Section s=^= = t*¥*rr ===== :r^r,v r,;.x. RICHMOND, V A.. S A T IT R D A T, ATT G TT 8 T 13, 1910. 1? , Die in ASK FDD MIES Gauits Coming on April 6 and 6 and Athletics Are Ex ported. LOCALS CLIMB UP TO GOOD POSITION tTake Third Place Without Win ning a Game—Double Header Satur day. HINTS FOB FANS. Houbte-hrader Saturday. w Weather predictions—cloudy and Probable batteries For Richmond, Verbout. Revel le and Cowan and Me*. Mtts for Lynchburg, Uoyd, Ortttn and Ftrat tame railed at 2:4* o'clock. BrT. I». HONNKVIIJjK. That Richmond !• a popular town with the big league Hubs for their games of the spring training season »• evidenced by their early booking of dates As early as this the big clubs . have begun to ask for dates for Best spring, and from present In dications the Colts of ltlt will have a fine series of practice games with the big ones. Owner Bradley has received a tele gram from Manager MvUraw. of th* tetania, asking for a date, and ft hai been arranged that the New Tork Nationals shall come here for two games on April t and 6. Tills Is the only club that has been signed up so far. but It Is expected that the others wilt be coming In soon and several of th* best ones *111 be hsr* to clash with the Colts. Among those expected ar# th# Brooklyn and Philadelphia National league dub* and the Philadelphia American League club. It Is hardly probable that the New Tork Yankees will (>ome neat spring, as they are ex pected to go out West for their train ing. They have been here for the past several springs, and If they train In the South they will doubtless ask for dates. The Philadelphia Americans will be th* big card In the spring series. Th«y are almost sure pennant win ners this year, and they win bo a big attraction here. Mack has not yet asked for dates, but he wanted te come here' fast spring and could not be given a date, a* the days he asked for were taken. From present indications, the spring season wilt be a successful one. and the local fans will be given the rare treat of seeing many- of the world's greatest players In action. Without winning a game for two days the Colts .hat*. - climbed Into third place, and this Is about where they belong. The Tgrs have met their . Waterloo with the Bugs and ar* still going down. With any kind of luck now, the lo cals will maintain their present posi aton. thoug# there Is tittle chance of their going higher. The Champ* and Bugs have too much of a lead on the Colts, and If they are able to finish third they will have done well this - Sickness and accidents hare been a severe handicap, and it t* a wonder that Manager Lawlor has been able to keep the locals In the race at all From the way they are going now. however, it seems that they are at least In the race for a respectable position In the flnrt division, and this will bs no small honor. —i The Colts and Shoemakers will fight U out In a double header Saturday afternoon, and each wilt try to wipe out those two Us games with two vic tories. For the Colts Verbout end Hovelle will be on the mound, while Cowan and Messlt will each catch a game. Lloyd and drlflln will do the twirling for Smith's fast ones. au>d Lucia may catch both games Row* has a bad knee and has not boon able to work for some time I'mplr* ptndtr wllj oAclete at Sat urday* double header. The arbite* *a« abaent from the park Friday on account ad the death of hla sister's child. Kerrtamy and Bam. who act ed aa arbiter*, handled the game la good form, and there was slight cause tor complaint tram either side. * Pender faces e hard days Work Sat urday. as both clubs are going In foe blood, and much will depend upon ev ery decision that In made- £f he «en handle the games as watt aa he did that of Thursday the beat club will surely win out It a pitcher ever Won a same a victory waa certainly coming to Salvo Friday. The suuthpay outpitched ■k : ‘ V - .$] H '*** 1 CMs la the good MW«i th LEADING AvurifrKye t I SECOND COME EJjjSJl TIE Friday's Game Called in Ninth on Account of Dark ness. SALVE TWIRLS IN EXCELLENT FORM _ 1 Southpaw Should Have Had ilia Game Easily, But Error* Present Runs to Visitors. wvmBmJ 9 BCOff*. Richmond, 3; Lowrhburi, 3 tnlns Inning** Roenok*. ti Petersburg. 1 (first nn«). It.mnoktt, 11; Petersburg, C (second Norfolk, !; DuuvlUe, a (fleet gsme). Norfolk. 0; Lien villa. 4 (second Clubs. OurlU* . Kosnoke Richmond Norfolk . Lynchburg Petersburg Lynchburg at Richmond. Petersburg et Rosnoks. Dsnvttle si Norfolk. Another tie. this time called st the ending of the ninth Inning, was the rseult of the second gsme. of the series srtth the tJhoomsker*. rho PETERSBURG POOR MEOILITOH t r” 'T “ Plaveiy and Managers of Other Clubs Paa» Severe Criticism. MAY BE A REASON „ FOR QUEER DOINGS i Rumor Has It That the Local People Want to Get Hold of Fran chise. There are many Improvement* to be -tnade In Petersburg before It can be termed a good bare ball town. Besides the matter of poor attendance, there are many other things that count bad* ly and Manager. Grimm faces quite a I problem If he thlnka he can make a chib a financial success In Goober | tewn. Petersburg ta by no means a favorite with tbe ether clubs of the league, and few. If any. of them are anxious to go there for a series. They are also glad to get away as soon a* passible. This la no fault of the Petersburg dub. players or officials, but of conditions In the city. Players of other dubs tell of expe riences they have had and in imagers tell of their troubles. For Instance, players aay that they are held up ter The hotel question is the principal trouble that faces fits managers, and they are free in expressing their opin ions about the matter. It Is claimed that the Petersburg hotels refuse to make the right rates, charging aa ex orbitant price, and then putting the Players two in a bed. It is claimed. FARMERS DELIGHTED WITH PREMIUM LIST o Those Gathered at Institute Dis cuss Plans for Exhibiting at State Fair. AVIATORS ARE COMING HERE FOR CONFERENCE — ; Are to Meet Executive Committee on Tuesday—Auto mobile Races Certain. At the rtcrnt Institute- far Ths termers displayed crest Inter est slso in the horticultural depart ment end It la likely that many of | them wlU enter the-con test* for apples and other fruits, tile officers of the Institute offered high endorsements of ; the Ftslr and urged aQ farroers to bring ! their products and enter the contests. Confer With Aviators. On Tuesday of next week the Ex ecutive Committee ipf the State Fair will hold a conference with the rep resentatives of tWo< aviation concerns who are negotiating to give a series of aeroplane exhibitions every day dur ing the fair. It Is the purpose of the committee to hare the aviator hare if possible and it Is expected, that they will get together and sign UP a contract while the representative* or* here. Either Wright Brothers or Stroebet witi get the contanet far the work and as yet the committee Jias no favorite In the matter, ft fa expected that Stroebel himself trgl he present at the meeting Tuesday, WhJ)a Wright Broth year that will eel ip** ail of previous years. One of these 1* a pole act that la a thriller and will doubtless attract considerable attention. A pole seventy feet hi* t* planted In the around and an acrobat performs all kinds of difficult feats while the pole bends and seems ready to snap off. While the athlete is going through Is work the pole swings through an arc of twelve feet. Another free attraction Is the Bn vards* aerial performance, which Is said to be far above the average. Th# Bavards were connected with Barn urn and Bailey's circus .for several seasons and are said to be the beet acrobats of their kind In the country. The. rigging uaad by these athletes Is sixty feet high and their act la said to be spec tacular. Besides the two named, the officials ant arranging fur other ftma attsao tlons that will be well worth seeing. They are now working to get a ballet of one hundred for night performances, and these, with the fireworks and other attractions, wtU make up a fine evening's entertainment. Allt# f^904Ml 0t||^, General Manager Mark Lloyd Mated Saturday that the proposed automo bile races are now a certainty. "We do not know who the racers will be,” said Mr. Uoyd, "since It to hard to tell which of the drivers will be bus* elsewhere at that time, but we are go ing Into the matter now and we will surely have the races." This will msanAhat th# visitors to the fair will be given the opportunity of witnessing soma of the moat famous automobile drivers In competition. An effort will be made to get DePalma. Oldfield and others, any of whom will give exhibitions such as wars never seen in this section. "jn.m iii ■ -il» I .rry FABULOUS SUM BIO FOR FITZHERBERT ■vjp Clarence Maekay Offers Hildreth 00,000 for the Greatest Four Tear Old. SARATOQA. H. T.. Aug, JJ—Though the horse racing game Is about done tor la Mew York. Clarence Maekay ssa {s%H3s(. — wF* sEWWPW** Maekay who has a. hi farm to Kentucky has net j is. will make nr _ buys him but homonym and, »lon that howtftg^liffit to .France to head hta Mum theta. Ethel be rt. ntxherbcrt'e airs to now la France and'proving one of. the meet ■ "'fi tsuysftffir* what use he In case -he buys him Of the opinion that ho Wi FBI. IMIS [MS a m an m LANGFORD YODIIC OEGLADESJCHAMP j Little Chance of Bringing the Ne groes Together for Champion ship Battle. | JOHNSON DECLAKES IT WILL NOT DRAW Says Langford is in Infant Claes and Must De velop Sdme More. j __ PHILADELPHIA. Aug. l*.— 'Sam" i laniford't chance* for a fight with "Jack" Johnson for the heavyweight championship of the world nr* nighty *11 tn. [ any of Langford'* game, first, because, he said, two negro** would not draw enough of a crowd to warrant the match, and. aacoadly. because John* not fa th« ton figure* Langford championship etna*, made enough of a name for himself to make him eligible for chemplonehlp honors, said Johnson "He's still In the Infant class In the pugilistic world," declared the negro champion. •Tv# boon up against si lot ’em,*’ said "Ll'l Artha." "The only man who sites up at all to KAufmeiu . He’* a clever hoy and with two or throe yearn' groper training - he will undoubtedly e In shape to light me At that time I shall, be too old for a good battle, and 1 am not sure 1 would not go oft the stage by the Jeffries route." “Well, what about Langford, Jack?" the champion was esked. "Quit yer klddlnV said the big ne gro. "I've already cleaned him up and he doesn't sis* u pwett. Why, I'd a-llked to kill him the last bout I had with him. i, "Another thing. There ain't jto us* of two black men gettin' together far n championship fight in these ~ parts. There's no money In It. Just look, for instance, at the Agin between Joe <3an* and Joe Walcott, two of the beat men of their day. The boot drew a he would Finish Last, Half a 1 hind Arundel* of CRIPPLED CONDITION SHOWS IN THE i Local Crow Never Was in thel ning and Winners Lajj&| Them Far Bn- | Hind. WASHINGTON, An*. !».—T1 amateur oarsmen of America, «*W»lng thirty-six ciubs In the States ana Canada, are In Vf% ton attending the annual reap the National Association of At Oarsmen, which began yesterds an Ideal course on the Potomat In weither that could not ha for sport mild spectators. rj Exciting finishes, fast time at era! mishaps, with no serious queues*, marked the seven eeal is the consensus of opinion tb meeting la so far ths best eve Except for dissatisfaction • the the Judge* over the dlataa ticn of their barge, the plans for the regatta by the ofilcer* association and .of the Potooa Club, under whops .tPPjtNrflk regatta is held, had hearty fig) lion. The election of d|fifljj|Cgfi association, held to-nlgbt at fi lingjon hotel, dosed the first i the meet ^ fSg It was noticeable that thesis Strong trend among the bogte I the. southern shore, and the e* variation of some of the boats ! true course was, by some expat dared to be the reason for thh ure to make a batter showing Several thousand person*