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Society and Mrs. Reginald Brook*, of „Jor," Albawarle county. "bo lp«nUt| tb> summer at S«wport noticeable in all of the various at thl* reaort. Dining and If rnem to l»o the characteristic for August, and on Monday ushered In one of Newport * months of rh.' yoor. Mr. and Brook* had a large dinner com at Rmkhurst Monday evening j they save one of the handsomest ; l of the eaa*on. Others giving m parties the same even ln« a ere •Old Mra Frederick H. Prim s, of and Mra J, Gordon Dougiaa __Brooks, who Is as prominent athletic* as in social affair*. 1* but •f a number of fair devote* to Two matches were played iy afternoon In the women » ,p lawn tennis doubles tourna wheo the result* were ■nl-Ftnai Hound—Mr*. Scott Bur and Mr* William Goadbv Txww. ed Mr* Banter Wallaeb and Begin* 1 d Brooks 6—3. 5—”• ; Mr*. Lortllard Spencet. Jr., and Anna Sand* defeated Mr* Ernest _and Mr*. Eugene Reynal. 6—4. P—4. To Motor Party In North. I Mr. and Mr*. J. T. Wilson, ill** ther Wilson and Thomas A. Wilson. 1823 West Grace street, are mak att extensive tour of Canada, the England State and New York their motor oar They left Buffalo. 3H. T., about two week* ago. and have *tnce been motoring through Canada rrttey have now returned to the lake { region of New T.vrh. which la throng ed with tourist* this summer, and are ♦topping at Saranac Bake. Mr Wil- j goa and hi* party will be absent for j never*I weeks longer, and n il! include ; a number of the Northern resort* in ; their Itinerary. lntereated In Horse sImm*. f Society at tha Virginia Hot Spring* 3s* much interested in announcement* j •of entries for the White Sulphur i Morse Show week after next. ; lira. David Dunlop and Clendennlng : -J. Ryan will exhibit, and Carman K. j iRunyon and eeveral others will en- ; 'tertatn coaching parties* at White i JSulphur during the horse show. * A large throng congregated for tea Jduring the Monday afternoon concert , *gt the Casino. Mr and Mr*. Charles j 'K. Wortham. Jr . Mr*. Weeley Merritt Sand Mr*. Edwin R Htettlnlu* were at j ‘one of the tables Mrs. Benjamin ’Shepard poured tea at another for <the Misses Mabel Gorman and Ellen *JSart and Emllv Scovlll*, John B. 'Cochran, and Carman H Runyon. •Other* at the various table* were Ml** Belle Perkin*. Mr* E J Mutnford. ^htrs. Iceland Starry, Judge Robert *Ral*ton. H. Yale Dolan. Edward "Croaer and Edward W Shaldon. * Ratcliff#—Kirby. 1 fc « * A very pretty home wedding t»K»« piece Wednesday evening at half after |«tg o'rloafc, when Miss Noelwa Can - nadim- Klrbv, of 3ti8 Floyd avenue, ’will become the bride of Mr. William J Withrow Ratcliff*. eon of Mr. and Mr*. »W. T. Ratcliffe, of Highland Park. The I parlors will be attracting decorated In . * palms and Southern Smile*, an altar 'being made of the former The etair >1 wag, chauddelra and mantel* will be lantwlned with the graceful smllax. The 'Rear. I>avld K. Walthall, pastor of the ^Mlapah Preabyterlan church will per *form the ceremon\ Mr. Percy Peay 'accompanied by Mias Rachel nuiikuff ’on the violin will play Mendetaaohn'a ; wedding march and the bridal chorua * from Lohengrin as the processional land rece as tonal. They will also play Severn! numbers before the ceremony. Mias Jane Ellzabtrtn Kirby will be her -slater's maid of honor and will wear a 'beautiful frock of pink crepe do chine trimmed with messallne bands. Her .flowers will be a shower of pink roses. Little Mlsaea Elizabeth Rowland, the > bride's niece, and Garland Polndex ter, In dainty white chiffon frocks, 'band embroidered, will hold the rib bon*. forming the aisle for the bridal '***£?.' Harvey W. Ratcliffe. brother of 1 the groom, will be the best man * The bride, who will enter with her ‘maid of honor, will wear a handsome .gown of white satin trimmed with chUfon cloth and real lace point de aprit. In lieu of a viel, she will wear Ja coronet of lilies of the valley, her i flower* being a shower bouquet of l*ie g same blossoms and bride roses. * Mr. Ratcliffe and his bride will leave f for an extended northern tour und will ’be at home after September 1. at 3128 * Floyd avenue : Mr*. Swanson Charming Host***. ' The Washington Post of Wednesday -;whlch has a large picture of Mr*. * Swanson, pays a pretty compliment to 'the new senators wife In the following .'item: J “The hospitality w hich has made the ’Old Dominion famous will be the order »«f the day In one new official house bold next winter. The appointment ■ of former Governor Claude A. Swan ’ son to the United States Senate brings ’to Washington two well-known and * popular tlgurea In the new senator and £ hla wife. A* governor of the State ’ during the Jamestown exposition Mr. ySwanson. ably assisted by Mrs. Swan ■*aon. entertained many distinguished fellow-countrymen as well at royalties i from over the seas The executive - mansion at Richmond was then and ! during the entire period of their oc Ccupaucy the center of a < harming and tferitUaot hospitality." Upend August at Waynssboro. A pleasant party who left Richmond on Monday for Waynesboro Includes ! Mrs. Rescoe Parker and Miss Kdtth *>Jfcrker, of 301* Stuart avenues. Misses ! Bailie West and Ellyn Garland, of 101V West Main street, and Miss Ruth - Ready, of Park uvenua. They will the month of August In Way :4 Party at Summer Rest, garden party for the benefit of the tuberculosis camp will be held s at Bummer Rest August 8. and Rtch J m«nd friends of the camp are asked to contribute candy and fancy article* -which should be sent to Mrs. George ■ A. Barksdale, Greenwood Va. July has been a very gay and crowded -month at the Hast, but Its guests have .■ net forgotten the 1,000 consumptives |of thslr home city, to whom all sum rsaorta are closed. Recently, .# after a very gay evening of dancing, v acting and comic songs, some one II around the hat" and 15.50 was taken up for the benefit of ths camp. in Camp Near QuanUco. Dr. W. 3. Chswnlng and wife, their son, Jeffries. Misses Agnes Oiewnlng. 1 and Louise Bielght, and Messrs. 'Abram Carrington, Sidney Bradford, iff Fredericksburg: Stuart Wllltam _ of Warrenton, and Taylor Scott. • of Richmond, left for Quantlco Tues i, day morning. The party win spend i two weeks oamptng out on the banks | ad the Potomac. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. BenJ. B. Valentine. hare been abroad since early returned to Richmond on Mon Mr. and Mrs. o. A. Davenport, XUaabeth and Mantle Dayen who have been spending the Of July at Spring Lake. N. J„ l for Rangely Lake House, Maine, whore they will r« th rough out August. Mrs. William Txeudt have Xurk» Niagara Fall*. Toronto. Canada, and the Thousand Islam-W • • • A t'lblpfram has l>een rwrh wl hrra announcing thn aaf« arrival at Ulbraltar of Frtt* Bttterdlng and Bishop Van da Vyver, who are tour ing Europe together. • • • Mr. and Mr*. Charlv* E. Wortham. Jr., and Mias Lucy ch>rd Wortham arc at the Homestead, Hot Springs, for August. Miss May Jones, vvlho has been spending some time at Atlanttc City* has returned to the t^festertteld. • • • Mr. James Armstrong* of Fluvaama county. who has been spending the past week in town, returned to his home Wednesday morning. Colonel and Mr*. Archer Anderson, who have returned from Hawley Springs, will leave in a few days for the White Sulphur. Mr and Mr* Isaiah Kinsey, ac companied by Misses Ada and Edna Hettiey. have gone to Ocean View tor a stay of a week or ten days. Mr and Mr*. John Kerr Braroeh and Mis* Ixtuiae tsranen, who halve been the gue»ta of John i’. Branch at the White Sulphur, have returned to their home In the Berkshire*. Misses Annie and Sudie Whitmore, of Durharn. N. C.. are visiting their aunt. Mr*. Q. W. Kinsey, of 2508 Floyd avenue Miss Hattie Porter, of 111 East Marshall street. Is very 111 at the Re treat for the Hick Mrs. J. H. Witt, of 1000 Floyd ave nue, ha* returned from a visit t" friends tn Staunton. C Mr. and Mrs. t'amiiiua Christian, of Dynnhurg, with their son, Hr. Henry Christian, sailed for Europe ori the steamer “Caroline" from New York on Wednesday morning. They expect to remain abroad until Oc tober. Miss Daisy Htoruy Is the guest of Mrs. John Wilson Mix at Crystal Springs, Va. Mrs. s. P. Waddlll and Miss Emily Waddill have gone to the White Sul phur Springs for August DEAF MUTE WANTS G000 INTERPRETER Is Sent as Delegate to ('(invention, But (’nn't Deliver IIis Speech. WASHINGTON, D. C., Aug. 3.— Yung Kwal, secretary of the Chinwsu legation, 1s confronted to-day with the almost hopeless tank of finding an in terpreter for a Chinese deaf mute who has been designated by his gov ernment to attend the international congress for the deaf and dumb to be held at Colorado Springs next month. U Hung Yew Chinese consul at flan Francisco, will be the official in terpreter Tor China But as Id Hung Yew is not a deaf mute and cannot use the Chinese aign language, he will be of no use to the mute rep resentative of the yellow raoe. who Is coming to America to participate In the proceedings of the United States. The others, however, will be able to address the convention through Inter prefers of one kind or the other, but the lone Chinese will probably' he able to do nothing more than up pear at the gathering and watch In uninterrupted silence the events that transpire. Vnless some one comes to the res cue of Yung Kwal and finds an In terpreter who knows Chines© and the Chinese sign language, both, the Chi nese delegate will be unable to tell the assembled delegates what Is being done for the deaf and dumb in h!s own country. Yung Kwal to-day appealed to the State Department for aid, and the de partment has joined the search. It is rumored that there la an Amer ican woman, once a delegate to a similar congress In China, who spuaks Chinese fluently and uses the sign ianguage with facility, but she has mot been found. DOC RUNS FREE; MASTER IN JAIL Unusual Situation Results from Enforcement of Newport News Dug Law. (blieolai to The klctimoml Virginian.) NEWPORT NEWS, VA., August 8. —That a wan should go to Jail be cause he didn't have his dog musxled •Brin* to be a rather peculiar arul harsh enforcement of the law but l that la exactly what happened yes | terday In this city when Justice J. D. j U. Brown imposed a fine of $7.76 on David Williams, colored, for this vlo j latlort of the dog ordinance and In default of the tine he is now in Jail. Fines were Imposed on several others but they were able to meet them. Thla la but the beginning of an effort to enforce the dog law to the letter here with a view of running through j the aeaaon without the usual toll of i death from hydrophobia. Smith - Howieon. | (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) I FREDERICKSBURG. VA.. Aug S. Mr. S. Q. Howieon, of “Broehead.’* . near thla city, has announced the «n 1 gagement of his dsughter. Margaret ; Graham, to Rev. James Brooks Smith, j of the University of Virginia, former* lT of Kentucky Miss Howlson grad ! usted from KrederlckBhdr* College a i few years ago. | Prof. Smith will teach mathematics ! at Hsmpden-Bldney College next ses sion. The wedding will take place Au j gust 16. Is Discharged LYNCHBURG, August J,—-Walter Thompson, the colored hoy who was | boxing with Richard Reed, also col I ored. last Friday, when Reed died, i was discharged of the charge of mur ’ tier after a preliminary hearing In the police court before Mayor Smith this morning. Dr. Gardner at Grace Street. Rev, Dr. Charles ft, Gardner, for mer pastes of Otace-fttreet Baptist churoh of this city, is on a visit hare | from Louisvlla, Ity., where he is now located as a profeeaor at the Bap tist Theological Seminary. Dr. Gardner will conduct the regu lar Wednesday night prayer meeting at the Graoe-Street Baptist church W-plghl,. , WE MARK GLASSES THAT PIT. Satisfaction guaranteed. We grind our own lenses. Wo curry the best of everything f>ptic»l and Photographic. Developing and Printing. Oculist* prescriptions accurately filled. Q&JfaU (plical 6,9c 211 E. Broad St.. Richmond, Va. Optical and Photo Experts. COURT MARTIAL FOR SERGEANT ATKINSON Member of Howitzers to l>u 1 riot] for Not Attending Gettysburg Encampment. For not purtietputtafe in the Gettys Jmrj camp of instruction Her scant Frank 1,. Atkinson, otf tins Richmond Howitzers, wilt face a court-martial Wednesday night. . it is the purpose to show that Sergeant Atkinson was refused leave by his egnployers. The court will sit at the Howitz ers’ armory, t’aptain I. Branch John son. of the Norfolk Bight Artillery Blues, will ait us judge advocate. Court officers have liven appointed l>y Adjutant General Sale as follows: Ma jor K. \V, Bowles, Richmond Light Infantry Blues. Major Benjamin Har rison, Petersburg; Major Lawrence T Price. Third Battalion, First .Infan try; First Lieutenant K. Rees .Howitzer*, and Lieutenant H. C Bosohen. Blues WOULD SPREAD TAR ON DUSTY STREETS j Cnunciluum Ferguson (’an Abate Nuisance and Save Money. The spreading of gas house tar on city road* Is strongly advocated by i Councilman E. II. Ferguson. who 1 says that the product will serve to lay the dust and do away with the present nuisance to drivers of equip p&ges Crude oil has already been sprinkled on several of the dirt thoroughfares, IInd the effect has been advantage ous The oil, however, Is rather ex pensive. and Mr. Ferguson thinks that the application of tar might prove equally effective and result in a. considerable saving. '1 he city, lie ■ says, owns a vast quantity of this lat ter product, which Is being sold at u very low price. The sale should bt stopped, he thinks, and the produc used on all roada needing it. THREE ( HARTERS GRANTEI* J1Y CORPORATION COMMISSIO> The following charters were granted by the Corporation Comml* j elort Tuesday: Tho farmers' Colon Relief Society ! flake Vr. William Thomas, pres! ! dent, Flake. Ya.; T. F. Foater. vice | president, Stony Creek. Ya.; Poll! I Thomas, secretary, Flake. \ a. Capi : tal stock: None. Objects and pur poses: Fraternal Insurance Assocla tlon. | Noonandson Realty Corporation Richmond, Ya. u. K. Anderson, pres ' ldent; Y. C. Noonan, vice-president p. H. Mason, secretary and treasure —all of Richmond. Ya. Capita Stock: Maximum, 125,000; minimum |t.500. Objects and purposes: Ilea ! estate business. 1 Imperial Motor Car Company, in I corpora P . Richmond. Ya. 8. F I Guggenh-, president: E. J. Allen i vice-president, M. E. Wright, secre j tary and treasurer, Capital stock 1 Maximum. 150.000; minimum, 15. 000. Objects and purposes: Automo bile business. A license to do business In thi State of Virginia was leaned to tin Welch Lumber Company, a corpora tlon organised and existing under th< laws of the State of West Virginia a written power of attorney having been filed with the commission, ap pointing E I- (Jreever. of Taxewell Vs., statutory agent. Maximum capi ! tal authorised by charter. 150,000 j Objects and purpose*: Builders sup I plies lumber, mercantile and mlnera i land business ! E. R. FUELER BOOSTER FOR UIGUER JOB WITH LAG Elk Mi'. E. R. Fuller, of Richmond grand Inside guard of the Order o Eagles, will he boosted for a htghei (insltlon at the national convention t> he held In 8t. Louts the latter part o this month. Richmond will send lti full quota to the convention, It 1: Mated, and nothing will he left un done to help shove Mr. Fuller Tarthei up tho ladder Captain Frank Cun ntngham '.2 official representative o; the Richmond Aerie. TO RE-ELECT POLICEMEN FOR WASHINGTON WA1U Members of the police force it Washington ward will be re-electo< at a meeting of the board of pollci commissioners to he held Wednesday night. Several other routine matteri are also scheduled to come up foi discussion. Ths patrolmen who are to he re ! elected are: Captain Llpscomhe, 8rr geant Wright and Private* Waymack ! Moore, Jones, Ely and Nunnally. WORK NIGHT AN1> I)AV ON THE NEW POSTOFFICE Night shifts are now rushing work 1 on the new postofflee at Tenth and Main streets, so that the big buildln* may ho completed on contract time : November 20, 1911. The contractors are auxloua to havt all foundations laid before the nexi heavy rain, for In the past much damage has been caused by down pour*, which flooded the exacava tton. Approve Pay-Rolls. Monthly pay-rolls ware approved a meetings of the committees on llgh and cemeteries Tuesday night. Hot! meetings were regular monthly ones devoted to the discussion of routlni business. Several matters of jnlnoj 4W«»U«c» wsr* jUaggigd at, vf‘ir. v; " ". ; ’ iiiS.-iK-.lai,;;.' iSk ■ . i I- ■ L.,." -i ■ 1 GETTYSBURG FIGHT TG BE REPRODUCES HERE JJielunoinl Soldier Bovs* Will lake I’art in Labor Day Cele bration. I » Reproduction of the battle °f Gettysburg In which the Blues. Howit zers and the first battalion of the First regiment are expected to par- : ttclpnte, will be one of the features I of the Labor Day celebration to be j ! held at the State fair grounds under auspices of the Central Trade and ; ' I^abor Council of Richmond. Officers land men of these commands are said | ' to be enthusiastic over this feature i ! of the program and they will douttt : less do everything In their power to ) make the affair a success Other features will be automobile ! races, motocycle races and horse ; races In addition, there will be manv j novel contests of an a musing nature I such as sack races, tug of war, race* in which fat men will compete and ; races for women. j Mr. John Hlrshbere, president of the Richmond council, is personally directing the arrangement*. MR. AND MRS. RATCLIFFE LOSE TWO CHILDREN IN WEEK i Mr. and Mrs, t'lyde II RatclilTe, of i No. 20.14 Monument avenue. In the past week have lost two children. Last j Wednesday their four-year-old daugh ter died, while shortly after 2 o’clock ! ; this Wednesday morning their ten- , j months-old daughter, t rances Jeffer son, died. Following so closely upon * Safer Than a Bank When you invest your money in Diamonds you are safe. If you buy them from us you are wise for we carry a large stock and have the best values to lie found any where. Call and see them. J. S. James, The Diamond Merchant, SEVENTH AND MAIN STS. ..j.... . ■ ■■■'■'i _L.l.iJ’JJJ the death of the llr*t child the death of the Infant was a terrible shook to the well-known councilman, hla fam ily and friend* The child will be buried \Vedne» dav afternoon at 6 o’clock. Service* •will be conducted at the residence. Interment will be In Hollywood ceme tery. CHURCH HILL NEWS (News Itamg intended for this column may be left In person at tbo Church Hill Bank, or 'phoned to Madlwn 7385.) Mr. ami Mrs. Garnet Bowden have f l<ift the city to spend sev* rul weeks at ; Buckner. Louisa county. Mr. Frank Raymond Christian, of; Providence, H. I.. Is spending his va , cation with his mother. Mrs. F A. * Christian, of HOT N. Thlrty-ttrst street.! Miss Mabel Hulk of *0t> N. Twenty fifth street, is spending some time at' | Ocean View. Miss Bessie Dunn, of JO. Franklin ( ' street is visiting friends in Koanoke. | Mr and Mrs. AN'. M Bickers arul j ! daughter. Miss Bertha, of 407 North : Twenty■-seventh street are visiting relatives in Nebraska. Miss Julia Clowes, of L Marshall j ! street, is visiting friends and relatives , ! in Caroline county. Mrs. W. C. Cali is, of :-:«si7 L. Broa.i street, with her three daughters, left j to-day to spend tiie remainder of the j ! sumer in the mountains of Virginia. Mrs. Henry Hare. Mrs. James San- j ; tiers and baby, Misses Ethel Hare, Bes sie and Fanis Hare, and Mrs. Clarence j Hughes and three children, Lorraine, j Mattie and Mary are spending the ! month of August at Croaat. Captain John A. Curtis, of lr» NA>rth j j Twenty-ninth street, who has been spending several weeks at the Home stead. Hot Springs, is expected home the lab! of the week. Mr. W. V. Blankingship and daughter i who have been visiting relatives in Buckingham, have been called home on account of the illness of Mrs. Blan kingship. Mrs. Blankingship is im proving. Mrs. B. G. Gary and children, will i leave the city In a few days to visit friends in Albemarle county and West ‘ Virginia. Mrs L. C. Womack und children of 2310 K. CJay street, have returned home from a pleasant visit to relatives in <'heaterfleid county. There was a constant stream of call ers coming nnd going Monday after- ■ noon and evening, when Dr. arul Mrs. j W. 8. Dorset were at home informally, I to their friends, at the residence of ; Mr. William J Parrish, whose guests they have been for several days. They left* this afternoon for Johnston. South Carolina. Mr. Arthur Wvche of Douglaaville. Georgia, visited Mr. and Mrs John H. . Hunt, yesterday. Mr. Wjrche. who has • been bpending a few day* with his ’ I--- - parents at Oak Grove, ]eft thin morn ing for his home In Georgia Mr*. Beatrice Rudd, of H519 K. Clay street, left the city to-day for a sev eral weeks stay at Ocean View Miss Hattie Porter, of Kast Marshall street Is extremely 111 at the Retreat for the Sick. Or. B A. Hord, of :i300 K. Broad, has returnetl from a pleasant stay at Ocean View. Mrs. Klder Rennolds of North Thirty third street is spending several at Asheville, N. C. Mr. Rennolds, who ac companied her, has returned home A pleasant party, who are summer ing at Waynesboro, include Mrs. Kes coe Parker Miss Kdlth Parker, Miss Halite West. Mias BUyn Garland and | Miss Ruth Ready, all well known on Church H111. Mr John B. <>tel, who has been with the. firm of Baughman and Company, for forty consecutive years, has been given a month's vacation, and present ed with a purse of gold. In token of the friendly relations existing between him and the firm, end their appreciation of his faithful service. Mr Otey has gone to Hot Springs to enjoy his va cation. Mrs. Clifford Dowdy and little son. Clifford. Jr , of N. Twenty-fourth street have left the cllv to spend several weeks at Ocean View. The death of Mr. Carl Gray Gillikin of 809 North Twenty-six street is one of peculiar sadness, on account of the brave tight which the young man mails for life. Be and his young wife bad been In Asheville, N. for several months for Mr. GiUlkln's health, reach ing here only on Monday, and death took piace yesterday. He died at the residence of his wife's mother, Mrs Genevieve Boatwright, and the friends of the entire family tender them their sympathy. Mrs. George F Greene Is improving very much at Pen Mar. Pin. where she Is spending several weeks. A card re ceived from her state that her stay has been delightful and beneficial Mrs R. A. Houghton and children of K Marshall, who have been spending some time In Buckingham, have re turned to their home. Wellford Brauer, son of .T. S. Brauer. of 715 Mosby street, underwent an op eration for mastoditls In the Memorial hospital. Monday and Is getting along nicely. _ SOUTHWEST RICHMOND : Monday's issue of The Virginian showed that -Mrs. J. H. Moss, of th'3 i West Main street, is making a splen- ; . 1 (ltd run in the $2.1)00 contest, her, I ! standing then being third from the highest, with a vote of 212,500. Lo-, cal pride is generally strong and al ways commendable, and It is hoped , , that Southwest Richmond will work with a vim to secure for one of its residents the $500 prize. i Miss Kietta .T, Hibson, of South Cherry street, has left the city to spend the month of August in Fred ericksburg. r Dr. and Mis. Charles Robins are at home again after an absence of ' ten days. Mrs. M. Rankin, accompanied by her granddaughter, Miss Mary Mc Donough, left last week for Vicks burg. Miss. Mrs. Rankin will remain in Mississippi for several weeks, and on her return to Virginia will go to Natural Bridge for the remainder of j I the summer. Miss McDonough will visit friends in New Orleans. Knox ' vllle, Chattanooga and Oeorgla. She j will he in Knoxville until after the | | exposition in September and will not ; i return to Richmond until late in Oc 1! tober. Mrs. Guy Inman, who has been , visiting Mrs Inman on West Main street, has returned to her home in California. i ! Mr. and Mrs t'oleman Wortham I and children have returned to their i 1 home after n month's stay at the 1 Henry Clay Inn, Ashland. Miss Kmth Evans, of Vine street, has left the city to spend the month! of August in the summer home of, her friend. Mrs. R. h. Quinn, on the coast of New Jersey. In September i Miss Evans, with a party of Rich mond friends, will be in New York. I Mr. W. D. King has returned home , from a visit to friends in North Em- ' porla. Miss Margaret Rankin, of £13 West, Cary street, and Misses Mary Rankin , I and Katie More, have gone to Vicks burg, Miss., for several weeks’ stay, i At the conclusion of her stay in Vicks burg, Miss Mary Rankin will go to Washington to spend the remainder, of the summer months. Mrs. Cook, who has been vieltlng j her mother on West Main street, has returned to h. r home In Cleveland, j Ohio. Misses Beatrice vI,awson, Hattie I Lawson, Annie Crowder and Malmis Lynch are spending several weeks 1 with relatives In Gloucester, i Master Clyde [Jpscomhe, of Studley, Hanover county. Is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Charles Atkinson, of 221$ Chaf fin str«l|t. s Misses Salih West and Ellyn Gar land. of 1019 West Main street, left Monday for a month's stay In Waynes boro, Mrs. James Folk Gammon, of Fred ericksburg, Who has been spending the month of July with Mrs. William 8. Robertson, left last week for Lees burg. Va_, where she will spend the remainder of the summer with her daughter, Mrs. H. M. Moffett. Mrs. Gammon was the wife of the late Rev. ; James Folk Gammon, well known ini : Richmond as the pastor of the Third j i' Presbyterian church. Miss Flossie M. Fendriek, of till ■ , Mlrppy £ *}$£<iigg Jill!| summer with her sister, Mrs. p. H. Junes, of Milwaukee, Wls. The funeral of Miss Blanche Cog biU Ham. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Thomas J. Ham, of 200 South Cherry street, took place from Laurel Street Methodist church Tues day afternoon and was largely at tended. The Interment was In Holly wood. Mies Ida May Perry has returned to her home, 114 South Pine street, after a five weeks’ visit to Bromo and Norwood. Mrs. A K. Paters, of South Pine street, and her daughter, Sirs. Charles P. Young, of Philadelphia, returned home Saturday after a very pleasant visit to Chattanooga. Mrs Young will leave for Philadelphia In a few days, after which she will visit New York and Niagara Falls. Highland Park. Misses Lucy and Gertrude Dalton ! have returned home after spending 1 some time at the seaahore. Mr. and Mrs. P. Dalton left Sat- 1 urday for a ten days' visit at Ocean ! View. Misses Margaret, Susie and Dorothy ' Williams are spending the month of August at Medium's River, Va. The ladies' aid society of the North side Baptist church will hold an open air meeting on the lawn at the home of Mrs. T. L. Whiting Thursday af ternoon at 4 o'clock, at which time full returns will be given of the j amount of money made at the lawn ! party held recently also. There will be : reports from the 10 cent socials held , by the ladles at Intervals during the summer months. Mr. Douglas Cunningham Is spend ing two weeks at Buena Vista. Mrs. 8. H. Templeman will spend a part of the month of August with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 1,. Barnes, at their home on the Brook road, near Glnter Park. Rev. S. H. Templeman will leave the latter part of the week for Gooch land county, where he will spend a part of his vacation. Rev. George. T. Waite, -of Louis- j vllle, Ky„ la a guest In the Temple- , man home. Mr. W. H. Huxter Is Improving, j after his accident of last Saturday, j Mr. H. M. Hutcheson died at his j residence on Third avenue Sunday i morning at 10 o’clock. He leaves four young children, besides several older ones. His remains were taken to the : country for burial. Mias Elisabeth M. Taylor, daugh ter of Mr. H. P. Tayolr. of the Mea dow bridge road, returned Monday from Tarboro, N. O., where she had been attending a house party. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Taylor and two daughters, Misses Elisabeth and Mary, will leave Thursday for Red Sulphur Springs. Miss Gertrude Walford Is visiting in Greene county, and will return home Saturday. A beautiful reception was held in the home of Mr. I* B. Enssow Tues pv»n4>* Uk boilfia 9t th* bridal partr and out of town guests of the Enslow-Kabla wadding, which took plaoe at Highland Park Methodist 'hurch Wednesday at high noon. The lacorattons were very pretty, the color scheme being white and ptnk. The many handsome presents attesting the popularity of the bride. Mrs. J. J. Whispell and daughter. Edna, of Culpeper, Va.. Is visiting Mrs. Lillie M. Yarbrough. Miss Bonnie Thomas, of 2821 East Grace street, is visiting Miss Ruth Yarbrough. RE-UNION OF MOSBY’S MEN SEPTEMBER 10 "Moeby'a Mfcn” will have their re union September 10, this year at Hern don, Va.. and it is expected that about 100 of the followers of Colonel John S. Mosby, the famous Confederate cav alry leader, will gather there to again j greet their former commander. The Womans Association of Hern- 1 don Is preparing to receive the gal- I lant veterans. The following members of the noted i command will compose the Richmond delegation: Rev. L&ndon R. Mason. Dr. C. W. P. Brock, Colonel W. H. Chap man, Dr. George Ross. Colonel W. Ben Palmer, Coley Jordan and Frank Rshm. POLITICAL-SOCIAL CLCB HAS ELECTED OFFICERS Officers and committees of the Northslde Social and Democratic j Club of the Second Precinct of Lee, Wajd have been elected as follows: Officers—J. M. Blanks, president; E. B. Luck, vice-president; B. C. Blunt, secretary; L. D. Batkins, treasurer; R. T. Snead, sergeant-at arms. Committees: Plans and Elections— J. W. Perclval, chairman; Ous Ber nier. E. B. Luck, C. I. Brown, C. B. Clark. Social—B. C. Blunt, chairman; John Krug, Car! Illlg, Jerry Dasy, C. E. Loehr. Campaign—C. D. Hoy, chairman; E. B. Luck. C. P. Clark, L. D. Bat kins, C. H. Cosby. Executive—E. B. Lurk, chairman; W. I. Lucas, C. P. Clark, L. D. Bat kins. R. C. Duke. Plnunde—Gus Hornier, chairman; I,. Carrieri. A. W. Hargrove, W. C. Davis. J. A. Purdle. Membership—Carl illig, chairman: I L. T. Kruetler, J. H. Mi Ailester, L. BiagI, C. E. Loehr. The club will hold an inaugural so- | »'lal meeting Wednesday night in Fra ternity Hall. BLUES AND FIRST REGIMENT PREPARING FOR INSPECTION Preparations are now underway by tiie officers of the Richmond Light In fantry Blues for the annual Inspection, which will take place sometime In Sep tember. Other military organizations are else getting ready for the inspec tion. The work of inspecting the property of the Blues and that of the four ram panits of the First Infantry Is still In 25 per cent, cut on Go-Carts. Special prices on Refrigerators, Gas Ranges and Kitchen Cabinets. Jones Bros. & Co., Incorporated 1418-1420 East Man Stmt, “The Store That Pleases.” Bathing, Boating, Fishing Stutz-CurtU Cottage*, Ocean View, V«. Best location on the water front. Two connecting cottage* with nice large rooms, each room has three window*. On cottage car line, car will atop at the cottage. Only five minute* wane from the pavillion. Bath house in the yard. Electric lights and city water. Boat free to our patrons. Home comfort*. Terms: reasonable. ... ■ ’ 183S iSlO EDICAL COLLEGE or ViRCINI A 1ft, IMA i* tebswtorj —4 sllaloU OsiWUw, wslnferlows. U«te« Wfia bo4mM, WHts ft* torw u4 «**« M (•, i progress. This Inspection wsi ordered by Adjutant-General Sale, who has laid dow n rigid regulations concerning gov ernment property used by Infantrymen and artillerymen. All commanding of ficers are held responsible for this equipment and must account for every piece, from a hat band to an army w agon. GREAT APPLE CROP IS SWAMPING MARKET Commission Merchants Here ( an not Give Fruit A wav—Ridiculous .Prices Asked for Finest Grades—Barrel Upon Barrel Going to Wa ste. i Apples from hillsides, apples from valleys, apples from river bottoms and apples of all descriptions from every where have been unloaded on the j Richmond market, and commission merchants here are now racking their brains for some novel method In which to dispose of them. The time- * honored scheme of “giving them away” won't work. This has besn done by several Cary street brokers, but people evidently don't want them. Ef forts have been made to dispose of ! them at rldtculous prices, but even a | bargain of this nature does not ap- . peal to the most parsimonious board ing-house keeper. The crop this year la almoBt unprecedented. One merchant, who has received dozens upon dozens of barrels of ap ples. was Wednesday congratulating j himself for his luck in giving away ! three barrels Tuesday afternoon. The yield of apples this season in all parts of Virginia Is tremendous. Enough cannot be. realized on the smaller varieties to pay freight charges. It Is said, betters have been sent out from Richmond to farmers to stop shipping the fruit, unless It Is of , the best quality. In cases where fruit- j Btand proprietors want a barrel of ap- j pies two dollars is about the best price : obtainable for the finest. big, juicy specimens. Fifty vents a barrel Is considered j a splendid price for the poor grade 1 or dropped fruit. The great, hand- j picked and hand-packed varletlee are swamping the market, and the de mand for them is very light. Not in many years, It Is said, have orchards of the Old Dominion been so prolific In tho yield of summer , apples. Poaches also and other fruits are unusually plentiful this season. What to do with the tremendous j receipts Is deeply concerning eommis- ! ston merchants. Shipment after ship- ; rnsnt Is coming In. They are going ' to waste here, rapidly specking and becoming unfit to oat. On farms near Richmond huge, red and yellow fruit may be seen dang ling from all apple trees, while the ground beneath them Is littered by ; spoiling fruit. VOTE TO THOLE NEW WJRF PLANS James River Improvement Com-1 mittce Returns Check to Contractors. The proposed new wharf and bulk- ] head which was to have been con- , structed in Gillies Creek will now have j to be arranged for by a committee i named by the new council which con- ' venea Aug. 81. After many meetings on land, and almost as many river trips, during which the project wtl discussed at great length by the com mittee on James River Improvements, members of that body, at their final session Tuesday night washed their hands of the entire affair and author ized the city engineer to return a cer tified check submitted by Alsop and Pierce, Newport New* contractor*, who were to nave bean In charge of the construction, The oontraot ter the work wa* to have been awarded to this firm ac cording to tho recommendation made at a meeting held eeveral weeks ago. The price agreed on wa* $24,000. This 1 sum wa* $4,000 In excess of the ap- ! propriatlon, however, and members of, the flnanoe committee to whom the matter was referred wesa taot fltfpo—dX to agree to fluUMi J During the discussion which pro ceeded the tabling of the measure Tuesday night It was suggested that new bids be advertised for, but ouch a atep was hot deemed feasible in that no action tbe present committee might take would be binding. Arguments «ere also advanced urging the recom mendation of the construction of a con crete wharf City Engineer Bolling explained that he had received esti mates on work done In other cities, and had found that the coat of building a concrete wharf would not be much greater than that of a timber wharf. No such recommendation as that urged was passed however. It being decided to let the entire matter rest until the new council 1r organized Went Spend Own Money. Juat before dlacuaalon of the sub ject ended, John C. Kreeman member from the Chamber of Commerce urged that delegates be sent to the Atlantis Deeper Waterways Convention to ba held In Providence, R. I., August 31. Mr. Freeman. while aware of the fact that no appropriation for such a trip had. or could be made bjf the present council, was of the opinion that com mittee members should make the trip at their own expense, and then ask council to reimburse them Practi cally all of the members agreed that such a trip would mean an acquisition of valuable knowledge but none of them seemed willing to take a chance on their own money. The sale of aand by the city to pri vate parties was given a death blow when the request of Thomas A. Barrv and Company, to be allowed to pur chase this commodity was refuted It was explained that tbe sale might cause complaints from Richmond sand dealers. It was .also explained that if aand were sold to on*. It would have to be sold to all who wlahad to buy. thereby poselbiy causing such a shrinkage in supply as to blndar the work of improving I.eeter street. The 110.000 insurance policy re cently written on the city tug Thomea Cunningham. Sr., was approved. The policy Insures the vessel against dam age by Are storm, and other causes. BROAD ST. PROPERTY SOLD FOR $205,006 Siraus Gnnst and Co. Buy Xortb» vast Corner Seventh and Broad. A property transfer Involving 1301,• 000 was listed In Chancery Court Tuesday detailing the sale of valuable East Broad street property, now oo-. copied by the Rex theater and an eating house, to Straus, Gunat A Co. by William H. Zlmmermann and wife. The property is located at the north east corner of Seventh and East Broad streets. It fronts lit 1-S feet on Broad street and extende back III feet. The sale, the largest recorded In the city for several months, was put through by Messrs. Pollard A Bagby. Other property transfers were list ed as follows: Alice G. Epps and husband to Al bert F. Neumann, land improved with residence No. 2*10 East Marshall street, 11,400. How'ard M. Walthall, widower, to G. Moffat King, land fronting Id feet on Danoe street, near Outer street. and other valuable coagldemtteM. H. N. pace and wtfs to Esther Granthon, land fronting M 4-lf foot on north side of North Twenty-second street, near WstraeUJ^OO^^^^^^ HELP.