Newspaper Page Text
Wants LOOT. mftr~®rvA'ri "Xf" Eritrear "‘gro: Kunday, ladle's black hand bag; eon talnlng money, watch and chain; finder return to Virginia Passenger and Power Co. -__ PuaiTIUNS WANTED—a*Lb. KEawggngg^gRigaaigy;' ifsi-gru enced, want* position aa preecrlo tionlst or manager. Address W. 11. AONEW. Burkevllle, Va. EXPERIENCED .PRACTICAL UP-TO date farmer wants position as man* ager; Improving worn-out land thor oughly understood; stock raising, trucking and general farming; best references for character, ability, etc. T. B. EARBCKSON. Bterensvllle. Md. Wanted, position as governess In good Vtrgtnia family; can teach French, music and English branches; refsrences given and required. Ad dress K. II. T.. 10D Washington St., Sumter, S. C. WANTED—POSITION AS JOB COM posltor, make-up and stone man. by a thoroughly sober and reliable printer; local reference*. Address r‘DHAHNAlR," «14 1-2 North Ninth Htrsst. Position—p n e fb fare y with some wholesale house by young man with several years’ experience In mercantile business and shipping. Addrses PARAGON PHARMACY, Richmond. Va WANTED—BY A PRACTICAL MAN OF six years experience In lumber busl ness, a position with Wholesale or retail lumber concern; prefer to travel; can furnish capital If desir ed. Address LUMBER, care The News, Lynchburg, Va HEG1S W ANTED—SITUATION BY terert pharmacist; 21 years’ experi ence; single; best references; salary. »15 per week. Address OPIUM. *15 North Calvert street, Baltimore, Md. WANTED—POSITION AS CHAUF~ four. In or out of city; one year’s experience; city references. Write or call 3024 Q street city. W ANTED— POSITION AS BUTLER BY young colored man, with A 1 refer ence. WILLIAM HARRIS, care Virginian. POSITION WANTED—FEMALE. Tim5r^'^WiT''lTitTlsrE!f~rrn teacher of English, music and art, desires employment. Address EL VIK. care Postmaster. Oulneys, Va. Ml SS ELIABET H~OAI SET OHO AN I ST and pianist, will receive engagements after September 1 accompanying; a specially limited number of pupils taken. 'Address 1035 West Orac». Wanted—by~ toung" lady, ro teach In private family; full grad uate. both In musical and literary courses. highest references fur nished. Address Box 114, Chatham, Va. W ANTED—POSITION FOR THE FALL 1 term to teach mustc( Instrumental) in high school or Institute; studied at K F. College . Petersburg, Va.. also New England conservatory. Bos ton, Mass ; can furnish testimonials and references Address MISS AN NIE STOKES, Meredlthvtllc, Va A LADY OF LONG AND SUCCESSFUL experience devoted to her work and holding hlghes. testimonials, de sires a position e< teacher In a fam ily. Usual English branrhes, Latin and French; no music. Terms to suit Address Box 71, Charlotte Court house, Va Wanted" position to teach in graded or district school; certificate In full force Address ’’8TENOO- i RAPHER,” care r-stmaster, Qxs- j burg. Wa. i EXPERIENCED TEACHER WISHES: n school; first grade certificate.! beet references. Address MISS W., ] Arrington. Va. ___ ; WANTED—POSITION IN PRIVATE 1 family to teacb smell children usual English branches and music- Ad dress MUSS A. care Postmaster. j Uelhor, t’aroline county. Va. Wanted—a position by a TOUNG lady as governess for small children: usual English branches, no music,; references exchanged. Address An , nie M. BIGGER. Chase City. Va W ANTE D—B V YOUNG LADY, rOSl tlon to teach small children. In a family or school. References ex- ; exchanged Address MISS N, A* j EGGLESTON, Madison Run. Va WILL SELL BY DIRECTION N. F. JA cob* au<l Bon, Wednesday, Auk. 16lh, 10 30 A. M. forfeited pledges, coo sisting ot diamond*, watches. *um. pistol*, book* and other merchandise. : C. C. BRIDGES, State Auctioneer. 1X111 WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON BKQ8. 616 Brook avsnua REAL ESTATE MB BABB ms" WTCT"BET"X TTdCBg 'HgOTBSB'; for $1* per month. Madison 14*7. I bWE ARE ON THE OROUNDl'’—"WE know the values"—bargains for sale In farms and Ashland property --v* V I w,' FRANK Ashland H. COX Virginia COMPANY. INC., »• arasols ~k~i^SHmSkbIab; rain; in both we need to have our parasols and umbrellas ready for use; let u* recover and otherwise put Inj order those useful articles MRS. A. j .1 PYLK- 313 North Fifth street, i rlA BBAL ' the Richmond Co-operative Burial Association. A 1104 certificate costa only 12 cents per month; gives a »l«e funeral at death. The cheapest pro tection on earth. This plan has been successfully operated In Philadelphia. Norfolk, High Point. Birmingham, Macon. New Orleans, St. Joseph, Mis souri and various other cities, south and west, for over 12 yearn Why not In Richmond? C. A. HAIGH, Sec. Phone Madison HR HAiRToNic: sold In Richmond Alien all the rest. combined; there la1 a reason; price ' 60c.I ~cleaning a$6 piiSttlSfSr'' suits by our French process, make happy hearts and smiling faces; try - * * PTU5, *1* It at once. MRS. A. J. North Fifth street. EXCURSION. wssbta mty wsBygrcwr xtm by Vaughan and Baughan one the Retail Grocers Excursion, August 10th; every one stands an equal WALL PAPER. Fifth street; wall papers, room moulding, etc., high claes work; low est prices; Investigate. -—HXi* TO*!?: mended by physicians and dsugglats, hundreds of them use It in their fern Hies. Price 80c. .“iifiiiikwfflaKsis^-i that wo do more dystng and cleaning than the other houses combined; there must be n reason for this; It can't be that our work is only ns good as ethers;-It must be that It ia better. We Invite your patronage. MRS. A. J. PYLE, lit North FUtb street. BUSINESS WANTS. tFATregtr-'sres ~¥5'*n?Y-A?r gresr: lent line of drummers' sample trou sera; several trunks last opened! all high-grade; bought elteap: to be sold for a song. N. F. JACOBS * SON. Ninth, near Broad street Maks your bath room banitarj for the summer: that means good health: we employ experts la this ltna VA. PLUMBING * HEATING -CO.. N. Ninth street. groggaa ~ ra ~yHg"PLXCTE."AWw 10th, the vdate to have the time of your life; fan for all; go with the Wants Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and -Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. I MIKBLUraotll. CMAXISG AND PRESSING. OO TO THE BEST PLACE IN THE West End. whan you want your clothe* cleaned and praised: all work guaranteed first clan. J. ft. BERK LEY, JR., *1« W. Main atreet. Phone Monroe 113. BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN COll tort matte a comfortable summer at home; we can eupply you with all these comforts, we are selling the Detroit Jewel Gat Range and other standard makes of Oa* Ranges. De troit Jewel Heater* for hot water In your hath room and all those Inex pensive appliances for bath and kit chen. VA PLUMBING A HEATING CO., 2< N. Ninth etreet. HAIR. % HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at Hughe’s. 20k N. Thirl street._ CLEANING AND PRESSING. HAVE TOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, pressed and dyed by RRAHEN AND HILEY; they make them look like new. Ladles work a specialty. ilhi K. Main street, phone. Monroe i2*. ______ - . FIVE-FOOT 8TEP LADDER, 72C FOR six-foot step ladders; Monday VAUGHAN'S NEW HARDWARE STORE, opposite Cohen Co., No. 1* East Broad ‘ ASK- VOI R DOCTOR; ' HE WILL TELL YOU TO USE sprinkling lime all over your prem ises, Phone 104. VAUGHAN’S, op posite Cohen Co. LEE’S. CLEANING AND PRESSING; PHONE Madison 3736; 202 North Fifth street; ladles' work a specialty. It UUKMF-IU NORTH FIFTH. UMBRELLAS COVERED AND Re paired; expert work; SCUREMP. The Umbrella Matt. —irm^ntTKr?—mtsrsrreo room* at 71* K. Marshall street. THREE ROOM& SOUTHERN EXPOB ure; 900 Barton avenue. Barton Height*. FOR RENT-TWO BkT6htROOS»8 ON second floor, furnished or unfurnish ed: central location. Phone. Madison 1547-J. LA ROE. NICELY FVRNI8HED"ROOMS also one hall room. 107 North Third •treat. *14 EAST CLAY—COOL CLEAN. SIN gle rooms, nicely furnished, bath phone. ROOMS FOR RENT. *0* EAST CLAY street, furnished or unfurnished Rhone Madison 2*19. THREE NICE BRIGHT ROOMS 8KC ond floor; private bath, front or back stairs: well arranged for light house keeping: possession August 1st. Ap ply ill North Seventh street. "rooms For light 413 North Seventh St. FURNISHED housekeeping. WISHES You ~come" to Richmond get a clean, comfortable bed for 50c phone, bath and tee water free; ex cellent meals served next door. 1002 East Clay. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; HOME comforts. 14 North Sixth, between; Franklin and Main. HANDSOME ROOMS. ONE. DOLLAR per week; private family: five min utes' walk to Broad street Apply <09 North Tenth street. THREE^LATtGETrNFU R NTb'HK D ■end floor rooms; -private family • children. Apply 112 Weet Grace. FOR RENT. THREE ROOMS, FIRST floor; parties with children or pets need not apply. 311 West Cary st. 1, ‘ FOR RENT—SEPTEMBER 1. TWO large, connecting rooms and small room, with private bath; use of tele Shone; location, Fifth, half block of lain, references exchanged. Address A., 592 East Marshall street FOR* RENT, THREE BRIGHT, BUNNY j rooms; suitable for light housekeep ing. Apply 111 West Clay street. FOR RENT, ONE LARGE. NICELY ; furnished hall room, with board; prl- j rate family; bath and phone. Ill East Clay. DESIRABLE ROOM; VERY CENTRAL; nest bath. Apply 101 South Fourth street. 1*4 E. CLAY; COOU CLEAN ROOMS nicely furnished; bath, phone. THREE ROOMS. (ONE FURNISH ED t i heated, private bath, etc. on Frank- , !ln street, near Jefferson. Phone, Madison 1111. FOR RENT—TWO LARGE. LIGHT rooms, with bath; suitable for light: housekeeping; *t. Including water and electric lights. Apply Ml Minor i street. Barton Heights. CONVENIENT FLAT, IN POPULAR locality; No. 114 West Grace street. Apply for key at Hi West Qraoe 8t. WANTED, GENTLEMAN OCCUPANTS for nloely furnished bed rooms; ar rangementa can be made now for the winter at lit East Franklin street. Phone ifadtson 1774 FWSTNlcHfeXT PAPERED AND PAiNT «d rooms; suitable for doctor's of fices or musical studio, for rent, very reasonably, on Franklin Street Phone Madison 1774. .A ROB ROOMS FURNISHED FOH light housekeeping; also others, 71* East Franklin street. •OR RENT—TWO LARGE FRONT rooms and math .unfurnished for light housekeeping at <1* North Seventh street. BAClt >AlRL6R, WITH SMALL ROOM furnished for housekeeping or gen tleman. *14 Twelfth street. rOR RENT—THREE NICE ROOMS. furnished or unfurnished, all modern conveniences; possession September 1*. Apply It* E. Franklin street. OR RENT—TkRKE LARGE CON; nesting rooms, with wator, gas and bath. Apply *411 S. Marshall. WO LARGE. AIRY FURNISHED ; southern exposure. Apply kiln. _ rooms; mam mm ' ~ lampls ' trousers f specfaT Vargalnsl high-grade goods; bought cheap; sold same way. N. F. JACOBS 4k BON, Ninth, near Broad street. WE AlUB OFFERING UNUSUAL U>f prices on our line of Range*. Mantels and tiling; new Is the time to save money If you are Interested. VA. plumbing * heating CO., at n. LADIES DOWT NEGLECT TOUR HAIR complexion and nails when you can have work dene at reduced prices. jgjjumjigsbiaaaBLBit.-.... n »B REPAIRING SPECIAL. y iafggs~yweff with shoes and Mas children's, tte. nod up. * with waxed HOLSE AND SION PAINTING. decorating and *lgn». call on \V»1 Uams-Hewltt Co.. S05 W. Broad street, all work guaranteed. Phone, Madl PERSONALS. EWTSW!?Kr^5rTCE^X1«7E9T^S^ us now while the prices are low; all standard make*, which means a great deal when you want repair. VA. PLCMBIXO * HEATING CO., I# N Ninth street. WE MAKE A BPECfAL.Tt'or TKKAT tng and curing nervous and stomach troubles; Mental Scientist; references. ^^lOIKas^llaystreetRIchmoruL^^^ RGN.HMS OPPORTUNITIES. yoTTh oi?p<jfiW’^nT^"'TO^n?Trr'HK drummers' samples of high-class trousers presents Itself now. we got 'em cheap—so can you. but be quick. N. r JACOBS & SON, Ninth, near Broad street. COKSKT*. RrrrNow'mfAinrTo^^ must wear It try our. they stand the test for comfort, etyle and dur- j ability; we can suit you In corsets j from 11 up: we carry the best bust j forms and other accessories. MIW. A. J PYLK, SIT .North fifth street. CLERKS OF COURTS i TO HOLD MEETING! State Convention to Be Held at Ocean View This Week. With many discussions bearing j upon the work of the members by prominent Virginians, the first an nual meeting of the Virginia Clerks of Courts Association will take place Wednesday and Thursday at Ocean View. Senator Swanson and Senator Martin and many well known mem bers of the Virginia bar will be pres ent to address the clerks, who have organiied with tn« Idea, of bringing about an uniform procedure In crimi nal and civil courts throughout the Old Dominion. Wednesday will be devoted entire ly to routine work and hearing ad dresses hy the orator* of the occa sion, while Thursday will be given over to entertainment features, which have been arranged by the Norfolk and Portsmouth members. This will Include a sight-seeing trip about Hampton Roads, the Elisabeth river *nd the Southern Branch, Including stops at the Norfolk navy yard, the Wg plant of the Newport News Ship building and Dry Dock Company and other points of interest. The closing feature of the conven tion will take place Thursday at the Ocean View Hotel in the shape of a banquet. The officers of the association are as follows: A. S. Johnson, president; James V. Trehy, first vice-president; Walter Christian, second vice-presi dent; John H. Goes, third vice-presi dent; H. H. Holt, secretary and treas urer. Executive committee—A. S Johnson, H. H. Holt, Alvah H. Mar tin, Robert Gilliam, D. O. Smith, T. H. Ueddy and Samuel P. Waddill. OR. SMITH S DEPARTURE IS DEEPLY REGRETTED Suitable resolution* expressing re- i gret at the resignation of Rev. Dr. : W. R. L. SCmlth, who has served them as pastor for the last thirteen i years, were adopted Sunday by the congregation of Second Baptist church. The resolutions were drafted by Mr. J. Taylor Ellyson, who also made the motion that tba church take such action. Oh recommendation of the board of deacons, the church accepted Dr. Smith's resignation and a committee compoeed of Messrs. J. Taylor Elly aon, J. 8. James and C. R. Ouy was appointed to look for a new pastor. The committee has authority to in crease its membership to eighteen from the church roll and this will likely be done before any deflnite action Is taken toward procuring an- j other pastor. It Is stated, however, that several j names are already under considera- ’ tlon. among them being Rev. l)r. M. | Ashby Jones, pastor of the Church of the Citadel. Charleston. 8. C. Ihr. Jones was formerly pastor of Leigh - Street church, Richmond. Rev. Dr. Smith is now spending his August vacation near Shelby, N. C., | preparatory to entering upon his pul pit duties at Chapel *UU on Septem ber 1. The pulpit of the Second Baptist was filled Sunday at both services by Rev. Dr. W. W. Landrum, of Louis ville. former pastor cl the church. Dr. Landrum will remain in Rich mond throughout August. He.Is the guest of Mr. J. Taylor Ellyson In West Franklin street. Wilntr—Itsse, (Bpeclsl to The Richmond Virglnisn.) WARREJfTON. Aug. Mr. and Mra Oeorge B. Stone, snnounoe the engage ment of their second daughter. Belle, to Oeorge 8. Wllmer, the wedding lo take place August ITth. Miss Stone is one of the most attractive and popu lar girls of the younger set and ha* spent several winters In Washington. Mr. Wllmer. is a native of Washington, agraduste of Boston Tech end ha* for the last year been with the canal com mission in Panama where the young couple*will live. SOCIAL CLt'O M STARTED BT LOCOMOTIVE EMPLOYES. The Richmond Locomotive Club is the stylo of organisation which has boon started under the auspices of the employes of tho local branch of the; American Locomotive Works. The purposes of the dub are social, edu cational and athletic. Members of the club wlU meet every Saturday night in tbs Elks’ Home' until they can procure a suitable quar iMtjf thair ova. 0IL1I COMPLICATE MURDEHjnrSTERY Development* of Last 24 Hour* Cause Police to Adopt New Theory. FIND DEAD CHICKENS Golf Caddy is Being Held it Be ing Reported That He Had Quarreled With Rice. CLEVELAND, O., August 8.—Devel opments of twenty-four hours have served only to complicate the mystery ; surrounding the murder of Attorney William L. Rice. The finding of a burlap sack con taining a number of dead chickens leads to the belief among a few de tectives that Rice was murdered by chicken thieves whom he surprised. Htlll others maintain that Rise was killed by highwaymen, who were frightened away by an approaching j automobile before they had time to rifle the dying tnun’s pockets. Among those who ding to this belief are mem bers of the dead man’s family and household. C. H. Htuart, a brother-in-law, In terested with Rich In real estate trans actions. believes the lawyer was kill ed by enemies. "If this Is true.” he said to-day, “the ' assassin must have been a man of considerable Importance, as Mr. Rice has not been concerned with small j affairs for several years." The widow, who arrived yesterday i from Cape Cod with her four children, is confined to her apartments. Up to the present time she has not sufficient ly recovered from the shock to take any part in tho effort to solve the mystery of her husband's death. I’asquale Oullinno, 17 years old, a caddy who was discharged recently from the Euclid Club, where Attorney Rice played golf. Is being held by the police. It has been reported to the officers that Oulliano quarreled with Rice. The Italian declares, however, he had no trouble with the lawyer and says he did not know of the death of Rice untU told by the master caddy. WILL NOT MAKE 1 RIP TO DOCK ST Question of Forcing Southern R. R. to Alove Tracks Up to New Council, The proposed visit to Dock street by the members of the committee on streets. In order to determine whether or not the tracks of the Southern rail road lying along that thoroughfare act as a block to traffic, will not be made now. Chairman Adams, of the committee, says it would be Impossi ble to decide what recommendation should he made before the expiration of the present council. Consequently the question will now be left for the j consideration of the new council which convenes In September. The matter was brought up for dis cussion at a recent meeting of the street committee and was the cause of strenuous arguments pro and con. General Superintendent H. E. Hutch ing of this division of the Southern railroad, urged council not to force the company to move Its tracks, de claring that they had been laid three years ago, at an expense of }7,000, and according to orders from council. Mr. Hutchins was backed up In his plea by a petition signed by a number of owners of I>ock street property, all urging that the tracks be allowed to remain In their present position. It was as a result of these petitions that the committee members decided to visit the thoroughfare in a body and see for themselves whether or not the tracks helped to form a traffic block- ; ade. II I.V1.SS CAbSI'S FOSTPOTEMKTT OF TERM. Owing to the Illness of Judge Shack leford’s daughter, tha August term of l Safer Than a Bank When you invest your money in Diamonds you are safe. If you buy them from us you are wise for we carry a large stock and have the best values to be found any where. Call and see them. J« James, Tbe Diamod iaxkaot, SEVENTH AND MAIN STS. Bathing, Boating, Fishing Stuta-Curtis Cottages, Ocean View, Beet location on the water front. Two connecting cottages with nicel largfc rooms, each room has three windows. | On cottage car line, oar will stop at the: cottage. Only five minutes Walk from, the pavillion. Bath house in the yard. Electric lights and city water. Boat free to our patrons. Home comforts. Terms: reasonable. Medical college or y' HC JN I A Green & Redd’s RENT_LIST Per Pos*c*aion at Once. Ann. * 202 E. Main Street, 14 room*.1720 409 The Boulevard, 8 room*. 460 104 North Meadow Street., 8 rooms 420 325 N. 27th Street, 8 room*. 300 1418 Floyd Avenue, 7 room*. 300 110 South Pine Street, 7 rooms- 270 307 N. 22d Street. 7 rooms. 240 18 South Deep Run Street (k),.. 218 902 Weat Marshall Street, 8 room*. 200 904 W. Marshall Street, 8 rooms . 200 1612 West Cary Street, 7 rooms ... 150 Per ^ PoaaeHsion August 31, 1910. Ann. { 312 South Third Street, 14 rooms $780 411 B. Allen Are., 3d flat, 9 rooms, heat- included. 750 411 Allen Avenue, 2 flat, 9 room*, heat included. 750; 3029 Monument Ave., 10rooms. .... 720 3313 Weat Cary Street, 14 rooms 600 510 North Meadow St., 9 rooms. . 660 2204-8-8 Stuart Ave., 8 room* .. - . 540 1817 Grove Avenue. 8 room*.500? 906 West Main St., 7 rooms, 1st flat heated. 450 1 908 Weet Main St., 7 rooms, 1st flat heat included. 450 Bellevue Apartment No. 1, 7 rooms . 420 j 2502 Floya Avenue, 8 rooms. 400 805 Virginia Street. 8 rooms. 400 i Bellevue Apartment No. 3, 7 rooms . 360 : 2101 Floyd Avenue, 6 rooms. 360 j Balevue Apartment No. 5, 7 rooms.. 360 J Bellevue Apartment No. 4, 8 roomB, possession October 1st. 360 2111 Floyd Avenue, 6 rooms . 360 2109 Floyd Avenue, 6 rooms. 360 915 East Leigh Street, 9 rooms. ... 360 2107 Floyd Avenue, 6 rooms. 360 Bellevue Apartment No. 9, 7 rooms. 330 j 203-5-7-9-11 North Sycamore Street, 4 rooms.'. 360 11 North Harrison St., 8 rooms .. 360 21 North Harrison St., 7 rooms (B) 360 1003 West Main Street, 7 rooms ... 300 2420 E. Broad St., 1st and 2d fl,at 7 rooms. 300 100 North Davis Street, 8 rooms .. 300 j 3012 East Broad St., 5 rooms, 2d flat 240; 402 West Cary Street, 7 rooms.... 240 312 N. 32d St., 2d flat, 5 rooms.... 216 307 N. Twentv-First St., 8 rooms.. 216 401 North 29th Street, 8 rooms.... 216 2615 1-2 E. Grace St., let flat, 5 rooms.216 900 West Marshall St., 8 rooms.... 216 812 South Randolph St., 7 rooms.. 200! 816 Randolph St., 7 rooms. 200 ! 104 East Grace Street, 12 rooms . 1,200 j FLATS FOR RENT. Per i Possession at Once. Ann. j 906 West Main St., 2d flat, 8 rooms heat included. 450 j Bellevue Apartment No. 6. 7 rooms, 360 Bellevue Apartment No. 3,7 rooms,.. 360 1020 W. Main St., 4 rooms, 1st flat.. 270 2506 Stuart 8t., 4 rooms, 2d flat... 240 2615 E. Grace St., 1st flat, 5 rooms.. 216 908 W. Main St., 3d flat, 5 rooms.. 200 908 W. Main St., 3d flat, 5 rooms.. 200 2106 E. Grace St., 5 rooms, 2d flat.. 180 1500 W. Broad St., 7 rooms, 2d flat.. 150 1502 W. Broad'St., 7 rooms, 2d flat,. 150 Green & Redd, 1114 East Main Street. A Big Bargain! In suburban farm, near Broad Street Road, 3 1-2 mile* west of city; pretty lake • 1,000 cords wood; good improvements. J. THOMPSON BROWN A CO. j WE TRADE, BUY, SELL REAL ESTATE; Headquarters few Farms. CAS8ELMAN A CO. j the circuit court in Goochland was not begun Monday morning. Judge ; Shackleford's daughter Is said to be I in a critical condition. Although ; there are a number of ease* on the I docket and the Judge was expected at j Goochland Sunday night, he telephoned . that he would be unable to be present until th* crisis In his daughter'* case had been reached. 1 FOR RENT 510 North Meadow Street A beautiful Nine-room Gray Brick House, recently built, having all modern conveniences; neat by steam; lighted by electricity and gas; detached on four sides, having windows on four sides; lightegif house in the city; possession September 1st. Rents $540. _GREEN A REDD. , Country Home 150 acres of land on a lake, 1 1-2 miles : of railroad station and within 20 minutes' ride from electric line and about 3 miles From the city- good boating and fishing; -[(lend id orchard, eleven-room house,, nice shade; all necessary outbuildings; Fenced and crose-fenced. This home must lie seen to be appreciated. If you want \ good home in a part of the country that is booming be sure to come and see this, j nly $11,000, on terms. _CA8BELMAN A CO. FOR SALE Beautifully Located Building Lots I on Grove Avenue, near Cedar Street,; 179 feet deep; right price to quick buyer, i Bee us about these. C. L. & H. L. DENOON, 821 Main Street. To Let If you are thinking of moving, call around and sign up for one of our houses and move in. By the best intentions we are moved to extend to you a cordial invitation to avail youraelf of an early opportunity of resting well. Yours rest assured. EDWARD 8. ROSE CO., Real Estate and Rental Agents, No. 11 North Eleventh Street. A Good Place Those $$'rs you are saving should be wit to work at once, so as to be earning ] |$'rs whilst you are sleeping. Our lot* i at Park Place, Kairmount Height* or, Howard's Grove are within easy reach j of the wage-earners. Come and eee us j for particulars. EDWARD S. ROBE CO., Real Estate Agents, No. 11 North Eleventh Street. FOR SALE Desirable Acreage ; Property on railroad, near Acca Station; good manufacturing site#; price reasonable. C. L. * H. L. DENOON, 821 Main Street. Collection of Rents OUR SPECIALTY. Rent list nearly exhausted. Let us Find tenant* for your house*. _CHAPIN A HUME. FOR RENT Several desirable Residences in the West End. Call and eee us about them. C. L. & H. L. DENOON, 821 Main Street. Homes for Sail BY Charles A. Rose Co* 6 NORTH NINTH. $17,500—Beautiful Grow Avenu* Ho corner, lot front* on Grow i Floyd Avenue*. $15,500—Corner Horae, Grove Avenue, east of Lombardy, 12 room modern. $12,000—Corner Home, Grove Avenue, ,, near Boulevard; lot 60 feet bjr 1 179 feet 9 inches to alley. i $8,000—Grove Avenue, east erf Lora- | hardy, two bath*, hot wntSJf' heat, 9 rooms. m $17,250—Grove Avenue, east of Row- §j land. 9 rooms, Cached. $7,000—Grove Avenue, near Harrison, 9 rooms; cheapest bouse on ‘ market. i $6,250—Grove Avenue, cast of Sycamore 8 room*, new and modern. $0,000-Grace Street, near Robinson, 8 rooms, new and modern. /fM $6,000—Corner Nine-Room Houee, Han over Avenue, new and modem/-. $4,500 (each)—Five new and Houses, Floyd Avenue Mdfjl Rowland. Terms to suit. gf $4.500—Park Avenue, east of RobinaMe 7 rooms, new and modern. 'Phone Madison 1560 for information and particulars. ' FOR SALE $7,500 West Board Street, Two-Story Brick Store and Dwelling; a good buy. $3,500 West Main Street (corner) Two Story Frame Dwelling, 7 rooms and bath. Apply to HUTZLER REAL EL5TAT E RENTALS EALT Exchange Good house and lot in city of Columbus^ Ohio, renting for $25 per month, to trade for Virginia land. CASSELMAN & CO. FOR RENT 202 *E. Main Street Fourteen-room Brick Dwelling, weft suited for a fjret-clam hoarding ‘ home for a large family. GREEN Sc _ _1114 East Main FOR BENT Large Central Dwdlng suitable for fimt-elasa boarding h_ or can be used by two familiee. V«*jrf reasonable rent. CHAPIN A HUME. m WASHINGTON. D. C.. An*. *.—Indi cations srs that the weather In the re gion eaat of the Mississippi river will tie unsettled with local ralaa during the next tMrty-stx hours, and that tem peratures wll not chance decidedly, tween Bessemer and Westlake crashed RICHMOND. VA, August I.—Rich mond and Vicinity: Unsettled wester* with showers ij-Mght or Tuesday; slightly coaler te-Mglft. WaIHINCTON, t>. d. August l-Tor Virginia: Unsettled weather with Showers to-night or Tuesday; slightly lower temperature In Snstern portion to-night. During yesterday a shallow storm « Ing. Ills causing dowdy and uhaottlel Richmond Virginian’s Commercial Weather Map Aug. 8 Obeerratlons taken at I A. M.. Tima U.IS. Department of Agriculture WEATHER * BUREAU WlUai^^U^MOORE.BChigf