Newspaper Page Text
Something On This The Page of Interest Richmond To Every Member Virginian Of the Household FLESHNESS REDUCED BY USE OF BATHS c lr Kiifhs <( tcrtain kind? indebted’> reduce flash. but h«* a r . ■ \ cm •'»> pON>d to them l^vnust this is n*»t th* normal *i> of getting rut of adi pose tissue Kxerctsing an«* judt i-o .« dial take longer. but a- 'm,> h th* ir end without rtabldR -> *d dc.-r. lie vert hv- lea?.. bv-« -use «>i *t «n let eh on the subject. i »n to-day of r«<- mg through bains Iodine soap has star, h alHes am ig those w ho * iaim m*vri? ' «*r i in *•«* mg off flesh It * made iv.? - « uth f and rubbed under the : t abdomen aw ur«d»*r t * t ki v.<* 11:* lather drying in and remaining When it is understood that ■; n* ts drying the fat • * ■ •*. thereby t K.-.g a« A> the many un\ c. th.n> lu.iteath the >km. ft wf;’ i*» umbrst »od read*.' that sagging r what :* :r. r* *r?: mon!) ca4led fteWntiw, may result, and to obviate that l think should be .ever* Sometimes the fl+*h grows sensitive v;nd»r th* trtat meat, when it wii’ be well t • do cer tain places on** day. the others the next, thus alternating, vet continuing the action of iodine in the system The application docs not always agre» with the digestion, and should this teem to be affected the fi**ap should I»ot be used A pound of alum in r tub • i warm water daily, staying vn me water r- r twenty minutes “r so, vvii; pr-d-ab^ reduce fst, the action of alum bmng BARGAINS FOUND AMONG TRAVELING WRAPS Extra >r.iln«r> barga.ns arc to he; found among the traveling wraps One s choice is not confined to two or three materials <>r styles, for both are extremely varied A plain, smart, practical linen with braided collar and cuffs coat* less than 15. A beautiful coat in cloth of gold, trimmed with black silk and large buttons, will be. from $10 to $25. while pongee. Ida. k and white checked light weight wool len wraps will be about th*- same price, one of the most luxurious is a pongee lined with satin foulard. A novelty in a wrap for an ocean vo> - age is fashioned from a steamer rug. the fringe used ae a trimming A charming finish to the edge of the britn of the mushroom shaped hats is a band of trimming an inch or more -wide that harmonizes with the dero gation on the hat For Instance, a -white chip hat wreathed with rose? haJ as an edging a hand of Ida- k vel vet ribbon embroidered with tiny roaea. The Oriental bandings look well on hats of burnt straw, hemp and dark linen, when the trimmings are of a rich quality. A fold of Persian ellk or satin Will finish the brim of a hat that Is draped with a scarf of the Persian. Extremely striking is an imported Krench hat in a large mushroom shape. The < row n is fairly high and on the dome order The covering ts of English eyelet embroidery worked in a small con volitional design stretched smoothly over a foundation of black silk. The trimming consists of a large bunch of roses in laded colors placed on the left aide, small sprays of fol iage spreading themselves from the flowers around the crown, hut n*>i meeting This piece of millinery is tailed a lingerie hat. To the variety of shoulder scarfs there is surely no end < »ne of the prettiest arrivals is of chiffon, white, black and colored, shirred with heavy cords. < >ne group is set on In center back, the lower edge decorated with a fringed ornament, while second groups are set on juat below the line of the Waist_-Th* *u4» are garb—i —d e+t the oords and finished with fringe This ts a convenient as well as a very pret ty accessory, because the shirring oords give weight and prevent any •lipping from the arms, as chiffon lelt plain is apt to do. 1 see the "mldy" blouses f-»r girls' wear are decidedly Improved upon this season. They are now much more shapely, by reason of seams set in from the shoulder*, both back and front, in addition to those under the arm. Few girls possess figures suf ficiently well developed to look well In the hag-like garment of last season, but in Its modified condition the ma jority of gtrls under eighteen years of age can wear it with success. ELIZABETH LEE. Barton Heights Vis* Flora O'Hannon and daugh ter,Mies Kathleen have returned from Washington, where they have be»n visiting for the past two months. Mrs. M. L,. tJuiick and daughter. Mis L«ou Gulirk. are spending the week at Ocean View PICTURE PUZZLE Oa t i*ht looking from top. \ ttallty women tn hot (similar to that < f iodine II”t soda baths four pounds of sal s< da to a pound ot Id-carbonate. in a tuh of wat>r. immersing the hotly in this dally for twenty minutes or half an hnut ,s a gub k method of reduction ;f dieting and exercise accompany the treatment Hilt it Is to he remember ed that am h a hath would he ex treme};. weakening when the is the least low and that few «sn us* it with impunity weather No laths and n.. external applica tions ,i;| I.. tin slightest benefit e the diet s n d carefully regulated foods containing <••!!. fat. starch or sugar should rod 1» taken at all Aii, h»p good. e\< « jd salmon. eel* macerei and sardines Eggs atul milk In moderation may take the Ida. <• of meats No liquids should he taken with the meals, hut on arising a cup of warm water, into which half a lemon is sqtieesed. hasten* the cure for som> persons No white bread, unless it he toasted crisp, and no pas tries. ak»-s or desserts are to be eaten Women whose flesh gathers about the abdomen will find their figures im prove if they will sit correctly in their chairs, well back, so that the tip ot the spine is erect, and n d bent. \\ hen as is v.-rji usual, the latter is curved a little, the internal organs arc pusTT .d out of place and targe abdomens are inevitable MARGARET MINTER. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G'Bannon and little daughter an visiting Mr. i r Hannon's mother on Barton ave nue. Miss Alive* Mi» kleboro, of Grove avenue, Richmond. Is visiting her Bister, Mrs K M. Wallace Mr. Evans Haviaon, ot Norfolk, Is visiting hu$ parents, It. and Mrs. G J. I *avison. «»n Barton avenue. Mr. W. i\ Vcitrh and daughter. Krmer Vcitrh, and little Miss Mar garet 1/oe Stevenson* are spending tne week at Ocean View Mrs. Sidney O Ban non lias returned from Memorial hospital, where she ha been for treatment. Miss Ruth Karror left Sunday for Newport News to visit Mrs. Blanton. Miss Mamie Cumbie returned from Afton Monday, after a stay away of ten days. Mrs. Lizzie Crenshaw is visiting friends in Hanover Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bascomb left Monday morning for Allmnj', N. V. The\ expect t * he away two weeks. Airs C. C. Broaddus, of Lamb ave nue, gave a delightful entertainment to her Sunday-school class on Mon day evening Mr. and Mrs. Loving and Miss Lov ing have moved into the fiat of Mrs. H. c Friend on V irginia avenue. Mr. Beaufort \N*i\lis q.nd son, Beau fort, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs YV L. Ragland. of Barton avenue Mr. and Mrs. (i Burton Mount castle and son left Tuesday for a vit-il to New York. COMMITTKK ON LIGHT AW All-OS BIG ('ONTHACI At a brief meeting of the Commit tee on Light held Monday night con tra' ts f<>r furnishing gas mains foi use of the city were awarded t<> thf Southern Railway Supply Compan> and t»» H B. Frlschkorn. The tola cost will be $1,600. Building IVrtnlls. Permits were issued by the Buildinf Inspector Monday to the following Edward J Moseley. to build a tw< and one-half story brick dwelling or the south side of Monument avenue 1 between Lombardy and. Allen .atn-v-U Cost not given. James Fox. to repair frame dwellim No. 710 North Twenty-sixth street, t< I cost $200. Messrs. James Fox and sons, to re j pair frame dw elling No. 712 Norti Twenty-sixth street, to cost $800. J. B Elam, to repair brick laun j dry Nos. 722 and 725 West Cary sire* (building brick addition in rear). t< I cost $100. Hollywood Ometcry Company, t< repair office building on the. cemeter; grounds, to cost $600. | BOARD FEARS REPORT TOO GOOD TO BE TRT'I LSpecial to The Richmond Virginian." liAHRlSONKrKd, August 16 Ai unusual proceeding occurred u: th< meeting of the Rockingham count; school board, which'ts here to-tL.v ir annual session. From the s hoo census just taken tvu» districts re ported slight losses in liumbe/s pupils, three reported small gains while Stonewall district ast >un*’ed th« board with the report »hat there hat been a gain of 4 52 pupils This port sounded too good to !>e true Th< board refused to accept the rep«»r and appointed a ppeclal committee i< make an investigation. Sentimental TH* SLPPos/tfO T(~lh TELLO'-^ ROCn'er THC Ca*/QC?t. OA \\\H/>,A I CantT <§wtt>i hHO'THSR. . NOTter. x 5&#t A ^ECOtfC) A-0N<£1? eOPrSKSHT, 1910. BT THE NEW YOM 'EVENKS TELE0MII Ikl* TOW HCItMJ COO. U «Mi kimit CHURCH HILL NEWS (Nevr# Items Intended for this column maj be left In person at the Church Hill Uank. or ’phoned to Madison 7385.) Mrs. C. E. Ganzert, of 2900 East Marshall street, left the city Saturday for a week's stay at Ocean View. Miss Florence Kidd, of Thirtieth and t 'la\ streets, tvho has been visiting i relatives and friends In Norfolk arid Petersburg for the past two months, has returned home. Miss Bailie Bruce Hawkins, of East Grace street, left the city to-da\ to he the guest of Miss Ethel Her Wells, of Petersburg:. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hughes and ; little daughter, Katherine, of Twenty ninth and tirace streets, are spending some time in Atlunttc City. Mrs Kate Puller Noisier, of Jeffer j son Park, is visiting friends in liainp ! ton. Mi Alec Weirick, of 291k East Broad street, is spending some time in Bal timore 1 Mrs. Ramon D. Garcln and son, I.yne. of Twenty-seventh and Broad streets, are at "No\ ateone." Charlottesville, for . . n visit of-gaverul aveekg. — In Christopher Vaughan, of <"um : nor, King and Queen county, has re i turned to his home, after spending the j week end with relatives on tile hill. Miss Mabel Wells, of Petersburg, who i is visiting relatives on East Marshall street, will he Joined to-day hy her mother and sister. Miss Lucille Wells. They will leave Wednesday to visit , friends In Essex county. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Parrish andehil , dren returned Monday from a pleasant stay at Bm krne. Mrs Sarah Bates, of Twenty-fourth | and Marshall streets, is visting her daughter. Mrs. Richard Wills, of Roa noke. ; 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albln Netherwood. formerly of Chimborazo Park, hut now SOUTHWEST RICHMOND , j Rev. Mr. Graw, of Washington, is , occupying the pulpit of the Tabernacle Itapttst church during the absence of (the pastor, Rev. Mr. Rail. . | Rev. Henry Pierce Atkins will leave ■Saturday tor Frederick's Hall, where 1 he will commence revival service*? I Sunday at Bethpage church. Rev. H. Comer will till the pulpit of the ' Allen Avenue Christian church dur ing his absence. | Miss Gertrude Marable Is visiting her sister in Portsmouth. Va. Miss Rosa Hogue, of Williamsburg, who has tieen the guest of Miss Geor gie>. of 709 Randolph street, left for her home Sunday, sworn panylng her brother, Mr. K. H. Hogue, who spent Sunday here with friends. I Misses Elizabeth and Agatha Doh erty, daughter of Captain Frank ,1. Doherty, of Hynchburg. are the guests of their aunt. Mrs. Joseph E. Helndl, of HOC! West Main street. Mr. Claude i.evy, of 2217 Chaffin street, left yesterday to spend his va cation at Virginia Reach. Mrs. Thomas Bayne and children. Ira, Caliste and Wiltshire, of 1006 Meadow street, wilt leave the city i Thursday to lie the guests of her sis ter. Mrs Hailey Rlpseombe, of Studley, Hanover county, Va. Miss Maimle Wilkinson, of 1611 West Main street, is spending her va cation in the mountains with friends at Alton and Waynesboro, and will return in about two weeks. Mrs. Saliie Cummings is visiting in i Norfolk, Va i Mrs. Florence Cameron is the guest I of relatives In Caroline county, i Miss Maude Carter, of South Haurel j street, who has been quite ill in the 'Virginia Hospital. Is Improving. Miss Bernle Wilde, of 120 Hombar ! <Jy street, is spending some time as the J guest of Mrs. Thomas Winslow, in | Orange county. Miss Georgie Dansey. of 709 Ran- j dolph street, and Mr. R H. Hogue, I j of Williamsburg, will leave the city Jl Thursday to b* the guests of their i of Forest Hill, have returned from a delightful trip to Atlantic City. Misses Gertrude Gentry and Louise Spain, of Chimborazo boulevard, re turned Monday from a month's stay at Walkerton, Xu. Miss l.ouise Kidd, of Danville, Is the guest of Miss Florence Kidd, of East Clay street, Miss Sadie Wakefield has returned from a pleasant stay in Portsmouth and Ocean View Miss Maggie Tucker will leave this week for a visit to relatives and friends in Clifton Forge Miss Jessie W aller, of 21109 Jefferson avenue, left yesterday for Gordons vllle, where she will spend a month visiting friends. Miss Corinne Davis, of 212 North Thirty-first street, will spend some time as the guest of her sister. Mrs. Raymond Z. Nelson, of Orange, Va, Mr. and .Mrs Walker Stuart, of Chimborazo Park, will leave the city to-morrow for an extended Northern trips.They «4kt vt»R—Ningnra -Firths. Canada, New York and Atlantic City, going a portion of the trip by steamer. They will he absent from the city un til the first week of September. Mrs Farley of Chimborazo Park, who has been under treatment at the Virginia Hospital, has returned home, very much improved. Miss Mari i'urd. of (Jordonsville. is visiting friends and relatives on the hill. Mrs. Ren Wingfield is visiting her 1 sister. Mrs Atkinson, of Meadow sta tion. ; Master Newton Goode, of 3606 Fast Broad street has returned from a ! pleasant stay n> Ocean View. Miss Nellie Wakefield is at the Phil lips cottage. 1)( ean View. _ friend. Miss Ada Burton, of West Vir ginia, Miss Ivy Hart is spending some time with relatives in Caroline county. Miss Sal lie Hardy left Monday for her home in ll.i'ifax county, N. C. Mrs. Henrietta Whitlock is visiting her sister in Lynchburg, Va. Mrs Kmrrta Mountcastle Esolf. of Philadelphia, is ■ isiting her aunt. Mrs. J. K. Siegle. of Xli West Main street. He\ H. Finley Gayle, of Norfolk, is in the city, tne guest of Dr. James Moss, of tjn.d West Main street. Mrs J W. Hancock, of West Main street, left Tuesday .for a month's stay in Salem. Miss Marie Ganzert. of South laurel street, was married to Mr. Charles Ganzert, of Chi.rrh Hill, Saturday in Washington. News Items may he left at Nel son's Furniture Store, or photiet! to Madison 17 10. Miss Virgil lions and Miss Fulrp, of Amelia county. were guests of Mrs. S. It. Malnes. ,.f Seventh street, last week. Miss Claire .Moines Is vlsltins friends In Dlnwiddie < ounty. Miss Annie Schmidt, of Denny street, is spending the month of August in High Point, N c. Misses May Washer. Hattie Leonard and Annie Enright are stopping at the Cason cottage. Ocean View. Miss Kathrine Pease and Mr. Breult, of Berkley, spent Sunday with Miss Lottie Garber, Mrs S. R Malnes left to-da.v for a visit to frierds in Amelia county. The Men's Bible Class of Penny Street church wi’.l run a moonlight excursion to Dutch Gap next Thurs day night. Prayer meeting services in Pulton F ulton Hill chapel liH'e been changed from Wednesday to Thursday nights. Pulton Hive. No. 18. I .ad lea of the Maccabees, will hold an Ice-cream so cial to-night In the home of Mrs. Henry Duke, on Pulton street. Mr. P. C. Martin, of Williamsburg avenue, who has been In bad health has gone to Baltimore for treatment Mr. and Mrs E. M. Bell have re turned from a visit to relatives ir Surry county. Mr. O. H Markham, of Pulton Hill met with a painful accident last weel by sticking a nail In his foot. t'apital City Bodge, J. o. <> F„ wll meet to-night in Nelsen's Mall The P. O. S. of A. will meet in Neb sen’s Hall, third floor, and the Daugh ters of the P. O. S. of A. on the Beconc flood. Wednesday night Mrs. Susan Ellsesers and daughters Misses Theresa and Helen, and Mastei Philip, all of Baltimore, are the guesti of Mrs. Elizabeth Leonard, on Louis! ana. street. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McDonough art spending two weeks In Uloucestei county. Myrt Kennedy, the little son of Mr and Mrs Kennedy, of Louisiana street was badly though not seriously hur Monday morning by falling from i wagon on Williamsburg avenue. Tin wheels -of the wagon passed over tic body, bruising him Quite badly. COMMITTEE APPROVES OPERATING ROOM PLAN! Architectural plans and specifics tions for the new operating room fo the City Home hospital were approvec at a meeting of the Committee on He lief of the Poor Monday night, am as soon as the contract is awarded th work of construction will start. Bid for the work will be received unti August 29 at 7.30 P M. In addition to the new operatini room, which is to be modern in ever; particular, a room tor the housing o the ambulance will also be provided An appropriation of J8.000 has heei made to cover the cost of the work. Two Committees to Meet. Meetings of the Committees 01 Street Cleaning and Finance will h, held Tuesday night, both convenini at 8 o'clock. Both sessions will b devoted to the transaction of buylnes of minor importance. * WHEN PLAYER GOE! i lie Wanted to Marry Her. But i Said to Have Wife. ROANOKE. Aug. 16.—Prank An drada, pitcher of the Roanoke clul left Saturday night for Macon, (}a.. t pitch for the Macon dub In the Soutl Atlantic I.eague. Mias Minnie Thomp son, daughter of Mrs PQcahonta Thompson. Is missing from the city I^ast Thursday Andrada procured i license to marry her, but the girl' mother asserts that she opposed th marriage. it Is said that Andradi has a wife and chlld_ In California and that friends here* warned hln against marrying Miss Thompson. Is not known, however, that Mis Thompson accompanied Andrada. MISS Vint.INIA WAUDIAW BITUKI) AT (:imiSTIA N SBC R< (Special to The Richmond Virginia. ROANOKE, YA„ Aug. 16.—Pune ral services of Miss Vtrgtnta Ward lav were held yesterday afternoon at o'clock at Chrlstlansburg. After he death In the house of detention a Newark, N. J.. her body was taken t< the old home In Chrlstlansburg fo Interment The funeral was attends by only the immediately family Th' services were conducted by the Rev Mi. Van Horn, of the Methodl* church, and the body laid to re*t li tb« -Chris(Janaburg Cemetery. ROOSEVELT WILL DISAPPOINT TUFT i Won't Endorse Balii riper-Aldrich Cannon Crowd Before State (’on vent ion. 1 MAY BE MADE CHAIRMAN : Will Then Sound "Key-Note'’ of j Campaign in 11 is Speech Several Conferences Planned. f OYSTKR BAY. N. Y. August IS. — PYesli from his conference with Presi- • | ‘lent Taft at Beverly, Lloyds Griscom, ! chairman of the New York County Re publican committee, arrived here to day. So anxious was he to get into • touch with Colonel Roosevelt that he i did not make the trip by train, but ran i down over the muddy roads in his high powered automobile. When asked whether he carried a** from the president to the colonel he refused i<* reply directly, declaring that anv ! thing he had to say would have to wait until his conference ended. One of the reasons for his visit was to discuss with Roosevelt the proposi tion that the latter be chairman of the Republican State c Convention at Sara toga. The call for the convention is to be sent out to-morrow, and Griscom is understood t»* have been told by Roosevelt that he will be delighted to be the temporary chairman and in that j capacity to sound the "keynote” in his • speech. Friends of Roosevelt believed that Griscom was the hearer of a request that Roosevelt endorse be fore starting West the new atti tude of the administration toward Gannon. Aldrich and Ballinger, and they expressed the opinion that he would be disappointed. Endorse Himself. Roosevelt will make his speeches | exactly n» planned, they wrrtd. and he will emphatically endorse what have come t<> be known as the R«»--*sevelt policlse and the men who support them He will per mit the Taft supporters t«* take whatever comfort they desire out of these speeches, it is declared. Roosevelt, his friends here soy. can not see any very material difference ’ between Senators Aldrich and Crane,; s<> far as their prospective support of ! the progressive movement is con- | | cerned. The New York State Republican ' platform and prospective candidates for governor were talked over at Saga j more Hill to-day. It is understood I that tlriscom suggested that the di i rect primary plank should be emphatic . and follow closely the recommends - j tltons of Governor On that • point Colonel Roosevelt is expected to hold a number of conferences in New j York to-morrow with members of the Republican State committee who are to cab on him at his office there. NEW BOUT FOB j Official* Declare That Traffic Ue niandf> More Deck >Space- — Xcpntiations Now On. j Negotiations are now going on for the purchase of a new and targe SIMPLE TAILORED MODEL I1Y MR». JANE FORD. Many of the new tailored waists show the double Gibson pleat at tb» shoulders- and the yoke back, and they are Riven a soft, dainty femlnln# touch that makes them unusually attractive by a frill arranged at th* left side of the front closing. or by a pretty Jabot at the front of th* collar, l’he waist shown here Is of this character, and may be elaborated as sug gested. The patern can be secured In seven sis** that run fro* thirty-two to forty-four I* cites bust measure. For these waist* silk* looking white madras li much ueed. a* well as linen cotton, rep and pique Cottor crepe, washable chiffon and voile weaves are also In de mand. All of these materi als come twenty-seven and thirty-six Inches wide, and of the narrower width thret and one-quarter yards will be needed to develop this model, but of the wider, tw< and one-half yards will bs sufficient. White is always prettyi and Is a general favorite fot separate tub waists, but ne one denies that It Increases the laundry bills, and the woman who wishes to econ omise will plan to have col ored morning waists. For this purpose there ar* charming figured or striped percale, pique and madras lg which white predominate* but where there la sufficient color to keep them from showing soil readily. A mode adopted this sea son that Is pleasing Is to gel the goods used for the waist to match In color the suit 01 skirt with which It is worn, and with th* great varlet* of colors offered In both light and heavy weaves of linen the matching of shade* It not a difficult matter. As these tailored walstt require little or no fitting; with the exception of adjusting the waist line and distributing th* fulness, they can be made by women who have had little experience In sewing. 637 7 5JZK 32 TO+4 BUST VIRGINIAN PATTERN COUPON. No. *37. April 15 N nme..... Street and Number. City and State Size Desired..... SIZE MUST BE PUT ON COUPON. To obtain the pattern fill out the above coupon and enclose ten cents la stamps or coin. Address Pattern Department. Klchinond Vtrstnlan, Hlch-f | mond. Va. patterns will be t^eivod within a week e*. wu day* *fttr et^ l-* fSSB} *. •• —n steamer for the Phtlltpa Un«, which operate* betwen Richmond, Peters burg and Norfolk. The boat that la to be purchased Is nearly new and will be put on the line as soon as the deal Is closed. Officers of the company state that the freight traffic Is getting so heavy on the line that It I* practically Im possible to handle It In the limited space on the present boats. They say that the new boat will be run with the others and that none will be taken off as a result of the advent of the new steamer. !\ was stated at the offices of the company Monday that the new boat is ueH fitted for the service and has a large\freight capacity. The Improv ed servYee will be welcome to the shippers and the company believes that It will means a still larger in crease In business. REVENGE MOM FOR AWFUL CRIME 1 *r. Agamanoff Was Accused of Treachery by Russian Rev olutionarv Parly. TI KRIS, Aug 16.—“Agamanoff con demnor) to death for treachery by the control colonel of the Russian revolutionary party.'* This note found on a table to-day In the apartment of the supposed murderers cf Dr. Agamanoff Is the only clue the police have to the Iden tity of the man and woman who are believed to have killed the doctor. It proves to the satisfaction of the po lice that the murder was an act of revenge by the revolutionary party. The suspected pair, who made their escape in the forty-eight houra that. Intervened between the murder and the disvovery of the crime rented an apartment on Moskaur street. The woman in the case was of distinguish ed appearance. Descriptions of her husband have been sent throughout Russia. Shortly after arriving In the city the couple asked for Dr. Agat»ian«!T. caving that he had been recommend ed to them. Dr. Agamanoff respd's.1 ed ami was evidently just In the act <f writing a prescription when he was slatn. His head was almost severed, the work evidently being dune by a hat het. Two days later, the doetor not hav ing appeared at his office, an investi gation was begun, and the gruesvintn discovery made In the Moskaur street apartment. The police have learned that Aga manoff in his student days belonged to the Moscow- group of the -revolution ary party He turned on his compan ions in a crisis and gave evidence to the police that resulted In the con viction of many of the group. Agamanoff remained under polio* protection until he had finished his col lege course. He then moved to Tlfils In the hope that he would es cape the attention of the revolution ary party. TROOPS ARE ON HAND TO PREVENT TROUBLE, BILBAO, August IS Neither tha strikers ror the mine owners show anv signs of w eakening to-day in ihe strike trouble, and the outcome of to-mor row s contemplated resumption of work In the mines with strike-breaker* Is awaited with apprehension. T oops are on hand to guard the mines, though the government hopes their use w III not he necessary', owing to the cer tainty of the clerical dispute being ac centuated by such a development. Premier t’analejas tto-day telegraphed the mice owners urging them to take every precaution against an open clash.