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m-mPwJ ■ ■ W'] V ] ■ 1 IMf ] ■Til jf Irl V/ 1?T] tmmmrnmmm r:rsr>ar. > RICHMOND. Wm =£r SATURDAY. AUGUST, 20, 1910. —.—....*-—>- — IS 01 TOE nr EtLHooper, of T renton Club Com ing to Take Baker's {Mace With Locals. BAKER GOES HOM E RYAN MASQUERADINGrl Shortstop Will Return Here for ; Operation—Young Twirler j is Recognized as Scbaub. '’Vy f HINTS JWwt FANS. . tH»*T ^itunho. Weather pntwJhnJon-—Clear and Mriirtfl®* Profeable hutsrtt# For Richmond. Vetbowt, Salve or Morrteady and Cowan and McmUt. f’or .\orfotk. Vance, Walsh and Munson and (handier. Wm game tailed at 3: if, o’clock. By T. ». Bonneville. 1 A new shortstop has been secured to fill Baker’s place,.and is already on the way to Join the Colts. The new tnatvJs Ed. Hooper of the Trenton team who is said to bo a fast In- j fielder and one who will be of great i help to the locals. The now man comes through Hank t . .Kamaey. who -Was appealed- to -Friday f by Owner Bradley and happened to; know of the man. Hooper Is highly i recommended by Kamsey who had j him with Altoona last year and says' shat he l* capehjf infielder. Baker also knows the player andi aaya that Be Is sure to msgte a good man. They were together with Al io ona last sear, a wire was sent for Hooper Friday afternoon and a reply came stating that * he would start Saturday and would arrive Saturday night. h ewiil get here in time to accompany the sguad to Roanoke tor 1 the series neat week Baker left here on the I* o'clock I train far hi# home in Baltimore where} . Be will spend two weeks wtd\ hi* ‘ 1 people before having the operation#* performed to remove hi# appendix. * The little shortstop has decided to l'1 have the operation performed In1 ’ Richmond and will place himself f*J the hands of the club physician. Dr. I W. P. Mathews. The player has de- j ] termlned to have the operation per- j 1 formed for the reason that he realise#' he will never be able to play the game] ; unlee# It Is done. j 1 Dr. Mathew# advised him thatfpe ] would gain fifteen or twenty pound* l j aa soon a# the appendix was removed i ' and this wa# a great inducement to j ! Baker who needs more weight to play hi# beat game. ■ He will of course not get back In j 1 the game this season but he will be ; 1 in fine form nest spring and win] 1 doubtless be «pt "hand early for his ’ work out with the sound. Ryan, the Norflk twfcier who has * Just been purchased by the Yankees. * is playing under an assumed name and he will have to make a change i ' in his cognomen when he Joins the j Yankees. Thl# is not permitted If U 1 is known and the youngster has ban ' found out 1 It is not known why Ryan ts travel ling under that name, his real name is , Schaub and he halls from Mt. St. 1 Joseph, of Baltimore, the same col- ] lege that furnished Chester Stone to the Colts this spring. * Schaub was recognised her# Friday I and his real' name was whipered i ] around the local park. He Is a likely j 1 youngster and win give some of the! 1 veterans, a Bard time when ha lets i 1 himself out In big company. * Wtano Clarks announced Friday that he had decided to farm out one j <>f his pitchers to a club in the Caro* 1 Una League and that Sheehan would ' be the man. The Skipper has been ; above the player limit since Long John ! Fog joined the club and It Is necessary I to let somebody go. 1 Sheehan Is a likely twlrler but Clarke has no need of Ova on the staff and the others are a little Bet- I ter than the noe who is to go. Fog ] depend* on Mm to win a number of > came* toward the end of the season. } Ryan, Vance and Walsh are the other three who will finish the eeaaon with ' the Tara and Clarke would not think of letting one of them go at title time. Clarke hae an optional contract for Vance and he waa subject to recall by the Johnstown club but the tlttte waa up last night and he now belongs to Norfolk- It waa a great deal that gave the.twtrlar to Norfolk and Clarke baa been congratulating hlmdelf ever ttnce he arrived. Vakca has been going so strong that he, baa proven himself too strong for this league. Clarke did not have the privilege of selling him on account of the contract with Johnstown but he Vanderbilt Announces New En t*y for Eventi on Txmg I* j; ■; ■ • ■■ r Twin of Yanker*, Kakal, of Washington ami Kamaev of Altoona Looking Things Over. fANKLES GET RYAN tAMSEY WANTS PLAYERS Manager of Altoona Says He is on Pleasure Trip, But Rumors Are Dif ferent. Hi* league scouts have been busy tround the Virginia league tlreuit >t late and their labors will now cease or a whije, that la,. so far as ar anging for the purchase of players » concerned. Saturday closes the time allowed or the sale of players and now comes cn days of grace which allows for' he settlement of all disputes and j iaims over players. On September 1st the drafting sea-! on is on and those clubs that want; ny of the Virginia League players! vho hare not been purchased can: crumble for those that are wanted. Ktchuomi hold One. Richmond has sold only one player his year and this wss Dutch Revelle .ho wag picked up by Scout Irwin of he Yankees at fZ.SOO. The scout has ►een visiting hers for several day* and ilthough he staled that he was not lire on business and was simply t«h ng a rest, it developed Friday night! hat he w«» here on important busi lesa He waa closeted with Skipper j 'larke of the Tar* for some time and then their conference was over! 'larke has signed a contract convey* ; ng Ryan, the young u* frier, Over to he Yankees, to be delivered at the lose oi in* present aunn. irwin laa been watching R?i]r'for several lay* and hi* determination to get the oung t wirier followed the per ormaBc* of yesterday when ho held he Colt* to three hit* and shut them mt. Others Hanging Around. Scout Irwin is not the only base ball man who Is hanging around the weal camp. Hank Ramsey. manager >f the Altoona Club dropped Into amp Friday and announced that he j eas here «n a pleasure jaunt and! va# not looking out for player*. j Ramsey occupied a seat near Scout; rwln in the grand stand and they leld a discussion over the worth of he various player* of the two club*. It wa* rumored among the players hat Ramsey t* looking for player* or next year and particularly want* o get a drat baseman and a pitcher, is may have hla eye* onjmme of the Norfolk pitchers, but h" would not ay so Friday. ltamscy 1* well pleased with hla >ro*pecta of Winning the pennant this cb*<>n. Hie ctub now has a lead of en game* with only twenty more to ilay and the manager figures that It HU be Impossible for his club to fall o capture the flag. Ramsey says hat his successful season is entirely lue to the great work of his pitchers t’ho outclass the others in. the league. The Altoona manager ays that he viil return Saturday bht it would «em that it' must be some important business that would take him away j rom his club at thlh critical) Bcim... n the season. A Kahoe tabbing ArosoC Mike Kahoe, the Washington scout, tas also been going the rounds and nay be looking for something in the Virginia league. He spent several lays In Norfolk and then aeeom- j tan led the club to Petersburg on their ecent trip there. Kahoe did not tell Iktpper Clarke what he was looking or but he wa* evidently looking for omethtng that he did not find be- j ause no deal* have been reported. Now that the season Is over for ales It may be expected that a nutn ter of the best players in the league rill be drafted. The three big deals n the league this year were for level!#, Ryan and Priest All three ro to the Yankees and Seouf Irwin be leves that he has three good men. nil TIPPING Former New York Manager De clares That it is Proper to Get Signals if Possible. NEW YORK, Aug JO.—Purity pro noters In athletics had a shock to* lay when John M. Ward, a prominent '•’ear York lawyer and former man* tger of the New York baseball team. l man who has always been referred o as the apostle Of athletic cleanliness, sm« to the defense of signal tipping n baseball. "It'S perfectly proper to get on to an ippoaing team's signals if you can," Ward said. “U a teem hasn’t brains mough to conceal }U signals it de isrves to be the wpfim of the so* •ailed hussar. When 9waa manager >f the New Yorks, we always tried to MrsOn dintk nt nfkiw-iuviii'’ brth by the chare •iew York Amerlo 'used bir a Chicag leteeting thn vlett >y means of Bet* tola In thh center fK! is FIVE AEROPLANES TO FLY AT ONCE IN FEATURE RACE AT SHEEPSHEAb BAY MEET J.C MAW AT WH££L Famous Aviators Compete for Valuable Prizes at Big .Meet. ELY’S KEW MACHINE TO BE CHRISTENED Curtiss and Mars Are Among! Tfaoae Who Will Fly for Big ■ , Prizes. YORK, August 30.—One of .he biggest aviation meets of the year started at the Sheepshead Bay rare j track yesterday. Among the noted tviatonc who are entered are Glenn .'urtlss. who flew in a tjtachlne of hi* . in make front New York te Albany: ' I. C. f Bud’ ) Mara, the originator jf the circle dip; Kugene Kl>, the, 'alifornian who la»t month fell 600 ' reet in a meet at Winnipeg and e*- ' aped without a scratch; (Jus Post. | McCurdy and Charles Willard. A not el feature of the program w ill * ve the christening of 'Gene'' Kiy's new machine by his wife Tight prises will be contested for by j the aeronauts, to be distributed gs follow*; A purse of *500 to each entrant >reeking a world's record during the meet. 0 A purse of *&«« to the winner of the itrslghtaway race. A silver cup to the aviator covering i the greatest aggregate distance during : the entire meet. A silver cup to the aviator attain ing the greatest altitude during the meet. A trophy to the winner of the speed , contest. A trophy to the winner of the Short . itrating contest. A sliver cup to the first aviator to j fly from any other aviation field -to the j Sheepshead Bay race track, provided j the distance covered 1* more than five < miles. —■ —-- f A trophy to the aviator making the slowest lap of the aviation course. FAIR WIND IS 1 SKIPPER CLARK Mary .Tan# Get# to Windward and Locals are Blanketed Along Whole Course. TARS YOUNG TWIRLER SHOWS UP IN FORM* Ryan Holds the Colts to Three Scattered Hits and Isaacs One Free Pas#. Friday'* Srorw. Richmond, ft; Norrolk. J. Roanoke, 6; Petersburg. 0. Lynchburg, ft: Danville. S. / Hinr They Club*. Danville Richmond .........42 52 .45S Lynchburg . *-..45 . *5 , .45<! Petersburg ... 43 54 .ft43 Satardajr'x Hnhednle. Norfolk at Richmond (two game*). Roanoke at Petersburg. Danville at Lynchburg. With all anile act gad a favoring Crew crowied the - Une Friday before the Colts could round the bouy though thfy failed in many reach** to make the curved of one runner named Re vdle and tble was all that wae really necessary to*ai«(U /through wtthottL.inflMgm.J-. >4 MJM&; ^ss.^z the detta of the Rgry Jana* haa frfund Uf H.W5MT CHARLES E VILLAKO Charles K Wizard is the aviator who Attempted Hie nUth'ta in the Curtiss aeroplane at the State Fair last DRIVER INJURED Wally Owen, aod YUdinas Wil*j liam? Take Spill it) Marion Car. STEARNS CAR NOW FAR IN THE LEAD ( Driven Alternately by Batseiikej and Poole Stearns has . _-i.~ Mile* to tlie Good. BRIGHTON- BEACH MOTOR DROME. Auk. 39 —Wally Owen. dAver. and Thomas Williams, his mechani cian, were critically Injured at S:45i o'clock to-day. whan the Marlon car which they wore driving in the 84- j hour race, which Marled hare at 8:30 last night, turned over at the tar turn, coming into th« stretch. The car! made a complete somersault and the t treo men were pinned under the wreck age. They were rushed to the Coney Island Hospital, where It is reported they are differing from internal in juries of a serious character. The | Marion car was wrecked and forced to j withdraw from the race. At 7:84) this nrorntng.'at the eomple-j tk>n of the eleventh hour of the twice -roun(1 -1h e-alack race, the Stearns ear. driven alternately by Patscuk* and Poole, was 35 ml lew ahead of Ms near est competitor, a Matheson. The Stearns had negotiated 575 miles and was live mile# ahead of the record) established by the Hun k car in Orto- | At the Coney Island Hospital, after the Injuries of Owens and Williams had been dream#, the physicians re ported that owafta wu seriously hurt, but would r««?»»**“. Williams' injuries, a thbrough examination disclose, were not serious. ^ Half a (hoiUNtitll people remained at th« track all id*h* The following *«• the 7:30 score: Car No. 5. Stuns -Drivers Patachke and Poole—475 miles. Car Ho. *, Mathesor.—Drivers Chas. Haste and Whalen—5*0 miles. No. «. Cole—I3n$taott and Edwards— 4»1 miles. No, 3, Marion—Owen and Marchel H. Busle <25 mil«S. No.. 4, Haupi'jlte^eirell—Martin and Hartman—34* mtfeCV No. 7. Midlandr-sAndereon and Tay 5” " ?>*... r— usii iniifip. ...y ts,;. .-1 . F-tHowlny tir- thW'lrtO n’Ctock score No. 5,, Stea* —ftift miles. No. *. Matht Whalen—590 r So. ft, 540 mHw. No. 4, Hnup Hiirtwarf—4** No. r, Midi* lor—372 mum. «r Stearns enf track record.:, The »:** afc . .Car: No. 8. Poole, «T* mi No. 8, Math Whalen, *17 ft * . No. ’ ft. Cole. 587 mile*. - v .« and Poole it and, Edwards-^ fell—Martin And ahead Of 1908 Patchke ai)d rlcsa Basle and and Edwards, WRIGHT NEGOTIATIONS RECEIVE A SET-BACK. o Kxfvnrivc Committee of Staff! Fair Association are Cautious ; About Signing Contract. ENTRIES ALL IX FOR HARNESS RACES Sixtv Have Paid I p Last Install ment— M av Adopt Added Purses for Running Ranes.---j Complications have arisen tn the relation situation at the State Fair md It is likely that no contract will ■)* stoned for some time to come. It a certain that the papers will not >e fixed up before next Tuesday, when .he executive committee meet# again. A meeting of th« committee was ex pected to have been held Friday at 12 o'clock, but was called off for some ■eason and the final conference be ;ween the association officials and Mr. rhotnas P. Jackson, repreaentative pf Wright Brother*, was not held. Mr. Jackson was expectin* a reply Iroin hla headquarters to a telegram isking If Walter Brookins would be sent here to give the exhibitions at the talr. The reply came, but was difficult to interpret. It simply stated that It would not be guaranteed that Brookins would come. __ - It seems that The executive comimt tee is determined to have Brookins r»r nobody If the Wrights are to fur nish the machine for the exhibitions here. In the present status of the case, other employees of Wrlgit Brothers will not be acceptable, and other reports to the contrary are In correct. f Tnon laasnln* ntxntonta At" tha telegram the committee .decided that to meeting mi necessary, and the legotoatlons, while not called off, are .•ontlnued for the present. The reason for the action ot the ommlttee Is that they are determin ed that there shall-'be no repetition of ast year's trouble, when thousands were disappointed by the ridiculous performance* of Willard in a Curtiss naebiue. A man of reputation, whose .’orning will be a big advertisement for the fair, is wanted, and if' Wright Brothers cannot send him. be will L-onu- through some other concern. . This ta the present status of the esse In the minds ot the committee, and they have taken a positive, hand. Mr, lacksou i« still In the city and Will likely remain here until nest Tuesday, when the committee .msPW;JtgWllC'.'llt the meantime, it ms y J>e t,het he will receive instructions from his princi pals to sign up a contract guarantee ing the presence «.f Brookins. Others Being Considered. j While Wright Bfhthers have been rav.M-ably mtwldereil by the fair olfl i-ials,’ they are not ttie only uvlators who arc in the running, and some other concern may yet heat them out for the contract. ^ ■■ No less than five other Q<»eiMwm have tawh iti; jwiitettunicatioti with the ofllv .lais," and unless a satisfactory e4p tract is Submitted by Wright Broth other concerns will have' ng the thousands at SjSgr with aeroplane. d Btroebel are two 4 and it is be the*e will be able said put on a •* thst will prove * nHyiMi' leved di get the best aviator that can be se cured. and they do not care which oon cern furnishes the rrfan. It is ex pected that Wright Brothers will either drop negotiations or elee come around and agree to send Brookins- If the holder of the “high flight record comes here the flights this yesr will be as sured of success, and this attraction as a top-llner win be a big thing for the fair. Rasing Entries In. .On August IS the lists of harness races were completed and entrance fees have been paid up for sixty en tries. Sixty-three were signed up at first and only three of these have dropped out. The three classes of har ness races were the l:YT. £. 18 apd three-year and under trot. U was required that 1 per cent, be paid on June IS, 1 per -bent, on July 15 and 1 per cent, on August 15. The remaining i per cent, to be paid on the night preceding the race. The privilege was granted for any of the entries to drop out,at any time without the payment of the next In stallment. and the officials are well pleased that only three of the origi nal saw fit to drop out Sixty entries insures good racing, and It is ex pected that the harness races will prove one of the moot interesting-feat ures of the fair. ■'> Added Purses Considered. The fair officials are now consider ing a change In the purees to be offer ed for the running races, but have not yet made any positive decision. They have usually offered a: straight puree og MOO for each race and required entrance fees of <10. This fear they may offer purses of 1*50 and have a smaller entrance fee. It will amount to tfte„siun« thing, so far as the asao clatlon is concernsd, but will have the effect of attracting more, entries and making the races more Interesting Booking Shews Daily. Wahoo-Lane will be one of the chief attractions at the fair this year, and thP ihrtwfl wit] raIIam aliv Ihut haw even before been eeen on the ground*. Bookings are being made every day and a fine list of attractions will be the result. The shows mads money hers laflt year and look upon Virginia as a pro ductive State for businea*. They wlU come from the largest summer resorts In the country and will put on thslr best productions. ‘ % j The woman's supplement to tbs premium llet was not ready fbr diatrt butlon on Wednesday. «s expected. Mt a supply of them wars delivered at the offices dt the association Saturday and they will be sent out at ones. Hundreds of valuable primes am offer ed for the women’s exhibits, and It is expected that the woman's budding will be one of the meet attractive sights at the fair. Will Uavt* Several Fight* in the Meantime to Get in - BOSTON, NASI*.. Aug. Ml—p step towards better condition in wUefe to meet- PhtuAelpht* mm*. tvSt**, M ||^ li'fl nji,~ 8ni* ~ - mJm jUtbor^Dny. g.' Fitzherbert and OlamWa Two Chances to Got Td gethdr at Saratoga. ONLY MUDDY TRAQ WILL PREVENT Hildreth Will Scratch 1 Conditions Favor OlaJ Who is a Great Horse. SARATOGA. Aug. 20.—The Saratoga program offer* twia chances of a meeting betWM Herbert and Olambala. Thej year-old# of the Hildreth HW barns who failed to come togs per schedule la the Saratoga '! on the opening day of tha meeting have engagements 141 In the Merchants and CttUMW cap. a race of one mile and til teenths to be run Saturday# dw Saratoga cup, which Is down, cialon the last day of the refit atoga meeting. August Tt. B and the Tennessee colt wtU these chances la highly proha' nt* Herbert beet Oiambel dM left ae—og, coaaedd pounds to him cm one ocean it fteen on another- And an as last May he drubbed the Of tn the Brooklyn handicap at i ence of fourteen pounds. Mr# i .Is not therefore In the least a Olambala. He concedes that 1 He concedes that son’s horse has Improved, but Mrt believe that he has he n.uah better than he wad la» that the can race suocaesfullj VtM Harharl at a HHhMaia three or four pounds on A In the Champlain handicap day Kit* Herbert was asked ! 133 pounds to Olambada ! scratched because of tha hat i Fits is not a bad mud hon i but Olambala ts an excepts ; one, and Hildreth did not t to subject the Ethelbert i chance of defeat when the of victory was roduced by i track conditions la the Merchants sod Cl Herbert end Plant be la are; they were In the Champtati bert must Moulder 133 jh {has Improved as much i capper seems to think, the president of the A ' elation is coins to try. again whenever the op| sent*- Mr. Wilson regrets muddy going presented ' start!n« igtltR Olambal toga handicap when ther •nee of five pound*.'hi colt’s favor, I dared 113 pounds oa tt t stepped a Mile and t) ! 3:38 flat, equaling die der made when he dal Waterboy in the Sarah Olambal* and Fits take up itt pouade ap In the cup. and on I these oondUloiW hear Oniui colt. It leges UltlDMUi nuour in Realisation of 1IM, fall he mot down to the Bowl* cup, |*UO| t;ii *-*. tb* fastest i Of tb* pro**nt con bora** tbero 1* ' Otembels. be* , rtpbt bp wtaatnp tb* Chermptain h**<Ho*P* pleln he stopped <th* I through mu4 up to t I better tb*n 1> second*. Fits l^M-b*rt has set on me ■ to Bore tope «r la, beet Olaiabele Is tb* sever* oold Wd blm vg. t ■Mm of tb* Bteeklfa " cemery for Urn » f urban end CotuaMt come nicely obi J uet Wpe bf. ‘ to Port Trl* quarter uad minion b 1:4* i-» :M mile and * Mm;