Newspaper Page Text
Wants HELP WAITED—MALE. WAfPFErs^f^rir^^—ra -ywiMB oH. who ran use typewriter,2 and make himself generally useful about office. Address A P. O. BOX ; <06. | * POSITION W A ATKP—FKM ALE, j WANTED—IMMEDIATELY; BY " A j reflned, agreeable, quick and trust- | worthy young person, a position as nurse and companion to Invalid or I aged couple, hospital work or house- , keeper In Institution or private home. References exchanged. Ad dress _X. Y. Z.. care Virginian. WANTED—FAMILY WASHINO AT { home, or work by the day. *0* Abi gail street (end of Ninth street), j Richmond. Va. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS POSITION j a* nurse, #04 St. Peter Street. | WANTED—FAMILY WASHINO. S18 j North Prentiss Street. WANTED—DAWS WORK APPLY No. 9 North Linden street. W ANTED—FA MlLY WASHINO AT '. home. *0# 1-2 North Sixth street. YOUNG WOMAjT'DESIRES" POSITION as stenographer. Capable, some ex- ' perlence. good reference. 1119 N. Twenty-first street. W ANTED—TYPE WRITING-- TO DO at home, rapid writer. Rates rea sonable. Phone Madison 5617-L. VVA NTED—-POSITION AS TP. ACHE H or governess by a college graduate. 22 years of age. holding a first grade certificate; best of references fur nished on application. Address M. VIOLA LUPTON. No. 27« North Franklin Street, Washington, Pa. W ANTED—BY ” TOlfNO LADf. ' p6«l tlon to teach In graded or high school. Certificate and testimonials. Address MISS A- care Poatmaster, _North View. Va. A Y'OUNQ-LADY "WITH-T WO-YEARb' successful experience In teaching. . and holding first grade certificate, wishes position In a graded or one room school state salary. Address 1 MISS L. P.: care Postmaster. Ran soms, Buckingham county. Va. W ANTED—A ?<>RlffON-',FS TlbACH In n nrlv*is Hchotil I jt 11 n rnimlr. mathematic* anil all English branches; good reference*. Adore** MISS R.. care ro*tma*ter, R. F. l>., No 5, Trevlllan. Va. A YOUNG LAD?' OF EXPKRlENCi desire* a position to teach In pri vate family: can teach the usual English branches and Instrumental music. Address MISS X.. care Po*t master. Rodophll, Va. YOUNG WOMAN DKSrRES POSITION a* stenographer. Capable, some ex perience. good reference. U13 N. Twenty-flret street. POSITION WANTED A8~ COOK IN _joone_goo£_famll^;_iJIOS_Kaet>J^l^b POSITION WANTED—NA1.B. e^rrm?rgisgr,y^soprT(-m"A8~TTrT-' ler. waiter or useful man. Address ED. MIIXEH, care Richmond Vir ginian. experTknur d chauffeur d e - sire* position careful driver own re pair*. Address M. E. J . 1M0 Weat Leigh Street. _ WANTED—BY A YOURS MAN OF irood habit*, and no cigarette smok er, a position a* »t#ncurrapbsr or bookkeeper, or both combined. Ad dress E. E. D., care Richmond Vir ginian. WANTED—POSITION AS OHOCKm salesman; write for experience and references. R. F. D. No. 3. BOX 41. Wallace, N. C. PRINTER—GENERAL Sewspape R and "ad," man—open for Jobe can come at once. Addre** E w. F.. 710 Washington street. Portsmouth. Va . _ WANTED BY GRADUATE JN MUBIC at Randolph-Alacon, a position to teach piano, best of reference*. Ad dress BOX 101 Amherst. Va. _ WANTED—BY A FIRST GRADE Vir ginia teacher of several rears' ex perience. a posltloln In public or pri vate school. Latin and music Ad dre* V. care Postmaster. Poplar HM, Va. _ __ MARRIED MAN WANTS WORK OF any kind belt lacer, roe* grower and gardner by- trad*. Call or writ* F. STANFIELD, *06 Eaat Main St. PRINTER—GENERAL NEWSPAPER and "ad.” man—open for Job; can com* at once. Address E. W. F . 710 Washington Street, Portsmouth. Va ____ WANTED—BY YOUNG MARRliI> man situation as manager on farm **p«*rier»ce«l; ran Rive rei^npncea. A<S» drt»« MANAGER, 1210 North Nint teenth. WANTED—^ALL- ROUND PRINTER want* poeltion at one* will go any where, married. All reference*. Ad dress HOWARD SHACKELFORD,, UOl Ashland Street. City._ YOUNG' COLORED BOY”Ts ~YEAfui ‘ ion as butler or walt Car# Richmond Virginian. __ TOUNCFmaN It YEARS OLD'WANE'S position; references furnished. Ad dress >01 West^Cary atreet. POR BALE. rOR SALE—PART CASH. BALANCE monthly Installment*, on* ef the finest flxtured. best stocked and handsomest drug store# In the en tire South, now doing a paying business, being comparatively a new store end trade increasing dailv in a business and family trade ecctlon. second to none— other huelne* that muat hare owner's personal and constant at attentlon. cause of selling a splen did chance for a druggist or one with capital to invest that will employ druggist to manage. Htor# on the beet street and beet neigh borhood In Richmond, Address D _It, care Richmond Virginian _ fbR SALE SECOND n AND BAB V carriage, good condition cheap to oulek buyer. Can be seen at 1303 W. Cary street. FOR WAGONS-GO TO RICHARDSON BROS. >15 Brook avenue. Hi<R TOSic. rrnreDRWs hatit~TSKur-myi satiafy you we don't want your money that Is all there Is to It. Me take all risks HIH‘KLLA3feOli>. ^obaXtanncinrgfiBCTWfs:" nr\ this Tursrr pijwck !N THK West End. when you went your clothes cleaned end pressed; all worn guaranteed first class- J- R. BERK LEY. JR., Ill W. Main street. Phone Monroe lit. CLEANING AMD PRESSING. HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, pressed and dyed by BRA8EN AND RILEY; they make them look like new. Ladles work a specialty. 60* E. Main street, phone. Monroe *1*. HAIR. HUMAN HAIR BOUOHT AND SOLD at Hughe's. 191 N. Third street. "COLD WATER PAINT.' CALCIMO. THE ORIGINAL COLD water^psmt; easy to apply; all col VHff. IV Rl/fiJ » W*. or phone for color card; more catetmo said tnaHAtl th* wa ter paint# combined. ELBA HARD WARE CO.. Agents, Henty and Broad. CLEANING AND PRESSING; PHONE Madison ITU; 1«I North Ptlth street; ladles’ work a s poo laity. SCHRKMP—US NORTH PUPTR. UMBRELLAS COVERED AND rt work; 8CHREMP. Tho RE. operand top from M* UP; SUlR. rles, runabouts and too buggies from M* up. MUbnrn and Thorn Hill farm wagons narrow and Wide tiros from IU up. Repairing, painting and rub her tiring a specially; com* and get sUs* T{3i.1r~*is-1,^ i teeath street ; u'JMt Wants Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid in ad\*ance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. •PRCIAL NOTICE. >UR GREAT SUCCESS IN THE PAST YEAR OP OCR BUSINESS CAREER IS THE GREATEST PROOF THAT YOU GET SATISFACTION IN EVERY WAY WHEN YOU ORDER YOUR SUIT FROM US. OUR PATRONS HAVE BEEN THE VERY BEST TRADE OF THE CITY. TO WHOM WE CAN REFER YOU. FOR THE COMING WEEK WE SHALL OFFER SPECIAL RATES ON FALL AND WINTER SUITS, AND IF YOU WISH TO SAVE IN THE PRICE OF YOUR SUIT, NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER, AND HAVE IT READY WHEN THE SEASON SETS IN. LAHKA LADIES' TAIL ORING CO. 301 NORTH SECOND STREET. BETWEEN BROAD AND MARSHALL. PHONE MONROE 4»» LADIES' ATTENTION—PAUL KAM 3KY LADIES' TAILOR IS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AS A FIRST WEEK OPENING OFFER. I WILL MAKE UP SUITS OF THE NEWEST MATERIALS AT SPEUIAL REDUCED PRICES—BROADCLOTH SUITS INCLUDED IN THIS OFFER. 219 N. FIRST STREET. LADIES DON'T NEGLECT TOUR HAIR complexion and natU when you can have work done at reduced prices. •87 E. Broad street, upstairs. LADIES, NOW IS THE TIME TO Bl 1 YOUR FALL AND WINTER SUIT AT A GREAT REDUCTION HI PLACING YOUR ORDERS EARL1 BEFORE THE BUSY SEASON BETS IN YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR GARMNTS WHEN DESIRED. AND THUS AVOID ANNOYING DISAP POINTMENTS. CHARLES FTRHEU. LADIES' TAILOR. 212 NORTH THIRD STREET HAIM TONIC. iyw ■ETO'if oT'tf SWrWA'T '5H?!; son t Hair Tunic will do all that »t claim for It we could not afford to “WALL PAPER." Fifth street, wall patters. room moulding*, etc. High clase work. ESTATE FOR SALE FARM .VNlTTlfiSrE fivRG AINS~"“ 17 ACRES—A NICE IXJCATION. with buildings and orchard; close to Ashland. Price. 81,200. 80 ACRES. DWELLING IN GROVE, running water, valuable wood and Umber growth, ten mi lea to Rich mond by good road, on« mile to electric line. 83,800. 150 ACRE8. WITH BRICK DWELL Ing and valuable outbuildings, im provements worth more than is be ing asked for the property. 85.000 PROPERTY FOR RENT AT A9H land and homes for sale from 8750 up. We are on the grounds; we know the values of property between Richmond and Washington FRANK H COX CO., INC.. Ashland. Vs. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF TKEAT ing and curing nervous and stofeacn troubles; Mental Scientist, references, i 808 East Clar street Richmond.| .... RPAIRING. I Tic H.VEf&iLi? iiWh AH&Bft; fX” die*'. «8c: children's. «8c and up. Every pair sewed DREW'S ELEC TRIC SHOE FACTORT. 718 East Main street. Phone Monroe 8887. •I MMKR R6ARDER*. gmnsK—ng;recgK8—wTSprerr charges moderate. Mrs K. D. MOORE. Washington and Lee Csm pus * — Va. foVic. yrrr A^r ~y«ir wuryTy field with Nelson's Hail Tonic, If not ifs your money back. DENIES REPORT OF HIS flEUPSE: Gaynor’s Physician Declare Mayor is Fast. Improving. Sit Fp Later. HOBOKEN. N J„ Aug. 1*.—That the condition of Mayor Gavnor la ggt tafactory to hi* surgeons was Indicated by the early bulletin to-day, which read; "The mayor is doing nicely this morning. "ARLITZ. "Down," Dr. Arltts. attendant physician on Mayor Oaynor, to-day denied emphat ically the current rumors regarding the aertousnesa of hta patient's condl- ! tion. He said the mayor would prob- ! ably he allowed to att up later In the i day. Mayor Gaynor was officially pro- . nounced out of danger this afternoon iu« ■uviiuiuk puj’wciauv. This announcement wa» made by Secretary Robert Adamaon, after a consultation with the physicians. It was further stated that the last test of the mayor's blood would be made Oil* afternoon, the danger of infee* tlon being recorded as ended. Secretary Adamaon emphasised the fact that the wound was heating so satisfactorily that there was no fear that the mayor's speech would be im paired. LeigtHC -Stager. A marriage license was Issued by the clerk of the Hustings Court Friday to Charles W. Leighton and Hiss An nie Sieger, both of Richmond. The marriage ceremony will be per formed Friday afternoon. CORRESPONDENCE ENDS IN MARRIAGE WTTHEVILLE. August X ..—Mr*. Myrtle Kanary. Wytherlll*, and 1 Charles FroeUoh, Warkersvllle, Kan.,.|: married hare this morning, as a re* b ■alt of correspondence. ROOMS FOR RENT. I 1 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOMS AND bath, with (tax and electricity; rent cheap to party without children. Ap _Ply owner. 3608 East Olay. FOR RENT—-NICELY P^RNlBHicIi . front room—also hall room—use cf phone and bath. 71# K. Clay St.. Phone, Madison 811. NICELY FI? RnTsHED ROOMS FOR rent. 711 E. Marshall Street. 1 WANTED—A COUPLE OR TWO young men to occupy nicely fur nished room, heated In the wlnte'-: also hot and cold water In the room, and next to bathroom. 2S0S X. Street, or phone Madison 7294. FOR RENT-FLAT OF THREE rooms, gras, water and bath, second floor. 3413 Eaet Marshall Street, overtaking Chimborazo Park. 18 per month. Apply after 8 o’clock P. M. FOR RENT—VERY DESIRABLE rooms, with or without board, by 1st of September. Everythin* first class. Gentlemen preferred. Apply 402 East Main. 914 EAST CLAY—NE\VLT~FCRNieH ed or unfurnished rooms; special summer rates; phone Madison 2200J; bath; home comforts. FOR~TRENT— t? PTTTii FLAT OF three rooms, back porch and private bath 2902 East Franklin Street. ! FOR REJh*—TWO NIC^lT"FURNISIL ed front rooms, sacond floor, '>04 North Seventh Street. furnIIhed rooms. wTth Tin without board, nice quarters; big, airy rooms. Apply N. NIELSON. 212 South Fifth Street. FOR "RENT—FROM “"SEPTEMBER 1. two unfurnished rooms and bath, with light and heat, on third floor; corner Laurel and Floyd, fronting Monroe Park Address J *23, care The Virginian NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS? ROME comforts 14 North Sixth, between Franklin and Main. «mTreHT,' TWO OR THREE LARGE rooms and small room; excellent lo cation Phone Madison 7449-J. ANOTHER MYSTERY IN CRIPPEN CASE Inspector Won’l Tell When He Exjiects to Take Fugitives to England. QUEBEC, Aug 19.—Mystery of an Impenetrable sort to-day surounds the statue of Dr H. H. Crippen and Miss Ethel Clare Leneve. who are held here in connection with the supposed mur der of Dr. Crippen* wife In London Crippen and the girl are still In Jail and not even the “sleuths” of the Lon don press, of whom there are several here, have been able to learn when In spector Dew, of Scotland Yard Intends to start home with the prisoners. Percy Phillips, of the London Ex press, who ha* been standing guard over the )a!l day and night for fear Dew might give him the slip, says he never saw such secrecy even when a correspondent in the Russo-Japanese wer. •Blow me If It ten t a bloomin' hout rage,’’ he declared with much heat. The delay I* said to be due to *.he fact that no warrant for the prisoners removal has yet come from Ottawa. It Is believed now that Dew will take Crippen and his typist back on the Megantlc. which sails to-morrow., BUT IS ACQUITTED After Fifteen Hour Consideration Jury Agrees to Free Mrs. Prosser. LIBBY. MONT., Aug. 19.—Not guil ty was the verdict to-day of the Jury in the case of Mrs. Vera Prosser, charged with shooting and killing her husband. Reese Proaaer, In a Great Northern train. June 1. The verdict vu reached after fifteen hours’ delib eration. In freeing Mr*. Prosser the Jury disregarded the plea of “emotional In aanlty'' and "Irresistible impulse" made by the defense, and acted solely on the secondary plea that she shot her former husband In self-protection when he attacked her. Mrs. Prosser was overjoyed at the verdict. SOCIAL GATHERING OF LOCOMOTIVE MEN Members Will Discuss Plans for j Prpoaed New Club House Here. The Elk*' Club will Saturday nl*ht be the scene of a aortal gathering, combined with a business meeting, by the Locomotive Club of Richmond. In cidentally the consideration wilt be riven to several propositions recently made the club for the building of their new clubhouse. The committee in charge proposes to build, somewhere in the central part sf the city, a home which will be spa cious enough, to afford the loo mem bers various forms of amusement. The Locomotive Club of Richmond e-as recently organised for the purpose >f cultivating more intimate relations between the working men of all classes : >m ployed in the great works. Officers were elected a short time tgo as follows: J. H. Bradley, presl? lent; J. A. Stubbs. secretary; H. R. Lewis, treasurer, and the following trustees: J. R. Marshall, W. 8. Semens. P. C. Smith, J. Bryan and Murray Me 3ulre. SHEEHAM OF PHILA HEADS HIBERNIANS 8HAMOKIN. PA.. August 10.—AslsU itt Safely Director J. B. Sheehan, of Philadelphia, was to-day sleeted State ’resident of the Ancient Order of Hl fernlans In bl-ennlal session here. He von over J- F. Canfield, fit Sbsoadoab. RISE OF KES II STOCK MIOKET ! Slight Lo»»e8 Occur, But Quick Rally Brings Ample Recovery. TRADE UNDER PRESSURE Offers at Concession Cause Some Issues to Drop Substantially. Tone is Dull. NEW YORK, Au*. 1».—'The stock market I trowed a steadier tone dur : in* the earlier trading to-day, al-! though on the first transactions some materials fractional declines were i shown. At the end of fifteen minutes' j trading, however, the list was general- ; j ly slightly above yesterday's close. A strong tone developed soon after I the opening, and an advancing tenden- ! I cy was In evidence during the last half j of the first hour. Government bonds unchanged; oth- j or bonds dull. Stocks ranged lower In the late j forenoon, the market again reflecting ! pressure for both long and short ac- ; count and the room traders, find- j ! Ing little demand while this pressure was In evidence, offered stocks at concessions causing some substantial declines after midday. Th« lf\na hacoms haai’la* In tka „ f t«noon, with many of the leading ♦*- j ■tie* under increased pressure, and t i the speculative leader* falling a point , or more, reaching new low level* for ' the week. NEW YORK STOCK MARKE r. i P M. 35 American Beat Sugar. Am. Agr. Chain. Co. AlHs-Chalmsra... Allis-Cbambers. pH. 33H Amalgamated Copper. 85)4 I American Caa. 8X American Can. pfd. I American Car A Edy.. 40 Vi l American Car A Fdy. pld. American Cotton Oil. 03)4 American Locomotive. American Locomotive, pfd. American Smelting. 63)4 American Sugar.. ■ Amer. Tel. and Tel. Co. 13J : American Tobacco, com.. ; American Tobacco, pfd.. Anaconda Copper. tax Atchison. lOOIf , A'.Untie Coast Lias. Baltimore aad Ohio. 105X | Brooklyn Rapid Trenail. 76X ; Canadian Pacific. 191)4 Cbeaapeake and Ohio. 74H Chicago Great Western. ! Chic. hid. aad St. Paul. 123 j Chi. nod Nortfcwumern. 145 jc. O. w..pfd. Central Leather... 36 X Colorado Fuel end Iroo. 31)4 | Colorado and Southern. | Colo, aad South., let pfd.. ] Col. and South.. 2d pfd.. Consolidated Oaa. 130H Delaware and Hudson. 173)4 Denver sad fUo G., com. 31)4 35 33)4 «5H 8H 4014 6014 38 M 110)4 IMX I 05 H ton I 100 111 j 1C4X 75 101M i 73X I 3fX | 15514 14414 44 55 31)4 Denver and Rio Q., pfd. I»X 163X 30 H Distillers' Sec. Cor.. 39 Erie.. 28 Erie, lat pld...* 44 Erie. 3d pfd. General Electric.. Great Northern, pfd...12414 Grant North. Ore. Ctfr.. Illinois Central... Int. Metropolitan.. ... 1744 Int. Metropolitan, pfd.......... 4514 Int. Mrr. Marina com.. Int. Met. Marine, pfd. .. International Paper.. International Paper, pfd......... CHy Bryans*. 3fl . n H 25 J4 44 144 135 55)4 18 48)4 IS Kansas City So., pfd.. Louisville aad Nash villa. . 147)4 Manhattan... Metro. Street Railway. Mo., Kan. aad Tessa. 3314 Mo.. Kan. and Teams, pfd. hliaaouri Pacific.. 5414 National Lead. 4314 New York Central. litjg N. Y, Ont. and Western. Norfolk aad Western... 97*4 Northern Peedio....,,,, 117)4 Pacific Mail... 37)4 Pennsylvania. 130)4 People’s Oaa. Pressed Steal Car. Pressed Steal Car. pfd........... Hwy. Steel R*«Hng.145 Republic Iron and Steal.... 3374 Republic 1. aad 3., pld.. 143 33)4 53)4 *IX 114 40 09 u«X 27)4 USX It 114X six: noci imma.. Rock pfd.•••••#...* 09 ftW’&heWWd.*... Southern Pacific. 115T^ Southern Railway. 24M Southern Reilway, pfd Tenawi Copper.. Tesne Peeifie... UaioB Fseilie.18*4 VtiM guto RuUnt. ... 35)4 United States Steel.. 7* United Stetee Steel, pfd.. Ve.-Okf. Chemtrel. OTj4 Ve.-Cer. Cbenkel, pM.. Webeefc... Wnbnefc, pfd. Westers Union.. 32H j 1 60 M ll«4 16SH MN I 71H 11074 17* »7* It M«KMOMO STOCK MARKET. Richmond, V*., Au*. it, mo. STATE SBCUHITI1IR " Bldi Asked. North Carolina. 4«. «. 1*1. Va. 3s. Old C. and R.. lttl Va. Centurlea 3-1. C. and R 19«l ... || u || CITY SECURITIES Manchester City . Richmond City, 4a. R. mil Richmond jciiy xL'+' a' ‘ RAILROAD BONDS.. A. C. L. R R. Con. Tr. Ip. c 13 A. C. L. Ctfs. Ind.... ... '* C. and O. Qen. Mtr. 4H« . 102 oa. pac. i«t. ca c. nl r: Georgia Sou. and Via. 1*4* i*| Oa. Ala. Con. 5e. 1*4*.* 1#* Norfolk and Went Ry. 4*. * 1**4 . *;u ... Nor and VVeet Poea 4a. 1144. Rich, and Dan. Oold 4s. C.. lilt .... ... Seaboard Air Una. 4a. 11*0 12 Seaboard Adjustment, Is... <» ... Bo. Ry. 1st is. 1*** so. r. rst. a. m 4*. iIm . ::: War tern N. C.. 1st 4a. C. 1*14 . 1*5 STREET RAILWAY BONDS Norfolk Hy. * L. Co. 4a. 1*4* . *'*■**•' v*. Ry By. * F. Co.. it ... STREET Norfolk 3 ^ Va. Ry. dt P. Co. pUNIM Va. Rf, A P. Co. cem.lW *1 Bid Asked *4 4s RAILROAD STOCKS Par Atlanta, and Chariot*. .100 Atlan. Cosat Lin*, com. 1*0 A. C. L of Conn.100 C. and 0. 100 Nor. aiW Wost.. cofri.100 tr. * P. Dir Obllg. .100 uthorn Railway, pfd.100 Southern Hallway, pfd.100 Southern Railway, com. 100 BANK AND TRUST CO. Americas National_100 Broad Street Rank _li Bank of Richmond.... 100 Bank of Cum 'r and Tr 10fl Capitol Savings Rank., 20 Fleet National .100 Merchant* National ,...100 National Bank of Va..l00 Na. State and City Bank 100 Petersburg Sav. and lna 2* Planters National.100 Barings Bank of Rlch'd 60 Union Bank of R!ch’d..e0 Virginia Trust Co .... 100 INSURANCE COMPANIES V*. Eire and Marine... 16 Virginia State . 16 MISCELLANEOUS Amer. Lo. prof. . Amer. Lo. Pref. Amer. Loco., pfd . Va-Car. Cham com.... 10* Am. Tob. 4p. ct. bonds . . Am. Tob. 0 p. ct. bonds 02 69. ton .doo Va.-Car. Cham pref »pc 100 Va,-Car. Chem., com... 100 Va. Car. Chem. 1st m 6‘s 1923 .100 2288h»E8NatIonal Bank of m TO 97 H 04 64* 21 STOCKS 1*0 29 100 •60 179 170 116 iitH *6* iio* 104 103 103 119 57 Vi 99 130 SALKS. 600 Virginia 3s (old) 05*. RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. Richmond. Va.. Aug. 19. 1910. Chickens, choice, large, per lb.17 if Chickens, choice. small per lb.IS $ Chickens, choice, medium.. <a is Hens, per lb. & 12 Roosters, each . ® 35 Geese, fat and large, each D 60 Geese, small, each.26 sy 4U Ducks, large, young, per lb.13 @ it Ducks, small, young, per lb.11 a 12 ■ORB. Crates, nearby, fresh laid. ® 23 Crates, other sections ..22. W 23 Guinea Eggs, per do*_12 U tlll’Pl'MB Choice, family packed ....22 ©25 Merchants’ fair, per lb ...20 19 22 LIVE STOCK. Veals, choice to fancy, per lb. Veals, poor to fair, per lb « Calves, runners, per lb.... 4 Sheep, per lb.g Lambs, spring, per lb. 5 Hogs, live .5 Cattle, fair to prime, per lb 3 COUNTRY BACON—Well Saseked. Hams, well-smoked, small lb.21 <a 22 Hams, well smoked, large lb.II if 20 Sides, well smoked, per lb 1# © IT Shoulders, well smoked, lb 16 © 17 it 6 it lit HIDES. Dry Salt, per lb. Dry Flint, per lb...... Qreen, per lb.. Qreen Salt, par rb... Qreen, damaged, per lb.... 3 © is is % » U i MOOD. Bright, No. 1, tub-washed. lb ....31 Bright. No. 2. tub-washed. lb .24 Choice, unwashed, free of burrs .21 Choice, unwashed, lightly burry .1* Choice, unwashed, medium burry .1* Choice. unwashed, very burry .15 Merino .10 9 9 9 9 9 FRUITS. Peaches, Virginia, per carrier . TS S 1 25 Pears, per bbl.1 50 © 2 00 Apples, sound. per bbl. 1 00 © 2 00 Damsons per 6 basket carrier .1 00 <8 125 Damsons, per 10 lb. bas 25 it 30 VKOBTABL.BS. Onions dry. per bbl..2 25 © 2 50 Potatoes, new. No. 1, per bbl. ©17$ Potatoes, new. No. 2, per bbl. 7 5 9 t 00 Beeswax, per lb. 21 © IN COTTON MARKET List After Opening Steady Drops j From 3 to 4 Points. TC^RK::--Aagaat IS." Favored >y cables and further rains in Texas iver night hears made another suc ■essful demonstration in cotton this nornlng. The llet after opening dead}- 3 points higher to S lower, de 'llned 3 to 4 points on all crop posi lons. Cotton prices: August. 15.85 © 81; feptember, 14.14©15; October, 13.45 $45; November, 13.32; December. ,3.36©37; January. t3.3«©37; Feh uary, 13.39®41; March, 13.44©45; day, 13.48; July. 13 42. CONVENTION CLOSES WITH BIG BANQUET A banquet with covers laid for fifty- I ive guests brought to a close the an- ! iual convention of the National Amo- J lation of Mercantile Agencies at the | Richmond Hotel Thursday night. A number of toasts were responded ■ o during the course of the evening. 1 everal of the speakers dwelling on j he business of their organisation. ! >ther speakers praised Richmond and 1 he hoepltality that the delegates had \ net with on every hapd during their : hree days' stay In this city. The convention will meet next year ! n Minneapolis. CLERK IS CALLED: REFUSES TO TALK Si? Infonnation is Confidential and Ha Had Talked With McMurrav. SULPHUR, OKLA.. Aug; IS_J. F. IcMurrey, whoa* name haa been men loned *o often tn the investigation iow tn progress before the Gore con reaatonat commute* was called to tee tfjr to-day. Before MeMurray waa reached <) toeen winkle clerk In the office* of the iw Arm waa called, but refused to fea lty on tb* ground that any lnforma lon he acquired while occupying a onAdential position waa privileged he witness Informed the chairman lint he had talked with McMurray be ar* coming Into the court room and * waa excused. •AUPkJI LElViai LARGE SUM OF REALLY GOOD MONEY LANSING. MICH., Aug. I'.—Neigh ora to-day areeearchlng the house in rhlch the county supported Mrs. 'trey Burns, who died supposedly . pauper. Altar her death neighbor* ound Bidden several packages of noney. aggregating VtOd. and they aUeve thare la more - v ■■'W&S. TO SPEND Sl.OlO OH ENTERTAINMENT Advertising Committee Make? Appropriation to Show Visiting Laundrymen a Good Time. ANOTHER $1,000 ASKED Physicians Ask for Sum for En tertainment of Visiting Army Surgeons. A fund of 11.000 was Appropriated for the entertainment of the dele gates to the convention rff the National Laundrymen's Association at a meeting of the Council committee on advertising Friday. The committee met in the office of Mayor Richardson, at noon, this be ing the third attempt of .the week to secure a quoreum. On this occasion all the members were present.. Mr. M. B. Florsheim, of the local committee on entertainment of the visitors, made a brief address In which he stated that every room of every one of the better hotels of Richmond "ill be occupied during the conven tion. He algo submitted a tentative program of entertainment which in cludes an automobile ride for the lAdles of the convention In the first day: a matinee performance at one of the local theatres on the afternoon of the second day, and a banquet to be given at the Masonic Temple on the evening of the second day. On the third and last day of the con vention it is planned to treat the • - 0 iv a ii vjoirr i utiei mi JUIC* wood. Mr. Klorsheim said that about 3,000 delegates will attend the convention. He also stated that about $4,000 would he raised by the local branch of the association, all of which sum will be spent In entertaining the visitors. After appropriating $!,000 for his benefit of the Uundrvradi the com mittee heard Dr. J. Fulmer Bright, and MaJ. lawrence T. Price. who urged the appropriation of an ad ditional $1,000 for the entertainment of the association of military surgeons of the Army and Navy of the United States, which will meet In Richmond, on October 31st and November 4th. The speakers declared that about 300 visitors would attend the con vention, about 50 of these being the wives of delegates. The committee took the definite action on the matter, but are holding the question under advisement. After deducting the $1,000 to be spent In entertaining the Uaundrymen the advertising fund of the city will comprise only about $400. If an additional $1,000 is appro priated for the visiting surgeons, more money will have to be gotten from council. SANK PRESIDENT Forgot to Stop Auto After Wreck. Is I'sow Thiifeing it Over. ST. PAUL. MINN.. Aug 13.— Frank W. Waterman, president of the Ramsey County State Bank was sentenced to-day to the work houae for thirty days for automobile speed ing. Waterman with four male com panions last night collided with a ve hicle occupied by a man and woman, wrecking the latter vehicle, throwing the occupants to the street and failed to stop. Waterman was almost breathless when sentence was pro nounced. He was taken from police court in the "black maria" along with several "drunks." At the work house he was required to take the regula tion bath, change his clothes to the work house gray dreaa and.-eatsath. 200 other prisoners in thed inlng room. The banker was put to work this sftemon in the broom factory. It is declared no spe~ta> consideration wtl! be accorded him. WONDER WHAT JOE Congraulates Man Who Win? on Anti-Cannon Campaign. LINCOLN. NEB., Aug. II.—W. ». Hayward, secretary of the national Republican committee, who has won :he nomination for congress in the Irat Nebraska district on a plat 'orm declaring against the re-election >f Speaker Cannon, has been con tratulated by President Taft. The lollowing message came to-day to Hayward from Beverly: "1 heartily congratulate you on ■ our triumph. May your hunting rip be as successful." "W. H. TAFT." POLLIES OF FASHION • ORIS ARTIST WILD Latest Vagaries of the Inconstant Dame Generally Condemned in Paris. PORTLAND, ORB, Aug: 19—Ar ista are almost unanimous in express ng their horror at the latest caprice it fashion', as revealed by tile knee- ( related dresses seen at the Grand , »rlx. In a aeries of Interviews L’Opin- | on has taken a census of the leading ! French painters o£ women on the < locution. .* i M. Cheret denounces the knee- | raisted frock, the "robes entraveea,” it they are called here. "They are 1 tdlculoua." he declares, "but they will i iot last, for a Parlslenne will soon i ee how wrong ahe la to cut the lower < >art of her outline In two. It forces t he wearer to walk without the har- i aony of movement." I It. Francois Flemeng Is even snore < mphattc. "It la simply abominable." t i hie Verdict. “One would think our < eautiful women -were seeking to I asks themselves ugly. The style Is 1 utlaadish and vulger. The moment < on e diminishes tha 1Iim» *4 harmony and beauty disappear, woman contrive to be beautiful a HIM." Tha famoua portrait pa Intar, Vandara, frankly conf eases ha u love* tha exiting fashion. ”f tho crlnolfna and I love tha i style.” ha aald. “It shows off _ ura, and It does not displease tha least.” Tha Journal lncldc_ mentions that M. da Vandal*, great devotes of fashion. woman comes for her- p_ take* her to a dressmaker's chooses a costume that will beat _ the style of beauty of hla modal. Another famous painter of woajjl M. Beldlnl, says: “With the ‘shadthl frock I am quits content. bacaoMP Is a fashion. Fashions are always rtff in France, but elsewhere It is nay quite the same thing.” kflH M. Oliver Merson. the designer the new bank notes, says ha won never have dared to put tha It Parislenne on the 100 franc nol “Poor little woman.” he said, “wl herjegs tied, ahe looka as if aha wa entering for a sack race.” Of course, the severest critic la t' woman painter. Mme. Louise Abbas “Poor Parlslennes.” she says, “Hi look like bolsters surmounted by melon frame.” All Records Broken During 191 Rush to Kucajie .New 1 Tariff. WASHINGTON. August 1».—'f Importation of luxuries Into tha Uhfti States was larger in the ye 1910 than in any year in the Ittsta of our commerce. Figures prepaid by the bureau of statistics of tha d partment of commerce and lab snow the importation of fully 000,000 worth of articles which m properly be classed as luxuries, til total exceeding by more than ft) 000.000 the figures of the form high record year, 1*07, and ball actually more than double those • the year 1900, a decade ago. Tl great Increase this year Is due to tl rush to make Imports before the IM tariff law went into effect. Diamonds. Jewelry, laces and «1 broideries, furs, feathers, beads ai perfumery on the one hand, ai cigars and tobacco, wines and lkJlM) and automobiles on the other, art tl principal articles forming ths luxuri imported, though to these gre groups must be added a third WW Includes art works, decorated chtl and bisque, musical Instruments, to and orchids, etc. Diamonds and laces run a cw race with tobacco and liquors I popular favor, as measured by tj value of their imports. The Ague show the importation of ft8.000,it worth of diamonds and other precto stones, against 846,000.000 worth laces and embroideries; 837,000.0 worth of tobacco and cigars, at 823.000.000 worth of wines ai liquors. Wines, spirits and malt liquors It ported in 1910 aggregated $23,500,0 against 822.000,000 In 1907. Of tl 1910 imports, wines represent a tdl value of 813,000.000, about equal divided between champagne and at wines. FLEET DIVER DIES SEEKING TORPED Accident to Gunner’s Mate Fit During North Atlantic Manoeu vres in Massachusetts Baj. PROVINCETOWN. MASS., A ago 18—The first fatal accident practices and manoeuvres of tl North Atlantic fleet, now on tha dr grounds in Maseachqgetts bay, o curred when George William Fairs of Orangeburg. S. C.. rated as a gu ner's mate, second class, lost ht§ II while in diving dress. Torpedo practice had made the A a most exciting one, a smooth sea ai absence of wind allowing continuo work. Some of the torpedoes had a gone true and one sank out of stg In twelve fathoms of water. To t cover "OSHT sairey donned the dtvk suit and was lowered over the te der’e side. All of the diving regulations we carefully carried out, and althoui the water was quite deep, the dhfM tenders had no thought 6f a aertw ending. It is asserted that Fatfi signalled on the "all right” cord uni well to the bottom. Then came pause, which those shore took, » mean he had found the bottom ai was getting his bearings. Suddenly, a second later, the dii ger rope twitched slightly. Fnttt was drawn up from a depth of'ml or more feet and the helmet detael ed. He was alive, but unconacioi and died a few momenta later. M body was taken to the hospital Ml Solace and later sent to his staff Mrs E. R. Pauling, at OrangehM Exactly what caused death has » been given out, the surgeons abfdd the Solace declining to talk, as it a question for .he board uf lng|j| to answer. VICTORY OF RECEIVERS | SUSTAINED IN HIGHER COUN The United State* Supreme of Appeals has dismissed the error In the case of the Penn Iron 1 party against the receiver* of the ' Shipbuilding Company. The i out of the failure of the shit company, which had contracts construction of vessels for The receiver* won in the City Court and the Iron company^ up to the Supreme Court of which confirmed the lower cw cause the government was the case finally reached the tribunal in the land, and for Jurisdiction the writ of error last fall was dismissed befoti ment could be had. Parmer’s Daughter OoM lsto I After Fn conn tec, in 1 She to Bittew. with DEL.. Aug. 1*. nea imo spasm* early turning by an encountar le of black racer anakee, irewington, ' the sixteen aughter of Harper E romlnent farmer near i agony this morning. Mias Brewlngton went to or*e about ■ o'clock to frt chool friend to accompnny n excursion. On her ;ir roestng the branch that wo farms, MiSe ►red the reptile*, he killed one of ,— thsr encircled her waist n the arm and 4 girl's >e second the Miaa M, ' , -.l.C.-T