Newspaper Page Text
B, I* Rraohc# High Water Mark—Ex cursionists ConstantJv Pouring SOCIAL LIFE WHILE AT BUCKROE BEACH into Popular Resort. BUCKROE BEACH. VA.. July 30.— The week hag been very gay at Buck roe, Social life reached It* high wa ter mark, nature ran the gamut of her poaalbilttie* and the Locomotive Work* people reached the climax »o far of what excursionists can do in a day. The pieagure which the "Nor eagter" gave had scarcely passed away before nature presented her attrac tive contrast in a aerie# of glorious moonlight nights, which made even the bridge players forget the four acres In a no trump hand, and the first-season-bud deaf to the alluring ■train* of the "Merry Widow." In deed, to watch the kind, knowing old face of the ' cjueen of the night" as she peers over the eastern shore and then slowly rises Into view, beaming ' upon the world until the likes of her "gigantic smile" broadening, shim-. mer across the whole wide bay to us at Buckroe is a sight not to be scorn ed by the most prac tical. Many entertainments have "held the hoards" this week, hut always the In evitable bridge, which has become, indeed, the ewlge welbllche character istic. The handsomest entertainment ever given at the hotel and one of the handsomest given at the beach at all was the bridge luncheon on Thurs day morning, at which Mrs. C. Janin. of Nashville and San Antonio, wag hostess, introducing her Nashville friend, Mrs. John B, McFerrln, to the beach coterie hera, Mrs, McFerrln is < one of Nashville's popular young ma trons, and by some considered the prettiest woman at the beach this season. Mrs. Janin't gift at enter taining made the morning go off with an esprit characteristic of her. The game was sprightly and close, result ing in the top scores being made by Mrs. 8. R. Snodgrass, of Martinsburg. the charming daufhter of Senator Faulkner, who carried off a set of embroidered towels as a proof of her prowess. Mm William Young, of Hampton, cut the consolation. "Rut ledge Rides Alone." The scores w ere all high, the record being kept by Min Ceclie Janin, the hostess' lovely debutante daughter. Immediately after the game a beautiful course luncheon was served in the main dining room and reflected great credit upon the taste and skill of the hotel steward and his corps. The color scheme, pink, was introduced Into the table decorations and menu service, and with the covers laid for seventeen, the effect was very pleasing. Mrs. Janln’s guests, besides the guest of honor, were Mrs. James Y. Leigh, Norfolk; Mrs. C. J. Faulkner, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Snodgrass, Martins burg; Mrs. William White. Nashville; Mr*. Hunter Booker, Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Young. Hampton; Mrs. Thorn ton Jones, Mrs. l„ayne. Mrs Bickford, Mrs. Roper. Buckroe; Miss Anderson. Hanover; Mrs. Thomas tl. Luce, Rich mond. Other hostesses for the week have been Mrs. Thomas <1. Luce. of Rich mond, who gave a very attractive morning bridge, and Mrs, J. V. Hick ford .who varied the program by an •vetting game. which was thoroughly enjoyed by the beach circle, Miss Fltehett and Mrs. Mason, of Hampton. Mrs. C. J. Faulkner, much to the MOIUTAIN Kin HSIOH, THl’HSOAY, At'Ul ST 11, lain. VIA aorTHKRA RAILWAY. The Southern Hallway will operate Its annual Mountain Excursion. August 11. 1»10. to western North Carolina re sorts. Tickets good on all regular trains on August 11th. and limited to return ten days from date of sale. Following round-trip fares: Asheville and Black Mountain .110 00 Hendersonville. Hot Springs and Waynesrllle . 11 00 take Toxaway . 12.00 Tickets sold from Norfolk. Richmond. "Wist Point. Danville and Intermediate stations Inclusive. For complete Information call on nearest agent, or write 8. E. Burgess, District Passenger Agent, 020 E. Main Street, Richmond, Va. 1 regret of *11. with her bright. attrac- ! tlv* guests. leaves on the first of Au gust. Her cottage will be taken. how ever. for August by Mrs. W. L.. Flem ing and family, of Richmond, The hotel I* registering many fam ily parties. Mr. C. R. Hoskins, of New port News. being one; the delightful Von Schillings, of Hampton, a sec ond. and Judge Qua Thomas and fam ily, from Maysfleld. Ky., being still another Mr. S. P. Starke, the Misses Starke, of Richmond, are delightful repreaen tlvea of that city here. Mrs W. 8. McCoy, Mrs. Qeorge Nel mn and family are another Interest ing Richmond party. Mrs. Orwaldo Remire*, a young at tache of the Panama legation. In Washington. Is spending a few weeks here, and In spite of his limited ac qualntance with "American English" i he Is n very agreeable addition to the young set. CHARMING GUESTS AT NATURAL BRIDGE Ingulf?' in Riding, Walk-, intr Swimming and Dancing From Dawn Till Dark. (Special to Tli© Richmond Virginian.) NATURAL BB1DOJEL VA., July 30.--*. Never in its history has this resort held • more charming and attractive guests. The piazza club, now grown to enor mous proportions. Is constantly In ses sion, and most delightful are It* meet- j Inga. Fanned by refreshing mountain breezes. the groups talk or embroider or play bridge. Others seek the more active diversion of riding, driving, swimming and dancing. The drive to Lexington is very popular as It offers vistas of lovely mountains and leads to a picturesque “and interesting town. The week end gathering was very large indeed and many good dancers added • to the gaiety of the ballroom. A charming event of the week was the birthday party of little Miss Elea nor Fry on Saturday afternoon from four to six o'clock, for members of the younger set. The party was arranged as an open air fete and the small host- ! ess received her guests In the summer I bruise on the lawn Contests In soap- ! bubble blowing, peanut hunting and-po tato racing made the time pass merrl- j ly. Delicious refreshments of sand- | wlches. fruits and Ices were served. ' The color scheme In the table decora tions w*as yellow' and white with many 1 daisies, each guest being presented j with a daisy chain and the cake being • illuminated by yellow tapers. Among the Lynchburg people who spent the week-end hero were Mr. A. j , S. White and Miss White, Miss Ander son. Mr. Paul C. Edmunds, Mr. J. P. Owen. Mrs. R. P. Beasley, It. P. Beasley, • Jr., Walter Beasley and Virginia Beas ! ley and Dr. and Mrs. George J. Tomp ! kins. Mr. J. G. Corley, of Richmond. spent the week-end with his family here , Very charming additions to the sum I mer colony from Richmond are Mrs. ‘ Leigh Page and Miss Gabrlella Page, I Miss E. Wheat. Mrs. W. C. Stuart and I her lovely daughters, Miss Marguerite I i and Mrs. L V. Bentley. I Mr. W. H. Urquhart. of Baltimore ! has Joined the summer colony. Mr E Stanley Atkinson, of PhilaJel j nhla, has Joined the party of Col. and j Mrs. Andrew' Jackson Smith and will spund some time at the Bridge. Mr. T. M. Terry, of Lynchburg has Joined his family hero and now has with him his beautiful new touring car. Miss Elolse Johnston, of Richmond, sister of the distinguished authoress, j Miss Mary Johnson, and her two neph ews. Masters John W. and Henry John j ston of Birmingham, Ala, have apart I ments at the Jefferson Cottage, t Mrs. Wesley Merritt, of Washington. ! D. C., who has been at Hot Springs for treatment, motored from the Hot j to Join General Merit!, a member of ! the Bridge summer colony. The Hon. : Wm. A. Anderson, of Islington, form ‘ erly Attorney-General for Virginia, was i registered At the Bridge this week.# | Motor and touring cars come In daily. Those registered for the oast week arc: Dr. Stephen H. Watts, of University of Virginia and party; Mr. W. Gordon S McCabe. Jr., of Petersburg, and party ©n route to Atlantic City, and Mr. 8. H. j Heironimus and party, of Roanoke. New’ members of the summer colony are Mrs. A. V. Beaton, Miss Bailie Mat i thews and Mr. Robert Beaton, of Ports mouth. Va.. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Duke, of West Norfolk. Vt., and Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Wharton and Miss Annie U Whar ton. of Greensboro, N. C. i fa Desk Telephone. Hello! Hello! Give me Everybody in the United States. Save Time Onr Telephone is the quickest way to communi cate anywhere. Save Money Our Telephone saves you the necessity of tiresome trips to the cities. Save Trouble Establish a Telephone in your home, it is a wonder ful convenience. Our Rates are Reasonable. Dan River Telephone Company, South Boston, Virginia. Connecting with Long Distance line of the A. T. & T. Co. Don’t Write, but Phone. Rufus Owen, President and General Manager. Chas. V. Brookes, Secretary and Treasurer. . V 'J' ■ ■ ■ ENJOYABLE WEEK AT BRANDON HOTEL! Bridge, Music, Dances and Va rious Games While Away Merrv Hours. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HASIC CITY. VA, July 30.—Tha guests of the Brandon Hotel have apent a very enjoyable summer ao far. and have appreciated the attrac tions of the hotel. in the mornings bowling, tennis, riding and driving are the most pop ular amusements. In the afternoon there are usually some bridge tables to be found, and at night music, ( dancing and bridge help the young people to pass the evenings most en Joyably. , After supper the children have their marches, games and dances In the ball room until S:30, and then the young people dance until later In the evening. Several entertainments have been given during the summer, namely, dances, Gibson tableaux, tacky par ties. chafing dish parties and bridge parties. Miss Virginia Miller, of Richmond, who Is very talented mustcally, has been visiting friends at the Brandon, and has made It very pleasant for j the guests by her singing and play- | Ing. A candy pull was given last Friday , night In honor of Miss Mary Monta gue and Miss Virginia Miller, of Richmond, who are spending several weeki at the Brandon. Miss Lettlce Woodward, of Rich- I mond, with her beautiful soprano voice, has also added much to the pleasure of the guests. Kvery wegk parties from Rich mond come up to spend the week end with friends who are staying at the Brandon. Several have toured In their cars, and have been generous in taking some of the guests of the hotel to the different points of In terest In the surrounding country. The following have registered dur ing the past week: Mr. Thomas R. Wolfe, of Bristol; Dr. and Mrs. Wil liam Russell Jones, of Richmond; Mrs. C. B. Maury, of Palestine, Tex.; Miss Mary Blelght. of Fredericksburg; Miss Elizabeth Coghlll, of Fredericks burg; Mr. John N. Clements, of Knox ville; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Prichard, of Petersburg; Prof. R. J. Holden, of l Blacksburg; Mr. H. V. Karnes, of Staunton; Mr. J. R. Taylor, Jr„ of Staunton; Mr. Stuart B. Taylor, of Staunton; Mrs. Edward O. Klntner, of : Portsmouth; Mr. H. S. Woodward, of Washington; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tar rant, of Richmond; Mr. John B. Coch ran, of Staunton; Miss M. T. Tucker, of Baltimore; Mrs. Josephine Robin son ,of Louisville; Miss Cecil T. Rob inson, of Loulsvllie; Mr. H. A. Miller, of Orrvllle, O.; Mr. S. A. Ackley, of Richmond; Mr. L. L. Saunders, of i Richmond; Mr. Goe M. Raonx, of Boston; Mr. J. A. Rogers, of Philadel phia; Miss Rogers, of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Moseley, Mr. Er I nest R. Moseley, Miss Rosa Moseley, Mr. Charles Moseley, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Habliston, of Richmond. HEIGHT OF SEASON AT VIRGINIA BEACH Playing Bridge for Silk Stockings and Frosty Mint Juleps by Sad Sea Waves. VIRGINIA BEACH, July 30.—Vir ginia Beach la now In the height ot the aeaaon. Porches are lined with bridge parties, where many silk stock . lngs and mint Juleps are won and . lout. Miss Marguerite Thaw has returned to Richmond after spending two weeks at the Gardner cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tucker are I the guests of Bishop and Mrs. B. D. . Tucker. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George W. Norwood Miss Ruth Norwood. Miss Rebecca Norwood. Miss Mary Norwood and Miss Ayler Bledsoe, of Raleigh, N. 1 C\, have returned home after a visit of several weeks at the Beach. Mr. George Foote and Mr. John son Mely, of Portsmouth. Va„ spent the week end at the Gardner cot tage. Mr. N. W. Freeman, ot Richmond. Va., Is spending somo time at the | Ocean Wave cottage. Mra Connor, Mr. Richard Conner and Master Vincent Connor, of Wash 1 lngton, 1). C., are spending some tuno at the Driftwood cottage.. Mr. John P. Patterson, of Peters burg. Is spending a week at the beach. Mrs. W. Y. Davis, of Richmond, is spending a few weeks at the Gardner cottage. Mrs. Patterson. Miss Julli Meade Patterson and Miss Margaret Hanks, , of Petersburg, are spending a week at the Fairborn cottage. Mr. W. McMeekle, Miss Minnie Mc Meekle. Miss Mary Marshall McMeekle and Mr. Robert McMeekle, of Lexlng ton. Ky., are spending some time at the Waverly. Miss Grace Sargeant, of Norfolk, Is the guest of Miss Dlvlnla Ragland at the Ocean Wave cottage. Mr. and Mrs. N. Y. Davis, of Rlch •mond, are spending a week at the Gardner cottage. Mrs. Joe Leonard. Miss Julia Leonard and Miss Miriam Briggs re turned to Richmond Wednesday after spending a month at the Pocahontas 1 cottage. Mr. R. R. King, of Greensboro, N. C., Is spending the week end at the amlln cottage. Miss Elizabeth Walker, of Lynch burg, Va., Is the guest of Miss Eliza Hamlin. Mrs. Norts, of Richmond, and Miss Rose Perkins, of Norfolk, are stop ping for a few days at the Driftwood cottage. Mr. E. H. Sutton, of Richmond. Va.. Is spending & few days at the Gardner cottage. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Buchanan, of Richmond, are spending some time at the Gardner cottage. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Walter and Miss Constance Leachman. of Charlottes ville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Carrold at the English Bungalow. Miss Elisabeth Boxley, of Louisa county. Is spending several weeks at the Ocean Wave cottage. Mrs. A. W. Bennett and Mis* Ester Bennett have returned to their home In Richmond after spending several weeks at the Waverley. Mrs. William Watts, of Roanoke, Va.. spent the week end at the Wav erley. Mr. W. R. Dldlake, of Lexington, Ky., Is spending some time at the Waverley. Miss Martha Purcell, of Glen Al len. Va.. la stopping for some time at the Driftwood. Mra M. McD. Prichard. Mr. Don , aid Blunt Prichard and Mr. Camp I bell Raleigh Prichard, of Baltimore.' Md., arc (pending several week* at the Waverley. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. of Baltimore, are stopping for aome time at the Driftwood cottage. Mr. and Mra. O. W. Kibble, Mia* Virginia Rlbble and Mr. Keith P. Kibble, of Richmond, are spending a few week* at the Waverley. Mr. Orelon Linn, of Richmond, spent the week end at the Queen Anne cottage. Mr*. J. E. Morehead. of Atlanta. Oa.. la stopping at the Pocahontas cottage for some time. Mrs. J. I.iee Kolner and Ml** Marie Kolner. of Richmond, Vs-, apent the week end at the Gardner cottake. Mis* Page Shelburne entertained the members of her bridge club Thursday morning at her cottage. Mrs. Albert Aston and Mrs. Fred Schley, of Washington, D. C., are spending *ome time at the Ocean Wave cottage. Min Bessie Smoot, of Richmond, 1* the guest of Mis* Fanny Hart. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Carrington, of Richmond, are stopping for some time at the Edgemere cottage. Paymaster E. H. Van Patten and .Mr. Leroy William*, of Norfolk, .are spending the month of August at the Pocahontas. Mr. A. J. Lord, Mr. C. E. Chandler I and Mr. H. L. Llnnell, of Norfolk, are spending several weeks at the Queen Anne cottage. GIVE POOL PARTY iATSULPHURSPRINGS| Visions in Striped Suits Plunge in Water and Get Terribly Wet. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) j i WARM SULPHUR STRINGS. VA, July 30.—A pool party given by Mra. Eubank Saturday evening afforded pleasure not only to the ladles of the Warm, but to many visitors In the neighborhood Included in the Invita tions. Mrs. Eubank received her guests In the bathhouse, which was brilliantly illuminated and effectively decorated with wild flowers. "Aunt Fanny" and her daughter "Eva.” for many years Identified with the Warm, and by whom many of the guests of the even ing had been taught to swim, were in ■ attendance. The swimmers, costum ed In gay colors, clustered upon the platform around the pool awaiting the signal to "plunge In." Among them were: Misses Sara and Louise Gibson, of Baltimore, who, with Miss Steven son, of Germantown, performed such apuatlc feats that almost the Illusion Enables an ordinary cook to make extraordinarily good ‘‘goodies.’! Baking Powder has more to do with successful housekeeping than most people suspect. If you are minus good cooking, add GOOD LUCK to your grocery list. At your grocery store. The Southern Manufacturing Co. RICHMOND, VA. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway! 9.-00 A. f Deily—Fa*t train* to Old Point. 4:00 P. ( Newport New* tn<i Norfolk. 7:40 A.—Daily. Ix>ral to Newport News, ft .-00 P.—Daily. l»eal to Old Point. 12.00 Noon. Week daya '‘Mountain Special to Hinton." 2:00 P.f Daily — Louisville and Cfakcbmati 11.00 P.\ Pullman*. 8*5 P.—Daily. "St. Louie-Chloago Special.** Pullmans. 8:30 A.—DaiIv-~Chariott<*aville. Week day 1 Clifton Forge. 5:15 P.—Week daya Local to Gordooerflle. 11:4ft A.-—Daily. Lynchburg, Lex.. C. Force. 5:15 P.—Daily. To Lynchburg *od Clifton Forge. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. Local from East—M:25 A. M„ 7:50 P. M. Through from Eaat—11:35 A. M., 8:35 P. M. Local from West— *5:30 A. M„ 0^0 A. 7:30 P. M. Through—7 OO A. M . 2 4ft P. M* James River Line * 35 A. M*t 800 P. M. •Daily except Sunday. Southern Railway. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. N. B.—Following n-hrdul. flnra publlahad m Information ud not guaranteed: 8:10 A M—Dally—Loeel lot Charlotte. 10:44 A. M.—D.ily—Limited—Fot ell pdo. South. Pullman and I Coeebee. 3:00 P. M.—Ez. Sunday. Ix>cal lor Moeelojr. 6:00 P. M.— Li. Sunday— Keyeville Local. 11:45 P. M.—Daily -Limited. lor all point! South. Pullman re.dv 9-.WP. M. YORK RIVER LINK. 4:30 P. M.—Ez. Sun.—To W«t Pt., connecting lor Baltimore Mon.. Wed. and Fri, 4:30 A. M.—Ea. Sun. and 3:13 F. M.—Mon Wed. and Fri.—Loral to Wen Point. TRAIN AIUUVE RICHMOND. From the South 7:00 A. M., 6:30 F. M.. dailr: 8:40tA, M —Ez. Sun., 4:10 P. M.; 5:05 F. M. Daily Ez. Sunday. (Loral). From Wart Point, 9:30 A. M„ daily; 11:35 A. M. Wed. and Fri.; 5:45 P. M . Ez. Sun. _„ *• K BI RGES8. D. F. A.. 030 Eaat Main Street. Phone Madine455. Rjcfcmod ad Peter sbarg Ekdric Rdwi? SrtNalh nnd a •*. «. a Cam leave M anrbnter Streetta. lor Petersburg •6. 7. 8. *0. 10. 11, *13 p M 1 ••3:46, *8, 7. 8. *9. 10 P. M. 11*0 p. M. (or Chaner. 12.-00 midnight lor I Petersburg. Care leave Petersburg, loot Sycamore Street, < lor Maneherter: | 5:15, 6:34. ••7:15. »7:3S. 3:35, »|SS. *1005, I 11^5 A. M„ 13:35, *1:54. 3:34, 335, *4:35. 5:35, 6^*735,6215. 9:35. *10:40. 11:40 IK M. •Cariiee baggagr and ezpraaa •Ltnuled. ezeept Sunday, and holiday!. All ear. Irom Petersburg connect with ear* (or Richmond. ----looked upon tot* tnoriaoldi. Other* toklni port the Misses Bingham, of Louls Ul,,: 2&m of Washington; “j** Rliaabeth Johns ton. of Richmond; MIm Woodruff, of Louisville; Mia* Le ^'Tr*> <** Columbia, Mo.; Miss Arncw, °£ *•**•*“. P*L: Alice Shepard. ®f WaaMnitoa; Misaea Martha and "?n Val*ntto% „of Richmond; Mlaa Juttta FlUhuhg, of Fredericksburg; thaMiaaea Xirkua, of Wilmington. Del. From the platform many of the JTuwt* as looker* on. enjoyed the beautiful swimming. Here wore sated Mr*. Gibson. Mrs. Ames, Madame Le tobera. Mlaa Huntley. Mlsa Baker, ot Bait I more; Mrs. Shepard. Miss Combs, Mlaa Worthington, Mrs. Browlrfftg. of Washington; Mr* Woodward.' Mrs. Norton, Mrs. Bingham, of L>oulavllle; Mra. Van Kleeck, Mra. R. M. Shepard, of New York city; Mra Agnnw, of Beaver, Pa.; Mlsa Mary Johnston, Mra Herndon, of Richmond; Misses Dos JJU, of Charlottesville; Mrs. C. C. Bruoe, of Virginia; Mra and Mlsa Martin, Nashville, Tenn.; Mr*. Caton. Alexandria Va; Mrs. Klrkua, Wil mington. Del. Refreshment* were served from floats borne around the pool by the “mermaids.” Mrs. Eubanks health ett drunk in champagne punch pour from tall silver pitchers. "Aunt Fanny” and ”Eva” drank to Mrs. Eu bank as "Queen of the Warm,” which *®“t was greeted with cheers and applausa Altogether the unique entertainment was enjoyed to the fullest by the ap preciative guests. Among the recent arrivals are: Mr. and Mrs. George T. M. Gibson, of Bal timore, Md.; Mlsa Sara T. Gibson, of Baltimore, Md.; Miss Louise GIbeon. of Baltimore, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Wll !*»m H. Van Kleeck, New York; Mrs. Robert M. Shepard, Hudson, N. Y.; Mr*. E. P. Valentine, Richmond, Va.; Ann Valentine, Richmond, Va.; Dr. and Mrs. Esra Woodruff, Loula vi»«. Mist G. Woodruff, Louis ville, Ky.; Mrs. L. E. Fagan, Gemma* town. Philadelphia; Mlsa A. Colhan, Germantown. Philadelphia; Marshall M. Gilliam. Richmond, a.; Mrs. J. A. Lefevre, Baltimore, Md.; Miss Mary E. Sauerwetn, Baltimore, Md.; Miss Ada Lefevre, Columbia, Mo.; A. L. Meyers, Germantown, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mra J. H. Davis, Lynchburg, Va.; Mrs. Martha C. Valentine. Rich mond. Va.; Mra William H. FlUhugh, Fredericksburg, Va.; Miss J. R. Fit* hugh, Fredericksburg, Va; Miss Ja netta Fltthugh, Fredericksburg, Va; Mlaa Norma Doswell, University of Virginia; Mias Bailie Doswell, Uni versity of Virginia; Miss Margaret McGavock, Nashville, Tenn.; Miss Emily M. Hayes, Nashville, Tenn.; Miss Emily H. Martin, Nashville. Tenn.; Mra. W. W. Martin, Nashville, Tenn.; Ml** A. M. Combs, Washing ton, D. C.; Miss Rebecca Worthington, Washington, D. C.; Mr*. A- Levy, Rich mond, Va; Miss Oxea Barns, La founch. La.; Mlsa E. Delaune, Lock port, la; Mr. and Mrs. George C. Nor ton. Louisville. Ky.; A. Elckel. Rich mond. Va; Mrs. H. F. HOlsten, Wash ington, D. C.; Mr*. John C. Olick. Washington. D. C.; Rev. and Mrs. F. M. Klrkus. Wilmington. Del.; Miss Vir ginia Kirkus, Wilmington. Del.; Miss Harriet Klrkus, Wilmington, Del.; Miss Mildred Klrkus, Wilmington. Del.; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Woodward, Louisville, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Bing ham, Louisville, Ky.; Miss A. Bing ham, Loulsvtlla, Ky.; Miss N, Bing ham. Louisville, Ky.; Miss Harris Bingham, Louisville, Ky.; Mr. W. C. Corhan. Roanoke, Va; Mrs. R. H. Ot ter, Louisville. Ky.; Mlsa C. W. Cooke, Louisville, Ky.; R. L. McCready, Louis ville. Ky.; Mrs. Salll* McCready. Louisville, Ky.; Miss H. P. Lefebvre, Baltimore. Md.; Miss Huntley, Balti more, Md.; Theodore Dreiser, New Tork city; Miss Q. B. Hough, St. Louts, Mo.; Mrs. W. E. Wallace. New York city; Mrs. H. Clay Browning, Wash ington, D. C.; Miss Elsie Browning, Washington. D. C.; Mr. Powell Brown ing, .Washington, D. C.; Mrs. C. A. Goode, Louisville, Ky.; Mr*. Frank Crelman. Louisville. Ky.; H. Oordon Donald. U. 8. N.; O. D. Letoher. Lex ington. Va.; M. D. Miller, Covington, Va; Mrs. O. W. Duncan, Macon, Ga; Mra W. H. Felton, Macon, Ga; Mr. W. H. Felton. Macon, Ga; W. A. Pen dleton, South Boston, Va; Miss Pen dleton, South Boston, Va; F. H. Ag new. Beaver, Pa; W. C. Wysth, Chadds Ford. Pa, Mist Carrie Wood, Louis ville, Ky.; O’. W. Duncan, Macon, Ga.; J. B. Duncan, Macon, Ga; FVed B. Mc Guire, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. F. B. McGuire, Washington, D. C.; Miss Mary H. Thompson, Baltimore, Md.; J. R. Caton, Fredericksburg, Va; Mr. and Mrs. C. JC Carpenter, New York; Mlsa Edith Deddln. New York; Dr. James I* Chenowlth and family, Louis ville. Ky.; P. O. Booker, Louisville, Ky. OLD SWEET SPRINGS AMONG MOST POPULAR Round of Gaites and Social En tertainments Follows Features of Last Week. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) OLD SWEET SPRINGS. VA„ July ■ JO.—The guests of the Old Sweet very much enjoyod the privilege of 1 attending services on Sunday mom ' Ing conducted by the Rev. .fames M. Magruder, of Covington, Ivy, >n the spacious drawing rooms of the hotel I Tuesday evening, midst a blowing i of bugles and flourish of trumpets, a : hay ride to Reaver Dam Falls, con- 1 stating of a party of forty-live and; drawn by four horses, was given by ! the young men The party was ;oin- i ed at Sweet Chalybeate by Miss Bon ner, Miss Phillips. Miss Ltnaey and Mr. R. A. Todd. At the fails a bonfire waa made and a marshmallow toast enjoyed, and upon returning a grand banquet was served In the private dining room. Also on Tuesday evening In honor of the eighth birthday tf little MUs Margaret Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. O C. Lewis, Jr., entertained a happy throng of her young friends, the color scheme being, rose, white and green. The guests were little Misses Ula Wilson, Gertrude Beury, Margaret Thayer, Elizabeth Stacy, Helen Hagtrarty, Elisabeth Nelson. Alice and Daisy Beury and Masters Tom Beury, Lewis Stacy, Richmond 'Houston, Prank Payne Lewis and John D. Lewis. Misses Julia and Virginia Wilson os- i stated and the chaperonea were Mrs. j C. C. Lewis. Sr., Mrs. C., M. Higgins, j Mrs. George D. Hunter and Mrs. C. 8. Stacy, of New York: Mrs. Wilson, of St. Louis; Mrs. Forrest, of Wash ington, D. C.; Mrs. Firestone, Colum bus. Ohio; Mrs. Nelson, Richmond, Vs., and Mrs. Houston, Charleston, W. Vo. A small party of art lovers felt highly privileged that Dr. Zimmer man, before leaving for his Canadian , camp, permitted an exhibit of his canvases, executed with Corot like ; effect, of scenes adjacent to the springs. Among recent arrivals are Mrs S. C. De Morse, Texarkana, Tex.; Mrs. ; D. D. Talley and Miss Kate Talley, Richmond, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Nelson and child, Mrs. Richard Walks .and family, Mr. and Mrs G. A. Can- ! uon and Messrs. E. L. and J. L. Davis, ; Richmond, Va.; Mrs. J. B. Houston, Charleston, W. Va.; Messrs. T. C. Beury, C. F. Sterrett, R. R. Houston and O. Wood, Charleston, W. Va : Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Bird, Balti more, Md.; Mlsaes Pattie and Luct'e Feamster, Alderson, W. Va.; Mr. Ray Mann, Louisville, Ky.; G. S. Hagar, New York; H. G. Williams. Hot Springs, Va-. and many others. IE IS A CHANCE FOX EVERYONE $120.00 Paid in CASH PREMIUMS Reduce Your Grocery Bill SIGNATURES out from ’foUNOER'S PACKAGE ROASTED COFFEES fa oh pound FhEocm; and COUPONS taanao my tertUen npnifvm in 1, 2. 3 14, 3 and i pound Tin Pockaaoe at the rate of oaa cant par pond, I will par in CASH •120.00 to tba eonaumara turning la th# Urgeet number of my WRITTEN SIG NATURES; or COUPONS iwnnr <m» At a - npwuurw by January lot. 1211. Distributed at followa: nutnbor.(IS.## last number.<14.00 lard oat number.I11.H Fourth largaat number.<12.22 *' ‘ number number. . . ... number kth largest num nutnl fth hugest nu xth largaat nu vreuth largaat ghth largaat n _ loth largaat a_ r*nth largaat number HtTMth largaat number. — , , - *VE—« number Thirteenth largaat number Fourteenth largaat number Fifteenth largaat number lnbuyino »>» PACKAGE ROASTED COFFEES, you nan reduce pour proeery MU and tti (A« eery Met eafuee an lAe marttt. A trial will ronnnee you. I pack all gradoe. Tba priooa of my CofffM will mMt tho vi^wB of sJI consumers. Inaiet on haring YOUNGrR’S COFFEES IN PACKAGER, bearing II, C. YOUNG ER-31 WRITTEN SIGNATURES and nrt 10 to 2S par oant. in prioaa. Batia factlon guaranteed or money refunded. Younger* Ceffaa onoe triad. If prepariy prepared for tba nup alwaye uaad. For aala by all doaien. If your Mar abant cannot supply you. 'phone or write me end I will give you the name of a mer chant. who will be glad to furalah you my Cofiaae Return all SIGNATURES and COU PONS to L.C. YOUNGER IMPORTER AND COFFEES ROASTER <02, IM VIRGINIA STREET. PHONE MADISON Ml. RICHMOND, VA. - ONE Of Long the Wood Man’s 1-4 cords Summer Wood will last about 2 weeks, because it is dry and gives heat: it is also easy to prepare, because it is clear of knots and was split in right season. Burning and lasting qualities of wood are made better by splitting it when sap is down. 1 have been a strictly all round Wood Man over 12 years. 1 only ask a trial. Phone Madison 1069. General Office: 1506 West Broad Street. A THE BLACKSTONE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Hu since 1804 given "Thorough instruction under positively Christian influences at the lowest possible cost." RESULT: It is to-day with its faculty of 32, a boarding patronage of 328, Its student body of 400, and its plant worth. $140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA $150 pays all charges for the year, including table board, room, lights, steam beat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition in all subject# except music and elocution. For catalogue nnd application blank addret* BLACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstone, Va. JAS. CANNON, Jr., M. A. 4 THOS. R. REEVES, B. a.J As#ociate Principals. Fork Union Military Academy A great school for boys. Strict disci pline under Army officer. Thorough instruction under experienced teachers. Management distinctly Christian. Last session the best in the history of the school. Many improvements t>eing made for our next session. For catalogue and terms addross, E. S. LIGON, Headmaster. Fork Union, Va. Public School Pupils, Attention! Pupils, failing in June, who study six weeks with a teacher approved by the Superintendent of Schools, will lie given an examination in September. Mrs C M. Eddington, principal of Pegrams Seminary will commence the class August 1st, 1603 West Main Street. Terms: $10, six weeks. Vacation Programme at WACHAPREAGUE Eastern Shore, Va. 7 Miles "Ocean Front” 10 Miles‘‘Country Drives” Rest Ocean Surf Bathing, Power Boat ing on the Ocean, River and Bay, Fishing Unsurpassed—(With all the advantages which Old Cobb’s Island was once noted and many more). Hunting, Auto, Buggy and Hay Rides, Tennis, Bowling, (Free Pool) special Fishing Rates, Perfectly ventilated rooms, shady lawn, 10,064 square feet verandas—Hot, Cold Salt Water Baths, (2 Hotels same manage ment) $2 00 day, $.00 to $12.00 week. Route Via Norfolk or Old Point, Cape Charles and Keller station. Send for. Booklet A. H. G. MEARS, Wachapreague, Va. Bathing, Boating, Fishing 8tutz-Curtis Cottages, Ocean View, Va. Beet location on the water front. Two connecting cottages with nice large rooms, each room has three windows. On cottage ear line, car will stop at the, cottage. Only five minutes walk from the pavillion. Bath house in the yard. Electric lights and city water. Boat free to our patrons. Home comforts. Terms:! reasonable. I HELP. IF YOU DESIRE A STENOGRAPHER, typewriter, or help of any kind, use The Richmond Virginian Want Adv» hmond CAHETULLY Ttff COLLtOC YOU WILL latch call Alma Mater" Richmond CoTtag* U SlasAty cr»w«-<| in rtwwes sad «f»- ' 4*nt» Dunr>| *h» p«tt «'T#*n \ ri i tn* hai a*er« than doubted. proteiikvr* and toursa* cJ «n»tfuct;Y» have aunort <U*b»»d. I'vJ ttfmfsr+r ha* isceased $2%. Haw feui&AfB to <o*l $600,000 iom to ba aracted. Standard cattaga prayer* t toe r*t*M Far tatnaca.* I* you art a high kM or atadamy fradeato. ym tSawld «*• tar a atrang ceftoya af Man4ard gmdr. Sand tar Haak an Liberal mion mart permits low tuition far*. Dor mil or tea ’ and Riltcwy reduce ftvittg ajcpenae* to • wieurwei. Seu»on npans Sept. 22. Far c»u.o$u* and information. Pi»«Sir>«jeT F W BOlTWWGMT. I»t0«*0*a>, Vs. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE CIV^S STUART MCQUIRC, M. D., PttCS'DCNT MEDICINE—DENTISTRY—PH AG M ACT New building under construction, the gilt of the people of Richmond. Admirable laboratory building lor temporary use—large, bright, convenient. NEW EQUIPMENT THROUGHOUT. Own one Hospital, use four others for teaching. MODERN LABORATORY METHODS. Member Association of American Medical Col leges. Registered in New York. High standing. Tuition and expenses moderate. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND STATISTICAL RECORD Cluster Springs Academy A Mwt Preparatory Sehool for Young Men. The only school in the State in which every Master is an Alumnus of the University of Virginia. Kates only $350. Hampden Wilson, University of Vir ginia, Principal. William Oscar Rybura, ! Master of Arts University of Virginia, Associate Principal. Box 34. Cluster Springs, Virginia. University of Virginia, Head of Public School Syxletn oj^t’irgini*. Letters, Science, Law, Medicine, Engineering. Loan Funds Available i to needy and deserving student*. $10.00 ! covers all costs to Virginia students in the Academic Departments. Send for , catalogue. HOWARD WINSTON, Registrar, University Postoffice, Va. EDICAL COLLEGE or yrkciNiA D+ntUtry, Phmfmmqf toftai 8*14. 18, l$\% ■ clinical fnetmi*. SnvfntptSilrd Benins 1m| Iscelteot teboretarr »o4 Clime to mlukriou*. Living ut» WHte for term* e«d enUlof 4 mrlitMlfTfiIImi Ml Hm - "1 ■ ^ s . rib:. .M