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The Richmond Virginian. (Richmond, Va.) 1910-1920, August 03, 1910, CITY EDITION, Image 3

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Reports Submitted to Various j
Committees Show Amount of j
Citv’s Business.
Dance at Riverside—-Prof. Starke;
Will Run Academy Personals
and Briefs.
(Special to The Richmond Virginian.*;
PET KItS B l’ KG. August '"he
regular monthly meeting of the 'nm
mon council w ;is hehl Tuesday after
noon. Reports from the city > < liter 1
and treasurer s;h< wed th.it tie re
ceipts for the no nth had hcen ?14.-j
4jtg.TS and the expenditures had henn ;
*37,258.12. The reports ft-m the
officers of the city Tor the month ;
were read and the city auditor tub- 1
mitted his annual report, which vew
referred to the finance committee. ;
Bills from the different departments
of the city government were ordered
to payment.
Mr. Wilcox fmm the street com
mittee presented an ordinance giving
the Virginia Hallway and Power Com
pany the privilege to extend Its track- '
down Bollingbrook street to Third
street; thence down Third street to \
River street; thence to Second street
to connect with the present tracks
on Second strict. Th.*> .as laid over
thirty days to give the street commit
tee time to confer with the eh-ctrlc
The petition of the street sweepers
for an increase, in pay of 25 cents
per day was reported to the council
adversely by the street committee, i ut
the report was not sustained and Mr
Robert Gilliam, .Tr., moved that $590
be appropriated for the increased pc. ‘
asked for and that the matter be r.
ferred to the finance committee and .
that the city attorney he Instnn t, : ;
to prepare the necessary ordinate*..*.
Mr. Gilliam's motion prevailed. The
appropriation previously made t< r
$150 for oiling the streets was in
creased to $1,000.
The Petersburg Grays having to
remove their armory from Library
building, the upper floor of the gun
house on Tabb street was granted
The report of the water committee
that $7,100 be expended in filers and
repairs at the St. Andrew stri ct pump
house was adopted.
Wants to < loan if*.
Health Officer Martin asked that
the chain gang he placed at the dis
posal of the health department for six
weeks to clean up gutters, alleys and
ditches. This was granted. The coun
cil adopted «n ordinance providing
for the appointment of a sanitary ;
Inspector and assistant sanitary In- !
spector, their salaries to be re spec- ;
tively $80 and $60 per month.
Mr J G Quarles resigned as - nun- !
rllman from the Fifth ward and Mr i
Cabell C. Cashon was elected In his j
Mr Robert f>. Build, city engineer, j
and Mr M. Carter Hall were elected;
delegates from Petersburg to the con
tention of the American league of
Municipalities to be held In St, Paul.
Riverside Ranee.
The usual Saturday afternoon re
ception and hop will be given August
6 from 5 to 7.3u at Riverside Club.
Those asked to serve are: Masdames
Mortimer Williams. .1 M. Townsend.
U. D. Rudd. W. A. Bragg. 11. P. Smit
ten. P. H. Dri-wry and Misses Eliza
beth Davis. Jessie Anderson. Grlzellc
Mullen. Nellie Green. Helen Cameron
and Anabe! Haves.
Professor X C Starke, of Norfolk,
— has obtained from Prof s. w Ar
rington the control • f Petersburg
Academy, and will open up the fall
session in this city.
Mr, Starke is a former citizen of
Petersburg and is well known here
The academy has been tun ess-folly
conducted heretofore by Mr Arring
ton snd hsa been liberally patronized
A certificate of Incorporation has
been admitted to record of the Cur
penter Concrete Company in the oifi.-,.
of the clerk of the courts. The cap!
tal stock is to be r. -t less than $1.9uw
nor more than $10,900.
Price Edward Fanners Look For
ward to Fine ( rop'O-Per
sonal .Notes.
((Special to The Richmond Virginian.)
PROSPECT, VA., Aug. - A de
lightful shower ot ruin o il litre .V! >n
da> night. If the old maxim is true,
that U it rain a the lirst or m-ond rtny
of August, there will be rain in sight
for torty days, then the excellent crop
ot wheat ami hay which have bet n
gathered will he lollowefl by tine crops
of corn and tobacco.
The spirit of improvement in our
town prevails. Captain O'Conner s ex
cellent residence will be complete I by
the first of September, and a number
of granolithic walks are la-lug laid.
Misses Emma and l.oche Moss, who
have been attending the summer nor
mal at Farmxille, ure at homo for
the summer. They have both been ap
pointed to the schools they taught last
session. Miss Emma will teach Glenn's
school and Miss Loche will teach the
school at Ford, in Dinwiddie county.
Misses Ora and Jean Harris, who
have been visiting friends m Suffolk,
returned home yesterday. They will
return to Wise county in September
to teach teh coming session.
Miss Camrnie Taylor ami Miss Jos
pie O'Conner, who have been visiting
friends on Eastern Shore, have also
returned home.
Miss Leila Price, of Norfolk, Va.,
is visiting friends and retain ea m
Mr. Warren Fuqua took his infant
son to Richmond last week, and the
doctors pronounced the disease, can
cer of the kidneys, and could hold out
no hope of Its recovery.
Mrs. Charles O. Harris, who had a
malignant growth on the face, and
who feared that It was a cancer, has
returned home with the assurance
from the doctor that there will be no
further trouble from it. This Infor
mation has given great satisfaction to
her friends.
Rev. Leon W. Hendrickson is spend
ing a delightful vacation at Prospect,
preaching occasionally for the pas
tor, and will aid hint In a meeting
at Smyrna next week.
A postal card dated Port Ha Id,
Egypt, from Mrs. James Cannon. Jr.,
has been received by Mrs. John O.
Moss. Hr. Cannon and his family
were on the Mediterranean sea, er
route to Palestine. She reported n
most delightful trip across the Moii
totriMM from Naples to Port Said.
2&/I. —- r v.
took of Furniture, d
on. Refrigerator <£s &c. We
errosf’ Cabinets, Oo-Ca > stock.
Kitchen t-aoi our large ra
,t have room
ItlUSV ~ |
Jones Brothets&^SS’nC
..thE STORE tMa:n Street. _,
(’. vV O. Official i- Seeking a,
I'-wjler ( linn* 1 licsc Torrid
l)a vs.
Mr. <.ari* '.t 1!. Wall, industrial agent
,,f the Chesapeake and Ohio, and also
,nt t«> the president of that road,
leaves Wednesday night for the^const
,.f Maine. accompanied by his family,
! nii.. will spend the remainder of the
■ heated j». as m In that State.
Mr. Wall returned to the city Tucs
.htv from an extended trip through
, K stocky, Ohio, and other States pterc
. i to the .x < t. Me expects the
("■oitly purchased road from Cinein
li to i-.icaKo will 1«- thoroughly re
1 i.ftiit, • d soon after the return of
: President Stevens from Europe the
. arlv part of tiext week.
Mr Willie Turner^private secretary
to President Su tens. who went
abroad in J tlx has already returned to
Richmond. Mr Stevens Ik expected
to reach New York on Sunday and
after tarrying a day or two in that
‘ , 11 ,\ will probably proceed to Richmond.
Mr J. S. Ik Thompson, first vice
president of the Southern railway, who
spent several .lays last Week In Rich
mond ms guest of Mr. Morton Morey.
: his father-in-law, is now in New York
with Mrs. Thompson. His private car
m the yards of the Southern rait
' way here awaiting his return to this
So Doclurtv MoiuIkt of Commis
sion Charging it to
■ i Special to The Richmond Virginian.)
NORFOLK. August 3.—At a meet
of the Industrial commission yes
t. rdav afternoon A. H. Forrest, a
member of that body, severely ar
raigned the municipal government. He
I declared the way Industries were
i tax. d in Norfolk was driving capital
i away, and that the great majority of
j the people were lirde of the present
i government.
i lie declared that if it was annuunc
! od in advance that a mass meeting was
' to ho held for the purpose of seriously
• considering a commission form of
! government for Norfolk, there is not
I a hall in Norfolk that could accom
modate . the crow d that would be on
Mayor Riddick, who attended the
meeting, and who seldom makes any
specific declaration, declared thal
"something was radically wroug" with
tire cite government.
Evt-rv Time Girl Has Spasm Government looses Twelve Days
Old Maids Gossip—Bellowing Calves Break 1 p M ork
and Bri ng Tears.
WASHINGTON, D. C., August 3.— n
Schoolmaster Durand, who conducts)
the biggest class in arithmetic that
the world ever knew, Is up against j
soma of the hardest problems to-day !
in keeping order among his pupils
that were ever presented to any school |
room disciplinarian.
The girls, boys, men and women
assigned to him for computing the j
census through civil service examina
tions come from all parts of the coun
try and represent all walks of life,
from the California ranch to Boston's
Back Bay district.
Among the thousands of recruits,
are persona suffering from t'pillpsy.1
extreme nervousness and various oth
er diseases, as well as "giddy young
tllrts and gossiping old maids."
One of Census Director Durand's
assistants to-day sai£ that so much l
time is being lost through incapable :
clerks that extreme measures won
will have to bo taken to weed them
i out.
One young woman from Missouri,)
1 being subject to epileptic fits, throws
| her department Into turmoil at in
degnlte Intervals by undergoing a
spasm. The officials to-day estimated ,
that this unfortunate woman, by dls- ,
! trading the minds of perhaps a hun- j
I dred girls In her department for an
| hour, deprived the government of one
hundred hours of work, or twelve and
one-half days, every time she had a
A young man from Maine, who Is a \
: nervous wreck. Is said to be a fair ,
j example of the trouble. He con- j
stantly worries ten or twenty clerks j
who work around him He insists 1
j on advising and conversing with his j
various superior officers during the
busy hours of the day. much to their
; discomfort. His parents have been
ask.ed to take him back, home, and if.
■ they do not respond, he probably will
i be dismissed outright.
The amount of gossiping among the i
j clerks has grown constantly as theyi
i have become better acquainted, it Is j
I said, and has become an important j
i factor to be considered.
■•The other day a farmer drove by
) here with four calves In a wagon.1'
said one of the officials, "and when
those calves began to bawl some of
these country girls and boys got so
homesick that they had to stop work
and cry for the farm and mother."
The majority of the clerks are effi
cient. but the extraordinarily unfitted
few, it is said, are gradually reducing
the general average until some radi
cal action has become necessary.
State Senator John M. Parsons, of
Grayson county, one of the few Repub
lican members of Virginia's General
Assembly, and candidate for Congress ;
from the Fifth District, was in Rich- j
mond Wednesday and called upon j
many of his friends at the Federal ,
building. Senator Parsons was last j
week given the Republican nomination ;
in the Fifth District for Congress by
.Mr. Parsons said he believed when |
the National legislature reconvenes
next December lie will be voted the
certificate of election and that. Con
gressman Saunders will he unseated.
The elections committee made this
recommendation and it is believed that |
It will be endorsed by the House, of
■Mr. Saunders is sanguine as to the
outcome of the present campaign.
NORFOLK, VA., August 3.—K. H.
Rariles, one of the principal owners
of the big lumber mill which was
destroyed by tire at Millville, \ a., last
Saturday, returned to New York last
night after spending a day and a half
inspecting the ruins of his plant.
The damage-, it Is said, will aggre
gate *300.000, that the insurance was
very small and ,the company's loss
will he great. It Is reported that the
mill will not be rebuilt, the ruin being
so complete, it would require the
outlay of too much money.
Mill No. 1, owned by the same com
pany, and which has a capacity double
that of the burned structure, is being
operated day and night to fill delayed
ROANOKE, VA., Aug. 3.—Mr. C.
R. Underwood has gone to Atlanta,
Qa.. where he has accepted a position j
with a typewriter exchange. He came ,
here four years ago from Massachu
Mr. Car! B. Short, for a number of
years private secretary to Mr. J. W. ,
Hancock, genera) manager of the |
Roanoke Railway and Electic Com- i
pany, will in future be associated with
Messrs. Harris & Hart, court report- i
Mr. Julian Pitman, an employe of
the Roanoke Railway and Electric
Company, has heen promoted to the
position of private secretary to Mr.
While Punford was In the retention
part of the jail, Sam Arnold, a hoy
who says he is from Wythevllle, slip
ped him a pint of whiskey and a bot
tle of bear. Arnold was acting as
rusty and went into the retention
lepartment to take prisoners their
•reakfast. Discovering Arnold's act,
he police rearrested him and he is
tow locked up.
John Watts, who seems to be a
,-ery respectable colored man. arrived
lere last night with his wife from
-ynchburg. When they stepped from
he train his wife handed him a pU
ol to put in his pocket. While vvalk
ng through the streets a little later
;he weapon dropped from his pocket,
i policeman saw it and Watts was
placed in jail. He will have a hearing
to-morrow morning. In the mean
time his wife has resumed her jour
ney to the coal fields, where she will
be joined by Watts as soon as he
an dispose of his trouble here
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. DeGiers, of New
York, are spending several days in
the city before continuing their jour
ney to North Carolina. Dr. DeGiers
is largely interested in industrial en
terprises in the Spray territory.
Mr. Samuel E. Undsay, who has
been with the lumber department of
Adams, Payne & Gieaves a number
of years, has accepted a position as
traveling salesman with Williams it
McXelthen, of Lynchburg. During
his residence here Mr. Lindsay wen
the esteem of all who learned to know
him. He has a host of friends here
who will wish him much success.
The lirst of the new diners recent
ly purchased from the Pennsylvania
railroad b> the Norfolk and Western
to be ready for its active career, was
brought from the shops this morning
It was given the regulation supply of
linen, china, glassware and silver, to
gether with a bountiful supply of pro
visions, and left this afternoon on
train No. 2 on its first trip.
The committee from the State
farmers' institute appointed to ar
range a program for farmers' week
in Roanoke January 9 to 14, has sub
mitted a report, naming hours for
meetings of all organisations affiliated
with the institute, namely: State Hor
ticultural Society, State Dairymen's
Association. State Corn Growers' As
sociation. State Poultry Association,
Duroc-Jersev Association. Berkshire
Association and State Board of Agri
culture. The committee arranging
the schedule is composed of Messrs.
W. W. Sprout, S. W. Fletcher and Dr.
E. W. Magruder. It is believed that
at least two thousand delegates will
he present. The committee suggests
that all organizations interested ap
point delegates to attend a meeting
in Roanoke September 20 to make ar
rangements for the big gathering In
January. In connection with the
meeting, fruit, dairy, corn and poul
try shows will be held.
The grand jury which will investi
gate the case of Harry Lewis, charged
with the murder of Henry F. Zachary,
will meet Thursday:
Tho case of Dr. Samuel A. Austin,
charged with criminal malpractice,
will come up to-morrow. It Is ex
pected that court will render a de
cision on the motion of Austin’s at
torneys that a board bs appointed t<
inquire into his mental condition.
E. B. Dunford was arrested hert
last night for the Taaewell authori
ties, charged with bigamy. When ar
rested Dunrord was very drunk, ant
while in this condition admitted hit
guilt. This morning he sent for ar
attorney. An officer arrived' here thli
afternoon f rom Taaewell and Utter
with Dunford, left for home. * s
David \V. Johnson, of Meherrin. Brought to Richmond Hospital iot
Treatment—His Hands Parched and Legs Swollen—Con
ti dene Doctors Can Cure. *
Another pellagra paueni nas ut-cim
i brought to Richmond for treatment, j
The patient is Mr. David W. John- j
son. 41 years old. section foreman for
the Virginian railway, residing at
Meherrin. Ya.
Mr. Johnson arrived at Memorial
hospital Tuesday and is now under the
' care of a prominent Richmond phy
sician. He has unmistakable symp
j toms of the dread disease, his hands
j being parched and scaly, while his
' feet and the lower parts of his legs
| are swollen. He has partly lost th •
use of his feet but his general physical
[condition is fairl> good. His stomach
; gives him some trouble at times.
it was three tears ago when the
i disease made its appearance At that
time, Mr. Johnson was section fore
I man on the Chesapeake and Ohio. ;
! making his home at 3 Imuislana ave- j
nue, fc'ulton, with his wife and several (
) children. The only symptom then
1 was a parched condition of both
hands which made Its appearance in
the spiring and disappeared in the fall.
Mr. Johnson's attending physleian
diagnosed the case as simple sunburn
j and paid little attention to it.
About the time the cutaneous afTec- j
! tion of his hands disappeared that I
; fall, he moved to Meherrin to accept
; a position with the Virginian railway.
He was troubled no more with the
disease until the following spring
when it again made Its appearance on
his hands, the parched condition ex
tending an inch or two along the
wrists. He experienced no special In- |
convenience that year with the disease
and It was not until the past spring
! that it assumed a serious aspect. A
i month or two after the hands became
! parched as usual, his legs hegan to j
j swell below the knees and his feet
j became cold and also swoolen. Call- I
j ing in Dr. Walter Vest, of Meherrin,,
; that physician began to suspect that
i his patient had pellagra and a few
j days ago It was determined that he
! had better come to Richmond for
special treatment.
A week ago. Mr. Johnson's feet gave i
j him so much trouble that for the j
: first time since the disease made its ;
‘appearance he was obliged to absent!
himself Irorn work. Within the last
day or two, his feet. Instead of being
abnormally cold, have been burning
and causing him much pain and dis
Dr. Vest first diagnosed the case as
muscular rheumatism but that theory
was soon abandoned.
At the hospital Wednesday, Mr.
Johnson appeared In cheerful spirits
and expressed the hope that the doc
tore would eventually effect a cure in
his case. Ife said another pellagra
patient at Meherrip had been cured
recenty and he saw7 no reason why a
strong and able-bodied man like him
gsU should not be cured, too.
Army of Delegates to be Used to
Prevent. Outsiders Being
Brought in.
JVNEAir, ALASKA. August 3.—B#T~
cause of the bitter political fight that •
is on in Alaska, Attorney-General ,
Wiekersham. who is here with Secre- ;
tary of Commerce and bailor Nagel,
to-day ordered the I'nlted State* maP- s
shal for the district of Alaska to ;
swear in additional deputies to ensure :
an honest election.
Representatives of Delegate Wick"
ersham. who is a candidate for re- ..
election, lodged a complaint with tha ',
attorney-general which resulted In hit ,;
instructions to the marshal. They
claim that the "interests.” angered at ;■
the stand taken by Wiekersham In
the various Alaskan troubles at \;i
Washington during the last session of
congress, have determined to prevent,
his return and are rushing foreign,?^
laborers from the various canning e*»'.i
tablishments along the coast and thftftl
rivers into the cities to vote theni|i|
against the delegate.
Delegate Wiekersham early thl* '
year demanded an investigation jB|i
the conduct of various departments m
affairs in Alaska and occfudonedi jn
wide spilt between himself and
retarv of War DlckinBon, whose g««:f
bordtnatee he attacked.

Rev. Drs. William H. Smith and*®!
J. Porter, secretaries of the Foreign!
Mission Board of the Southern TTnjjjjr
tlst convention, will return to Rtc&£
mond Thursday morning after 3
months spent abroad. They are MM
eengers on the Princess Irene, ethiejr
arrived in New York Wednesday aMf
Drs. Smith and Porter attended gag
World's Conference in Edinburgh
Scotland, and afterwards spent MgSH
time in visiting the missions In Ita|gu|E

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