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■gm CASHTO BE The Richmond Virginian, Virginia’s new daily State paper, has reached on its merits in a few months a foremost position in Richmond and throughout the State of Virginia. It desires to make its merits familiar to thousands of Virginia homes, and proposes to reward iberally all who help to accomplish the result. BM Contest Opens June 27th, 1910 and Closes Sept 30th, 1910. - The Plan in Brief : The Richmond Vfcgtaiea wifi mid *2,000 CASH in addition to I0H coDusunoa oa au sebscnpuoes imnd in a gigantic subscnp Tha pies adopted a the fairest mod most impartial and affosas rrvry oca an opportunity to earn money element of rhanirr It invitee legitimate competitive ; on a basis, where personal effort and penarvaace w-fi bs Eber* afiy awarded The baaio idea of tee occ'est is, ri course, the <Momt of subacrip i he The Richmond Ytrgkian. *2,000in raah. in addition to 10 a oa all wAamiptfama secured, will a awarded to the popular wotfcarawbo secure the largest number of napiUhe to bo tomal by The Richmond Virginian for paid-in-advance Subscriptions and for coupons cfippped each day from The Richmond fjjgilT^ A wfll be allowed on all subscriptions eeeured by g every one who enter* the conteet to receive a award. Read Conditions Carefully: man or women, boy or girl, resident of Virginia ia the Conteet provided the conditions eet forth sire cora The Conteet Manager-reeervee the right to reject any must be regularly nominated in writing, on the nom * ted In this paper, or a aimilar blank furnished by ht the State of Virginia and in the district the puiWril to transfer credits to another after __a been tamed by the Contest Manager. *A credit ballot will ba printed each day in The Richmond Virginian whMt whan property filled out, and cent to the Contest Department ef The Richmond Virginian, will be good for the number of credits ygtotod thwwoo, If received before the expiration date printed on faflv prepaid on all ballots cent,by mail, to will be waued by the Contest Manager, good for _ _ ef credits, as per declining credit scale, which may be by the Contestant until the cloee of each voting period or I SB tha Contestant may desire to have same published, toaaonre credit certificates, all money must be sent direct Virginian Conteet Department by the contestants aa erfdit certificates will only be issued by the Con a# n tie for any of the cash awards offered by The Rich ' nan, each candidate will receive a cash award of equal award tied for. that Eve in one district ere not prevented from secur _ in any other datrict. Credit certificates will be aeoordance with the declining credit scale on prepud sub --' anywhere in the United States. Virginian reaervea the right to alter or make any at may be deemed advisable other than reducing the value awards by publiahed i I notice. How Id Enter the Contest: IVnot tea nomination blank for yourself or friend and send same to Tha Bklimonri Virginian Contest Manager and subscription maria, receipt books ana necessary instructions will be furnished. Candidates mar nominate themselves. Each contestant ia entitled to 6.000 credits, which will be issued on rfsegpt of nomination blank. Only one nomination blank to be erupted to each contestant. Every contestant receives 10 per oent. eommiteien on each subscription secured. In mailing remittance deduct 10 Bar oent. from amount. It la not naoeaaary to be a adbeeribar to Tha Richmond Virginian to enter tha contest It will oast you nothing to enter. When you have entered you wfll become an enthusiast and will thoroughly enjoy pertiatprihg m the content. All that it is necessary to do in order to enter is to send in your name or get some one to do it for you. (See nondantioa blank.) After entering visit your friends and aek for TheVirgjnian and help you secure a cash reward, to work for you. It will only - only require a few hours' »OUU caan means the establishing of a substantial 10 per oent. commission on all subscriptions a salaried compensation for the time consumed in your friends. Division of Districts, In order to equalise compensation so that each and evsey « act will ha« an equal opportunity to earn one of the cash awwis. the State of Virginia has been divided into 6 districts, via.: DISTRICT NO. 4. # Embrace* Greater Richmond, Barton Heights Brooklaad Park. G inter Park, Chestnut HiD, Highland Part, Forest Hill Swaao* boro. Oat Grant Woodland Heights and Fulton, South Richmond and Fairtaount. * . v DISTRICT NO. 2. Embraces the State cl Virginia at Urge, excluding the territory embraced in District No. 1. Embraces the Buckingham, Prince George, Brunswick, Southampton, Cumberland, Amelia, Lunenburg Greensville Embraces the Bath, Craig, Franklin, B&nld, Scott, Buchanan, Botetourt, Montgomery, Henry, Wise, Taiewell, Embraces the Highland, Shenandoah, Prince William, Augusta, Page, Warren, Embraces the Fluvanna, Caroline, King and Queen Middlesex, Warwick, Louisa, King George, Richmond, Charles City, Northampton, DISTRICT NO. 3. following'counties, vis.: Powhatan, Nottoway, Mecklenburg, Nansemond, Appomattox, Charlotte, Sussex, Princess Anne, Chesterfield, (Excluding the territory em braced in District No. 1.) Prince Edward, Dinwiddie, Halifax, Surry, Isle of Wight, Norfolk. DISTRICT NO. «. following counties, vis.: Nelson, Campbell Pulaski, Carroll, Washington, " Rockbridge, Bedford, Pittsylvania, Wythe, Russell, Amherst, Roanoke, Patrick, lee, Dickenson, Alleghany, Giles, Floyd, Grayson, Smyth, Greene, Rappahannock, Loudoun, Orange, Fauquier, Fairfax, DISTRICT NO. 5. following counties, vis.: Albemarle, / Madison, Frederick, Rockingham, Culpeper, Clarke, DISTRICT NO. 6. , following counties,,*!*. Spotteylvania, Goochland, Hfenrioo, (Excluding the territory in District No. 1.) X/cstmoreland, New Kent, Mathews embraced Stafford. * King William, Laacaater, York, Northumberland, Jamee City, Accomac. Hanover, Essex, Gloucester, Elizabeth City, ‘ Division of Awards. District No. 1. Award No. I. $500.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. I, who secure* the largest number of credits. District No. 1. Award No. 2. $100.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will Le awarded to the person resident of District No. 1, who secures the second largest number of credits. District No. 2. Award No. 1. $500.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded to the person resident of District No. 2, who secures (he largeot number of credits. District No. 2.—Award No. t.r $100.00 cash, In addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, will be awarded tp the person resident of District No. 2, who secures the second largest number of credits. —i DIsfRlCT NO. 3. » UN.M cash. In addition to It per cent. coomiMion on oH •utMcriptiona secured, wtD bo awarded to the person resident of District Mo. 3, who secures the largest number of credits. - DISTRICT NO. 4. $200.00 cash, In addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, trill be awarded to the person resident of District No. 4, who secures the largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. S, $300.00 cadi, In addition to If per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, wl|l be awarded to the person resident of District No. 5. who secures the largest number of credits. DISTRICT NO. 4. $300.00 cash, in addition to 10 per cent, commission on all subscriptions secured, trill be awarded to the person resident of District No. 0, who secures the largest number of credits. Contestants resident of Districts Noe. 3,4,5 and 4 and these districts only, are eligible to the grand State award of $500 in addition to the district award of $300. How Credits Will Be Issued. Credits are secured.ia this contest by paying your subscription in advance. New subscriptions count twice as many credits as old ones. (See schedule below.) Candidates are not restricted to getting subscription* in t&eir own particular district. But may secure subscriptions in any pari of t\e United States, ana if cash accompanies the order, credit certificates will be issued in accordance with schedule printed below. Candi dates in one district are not competing with candidate* in other districts, except for the grand award in Districts Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6. The division of districts, as outlined, so equalises competition that every contestant has an equal chance to secure a grand award. Besides credit allowed on subscriptions, a coupon mod for a csrtian number of credits will be published in each issue of The Richmond Virginian unless otherwise notified. The first week these coupons will be good for 20 credits, the second week 10 credits, the third week and thereafter 5 credits. These coupons can be voted by any one regardless of subscriptions. Each coupon will be limited, .and before the «dJuM only be se the daily must be in the office of The Richmond Virginian tion date printed on each coupon. The fust cos 27, 1910, and count* 20 credits. Credits cannot be purchased in this contest, hot cured on paid-in-advance Subscriptions or by coupons. Declining Credit Scale. Credits will be showed on all prepaid subacriptiona during tbs three voting periods, ss follows: First Period—From Jane 27,1919 to July 31.1919. Br Mail. • Price. 3 years’ subscription. $12.00 2 years’ subscription.... 8.00 1 years’subscription.......... 4.00 6 months’ subscription........ 2.00 3 months’ subscription.— 1.00 By ' Now Old. Carrier. Subs. Subs. Pcien. Credits. Credits. $9.00 40,000 20,000 6.00 30,000 15,000 3.00 12,000 6,000 1.50 5,000 2,500 .75 2,000 1.009 Second Period—From August 1,1916 to August $1,1916. Mail. . r Pries. 3 yean’ subscription. $12.00 2 yean’ subscription.......... 8.00 1 years’ subscription.j.... • 4.00 6 months’ subscription......... 2.00 3 months’ subscription. 1.00 Third By New Carrier. Bubs. Price Credits. $9.00 6.00 3.00 1.50 .75 35.000 25.000 10.000 4.000 1.000 ou. Subs. Credits. & 6,000 2,000 600 Curie,. Bute Seta. Price. Credits. Credits. Mail. Price. _ 3 years’subscription. $12.00 $9.00 2 years’ subscription.. 8.00 6.00 1 year’s subscription....* 4.00 3.00 6 months’ subscription.... 2.00 1.50 3 months’ subscription.. 1.00 -75 The Richmond Virginian’s Exclusive Carrier —* Greater Richmond and Suburbs; Ashland, Petersburg Mid Williams burg 25.000 12,600 20.000 10,000 8.000 4,000 3.000 1,600 1.000 600 Service Contestants resident of Districts 3, 4, 5 and 6 seven hundred dollars. are eligible to conte.t tor i CUT OUT THIS NOMINATION BLANK. AND SEND TO THE “CONTEST MANAGER” OF THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN, RICHMOND, VA. EACH CONTESTANT IS ENTITLED TO ONE NOMINATION ONLY. GOOD FOR 5,0M CREDITS. THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN’S CASH AWARD CONTEST. NOMINATION BLANK. I hereby nominate Mr., Mrs., or Mlse..!....77.7777777777.7771 ...,..77.7....7.,7.7.........I...... (Name of Conteelant.) Street No.......... Town or City........ As a candidate in The Richmond Virginian’s Cash Award Contest Signed ...7. .77777.7.... ...71.7 77. .77.77.777777.777.77.7. ^ (Name of Sender.) Address............. Town.......... " Date77.T.77777777.,.. 777777 .......... THIS NOMINATION COUNTS 5,000 CREDITS—Only one nomination to be credited to each contestant. Under no cir cumstances will the nominator'e name be divulged. Write or call at the Contest Department of The Richmond Virginian, corner Ross and Governor streets, Richmond, Va., for Subscription Blanks, Receipt, Books and Instructions. Phone Madison 1758. “START NOW”—“START RIGHT” i «. *i_. {-a Qfort a l)&nk account. . ... . . * *? 000 contest offers you an unusua oppo^’-t ., and share in the distri The Richmond Virginian s $ , , ^ should hesitate to enter th vou to hesitate to si! but no one has a W J-gj" ^ T$700. bution of $2,000. p v worker secures 10f/c commission ^ entering the contest? If so, send in your nomination. Every wor^ s^y that prevents your entering Is it possible that die c°n *, expjain the conditions. _ \ - -.qio Credit certificates our representative will ,• f contestants will appear W®. ‘ d same can be I^The next published ^ ^r credits for paid-in-advance subscriptions, will be issued to contestants to id September !, 1910, or at ^ i - DISTRICT NO. 1. faaac Dfcue, Jr., No. IIOS Floyd avenue, Richmond, Va.Jt7.34S ■4*»* J. hT Moee, No. Ml West Main Street, Richmond, !"»•....317,17i Re*. W. C. Burch, No. 1904 Everett atreet, South Rich ie**. Va.. 314,130 Mb* Lula Sanaa, No. 403 North Twelfth atreet, Rich •OBd,V*.. 303,303 QdteJBanent, No. 304 Waet Fourteenth atreet. South •"*®lil»V|a. ... Hra-fraatanOahh, 30 tE. Main atreet. Richmond, Va. 190,000 Miaa Go •tmt. Hunter 1 Morgan! ;*!•MumiMSt., Richmond, Va in,465 w. 711 North avenue, Barton Height* <),0M nan. No. 8#0Rarton avenue, Barton HVWlWf wmm * • * ..I 4>. 7,13$ F_. M/Sharp, 2201M Street. Richmond, fa.......... 5,000 DISTRICT NO. *. . * Mia. J. J. Gardener, Franklin a treat, Petersburg, Va. .235,555 Mm. Jj. Ri^Oreore. Bteckstono. Va..U5,7« Rot. G. R.S. Smith, Cumberland. Va... ......a..124,05# Mra. George QU>son. 3t.. Chaae City. Va.. 50.CV* rnMnJ. Walla, 660 West Hlahetreet, Petersburg, Va.21/79 GMnton A. Moseley, JWfreaa. Va.. I. 8. td#arde Hog wood, 107 South a treat, Petersburg, ' , Tbonaaa Vaughan, No. 532 W. Hi£hSt.. Petersburg,',,, • f *