs E. S, j Fitzgerald have returned from Panaca Springs. K C. Mrs. Thomas and Miss Gold, of Richmond, are the week-end guests of Mrs, J. H. Prlddy. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Watknis, of At lanta, have returned home, after a visiting of some length to relatives here. . Mrs. J. S. Rogers, of Oxford, N\ C., is visiting Mrs. J. H. Priddy. Major J W*. Morton is summering in western North Carolina. Oxford * (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) | OXFORD. N. C„ July SO.—Mrs. Ham- | ilton Powell entertained Wednesday In j honor of her niece, Mias Louise Currln. | of Durham. "Sweethearts" was the ' i game played. Miss Frances Abbltt win- j nlng the first prize, Miss Frances Hays ' the second, and the booby went to i Miss Susan Jones, of Raleigh. The ! following young ladies were present: Misses Louis* Currln, of Durham: Janie Hunt, Lucy Landis, Roberta 1 Hicks, of New York: Sallle Webb, Es telle and Htxle White, Susan Jonea, of , Raleigh: Bessie Howell, Frances Hays, ; Esther Mitchell, Frances Abbltt and ; Marie Stark. Mrs. Edward A. Long delightfully j i entertained the “younger set” at her : | home, on Asylum street, Friday even- [ ! ing. In honor of Mtas Annie Belle King, of Louisburg, and Mr. Arch Alston, of Inez, who are the house guests of Miss I Marie Stark. After an enjoyable game of “Hearts.” dainty refreshments were i served. The following young people enjoyed Mrs. Long's hospitality:^ Misses Annie B. King, Madeline Crews, i Marie Stark, Busan Jones, Lutse Cur- | rln. Janie Hunt. Esther Mitchell. Htxle White. SalUe Webb, Estelle White, i Frances Hays, Edna Crews, Myrtle Renn. Willie Landis, Winfield Taylor, i Waverty Harris, James Taylor, Charles j Powell, Eugene Currln, Grady Harris, ji | Willie Grant. R. M. Ray, John Hamil j ton, J. I* White, Arch Alston, Willie [ Alston, Beasley Taylor, Rob Crews j and R. T. Smith. Miss Ethel S. Adams is In Pungo I teague, Vs., attending a house party at the home of Miss Taylor. Misses Agnes and Fellna Revenel, 1 Margaret Manning and Margaret ! Simms, of Spartanburg, S. C., are the house guests of Miss Mary Cooper, on Horner Heights. Mr. C. B. Adams returned Saturday from an extended trip to New York I and other points of interest in the j North. Misses Laura Well, of Wilmington; j Clyde Stancill, of Tarboro; Mattie ! Lehman, of Durham; Christine Mc ! Intosh, of Durham, and Miss Willie ! ' Grimsley, of Snow Hill, who were at i tendants at the Booth-Matheson wed - I ding, are guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Booth. Miss Anna M. Michaux, of Greens boro. is visiting Miss Annie Furman. | Mrs. S. W. Cooper and family, of Fayetteville, arrived here this week ’ ; and will be at home at the Irwin [ House for the remainder of the sum mer. Misses Edith Spratley, of Richmond, and Miss Rose Marks, of Richmond, are the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Meadows on North College street. Mr. W. A. Adams, Jr., is spending several weeks in Petersburg and Black stone, visiting relatives. Messrs. James and Travis Umstead. of Durham, came over in their auto and spent some time in Oxford Thurs day. ; Miss Ethel Buffalo Is the guest of j j Miss Lillian Bowling in Durham. Miss Wood, of Clarksville, after j 1 spending several days with the Misses I Gregory, has returned home. I Miss Gregory left this week for Buf j falo Lithia Springs. Misses Margaret Irwin, of Durham, and Carlle Weaver, of Princess Anne, Md., are the guests of Miss Martha Perebee, on Horner Heights. Mr. Eugene Currln, Jr_ and Miss Louise Currln. of Durham, are visiting at the home of Mr. J. M. Currln. Mr. R. G. Kittreil, of Tarboro, at tended the Booth-Matheson wedding Wednesday. Mr. C. A. Gregory, of Winston. Is spending several weeks here with his mother, Mrs. R. O. Gregory. Highland Springs Mr. Lawson and family left Thurs day night for North Dakota, where they will make their home. The lawn fete given by Mrs. Collins was quite a success. The lawn was prettily decorated with Japanese lan ; terns, and sweet music was one of the i attractions of the evening. Refresh ments were, served on the lawn and many games were enjoyed by the young people. After spending a most pleas ant evening, those present returned to | their homes about 11 P. M. The Liberty Hall Social gave their picnic at Buckroe Beach July 1R. Mrs. Blngley and Mrs. Rlcherson gave a lawn party at the home of Mrs. Blngley, at 24 1-2 stop, Thursday. Music was rendered by the Mandolin ; Club of Highland Springs. The Methodist church gave a pic nic to their members and their friends at Forest Hill Wednesday, which was much enjoyed by all. Mrs. Dr. Rupp has been quite sick for the past week at her home. Miss Mabel Pockllnton and others will give an entertainment at the hall Monday night. All are cordially In vited to attend. Mrs. Shell and daughter visited Mrs, Harris this week. Mr. Frank Adams has gone on a visit to Cincinnati. Liberty Hall Social Club will hold a special meeting Friday night, August 5, at R:30 P. M.. at Liberty Hall, to in stall officers. All members are request ed to be present. V. M. C. A. Sunday Afternoon. The discussion of Dr. James T. Vance's new1 hook, "Tendency," will be continued. The speakers will be Mr. ) O. Edmond Massle and Mr. Percy ; Scott Fllppen; the. subjects. “The Suc cess of Failure” and "A Face Towards the Morning." The books Is a splen did one for young men, and the meet ings are proving very Interesting. All men cordially welcome. At the Gospel Tent. Great crowds have thronged the big I gospel tent throughout the week I Sunday marks the closing services of* a three weeks’ evangelistic campaign ! at Twenty-ninth and P streets. Dr. R. J. Willingham, of the Baptist For- j sign Missionary Board, will speak to! men only at B:30. Subject, "Life’s Decisions." Rev. M. E. Porter, of the Ameri can Bible Society, will deliver the clos ing address at S P. M. to both men and women. RICH HARVEST F" * “ BY RICHMOND 5 Appendix Furnishes Them With JJearly Month and Summer Season is Most ProfltaMe. Nearly 100 persona, It 1* estimated, are operated upon every month for appendicitis at Richmond hospital*. Thl* means an average of about three persons every day or more than twen ty every week. The city furnishes a majority of the patients, the remainder coming from different parts of Virginia and 1 neighboring States. In comparatively 1 few cases are the operation* unsuc cessful. doctors say, and In most of 1 the cases they assert that the knife is the only means of saving the pa , tient's life. Appendicitis Is no respecter of per sons, visiting young and old, rich and poor alike. Various causes have been assigned for the disease. Sometime* > it is traced to a foreign body In the j append!*, but It usually results from simple Infection. j The appendix Is shaped ltke a worm ! and ranges In length from three to , five Inches. Tt Is the belief el doctors that It perform* no In the human anatomy, and them still adhere to the theory .It Is a remnant of the caudal dage with which man was once ed. according to the Darv-*-* : ory. The appendix, as the name ; Is appended to the larger I and Is lorated In the neighbor!! the right groin. Why It shookfl ; located on the right side Is a which doctors are unahle to The operation for appendicitis Is j comparatively simple one, and If formed In time practically no attaches io It. the doctors assert. For some reason or other the j pendlx seems to be more liable to fection In the summer season, I consequently It Is during this ' that the operating surgeons reap richest harvest in Richmond. SERVICES OF SPECIAL INTEREST IN THE RICHMOND CHURCHES: At First Baptist church the pastor. ] Kev. O. W. McDaniel, D. D., will preach at 11 A. M. and 8: IB P. M. Second Baptist church, Dr. W. It. ! L. Smith, pastor, worship at 11 A. M. •Sunday-school 9:30, Frank T. Crump, superintendent. Seventh-Street Christian church, i preaching at 11 A. M. by Professor, W. M. Forrest, of the University of Virginia. No services at night. Sun day-school at9:30 A. M. Venable-Street Baptist. Preaching , at both hours Sunday by the pastor, i Rev. J. R. Johnson. At 11 A. M. he ; will preach the annual sermon of the brotherhood class. At 8:15 P. M. he will give the last of his series of ser j mons on the Spirits, the subject being. "The Spirits of the Dead.” Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. Prayer meeting Wednesday night, led by W. T. Smith. Hasker Methodist church. Twenty seventh and Venable streets. Sunday school meets at 9:30 A. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. by Rev. O, W, M. Taylor, the pastor. We cordially Invite strangers to worship with us. Laurel-Street Methodist church. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. by the pastor. Rev. J. H. Moss, D. D. Westminster Presbyterian church, Rev. James Y. Fair, D. D., pastor. Preaching to-morrow at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. by the pastor. Sabbath school 9:30 A. M. Westminster League 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting next Wed nesday evening 8:IB o'clock. All wel come. Soldiers' Home. Services In the chapel Sunday morning-. July 31, In charge of Mr. William X. Evans. Sub ' ject, "What Is Death?” Immanuel Baptist church (Fifth land Eeigh streets). Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Sermon by the pas ! tor, Kev. B. Franklin Bryan. Ph. D. Subject, Possessing the Bord." Duet from "The Crucifixion” will be sung I by Messrs. Jackson and Wheatley. A ! congregational meeting of special Im portance to every member of the | church will be held immediately fol lowing this service. All persons In terested In the future of the church are earnestly requested to b# present. No evening service. The Tabernacle Baptist church. Pastor William Lockhart Ball will preach at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. Morning subject: "The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved.” Evening subject: "Fel iowshlp With Christ.” The pastor will leave the first of the week for his vacation, and during his absence the pulpit will be supplied by Rev. B. D. daw, pastor of the West Washing ton church, Washington. D. C. The Rev. W. C. James, Th. D., will occupy the pulpit at Grove Avenue Baptist church at the morning service. No service at night. The Rev. J. F. Croop will occupy the pulpit at the Grace-Street Baptist church at both the morning and even ing services. Asbury Place Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. V. W. Bargamln, pastor j of Denny-Street Methodist Episcopal ] church, will preach at 11 A. M. Rev. ! L. T. Williams, the pastor, will preach at 8:15 P. M. Evening subject, "Hin- j drances." Sunday school at 8:30 A. ■ M. j In Broad-Street Methodist church, : ! corner Tenth and Broad streets. Rev. ! j S. C. Hatcher will preach In the murn , ing on the subject. "The Good Points In the Character of Thomas,” and at night his subject will be "The Problem of Working Wages.” At Centenary Methodist church. Rev. J. N. Latham, D. D„ will preach at 11 A. M. and 8: IS P. M. Morning subject: The Mammon of Unrlghte- ; ousness.” Evening subject, “The Heroine as Friend” (series on Old i Testament Heroines). Grace Episcopal. Rev. Landon R. Mason, rector. Sunday-rjchool ser vices at 11 A. M and 8:15 P. M. Free seats. Men's Bible class every Sun day morning 9:30 to 10:30. Colonel Benjamin H. Berry teaches to-mor rof. You are invited to attend. At First Presbyterian church. Dr. ; TROOPS ARE READY TO AAEET CHINESE British ’ Regulars Massed on In do-Tibetan Frontier to Quell Aggression. LONDON. July 30.—Dispatches from Simla, India, say that two bat talions of infantry and a mountain battery have been put in readiness to defend the Indo-Tlbetan frontier from the threatened Chinese inva sion. There is no longer any doubt In army circles that the Chinese are planning a serious aggressive move ment in Tibet, and the situation Is viewed with positive alarm. The British protectorates on the North Indian border are believed to be in great danger. There are large numbers of British residents In Nepal, ; Stlklm and Bhutan and troops will be rushed to the points as speedily as , possible, ' 1 ' v . ... .-X OBITUARY Augu«t William Overman. August William Overman, yot son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ov< Xo. 200 South Pine street, died The funeral will take place i, ; afternoon at 5 o'clock from St. Catholic church. Funeral of Mrs. Ellis. The funeral of Mrs. Nannie T. who died Thursday, took place S_. day morning from the residence* 2239 West Qrace street. Interment In Rlvervlew cemetery. Funeral of Mrs. Morris. The funeral of Mrs. Mamie K. . rls, who died suddenly, took place urday morning from St, Peter's 11c church. Deaths in Appomattox. <8pec!al to The Richmond Vint APPOMATTOX. VA., July 30.—1 Nellie Thornton, aged 23 years, at her home at Evergreen, of pel!) Tuesday night. She had been la health for several years. She la vived by her mother and three brothers. The remains were ir in the Joe Inge graveyard We afternoon. Mr. Frank P. Inge died st the . of his sister, Miss Leila B. Inge, Sunday night of a complication ! eases, though heart trouble and were the immediate causes of death. The deceased had been la health for a number of years and 65 years old. He had n s 1 of this county all his life, and 1 two children and a brother and who survive him. The remains Interred In the family burying Rev. Mr. Blankenship conducting ; ceremony. The Infant child of Mr. and 1 W. T. White, 9 months old, dlad ! their home near here last night. ] F. T. McFaden will preach at It j M. The evening service will ! omitted. I 8t. James Methodist church* Rev. W. Asbury Christian. D. D.. i preach at 11 A. M. and the Rev. Pfeiffer at 8:15 P M Falrmount Avenue Baptist ch W. R. Burrell, pastor. Services M. and 8:15 P. M. Morning su "Heavenly Recreation." Evening ject, "Access." Rev. William I. Evans will col services at the Alliance Gospel 506 West Broad street, at 3:30 8 P. M. Sunday. An open air meet, will be held In front of the hsB 7:30. Andrew Curia. (Special to The Richmond Vh WEST POINT. VA., July drew Curie, youngest son of Mr. Mrs. J. E. Curie, died on Thu July 28. after a life of Invalidism, will be taken to New Kent county, birthplace, and be burled by tha j of his sister, who died in March at Liberty church, near Lanes*, funeral cortege left West Point day, 29th, %t 6 o'clock in the mo Mr, and Mrs. Robert War_ j New York, who had reached Hi j en route to West Point to ! couple of weeks, were called to i folk by the sad drowning of Mr* nock's brother, Mr. Percy W. and will not come here this II Drinking a Quart of water which she had dissolved one h< and flfty-four antiseptic Maude Penning, SO North Pi street, made a very desperate < tempt to end her life Friday, ambulance was called and for Dr. Collins worked upon the With stomach pumps and of stychnlne he restored her te ’ seriousness and afterwards took Memorial Hospital, where aha in a dangerous condition. The woman resisted every made by physicians in the hi In the hospital to fan the feeble of life Into blase again. The woman is not more tl . . ty-one years old. She haa only In Richmond a few months. VIRGINIA WEIiDIX' Oil I—Smith. FREDERICKSBURG, VA* Dr. Thomas Flatford Gill and helmlna Wood Smith Thursday. Miss Rose Smith of honor. After the wedding and Mrs. Gill will reside at M core—Strenaeh. RALEIGH. N. C.. July day afternoon the marriage Ethel Jarvla Stronach and Moore, of Waycroea. Oa, took/ The brldwe's sister. Miss nach. eras maid of honor, K. Stoker was "best man. A| groomsmen were William and son Stronach. brothers of tha’1 After the ceremony Mr. and left for a trip North, .after will be at home in Waycroea. H utohlneen— Mtwnghrt FREDERICKSBURG, Abel Hutchlneen, of Wi Miss Cora Humphries*, William Humphries were a Friday evening- WIlHam of Brooke, was beat ~ Hutchiaaon was maid of conple left en a late tMte;| trio