Newspaper Page Text
Wants HBIF WAMTBD—MALE. ~r» years old, an stenographer and type writer, No smoker of cigarettes need apply. Address 8. earn P. O. BOX 8<U.' Hli'.F WAMTKU—yHMALK. "WXim^'VoiTra—EXKBB—xur» (iris to make paper Poxes. Begin ners paid while learning- Steady employment, light clean work and ; good wages. Apply to THE RAN DOLPH PAPER BOX CO., Ross 8 treat. _ WANTED—TWENTY %OUNO LA tlies; good pay for steady workers SOUTHERN RISCU1T WORKS, |tlr * Byrd streets. ■.a. .... i _^....LjjjggHBBaeai POSITION tVA *tSEzJK£4*l WANTED. BY A TEACHER OK His tory and literature, a position: have also taught adv. grammar grade work; satisfactory references. Ad- j dress A. CONN. McOaheysvlIIe, is PRINTER—GENERAL NEWSPAPER and "ad." man—open for Job, can come at once. Address E. W. E.. 710 Washington Street. Portsmouth. Vi WANTED—POSITION A8 OROUERY salesman; write for experience ami i references It. F. D. No. J, Box 41. Wallace, N. C. , WANTED — ALL-ROUND PRINTER, Hants position at once; will go any where; married: All references. A.I dress HOWARD SHACKELFORD, 1401 Ashland Street. City. EXPERIENCED MALE TEACHER OF languages, mathema.-cs and music. "ininriim1 t n “ .. late principal of hlglr school, desires a private or public school. Address "F.”'Box U3, Uordonsville, Vs. YOUNG MAN DESIRES EM PLOY ment as plumbers' helper, two ami half sears' experience. Address H. T. 1303 West Main Street. WANTED. AT ONCE. BY A MAN OF experience, position es double entry bookkeeper: have had several years' experience and can give best of ref erences from past and presam em ployers, will go anywhere Address Box No. 4 58. Florence, 8. C. WANTED BY GRADUATE IN MUSIC at Randolph-Macon. a position to teach piano, beet of references. Ad dress Box 102. Amherst, Vs. WANTED, BY A FIRST GRADE VII! ginla teacher of several yaars' expe rience, a i-ositlon In public or pri vate school; Latin and music Au dress Y„ care Postmaster. Poplsr Hill, Ya WANTED -BY YOUNG COLORED man a position as cook or waiter. Address ADOLPHUS MILLER. Ill M 3d Street. HAIR TONIC. NELSONS HAIR TONIC HAS BEEN tasted for teenar.y* hrdaomfwytahf tested for ten years, that is why we - ran sell It on a guarantee--you sat' ^*fied^jr^£ou£jnoney^taek^ POSITION tt tXTBD—PEM VI.R. EXPERIENCED TEACHER. FIRST grads certificate, desires position in city, town or village In Virginia English, drawing and manual irtan ing Address TEACHER. 1*00 East Broad. REFINED EDUCATED LAUT WISHED position as companion to elderly ladv. or as housekeeper, or teacher for private echol. to rigitt persons services tnvaluabla .Addrass MISS M K J . Lock Don **. Scotlsburg. Vs. MOTHER AND DAUGHTER WISH TO go to Washington. D C. to work, privets family, mother as rook, daughter as nuras or chambermaid furnish yaar's references. Address 1104 North Second Street f-lRSST- GRADE" TEACHER WISHES school. Address MI 8 8 W.. cart Po*i mastfir, Arrln*totu Vo wanted by a "fT&st grade Vir ginia teacher of aeveral years' agpe rlenre. a poattion In public or private school; Latin and music. Address V.. care Postmaster. Poplar Hill. V* WANTED, BY COLLEGE OR AD l* ATI. of two years' experience. position to teach in graded or high schools; tes timonials furnished Address Mins i. hardy. Reedy, Ve._ WANTED. BY A YOl'NO LADY. V position In private family as teacn er for small children, three years experience. Addrea MISS H., care Postmaster. Get her. Vi A LADY WHO IS WILLING AND CAN c ' do almost anything wants employ ment at once. Would stay with some ladv who needs companionship. Ad dress V-T4 care The Virginian. WANTED. POSITION A# TEACHER or governess by a college graduate S3 years of age. holding a first grade eertifleatc. best of references, fur nished on application. Address V VIOLA LCPTON. No. !T« North Fran k lln Street ,3Va s It I nigan, Da. Ift8g~ ELIZABETH GAtNE*. ORGAN 1st and pianist, will receive engage ments after September 1 accompany ing. a specially limited number of pupils tskeu. Addresa 1#** Wee Grace. WANTED. POSITION AS OOTKKNt*B In good Virginia family: can teach French. mitelc and Englleh branchee, reference* given and reaulred- Ai 4rnn» K. H T, 10* Washington SI Sumter, 8. C. WaNTeET A POSITION t6 TEACH I .N & private school Igttin, music, msta •matlca and ail English branch«« god references. Address MIBB i* c#ra Postmaster, R. F- D. No. B, Trs Villan, Vs, • fANfsOt GRADUATE in MCsR' at Randolph-Macon. a_ poeltlon tc teach piano; beet of rafarencea. Art 4re** Box 10! Amheret, Va. _ ekFerTenped and refiSkd «»• man taachar want* to taach deaf mute child at home, beet recoin mendations. Address R F. D. No. a Box 44. Blanch. N. C._ Wanted,'by“Tounq lady of SgV aral year*' experience In teaching goettton ax Roverneee or companion geual Eng Hah branche*, Latin anc matheroatfee; reference* exchanged Addrees MISS L., care W. L. Vaughan Rice Depot. Va. ______ WANTED—-P' MILT WASHING A’l home, or work by the day. »0« Abl nd of Ninth street) gall street <en« Richmond^ Va, ___ _ REPINED YOUNG' LADY tVIBHBt position in olflca—writing, copying ete,. three yeare' experience in law ver'e oSIcc. Very beet of Ire** Ml** B. B„ care >.f rirglnian BSMESSSBSR hKAIK ysrTfnrwR ■ WTxm lied with Nation'* Hair Topic, If no It* your money back_ person ai.a. LADIES. BY PLACING THE ORDEI FOR YOUR FALL A* DW1HTE1 SUIT. REQUIRE PROM YOURTAIL STYLISH SUIT, WITH THJ OR A Stvusn eui. " *1 t‘" STRAIGHT LINES AND SOFT EK PE.4 GIVEN BY THE N'KwWG AND PA RSI AN TAILORS AT THIS TIME. 1 AM THE TAILOR WAR KNOW SHOW TO OlVE JOl ■ SUIT AFTER THIS ORDER. Al SEVERAL OP MY CUSTOMERS C.t; TESTIFY FOR WHOM I WAV I MADE SUITS SINCE I RBTURNEI FROM INSPECTING MODELS MADI BY SEVERAL OF *HE LBADINt STREET. We MAKE A SPECIALTY OF T tnc *M curing nervouiend » trouble*i Mental Scientist; ref* Tins*'? irenc*. ■mroi wa wftMtwwr and board in private famtly, for ma* wife and child; East End naar Chlra boraao Park. Addres* Weft. this of See. *<*W rffntmr x~ t»i;“yr>i a head when you can *gv* your"hai by uMng N*l*o*e Male Tonic in Uw Wants SPECIAL ffOTICR. SPECIAL TO LADIES- TAILORS. WE GIVE INSTRUCTIONS AND LEARN TOC TO MAKE A FIRST CLASS TAILORED COAT FREE OK CHARGE BY THE LATEST IM PROVEMENT. STOP DOING THE | WORK IN THE OLD-FASHIONED WAT. LOSING TIME AND WORRY ING YOUR CUSTOMERS WITH SO! MANX FITTINGS, BY USING THE I GOLDSTEIN BUST FORM. WHICH i SAVES MATERIAL. LABOR AND UNNECESSARY FITTINGS AND USELESS PADDING. TOU CAN TURN OUT A BETTER GARMEN1 FOR LESS MONEY AND MAKE MORE PROFIT. BELOW IS A LET TER FROM ONE OF MY CUSTOM ERS, WHOSE SUIT WAS MADE HV THE BUST FORM AND W 'ITHOV A FITTING CLAYTON, N. C.. I AUGUST II. IMO. | MR. M. QOLDSTEIN. RICHMOND, VA.: DEAR SIR: THE SUIT RECEIVED. IT IS ELEGANT AND FITS BEAUTIFUL LY. MRS. II- IS MUCH PLEAS ED With it. i am gi«ad to in- I CLOSE CHECK FOR MS.## HERE-I WITH. WITH REST WISHES I AM, YOURS TRULY. 01 R GREAT SUCCESS IN THE PAST YEAR <>F OI'R BUSINESS CAREER! 18 THE GREATEST PROOF THAI YOt* GET SATISFACTION IN EVER 1 WAY WHEN* YOC ORDER YORK! Sl'IT FRO ML'S. OI’R PATRONS HAVE BEEN THE VERY BEST TRADE OF THE CITY. TO WHOM . WE CAN REFER YOC. FOR THE I COMING WEEK WE SHADE OFFER: SPECIAL RATES ON FALL AMD WINTER SUITS. AND IF YOC WISH I TO HAVE IN THE PRICE OK YOUR ; SUIT NOW IS THE TIME TOT PLACE YOUR ORDER. AND HAVE! IT READY WHEN THE SEASON! SETS IN. I.AsSKA LADIES' TAIL-'. OKI NO CO.. 301 NORTH SECOND STREET, RETWEEN BROAD AND MARSHALL. PHONE MONROE 490 j] SPECI AL ' NOTICE—IF YOC NEED I rubber tire*, I am still putting them on at the ol.I price a* I bought a . ' •rood lot of rubber bafore the price j of rubber advanced; so get buay and , take advantage of this. Apply to H C. Bristow s, No. 11, IS. 1*, North Eighteenth street. _j LADIES DON'T NEGLECT'YOt'R~HA1H I complexion and nails when you can I have work done at reduced price* 60? E. Broad street, upstairs. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- ' FARM AND UUME BARGAINS IT ACRES—A NICE LOCATION, with buildings and orchard; close to Ashland. Price, 61,200. 80 ACRES, DWELLING IN GROVE, running water, valuable wood and timber growth, ten mile* to Rich mond by good road, one mile to electric line. 6 2,800. ISO ACRES, WITH RRICK DWELL ing and valuable outbuildings, Im provement* worth more than la be ing asked for the property. 65,000. PROPERTY FOR RENT AT A8H-) land and homes for male from 6750, up. We are on the ground*; we know •he value* of property between Richmond and Washington. FRANK H. C<»X CO.. INC . Ashland, Vs. FOR SALE, 2*0 ACRES Of LAN'fi'tl mile* from Richmond, convenient to railroad, church, school and post office, chocolate soil with red clay subsoil. *5 acre* of number one tow ground or bottom land, about «9 acres of high land In cultivation; farm well fenced and crosa-fancert with wire; old colonial dwelling, eight large rooms and hall in good condition, stone barn, with cement floors, all other necessary outbuild ings. In good repair; crops and farm ing Implements will be sold with place. Thf* I* an Ideal farm and home, being located In one of the best sections of the State. The own er wishing to retire from business, we are offering the above property for »8 750. if sold at once. Terms reasonable SO. LAND AND REAL TY CO. lit* Kill Main FOR SALK. 690 ACRES OF LAND Lo cated 41 mile* front Richmond. 21-2 miles from railroad, church, school I and post-office convenient. 166 acre*1 idee red, 44v-culli*ation--fr»- acres oft second growth pine, 200 acre* of: original pine timber, land lava well, gray loam soil, with red clay sub- < soil; six-room iframe dwelling, in' fine section all necessary outbuild-J ing*. Including two tobacco barns.! This farm Is located In one of the > most healthy and finest aectlonr In ’ the State, and Is well worth. »1». 000 owing to the owner's age, wc j *r<. offering the ebove property fer 6T.000. one-tl\lrd cash; balance one two and three years. 80. LAND' AND REALTY CO.. 1110 East Main street LOOK! LARGE LOT. BEAl'TIFUL oak grove; new 7 - room frame house, never occupied; nice outbuilding, mil painted, at Petersburg car line atop —ic. far*—prlc* Ip $1.7*1; cash $1W. balance monthly. Very cheap place. See Noonandson Realty Corporation. Eleventh Street. A FOR HALE. It? ACRES OF GOOD land, good building*. 65 miles from city, 6 miles from railroad. Price only 61.800. one-third cash; balance to suit purchaser. SO. LAND AND REALTY CO.. 1110 East Main. IVE HAVE A FINE LIST O# SMALL farms, convenient to the city, electric line and railroad; In fact, we have anything that you could wUn See us before buying. SO. LAND - and realty co.. lilo Beat Main. iT(To yvTll BUY A 'house rentlnu j for 616 per motuh. Madison 166T. j il0O~WILL BUT A HOUSE hENTlNU j for 610 per month. Madtaon 1467. (Xftit lALkr FOR BACK—PART CASH, BALANCE monthly Installments, one of the finest fixture*. best stocked end 'handsomest drug stores In the en tire South, now doing a paying business, being comparatively a new store and trade increasing dally In a business and family trade section, second to none— other buslne* that must have owner's personal and constant at sttentlon. cause of selling a splen did chance for a druggist or one with capital to Invest that will employ druggist to manage. Wore on the best street and beet neigh borhood In Richmond. Address D 27, care Richmond Virginian. FOR lAUS ijKCOND HAND BABY carriage, good condition cheap to uutca W. Cary street. FOR WAGONS OO TO RICHAKiMbhi PROS, fit Brook avenue. NOTICE. Pui it to the terms of s pertain Collateral Baser, w* wW sell for esih at public suptrae oa^the Richmond Stock Exohanse ia ths mend. Vir»labh on the **& day of at it o’doekM. the foils via* seeuri City , ^ _ 1*10. foUewiag seeuri ties: '**221 GtSdV^SdT^f^eMgCTlCoS *• gss/cSff i cto,k * .hTSir v.iut of Company, el M Shares of the Capital Stack ef the '"■•'ssri.'s&issss.a: BANS or OOHUSSCt * TAHITI Wants _ miCTtumoM. itEWMAri lUULLER STORK, SIS E. BROAD STREET. WE RECOVER UMBRELLA fa AND mtki them like new for very rea sonable prices; we have cover* In cotton gloria. silk taffeta and eerge alike In black and colored. We do expert repairing. If your umbrella Is In bad shape come to see ue, we Will treat you right. Phone Monroe _ 21_,_4_ LADIES. YOUR HAIR IS IMPOR TANT. YOUR COMB1NOB OR CUT HAIR made Into beautiful switches, puffs, pompadours, front pieces, etc., in the moot artistic manner. Charges very moderate. 215 North Klfth street. Richmond. Va PITT'S! PITT'S! PITT’S! THOSE PRETTY HAIR PITT’S, switches; coronet switches made from your own combings or cut hair. Charges very moderate. 214 North Fifth street. CLBAMNG AND PRESSING. GO TO THE BEST PLACE IN’ THE West End. when you want your clothes cleaneu and pressed, all worn guaranteed rtrat class. J. It. BERK LEY. JR.. 21S W. Main street. Phone Monroe 123. -sr~ TO LA OIKS! rocK hair: tes. we kecodor or remake faded awltches. Charges very moderate. 214 North hilth street. HAIR. IUMAX HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at Hughes, 201) N. Third street. SHOE EKPtIRINCi. Sc, HALFSOLE MEN'S SHOES: LA dle*. tOc . children. -10c. and up. every pair sewed. Phone Monroe 2«*7 Will call and deliver. FT'RNITIHB AND CHINA PACKING. ITTRNITURE, CHINA AND WEDDING presents packed and shipped with care. Estimates cheerfully given. JACOB UMUAUF. 705 West Main Street. Phone Madison 3292. IKE'S. XBANINO AND PRESSING; PHONE Madison 3736; 202 North Fifth street; ladles’ work a specialty. gCHRKMP—213 NORTH FIFTH. JMBRELLA8 COVERED AND RE paired; expert work; SCHREMP, The Umbrella Man __ 300ii» foh rent. rOR RENT. ROOM SUITABLE FOR lintltmin one dollar per week 15 West Olay Mtreet. 114 E. CLAY—COOL. CLEAN HOOUS, nicely furnished. Math, 'phone rwo i*A ROE. CONNECTING Fl'K nlshed rooms, board If desired. Ap ply 104 West Grace. WHEN Tor COME TO RICHMOND get a clean, comfortable l.»*d for 50c: phone, bath and Ice water free, ex cellent meals served next door. 10J2 East Clay. LARGE AND SMALL FURNISH I'll robtns for rent. Apply <10 East Franklin Street 4ICELY FURNISH ED ROOMS, HOME comforts. 14 North Sixth, between Franklin and Main. S()R RENT. TWO OR THREE LA RGK rooms and small room, excellent lo cation. Phone Madison 7443-J. SeSIRABLE FIRST Fid >OR FLAT OF four rooms, with Joint use of bath on second floor and lsrge yard. Ap ply 1*7 South Fifth Street For RENT, TWO LARGE FRi >N 1 rooms—one upper and one lower alen other rooms: wits or without board. Apply 2S0S East Hroa i. Phone Madison 144-L POR RENT. ONE LARGE. SlflEi furnished room, bath and phone, gas and electric light, quiet and home comforts. 10* North Harri 70 GENTLEMAN TENANT. A D ESI li able front room overlooking park nlcotv furnished, well kept: three minutes' walk to business centre. 1U0 Capitol Street >lIaIant ROOMS. FURNISHED UK unfurnished, single or en suite. Ap pl> S0» East Franklin roR RENT. TO ADULTS DR COUPLE without children, three large rooms Apply 1W l-*_Ea»t Main._ EXCELLENT FURNISHED OR IN furntahad »te*m-heated yom, pri vate- family, near -La* Munumat.t. lady with references. Thone Madi eon *l*l-L FOR RENT. SEPTEMBER 1. THREE rdoms, suitable for housekeeping 1 including water. Apply *106 Kasl Grace Street _ FWO GENTLEMEN TO OCCU P V room next to bath. 301 Soutf Fourth. tANDSOME ROOMS; ONE DOLLAH per week: private family: five min utas' walk to Rroan Street. Appls <0* North Tenth Street. aIoe rooms FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeping 710 East Franklin Street CONNECTING RfR RENT. THREE --. rooms', gas and water, large beck porch: rent. *10 per month. Appl) SOI* East Main Street. f?>R RENT. ONE LARGE FRON1 room, furnished or unfurnished: fln< location: central. 'Phone Madisor 4S0S. rOR RENT. TWO ROOMS, FURNISH ed for light housekeeping. S14 Norti Twelfth. •OR RENT. LARGE. COMFORT ABU from room on ground floor, excel lent location for office. Apply at 71. E. Franklin Street. ' BRICSt RE81t>EN(t stable. Bn' EVEN-ROOM - modern convenience*; -----• nelghborheod. Church Hill. Madl on 5*74-L______ ‘OR RENT—THREE DiBSIRABU rooms for rent suitable for llgh house keeping. 611 N. 7th WANTED — A ___ COUPLE OR TW< young men to occupy nicely furnish ed room .heated In the winter; el* hot and cold water In Ahe room. an. next to bathroom. *396 N Street, c 'phone Madison 7**4. OR RENT—SEPT vn .. 1ST.' THIRD story three-room flat, private bat I near Fourth and Franklin, Addrs* T. J. a.. 116 East Cary._ i* EA*T C&AT—NEWLY FURNISH ed or unfurnished rooms; specie summer rates; ’phone Madlso 2S00-J; bath; home comrorts. v. rx RENT—UPPER " FLAT Oj three rooms, beck porch end privet bath. **0* East Franklin Street. OR RENT—TWO NICELY FUR nlshed fronto rooms, second floor. 50 North Seventh Street._ Tcelt furnIbhed rooms o: Lombardy, near Broad; convenlen to bath: use of nartor 'Phone *001 URNISHED ROOMS FOR UGlT Housekeeping. and two stngl room for rent. 410 North Seventt Xr6e PLEASANT ROOMS FUR nlshed or unfurnished, single or *. suite. *0* East Franklin. WO FURNISHED ROOMS WlTi TABLE BOARD, 11 East Grace Si ESlBUS MEDAL CONTEST ON THURSDAY NIGH’ A double medal contest which wl 1 both interesting and unique, wl! 1 held at Bpworth Methodist churc t Thursday night, August 1*. at 8:1 clock. There will be six young me td eix young ladle* In the contest id two medsls will be awarded, on the young lady and one"to the youn *n. giving the best recitations. Tb ibllc la invited to the contest, an Itr* will M no staUaaiaa charts, T PROBKBLI ELECT mOH MAYOR * Js Xamed bv Many as Man to j Succeed "W. M. Jones. ! i PROM IXEXT M ERCH ANT Plan for Commercial Congress. Miss Taylor Married—Per sonals and Uriels. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) PETERSBURG, VA„ August 16 It is not definitely known when the Board of Aldermen and Council of Petersburg will meet to elect a succes sor to the lnte mayor. William M. t Jones, it is thought, however that this i will be done in a short lime. In the meantime. Carter R Bishop, president of the Board of Aldermen, is acting mayor of the city. Among those mentioned for the po- ' sition there seems to be but one who has practically the endorsement of all ' the people, and his election Is almost assured - Mr. K. if. Patterson. Mr. Patterson is a young business man. has been connected many years with the American Tobacco Company, and is recognized I) jail as a strong, conservative, active man, with execu tive ability. Buclt a mayor Is greatly desired, and if the position be tendered Mr. Patterson—and it is practically as- j sured— tt will i ome to him in recoghl I tion of his Ability, for he as In no man- > her sought the office. Mr. Patterson is tin son of Captain John R. Patterson, a Confederate offi I cer, whose name has been long identi fled with the history of Petersburg. Discuss Plans. Officials of the Southern Commercial Congress met Monday night in Peters ; burg regarding the conference of rep ; resentative business men—ten from ; each Southern State, to be appointed : by the governors—which is .to be held i In Atlanta October 7. Mr. <’haries Hall Davis. chairman of the executive eom | mittee; G. Grosvenor Dawe, director; Edwin 1- Quarles, secretary, and Dr. 1 Clarence J. Owen, of Alabama, enm j missioner of agriculture and immigra tion of the Southern Commercial Con gress. were present. Dr. Owen resigned the presidency of the State College of Alabama to co i operate and take an active part in the work of the Commercial Congress. He is also the commander-in-chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and edi tor of tlie organization's magazine. Dr. Owen arrived in Washington Sunday night from Alabama, joining Mr G. Grosvenor Da we there. To gether they came to Petersburg Mon day for the conference. Mr. Quarles returned to Petersburg from Georgia ; Saturday. Dr. Owen and Mr. base left tthis city for Washington Tuesday. *Et 4? Bryant—T ay lor. Mr George VV. Bryant and Miss No nle Taylor, of Petersburg, were quietly j married Monday »t noon in Norfolk. ■ at the residence of Mr. S. J Taylor, i The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. W. I'erryman. of the First Bap ! list chureh. The only attendants were j Mlsaes Tiny and May Biount Taylor, of Petersburg, sisters of the bride, and Miss Grace Bryant, sister of the groom. After the wedding a midday lunch eon was served, when they took boat for Old Point, whence they go to U ath i ington and other Northern cities, l Mr. J. Henry Brady and Mrs. Brady and Misses Lucille and Susie Money, of Louisville, Ky„ who have been visiting Rev. and Mrs. Robert Alonzo 1/ive, on Washington street, have returned home. Miss Lucy 1 eihney Jones is visiting friends in Richmond. Mr. William Fisher, after a pleas ant visit to Toronto. Gan., has return ed home Miss Daisy Archer is visiting in ! Washington, IX C. Mrs. William I, Carney and chil dren have gone to Forest. on a v isit j to her mother. ; j Mr. Charles Burnett, site and daughter, of Washington, are waiting their son, Mr. Ralph Burnett, on High street. i The Woodman of the World will i Point Wednesday. Negro Shot. A quarrel Sunday morning between two negroes. William Robinson and ■; Wade Prince, in Blandford, resulted in the latter being shot with a shot L gun Robinson was arrested and in ' j the Police Court Monday his case was ; j set tor examination Thursday. '! During the heavy rain Monday af ternoon the motor generator at the j lower power house of the Virginia Railway and Power Company was j burned out and the current conse . | quently cut off for a time. Travel over [ the lines were Interrupted tor about an hour and a half. Mrs. Arabella L. Baas, widow of • the late Robert G. Bass, died at her ? residence on Market street Monday 11 afternoon at 5 o’clock, in the slxty ! seventh year of her age. Mrs. Bass had been InTafling health i ! for several months, and the last few i weeks her condition had been ertil f j cal. Her death was not unexpected. I i She was twice married, her first * ■ husband being John H. Bullock. She - is survived by three sons. Messrs. ■ James W. Bullock, Everett O. Bul t lock and Robert G. Bass, and one daughter. Mrs Kate Buuock Curtke. Mrs. Mary “Jones. t‘i Mrs. Mary Elisabeth Jones died Sunday evening at 6:40 o'clock. She -jlwas Miss Mary E. Peebles and was . , the widow ,.f the late Samuel Good o win Jones; a brother of the late Mavor tt William M. Jones. She Kad been in r i feeble health for a number of yeyi-s. .'but her death was not expected until -Sunday morning, when she became '■ suddenly worse and died at the hour mentioned. She leaves "three daugh ter* and two grandsons—IKra. Charles fS. Young. Masters Willie Atcl and Charles S.. Jr., of Charleston. S. C Mrs. M. K. Davidson and Mias Josie P. Jones, of Petersburg. Also she It survived by Misses Louise E. and Re becca T. Peebles, of this city. The funeral will take place from g the residence on High street Wednes day morntaig at 11 o’clock. » II r u it h 5 n U * 8 * d PHILADELPHIA, Auf. 16.—Th« Munsev historic tour, one of the great eat automobile reliability and endur ance event* of the year, atarted from this city at 7 o'clock this morning When all of the twenty-eight offlcia entrants sped oft at the word of tht starter. I The tour will take the contestant! to West Point to-night, after a noon day stop at Morristown. X. J. To morrow's ‘Journey will bring the con tcstasui to Cornu toi FLOOR PLAN OF OAR. During the month of September, new cars of the Pay-As-You-Rnter type will be put into operation on the Broad-Main line. In adopting this type of car the company has three principal objects in view: First: The prevention of accidents to passenger? entering or leaving car. Second: The facilitation of the collection of fares by the conductor, enabling him the more closely to attend to the operation of the car. Third: The elimination of pushing and crowding, by keeping the conductor out of the car and by providing separate doors for entrance and exit of passengers. Pav-As-You-Enter cars arc being adopted as standard in all of the larger and more progressive cities in this country, fifty different companies in the l nited States now operating over six thousand cars of this tv|)C. and the records prove the great success, both from the companies’ standpoint and the standjKiint of the patrons. It is believed ihat the above results ran lie fully realized here if the company ha* the co-operation of its patrons in the observation of a few simple rules, as follows: 1. Passengers are requested to have exact amount of fare ready, cash or tickets. 2. Passengers will enter only hv rear platform at point marked “entrance’’ on car and follow the direction of the arrow on the above drawing. 3. Passengers will deposit the exact amount of cash fare or ticket in fare box and pass into car through the entrance door. 4. Transfers will be handed unfolded to conductor and not deposited in fare box. 5. Passengers needing change or tickets will receive the full amount of change or tickets from the conductor, out of which passengers will deposit fare in fare box. 6. Transfers will be asked for at time of depositing fare in fare box. 7. Passengers desiring change, tickets or transfers are requested kindly to allow those with exact fare and not needing transfers to pass in first, thus facilitating the movement into the car. g. Conductors are not required to change bills of larger denominations than $2.00. 9. Standing on rear platform will not be allowed, as it blocks entrance and exit. 10. No baggage or bundles will be allowed on the platform. If too bulky to be taken inside, baggage will not be allowed to be taken on car. 11. Passengers desiring to leave car w ill use front door as far as possible. Respectfully, VIRGINIA RAILWAY & POWER COMPANY. the night control. Boston la the ob jective point of the third day'* run, whence the next morning the auto mobiliits will skirt the coast of New ! Hampshire and Maine to Portland Bethlehem. N. H.. will be reached on the fifth day. and Sunday will be spent at that old New England town. On Monday, the seventh day, the cars will go to Burlington, Vt, stop ping at Montpelier for lunch. The eighth day's run takes the tourists around the upper reaches of !.ake Champlain and Hake George to Sara toga From there the route leads on the ninth da> to Binghamton. N. Y., where the stop will he made for the night. From Binghamton the cars will head for Wilkes-Barre. Pa. On ■ the eleventh day the> will go to Har- i rtsburg. w inding up the run on the ! following day from Harrisburg to ' Washington through Frederick. Md., and Baltimore. TO LEAVE CITY Forced to Move Family on Ac count of 111 Health of Member?. Dr. Pa ul us A. Irving, for eighteen years one of the most prominent doc tors of Richmond, lias declared his In tention of leaving the city and estab lishing his home in Prince Edward county not far from the town of Farm I ville. Dr Irving stales that is reason ! for taking this step is til health In members of his family. Dr. Irving has built up a large prac tice in Richmond and has been a mem ber of the State Board of Health and j of the State Board of Medical Examin ers. At present he Is a member of the State Board of Charities and Correc ' tlons. Dr. Irving says that there is slight chance of his coming back to Rtch i mond to live, but that he leaves the city with the deepest regreis on ae ! count of the many social and profes i sional friends he has here. SPECIAL SESSION 'Ordinance for Creation of Third Assistant Building Inspector to l>e Concurred in {—-~' A special meeting of Common Coun cil has been called for Thursday night at 8 o'clock to decide whether or not an additional Inspector will be de ! tailed to the office of the Building In spector. I The services of an assistant have i long been demanded by Building In spector Beck, who declares that his ! present force, constating of himself, i one clerk and two asaiatant Inspec ) tors, is inadequate to cope with the [enormous duties of the office. An or I dinance arranging for the creation of ' a third asaiatant inspector, at a sal ary of >100 per month, was long since recommended to 'the Board of Aider men and recommended by that body, Council meeta Thursday night foe the j purpoee of concurring in the matter . Theie probably will be a veritable horde of aggllcaut* {pr (£« a*w j>o ; PlUoa, .. .-.v SAVES BROTHER FROM BROWNING Heroic Kescue Told for First Time Before Justice Crutch field Tuesday, It developed in police court Tun da j morning that Dewey Jolley, a hoy of twelve years of age. would have drowned in the city dock three weeks ago but for the heroic work of his brother. Tazewell Wade, who jumped overboard and dragged him to the shore. Edward Wasie. a man about thirty five years old, was accused of throw ing the lad overboard, and was ar ralgnsd un the charge In court: tte pleaded not guilty, but the evidence against him was such that Justice Crutchfield imposed a fine of $10. After court it was said that the throwing of the boy into the dock was done in a playful manner, but that young Dewey would have sunk but for the Intervention of his brother, who plunged in and brought the little fellow to the banks of the river. None of the particulars had come to light until the case was called In po lice eourt Tuesday. Mr. Wade simply being charged with disorderly con duct. ROCKY MOUNT RESIDENTS PLEASED BY LOCAL MEN Messers Carrington and Dabney Make Addresses and Get Vote of Thanks. Messrs. T. il Carrington and W. T. i Dabney, of the Richmond Chamber > i»f Commerce, made a marked favor able Impression In Rocky Mount, V. j O., where they participated in the exercises coincident with the organi | ration. The latter's address consuni ■ ed almost an hour, but according to ; all accounts of the affair, his audience Hstened with close attention, and at the close, tendered him a rising \ ote of thanks. KATE PARDONED BY GOVERNOR MANN 1 Because of an Incurable and conta gious disease. Governor Mann Tuesdtt} granted a pardon to Kate Hardy, col ! ored. who was sent to the Richmond iall for twelve months-for selling 11 - q nor without a lirenre Th# woman U said to be in a frightful condition, and 1 Jail Physician Gordon recommended j the release of the prisoner for fear i that other Inmates of the jail would j contract the malady. ■ The woman had j been in jail only a few days. | AIR SHIP DEFEATS CARRIER PIGEONS DOUAI, FRANCE, August 1«.—A Hock of badly defeated carrier pigeons was brought back to Douat to-day af ter an unsuccessful speed competition with Aviator LeBlanc in yesterday*! aeroplane race from Doual to Amiens The birds were released at the aamt i time that IjeBlanc began hie flight j l,<* Blanc arrived at Amiens near!} seven minutes abend of tbe first pig Aeon. ma mm HIES OBOES State Corporation Commission Ex* ptcis Further Trouble About Ilarrisnburg Depot. Mure trouble with the Valiev Rail road Company will likely be experi enced by the State Corporation Com mission. according to advices from Harrisonburg, which state that the railway has again Ignored an order. For four years the Commission haa been having difficulties with this line and on several occasion* the road has been fined 1500 for not complying .with rulinge. *rbe_troiihle thl« time fenny. failure of the railroad company to erect at Harrisonburg a $30,000 dapot, to have been completed on August 1*. 1010. Work on the depot has just be gun and Ita completion Is a long way off. The road was fined $500 by the Commission nearly four years ago la this same case. "The matter has not been brought to the attention of the Cornmiaaion." said Judge William F. Rhea Tuesday. '•It w-ill no doubt be taken up by the Har risonburg people and then we can taka some action." Judge Rhea seemed very much sur prised at the actlton of the Valley road, but because the situation has not yet been brought up officially would not say what would likely be done. The Installation of a new president has been given by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company as the reason for the delay in starting the work at Harrisonburg. "I REN'N'I*.—Died, at Virginia Mo Auiutt It. KKV. JOSEPH R. NIB. in the seventy-fifth yaw • aye. Funerel from Mtspah ^**re rl»n church. Highland ..Park MORROW (Wedneeday) :-Jm NOON, August IT, tt * •’♦Iff VISITING MIST LACKS ILIGENSE Mr. E. S, Burwell, who has run an 1 automobile through the streets of . Richmond for more than twenty-fout: i hours, so the policemen say, has been summoned to appear In Police Court to show cause why he has not pro» | cured a Virginia license for his ms* ' chine. I'pon the benzine buggy operated by | | Mr. Burwell there is a tag that shoe ! he has visited the office of the ! State official In Massachusetts, there Is no Virginia license att 1 thereto. S The law says that a visitor, may erate a machine for twenty-four 1_ i but If he wants to continue to . the suto he must pay Virginia foe 11 j privilege. _ ___ __ ; Mr Burwell, who la here and-wtnrTati I the place where beans are the favt ite dish, will be served with the sue mom Tuesday afternoon, and unl< he returns to his native home at i_ he will be asked to explain why hasn't procured a State license. : he leaves, u is very probable the j mom win never be executed, is said among HU frieada that other license will be bought. If he agree to remain for a week or so' • hir frienda - -US ~ DEATHS.