Newspaper Page Text
W»4 the papers' la hut tc con tlxat tho** favored people *li'’ to Ocean View and mountain* and the bright hour* lb yacht* and Biofor vara ana the dark hour* In dancing and bridge have no care* Within their breast* Life teems tv p- hold for them naught but enchant juent. Beneath fine lace and spark ' Wf»* Jewel* I* their discontent, jeal ousy and repining Would they not. foraootb. sometimes exchange thetr Jgggar-coatod life for the simple **• jgtenvc of the shop girl or the tjpe KpSmter Who read* of their doing* Ixeno th trftlle ah< r .and catches her breath, while she imagines how happy she would be jWitre she with such tine clothes and Jjgtbeteas jewels, making one of the ‘‘show"' who dally catches the publh feye at Newport. N'arragansett F’ter or liar Harbor, to say nothing of our own lest pretention* summer resorts" Bot the canker is the soul, and the Joy or the heart is about the same whatever the suferstnn ture happens to be. and perhaps jealousy and dis appointment is keener under filmy lace and rustling silk than under the cotton shirtualrt of the noble army t>r daily toll Colonial Maine*. Ihvaldent. The following notice «1 one of our loading women appeared in Tuesday morning * Washington Tost Mrs. William Ruffin Vox. of Rich mond. Va.. is the president of the Na tional Society of the Colonial I'ames of America- and In that position ahe ha* worked hard and successfully to build up the organization. Ihr suc cess I* proved by the fact that there »re S8 Slate organizations, with a total membership of more than t.orto Sirs Cox Is well equipped for the diffi cult task She is catted "the lady of the three C>" This is due to the fact that she was born-a Cabell, »»" married first to a Clalbourne. and that her second husband is General William Ruffin Cox Incidentally, tt is remarked three . y an ne. essno Powhatan Institute |‘ Home School for Girl# and Young Ladle#. U Forty mile* from Richmond, Va. | Modern Equipment. Nine Year#' Success. $150.00 pay* all expenses in Academic ? Course A corps of efficient teachers train girls for Business. Teaching and the P—Hornei A graduate of this institution I will upon application to the State Board i. «f Education receite a certificate which s- will entitle her to teach in the public : schools of the state without having to v stand the regular State examination. Ipftv- Special advantages are given in Music. I Art and Elocution The school is religious, hut not sccia I rian. For catalogue and other informa I lion Apply to | R (1. PORTER. Belong. Powhatan Co.. \ a ||----Fork Union | Military Academy SCHOOL RICHMOND COLLEGE. Offer* two-rear course in t he practical branch •a Of the low leading to degree of LT,.B. Location unsurpassed. Term* moderate Nest session begin* ttep -- Jog tember ia. 19t# Inform ationaddress Tor cataiogue anJ W. S. MeNEILL, Profissor of Law, Richmond, Va. Cluster Springs Academy Select Preparatory School for Young Men. The only school in the State ir which every Master is an Alumnus of tb( University of Virginia. Rates only $350. Hampden Wilson, University of Vir gin!/, Principal. William Oscar Ryburn Master of Irts University of Virginia Associate Principal. Box 34 f luster Springs, Virginia A great school for boss. Strict disci pline under Army officer. Thorough instruction under experienced teachers Management distinctly Christian. Laist session the best in the history of the school Many improvements being made for our next session. For catalogue and terms address. E. 8. LIGON. Headmaster Fork Fnion, Va University of Virginia. Hr mi of Public School Syttcm of Virginia. letters, Scieact. Law. Medicae, Eapneerini .T Lom Fund* Available tr> needy mk! dmvrving ctudeot*. $10.(X coven all costa to Virginia students ir the Academic Department*. Send foi catalogue. HOWARD WINSTON, Registrar University Povtoffiee, Va. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE 0E MEDICINE 5!V!KSfT! STUART McOUIPtC. MO. RncsiocnT MEDICINE— OCNTI5TRY-PHARMACY New building lender construct ion, tbe gift of the people of M vchmond. Admirable laboratory building for temporary use—large, bright, convenient. NEW EQUIPMENT THROUGHOUT Own one Honpital. use four others foe teaching. MOOCRN LABORATORY METHODS Member Association of American Medical Col leges, Registered in New York. High standing. Tuition and expenses moderate. SEND TOR CATALOGUE AND STATISTICAL RECORD ....... State Female Normal School. Twenty-seventh Session begins SEPTEMBER 7TH. For catalogue and information concerning State Scholarships write to J. L. JARMAN. President, Farmville, Ya. 7! to describe her character namely. . courtesy, covirag* *nd i hum '■Oil* society." said Mr* Co*. «»■ formed by the dependent* of thos* men who tr the colonial period by their rectitude self-denial and cour age prepared the way for success in the struggle that grained for the conn- ; try it* liberty and constitutional j rljrht* In I>anding ourselve* together we honor the memory of our fore father* and encourage all w ho come j after them to Imitate their patriotism and herotam and become worthy of the Inherited, traditions." Virginia People Abroad. Samuel M. Bowman, tourist agent, j ie in receipt of a cablegram advising that the eteamahip Baltic arrived at I .over pool Sunday at wjon. with the following Richmond people aboard: j Dr. Stuart McGuire, Mrs. Hunter Me-l Guire Dr Kdwsrd McGuire. Mr*. Ed ward McGuire, Hunter McGuire. Cap lain W. G Kable. Mr* TV. G. Kalde. j Mr* Susie S. Dawson. Mr. P. H. Starke j Dawson Dr. George K. Barksdale. Mr. j Stephen Gilchrist. No young lady from Virginia has had | a more delightful summer than Miss Evelyn Setwell. of Bedford City In the early summer she went to Eng land to visit her relative* and has been most of her time with Sir George Sot wel). her cousin, at his beatulful coun try place. Scarbrough. Miss Setwell Is a second cousin of^ the Countess of Warwick *nd the Duchess of Sutherland and has seen England In the most interesting way. Celebrates Her Birthday One of the most beautiful thing* to contemplate 1* a mellow old, age when ripe fruit hangs without blight upon the tree of life tin Saturday Mrs D. A Weislger. til*- widow of General Wol slger, celebrated her k3d birthday at Buck Hill, where shr and her daugh ter, Mrs. Harrison, are spending the summer. A beautiful lawn fete was arranged as a surprise for Mrs, M elstger. There was a birthday cake w Ith candles, and around it, were mementoes from loving friends The r#ealpt*nf of this beauti ful courtesy wore black s.llk with duch ess lace and was assisted in receiving her friends by her daughter. Mrs. Har rison. Mr*. Oliver at Newport. Mrs. Oliver, formerly Marion Car ter, of Shirley. 1* spending the sum mer with her husband. Captain Oliver, 1. H, A., at Newport. The naval set at Newport Is entire ly distinct from the cottagers, and con*klers itself much more exclusive. I Not only are men on one side of the water perceptibly shorter than they used to be. but even royalty seems to be losing some of It* Inches. Queen Mary, of England, is taller than George > V. The German empress is lailer than the emperor, and the same dtfferenee 1 on the wrong side exists In the case . of the czar, the king of Italy and the king of Denmark. Women have all sorts of privileges these days. Mr. l>oiig«i»rth and Babies. It seems that the lion Nlchola* | l.ongworth w as made Judge of a hah.v show in Cincinnati last week. Why ? It does not appear The Public l.edg j er. of Philadelphia, says: "The son in-law of the prophet of Oyster Bay ! has never followed the precepts so frequently formulated by tils acquired j papa. Therefore it would seem that a certain spirit of sarcasm may have j furnished a reason lor the appoint I ment in question.” At the Country Club. ] Notwithstanding tile threatening | weather Saturday afternoon, there wa* a delightful gathering at the Country : i Tub watching the golfers and quite a number staying for dinner. Among ! Ihern were Mr. and Mrs. Orgaln, Mr and Mrs. Stewart Jones. Mrs. William , Royal. Mrs Bolling, Mr. and Mrs Rnb t ert Craig. Mr. John Coke. Mr. Atkinson, J Mr. and Mrs. Hiram T. Gates. Mr. i George Bldgood, Mr. and Mrs. i.oiils j Ptzzinl. Miss Younger, Mr. and Mrs. I Allen Belvin. Mr Anderson, Mr. Hugh Antrim, Mr. James biunlop and others. Personals. j Mrs. Jacob Mtchaux Is vith her daughter. Mrs. Edward '. Baird, at Montreat, N C Mias l.oulse Von her, who has been visiting in Albemarle, has leturned to the home of Judge Ashby Wick ; ham, in Henrico count). Mias Marie Llghttoot is in Cumber iand, Md. Dr. J W Wright has returned to the city front his summer vacation. The marrisge of Mias_Margaret Qr ah a m Howlson. daughter of S. G. Howlson, Eatj.. of Frederb ksburg. to Mr. James Brookg Smith, of the l"nl 1 verssltv of Virginia. will take place ! to-day. • • • I Miss Maria Tucker. daughter of Bishop Tucker, is visttlng at West | Hampton Beach, L. 1. * . a ] Right Rev R. H. Gibson and the 'Misses Gibson are at Orkney Springs, and Kight Rev A M. Randolph and i family are at the family place, East ern View, in Fauquier county. ! Mr. James Moncure, of 204 East Marshall street, will spend the late summer In Uermany. in hla party I will be Mr. Brewster, of New York, and Mr. ldpplncott, of l’hlladelphia. • • * Miss Louisa Purcell Is spending j some days in Lexington. The rest of I her family are at Rockbridge Baths • » * ! Mrs Joseph Kyland and Mrs. i James it. Patton are at Lewiabuig, ! W. V a , ... Mrs Isaac H. Carrington and Miss ' Murgarel Carrington are at Castle Hill, near Lexington. Mrs Cyrus Rosser* ux and Miss Irene Boss Unix have returned to 215 . .ast Franklin street. • • * Miss Betty Roker is smgmg in opera at Covent Gardens this summer, and her Richmond friends whoh ave heard her are enthusiastic over her beau* j tifui voice, ... General William Ruffin Cox is in North Carolina, later he will join Mrs. Cox »t the "Hot," whence they will go to the White Sulphur Miss Louisa C Blair has returned ; home. ... Rev. William Meade Clark and Mrs Clark are at' East Gloucester. Md Stella I ohcrit aio.- for t 1,500 A property transfer was listed in ! Chancery Court Monday from Richard j A. Apperson. of Kansas City. Mo., to | R. L. Dlbrell. of Danville, V» The ' property comprises the entire estate, i both real and personal. Inherited by ; the vendor from Alfonso Dlbrell, de 1 ceased The consideration Is $1,500. Profits Abandoned—Cost Disregarded Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, August 17th, and lasting Six Days, we will put on sale every Man’s Fane'y Mixed Suit in the house, including our fine Kuppenheimer Clothes, at * 50contheDollar All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. None Reserved. Take advantage of this sale, as it means big saving to you. No Goods Charged During This Sale. None Sent on Approval. See Window Display. NOTE THE PRICES See Window Display $12.50 Men's Fancy Suits now $6.25 $15.00 Men’s Fancy Suits now $7.50 $18.00 Men’s Fancy Suits now $9.00 $20.00 Men’s Fancy Suits now $10.00 $22.50 Men’s Fancy Suits now $11.25 Any Straw Hat in the House.$1.00 Men's Fancy Pants at Cost. INSURGENTS HOPE TO SWEEP STATE California Primaries in Ses.-ion. Machine Fights for its Life. WHIULWINM CAMPAIGN'S Colonel Refused to Endorse Any one So They ('all Election Without Him. SAN FRANCISCO. August 16.—'The \erdict of the people of California is being recorded to-day after one of the most bitter political contests in the his tory of this State. For the first time the people are choosing by direct pri maries the Republican and Democratic candidates for the November elections. There there are a multitude of local Issues in various parts of the State, the | chief Question Is. Will the insurgents | or regular Republicans nominate their ' candidates In the Republican party? Chief Interest centers in the govern | orshjp. Hirman Johnson, who prose j euted Abe Reuf after Francis J. Heney ' had been shot, is the Insurgent eandi 1 date for the Republican nomination. ! He has the backing of the I.tncoln Roosevelt Deague, which was originally j organised to oppose control of the Re publican party by the machine or i Southern Pacific faction of the party. Is Popular. Johnson has made a tremendous hit. j Four men, all regular Republicans, op I pose him for nominataion. They are I Charles F. Currv, Alden Anderson, Na j thanlel Ellery and Philip Stanton. The latter, as speaker of the House, threw his Influence against the anti-Japan ese bills two years ago when certain Californians attempted to exclude the Japanese from the State. For his stand on theae bills Stanton gained the approbation of Colonel Roosevelt. Several weeks ago an effort was made to draw Roosevelt Into the cam paign and get his endorsement of \ Stanton. The Colonel refused to en | dorse anyone. i All the gubernatorial candidates made campaigns of the ‘whirlwind i type" and one of them (Curry) kept four automobiles constantly speeding over the State carrying orators to ha rangue the voters In his behalf. CHURCH COMMITTEE TO IIOT.1) MEETING A meeting of the committee from I the Second Baptist church, recently appointed to nominate a pastor to All the vacancy paused, by. the resign*-, tion of the Rev \V R. U Smith, D.. I>., hits been called for Wednesday night. immediately following prayer meeting The committee members will gather for the purpose of or ganization. Those_uii _Uie -committee—axet. Messrs. E. r>. Starke. J. D. Crump. W H. Ereeman. Clarence Wyatt, Thomas H Starke. John U Miller. William E. Tanner. Lewis t'ilcher. Dr. W. II Street. Sol. Cutchins. R. J Willingham Jr, William R. Robbins, William Ellyson, James L. T’hippen. Well ford R Sutherland. Robert (». Harris J S. James. C. L. It. Guy and J. Taylor Ellyson. NEW PLAYS Ft TO PLEASE FOLKS •'The Commuters and Marriage of a Star" liofh Fall Rather Hat. NEW YORK. August 16.—New York theatre-goers express the hope to-day that the two new plays that were put on lest night are not a criterion of what Is to he offered on Broadway during the coming season. Kelther "The Commuters" at the Criterion nor the "Marriage of a Star" at the Hackett gave any Indi cation of long life or plethoric box receipts. Orrln Johnson and May DeSousa head the oast of The Commuters." written by James oFrbes, which was chiefly notable for the revival of a host of good old jokes on the com muters. some of which had not been recalled in a score of years. Miss DeSousa twinkled rather febly In her rise to stardom As for plot the author overlooked It entirely. Miss Clara l.lpman acted cleverly in "The Marriage of a Star" and wore dresses that caught the feminine eye. but the piece fell rather hard through an Injudicious mixing of serious gramatlc effort In a play that Is pri marily and sole!-.- a farce. Qualifies ns Executrix. Ella U M. St John qualified In Chancery Court Tuesday as executrix of the estate of Elijah Lee St. John. The estate Is valued at $10,000. City Coal Company. PENNSYLVANIA ANTHRACITE. *6.50 VIRGINIA ANTHRACITBr *6.00 SPLINT. *4.50 Steam Contract Solicited City Coal Company. Lombardy and Broad Streets. 29th and Dock Streets. Follow Destruction of Build ings in Brussels. THOUSANDS OUT OF WORK , Government May Establish Fae , tories to Care for Vast Army | of Unemployed. BRUSSELS, August 1-Business | men of Brussels are to-<3«y demanding that an extra session of the Belgian t Parliament be called to make provls- , Ion against a panic- following the fl nan - j 1 cfal reverses occasioned by Sunday's j disastrous fire that almost wiped out j the Brussels International Exposition. The exposition was reopened to-day under the most discouraging circum stances. Only a handful of visitors were present, and it is now certain ■ that the enormous crowds that were j expected during the latter part of Au- ] gust and September will not material ise. This not only means that the j exposition will be conducted at a tre mendous loss, but that the merchant* j and towns-people will get practically i no return on the heavy Investments 1 they have made. Already thousands of exposition employees have been let . out and local labor conditions are In | danger of being upset by this army of unemployed. Parliament will probably be asked I ‘ to vote a bonus to the promoters of the exposition and to Inaugurate gov- j eminent works to provide for those out j | of employment. SPEED! RELEASE Krank Hatney, the young white man , of Henrico county whe appeared be- ] 1 fore Magistrate Binford Monday af- | turnoon on the charge of killing his j father-in-law. E. H. Lewis, was dls- j charged following the testimony of the i two eye-witnesses to the tragedy. Mrs. Lewis, widow of the dead man. i , and Mrs. Rainey, wife of the prisoner, were hoth present during the tight that ended In the death of Lewis, and their testimony exonerated Rainey «f all blame. , Rainey pleaded self-defense, and j i the two w itnesses corrobgraui, his j $25.00 Men’s Fancy Suits now $12.50 $27.50 Men’s Fancy Suits now $13.75 $30.00 Men’s Fancy Suits now $15.00 $35.00 Men’s Fancy Suits now $17.50 $40.00 Men’s Fancy Suits now $20.00 $1.00 Shirts, light patterns, now.69c Boys Knickerbocker Suits at Cost. testimony in every detail. Common wealth's Attorney Gunn conducted the prose. union. hut divined from the tes timony that he had no ease against Rainey. The young man ivasi arrested Sun day morning and lodged in jail, hut was released on bail itnmediately fol lowing the inquest by the coroner’s Jury. Kalney and his wife went to the home of her parents tor « rail Satur day evening, and the father-in-law was drinking He and Rainey became involved in an argument, and sud-, denly the older man attacked his vis itor and secured a vice-llke grip upon his throat. Keeling himself getting weaker every moment. Kalney drew a small knife and made several lunge* at his opponent. They took effect In the face and thr<*at of l-ewis. and he died early Sunday morning from loss of blood. The woman tried In every wav to get Lewis to loosen his hold before Rainey drew his knife, hut he seemed bent on killing his frail opponent. In consequence of the preponder ance of evidence showing self-defenae as the cause of the murder. Magistrate Blnford dismissed the case In short order. BOYS' BRIGADE WILL BE IN SHAM BATTLE Officers of the Third battalion. First Infantry, arc now engaged in drilling squads taken from each of the four companies of the Boys’ Brigade, who hate been invited to participate in the sham battle which will be part of the Labor Day program at the State Fair grounds. Monday night Lieutenant Luther T. Matthews put the youngsters through military tac tics Major Lawrence T. Price will detail various officers for this work until the boys have been pronounced proficient. MR CASEY WILL BE LABOR EDITOR Mr James B. Casey, one of the Richmond representative* in the Vlr- , ginia House of Delegates, will Wed nesday give up itis residence here an'd remote to Kansas rrty, where h# wttT become editor of the Journal of In* ternatlonal Brotherhood of Boiler M&kera and iron Shipbuilders. Mr. Casey is well known hare, and through his conservatism as a, Rich mond member of the General Assem bly gained unuaua: popularity. FOR NEGRO BRUTE CHARLESTON. W VA.. August 1#. Posse- of infuriated mindrs are to day searching the mountains near Ilin- j ton anti Quinnlmont, east of here, for I a nacra who beat and robbed Ailts* and then assaulted and murder ed hi* bride of three week* The mur derer is said (ft have severed (hr w. man'll and thrown th** I'nuiy >nt > a crw»k. AilJ«. who jy now in thr_Mint<»n TTmtpiul. T* thmiftht to he rnortalh in jured. He h»* not been told of his wife's fate Armrding to n report received here, two sue peels have hern aarreated and are betnp closely guarded to prevent n lynching Southern Railway. TRAIN’S LEAVE RICHMOND N. B—Following srhedule figures published as information and not guaranteed: fl.10 A. M — Daily—Loral lot Charlotte. tO'45 V M.—Dai!-—Limited—Tor all poia South. Pullman and Da.v Coaehee. 3:00 P. M.—Ea. Sunday. Loral lot Moseley. 6;0Q P. M.—Ea. Sunday—Keyaville Loral. 1145 P. M.—Daily—Limited, lot all points South. Pullman ready 0 30 P M. YORK RIVER LINE. 4:30 P. M.—El. Sun.—To Wwt Pt.. eonneetiit* for BalMmore Mon.. Wed. and Fri. 4 .10 A. M.—Es. Sun. and -It P. M —Mon.,' Wad. and Frt.—Loeal to- Weat Point. TRAIN ARRIVE RICHMOND. From the South: 7.00 A. M-. 0:30 P. M-, daily; H 40 A. FT—Ea. Sun.. 4:10 P. M.. 5:03 P. M. Daily Es. Sunday. (Eoeal). From Wei Point. t>:30 A. M., daily; 11:35 A. M. Wed. and Fri.; 5:43 P. M. Es. Sun. fi. K. BL’RCIEHS, D. P. a.. 620 East Main Street. Phone Medians 453. Chesapeake and Ohio Railway 9 00 A. t Deily—Feet train* to Old Point. 4 00 P.1 Newport New* end Norfolk. 7:40 A.—Deilv. Ixicel to Newport Newt, ft no P —Dally. Local to Old Point. 12:00 Noon. Week dnyi "Mountain Specie re Hinton" 2:0£f P. (Deity —■ Louleeiile end Cincinnati 11KK) P. 1 Pullman*. _ 9:45 P.—Daily. "St. Louie-Cbif*r> Specsal.' Pull mane. 8:30 A.—Daitr Clifton rot,_ _ , *:18 P.—Week day*. Local to Gordo nan lie. 11:45 A.—Daily. Lynehbura. Lea., C. Kora* 5:13 P.—Dally. To Lynchbur* and Chiton FWaIN» ARRIVE RICHMOND. Local iron SttMiaS A. M.. 7:60 P. M. Ihrounh front JSaat—11:34 A. M . 6.44 P. M. Localfrom Went—*8:30 A. M.. 9:50 A. M.. 7:30 P. M. Through—7.00 A. M..» 46 P M arlottetvillc. Week daye— Jamoe^RiverLlae—8:33 A. M". 6«0 P. M. •Daily aacepl Sunday._ Richmond ud Petantai Electric Railway _ C»»„iwse.-SI*ai*e««L- IwtAtit. w«L Parr*. Si recta, for Petereburw. •«, 7, 8, **. 10. 11. •U P. &!.. 1. 2. •*. 4. 4. •*3:43. *0.7. 8, •». 10 P. M. _ 11:00 P. M for Cheater. 1S:00 midnight lot Cta leare Petertbur*, loot Sycamore Street, IOrtll!!t$?**7ll6, *7:35. 8:38, 0:35. *10:3* 11:38 A. liT, 12:33. ^1:83. 2:33, 3:33, *4:35, 3:3* 6:35 *7:34, 8:33, 9:33. *10:40. 11:40 P. M. •Carriee bastufe aad espree*. •Limited, eacepl .Sunday* and Mideye. All ears (ram lttertbur* connect with can foe Richmond. HENRY BANKERS1 r OULU YUUW PATRONAGE m > t t. 11Hr s or LLNflML BANKING! in t m L i AcLOWf D