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DIOVE flOTPOKER I I.ittle Girl Tell* Horrible Details of Murdering Her Gotl --- — JW*er. POLICE DU M BFOl'N 1)ED Unwilling to Believe Confession, ^ But Have Xo Other Plausible j Theory of Crime. P1TT8BVRO. PA.. August HI—The police arc amased ut the stoical de meanor maintained bp Catherine Botti, 13, who Is now ■'Ln Jail here charged with the murder of Pasquale Volpi, to, her godfather, because of his alleged unwelcome attention* to her. According to the poat mortem ex amination the girl not only hit Volpe with an axe but ahe later struck him several blows with a hatchet and then pieried his lifeless body with a red hot poker. When confronted with this new evidence this morning she did not change one particle, but said. "Yes, 1 forgot to tell you about that. After l had hit him several times with an axe. I grew tired and picked up a hatchet and hit him two or three times, then I heated a pokor and pushed into his body. He had broken my hear* and I wanted to break hla. Although unwilling to believe her confession, officers who worked on the case to-day acknowledged her story haa verified In every detail, and have bean unable to confirm their theories that other persons stronger than she had committed the crime. SKIPPER SAYS JAP BOAT REFUSED AID American Captain Prefers Charges and Investigation is Stated. TOKIO. August 13.—The Japanese Navy Department to-day began an In vestigation of charges filed by Cap tain Kitt, of the Pacific Mail liner Mon golia. that when the Mongolia was grounded yesterday the Japanese Steamer Takaskan refused to aid her. The Toklo newspapers are unani mous in denouncing Kitt for prefer ring charges, declaring that he falsi fied when he aasserted the Takaskan refused to aid him. The Takaskan. they say. Is too small a vessel to Have refloated the Mongolia, but she offered every' other aid in her power. As soon as the Mongolia’s plight became known the Navy Department dispatched the battleship Ikl to the scene, but she reached there aafter the Mongolia had been refloated. Ambassador O'Brien and the Pacific Mail Steamship Company to-day for mally thanked the Navy Department for Its efforts. TO LEAVE COUNTRY Ha? Boat Heady fur Escape if Estrada is Success ful. I t £. BLVEFIELPS. \UfuM IS—Ms sages reaching here from Genera Hsnt, In command of the revolution ary troops advancing on Managua have been of such an enoouregini —nature that ptmlnsinnai t*resiaen Estrada left to-day for Granada where he expects to personally dlree the siege against the Madrts capital It la believed the Eatrada troopa wl! close In on Managua tome time ncx week and Estrada will then endeavoi to atarve Madrix out. Following Zelaya's example, it i understood, Madrix has a boat com missioned on which ho may endeavo: to escape from the country In caa< Estrada is suceeesfu! in his attack NEWS NOTE8 GATHERED AT STANARDSVU.Lt (Special to The Richmond Virginian. STAKDARDSYILIJS, VA, August 1J Rsv. TV. M. Cleavsiend hss retar net from Ids evangelical lo ir in New Er.g land. James 51. Mallory returned liom< from West Virginia this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Eddins went ti Hot Springs Tuesday to spend a shor season for Mrs. Eddtr.s' health. R. P. Thomas. Commonwealth's at torney for Greene, was taken danger dusty 111 some days ago. hut la nov ■early well again. The Episcopalians will hold & lawi party In this plate the ITth. A <juar tette of musicians from Charlottas vllle will he present to help entertali the crowd. HOLLAND’S PRINCE HUNT IN FULL FROM BICYGLI THE HAOCE, August IS— Frlne Henry ©f the Netherlands, the prlnc consort of Queen Wllhelmlns, fel from his bicycle while riding yester day. He sustained a fracture of th collar-bone. Prtnce Henry, who follows athleti recreations with enthusiasm, has set oral times before sustained minor In juries In these pursuits. ./MMWl.inyi' ;»-ag-ouauiiiia I. District Ns. *sally trimmed and filled out if sent to the Contest » leavening — muffins that didn’t stand up as. they ' "orter.” Baking Powder with its tvening power U a mighty better cooking. At your grocer’s. * Hie SooAen Maufadnrmi Ca., Richmond, Va. I GOVERNOR'S DAY II AVIATION MEET T Groat Crowds Assemble at As bnrv Park to Witness Flights bv the Wright Machines. ASHIlfRY PARK, N. J., August < 13—This Is "Qovfrnor'i Day" at the aviation meat held here under the auspices of the Asbury Place Aero and Motor Club. Governor Fort and a hla stalT and many of the State leg- ( Isiator* and othera prominent In State 6 polities are In the city to witness the ^ flights by the Wright machines and " the other aerial stunts that are on the 1 program. Governor Hughes, of New > r Xork, who was invited to attend, 1 has sent his regrets. Secretary of n Interior Ballinger Is due to arrive , 1 here later lti the da}. In time to see \ the flights of the aeroplanes, which 11 begin at 4 o'clock. I The Special feature of this nfter- < noon's meet will be the flight of two 1 Wright machines simultaneously. {, "Archie" House' and Ralph John- ) stone "111 probably be the aviators , who will be seen In this exhibition. There will also be a duration con- , i test In which the aeronaut remaining i * In the atr for the longest time will t : be declared the winner. t No attempt will be made to-day to j ( break any records. i New Chartars. 1 Six charters and one amendment to , charter were granted ' Friday by the [ State Corporation Commission. They j are as follows: W. J Courtney Company, lncorpor- ! ated. Mundy Point, Va. Incorporators: i , W. J. Courtney, president: F. A. Dam- j ; erson. vice-president; R. M. Noarris, , ’ secretary—all of Mundy Point, Va. ; 1 Capital stock—maximum, *25,000; niln j lmum. $10,000. Objects and purposes; | Canning vegetables and conducting a flsh business. Southeastern Telephone Company. : Spencer. Va. incorporators: D. S. BUI. ! ] president; D. E. Moore, vice-president: W. C. Clanton, secretary: G. W. Clark, . treasurer—all of Spencer, Va, Capital } stock—mlxlmum. $5,000; minimum,; $500. Objects and purposes:Operate a ; j telephone line. The Miller Transfer Company, Incur- j j porated, Lexington, Va. Incorpora.- • tors: BetiJ. Huger, president; E. A. Sale, vice-president; Harrington Wad- j dill, secretary and treasurer—all of j Lexington. Va. Capital stock—rnaxl I mum. $5,000: minimum, $5^000. Objects ! and purposes: Transfer, business. J. O. Lovelace Company, lncorpor- j ated. South Boston. Va. Incorporators: T. C. Watkins, Jr. president; J O. ; Lovelace, secretary and treasurer; F. A. Lukin—all of South Boston. Va. Capital stock—maximum, $3,000, mini- ! mum. $1,000. Objects and purposes; 1 Mercantile business. Stonewall Distilling Company. Incor porated, Manchester. Va, Incorpora tors: C. E. Tesh, president: J. W. Moore, viee-prestdent; J. A. Grubb, secretary and treasurer—all of Rich mond, Va. Capital stock—maximum. $15,000; minimum, $5,000. Objects and purposes: Liquor business The Taylor Saloon. Incorporated, Roanoke, Va. Incorporators G. L. : ; j Taylor, president; F. K. Williams, vice — president; 11. L. Aflame. aeeretary and - treasurer—all of Roanoke. Va. Capl- i tal stock—maximum, $10,000: mini mum, $2,000. Objects and purposes: Liquor business. An amendenmt was issued to the charter of the Norfolk Trunk Factory, Incorporated, Norfolk, Va.. decreasing ,! capital stock from maximum of $25.- { 000 to $10,000, and from minimum of ! . $10,000 to $6,000. ARE TRYING TO SOLVE RICE MORDER MYSTERY; CLEVELAND. O.,; Angus 1$.— ! John Kartness Browne, former ml!- ! ' j llonalre real estate' dealer, was the i chief witness to-day at the inquest ■ into the mysterious murder of Attor 1 | hey William L. Rice. He told In de tail of arriving at his home on the C night Klee was killed and seeing the : 1 wounded man. He slated that he un derstood that he had been Injured by I an automobile and did not know It ! was Rice, or that ha had been shot, until the next day. When he reach ! ed the place where Rice waa shot 1 Rice was being placed in a doctor's automobile, he said, and did not see’ , his face. Rice was his attorney In a 1 J building deal, he said, and their rela tione were friendly. He said he was deeply Interested in the case, although ho did not know at the time it was) Rice who was Injured, and called the police and the morgue once before I he got the facts in the case He said that aa far as he knew Rice had no 1 enemies. . William Nelson Cromwell, the New York lawyer, who was a business as sociate of Rice’s, was an Interested * spertator at the Inquest 1 Railroad Company Sued, e Suit against the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Compaq? for $6,000 e waa Instituted by Thomas Sacra in - the Court of Law and Equity late - Thursday afternoon. The action Is one of trespass. IVNISKEY CHS NEHR MCE RIOT Slacks and Whites Clash on T rain from Norfolk to Dan ville. Special to The Richmond Virginian.) DANVILLE. VA.. Au*. 1«—As a esult of a race clash on an excur lon train returning from Norfolk to Ireenaboro, wnen near Franklin, outhamptoh county, after midnight, 'ed Stanley, white, of Guilford Col *ge, N. C.. was shot in the right reast anad seriously, perhaps fatally, ijured by a negro, and Robert Jonee. white man, aged sixteen, of Greens oro. was hit over the head with a ,-hlskey bottle. No arrests were made y trainmen or officers till the train earhed here this morning. Danville Ulcers arrested Price Howard, Hollis IcCoy and John McCoy, Greensboro egroes. and Sam Mackttn, colored, leldsvllle, N. C. Stanley and Jones rere taken to general hospital here. The clash was a typical whiskey or that assumed proportions of a iegro race riot. Stanley went Into he negro car and purchased a hot |t- of whiskey. A negro grabbed It rom his hand, and a free fight en ued, in which pistols and bottle* flg ired conspicuously. A semblance of rder was restored, and the train esched Danville without trouble. LEAPS TO DEATH ^rominpnt Washington Heal Es tate Dealer Commits Suicide. WASHINGTON. D C, August 1J.— As the result of chronic nervousness John E. McLeran climbed through » gable window on the fourth floor of the home of Dr. A. R. Shand here to-day and committed suicide by hurl ing himself to the grduhd. He left a note saying he had no hope of re i-overy. Dr. Shane, wnose wife Is s cousin >f McLeran, was talking to A. M. Har -Ison, a friend, about Mcl^iran's ner vousness, when the body of the man the window near which they were standing. McLeran had left the room he had occupied during the night and made hts way to the fourth floor, where ha entered a vacant room and climbed out upon the roof. He was a promi nent real estate dealer, a member of the Chevy Chase Club and was well known In social and business circles. He Is survived by his wife and four rhildren. His business recently had not prospered. WALKER LOSES MOTION TO MAKE RECORD PUBLIC INDIANAPOLIS. IND.. Aug 13—In the morning session of the special na tional miners' convention here to-day John H. Walker, president of the Il linois miners, lost In an attempt to have printed a full record of pro ceedings in the Joint conference be tween the International executive board and representatives of Illinois miners and operators Walker said the delegates should be, given all possible Information of the Illinois situation. President Lea ls Immediately ruled out of order a motion by Walker to have copies printed and distributed. l.ewis then declared that free speech wilt not be curtailed, and that any Information regarding the confer ence which approved the Illinois wag* compromise Is available to delegates The report of the rules commutes opened the session. MADRIZ WILLING TO CALL GENERAL ELECTION WASHINGTON, D C„ Aug 13.—Af ter Dr. Rarrtos and Dr. Salinas, envoys of Dr. Mndrlz. provisional president ol Nicaragua, had visited acting Secretary of State Wilson to-day, the opinion was expressed here that the United States will countenance no suggestion for a settlement of the trouble In Nic aragua. unless it is presented with the sanction of both Madrlz and Estrada, the revolutionary leader. While no statement was made, it Is believed that the envoys told Wilson that Madris would agree to held an election. If the United States would recognize the government. It Is said that Wilson pointed out that Madrli holds only s part of the country', and that the United States could not recog nize such a suggestion unless the per sons offering it represented the entirs country. UNITE V9TER> FEDERATION WITH EXITED MINE WORKER* WASHINGTON, Aug l*.—It wa« learned to-day that a meeting will be held In Indianapolis August 18, at which an effort will be made to unite the Western Federation of Miners iv 1th the United Mine Workers through the affiliation of the Western miners with the American Federation of La bor. Samuel Gompers, president Of the American Federation of Labor; Presl dent Moyer, of the Western Federa tion; Prealdsnt Lewis, of the United Mins Workers, and President O’Con nell, of tha International Machinists’ Union, wlir participate In the confer ence. Gompers left here to-day for Ra chlne, Wla.. where he will deliver a lecture to the iron workers before go ing to Indianapolis On hts way back to Washington ha will speak at Pitts burg. SERVICES OF SPECIAL INTEREST IN THE RICHMOND CHURCHES The pastor. Rsv. Henry Pearce At- j ktns. will preach at Allen Avenue Christian church to-morrow morning J and evening- Subject*, morning. "Our Unappreciated Blejylngs’’; evening, ' The Mi—ion of a Choeen People.” ! At the Y. M. C. A. Sunday Afternoon.' The men't meeting Sunday after- i noon will be a continuation of the dls- j cusslon of Dr. Vance’e new book, "Tendency.” The epuakara wtlt be R. ; A. Brock. Jr., theme. "The Crown of Life." and W. Y. Relthard, physical I director of the Y. M. C. A., theme. "Destination and Departure.” Dr. Vance’s book has proved to be j up In these discussions. This will j one of the strongest we have taken 1 be the last Sunday with this book.\ and a cordial invitation Is given to all! men to attend this meeting; 1:S0| o’clock Is the hour of the opening! •ong service. The subject for the boys’ meeting ! win be ’’A Little More Pepper”; !h# speaker Mr. R. A. Ricks, Jr., ons of the young men member* of the as-' soclstlon. The boy are making things move, and every boy from ten to l eighteen years of age Is cordially in vited to attend this meeting and bring a boy friend with him. The Rev. A. B. Woodfln. D. D., of Waynesboro, Vs., will occupy the pul- : pit of the Grace Street Baptist church at the morning service No service at j night. The Rsv. George Boardman Eaf*r, D. D.. of Louisville, Ky.. will occupy the pulpit of the Grove Avenue Bap tlat church at the morning service. No service at night. Services at East End Union Gospel Mission, No.. 1*03 North Twenty-eighth street, Sunday afternoon at 8 P. M. Open air meeting at corner Twenty eighth and 8 streets at S P. M.. and at Venable and Mosby streets at * : P. M. These meetings are undenom ! (national and all churches are Invited ; to take part, especially In the open ■ air service#, which will be continued In I different places during the week. In Union Station Methodist church I—Preaching at 11 A M. by Dr. James H. Moee and at 8:15 P. M. evangelistic i services conducted by Mr. 8. K. Me- , | Kee, of Central T. M. C. A. Subject. 1 '•Fellowship and Service.” | -- j Park Place Methodist church—The ! ! pastor. Rev. B. P. Lipscomb, will preach at 11 A. M.. There will he no j j service at night. 8unday school at '9:80 A. M. j At Centenary Methodist church— i ■ Rev j. N. Latham. D. D.t will preach ■at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. Morning! ; subject, "The Herald of the King.” 1 "SPIRIT MESSAGE" SHOWJIjl COURT Rut Judge Won’t Recognize it Though He Follows Di rections. WASHINGTON. D. C.. August IS.— j Actually producing In court a "mss- I sage” written on a slip of paper pur i porting to have been transcribed by the i spirit of the late William H. Crowell, ; his widow to-day asksd that It be i taken as an expressed wish by the de ceased that Major W. H. H. Crowell. U. 8. A., his brother. b» appointed ad : mlnlatrator of the estate, i Three children of Crowell objected : to (he appointment of the uncle and : ridiculed the "spirit message.'' Judge i Barnard ruled that he could not recog ! not recognize the ‘‘message.” and up | pointed both Major Crowell and W11 ' llom B. Crowell, a son, as joint ad ministrators of the estate, which Is I valued at 386,000. The letter, which : Mr*. ‘'Cowell mitt #he received through a local medium, gate many directions about the estate, and concluded: “Ruby met me. I have seen many folks here This Is a beautiful world.” j SUNDAY-SCHOOL WORK IS SHOWN IN REPORTS <Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KEYBVILLK. VA . Aug. 13—The Charlotte county interdenominational Sunday school convention met at Friendship Baptist church Wednes day and Thursday. A large crowd was In attendance each day."and an Interesting program wa# carried out. The report of the secretary showed increased attendance and collections from schools all over the county. Ad dresses were delivered by Revs. Hig , gason, Dyches. Dadmun. Peebles and Pearson. The following laymen made i talks: Terry. Veaman, Shaw and Wll ! son. TWO BOY8 GET 20 YEARS FOR BURNING HOUSES NEW YORK, August II.—Two boys , one 16 and the other 18, were sentenced : to twenty years each In State prison by ; Judge Fawcett In Brooklyn this after • noon. They are John Boris and Mi i chael Cardo. end they had pleaded guilty of arson irl having set fire to a number of houses In the Williamsburg section. These are the two youngest prison ers ever given a lengthy State prison sentence In this city, the usual prac tice having been to send youths to a reformatory. CIRCUIT COI*RT ADJOURNS FOR AUGUST TERM j The Chesiorileld Circuit Court ad» i Journed Friday afternoon, after hav ] In* been In seaaion for a week. With ! the exception of the Oeborne case. In , which the farmer accepted a sen < tence of three years in the penitentiary, \ there w*e nothin* of importance to consume the time of the judge and the Jurymen. Osborne will be taken to ! the penitentiary Saturday. He plead ed guilty of the charge of attempted | criminal assault upon a young girl ROOT AFTER TALKING SIX, DAYS SITS DOWN THE HAOU*. August 1*.—Senator Ellhu Root to-day concluded bis six ' days’ apeech before the Arbitration I Tribunal, which’ decides tha New I Foundland fisher lea dispute. Hla ! speech marked the end of the argu j ment and the cate has now gone to the arbitrators. A verdict le not expect I ed before the letter part of Beptem ! bar or early In October. JAMBS WHITCOMB RILEY DOWN WITH RARALYBIB INDIANAPOLIS." IND. AUgUSt »•.— Evening aubject, “Tha Heroic* A# Wife.” Asbury Place.M. B. church—Preach ing at 11 A. M. by Rev. T A. Petti grew No aervlc* at night. Sunday wheel at >:B0 A. M, _ _. Ia Broad Street Method let church, corner Tenth and Broad streets. Rev. Mf. Parsons, of Vanderbilt University, will preach In the morning at 11 o’clock, and at night Rev. B. F. Blps comb. D, D., pastor of Park Place church, will preach. At Laurel Street Methodist church —Rev. O. W. M. Taylor will preach at 1 lo’clock, and at 8:16 P. M. the pator, Dr. James H. Mobs, will preach. Services will be held in First Church of Christ, Scientist Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon will be "Soul.” The ladies of the Weet End Meth odtat church will give a country lawn party and terve supper and Ice cream in front of Mr. A. B. Morrlsett's Sat urday night. If the weather Is un favorable supper will be served in Mr. A. H. Thomas* store, Hull and Clop ton streets. Hours, « to 11. Orace Episcopal church. Main and Foushee streets—-Rev. Landon R. Ma son, rector. Services at usual hours Sunday. Men’s Bible class starts at $: SO A. M. Immanuel Baptist church (Fifth I and Leigh streets)—Horning; worship at il o’clock. Sermon by the pas tor, Rev. B. Franklin Bryan, Ph. D. Subpect, "The Robe of Charity." No service at night. At First Baptist church the pastor, Rev. George W. McDaniel, D. P., will preach at 11 A. M. and 8:15 P. M. Seventh Street Christian church— I Preaching at 11 A. M. by the Rev. i W. L. Fisher, of New Tork city. Sub. j Ject, "Experimental Knowledge of: God." Sunday school at 8:80 A. M. During the vacation of the pastor, Rev. Gerald Culberson, Mr. H. O. Lane, Of the Railroad T. M. C. A., will, conduct divine services each Sun day morning at Third Christian church. His subject Sunday morn ing will be ‘'Lovebeams." At St. James Methodist church the sendees at tl A. M. will be conducted by Adjutant Wtggln*. of the Salvation Army. No service at nlgnt. Westminster Presbyterian church— Rev. James V. Fair, D, D., pastor, j Preaching to-morrow at 11 A. M. and ] 8:15 P. M. by Rev. A. D. P. Gilmour. | D. D. Sabbath school 9:30 A. M. Westminster League at 7:80 P. M Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8:15 P. M. All welcome. The condition of James Whitcomb Ri ley to-day was reported to be slightly Improved, following a mild stroke of Saralysls which haa confined him to his ; ome for two weeks. His attending physician pronounces Riley’s affliction not likely to prove fatal at thle time. He Is In his sixtieth year, however, and it is known the shock haa had a dan gerous effect on his vitality, WAITS FOR VESSEL IN WHICH TO SAIL CAPE TOWN. Aug. 13.—No alarm is felt by Captain Scott, commander of the British Antarctic expedition, ; over the delay In the arrival of the1 Terra Nova, the vessel that the expe- i dltion Is to use In Its quest of the! South Pole. The vessel Is now twelve j days overdue and has not been spoken stnee she left Madeira on June 27. Captain Scott says such delays are not unusual and that he will not be come apprehensive if the vessel Is not heard from for two weeks yet. NO PEARSON SYNDICATE; ONLY PRIVATE INVESTMENTS NEW TORK. August 1*.—Denying i emphatically that there has even : been a "Pearson" syndicate In Rock I stand". T-eNlghTaneyV Missouri Paci fic, Wabash, Denver end Rio Grande and "Western Pacific, Percivn! Faqu har. who had been referred to as Its financial secretary, arrived to-day from London. He stated that all the Investments he and hit friends have made in Rock Island and other stocks have been for Investment >nly and said that the reports of the so-called Pearson syndicate, have been "utterly absurd." HELP. TT TOV DESIRE A STENOGRAPHER typewriter. or help of any kind, u*e Annual Mountain Excursion TO CHARLOTTESVILLE. HOT SPRINGS WHITE SULPHUR, NATURAL BRIDGE AND INTERMEDIATE STATIONS. VIA. CHESAPEAKE 4c OHIO RAILWAY THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th. ROUND TRIP RATES FROM RICH MOND. Station Charlottesville to Alton. 83.58 Station* Baaic to Staunton _ 3.18 Station* Mount Elliott to Clifton Forg*. 3.48 Station* Cot!niton to Whit* Sulphur. 4.88 Hot Spring* '. 4.88 Natural Bridge. 4J8 Train leave* Richmond for Station* Charlottesville to White Sulphur and Hot Spring*, inclusive 1300 Noon, and for Natural Bridge 11:45 A. M., Thursday, August 18th. Ticket* good returning on all regular trains not later than Thursday, August 23rd. Five 15) days In the Mountain*. An extended week-end outing to C. & 0. famous resorts. The most popular excursion of the season. City Coal Company. PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE. MJO VIRGINIA ANTHRACITE, 88.88 SPLINT, 84.58 Steam Contract Solicited. City Coal Company. Lombardy and Brand Streets. 38th and Dock Street*. '"t ..,... RE IS A CHANCE FOR EVERYONE $120.00 Paid in CASH PREMIUMS In addition to redeeming my WRITTEN SIGNATURES cut from tOL'NGER’S PACKAGE ROASTED COFFEES in PuluifH: and COL PONS vnrtn rxffnatum in 1. t, 2 1-1, ~ co at tho rata pay in CASH 3 and'3 pound Tin PorAajpa at the rata of my WRI COUPONS wrtdsn rifnatum by January let, 1 Distributed aa fellow*: turaiac In. .. written big* number lar|Mt number lerftMt number _ ._ me PACKAGE ROASTED COFFEES, you ax* roduco your grocery bill and got tho otry boot oaluoo on tho mmrkol. fiftitttMfc ____ WaaNMttSw:;;: fcsaSSS^SSr:::: *. In • eying FSSS. | jri Iht try I .1 trial vill eontincr you. I pack all grades. The prloaa -of Cofirm will maat the riewa of all eoaaumara. Inaiat on baaiM YOUNGER S COFFEES IN PACKAGES, bearing 1L. C. YOUNG ER'Sl WRITTEN SIGNATURES and aava 10 to 2S par cant, in prlcaa. Satis faction guaranteed or money refunded. Younger* ('off** once tried, If property prepared for the cup always uacd For aala by aU dealer*. If your Mer ahant cannot supply you. 'pbaaa or write m* and I will give you tba name of a mar chant. who will be (lad to furnish you my Coffees. Return all SIGNATURES end COU PONS to LC. YOUNGER IMPORTER AND COFFEEE ROASTER M3. IM VIRGINIA STREET. PHONE MADISON Ml. RICHMOND, VA. 1.*# IB.M Barton Heights Mr*. Harry Hughe* ana Otway* Hughes, who have been at Old Church j for several weeks, hare returned. Misses Annie and Ada Kuyk are j spending three weeks with the Misses Horsley In Buckingham. Miss Kate Lee Oold 1* visiting Miss Heath Mackie on York etreet. Mra. E. B. Bowden and little son, j John, left Thursday for a lengthy visit to friends In .Augusta and Albe marle. Misses Ellaabeth and Robyn Mae Miller have gone to visit Niagara Polls, Toronto and Thousand Islands and will return by Atlantic City, where they wilt stay some time. Mia* Pearl Bodeker, of Washing ton. D. C., was the guest of Mrs. B. W. Grubbs for several days this week. The Re\. T. M. Lemley left Tues day for Montreal, where he will spend his vacation. Mrs. Prank Heidenfleld and Misses Louise and Etta • Heidenfleld are at Waehapreague for several weeks. [ Little Misses Virginia and Rebekah Jennings have gone for a visit to their grandmother at Cedar Point. Miss Helen Mlekelfcoro, of Grove avenue, Richmond, has been the guest of her cousin. Miss Marlon Wallace, for the past week. Miss Aliens Sintcm. of Newport News. Is the guest of Mrs. C. C. Rady. Mlssea Thorps and Bessie Hughes are spending their vacation st Old Church. 4 Mrs. N. B. Croxton is at Elkton with Mr. and Mrs. Pulliam and Mlaa. Louise Crutchfield. Mra. H. R. Jones and Mlsa Doro-1 thy Jones, who have been visiting in Orange county. have returned home. , Mrs. Ida B. Gordon la chaperon ing a party of young people at Buck roe Beach at the Lee cottage for sev eral weeks. Among those in the party are Misses Mabel and Rlanchs Glenn. ! Evelyn Carpenter, OJlle 8ydnor and Kathleen Gordon. Miss Alma Morgan, who has been | visiting her aunt, Mrs. H. A. Auatin.! has returned to her home In Ken tucky. Dr. Kirk will preach at the Bap- ■ tlst church Sunday morntnf for the! pastor, who Is away In Albemarle for his vacation. Miss Florence Stevenson left Friday ; for a three weeks’ visit to New York I City ! Mr f.a ugh On win preach at the' Methodist church Sunday morning I and Mr. Asbury Christian at night. Miss Marlon Wallace is visiting her uncle. Mr. Mlckleboro. Highland Park in the absence of the pastor. Kav. | J. S. Hunter will preach at Highland Park Methodist church Sunday morn ing. There will be no service at night, j Miss Edna Hayre, of Elko. Va.. is visiting her friend. Mrs. Robert Wor- j thant. on Enslow avenue. Mrs. A. R. H. Riley and children and Miss Martha Riley, of Jersey City, will leave for their, home Sat urday after a pleasant visit to their relatives, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Bow man. Miases Mabel and Elate Gordon left j Friday to visit at Emporia. Thev will 1 not return before September 18. The many friends of Mrs. John R. Llvesay will be glad to learn that she and her family have moved back to Chestnut Hill to live again. Misses Agnes and Gertruds Royal are visiting in Charles City county. Miss Margaret Enslow, Mr. Lynn Enslow and their conalna, Misses Ens low, of West Virginia, spent Friday at Old Point. Miss Janie Oalnes returned Friday from an outing at Old Point Mr. WUUam Dabney, of Waynes boro, who has been visiting at Mr. i L. B. Enslow’s. returned home last Wednesday. Rev. J. R. Rennie, of Amelia Courthouse, is critically 111 at the Vir ginia Hospital. Mrs. O. M. Woody, of Fourth ave nue, win return Saturday from a visit to Phoenixvllle, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Scott will accompany her and will be her house gueat for some time. Mrs. J. Sterling Taylor was ope rated on at the Retreat for the 8ick last Tuesday. She has been a great sufferer, but hopes to. be able to see her friends soon. - v Mr. Austin R. Spot’s hand was very’ badly lacerated one day this week by a piece of glasa Rev. C. H. Boggs Is rapidly recov ering from a very serious attack of asthma. Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Kuyk will leave Monday for Evansburg, Pa. Mrs.! Kuyk )>aa not recuperated very rapid ly since she was operated upon a while ago and will spend several weeks at her old home visiting rels* lives and frlenda Dr. Kuyk will only stay about a week. Miss Dorothy Wingfield, of Char lottesville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. O. Quarles. Rev. William Boggs, presiding elder of the Rappahannock district, and sister, Mrs. Fllppen. are visiting their father, Rev. Charles Boggs. Mr. E. L. Tanner will leave Satur day for Rochester, N. Y., to attend the .florists' convention. He will visit 1 other Northern cities and resorts < ,..., X - - - .. - -.* -.- • •'»* SCHOOL RICHMOND COIXEGr Offer* twr>-T**r eoifW _ In t he practiced breach M of the lew l«*dia* to faro of Lt-.B. Ideation uoearpaaeta. Ttnn moderate. Neat eeeelon bettae Bern tetnber 33, 1010. for catAlo«M end Information addreee W. S. McMEILL, Profww tf Law, Ricfamood, Va. UNIVERSITY C0LLE8E OF MEDICINE I1SSWS STUART McQUIRC. M. D.. Da«#<0*RT MEDICINE—OENTIBBNV—PM ABM ACT New huddree under eoaatraction, the gift af the poopk of Richmond. Admirable laboratory bwlAaf for temporary u»*—ktrg«, bright, mavroiwl. NEW EQUIPMENT THNOUQNOUT. Own one Houpttal. urn four other, for Imciuag. MODERN LABOR ATONY MCTMOOS. Member Aetenatian of Aawrway Madkal CwL legu. Kegittered in Sew York. High Meediog. Tuition and eepeatm moderate. SEND TOR CATALOOUE AND STATISTICAL RECORD Fork Union Military Academy A great school for bova. Strict diaeU plinc under Array officer. Thorough I net ruction under experienced teacher*. Management distinctly Christian. Last •csston tiie beet in the history of the school. Many improvement* being made for oug next aeaeion. For catalogue and term* addrsee, F.. 8. LIGON, Head master. Fork Union, Va. Cluster Springs Academy A Select Preparatory School for Young Men. The only school in ths State iq| which every Master is an Alumnus of ths University of Virginia Rates only $&50. Hampden Wilson, University of Vir* ginia. Principal. William Oscar Rybura* Master of Arts University of Virginia* Associate Principal. Box 34. Cluster Springs, Virginia. University of Virginia. Head of Public School System of Virginia. Letters, Semes, Uw. Nefcae. Eagtescsteg Loan Fuads Available to needy and deserving students. 110.00 coven all costa to Virginia students ut the Academic Departments Send fog catalogue. « HOWARD WINSTON, Registrag, University Postoffioe, Va. M Era EDICAL COLLEGE or V1 WCJn1 a Bathing, Boating, Fishing Brutx-Curti* Cottage*, Occam View, Vn. Beet location on the water front. Two connecting cottegn with nice, large room*, each roam he* throe window*. On cottage car Una, car will Mop at the Mttage. Only flee minute* walk from, the p*rillion. Bath hou** in the yar<L Electric light* and city water. Boat frag to our patron*. Home comfort*. Termet esambrn mm . ... Ml**** Elite and Louts* Tenner have gone on a visit to Hanover eoua ty. near Greenwood Mop, on th* Asi». lend Electric railway. Mr*. M. B. Haynes U visiting h*»' •later. Mre. A. N. GIU. on Church Hill.. Rev. Samuel O. Harwood, of Appo mattox county, will supply th* pulpit of the Baptist church her* morning end evening during th* month of Au rust. Th* ladle* of Randolph Street end Northsid* Baptist churches will run t Joint moonlight excursion down th* river next Tuesday night Mr*. W. H. Busey. of New Yorh. ’ I* visiting Mr*. J. T. Goodwin oh Fourth aenuev. Min Ella Frlca of Champagne, 111, arrived Friday and will spend son* ime a* th* gu«et of her alec* toedwte M