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The Plan in Brief: The Richmond Virginian will award 12,000 CASH in addition to 10% commission on all subscription* secured in a gigantic subscrip tion campaign. The plan adopted is the fairest and most impartial conceivable and affords every one an opportunity to earn money without an element of chance. It invites legitimate competitive work on a basis, where personal effort and peraervance will be liber ally awarded. The basin idea of the contest is, of course, the securing of subscrip tions to The Richmond Virginian. $2,000 in cash, in addition to 10% on a& subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the popular workers who secure the largest number of credits to be issued by The Richmond Virginian for paid-in-advance subscriptions and for coupons clippped each day from The Richmond Virginian. 10% Commission will be allowed mi all subscriptions secured by contestants, enabling every one who enters the contest to receive a substantial cash award. Read Conditions Carefully: Any person, man or women, boy or girl, resident of Virginia Is eligible to enter the Contest provided the conditions set forth are com plied with. The Contest Manager reserves the right to reject any nominations. Candidates must be regularly nominated in writing, on the nom ination blank printed in this paper, or a similar blank furnished by The Richmond Virginian. Candidates must reside in the State of Virginia and in the district from which nominated. Candidates will not be permitted to transfer credits to another after a credit certificate has been imued by the Contest Manager. A credit ballot will be printed each day in The Richmond Virginian which when properly filled out, and sent to the Contest Department of The Richmond Virginian, will be good for the number of credits printed thereon, if received before the expiration date printed on each ballot. Postage must be fully prepaid on all ballots sent by mail. A credit certificate will be issued by the Contest Manager, good for the number of credita, as per declining credit scale, which may be retained by the Contestant until the close of each voting period or such a time aa the Contestant may desire to have same published. In order to secure credit certificates, all money must be sent direct to The Richmond Virginian Contest Department by the contestants or tbeir friends, as credit certificates will only be issued by the Con test Manager. In case of a tie for any of the cash awards offered by The Rich mond Virginian, each candidate will receive a cash award of equal value of the award tied for. Contestants that live in one district are not prevented from secur ing subscriptions in any other district. Credit certificates will be issued in accordance with the declining credit scale on prepaid sub scriptions, secured anywhere in the United States. The Richmond Virginian rrmrrra the right t J alter or make any changes that may be deemed advisable other than reducing the value of the cash awards by published notice. How to Enter the Contest: Fill out the nomination blank for yourself or friend and tend name to The Richmond Virginian Contest Manager and subscription blanks, receipt books and necessary instructions will be furnished. Candidates may nominate themselves. Kaeh contestant is entitled to 5.000 credits, which will be issued on receipt of nomination blank. Onfjr one nomination blank to be credited to each contestant. Every contestant receives 10 per cent, commission on each subscription secured. In mailing remittance deduct 10 per cent, from amount. It is not necessary to be a subscriber to The Richmond Virginian to enter the contest. It will ooet you nothing to enter. When you have entered you will become an enthusiast and will thoroughly enjoy participating m the contest. All that it is necessary to do in order to enter is to send in your name or get some one to do it for you. (See nomination blank.) After entering visit your friends and ask them to subscribe for The Virginian and help you secure a cash reward. Get your friends to work for you. It will only require a few hours’ work each day. $600 cash meant the establishing of a substantial bank account, and 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured means a salaried compensation for the time consumed in calling on your friends. Division of Districts. In order to equalise compensation so that each and every contest ant will have an equal opportunity to earn one of the cash awards, the State of Virginia has been divided into 0 districts, via.: DISTRICT NO. I. Embraces Greater Richmond, Barton Heights, Brookland Park, Ginter Park, Chestnut Hill. Highland Park, Forest Hill Swanns boro. Oak Grove, Woodland Heights "and Fuiton, South Richmond and Fairmount. DISTRICT NO. 2. Embraces the State of Virginia at large, excluding the territory embraced in District No. 1. Embraces the Buckingham, Prince George, Brunswick, Southampton, Cumberland, Amelia, Lunenburg Greensville Embraces the Bath, Craig, Franklin, Bar. id, Scott, Buchanan, Botetourt, Montgomery, Henry, Wise, Tazewell, DISTRICT NO. 3 following counties, viz.: Powhatan, Nottoway, Mecklenburg, Nansemond, Appomattox, Charlotte, Sussex, Princess Anne, Chesterfield, (Excluding the territory em braced in District No. 1.) Prince Edward, Dinwiddie, Halifax, Surry, Isle of Wight, Norfolk. DISTRICT NO. 4. following countie*, viz.: Nelson, Amherst, Campbell Roanoke, Pulaski, Patrick, Carroll, Lee. Washington, Dickenson, Rockbridge, Alleghany, Bedford, Giles, Pittsylvania, Floyd, Wytne, Grayson, Russell, Smyth, DISTRICT NO. 5. Embraces the following counties, viz.: Highland, Shenandoah, Prince William, Augusta, Page, Warren, Embraces the Fluvanna, Caroline, King and Queen Middlesex, Warwick, Louisa, King George, Richmond, Charles City, Northampton, Albemarle, Madison, Frederick, Rockingham, Culpeper, Clarke, DISTRICT NO. 6 following counties, viz. Spottsylvania, Henrico, (Excluding in District No. L) Westmoreland, New Kent, Mathews, Stafford, King William, Lancaster, York, Greene, Rappahannock, Loudoun, Orange, Fauquier, Fairfax, Goochland, the territory embraced N orthumberland, James City, Aceomac. Hanover, Essex, Gloucester, Elizabeth City, Division of Awards. District No. 1. Award No. I. $500.09 cash. In addition to 10 per cant, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person , resident of District No. 1, who secures the largest number of credits. . i District No. 1. Award No. 2. , $100.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, sill be awarded to the person j resident of District No. 1, who secures the second : largest number of credits. District No. 2. Award No. 1. $500.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person i resident of District No. 2, who secures the largest i number of credits. i District No. 2. Award No. 2. $100.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 2, who secures the second largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. 3. $200.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 3, who secures the largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. 4. $200.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 4, who secures the largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. 5. $200.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on ail subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 5, who secures the largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. 6. $200.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 4, who secures the largest number of credits. Contestants resident of Districts Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 and these districts only, are eligible to the grand State award of $500 in addition to the district award of $200. How Credits Will Be Issued. Credits are secured in this contest by paying your subscription in advance. New subscriptions count twice as many credits as old ones. (8ee schedule below.) Candidates are not restricted to getting subscriptions in their own particular district, but may tecum subscription* in any part of the United Slate*, and if cash accompanies the order, credit certificates will be issued in accordance witn schedule printed below. Candi dates in one district are not competing with candidates in other districts, except for the grand award in Districts Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6. The division of districts, as outlined, so equalises competition that every contestant has an equal chance to secure a grand award. Besides credit allowed on subscriptions, a coupon good for a certian number of credits will be published in each issue of The Richmond Virginian unless otherwise notified. The first week these coupons will be good for 20 credits, the second week 10 credits, the third week and thereafter 5 credits. These coupons can be voted by any one regardless of subscriptions. Each coupon will be limited, and must be in the office of The Richmond Virginian before the expira tion date printed on each coupon. The fir*t coupon appeared June 27, 1910, and counts 20 credit*. Credits cannot be purchased in thi* contest, bnt can only be se cured on paid-in-advance subscriptions or by clipping the daily coupons. Declining Credit Scale. Credits will be allowed on all prepaid subscriptions during the three voting periods, as follows: First Period—From June 27, 1910 to July 31, 1910. 3 years’ subscription... 2 years' subscription... 1 years’ subscription... 6 months' subscription. 3 months’ subscription. By Mail. Price. $12.00 8.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 By New Carrier. Subs. Price. Credits. $9.00 6.00 3.00 1.80 .75 40.000 30.000 12.000 6,000 2,000 Old. Subs. Credits. 20,000 16,000 6,000 2,500 1,000 Second Period—From August 1, 1910 to August 31, 1910. By Mail. Price. 3 years’ subscription. $12.00 2 years’ subscription. 8.00 1 years’ subscription. 4.00 6 months’ subscription.. 2.00 3 months’subscription. 1.00 By New Carrier. Subs. Price. Credits. $9.00 6.00 3.00 1.50 .75 35.000 25.000 10.000 4.000 1.000 Old. Subs. Credits. 17.500 12.500 5.000 2.000 600 Third Period—From September 1,1910 to September 30,1010. New Subs. Credits. 25.000 20.000 8,000 3,000 ____ 1,000 Tbe Richmond Virginian's Exclusive Carrier Service _ covers Greater Richmond and Suburbs; Ashland, Petersburg and Williams burg. By Moil. Price. 3 years’subscription. $12.00 2 years’ subscription. 8.00 1 year’s subscription. 4.00 6 months’ subscription. 2.00 3 months’subscription. 1.00 By Carrier. Price. $9.00 6.00 3.00 1.50 .75 Old. Subs. Credits. 12,500 10,000 4,000 1,500 500 —I Contestants resident of Districts 3, 4, 5 and 6 are eligible to conte.t for seven hundred dollars. CUT OUT THIS NOMINATION BLANK. AND SEND TO THE “CONTEST MANAGER” OF THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN, RICHMOND, VA. EACH CONTESTANT IS ENTITLED TO ONE NOMINATION ONLY. GOOD FOR 5,«00 CREDITS. THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN’S CASH AWARD CONTEST. NOMINATION BLANK. I hereby nominate *- ,r Mr., Mrs., or Mies..... (Name of Contestant.) Street No... • Town or City.....*.. • As a candidate in The. Richmond Virginian's Cash Award Contest Signed..*...77777777..... (Same of Sender.) Address....... Town .f.......................................................................................... Date........ THIS NOMINATION COUNTS 5,000 CREDITS—Only one nomination to be credited to each contestant. Under no otr eurostances will the nominator's name be divulged. f Write or call at the Contest Department of The Richmond Virginian, corner Ross and Governor streets, Richmond, VaM for Subscription Blanks, Receipt Books and Instructions. Phone Madison 1758. Here is die list of Contestants in The Richmond Virginian’s $2,000 Contest SPECIAL Nominations are not closed. Any one may enter this contest The list of contestants published to-day shows several new entrants. July voting period is drawing to a close, and August 1, 1910, inaugurates the second period. D,o not over look the fact that the second period creates a new credit schedule. Secure all the sub scriptions possible during the remaining days of July, and mail same to The Richmond Virginian Contest Manager on or before the close of July period. A few hours with your friends may give you first place. A number of our friends have questioned if our contest is conducted by a promotion company. We answer, no. Our contest is directed by our Circulation Manager, and fairness is guaranteed. Why not send in your nomination and secure $500 or $700. Your friends will support you, and will appreciate your having brought into their homes a paper of quality, that stands for the moral and material interest of city and State. Don’t delay; a few hours’ work will place you with the leaders. Each SPECIAL Contcttant> resident of DUtricU 3, 4, 5, 6, are eligible to contest for $700. one-year subscription gives you 12,000 credits. Send in your nomination, and full instructions will be furnished promptly. DISTRICT NO. 1. OdU Hlnnant, No. 364 Weet Fourteenth etreet, South Richmond, Va.63,839 MIm Lula Eanee, No. 463 North Twelfth etreet, Rich mond, Vo.63,696 Mm. J. H. Moae, No. 663 West Main Street, Richmond, Va..97,636 Roy M. Porter, No. 3617 Weet Grace etreet, Richmond, Va.56,686 Mm. Preeton Cobb, 864 Eaet Main etreet, Richmond, Va.45,600 Rev. W. G. Burch, No. 1966 Everett etreet, South Rich mond, Va. .39,915 ieaac Ditto, Jr., No. 1168 Floyd avenue, Richmond, Va...33,365 Luther T. Matthew*, No. 336 South Laurel etreet, Rich mond, Va.. 17,169 Mlee Georale Montgomery, No. 116 North Lombardy etreet, Richmond, Va.17,636 Mr. W. M. Blckere, Jr., No. 964 North Twenty-fifth etreet, Richmond, Va.17,666 Mlee Ollle V. Macon, 1339 Weet Marehall etreet, Rich mond, Va,. 13,665 Maeter Richard A. Gaakine, No. 366 Eaet Cary.etreet, Richmond, Va. 7,769 Mm. Ida B. Gordon, Barton Heighta, Va. 5,666 Hunter Pendleton, No. 918 Jaoeamin* etreet, Richmond, Va.. 5,156 Morgan Strother, No. 711 North avenue. Barton Heights 5,666 John Moeby Berryman, No. 869 Barton avenue, Barton Height*, Va. 5.666 Copt. George W.Tajrlor, 2706 E. Grace street, Richmond, .apt. Va........5,1 W. W. Workmen, No. 215 Weet Twelfth street. South Richmond, Vs..'. 5,900 William Walter Taler, Jr., First avenue and PoUock street. Highland Park, Va..,... f_5,*00 Miss Eugenia Haynes, TOO East Leigh street, Richmond Va.T?.!.5,0M‘ P. C. Smith, No. 438 North Elm Street, Richmond, Va.. 5,MO J. H. Bradley, No. 734 North Fourth Street, Richmond. Va..... 5.0M B. C. Woody, No. 1319 North Twenty-Second Street, Richmond, Va... . 5.0M J. A. Sties, No. 1014 North Fifth, Street Richmond, Var 5,0M W. S. Seamans, Jr., No. 3333 West Grace Street, Rich mond, Va. 5,0M H. J. Norton, No. 307 North Twenty-Third Street, Richmond, Va. 5,0M Mias Ruth Sears, 514 Louisans Street, Fulton, Rich mond, Va. 5,0M Robert 8trader, McDonough Street, South Richmond, Va. 5.0M F. J. Bascombe, 2517 West Grace St., Richmond,Va. 5,0M DISTRICT NO. 3. Mrs. George Glbeon, Jr., Chase City, Va.45,130 Thomas J. Wells, 460 West High street, Petersburg, Va.21.M5 Thomas Vaughan, No. 522 West High street, Petersburg, Va....;...•....12,035 J. R. Berryman, Berryman, Va...... .10,010 S. Edwards Hogwood, 1*7 South street, Petersburg, Va. 6,500 Mies Effle L. Spratley, Matoacm, Va. 7^90 WilHe Proctor Garter, Prospect, Va. 5,18# J. C. Weeks, No. 100 North Adams street, Petersburg, Va 5,140 T. B. Wright, Smlthfield, Va.. 5,080 Hubert H. Bahb. R. F. D. No. 1. Iror, Va...... 5,000 G. W. Shortt, 508 W. Washington street, Petersburg, Va. 5,000 Mia. German Welle, 340 Grove avenue, Petersburg, Va. 5,000 Ftank Story Pace, Franklin, Va. 5,000 Mlsa Ida May Goodwin, 816 W. High street, Petersburg, Va.. MM Mrs. R. B. Fanes, 568 Wythe street, Petersburg, Va. 5,000 Mrs. J. J. Gardener, Franklin street, Petersburg, Va.. 39,000 A. W. Carter, Dtltwyn, Va..... 5,000 Rev. G. E. B. Smith, Cumberland, Va. 5,000 Miaa Helen Baugh, Carson, Va. 5,000 Mlaa Katie James, Ettrlck, Va. 5,000 L. H. Tankersley, 14 Sooth Street, Petersburg, Va.5,000 Miss Vlrgie May McCann, 369 Hinton Street, Peters burg. Va.. 5,000 Mrs. S. Frank Crowe, Blackstone, Va.v. 5,000 DISTRICT NO. 4. Miss Grace Leigh Guyer, No. 707 Colquhoun street, _ Danville, Va. ....,.51,655 Hattie M- Ivey, No. 736 Cotquhoun street, Danville, Va. 11,015 Mooter Robert O. Mlnter, Martinsville, Va. 7,330 Walter C. Aker*, Auditor’* Office Norfolk and We*tern Railway, Roanoke, Va. S,9W John O. Thompson, Lynchburg, Va„. J. T. Dixon, Lock Box $92, Ea*t Rad ford, Va.,....... „.. 5.tW Mr*. J. A. Lee, No. 639 North Main Street, Danville, Va„ll,l DISTRICT NO. 5. Rev. H. F. Turner, Catlett, Va.lMtt S. Matthew Orriaon, Leesburg, Va.. MBS Rev. J. Sydney Cobb, Craigavuie, Va.... . . Harry M. Lewie, Staunton^ Va.. J. R. Gregory, Staunton, Va.... Charlea G. Shewey, Staunton ,Va.. Fred. M. Fifer, Staunton, Va.. Ml** Eata Beard, Staunton, Va. Mis* Maty Lyons, Staunton, Va... Miss Stella Price, Staunton, Va... DISTRICT NO. 6. Rev. C. E. Stuart, Ashland, Va. Miss Louise Thomas, Fredericksburg, Va.. J. A. Macomber, R. D. I, Glen Alton, Va.... Miss Emily Cornell* Petty, Fork Union, Va. Mrs. Thomas P. Bagby, West Point, Va.,... Luther Johnson, R.F. D. 1, Mineral. Va..S,< Mias Vera Pettit, Palmyra, Va.... Frederic Williams, Heathsvilie, Vs. W. Z. Powers, R, F. D., No. 1, Glen Mr*. M. Bette Bowen, C. V. Snider, Carysbrook. SS as No. 1, Glen Allen, Va .......... Mil Railroad Street, Ashland, Vs... Mf* >k, Va..MM l THE STANDING OF THE CONTESTANTS WILL BE PUBLISHED AUGUST 1, 1910