Newspaper Page Text
I Social News From All Sections of Virginia Winchester 1- WINCHESTER., Aug.U.—The 8un tiay school of the Methodist church had Us annual picnic to the springs Thursday and the day was greatly en joyed by the young people. • ' Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Calohan, Miss Della Garner and Mr. J. B. Grayson motored in Mr. Calohan’s car to Ca 'pon Springs Saturday last and spent *ihe week end. The trip was a de lightful one In every respect. j Mr. and'Mrs. E. H. Leech, of Tex *s, are at the hotel for some time. \ Mr. J. D. Hall gave a small dance Mr. J. D. Hall gave a small i • dance at his home Wednesday night ip honor of Miss Mary Lindsay Car- < ter. s Miss Ryan, of Washington, la the; guest of Miss Bettie McIntyre. Dr. Charles H. Fair, now of Elkina, W. Va.. spent Sunday lost In Warren ton. Mrs. Joseph A. Bell, of Richmond,] Is visiting Colonel and Mrs. Grenville , Gaines. Miss Sadie Subiert and Mr. E. C. Thornton left Saturday for Washing ton. whsre they will join a party who krill motor to the Shenandoah valley for several weeks. Mr*. Jean Humphries spent several days In Washington this week. Mrs. William H. Mason also spent geveral days In the city Mrs. Wltmer, of Washington, is the guest of Mrs. George B. Stone. Miss Myra Ranlett, of New York ‘ Vho has been the guest of Miss Masle Stone, returned homo on Wed nesday. . Master Albert Fletcher III. sustain-] ed a very painful Injury on Sunday i by falling from a tree and breaking his wrist. Dr. S. W. Msphls dressed the wound. Mis* Gladys Utterback, of Lynch burg. Va., Is the guest of Miss Rosa Neal Tongue. Mr. W. H Oatnes. of Roselyn. and Washington. D. spent Monday In Warrenton on business. Miss Elisabeth Gaines visited in ■Washington this week. Mrs. Swan and Miss Swan, of Brooklyn, N. V., aro st Mrs. Dr. Car tors. Mr. Roy Wilson went to Charlottes- , ville this week. Mr. P. C. Brook. Jr., spent the | week end In Lynchburg. Mr D. T. Day, of New York, was ‘In Warrenton several day# this week. Mr. Day, Dr M. G. Douglas. Mr. R. X. Brook, of Washington, and Mr. | Keith Payne spent several days this I week In bass Ashing near Thorough- ; fare, Va. Mr Turner Martin, of Washington was tn Warrenton this week. Mr Martin holds a responsible position in the Southern railway offices Mr. M. A. Sima Jr., and family are spending some time in Warren- ■ ton with Miss Alice Sims Mr. Phil I.alrd. of Wilmington. Del., Is spending his vacation w 1th . Mr. Heyward Spllman. Mr. and Mrs. Chase1 Boston, of Washington, speht the week end with Judge and Mrs. E. 8. Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Carter Scott, of Rich mond, are In Warrenton at Mr*. Tny- j lor Scott'a Mr. 8. X. -Chamberlain, of Balti more, spent the week end with his family, who are at Mrs. Hoge's. Mr. John Payne, of Baltimore, is] spending several days In Warrenton. j Mr. Walter Cook, of Baltimore, was a week end visitor In town. Mis* Crawley, of Porto Kleo, who was a student at the Fauquier Insti tute last winter, has arrived In War-, renton. Miss Cora Franklin left Monday for Washington en route to Atlantic City fop-several day*. I Miss Dowdell, of Washington, has been the guest of Mrs. Rttenour for a week. Mrs M A. Wright and Miss Phil lips are visiting friends and relations , In Cambridge, Md. Miss Camilla Weilford, of Rich tnond. Is visiting Miss Fann> Scott. We regret to hesr Of the illness of j Mrs. H. X. Graham In Charlottesville Mrs. C. X Beale andTir. IT X. Gra ham are with Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Smythe, of Washington, is the j house guest of Mias Lilia t^ke. Mias Made Presley, of Richmond. - is vtatttng Mrs. John Grant near War-J renton. Mr. Russell Ramey is at home from the University of Vlrgtnla. Mr Harry Garner. of Baltimore, •pent the week end in Warrenton with his family, who are at Mrs. Chamberlain’a Mr. Gardner Carter and George; Brent, of Alexandria, were In War renton this week to see the Misses, Hog*, who are at Captain Carter's Mr. Ned Chapman, of Baltimore. * left Warrenton this week for his home after a visit to Mr Heyward Spllman. Miss Elisabeth Wilbur has returned to Devon. Pa., for several months Mr. Prosser Tabb, of Mlddleburg. VMted in town this week. The force of the Warrenton Tele phone Company has been busy this week installing a new switchboard. This Is due to the increase of busl- . nesa of the company. Two operators , .will now handle the calls. Mr. John Robertson, of Philadel- I phla. Is again the guest or Mr. John Pamberton. _ „ j Mrs. Woodward. of Norfolk, is spending some time in Warrenton with her sister, Miss Agnes Psyne. Mr. Willns hss returned from a, trip to Naw Tork and the northern i coast r and Is again at Mr. King'*. j Mb. Tom Bartanstlen is represent ing the Warrenton Rifles In the State, tarMit oractice at Camp Perry, In Ohio. Mr. R. N. Brook 1* spending some time in Warrenton. Mr. Joseph A. Jeffries. Jr. is at home after spending some time in; sfina*1 Louis Antonsanti has returned to New Tork after a visit of several veeki to-her mother, Mrs. James P. Jeffries. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Chamberlaine are at home from Virginia Beach. Mias Motile Payne, a daughter of the late Captain William Payne, la in Warrenton as the guest of Mrs. General William H. Payne. Right Rev. R. A. Gibson, bishop, of the Episcopal diocese of Virginia, spent Tuesday in Winchester confer ring with the missionary society offl eers of Christ church about mission ary work. Bishop Gibson is spend ing the summer at Orkney Springs. Speaker Richard Evelyn Byrd, of the Virginia House of delegate* has returned to Riehmond, after a stay of some days at his home here. ~ Mr. Eddie T. Baker and wife, of New Tork. are vletting at the home of Mr. Baker’s father. William H. Baker. Esq. . _ ; Miss Marjorie Reardon is visiting friends in Washington. Mr. Thomas Cover, Sr., and Judge Thomas W. Harrison have returned from a visit to Atlantic City. „„ URVIS-Cfiamd* & A'Mh-Ts***. lilted friends and relatives here this veek Mr. J. E. Correll Is spending some lays wl|h relatives at Harper's Fer ■y. W. Va. Mrs. Jennie R. Byrd, of Baltimore, s visiting relatives in this city. Dr. and Mr*. John Randolph Gra laro, of New York, are visiting rela ives and friends In this city. Misses Frances and Beulah Cline ire spending several weeks at At- j ' antic City, N'. J. Post-offlce Inspector Robert G. Gib- i , >ons. of Philadelphia, spent several \ lays with his father. Hon. C. M. Gib >ons, at his home on North Main itreet this week. Mrs. E. W. Hoenahall, of Dayton. l'a.. who has been visiting relatives n this county, has returned home iccompanled by Miss Winifred Rog srs. Mayor John T. Roddey and wife, of Rock Hill, 8. C., who have bean ■pending some lime with Mrs. Rod- i iey's parents. Mr. and Mr*. Isaac IV. Russell, returned home this week. Misses Ethel and Annie Fitzhugh. jf Washington, who have been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. John H. Seal on West Cork street, have returned home. Mr. Walter B. Krebs, of Merrers >urg, Pa., Is visiting hi* parents, Mr. ,nd Mrs. H. Clay Krebs. Mrs. Estelle Wilson, of Ironton, O., vho has been vlstting Mr*. John W. lice, at her home on Braddock street, tas returned to her home. Mr*. William M. Whisson and laughter, Mis* Virginia Whisson. lave returned from a visit to friends n Edinburg, Va. Mr. James S. Grant and his bride, ice Miss Mary Adele Talbott, of Clt le Rock, Ark., have arrived in Wtn :hester and will make their home on ■forth Main street. Mrs Bessie Hoffman, of Wtlming on, Del., Is visiting her mother. Mrs. 1. Virginia Xulton. Commander I-ouis McCoy Xulton. of he l.'nlted States Naval Academy. Annapolis, and Mrs. Xulton have ar rived In Winchester and will spend some time with relatives. Mr. O. W. Shull, of l^sington. Mo.. is visiting hts brother, Mr. B. C. Shull. ; Mr* Edward Willis, of Richmond. , Va., and Mis* Katherine Fauntelroy, of St. I/ouls. are visiting at the home j of Mr. and Mrs. A. H Bern-. Radford I Spec 1*1 to The Richmond Virginian.) I RADFORD, VA.. Aug. 13—East] Radford young folks on Tuesday night look a hay ride to Belsprlng, where they were entertained by Mrs. John lon" Mr. and Mrs. Hyman rhaperon sd the party. Miss I,ess Hhuier has returned, af ter an extended visit to friends in Wire county. Commonwealth's Attorney H. C. Tyler has recovered from a brief but j severe illness. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Barnett, accom panied by thetr sons, Kuhn and Mai den. have gone to visit In Cleveland. 0.. for several weeks. Mr. W H. McFarland is quite sick Mr and Mrs Frank Rongtey, of Ab ingdon. are visiting Mrs. Selden Dong ley- ! Misses Bee and Boulse Price, of Roa noke. are guests of Mrs. B. O. Pryor, j Miss Verna Elsinger, of Cincinnati, is visiting Miss Pearl Rosenfleld. The melon feast for the fire laddies was such a success they want to re peat it fortnightly. Two Illustrated lectures of the Pas sion Play this week by the Salvation Army Rev. D. H Rlttle will lecture un the play. Captain A. F. Trevltt will speak on the Salvation Army work. Miss Raura Kendertne. of German town, Philadelphia, is visiting her bro ther, Mr. W. J. Kenderdlne. Miss Jessie Retd is now organist at Radford Presbyterian church. Brothers Mark and Justin, of the iXavtgrian brothers, visited Radford Saturday, calling at Captain Moran's and Mr. Maginnts'. They are canvass ing the Southwest and West Virginia tn The mT»rp*t"Ttr'i >ld Point college, which la conducted by the Xaverian brothers. Miss Margaret Slmpaon. of Chris ttansburg. and Dr. Dora Smlmpson, of India, are vtsttlng their brother, Mr T W. fctmpson. Mr. David Woodruff, of Georgia, and his sister, Mi.c Dillard, of Rvnchburg, are visiting Mr. Elijah Ingles. The Mystic Chain. I. <>. O. F„ Ma sons. Daughters of Rebecca and Daughters of Naomi will have a Joint picnic at Elllstpn August 30. The aid society of the Radford Pres byterian church will give an entertain ment August 19. Mrs. Janet Stephens, of Passed*nx, t'al„ will be the enter- j tainer, telling stories of ante-bellum days. East Radford is still asking for pos- i ta! savings bank. Palmyra (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) PALMYRA, VA.. August 13.—Mr. Pembroke Pettit and daughter, Miss Clara, attended the Albemarle Horse Show thla week. Mrs. Dr. Alfred Gray and children, of Richmond, are visiting at "Clifton,” the home of Mrs. B. A. Gray. Mr. and Mra. M. Q. Madison are vis iting relatives In Caroline county. Mr. Albert Wills, of Dallas, Texas, is visiting relatives In this vicinity. Mrs. Pembroke Pettit has recently returned from a visit to her son, Claude Pettit, of Fredericks Hall. Mrs. Folkes and sister, of Richmond, after having spent several weeks at the "Dew Drop Inn,” returned home last week. Miss Catherine Frasier, of Upper ville, Loudoun county, visited friends here this week. Mtsa Frasier was at one time a most popular teacher in our Palmyra Normal High School. Miss Clara Pettit recently visited Miss Lucy Lee Jones, of Caryslirook. Captain W. II. TaMey and wife were ih Chartotteavflle thla week. The Palmyra troop rendered the drama. “A Kentucky Belie,” at Colum bia on Thursday night. Refreshments were served and quite an enjoyable evening was spent. Misses Virginia and Mary Sadler are visiting relatives here. Miss Nannie Cleveland, who has been at Harrisonburg for some time, ir at her old home again. Miss Sail Ip Shepherd 1s visiting Miss Lucy Lee Jones, at Carysbrook. Miss Kile Shepherd went to Rich mond yesterday to be with her nephew, 8. M. Shepherd, who la not quite so well. Mrs. Simmons, of Union Level, who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. A. B. Haden, returned home last Fri day. Mr, and Mra. Toney Miller, of Rich mond, are guests at tbs "Dew Drop Jan." f- 7 ' ' Fredericksburg i Specla. to The Richmond Virginian.) FREDERICKSBURG, VA., August ; 13.—Mr. Clarence K. Howard and vlfe, Mr. C. O’Conor Ooolrlck and ■ rite, M Isses Mary Custle Dee, Jennie Maitland. Una Harrieon. Mrs. Rich- . ire Gibson, of Alexandria, and | Messrs W. K. Ooolrlck. F. M. Chi- , theater. C. B. Ooolrlck and Mr. Mel- i :or. french, c*f Alexandria, has re urned from a ten days' outing down the Kappahannocw river a# far aa j L’rbanna. General D. D. White left Thursday ‘or the West on a business trip of tome length. Mrs. W. H. Owen, accompanied by ler aunt Mlaa Sallle Jarratt, of 1 Petersburg, are visiting friends at j Junbury. Fa. Major H. B. Wallace has returned ; ’rom Atlantic City. in his absence * Mr. W. E. Bradley, president of the j round!, acted as mayor. Captain S. J. Wulnn. superintendent | of water for the city, left for his summer home in Louisa on Thurs lay for a two weeks' vacation. Miss Jennie Hurkamp, of Alexan dria, is visiting her brother, Mr. Jharles H. Hurkamp, at "lsoacobel." j Mrs. W. J. Harrison is visiting rela-j tives at Sharps and Irvington on the I Rappahannock. Mis* Ruth Graham, of Raltimore, Is visiting her grandiather, Mr. G. W. ; Proctor, in this city. Mr. W. W. Butiner, common- I wealth's attorney of the city Is spend ing his vacation in West Virginia. Rev. R. A. Williams, who has been visiting friends in Madison county, returned to-day and will All the pul pit of the Baptist church to-morrow. Mr. J. B. Gray, Jr., and family, of Nelson, X. C., is visiting his parents at their home, "Travelers' Rest," In Stafford county. Mrs. Jones R. Hicks and sister, Miss Nannie Maury Quinn, have returned home from a visit to New York and other Northern point*. Mrs. H. A. Fenwick, of Baltimore, is a guest at •'Cobham,'' the home of j Mr. A. R. Howard. Captain M. B. Rowe and Mr. George I D. Rowe, left this week by way of Washington and 'Norfolk for the \ water trip to New Tork. Dr. P. IX. Hudgins, w ho recently i stood the examination before the: state board of veterinary examiners, 1 has received hit diploma and will I open an office here for the practice of his profession. Dr. Hudgins Is a graduate of a Canadian veterinary college. Mrs. May E. Allen, of Richmond, is spending some time with her sis- ; ter, Mrs J. P. Rowe. Mrs. James A. Thompson, of Rich- I mond. is a guest this week of Mrs. M. L. Chesley. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Wlsston, of j Matthews county, who have been ; guests of Mr G. P Swift, left to-day to visit friends In Spotsylvania coun- | Virginia Beach * (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) t VIRGINJA BEACH. VA. Aug. IS.— i Mtaa Rage Grymts, of Richmond, Va, ; Is spending a few weeks at the Gerd- | ner cottage Among those recently registered at! the Queen Anne cottage axe: Mr. i Thomas H. Weedon, of Washington.! V. C.; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Croxell, i of Washington, D. C.; Mr. H. K. Humphrey, of Clrclevllle, C>.; Mr. A. Le Karon Kibble, of Norfolk, Va.; Mr. O. K. lsty. of Portsmouth; Mr. E. K. J-ay, of Portsmouth, and Mr. Robert) M. Libbey, of Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. La Payette Mann, Miss Lucille Mann, Miss Helen Mann and Mr. Roger Mann, all of Amelia, Va.. are stopping at the Waverly for some time. J M. jtoyall. of Richmond, Va.. Is; spending several weeks at the Gard- ! ner cottage. Mr. Richard B. Watrous, of Wash ington. D. C., Is stopping at the Queen Anne cottage for some time. Mr William Kwan returned to Pe tersburg Monday, after spending a week at the beach. Miss Katherine Smith and Miss El la Smith, of Richmond, Va., sxe spend ing several weeks at the Gardner cot tage. Mr. Sydney Epps left Saturday for Blackstone, Va.. after spending a few weeks at the beach. Those recently registered at the Waverly cottage are Mrs. F. C. Uystn, of Washington. D. C.; Miss Pauline J.ebault. of Norfolk, Va.; M. Cary Har rison, of Mickle river, Md.; Miss Fran ces !>ack Hoggard. of Norfolk, Va.; Miss Aline Herbert Kelley, of Norfolk, Va.; Miss Lucy Gwyn Branham, of Baltimore, Md.; Miss Mary T. Hog gard, of Norfolk! Miss Lucy Miller, of Lakeside, Va.; Jutlen Freeman, of Norfolk, Va.; J. IX Leonard, of Wash ington, 1*. C., and Mr. W. A. Keefe, of Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Herbert Witt is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Brooke. J. B. Lightfoot, of Richmond, Va, spent several days at the Gardner cot tage. Among the recent arrivals at the Joy cottage are Mr. Edwar dE. John ston, of Harrisburg. Pa; Miss Corlnne Cavert, of Nashville, Tenn.! Miss Ella O. Blocker, of Harrisburg, Pa.; Mr. James S. Fluhugh and wife, of Char lottesville, Va.; Mr. W. T. Grimes, Jr., of Baltimore. Md-: Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grimes, of Baltimore, Md.; Mr. W. Ferguson, of Richmond, Va.; B. Kowper and family, of Wllllamston, N. C.; Mrs. J. E. Moore, of'Wllllams ton. N. C.; Mrs. T. G. Burke, of Roa noke, Va; Miss Anna 8. Garry, of Roanoke. Va.; H. G. Dosbin, of Smith field, Va, and Miss T. Underwood, of Smithfleld. J. Waldo Grimes, of Baltimore, Md., spent the week end at the Oardner •cottage. Dr. and Mrs. D. E. Weatherhead, of pnclnnatt, O., are spending some time at the Waverly. J. W. Truett, Jr., bf Suffotk, Va, is stopping for a few 'weeks at the Gardner cottage. Miss Fanny Etheridge, of Norfolk, is the guest of Mrs. Thomas A. Car roll, at the "English bungalow." Mr. W. M. Spencer, of Washington, D. C., spent the week end with Mr. Le Roy Williams at the Pocahontas cottage. ’• Miss Rosalie Milnes, who has been the guest of Mrs. James 8. Reid, left Tuesday for the Yellow Sulphur Springs. Mr. Morton Prentis has returned to the beach, after spending a week In New York. Mr. end Mrs. D. C. Keller, of Cin cinnati, O,, are spending several weeks at the Waverly. Mrs. G. W. Smoot. Mias Sadie Smoot and Mr. Barton Smoot, of Richmond, Va, are stopping at the Driftwood cot tage for several weeks. Captain D. Tilford, U. 8. A., and Lieutenant Commander Bran, U 8 N., are the guests of Lieutenant Com mander C. B. Price and Mrs. Price. K V, -W. Muggins, o{ Martsvyig, I. C , and Mr*. J. G. Moo-e, of Hart*- | ill*, 8 ar# stopping at the Wav- | >rly for some time. . Mr. Sam Lacy, of Richmond, Va.. | 'pent the week end with Mr. Jack -lunley. , Dr. and Omsby. of Chicago, ire spending some time at the Poca lontas cottage. Mrs. Welhelm and Mias Dorothy Welhelm, of Atlanta. Oa.. are spendi ng some time at' the Virginia Beach totel. Mrs. Virginia Hartwell and Mis# I Mary Field, Mr. W. Keefe Mr. Morton , Prentls, Mr. Jack Hunley, Mr. W. Berry and Dr. Charles Scott. ! Miss Elisabeth Brander, of Rich-1 mond, Va.. Is the guest of Mrs. Wll- ' lam Shelburne. Mrs. Moore, of Norfolk, Is the guest jf her mother. Mrs. James 3. Reid. Mr. Robert Beaman, of Norfolk, Is the gueat of Mr Morton Prentls. Mr. John Sprunt, of Norfolk, spent the week end at the Victoria cottage. Mr. John Mitchell has returned to the beach, after spending a week In Norfolk. I Buena Vista (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) j BUENA VISTA, VA, August 13.— ! The number of summer visitor* is on : the increase and all the hotels and [ boarding houses are full, and of course all the families in the city have their j share of summer visitors. The enter tainments given in honor of the visit- j or* are very numerous. Monday even- j ing one of the largest nances of the season will be given in the. Opera House by the young men of the city, i and several small entertainments are! scheduled for the week. The Heights continues popular and each day brings a number of new arrivals to help swell ■ the already gay crowd. Horseback riding In the cool morn- j Ing hours seem* to be the most popu- j lar diversion at the present time, and | each morning sees a large crowd of young ladies riding. The room reservations for the bal ance of August are very heavy, and next week will find the season at its height. A very enjoyable family reunion is in progress at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j G. P. Zimmerman this week, and they have as their guests the following: Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Zimmerman, of I Clifton Forge; Messrs. Charles and Harry Zimmerman, of Farmvtlle; Mrs. Richard Booth, of Lynchburg, and Miss Adline Zimmerman, of Richmond. The ladies of the Methodist church gave a very enjoyable lawn party on Thursday evening. A very enjoyable dance was given ! at the Heights Friday evening, which was largely attended. Tuesday even ing the guests gave a very enjoyable tacky party. The first price was won by Miss Duval, of Buena Vista, while Miss Schulte, of Baltimore, captured the second. Among others whose cos- i tumes were especially good were those of Mis* Maxwell, of Buena Vista, and i Miss Ferguson and Miss Pierce, of i Richmond. Among the recent arrivals are Miss j Pierce, Mies Ferguson and Miss Dlrby, | of Richmond, and Miss Young and Miss Stokes, of Petersburg. Miss Sarah Stevens, of Washington, and Miss Mattie Prichard, of Peters burg. are the guests of Mrs. W. B. Prichard. Mrs. A. Tlmberlake, of Washington, is the guest of Mrs. W. M. Brown. Mrs. R. A. DePrtest. Misses Grace. Georgle and Mary DePriest, who have been spending several weeks in Selins gorve. Pa, returned to the city Sunday morning, accompanied by Mrs. De Priest’s sister, Mrs. Frank Young man. Mr. and Mrs. D, H. Rucker, of Hamp ton, who have been spending some time at the Brunswick Inn at Waynes- ; boro, are the guest# of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rucker. Mr. A. F. Campbell, of Richmond, is spending several days in the city, having been called here by the illness ! of his mother. _Mr. and Mrs. Willard.- Wxer.u. ail Paral. W. Va.. and Mr*. C. W. Show- j altar, of Winchester, Ky., tire the , guests of Mrs. J. T. Wrenn. Mr. T. M. Lynch is spending a cou- ! pie of weeks at his old home in Boston, Mass. . _.... Mr. Haiston Burks and Miss Bessie Burks are spending a few days at j Rockbridge Baths. Mr. Peter Campbell, of Amherst Courthouse, Is the guest of his sister, ' Mrs. H. R. Mills. Mr. Walter Parker, who has been ' the guest of his brother. Mr. C. E. Parker, returned to his home in Cov- j Ington. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Miller, of Lynch burg. were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. GHkyson several days this week Miss Kitts Wrenn, of Bon Air, who has been the guest of Mrs. A. M. Rucke.r returned to her home this week. Mias Mary Richardson is spending several days in Lynchburg. Miss Mabel C. Hurt, of Salem, is the guest of Mrs. R. A. DePriest. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EMPORIA. VA.. August IS.—Mr. J J. Taylor haa returned home from vls : Iting relatives in Brunswick county. Miss Hettle Jones, of Maryland, who i has been visiting for more than a | month at the home of Rev. J. W. I Heckman, returned home Friday. Miss Maud Richardson, of South I Boston. Is visiting her friend and schoolmate. Miss Sarah Myche, of this tOWh. Mrs. E. A. Tinsdale, of Portsmouth. Is the guest of her father. Sergeant William Harding, of North Emporia. Mr. John L. Wycha, of Weldon. N. C., visited his psirents, Mr. end Mrs. B. W. Wyche. this week. Misses Haughty Lee and Effle Slate and F. E. and A. G. Slate have re turned home from a few days' enjoy ment at Ocean View, Mr. David Omansfcy is visiting friends and relatives in Baltimore. Mr. R. B. Carney haa returned from a ten days' visit to friends In Church land. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Deal Mr. F. L Palmer and Miss Helen 8. Weaver are vlaltlng Atlantic City. Miss Rena Tunstall. of North Em poria, Is visiting friends at South Hilt. Mrs. W. C. Weaver la visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L Davis, of Gloucester county, this week. Messrs Marvin Smithey, William H. Hill and J. E. Snow, of Lawrencevllle, attended a meeting of Royal Arch Ma sons hers Monday night, Messrs. Smithey and Snow taking some de-' Mr. and Ms*. F. T. Fc* and three children returned In their automobile, without accident, except the puncture of one tlrso from visiting relatives at Prttirt. iltnCo thlryOs ^ / -v • " * ,V - - i 3 Scottsville Spec!*. to The Richmond Virginia*. • 8COTTSVILLE. VA., Aufuat 13.— Xcottsvllle Chapter. Daughters of the Confederacy have enclosed the sol llers’ burying ground her* with an ron fence, and are now raising money 'or the purpose of erecting a monu- i nent The Baptist Woman’s Missionary Societies of Albemarle county held heir annual meeting here Wednes- ; lay. Nearly all of the churches In j the county were represented and the attendance was large. Dinner wm lerved on the church grounds anil the meeting was successful and en loyable. The Misses Nicholas, of Blrm'ng tiam, were "surprised" by a party of jur young people Tuesday . night: Those In the party were: Misses Dude ind Dlndsay Powers, Annie Befebvr< . Marie I-eahy, Mary Bull, X^oulse Beal and Mr. B. R. Gault. Mrs. W. A. Powers, who has been visiting her aunt. Mrs. D. Powers, has returned to her home In Richmond. ! Mr. and Mrs. James F. Dorrler, after visiting relatives and friends here, left Tuesday for Boss, K.v„ where Mr. Dorrler has a large rail- j road contract. Dr. James O. Hart, of Ashland, Is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John W. Nicholas. Thomas Jones, wife and daughters, of Esmont were in town Wednesday. Miss Marie Leahy, of Richmond, Is at "The Terrace" for the month of August. Mrs. George T. Omohundfo, of Glendower, was here Tuesday Rev. J. A. Christian has returned ! from Richmond. J. B Pitts was In Richmond this wee. Henry I^onderee and wife, of West Virginia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W, P. Donderee. Mrs. Jacinto V. Peviera spent sev eral days In Hj-nchburg this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Day Smith haw. returned from Harrisonburg, where Mr. Smith has been teaching In the ( summer normal school. Reeve Nicholas attended the Albe- - marie horse show- In Charlottesville Wednesday. Jesse Day. of Washington, D. C., is visiting his old home here. _ Howell Bew-ts, of Howardsvllie, was In town a few days ago. Captain John Alexander, of War ren. was in town Tuesday. Suffolk (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SUFFOLK. Aug. 1 3.—A charming house party, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Henry B Band and composed of the following young people returned Tuesday from a week's stay at Vir ginia Beach. Misses Virginia and Nell Jordan, Boulse Britt. Smma King, Mary Diele, Katharine Brothers and Messrs. A. S. H. Burges, Arthur Jor- I dan, H. M. Holland. Pretlow Holland, ' George Moseley, William Howard and j John Pinner. Mrs. J. B. McBemore, Miss Mary Wlllla McBemore and Miss Jennie Ware Pretlow have gone to the Old Sweet Springs, where they will spend the remainder of the summer. Among the Suffolk people summer ing In Wythevllle, Va., are Mrs. John B. Pinner, Miss Katharine Pinner, Miss Susette Jordan, Miss Elizabeth Britt, Miss Bettle Riddick, Mrs. Geo. , VV. Truitt and Colonel Thomas W. Smith. Misses Nell Jordan and Katharine Brothers left Friday for the Yellow Sulphur Springs. Miss Brothers will ■pend some time at Mountain Lake before returning. Mtsa Laura Etheridge has returned from Virginia Beach, where she was the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Marion Pritchard, of Baltimore, at the "Wav erly.” Miss Virginia Lynch will leave nest week for Mount Elliott to spend some time. .. Mias Margaret Dalton, of Winston Salem, is the guest of Miss Mary Wig gins In Bank street. Mr. "Happy" Chandler, of New York, spent a portion of tha week In Suffolk. Mr*. T. A. Smyth, Of Richmond. Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Numey, In West Washington street Miss Emma King has as her guest Miss Lois Anderson Phillips, of Jack son. Miss. Mrs. A. B. Twlttr. Misses Boulse, Evelyn, Sallie and Laura Twitty are summering In Ftncaatle. Sunnyside (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SB’NNYSIDE, VA.. Aug. 13.—Mlaa Booker, of Richmond, is the guest of Miss Kate Garrett. M. A. Strader returned from Lynch burg last week. Mias Kathleen Frazier, of Rich mond, is visiting relatives here. Miss McBane left Monday to visit friends In Goochland. Mias Maxey, or Biackstone. is visit ing her uncle, Mr. F. M. Maxey. Miss Janie Wilkins, of Turbevllle, la a guest at "Green Bevel.” Nony McBane left this week to pros pect a farm In Botetourt Hon. Hal Flood of Washington. D. C. ,was In the county last week. The farmers gave a picnic at Mr. Bob Davis Saturday; about 1,000 peo ple present. Chase City CSp«oial to The Richmond Virginian.) CHASE CITY. VA., August IS.— Miss Irma F. JefTress delightfully en tertained at a morning bridge party Friday in honor of Mrs. I.yel! Hunts, of Baltimore. The house was prettily decorated and each guest was pre sented with a dainty fan, the prise, a book, was won by Miss Alma Elam. Those invited were: Misses Mary I>, Burwell, Sue Gregory, Rachel Gil more. Ella Glhson, of Richmond, Va.; Alma Elam, Suffolk. Va.; Mra Has kins Ferrell. Mrs. E. W. Hudgins, Mrs. A. U J. Boswell and Mra Lyell Gunta of Baltimore. A Gretna Green marriage took place at the residence of Rev. H. T. Williams on Sunday, when Mr. P. A. Manning and Miss Maud Tisdale, of the "nearby" country, were made ona The tobacconists of the town will give a grand “cue” at Gregory's Crossing this week and a large crowd will enjoy the barbecued meat and far famed Brunswick stew: Mire Alice Taylor, a recently ap pointed missionary of the Baptist Home Mission Board, will leave Sep ismbgc. -A t»K Juk wirfc la -Cuba* Ml** Margaret Lee Bo*well leave* | f >n Tuesday for a alt week* stay at 1 lit Moose Lake la the Adirondack*. , I Mr*. Lyell Ounts, the guest of Mrs. I M Boswell left this week for her,' >ome lr. Baltimore. Mis* Ruth Smith, of Richmond. Is ] ' 'lsitlng Mr*. H. T William*. Mr and Mrs. Ballard E. Boswell. 1 >f Charleston. W. Va„ are spending 1 i week with Mr* C. M Boswell. Mrs Ashton Smith and daughter, l it Roanoke, are the guest* of Mrs. 1 W. D. WUldman Miss Julia Minor, Mra Minor and ) Miss Htkks. of Oxford, N. C., are i ■pending some time here. 1 Mr*. Frank Henley has returned i from a visit to Williamsburg. < Mrs. Williams Barnett and Mrs. S. i L. Blalock, of South Hill. Va., are spending the week here. I Bon Air (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ' BON AIR. VA., August 13.—Dr. Gra ham was the guest this week of Dr. E. B. McCluer. Claiborne Whitworth and Daniel Tinsley are away on a vacation. Mrs. Joseph Sadler, of Forest Hill, i is visiting Mrs. R. E. Brldgeforth. Mies Dottier is away for a few days ; with frisnds in Richmond. Miss Elizabeth Cocke is the guest of friends on the Hermitage road. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sampson left j this week for their home in Richmond. J Misses Douise and McKenna Jones, j of Petersburg, are the guests of the Misses Christian. John Christian has been visiting Mrs. Ramsey at Westover. .j Mr. and Mrs. LeGrange Cooke and Miss Sarah Cross Joyner, of Holland. Va.. were week-end guests of Miss Au- , gusta Barfield. Miss Dilly Cary and John Cecil have been the recent guests of Colonel and Mrs. T. M. R. Talcott. Mr. W. S. Archer and Mr. and Mrs. j P. J. Archer were the guests on Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Randolph. Miss Winifred Crenshaw and Miss Edith Scoflin, who have been with Miss Carrie Moore for a month, have re turned to Richmond. Mr. R. McC. Bulllngton left on Tues- | day for Keswick, where she will chape rone a house party for two weeks. i Hamish McDanold has returned i from a delightful visit to relatives In ' Scotland and was the guest of Charles j Cocke on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Iecky and Miss Mariam Deeky were here on Saturday. I Miss Jennie Talcott returned from Albany. N. Y., on Monday. Miss Cary Talcott was the guest of I Miss Carrie Moore last week. Miss Hallie Talcott Is visiting Mrs. i Trueman A. Parker in Leesburg. Miss Polly Robins was Miss Harriet Cocke's guest on Tuesday. Leesburg (Special to The Richmond Virginian. > : LEESBURti, VA.. Aug. 13.—Miss May Nichols, of Alexandria, is visit ing Miss Aline Haw ling, of this town, j Miss Nannie Worsley, of Washing ton, is visiting her sister, Mias Eliza- j beth Worsley. Mrs. Dunn, of Petersburg, Va.. is! the guest of her daughter. Mrs. W. C. j Orr. Miss Mary Peterkin. of Parkersburg, j W. Va., and Miss Thomas, of the East- ; ern Shore, Md., are the guests In town of Miss Margaret Flshburne. Miss Bertha M. Phelps, of Wash ington, is the guest in town of Miss Jessie Divine. Mr. and Mrs. J. Page Daughlin, Mr. j and Mrs. Charles T. Clagett and Mrs. t R. B. Wlldman have been spending some time at Capon Springs, W. Va. , Mlsa Cora Lutz, who has been via- ; iting Indian Head, Md., has returned ! to her home, accompanied by her cou- i sin. Mrs. Reynolds Hayden. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Chichester, | Jr., and little aim sre spendThg some i time at Cape May aa the guests of Mrsc. Chichester's father, Mr. Jones: Wister. Miss Moselle Worsley, of Columbus, Oa.. who has been making an extend ed visit at the heme of Mrs. Thomas Edwards, has joined her mother at Natural Bridge, Va. Mias Grace Bull, of Richmond, Va., j is the guest of Miss Fannie Edwards. Miss Katie Khryoek, of Ryan. Va. , j is visiting Miss Alice Ellmore, near town. Mrs. Louis Gramme? and children are spending several weeks at Paeon lan Springs, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox Jenkins, of j Norfolk, Va., are visiting the latter's I father, Captain A. M. Chichester, at ''Ivon,” near Leesburg. Miss Virginia Miller, of Washing- ! ton. is visiting her sister, Mrs. ster ling Murray. Mr. John Scott Ferguson, of Pitta burg, is spending some time at Bel mont, his summer home, near Lees burg. Mrs. Llnnie Hoskinson. of Washing ton, and Mrs. Virginia Tltu* of Kent [county, Va.. have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hourl hana. Gordonsville ! (Special to The Richmond Virginian.! GORDONSVJLLE. VA., August 1» — Sir. C. C. Michle, wife and child, of ■ Richmond, spent several days this week with hla sister, Mrs. R. Q. Watkins. Misses Marie Ford. Doane and Meoni, of Richmond, are visitors this week at the home of Mr. E. L. Freddy. Miss Minnie Schweickert, of Rtch : mond, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. M. Michle, in the city. Miss Lillie Smith, of Richmond, Is spending the week with Miss Pauline Jordan. Miss Ed lift Faber, of Roanoke, and Mr Chastlne Collins, of Panola, tier* guests this week at the home of Misses Bettie send Lillie Faber. Mrs. F. L. Faulconer and little daughter, of Greensboro, X. C.. are vis iting Misses Josephine and Norma Faulconer, In the city. Misses Lillian Strange and Louiae Reynolds, of Huntington, W. Va., spent several days with Miss Pauline Jordan en route to Old Point. Mias' Liltha Riney, of Richmond, spent several days this week with her father, Mr. J. H. Riney, In our town. Mr. Fenton Jacobs, of Richmond, vis ited hit mother here this week. Misses Pear! and Grace Davenport have returned from a visit of several weekr to frlendr and relatives at Kltn I ball. » Mr. Robert Scott, of Huntington, W. Va. visited relatives hare thip week. Mr. B. M. Davenport and wamliy, of Richmond, are visiting hla sister, Mra R. M. McClure, end other relatives la ..tog* . V Special to Tlie Richmond Virginian.?" STODDERT. VA.. August 13.—Mian i’anny Miller has been on the alck llat or the paat week. * Dr. Sam Hatcher, of Richmond, will >reach at Centenary church, Cumber* and county, on the second Sunday. Mrs. Sam Hatcher and chllren, ot Richmond, are visiting Mrs. Tom Gray it her country home In Cumberland xiunty. I.lttle Margaret Crawley, daughter if Mrs. I-ouis Crawley, Is out, after lulte a hard spell. Rev. Mr. Hill, who preaches at the iTesbyterlan church In Farmvllle, will >reacb at the Stoddert school on tha lernnd Sunday afternoon. There will be a series of services it Guinea Presbyterian church, con lucted by Mr. John Davis, assisted by dr. McFHdden, of Richmond. The Stoddert Sunday-school ia be* ng given a picnic on the lawn at Mr. Sam Oadgett's on Saturday. Mr and Mrs William Walker visited -datives in Powhatan lust week. Mrs. Joe Crute and children, of West F’oint, are visiting Mr. Wyatt Crute. Mr. Joe Crute arrived at hla father’s, Mr. Wyatt Crute. Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis visited friends in the Guinea and Stoddert neighborhoods Igst week. Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KEYSVILLE, VA.. Aug. 12.—Dr. E. r. Dadmun, of FarmviUe, is conduci ng a series of revival services at the Methodist church. Large crowds are n attendance and much Interest is 1 manifested. Miss Mary Carter, of Clayton, N. and Mr. Lawrence Pridy, of New York, are guests at the home of R. T, Prlddy. Mr. E. T. Gregory is spending the week in Richmond. Mrs. T. H. Williams and children, of Richmond, are the guests of Mrs. Ellen Gregory. Mrs. F. H. Gregory left for her horn* In New York city to-day. Dr. Ford, of Roanoke, has located here to practice htu profession. Mrs. Davis and daughter, Miss Florence, have returned from a pro longed stay In Washington. D. C. Mrs. E. H. Matthewson and chil dren, of Washington, are the guests of Mrs. F. I. Hamner. Rev. Mr. Hager, of Lunenburg, is here attending the rev ival services be ing held in the Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Edward Womack, of Roanoke, is visiting Mrs. Snoddy. Mr. Luther Jeffrese. of Richmond, is spending the week with hts mother, Mrs. S. B. Jeffreys. Mrs. E. T. Dadmun. of Farmvllle, who has been visiting Mrs. 8. R. Tug gle, left for her home to-day. Keysville with Mr. and New number of t at a gar* Mr*. F. W. their girl feature of Oxford (Special to The Richmond Virginian. OXFORD, N. C.. Auguat 13.—J large number of young people enjoy ed a delightful social gathering at th« hospitable home of Dr. and Mrs. Ben jamin K. Hays when Miss Katherine Hays Fleming Issued Invitations to her friends "to meet Miss Beatrice Lewis, of New York city, her house guest. Fourteen tables of "forty, two” presented a merry scene, and made a beautiful porch party. The lawn, which is one of the most ex tensive in town, was brilliantly il luminated with Japanese lanterns During the e\enlng delightful refresh ments and music added much to th< pleasure of all present. On Tuesday evening a nur the young men entertained at den party at the home of ." Hancock, in honor of frlenda An Interesting the evening wa» a guessing contest, in which Mr. R. M. Ray won the prise, a beautiful box of candy. Among those who attended were: Lucy Landis, Roberta Hicks, < Brooklyn; Mary Royatl Hancock, Mary_Shaw, Sallle Wehh. Fstelle White, Bessie Robards. Ruth Mitch ell, Norma Burwell, Janie Hunt, Mary B. Williams and Frances Hays. Messrs. F. W. Hancock, Jr., Bessie: and WHnfleld Taylor, Morehead Em mett, Willie Grant, Waverly Harris Luther Davis, R. M. Ray, J. M. Peace W. W. Alston and William Landis. Miss Kthly Shelburne Adams, whe has been attending a house party in Pungoteague, Va., and later was a member of a camping party on Ches apeake Bay. Maryland, has —--* home. Miss Augusta Landis, of spent Sunday in Oxford -i mother, Mrs. Annie Landis. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Carr came over from Durham In their auto Sun day and spent the day Mrs. S. W. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elmer turned Sunday from an extended to Norfolk, Vs. Mr. E. T. Rollins, of the D Herald, was an Oxford viait< week. Mr. J. Merrill Peace has reti home, after an extended visit to York city, and FoVt Hamilton, N Mr. C. HL Landis spent Monda Durham. vania (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) 8POT8TLVA NT A, VA., August 1J. —Mr. Peaches S. Lovelace of Lynch* burg, la visiting frifcnds In Spotsyl* vania and Fredericksburg. Mr. William Morrison, of Fred* . erlckaburg. is the guest of friends at * Spotsylvania. Miss Myrtle Green, of Washington,. Is the guest of Miss Mary Andrews at Spotsylvania. Miss Marlon Waller, of Richmond* who has been Hatting- fn 8pbtsjf5 vania for two weeks, has returnsd home. Mr. Marshall Hawkins, of Hunting* ton, W. Va., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hawkins, of Post Oak, Va. - ■ Mias Mary Price, of Richmond. Va., is visiting for two weeks Mr. and Mrs. William Forbes, of 8potsylvania. ; Mies Nellie Green, of Washington^ ' is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph As' Pendleton, of Spotsylvania. Miss Cora Jones, of Florida, is visit* - ing for a month at Maseaponax ta Spotsylvania. Mr. Frank Cammack, of Washing* ton. ia the guest.of friends in Cheroad* Ion for tec days. Mr. Herbert 8tuart. of Richmond*, ia visiting in ML Pleasstnt, Spotsylil vania. Mias Etta Trigg, of Waahiagto*. W visiting at-Odsheu.