Newspaper Page Text
*• M but the efficiency of It* work was QueSvioned. home doubt ex~ 4, however, as to whether $ucn 4 machine with 1.1 ponoeroua wei*ol dghni great wi-th »o\llil oe wett a lo muni \ ir»iiiia far,.». w urpograpfiy is t'*‘ from th*t of the vvistirn i-wr. a. here tne s.eam plows *re a<.ie iv »•« working successfully. ana tort Ur. View Model < ro|". The visitor* »»* model -i'd's •( tmtoes, om. n*. turnips. • s .on Other edibles Crop.-. m. as o.., corn, broom corn* Kaotr . oru mu « corn, broom corn, vow peas, . .. - u i' beets and the like were a.?" < i«cn. jrT The «f«ps h«.e two iruinronnty pro duced to an extent that will compare faxora id;. with farms in ,hc North and h ret. >‘outtoe* are. 20# bushels per n, re. Amt the other 11 crops give promise in proportion. Ah <4. ttb h«» been accomplished, explained Manager Goer, in the course <>1 three ‘oh four years from a raw, cold, clam my sail without the aid of any com mercial fertilixer whatever, and is thc reault of proper drainage, thorough cultivation and an application of nat ural stable manure One of the prime objects of bis com pany, he explained, is to use the larm as a demonstration, showing the adap tability of Virginia sootls for all the general farm chops, fruits and vege tables, when the proper method of fer tilisation and cultivation are intelli gently applied. Adequate returns can not be obtained on the farm, he said, unless a complete system of manage ment and order prevails from the smallest detail to the most important work that confronts the farmer. A thorough system, he said, hail been worked out in the establishment of the farm and definite result* were bound to ensue. Serve* an Object Lesson “Another object which has been ac complished by this farm,'- continued Mr. Geyer, “Is embracd In the object lesson 11 offers the Northern ami \Y< st ern homeseeker limitSettlor who comes into this territory looking for a perma nent home, it i» easy enough for us to say to the newcomer, who lias been accustomed to the hlgly productive lands and many rural conveniences of the North and West, that Virginia cau supply all these things, if he will go about It In the right way It is u more convincing argument, however, for us to say that he not only can do ao, but that a number of his predeces sors have already done so, and that we have demonstrated it to be a fact ourselves, and can offer proof of our statements In our own railway farm in eastern Virginia. “Our Western humeseekers are all made welcome at the farm at all times. Our native Virginia farmers are given carte blanche to come and inspect the property whenever convenient. "Our main object was first to put th* farm in a state of high produc tivity, and for this reason we delayed ■ putting on any large amount of live fStock until the products had been rais ed with which to feed them. Our hopes are being more than realised, with the result that we now have thirty head of fine Holstein cattle on the and are deriving good profit* them in the way of hotter and Which Is sold In Suffolk and neighboring market* Corn Crop Promising. “More than flf(y tons of excellent timothy and oat hay were put Into the barn last season, and we ute har vesting even a better crop this year. Our corn crop this year Is especially jr,, promising, with every indication that j, sufficient sIIhrc will he produced to nil , our lOU-ton silo ' As the farm Is intended for experi mental purposes Mr. (layer said lhat practically no peanuts were raised on the farm, this crop having been long ago recognized as the Jeadlng staple of that section. One of the most attractive features of the day's outing was tin* tempting repast which Mr. Lallaume and his assistants provided for the guests Re freshments w ere liberally prov ided and Served In tents especially erected for the purpose on th'1 lawn. Mr. John F. Jackson, editor of the Southern Planter, and Mr. Joseph A. Turner, Vice-president of the Farmers' Institute, extended hearty and cordial thank* on behalf of the farmers at the Close of the outing. Mr. LaBnume re sponded in feeling and appropriate manner. Farmers Disperse. The train pulled out for Petersburg at 3 P. M„ making the run of thirtv | dot1 There the farmers dispersed! In « different directions, a number of them farm from milk. other *?• iPt*' fc &r-. S'- • pM W a . ■ go gg “ ’ it-' ff>" hoarding a Norfolk and Western train *'■ that was waiting lo take them In the i' direction of Karmville. Lynchburg and , t jrttu-r point* west IjPC" - Roanoke Rtatinton are the onty bidders so far for the convention next summer. This question will hi decided later by the board of directors chosen —■ Wednesday night In Petersburg for the ensuing term. It is said that the board will re-elect the same officers, in all probability. Post-Office Inspoctor Also Charges Fraud Su Man Must Stand Trial. * BOSTON. MASS. August 13.— j.- r Chargf-d with using the malls to de I * - Shvud aspirants to membership in the If'"'Masonic order, Davie Wilson, of East KSyJf»ieboro, Mass.. Is held iu $1,000 bond ; j here for trial August 22 ^ Wilson has been arretsed before In l^il. ftL Louis and in Newark, N. J„ on |;fg ^ similar charges. It is alleged that lie pf^j, offered to make persons genuine M« 6 J son* for a small sum, when in reality fiM* .he made them "Egyptian" Mason*, a body of no affiliation with the Ancient, yuti and Accepted Masonry, fe'i, PdstotBce Inspector Olarahan says P», *that In every case he investigated the Rif.. “initiated" t.elleved he would become ^"genuine" Mason by joining the _jSp:/ &r* « Wilson became a Mason by Joining ■SSff'.tW Yonnondlo Lodge, No. 163, a. K. E'ipt A- M., Rochester, N. V.. in February, 1S4J. He became h Royal Arch Ma gon and a member of ijir Scottish Rite, Igriti !■»»'> greeted rpertai rtteg tl. Spain and in Scotland in “1*M he was expelled for organizing jpglandestlne lodgt■%. K JWMMtal to The Richmond Virginian 1 - kBVSOVOU. VA„ Aug 13 —Mr. 8. ft. Wither* is better from several days 'Ha tndlsposttion this week, to the bt of many sympathetic friends fra. R. C. Craig has returned from visit to relatives at Wallace Wieses Susie Gilliam and Pearl Hopp 3*fe Viettljig friends at Pulaski. " T. t>. Wharton, of* Sherman. joined his wife and chfi i «rhe fciv« been tor several weeks Mias Katie Hurt. Moberta and Httie daughters, \ Utm visiting at the home Mr. Bradley Kreger. *. w*t* her nHii adma ugu Dr. ■ S u hern Railway. Ytt/MNi tJAVE RlCHMdMn j 4 r*Sb>ir a* Mmltll# figures ’%*&.<■,*•+1 n and not fninwtiiit i» V f%IR-•“‘UMftt W Chariot V !/• A. Si - Ihr»r . | Pybmai **v» l>ay t oari « *• I'. M I i. -unday. !.#»►» n 1«m* #» * i >’ M. ~fc*. Vun*iav— Lac*' 114 P M—Daily-—liir.ittd, lor oil ^rnt '#uth CuIltniA rrady 1' M» P. M YORK RIVER LIS 8 4 ?o PM }■ < Sun —To Wf-t Pt. awmaetJ* * o* mHiroore N'on.. W«|. and Fri 4 Po \ M h'x .Syn. nod i ll P M. — Mon v, ns • l;ri * -1 -Hi to W#»t Point \\\ A It HIVE it K MONO f * -j ' Uith :~oo A. M . V.t P. \f.. !* \ M ! X. -un . 4 10 P. M. 5i) . P. \1 Daiii Lx- huiiiiaji* t Local*. 1 n o We*t Point, V .10 A. %1. taO?: It 35 A M VV.-U mini lr» A 4A P, M., L#. Hun, > K. nCROES*. D r, V <>10 In’*! Mam Street, Photo* \!adi*f>n 435 Chesapeake and Ohio Railway <wm a l Daiiy—FaM «r»m* t/> O'd Point 4 Of* r < Newport Ness and Norfolk. 7 40 A.— Dally. Local to Newport N#w# •*i 00 T—Dally j,r>eal tr> Old Point. 12(4' Noon \6a*k day# "Mountain Spaei* t*> ■ Hinton/’ 2.00 p. i Daily— lyrtiiirvlllt and CicuHnnat 11 rOO p. t Pullman# 6:4A P.- Daily ’’Pt. I*mi#-Chicaftt Spaciai/’ Full roan* 8:30 A - Daily—Chariot t mi vll!#. Wwk day#— j Clifton forge. 5:1# P.—f#k day #. Loral to Oordootvilla. 11:4A A.—Daily. Lynchburg. L#*„ C. Fori#. A;1A P -Daily To Lynchburg and Clifton 1 TWAINS' ARRIVE RICHMOND. Local from Kaat A M7.50 P. V!. Through from En#t—11:35 A. M 6:35 P, M. Loot) from Wr#t~ *H:3U A. M., 9:50 A. M., 7;I0 P M Tbrmitjh—7 f*) A. M . 2 45 P. M Jatnet River Idne—8.35 A. M\ 6:00 P. M. •Daily e*e*pt Sunday. Richmond and Petersburg Electric Railway Cara leave Moncb««t#r. Seventh and Parry Street#, for Petersburg. •6. 7, H, *0. 10. 11. *12 P. M., 1, 2, *3, 4. 5. *•8 45, »6. 7, H. *9. 10 P M 11:00 P. M. for (.’heater, 12:00 midnight for Petersburg. Cars leave Petersburg, fool Hycamora Htraai, for Mancheatei. A 15, 0:36, **7:16, •7:35, *:3\ 0:35. *10:35, 11:35 A. M, 12:35. *1:35. 2:36. 3:36, *4.35. 5:36. 0.36, *7:35, 8:35. 0:35, *10:40. tt :40 P. M. •Came* baggage ami rxpremi. •Limited, except Sunday# and holiday#. All ear# Irwin Petersburg connect with car# for Richmond. w ith her parent*. Mr, and Mrs. Wynd htm Robertson, at Flasterco, near Saltvllle. Hon. John A. Rogers, of Galnes Ala,, wag the guest of Professor and Mrs. ft T. Stephenson on Tues dav, when he passed through Ablnf don on a visit to the northern part I of the county and to llussell to in j spect the fine cattle of Southwest I Virginia vvith a view to introducing I some on his plantation* In the prairie. | belt of middle Alabama. The old White home ig open for the summer on account of the gath j ering of the family for the annual ' summer reunion. Miss Klise White, who has heen away visiting all win ter. Mrs Clark Carpenter, ,,f John ' son City. Mrs A T. Wllmer, of Klch mond; Mrs Marlon (Jorhan, of De troit. are entertaining I >r. and Mrs Thomas White, of Hichmond, and are ; giving a reception this Friday after noon from 5 to 7 in honor of Mrs. : White. l)r. White has just grad a | ated, having married Miss Lucy Skel i ton, of Richmond, before he ttnished : his medieai course. Chase City I (Special to The Richmond Virginian I CHASE (MTV, VA , Aug. 13 -The Mecklenburg Guards will attend a barbecue and Hrungwlck stew Friday. Colonel J Thomas Good, Thirty fourth Virginia Regiment, and Cap tain Thomas ft. Jeffresa. Fifty-sixth Virginia Regiment, Conledearte Vet erans. have been Invited to speak on tlte occasion relating events of Civil i War time*. An Immense crowd is ex I pected to encourage the boys, i The completion of three miles of i the new road with district fund sub scription has greatly stimulated pub ! lie road Improvement. It presents an object lesson for safe and easy travel j for \ehlcles. Old locations are j changed and hills circled and not up i and down regardless of grade. This | new road construction will continue i until about *80,000 Is expended. Lands have already advanced and j-aa-wu-eU- -aa -44nu per U.-fe b- oi'feiooi i Improvement is contagious, and where one adds attractions and con veniences to hi» place, the next neigh bor follows with an effort to excel. Reliable Information assures a pop ulation of over 1.600 for the town by 1H1U census, including extended oor i j,orate limits. More buildings are In process of construction. The Rev. Mr. Warren, of the Kplmtopal Theological j Seminary, is located here and holds i regular services each Hunday. It has | organis'd an excellent choir. Stony Creek i (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) i STONY i’KEKK, Aug. 13.—Miss I Lydia K. Yrites, ol Petersburg, Is ! spending August w ith Mrs Amiss i Crowder. near Green Church bridge. Miss Janette Winfield and Arthur ! Davis, of Southampton county, are 1 limiting Miss Mettle Fuller hear Loco. Mrs. W A. Partridge, of Florence, i 1 ft. C., has returned home, after a de lightful visit to her sister, Mrs. Zeno I. Miller, near Jarratt. Ernest L. Best, his, wife and son i have returned to. ,Stony Creek, after a delightful trip to Washington and Baltimore. D. M. Houser and wife are visiting Mr. Houser's old home at Defiance, : Ohio. Mr*. Booker, wife of the Rev. George E. Booker, of Norfolk, is spending the month at her father’s. J. I'. Howies, at Coman’s Well. Fiev. william Irby, of Blarkstone, is atop . ping at the Methodist parsonage. Mr. Check, of Durham,' N. C., is stopping with the family of W. B. j Coney here. i E. B. Bee and wife returned home i ' yesterday from a three weeks’ stay j I at Chautauqua I-ake, N. Y. Ilhe Rev. J. O. Babcock closed re- ! vival services at Jones' dhuroh last night, and will begin another at Be- j |-banon Sundae H M Miti'HeH and wife of Norfolk,: are rusticating at Mrs. Mitchell's fa-; ther's, B. 1! Jackson, near town. SOI THKHN REEL PRANK TO BlILD HOME IN NORFOIjK I Plana and spin ideations for a new exchange lulldlng In Norfolk were se- I lected at the semi-annual meeting of the directors of the Southern Bell Tel ephone and Telegraph Company of ; Virginia held In Richmond Friday. The new building will be similar to i the one in Richmond Those present at the meeting were W. T. Gentry, ' president'. J. M. It. HoXeey, vice-presi dent; Addison Maupin, secretary and j treasurer. Held for Killing. ; (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) i SOUTH BOSTON, VA„ Aug. IS.— 1 Henry Cook, who fatally stabbed Thomas Bloyd near Cross Roads, this county, a few days ago, has been re- j tfused bail, and is now in the pquhty.1 jail, awaiting trial at the neat term of the county court „ f. A BUNGALOW FOR $1,640 '• * r* LYDE 5 ADAM5-ARCHITECT The bungalow her#' Illustrated lias been designed for a small family and Is specially Well adapted for a seashore or mountain home, extra care being taken In planning this house that all room* are 1n close proximity to the hath The plan shows a porch 8 1-2 feet wide across the front, vestibule, den, which can he easily converted Into a bed room, large living room with open fireplace seat, living room with china closet, hltdhen and bath room complete with "'('eningTielght Is » feet « Inches At the price quoted the rear porttdn of the house is excavated for cellar and Stelrs to attic, which can be arranged with two additional bed rooms, but these are not allowed for In estimate given below Kxcavatlng .I t>0 - Plastering Stonework . m Mill work . 300 Plumbing, etc. 100 i Brickwork .... Carpentry Lumber .3J8 B2S Painting and Aliasing no Hardware Total m .. to .11,*40 I CHURCH HILL NEWS (Nm item* intended for this column may be left In person at the Church 1X111 Hank, or 'phoned to Madleon IMS.) The Rev. James H. Mims, pastor of Eaurel Street Methodist church, will preach at Union Station Sunday morn ing. Rev. R. H. Rotts is spending a week In the mountains of North Caro lina. In the absence of the pastor. Adju tant Wiggins anrl his wife, of the Sal vation Army, will have charge of the services at Ht. Jarnea Sunday morning. That this will be an enjoyable service Is the Opinion of all who have ever heard the udjutant. Rev. Gerald Culberson has returned from Hampton and will occupy his pulpit morning and evening at Third Christian church. The condition of Mrs. Idndley Kin ford, whose serious Illness at the Trull Hospital, Saco, Maine, has been noted in this column, is slightly improved, l.ettcrs received here arc hopeful In tone, and unless a change for the worse occurs rcrovamlow seeing prollabl*. Misses Helen Dickinson and Helen Childrey spent Jul> at Charlottesville and ore at Covington for the remain der of the summer. Mrs. I.. A. Guy, of 3501 E. Broad street, who has been visiting relatives In Emporia and Weldon, N. C.. for the past two months. Is expected home Monday. Mrs. Susie Throckmorton and Master Robert Throckmorton, of Chimborazo boulevard, have left the city fur a two weeks’ stay with Miss Hannah Hafcle wood, of Toano, Va. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Farrell, of 2820 East Franklin street, Thursday evening received a long distance’ phone mes sage confirming the news of the safety of their son, \V. J. Farrell, Jr., who was second engineer of the navy col lier Marcellus, which perished off Capp Hatterns on Tuesday morning. Mr. Farrell had been on the Marcellus eight months. The collision was dile to fog. Mrs. Binds continues quite sick at her home on North Twenty-fourth street. Mrs. Nina Carr and her niece. Miss Jessie Oliver, of 8«0fi East Broad Street, will leave the city Monday for a visit of several weeks to relatives In King and Queen county. Mr Frank T. Bates, Sr. Misses Ellen mill Ruth Halos and Miss Louise ! Goode, all of Chlmborasb Park, will leave the city Tuesday to join Mrs. Prank Bates and Mies Susie at Glas gow. near Natural Bridge. They will I he absent from the city for several weeks. Miss Rosa Plcot, of 291» East Clay street, will leave to-day for n stay of some time at Spring I>ake, New Jer sey. Mr. James \V. Burdette has returned from a business trip to West Vir ginia. Miss Susie Chalkley, formerly of Richmond, but now of Hampton, who ■ has been the guest of her grandfather, Mr. W. H. Stewart, left to-day for La nexa. Va., where she alll visit friends before returning home. Mr. Lewis Miles, formerly of Thirty sixth and Broad, but who has recently lived In FVlrtnount. moved his family ' to his tn rvlv puri based home on Oak wcod avenue Thursday. Baseball continues to be the chief diversion of the youth of Ohurrh Hill for Saturday afternoons, and the air Is tilled with the cheering of the root ers of the opposlt a teams. St. James is still In the lend in the Sunday-school league and will play Fulton Baptist . on Fulton tints this afternoon. Union Station will cross hats with Broadus on Oaktvood diamond No. 1, and Mas ker Will play against the R. R. V. M. C. A. on Oakwuod diamond No. 2. Miss Gussle Kersey, of Twenty-sixth ; and Hroad streets, who has been spend ing some time in the mountains of Virginia, Is now at Glasgow for several weeks. Mr. Charles S. Peers, of 3318 East Broad street, is on a business trip to New' York. Mtsses Louise and Inez Jennings, of Highland Park, spent several days on 1 the hill with friends, i Miss Ruby Blocker, of East Marshall street, Is visiting her friend, Miss Beth | Alley, of Chesterfield county. Mr. William P. Sullivan 1* Spending , the week at Ocean View, j Mrs. B. P Ashtoh atid children, of 3tl0 East Broad street, havo return ed home, after n pleasant Stay with I her sister, Mrs X g. Buck, at Monte Vista Heeling Springs. SOUTHWEST RICHMOND A quiet home wedding was cele brated Wednesday In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Krltaer, 610 Randolph street, when their daughter, Annie Elisabeth, was married to Mr. Em met Thomas Duke, Rev. \f . C. Rob inson, of Randolph Street Baptist Church, officiating. The bride wore a tan traveling gotvn with hat and gloves to match and carried a shower bouquet of Bride's roses. Only the Immediate families of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Duke left for an extended stay in the Catskill mountains. Southwest Richmond Is coming to the front as a producer of fine speci mens of vegetables. Last week Mr. Trahern, of Powhatan street, «■»« ex hibiting the finest t</matoes ever grown around here, raised In hit gar den, and Mr. L. K. Kemmerer, of 1816 Beverly street, has In his garden per haps the longest snap ever grown In Virginia. It 1* the Mexican snap variety and often attains a length >>f three feet. Miss Hattie Matthews, of Gooch land county, has returned home after a pleasant Visit to Miss Ella Davis, ol South Linden street. Mias Carrie Sutherland will spend several weeks with a party of frlenda In Ocean View. Before returning home she will also visit frlenda In Washington. Mias Ethel Tinsley is quite sick at her home. Mr. Hunter Robertson Is spending several weeks in Ocean View. Mias Annie Hutton, accompanied by her nieces. Misses ilay and Annie Lee Francis, of . 29 North Lombardy street, left the city to-day to vlait her bro ther. Mr. W. X. Sutton, at SandlOgee.. Amherst county. After a stay there of two weeks, they will visit her sis ter, Mrs. Ert. Palmer, of Waynesboro, returning to the city about Septefnber 16. Hr. Willie iitike is quite sick in his home. Hiss Lula Perkins, of 1209 West (.’ary street. hae left for her father's country home in Sussex county, ac companied by her friend. Miss Kthel Lawrence, of 125 8 West Cary street. They w ill be g >ne several weeks and win visit relative* an4 .friend# In Din widdle and Greenville counties. Mieses I). T. Sutton and Florence Oarnett, who have been in Charlottee vtlle attending the summer normal, spent Monday in the city, leaving in the afternoon for Newport News to be the guest of Mr. Charlie Sutton. They will also visit friends in Norfolk before returning to their home in this city. Miss Wright, of New York City, is the guest of Mlsa Annette Dabney on the Cary Street road. Mrs. Goldie and children, of South Meadow street, are visiting friends in Lynchburg. Mrs. D. A. Iilenner, of the Soldiers' Home committee, announces that plans are perfected for the lawn party to he given at Soldiers’ Home Wed nesday, August 17. This Is the an nual summer treat given the did Sol diers by the Daughter of the Confed eracy. Little Miss Edna Sutton, of New port News, who hat been ths guest Of Misses Annie Lee and GSy Fran cis, teas returned horns. a*v. J. & Hutson. castor of Fins in Chllhowle, Va. Randolph Street Raptiat Chufch will run a moonlight Tuesday night, Au gust 18. Mtb. William Cauthorn, of North Meadow street, la visiting her cousin, Mrs. Clarence Morecoch, of Norfolk county. Misses Eva and Bernice Soott, of West Main street, will leave Saturday to visit relatives and friends In Or ange county. Miss Otello Worsham hae returned from a delightful trip to Greenwood, Va. Misses, Isabelle and Annie Ma#on, of West Cary, are spending some time at Hot Sprinks, Ark. Miss Odell I»ng is visiting friends and relatives in Beulahavllie, Va Miss Elia Davis, of 121 South Lin den street, will leave Wednesday to spend three weeks with friends in Goochland. Va. Miss Maimie Cauthorn. of North Meadow, will leave Saturday to visit relatives and friends In Orange coun ty._ _______ Miss Rosa Blackburn, of Buena Vista, is visiting relatives on Booth Linden street. Mrs. Cora B. Walter and daughter. Miss Ethel, will leave August 22 for an extended trip North. Mr. S I' Tomey will spend Sun day with his mother in Fork Union Mr and Mrs. Garnett Gilman, of 217 South Ijaurel, have returned home from a pleasant visit to Ocean View-. Mr. Henry Moss, of James City county, spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. W. A. Gtllman, en route to King ston, N. Y., where he will make his home in the future. Mrs. Bouthard, of South Rowland street, is visiting her daughter in Washington. On her return she will stop with relatives In Orange. Mrs. J. J. Mitchell and daughter. Miss Roberta, are spending the month of August In Blackstono, Va. Llttle Spencer Woolrtdge. while rid ing on his wheel on Randolph street, ran Into an ice wagon and broke his collar-bone. Mrs. Lockname, of West Main street, is visiting her mother at Black stone. Va. Miss Myrtle Ellerson Is spending some tome at Ocean View. Mrs. L. B. Glllman and Mrs. 9e fert, who were called here bn account of the death of their mother, Mrs. Firth, have left for their homes In Roanoke. Mrs. L. B. Glllman was the guest of Mrs. R. C. GUIm&n a portion of the time she spent In the city. Mrs. James W. Booker, of West Main, has been confined to her bed for several days, but Is now improv ing. . 4 Miss Kathleen Murphy, of Main street, has returned from a delight ful visit to Spotsylvania. Fulton News Hsft« Items may be left at Nel sen’s Furniture Store, or plumed to Madison 474t, Miss Lottie Garber entertained a few friends Thursday night In her home on Denny street In honor of Mrs. Burr and her daughters. Misses Mabel and Ruth Burr, of Newark, N. J., and Mrs. W. P, Turner, of Roswell, New Mexico. Quite an enjoyable evening Was spent, and delightful refreshments were served. Owing to the absence of the pas tor, Rev. V. \V. Bargain in, of Denny I Street Methodist church. Dr. C. H. ! Smith will preach both morning and night. Dr. French Holland Will All the pulpit both morning and evening in the Fulton Hill chapel. Mies Martha Black has returned home, after spending the past two months In Barbouravlile, Va. Mr and Mrs.,Charles Leonard and children have returned from Ocean View. Mrs. M. P. Garber and little son. Henry, and Miss Edith Nelsen have returned from a visit to the'r sister, Mrs. R, P Of11, of Orange, Va. * • .1 Mias Mabe* Burr, of Newark, N. J„ ww leave fw Mr km« this 0atw~ Trt , >/E==rf-VI BUSINESS houses solicit telephone trade. They realise its importance. It is the consumer’s most convenient way of reaching the shop or the store. When the larder runs low, when the fuel gives out, when an article of furniture is needed — the Bell telephone is a ready help to the housewife. It reaches the sources of supply. Telephone trade is not confined to consumers and retailers in one locality. The Local and Long Dis tance Bell Telephone reaches all localities and brings together widely separated merchants and customers. Are you a subscriber? SOUTHERN BELL TEL S TEL COMPANY OF VIROINM. HNINtt RBRVIOR. RRAROHABLB RATI*. The Capitol Savings Bank THE BANK THAT PAYS Invites Commercial and Savings Accounts, large and small. Any amount from $1.00 up. Assets over $700,000.00. 907 East Main St., Mutial Bldg., Richmond, Va. omrERS__ CUriRnS PbArH. PtbbMm.*: JMrtbat Srr** VIrr.!•»«<*•»>.• IU it Kent, Jr. Caafcier: It. C. Procter, AjRiatuit CMaMr. DIRECTORS—Jno Br«Ht. A. R. HoIlBdBr. JbbbuNbr SrfRR. R#b‘. Lsrtr. f».. 3. r..rbAt,k, JohR OwtMBd Poilud. C. C. Piaekiwr day, after a visit to her unde, Mr. James A Black, of Danny stre#'. Mr. Ramuel Murphy, of Cheater, S. C., spent several days with her uncle. Mr. W. B. Currie, of Willie msburg avenue, this week. The boy acouts of Denny Street church will hold a meeting In the Sunday school room Monday night. This Is a new organisation, under the direction of Captain James E. Avery, Jr. They will be glad to hare new recruits over the age of fourteen year*. John Bowden, the little eon of Mr and Mrs Hit-hard Bowden, of IAertny street. Is very Sick with fever. The Junior Order fnited American Mechanics will meet on next Monday night In Nelsen's Hall. Mrs. Silva, of Fulton Hill, Is co» fined to her home by lllneaa Bowling Green (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) BOM LINO GREEN, VA., August 18. Mr*. Jntm ti. TThttF » visnthg her son. Mr. John Cary White, In Richmond, Va. Miss Frances Garnett and Mr. John Garnett, of Indian Neck, Va., are visit ing their sister. Mrs. W. L. Broaddus. Among those attending the all-day services at ttethesda Baptist church this week are the following: Mr. and Mrs. E. ft. roghill. Misses Elly and Emma Oraratt, Miss Florence Broad* diiB, Mr. B. W. Broaddus. Miss Eleanor Borum, Miss Annie Farrlsh and Mr. K. R. Furrlsh. Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Jordan and daugh. ters are the guests of Mr. and Mr*. BenJ. Sklnker, at Most Neck, Va Dr. Edwin P. Wright, of Richmond, Va., Is visiting frlehds and relatives In Bowling Green. Mr. Robert A. Coghlll left thl* weak for Center Fross, Va„ where tie will join Mrs. roghill, who Is visiting Miss Ethel Nstvbill. Miss Alice M. Broaddus left Wednes day for Indian Neck, where she will visit her mother's ancestral home, Danefield. William Evans, a highly respected colored man, residing about two miles east of Bowling Green, was struck by lightning this afternoon and killed in stantly. He was watching the storm from his front porch when the bolt struck him. His daughter, who whs Sitting on the steps near the opeh door, was severely stunned also. Basic City (Speelal to Th# Richmond Virginian. t BASIC CITY, VA., Auiult II—The put week ha# brought a number ot new guest* to the Brandon. which in Itself shows that the Brandon ie one of the moat popular reaorta and now the veranda*, parlors and ballroom are always filled either with bridge players or dancers. Bach day the young people And new amueementa and form different parties, some bowling, ethers walk ing, driving, riding or playing tennis. There hare been mveral Bridge parti©# during the week, some of them being given In the morntnge and afternoons on the Spacious ve randas. Last Monday night a party was given for the children at the hotel. One of the featuree of the evening wee a potato race. The older Mill dren raced nret, and Chnrlee Moseley, of Richmond, wee the oulekeet and most successful in getting hie potatoes In his buket. Of the younger chil dren, little Samuel Rose, oI Rich mond, won the prise. Oames were played and then they all joined in a March. Sunday afteranom two driv ing parties from the Brandon enjoy ed seeing the beauties of the sur rounding country. Last week Mr. and Mia. William Habltston and Mies EIls*b#thSelflen, of Richmond, toured un in their ear and spent Sunday at the Brsdao. Mrs. B. 1 Crump, of Richmond, and daughter, Klee Louise crump, stopped at the Braadm far a few days this Week on thett way WePf.-' tu a»aad I = 1 '."♦■l-J. ■ J ».*.W J.i ■ ■■Lilli'.' .■■■» 'I j a frw daye at the Brandon before r» • mrahi| «r WehtiueA. Those who hare registered during' j the week art: Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Not* : tlfigham, of Baltimore; Mr. and Mr* | K. c. Bay. of Chicago; Mre frank Berryman, Of Bmlthfleld; Mia* Vlr | glnla Berryman, of Smithfleld; Mr. . frank Berryman, of Bmlthflrld; Mr. i Gordon Blair, of Richmond, Hies Ma* | rle L. Sehuder. of New York; Mite 1 Catharine Srhuder, of New York; Mr. J. Lewie Tucker, of Norfolk; Dr. J. H. 8m 1th, of Waynesboro; Mr. W M. Sturgis, of Norfolk; Mr. W. ft. Em erald. of Portamonth: Mr. H. W. Bain, of Baltimore; Mr. earnest 1. Din* nlng, of Baltimore; Mr. Wltltam Went, of Philadelphia; Mr. Eugene Black* ford, of Baltimore; Mr. 0tuaft M. Woodward, of Richmond; B. O. Kint* ! anr. tT. ft N.. Of Norfolk; Mite -C. P. Emereon. of New York; Mr. and H. A. George, of Charlotteaville; Miee Nannie George, of Charlottesville; Mr*. B. T. Crump, of Richmond; Miee Lou tee Crump, of Richmond; Mre. T. M. Mowlton. of Newport News, Miee Mamie Howlson. of Newport Newt; Mr. Eugene Adame, of Chicago; Mr* John Miller. t>f Washington; Miee L. M. Dante, of Washington; Miee Lucy W Duke, of Richmond; Rev. J. *. Dowhrnen, of Richmond; Mist Bell Perkme, of Richmond; Mr. A. L. I. Wlnne. of Richmond; Miee ttmlly M. Bullitt of Richmond; Mr. M. H. Jan* ney. of Richmond; Dr. F. B. Bright* well, of Weehingtott; Miee Brlghtwell, of Washington; Rev. J. R. Bills, of 1 KlktOn; Mre. A. C. Wortham, of 1 Richmond; Mled Mary Peatross. of Hanover. Commonwealth Bank II North Ninth Street. BRANCHES: 4 East Broad Street. Twenty-fifth anti Broad Sts. Wiiliamsburg Ave,. Fulton Active business arcounte soli riled. Old Sweet (Special to lit* Richmond Virginian.) OUD 8WB3KT, VA.. AUiuat ll.—One of U>« Moot enjoyable of this wook'a gayetie* waa a progressiva bride*, given by tit* ladlM of tit* hotel, «l«ht table! playing until eleven o'clock, after Whtefr refreehment* war# #*rv •d, Mr*. Needham and Mr. Jackson tarrying off flrat honor*. Monday evening Mr*. C. C. Lewi*. Jr., aatertainad a tew of h«r friends moot delightfully with a ftv* O'clock gypsy tea. a*ar tha golf link*, a most Charming oeoaeion. Among th* very pleaaant gu**t* for the season from Virginia ar* Captain and Mra B. ft. Mlgor, of Danvui*; Profeasor and Mra r, C. Woodward, Mr. and Mra. C. A. Cannon, Mr*. D, £>. Talley and Mian «xit Talley, Mra T. C. Nelson and Child, Mia* Bust* Thompson, Beeata Hubert, Allen* otSkar and Bugene, Taylor, of Rich mond, Va.; Mr. and Mra J. A. Mar shall and family. Alexandria Va.; Mr. and Mr*. Branch Johnson, ton and Wortham, children and maid, Mr*. Richard Walk* and family. Mias Ver milion and tha MUea Veight. library cwaunitta* Mem*. «aa*,su±Tn„w-..i executive oommittoe of the Mat* X*»