Newspaper Page Text
ass ants WA1 rator and occupy spare tint* H5ftL.»«o»«»u. Address .»» rra S,S€.« ■BBBiteui■■■... m i ii uni i “ tar, Hsar* i’ANTKD—TW EKT Y (■■■I TrotrNa _, WANTED—A YOUNG LADY WHO HAS faAd experience with tailors to help •g,yW Apply 202 North Second for RENT—NJCRtY BURNISHED .u posrrtoN waiiw. •wamBiriorrexstg 70; ^r. w»Jter or useful man. ——. MILLER. care Richmond Vir ginian. EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR DB •tree position careful driver, owi repa re. Address M. E. J., 1100 Woel Leigh street. WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF food habits, and no cigarette smoker, » position as stenographer or book • or both combined. Addmws E. B. D. oar# Richmond Virginian. WANTEb~^Osit7oS-~A* GROCERS —.-write for experience and references. R. F. D. No. I, Box ««. Wallace, N. C. PRTNTKR-QgNERAL^NgWgWVfet and “ad.” man—open for Job. n—open for Job. can come at once. Address E. w. F. m ^ VUVO< .A *1 ti I t ItJgefl ee . W • I d* Washington street, Portsmouth. Wanted “ by ora duate uTUffiSfi p*ndolph-M»con. t poiltion 4 - — r ■■ — w wvniiivH tv f**Ch Crfi-*0*' 0< Ad . drees Box lOl. Amher*t.„Va WANTED, BY' AfTrst ORA&'E~WR gtnla teacher of several years’ exits rience, s position In public or prl vate school: Latin and music. Ad l/llt* VaT~ ca*° p®*tma#t#r. Popl* Harried man-want* "’worSTo] -- — .A' vv v/ivn up any kind belt lacer, rose grows, •“djrsrdner by trade. Call or writ, StJb, Hi East Main St. F, *TaNF1EIj6. *#S EaaTiiate — PRINT B R—GEN REAL NBWSP A BETb and “ad." man—open for Job: cat oome at once. Addrass B. W. F. ,1* Washington street. Portsmouth Vs Wanted, hF young MahriedmX) Aluiation as manager on farm ex pertenoed: can give references Ad dree# MANAGER. 121# North Nine teentb. wantbS—AXL-RbuNb pSfNFTSi wants position at one* will go any where; married. A1 references Ad drees HOWARD SHACKRLFORD HH Ashland street, city, f tnnso colored BOY ' iVIliSi old wants position as butlar or wait or. Addrass CARLISLE SPENCER Caro Richmond Virginian. YOUNG MAN I* YEARS OLD WANT position reference# furnishes 1J dress »0t West tarr stredc T5w! fOTf home, or work by the day. lit At It "'’•"*1 w* Of XV* m u/ ufg WSJt »vt street, lead of Ninth street rite n mono, \ i. jrbuxSf; woman Wants posirloS as nurse. >#4 st. Peter street. WANTED—FAMILY WASHING. ill North Prentiss treet APPLY W ANTEtK^DAfir WORK. No. » North Linden street WANTED—-FAMILY WASHiB6'~ AT home. Mht North Sixth street YOUNG WOMAN DE8IRES PO^WfON as stenographer. Capable, eoma ex perience, good re Or re ocs lilt N. Twt - ” . e-anty-first street. ♦VANTED—TYPEWKITING TO-DO a¥ home, rapid wrttar. Rates reason - sble. Phone Madison M1T-L. ‘ wanted—posfridSi aTTbaimIk -posmefe or governess by a ooliege graduate. 2» year* of age. bolding s first grade certificate: best of references fur , nlshed on application. Address M. * VIOLA LUPTON. No. ltd North Franklin street. Washington, P». Wanted—bt young t-adF^jSSSi tlon to teach In graded er high school. Certificate an* testimonials. Address Miss a., care Postmaster, North View. Vs. A YOUNG LADY "WITH TWO TBaK# successful experience in teechlkg, and holding first grade eertldoate. i wishes posit Ion In a gr room school state salary. Addrass MISS Is P., care Postmaster, soma. Buckingham county, Va Ran Wa NTED—A position In a private school Latin, sthematles all maths branches; good references. R. care Postmaster. F. V. No. *, Trevlllen. Ve. A _Y6ung iIaDY~bF 'KXPKSJlSt^ desire* a position to teach la pri s&iTtSOgz srv -™ music. Address MISS X. cam master. Hod op hit. Va. YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES" POSITION as stenographer. Capable, some ex perience, good reference, UT| W. Twenty-first street. “HI la own eacea and wage, I GENERAL MANAGE ..sgssaa ptu " o * STOPI LOOK AND TRUNK. and steam cleaning; Indies and dresses cleaned »l.**v skirts French cleaned, ft gloves cleans eta jriain.^ X**" Auction la all weri GOLDSTEIN BAT8 XT FORM THAT HK VT\ Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid In advance. No paid ed taken for leas than ten cents. \ No Ads taken for teas than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much lass. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will Call. TO THOSE WHO M. a&rjjjtATE ’isHO' VERY LITTLB MONET. FOR THK raOl an© winter styles n I YARDS MATERIAL *4 INCHES^ »tt TARD*T SATIN >•' 'INCHES* WIDE. AT |1.#S. LSI Iiwfso SILK, BUTTONS. OOLDSTKIN BUST FORM. WITH PATTERN AND FULL IN STRUCTIONS FOR CUTTING AND MARINO .> t.*« A TOTAL. OF . .IU.M IF TOP Make TOUR SUIT TOUR STREET. INFORMATION FREK OF CHAROE. WARNING TO LADIES. DON’T PAT .FOR TOUR FALL OH WINTER SUIT* ANT MORE THAN •II.M. THAT’S ALL A FLAW SUIT IS WORTH. IF TOUR TA11XJH CANT MARE IT. Wt CAN. M RING CO,—WS r FOR FALL * THE COM REN BROAD SPECIAL NOTICE—IF TOU NEED rubber Urea. 1 sis still puttlac then os U the «M price ae I bousht a seoA let of rubber before the prttja ef rubber advanced; »o fat buar and take advantage of thU. A; B. C Brietewa. No. 11. 1*. 1 Etshteenth (treat. to erth several trunks or Mmautnr •Mph trousers; special {E*ss,- ■gVTKuiTrr* math, mar Bml street. SON. UOiM DON’T NEQLECT TOUR HAIR ramplealoa awl aalla wj hm work done At imuca •ST E. Broad a treat, u pat*Ira. *kM reduce y«a «U IL OOLDSTKI.N HAS ORIGINAL MOD ELS FOR THE BALL AND WINTER SEASON. THESE ARE MADE UP TOCR ORDER. WE FOR THE FALL M. GOLDSTEIN, Li »1« NORTH FlATH poena roil am. FOR RENT—A LA ROE SECOND floor front room, times windows convenient to both flkd telephlse istrobe hoot. Apply No. iz tfoute rim stroot. FOR RENT—ON CHIMBORAZO PARK »l* force rooms; oil modern conveni ences private both. Address 214 N. Thirty-second. NICE ROOMS. PlTRNfsHKD FOR light housekeeping, and for gentle ' Twelfth men. fit North street. FOR RENT—TWO OR THREE ftorne rooms end small rooms ex cellent MU-J. location. Phone Madison ONE LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR light housekeeping; also others. 714 East Franklin street. *M EAST CLAY—COOL, CLEAN rooms; nicely furnished, bath, phone LARGE OR SMALL FURNISHED 1ST North Third street. WANTED—OCCUPANTS' FOR LARGE front rooms room adjoining, and small front room telephone, electric lights, beat, bath with or without board. SI IS Hanover street. WANTED—TENANT FOR TWO FCU ntshed rooms; second floor, front; porcelain hath adjoining use of phone location central board conve nient. 4IS North Twelfth street. WANTED—A COUPLEToK TWO GEN t lemon to beard In n private family, •n i West avenue. Bright room. Phone. Madison ?t*S. WELL-PPSkTshisB, ’ SINGLE BED rooms, hall rooms, etc.: centrally lo cated phone smT bath..Tu... East Marshall, near Eighth street. FOR RENT—TWO BRIGHT ROOMS on second floor, furnished or unfur nished central location; phone Mad ison J44T-J. • TWO VERY LARGE SECOND-FLOOR rooms, unfurnished no children. *12 West Grace FURNISHED ROOMST ___ LARGE AND TlS East Franklin streets _ . YOU COME TO RICHMOND rget a clean, comfortable bed tor SSe., phone, bath nod tee water free; ex cellent meals served next door. 1002 East Clay. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS' HOME comforts.; 14 North Sixth, between Franklin ad Main. FOR RENT—TWO OR THREE LARGE rooms and small room exes He nt lo cation. Phone Madison 704S-X ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM ONE bright hall room rent separately or together both furnished modern convenience# private family. Ap ply 110 East Franklin. WANTJBB— OCCUPANTS FtSiTLAKGK frost room, room adjoining and small front room telephone, electric light, heat, bath, with or without Apply >11* Hanover street. DESIRABLE SECOND FLOOR; tHWEe rooms, at * south Third street. ARGE ROOM. FURNISHED Ft>R light housekeeping also others. Ap ply 710 East Franklin street. FOR RENT. MODERN FLAT SIX rooms end bath. Ill East Main St. TWO LARGE. CONNECTING FUR alshad rooms; .hoard If desired. Ap ply !•( West Grace. FOR RENT: FURNISHED ROOMS Apply 100 North Seventh street. 014 EAST CLAYUnEYTlY FURNISH unfurnlshed rooms; special summer rates; phone Madison 2200-J. bath, home comforts. RENT—TWO NICELY FURN1SH frout rooms, second floor, 504 N. Seventh street TWO LARGE, CONNECTING. FUft nlahed rooms: board If desired. Ap ply 104 West Grace. RENT—TWO BRIOHT CON _ rooms, also back parlor; 8a Third. Phone Madison 4200-J FOR FOR RENT—TWO OR THREE LAROE -_and small rooms, excellent lo cation. Phone Madison 7440-j. NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS ON ZdMtfewrgy. near Broad; convenient to hath; me Of parlor. Phone 4008. FURNISHED ROOMS POfr LIGHT ---^4 ,wa single room# rent. 410 North Seventh. ROOMS FOR LIGHT for rant 411 North JSD ROOMS. LARds ANTD • 10 Bast Franklin street. fOOT‘fkMB LARGE ' easeUent ‘ rooms home BTTgfrar’BTOTO by NOONAND OORPORATION, ntun. LOT « ABOUT 200; . brand-saw gix*roo8i frame bouse, wtjh closets sad pastrlra; larva oak grove; Wg m of bW-bulldtnoi at \ atop, FtMMbwi car line. Mm, ■„ *1.660; ft SO cash, balance aa rent by month. SIX-ROOM Taylor good houae; only *1.IS#. 7 SB, WEST lot; detached NINE-ROOM FRAME HOUSE; NICE lot; detached house; Robinaon atreet j near Main; only 11,600. SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, Cary atreet. near Jefferson Hotel; only 62.SOO. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE AND FIVE [ lota, at Highland Springe; only *1,750. THREE LOTS AND SIX-ROOM honae at Highland Springs; only! 61.000. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. PANTRIES, china press, bath, etc.; nice home; Highland Park; only 62.500. ' FIVE NEW ~hSmE8. BARTON Heights; dirt cheap. About 6300 cash and balaitee like rent. Get one. WE HAVE A BIO LOT OF HOMES. Chelsea HiU, at prices cheaper than coat of building; 650 cash, balance monthly. Get one. TWO FIVE-ROOM HOUSES. ONE six-room house, Fulton, renting for 613 per month; 62,00 gets all three. LOT 152 BY 108 AND GOOD 8IX room house. Temple street; only 83,000. Big speculation here. LOT 45 BY 160 AND SEVEN-ROOM house, all for 81,866; house coat more to build It; William atreet. 13-4 ACRES, FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, at Glen Allen; only *1.350; terms. LOT 132 BY 290. HIGHLAND Springs, at atop, and four-room houae; good out-buildings and plenty shade; price, 8760. t_.—- -. AND PLENTY OUT-BUILDINGS. See u» If you want to buy or eell. NOONANDSON REALTY CORPO RATION. _____ v TWO NICE HOUSES ON FOREST Hill car line, near 2600 block; dirt cheap; owners want to sell bad. Let ns show them. NOONANDSON REALTY CORPORATION. SUBURBAN BARGAINS BY GAR RETT A CO. *4.250—10 ROOMS: CORNER: ALL conveniences; 60x120 feet. *3,750—8 ROOMS, RECEPTION hall, bath, range, hot and cold water, electric lights. *3.600—7 ROOMS, ALL CONVEN1 ences. *3.650—6 ROOMS; ELECTRICITY, latrobe. Ac.; 50x120 feet. *3,900—6 ROOMS; BATH, ELEC trlctty. latrobe. range, shade, closets in all bed-rooms; 8700 cash, balance monthly. *2.600—8 ROOMS; BATH. PANTRY wired for electricity. *4,000—10 ROOMS; BATH, PANTRY, cellar: well built; hot air heat LOT 165x136 FEET AT *8.00 PER foot. *3,000—7 ROOMS; BATH. PORCHES; 62x148 feet. *3,250—7 Booms, feet. *4,000*—7 ROOMS; houses;—elf NEW; 62x141 BATH; OUT tricity; modern. *5,150—10 ROOMS; 2 LARGE HALLS and porches; bath, etc. LOT—NICE 62 FOOT LOT; 6I2.0O pel foot. - Phone Monroe 72S. GARRETT * CO.. __ 1®*9 East Main street. SPECIAL FARM"BARGAINS BY OARRETT A CO. NO. 229. *12,500-1.0*8 ACRES IS Charlotte county, adjoining thriv ing town; half mil# from railroad: 175 acre* in fine low ground; bar gain. NO. 81*. *S,500-187 ACRES IN HAN «nr«r county; half mil# from R. R; at* miles to Richmond; good dwell ing and excellent land. NO. 198. 14.500—110 ACRES IN HAN ovar county, (onveaiaiit to Rich mond. This is a fln# truck farm. NO. 199. 82,500—32 1-$ ACRES IN Henrico county, convenient to car line; near Ashland; 8-room house; rtco county, close to railroad; 8-room house; store and blacksmith shop. NO. 194. *4,000—104 ACRES. FIVE mile* from Richmond, on fln# road; fOOd building*. so „Ut- acres, eight miles and on splendid road; rood building*; in splendid command NO. 174, *5,504—49 ACRES; FINE truck term; ^ Iw&lpg and out-buildings; exoeOent lanii con venient to school and NINE-ROOM DETAi Wants twccr - nervous Uni ittawk »tal Soleatiet; MhnmHi **rmMoV*r*. AddSsJTMHhls 3 "couparwffH SJH to nt board near Virginian. TJ?TT WAfn^WIPIf ''*. HAITI Tonic. If not natUBod go to the drug g!»t and gat your monay bests- -— rlgknothlns, you HOt g£ _ Ff’nrmrnv Hama^Hawltf C,o.*3flW'.tBroad"rtrief. al* work guaranteed. Phone. Madi Fifth atraat; wall paptri. room moulding, etc., high olaaa work; low Mt prlc*«’ Investigate KEEK INTEREST IKSEMDir Senior Eight Oared Shell Rgc is Main Event of National Regatta. y WASHINGTON. Aug. IS.—in terra in the second day* races of the na tlonal regatta, keyed up by the cl os nmanes and In tome cates unexpected results of yesterday’s races, rote to i nigh pitch to-day. it centered to the most part on the senior eight oared shell race, the main event o the regatta, and there was enough un certainty about the result to make an entpr look good as a winner, fn sev eral of the other events also th merits of the oarsmen had been a little tried out in a Wg regatta tha the experts had no ground to stam on In picking winners. Precaution were taken to prevent the foultm which occurred at the start of two o yesterdays races, and the arrange menta were perfected to prevent vari ous mishaps which marred the firs day’s racing. The program was made up of th following events: Association single sculls; senlo /our-oared shells; intermediate shells quadruple scull shells (senior); cham plonehip single sculls and the senlo dlght-oared sheila The entries in association sing)' scull (senior) Included nine of tin most prominent scullers'-tn the coun try. In the senior fours were entered thi Minnesota#, of St. Paul; the Mount City Bowing Club, of St. Louis: tbi Argonauts, of Toronto; Arundel#, o Baltimore; Potomac a. of Washington ten train, of St. Louis, and Ottawas of Ottawa. In the intermediate single sculli wcre entered six crac oarsmen. In the quadruple scull shells (sen ior> were entered the New York Ath letlc Club and the Naaeau Club, o New York * The entries for the senior eight oared shells were the Potomaca, o Washington; Vespers, ot Phi lad el phia; Argonauts, of Toronto, and th< Ottawa Club, of Ottawa. Although the Vespers of Phlladet phia, were the favorites In the bi| eight-oared race, the Canadian crews who showed fine form in yesterdayi races, were picked to give them < strong puli if they did not win. Thi Potomac*, of Washington, wars ex pected'to make a great showing also Many of the best oarsmen of th< country were matched against sack other in the single events. The asso ciation single scull race was expected to bring out new championship tim ber. in the championship Singh sculls the veteruna Miller. Sheppard and Mehrhof were the contestants the odds being slightly in favor Ktrmr. aespue Mchthor* good~iSow-~ g yesterday. Pear of the Western- and Canadian clubs was less to-day, although the Argonauts, of Toronto, were dtrongty backed. Detroit __ DETROIT, August*. 11—-*arl Wil s-n. the pitcher whom the futtroi American League baseball club se ured from Peoria, wag released »< ■Toronto in the Eastern League. R v-sy be recalled nest spring. i Font Royal Defeats Stresharg. FRONT ROTA* TAL VA.. August It ^ront Royal defeated Strasburg yes erday in a seven-inning game. 6 to i. Tha. visitors could do nothing with Dalton's delivery. FDHESEES KIT FUTHE FOR BMIS« P. J. Egan, Saw York Real Es tate Man Impressed With Busi ness Opportunities Here. Kirhmond may *oon haws another real estate dealer an a lares seals in the person of Mr. F. J, inn. of New York, who has been la the oily for several days looktac ovur . tits Held, and who is thin kina seriously of mak in* the Vlretala espial his home. Mr. Scan Is enthuMsatls over Rich ntond. for which h* predicts a «reat business future. He believes the city Is eventually dsstiaed to become oat of tho chief , Industrial marts sf tit* South. _-j_. "Richmond is a food otty sad is ssttiac hotter rlsht alone." aald Mr. . "TWa is lar«ely bosasss titers Is an almost satire absence of ssmllon vMktss or of the pM*ttak*«tftefc i •oilemea which era found at the bet tern of so many town boosts In the Nbrth and IheWeeM Heal estate berew 1 Cor instance, is steadily Increases la i vatua. and for every advanos there is | a reason. Frequently, you know, prices , LIGHT IDWHCfS MADE ON MINUET Opening Very Brisk With Good f Demand Resulting in Rise of Quotation. NEW YORK. Aufuit 1*.—There era* a brisk demand for stocks at the opening of the stocK market to-day, with many >«aue« making moderate advances, but the gains were not well held and recessions were noted ail through the list. At the end of fifteen minutes, however, the tone became steady, with the majority of issues showing alight galnf. Pronounced strength developed In the market following the receeeton Just after the opening, and the upward movement carried prices to new high figures for the week. Government bonds unchanged: other bonds steady. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. Americas Best Sugar...,.. Am. Agr. Cham. Co. AlHe-Cb aimer*. Allis-Chamber*, pfd. Amalgamated Copper. •, • Amerieaa Can. Americas Can. pfd. Amerieaa Car * Fdy. Amerieaa Car A Fdy. pfd.. Amerieaa Cottoa OU. Amerieaa tocemotlr*. Amerieaa Locomotive, pfd. Amerieaa Sees!ting........ Amerieaa Sugar. Amer. TeU aad Tel. Co ... Amerieaa Tobaaeo. com.., Americas Tobaaeo. pfd.... Aaaeoode Copper_.... Atehleea.... Atlantic Coe** Line....... Baltimore end Ohio. Brooklyn Rapid Tranelt. .. Canadian Pacific.. Cham peaks sad Ohio. Chicago Greet Western..., Chla. Mil. end St. Paul.... Chi. sad Northwestern.... C, O. w . pfd_....._ Central feather.. Colorado Fuel aad Iron.... Colorado aad Southern.... Colo, and Sooth., let pfd.. Col. aad South., Sd pfd... Coaeolkleted Gee. Delaware aad Hudaon. Dearer aad Rio G.. rom... Drawer aad Rio G„ pfd.... DMiHere*6ee. Cor.. Erie... Erie, let pfd. Erie, 3d pfd. . General Kiaetrte. Gnat Northern, pfd...... Greet North. Ore. CUe_ IiUaoie Central.. lat. Metropolitan. lat. Metropolitan, pfd.... lat. Mer. Marian, eom_ at. Mer. Marias, pfd. lateraational Paper. International Paper, pfd... Kansas City So., com. Kinase CRy So., pfd. Uuiseflle aad Nashville... 3454 30 6854 *54 *7 2 P. M. 35 13 S 30 8654 *54 STH OA 12054 133 54 470 no w 37 102 87* 11954 18854 MM *0!{ 99 113 10*54 n H 183 74 X 12454 144)4 84 54 SO 130 181 *854 *354 82 54 4054 {9)4 113 M754 77 19254 T«H 34 1M«< 144 4554 34 HE 2854 52 n 88 13l»H 18054 aoH 71 2754 2854 46 UA 34 1754 4954 143 1KH 54 18054 17 47 454 1054 49 141)* f Railway. ion » 2354 9254 14254 128 Mo.. Kaoeond T« Uieeouri Pacific.. National teed.... New Terk Central N. Y. Out. and W, Norfolk aad Western Northern Pacific.,,, Pfd. 3354 62 51 115 41 117 ftapio*e Gar... ■Fneitil Steal Oar. tfcE-per 128 5154 81H 11354 ♦054 9054 117 12954 10154 35 Rwy. Steal tgtag,< Republic Iron aad Steal. Republic I. ami 8„pid.. Rock Island. 143 3054 93 31 144*4 3054 W *054 m Seuthern PaeOle.. Bellway... Railway, pfd....... Copper.. Taras Pacific.. Caioa Pacific.... United States Rubber. Caited Btatm Steel. United States Steel, pfd..;... Va-Car. Chemtral. Va.'Chr. Chemical, pfd....... Wabash.... Wabash, pfd. Western Union. 11554 *554 *4 54 ***4 18854 *•54 7» 118 4*M 35 64)4 «54 «*54 1M 2354 33 2354 37 *454 7154 11054 *9*4 11954 IT » •354 Richmond f*M« aaautnrr. Richmond, Va_ Aug. l*, if! ■TATB SECUKITU* Bhu a* Worth Carolina, la. e. Ill, ... . Va. la. Old C. and R.. im »S Vi. Cant art as *-*, C. and K. mi . .'.*«* i C1TT SECURITIES Kanohaatar City. Richmond City la R. list* lin-m) railroad bonds. . C 1* R. R. Con. Tr. Ip. e 91 CD Ctto. lad. and O. Qaa Mtr. *%a . 100 a. Rac, lot. la. C, im,.m aorgla Sou. and Fla. 1945 1»« a. and Ala. Co*, la. mi ioj artoik and Waal. Hr. la. _ or,*and West Does in XliV 1?! lab. **« Dan. Gold la C m« .....a** inboard Air ldna. la 19*0 a * NEW YORK. Aug. 13—After open. In* steady at an advance of a point - to a decline of S points, tha cotton market this mornin* eased on a •cat-'5' tcrlng liquidation and local hear pra#> ture. Gable* were about as doe, there seemed to be better prospects for showers in the Southwest MjS§ Sunday. Cotton prices: August. 15.0at September. 14.38 6 42; October, 1U1 #«•: December. 13.57 9 65; January* 13.50951; March. 13.659S0; May, 13.60981; July, lS.ei9(5. Bank Statement. . NEW' YORK, Aug. is—The weekly bank statement shows the foUewfwr changes: Reserve on all depoaits. Increase, $4,218,476. 7258 Reserve on deposits other than S., Increase, $4,313,500. ^Hg Roans, increase, fl5,10.09; "aSI Specie, lnoresee. 112.033.700. 'rM legal tenders, decrease, $1,117.50.: Deposits, increase. $35.•87,709. . | Circulation, increase. $107,300. is Tout loans. $1,334,305,300. v;® The surplus of the banks Is 565,*-'. 673,825, as compared with fM,7»4,»*ii a year ago apd $00,014,535 two year* > Ex-Lightweight Champion at Rest After Losing Hopei* Last Battle. .... BALTIMORE. MD, August f£^¥|j§| funeral of Joe Gena will take place thta afternoon at 1 o’clock from Wlutt coat Methodist Episcopal church, lax. ington and Pine streets. There was an early morning service at the Gans re*bw dence for the family, and at t o'clock the body was then.removed to church, where It wtu remain until ter the church services. This whs cided upon yesterday by the fan in order to give the hundreds of Rep« pie who will be unable to attend tha | funeral a last chance to view the body of the dead champion. Rev, OthMnL 1 Cummin*#. ,of the Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, conducted the e***y i j services at the home. t ^ The church services will be in charge ' of Rev. Alfred Young, pastor*of What* J. coat church. He will be assisted by . Rev. Cummings and Rev. F. R. Wll- ” Hams. A feature of the church service will be the music. The dead master of the lightweights was a great lover of tnt|%! sic. It was announced at the G home last night that Lloyd tilfaha. well-known colored tenor, and Mel TunstsU, a colored barytone singer, coming from New York and wlH rive here this morning in time for services to sing several favorite hyi of the deceased. ■"* All yesterday floral pieces arrives the house. They were placed on sides of the »Uk-lined casks}, in parlors. A steady stream oF vttl! called to pay their respects, am them being several businese and j* feesionai men of this city. The Whatcoat church seats ah L600 gfesntn. and it is thought I every seat win be occupied when service begins. The pail-bearefa ’ be members of tils Elks. Knights Pythias and or the Silver Borings i clai Club. 61 all oif which the dsasa was a member. : Among the floral pieces which ’ decorate the casket and church pi form to-day. will he some fro*'"; following admirers of «M former pw tstic Thr M—> ^"fir Kr ing Journal. E. Very Stokes, Abrah U liman, Alexander Hemsley; a la pillow of flowers from Mrs. Joe (Sa a floral piece from Mm Wallace Smi a beautiful chair, entitled the chi plan's seat,- from Joe Barrett; a tifui design from Mrs. William C a wreath from Hurry Lyons; a some floral tribute fro* Howard able; a floral pises from Hiss Fisher; a handsome design fiftfl beys of Leach's Hotel; a noth* Jim Robinson: one fro* the Ki of Pythias; a magnificent floral from the Monumental' Brew* handsome one from Mr. WlINg Strain; end. beautiful fterel^ri brances from John W. Hawfcloa riah Gan a, Julia and ffslur Q* a pretty floral design from 3. Alt and many others. a BOSTON. August II. :omplaiat» to make aid ton American club top «d,” mid Harry Lord, third baseman, when ht the Mub headquarter* I “This deal with Chica turprise. Not that I h i gainst Chicago, but I .n the East where t uoul amtiy Before I *w» tome body wilt have to t