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National State and City Bank THERE’S ONLY ONE WAY—SAVEI You will never be independent as long as you have to work (or anybody else, and you can’t start any business of your own without money, btart to-day. Open a Savings Account with what money you, have—and add to it regularly each week. The 3 per cent, interest we pay will help your account to grow. Be independent. 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts, Compounded Every Sx Months OFFICERS: WM. H. PALMER, President. JNO. S. ELLETT, Vice-President. WM. M. HILL, Vice-President. J. W. SINTON, Vice-President. JULIEN H. HILL, Cashier. E. B. Addison, James II. Anderson, J. L. Antrim. Junes D. Crump, John S. Ellett, DIRECTORS: A. R. Ellerson, Joseph M. Fourqurean, Horace S. Hawes, William M. Hill, S. H. Hawea, Edward C. Mayo, Edwin A. Palmer, William H. Palmer, Granville G. Valentine, Stewart M. Woodward. CAPITAL, $1,000,000. SURPLUS, $600,000. TheBroad-StreetBank has purchased the business and pood will of the Broad Street Branch of the Bank of Richmond, located at 303 East Broad Street, and has taken charge and is prepared to extend to all of its customers every facility consistent with good banking. THE BROAD STREET BANK HAS A CAPITAL OF $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $110,000.00 W. M. HABILSTON, President. Ben P. Alsop, Leon Dettlebach, T. H. Ellett, H. F. Grlmmell, Andrew M. Glover, OFFICERS: J. W. ROTHERT, Vice-President. JOHN G. WALKER, Second- Vice- President. ANDREW M. GLOVER,, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. M. Habllston, I. H. Kaufman, Raphael Levy. G. W. Minter, John Murphy, W. S. Rhoads, J. W. Rothert, Julian W. Tyler, John G. Walker, B. Rand Wellford. The Broad Street Bank has given out the contract for the erection of a hand some and commodious banking building at its present location. The entire business of the Broad Street Bank will be conducted at 303 Last Broad Street until the completion of their new building. e* PRODUCE MARKET CROWS MORE FIRM >ol and Bright WeatherSalurdnj Brings Cheerful Outlook for Commission Merchants. Bright and cool weather Saturday after a «ee< ot rain and Intense humidity brought a much more firm tone to the Cary street produce mar ket and commission merchants say that If these favorable conditions con tinue until next week business will be booming. For the past week the market has been dull and life less, but when Saturday dawned clear there war a noticeably Increased bustle in Cary street. There were practically no changes Saturday morning In the quotations which held .Friday. But neverthe less. business was brisk and the gen eral outlook Is cheerful. Fruit continue* to arrive In large quantities and with a light demand makes for a weak market Hanover county watermelons of fait quality are Just beginning to come In. Thev are later this year than has ever been known. The good melons will hardly begin to be shipped from this famous section until the latter part of next week at least. small .IT .11 22 . . 12 valves, ‘ — - Umbi. spring, per lb.. •• * Cattle, fair tie prtme^peMj^ 3 covnmr *aco»_ Hams, well-smoked, small Hama ' wall smoked, large lb. Sides, well smoked, per lb 1* Shoulders, well smoked, lb IS HIDES. Dry Salt! per lb. Dry Flint, per lb. Green, per lb. ......... Green fcit^pdr lb. Green, demkged. per lb . 0 to « l* to 12 # 31 to lo a 40 RICHMOND PRODUCE MARKET. Richmond. Vs., Aug. 20, 1*10. Chicken*, choice, large. per lb. Chickens, choice, pbr lb. .. .... ■ • • Chickens, choice, medium.. Hens, pdr lb. .. Roosters, each . • Geese, fet and large. each Geeae. small, each.*» Ducks, large, young, per lb. Ducks, small, young, per lb ...11 BOGS. Crates, nearby, fre*h laid Crates, other sections Guinea Eggs. Choice, family packed .. Merchants' fair, per lb.. DIVE STOCK. Veals, choice to fancy, per Veais, poor to fair, per ili ® Calves, runners, per lb.... 4 . .23 . .20 IS C-,-,> I . , V' I , , to 14 to is to 23 to 23 o s 21 22 21 O SS „ . WOOle . i. tub-w»»he*.. lb .** Bright, No. 1, tub-washed. Jb .** rhniM. unwashed, free at. O 9 Durrs .31 Choice. unwashed. lightly burry .1* Choice, unwashed, medium burry .I* Choice. unwashed. eery * burry .1* Merino .10 9 9 9 9 11 ■TKi'tm reaches. Virginia, per carrier . 75 Pears, per bbL .1 50 Apples, sound. per bbl. 1 00 Damsons per * basket carrier .1 00 Damsons, per 10 lb. baa 25 9 1 15 9 2 00 9 1 00 if? 1 15 0 30 VEWrTAMI.ES. Onions dry. per bbl. .1 15 Rotate**. new. No. 1. j per bbl... Potatoes, new, No. 3, , per bbl. . *5 Beeswax, per lb. 1* 9 2 50 9 1 15 0 1 00 0 COTTLE MARKETS. RICHMOND tTYE STOCK MARKET. (Sales at I'nlon Stock Yards.) Richmond. Vs, August 10. 1910 Report of the live stock market for the week ending August 15. Receipts—Cattle. 166 head; calves, 1*6 head; sheep and lambs, 917 head, hogs. 194 heads. Rest steers. 5**0 6c.; no extra One cattle here; medium to good. 4 4s cl 5 He., common to fair, 49 4 He.; ^eiil heifers. 5.40; medium to good. 5 0 0He., common to fair. 4H 0**40.; best cows, 4Hc.; medium to good, 3H0 4 He.; com mon to fair, 2 H 0 * Hc.. bull*. Ki S 3He; calves, 6 9 7c., extra, 7 H 9 »c Cows and calves, *200 53.00 per head Best lambs. 57c., medium to good, »H9*Hc.; common to fair, 4HffoHc., best hogs, »c.; medium to good, aboul <H9*Hc.; sows and stags. ■ 0 sc on BALTIMORE. Aug. 20.—Stock the wharves: , ... Calves—The market Is steady, with choice fat veals In demand and. receipt* light. We quote: Choice, light veal ngnt. quuio. ■ - tier lb. 9®9Hc.; good veal, per lb 7H®*H; large and tat. per head. *109 15. rough, thin calves, per head, »*» 10. Choice calvee from nearby polnu b>ghe<jp"nd3 Lambs—Fair Injuiry foi choice stock. We quote; Choice sheep per lb. fat. 3H® 4c.; good, per head *192.50; Interior do. 76c®$1.60; OW bucks, per, Ib, jrH«*CL. accordtow u quality and condition. Spring lambs choice, fat. 5W®6c. per lb.; Inferlot and poor, thin lambs range lower, say alaiut 5o per lb CHICAGO. ILL.. August 2*.—Cattls— Receipts 2.5*0 head. Market .irons to shade up. Beeves, $4.7*96.35 Texas streer. $3.60 9 5.70; We.t»n steers. $4 9 6.66; Stockers and feederi $49116* cows and hetferi. $2.50 9 6.40 calves, $6.5*9 *6* Hogs—Receipt) 17,00* head. Market steady. Mlxei $7.1095-76. heavy. $7.6*0*.*6: rough $7.(007.$6^ good to choloe heavy. $7.5, 91,45; pigs. $6.4096.90, bulk of sales 1108 30 *8heep—Receipts, JOM hsad Marks', steady. Natives. $2.6094.35 Western. $1.75 9 4.55; yearling. *000 6.70; lambih native, $«.769*.*5, West ers. $4.789*-*6 NBW YORK. August 10.—Beeves Market Higher. Steers. }6.**9*.*6 bulls. $*.*694.0*: cows. CM***.«6 western heifers. $6. Dressed beef slo* native "side's*,’*912c. Texas do.. 79pc Calves—Market higher. Veale, $1.6*0 XL**; common, western *6; butter milks, nominal City dreseed veals Ufetttkfc* inai. vhj orwj»» oauntry dressed, *f l*e V:i V, . «> ,:tiv . Uh i ‘f J&MsMfi 6 ' it Sheep and L»mb«—Bhwp steady, lamhs. 106 25c. lower; about all aolj Sheep. *36 4.60; "culls, $2-50; lamb*. ■HU*: VAVAL STORES. i SAVANNAH, August JO.—Spirit* tur ! pontine firm. 6S*»c.; aale*. 3*2 cask* i raceipta. 1.2*7: shipments. 302; stock* ! 14.102. Ro»ln firm: sales. 2,200 brl*. ’ reoript*. 3.100; shipments, 2.0*0 • took*. *0,105. M> quote B. *5.40; 1) *05 45: T. *5.45. F, *\*0; O, *5*0; H | *5.SO; I. $5 90.' K, *0.00; M. **.05; N *0.25; window glass. **.30; *at«r whit< i *6.35. CHARLESTON. Auguit 20—Turpen tino quiet. 69A»c. Roain quiet; A. H C„ *5*0; D. *5,45; E. *S-*0; F, **.20 G. *5 75; H. **.»•. t. **.*•; K, **.»* M {(.00; X, $6.05; window glass *6,00; water white. *6.20. WILMINGTON. Aurust 20.—Splrlti turpentine steady, «»Uc.. receipt*. 3 cask*. Rosin steady, *5.00. receipt* 290 brls. Tar firm. *2.50; receipts. 6 brl*. Crude turpentine Arm. * 3.€ *5 00 and *5.60; receipts. 2* brla. .6 9.5 16.0 RICHMOND TOBACCO MAHKBT. Richmond, Va., August 20, 1»1< Brights—Market continue* quiet bu Arm with fair receipts. Dark Tobace — Reordered.—Market continue* qute at unchanged prices. Receipt* and ol faring* very light. Sun-Cured—-Noth log doing Season oV*r. Quotation “Trows shjppino— reordered Lugs .* *-50 tt * Short I^eat . * 00 tt Long Leaf .lH.Oo ©■ BRIGHTS. SMOKERS—Common * 7,00 Medium . #00 Fine . 2*-0» CUTTERS—Common .. 11.00 Medium .1J00 Fine . lf-00 Fancy . 1J'0° FILLERS—Common ... 8.00 Medium . 11.00 Good . 12.50 Fine . 1«00 WRAPPERS—Common 15.00 Medium . 1*00 Good . 26 00 Fine . 92.60 Fancy . 40.00 SUN-CURED. Lugs, common to good. 5.00 Lugs, good to prime..,. 8.00 Short Leaf . 10.00 1-owg ..{eat ,,.1100 Wrappers .15.00 Primings . 1-00 tt O 4k tt tt tt © tt tt tt v <» tt «> 8.5 11.0 13.0 12.5 14.6 18.0 20.0 10.0 12.0 12.5 16.0 17.0 *0.0 80.(1 *7.5 46.0 tt tt tt 7.5 9.5 12.s tt tt 35.0 RICHMOND GRAIN MARKET. Richmond. Va.. August 20. ltli Wholesale Qvotatteaa as Ckasga Car Lota WHEAT_ No. 2 red Western.. tt 1.06 No. 2 rod Virginian No. 3 red . 1.02 Steamer .. »* Virginia (bag >lota).. 30 Virginia (bag lots) for seed . CORN— No. 2 white . No. 3 white . No. 2 mixed . 72 No. * mixed -- Virginia (bag lota) OATtt— No. 2 mixed . No. 3 mixed . No. 2 white ---- No. * white - Winter sed . R^sT* (ear lots).... No. S (car lots) tt tt 1.05 1.04 Li! M l.a tt tt » 73 72 71 71 73 J91 40 41 40 ** fl *0 (0 Capital, $1,200,000.00 Surplus, $600,000. : j The Largest Capital of Any Bank in the State Confidence is the foundation upon which all successful enterprises are built. The extent of bank confidence depends upon its management. We append names of officers and directors for your consideration. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited with the promise of absolute satisfaction. Every consistent cour tesy will be extended. (O/WUlBeMowdon /^Savings Accounts The Officers Are the Following: W. M. ADDISON, Cashier. , „ ■ O. S. MORTON, \ W. M. HABILSTON, President. w H SLAUGHTER, / JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS,]I Vice-Presidents. JOHN TYLER, Assistant Cashiers. WILLIAM T. REED, /1C H. A. WILLIAMS, \ JAS. M. BALL, Jr., / The Following Are the Directors. E. B. ADDISON, GEO. L. CHRISTIAN, H. THEO. ELLYSON, W. M. HABLISTON, ]AS. A. MONCURE, WM. T. REED, S. W. TRAVERS, JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS, T. C. WILLIAMS, JR., B. P. ALSOP, T. A. CARY, W. P. GLINN, E.C. LAIRD, WM. NORTHROP, J. W. ROTHERT, | JAS. G. TINSLEY, F. D. WILLIAMS, E. L. BEMISS, T. H. ELLETT. ! EPPA HUNTON, R. H. LINDSEY, CARL NOLTING, R. G. RENNOLDS, B. RAND WELLFORD, i JNO. T. WILSON, TONE IS STEADIER ; 1 STOCK MARKET 1 1 Initial Losses Are Nearly All Re covered by Rally—Irregular When Trading Begins. | NEW YORK. Aug. 20.—After a good j deal of Irregularity and many mixed ' change* at the opening and In the j early trading to-day, the stock market | ' assumed a steadier tone, and where i Initial losses had been sustained they ; were In a great measure recovered be- I ’ fore the first quarter of an hour. After recessions In the first few minutes, the market displayed a stronger tone at the snd of the first hour, price* generally ranging frac tionally above FYiday s close. Government bonds unchanged, other - bonds steady NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. : r. m. Americas Bast Sugar. 344 Am. Agr. Cham. Co. . ***< Wi Allia-Cbalmera. # Allin-Chambera, pfd.. *3 ' Amalgamated CopperAils 654 I A marl nan Caa. *4 *4 ] Ymerieen Caa. pfd. <*4 American Car A Fdy. *9 49 American Car * Fdy. pfd. 110 I Americas Cotton Oil......:. «14 <114 ; Americas Loeomotim. 36 *54 j American locomotive, pfd....... 103 < American Smelting. 8*4 6S4 , ' American Sugar. 119 Amar. Tef. and Tal. Co. 1344 1 j American Tobacco, com. . AmericanTobacoo. pfd.. 93 j Anaconda Copper. 404 I Atlantic Coaat line. ... 113 • ! Baltimore and Ohio. 1054 1044 t : Brooklyn Rapid Tranait. 764 77 ! Chesapeake and Ohio. j Chtcafo Omit Weetera. CkJe-MH. and St, Paul. i Chi. and North wax am. C. O. W.. pfd. Central Leather.. Colorado Fuel and Iron.. Colorado and Southern. I Colo, and Sooth.. IX pfd. j Col. and South., Id pfd. I CooaoBdatad Qaa. ! Delaware and Hudeoa. | Denver aad Rio G, rota. i Denver and Rio G., pfd... Diatillera' Sao. Cor.. ! Erie. | Erie, lat pfd...... { Erie. 2d pfd. General Electric.... 1 Great Northern, pfd, Great North. Ore. CUe.......... j lUirwie Central. I lot. Metropolitan. | fat. Metropolitan, pfd.......... i In*. Mar. Marine, com.. | I at. Mer. Marine, pfd. I International Paper. j International Paper, pfd. 1 Kanaea City So., ooaa. Kanina City So., pfd... Louieville aad NaehviUe. i Manhattan... Metro. Street Railway... Mo.. Kan.andTene.4.... Mo.. Kan. and Tame, pM. .. Mleaouri Paatfie................ NhJioral lend... Near York Central./.. N. V. Oat aad Weetera. Norfolk and Weeteru. Jt.... Northnra Pneifie.. Pacific Mail................... tl*» St 74 m litH 2514 1*94 2#*» 44 1814 48 7»H 2414 1234 1444 45 H It 1114 S3 71 70 11814 162 3114 70 28 254 44 1254 144 1*8 544 128 184 4S»4 t 184 11 49 29 4 814 143 111 >3 MK 1134 8714 USX 33 814 83 MM 1134 404 •7.4 11*4 *74 msh People'* Gu. Preseed Steel C*r. Preseed Steel Cer, pld.. Rwy. Steel Spring, oom. Heeding. Republic Iron and Steel. Republic I. end 8„ pld. Rock Ulead. Rock Island, pld. Skee-Sheffield. ........ Southern Peclflo. Southern Railway. Southern Railway, pld. Teaneeeee Copper. Texas Pacific. Union Pacific. United State* Rubber.. United Statee Steel United States Steel, pld Va.-C*r. Chemical. Va.-Car. Chemical, pld. Wabash. Wabash, pld. Western Union. 1M34 S5H 94 • :e lit 34 144J4 3134 MM *154 UN 67 H S3 115H 11534 S3 H S*H 24 23 168H 16644 34H 7134 UN USN 113 58 87H 121 18 1744 S9H »#H 61 I! II RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond, Va.. Aug. 20. 1910 _STATE. SECERUhSSr B+dw Awirw*. North Carolina, ta. c. 191.. Va. 3a. Old C. and R.. 1138 15 Va. Centuries 2-3. C. and R„ 1901 . I5V4 ... CITY SECURITIES Manchester City .. Richmond City. 4a. R. 1910 1930 . Richmond City 4s CAR. 1938-1943 . RAILROAD BONDS. A. C. L R. R. Con. Tr. 4p. c A. C. U Ctfa. Ind. C and O. 444s.. 102 On. Pac. 1st. Y C.. 1922. .112 Georgla Sou. aid Fla. 1945 105 Ga. Ala. Con. he. 1945- 103 Norfolk and West. Ry 4s. 1991 97 Nor. and Weet Poca 4s. 1944... Rich, and Dan. Qold (a. C.. 1915 105 Seaboard Air Line. 4s. 1950 8! Seaboard Adjustment, 8s... 19 So Ry. 1st 5s. 1994.104 So. R. Rev. U M. 4s. 19*4 ... Western N. C.. let fs. C. 1914 305 STREET RAILWAY BONDS. I Norfolk Ry. A L Co. 5e 1949 . Va. Ry. * P. Co. 5s. 1934 STREET RY. STOCKS. Par Bid AskeC Norfolk Ry. A P. Co.. 35 ... Va. Ry. * P- Co pfdNIOO . j Va. Ry- * P CO com . 100 24 RAILROAD STOCKS Par. | Atlanta and Charlote. . 100 . 'Allan. Coast Line, com.100 11* i A. C. L of Conn.100 j C. and 0.100 Nor. and West., com... 100 R. F. A P Dlv Oblig.100 Southern Railway, pfd.100 Southern Railway, pfd.160 Southern Railway, com. 100 | BANK AND TRUST CO. STOCKS American National . v,_. 100 J90 ... iBroad Street Bank .... 15 45 Bank of Richmond.... 100. Bank of Com'r and Tr 100. : Capitol Savings Bank.. 20 29 I First National . 100 800 i .Merchants National ....loo 050 National Bank of Va .lOO 179 Na. State and City Bank 100 170 Petersburg Sav. and Ins 20 ... Planters National.100 910 Savings Bank of Htch’d 50 93 Union Bank of Rlch’d.,50 ... Virginia Trust Co.100 110 INSURANCE COMPANIES Va. Fire and Marine... 15 ... Virginia State . 25 MISCELLANEOUS ; Amur. Do. pref. ... 10* Amer, Lo. Pref. . }®3 Amer. Loco., tfd . 103 Va.-Car. Che* com .100 ... i Am. Tob. 4p. ct. bond*. Am. Tob. 6 p. ct. bonds..98 ... 6a 183* . 10« ••• Va.-Car. Chhm pref *po 100 119 i Va.-Car. Cham., com...100 6744 Va. Car. Chem. let m 5'a 19** .100 ... SALES *2 She. National Bank of Va 74 07 64 64 4s 22 310 18» Vi 99 19 superintendent Killed WADE8BORO. N. C. Aug. 20. B. R. Singleton, in charge of eonetruc : lion work on tho dam at Blewltt Fall ; Hydro electric poavr. plant, fell fror L the rcaftolrt yegt* rilay afternoon an ! waa fataPy. Injured He died In thre hours. He has k -wife and thre I children. At Ocean View. Misses Jennte McCurdy and JLilllai Brewer, both of Brook land Park, ar guest* at the Caaon cottage at Oeeai View. They will remain at the bead jyo weak*.-- -.rut BEAR COVERING Cotton Afarket Rather Xerroua With Rather Unusual Fluctua. j tion in Prices. NEW YORK. Aug. 20.—Nervousneee over the August situation seemed to j outweigh disappointing cables, and re- \ ports of showers in Texas at the open- ; ing of the cotton market. After start- | Ing steady, unchanged to S points j higher, the market sold to a net ad- | vance of about 7 to 10 points on active months, while ugust advanced to $16.ds on covering by Wall Street shorts. Cotton prices: August, 316.86; Sep tember. $14.16: October, $1S.4»®13.50; November. $13.43: December. $13.43® 13.44; January, $13.43@13.44; March, $13.48313.50; May. $13.61013.81. NURSE HONORED : BY VIST CROWD __ _• Funeral i* Simple, But Many Assemble to Pav Re spects. LONDON'. August 20.—Although London to-day respected the dying wish ,of Florence Nightingale, the "angel of the Crimea," for a simple funeral, It would not be denied the opportunity of showing honor to her memory, and a notable gathering of 1 6,000 tilled St. Paul's for a memorial ; i service. { ■ ■'_ ■ -: ...1 ! In the' great throng that crowded f ’ the old Cathedral were United States j Ambassador Retd, cabinet members, i ' officers of the Crimean regiments, in ! whose service the famous nurse won undying fame; representatives of the king and queen and queen mother, survivors of the Crimean war, 1,000 nurses and Canons Newbolt ad Alex ander. The Cold Stream Ouards band ’ played during the service. It was one of the most impressive services ever held In England. The burial of Miss Nightingale took place at West Wsllo this afternoon '1 and was conducted with the utmost 9 simplicity. Only relatives and close } > friends were In attendance. The Rev. 1 8. M. Watson conducted the funeral. 9 The body waa removed from the late 9 home in Park Lane at 10:SO this morning without official ceremonial. Only a modest proceaaloi^of, carriages followed the body to West Wello. \ __ i . * Bank f 13 North Ninth Stroot. BRANCHES: 4 Fast Broad Street. Twenty-fifth and Broad Sta. Williamsburg Are., Fulton. . Actiro busineea account* eoli* STUART AVENUE HOUSE rill buy thia up-to-date dwelling, ill modern improvement*. P< September 1st, 1910. A bargain. JOHN W. BATES, No. 20 North Eighth St uf Sam Nesbitt, Jr., a prominent: estate dealer, was run down street car yeeterdajr and so badly lured that aha died at a hospital f hours afterwards. Woman Leave** England for ( tral Africa to Put Stone on Grave. LONDON'. Aug. 20.—A journey, England to Central Africa may erect a marble, cross on i>f her dead lover, was .begun i Miss Macleod, aaucbter of Sir 1 Macleod. under secretary for Miss Masleod’s Hence was "' Boyd Alexander, who by a native near At Alexander’s body we burled at malfoal a Lake Chad. Miss Maoleod’s seven months and . compllshed by a. will travel Nicer riser