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MONUMENT ANNEX ZScSmbTH C3 O □ D □ "innn Monument Annex—In the West End oc DO V* I . For yefrs the city ha?rFeen1 nearing Monument Annex. The property has been coming to its own—in a few more months it will flash up to tne usual city prices. 1 he idea to place it on sale before the final great raise came, in order that the people might reap the dividends, was a winner^ 1 ortunes are first thought out and then wrought out. You have been thinking—now act—grasp your opportunity by going with our * salesman in automobile to property to-morrow. m BLANTON & CO., Sales Agents, 1110 E. Main Street PLENTY OF FRUIT M OLD PATRICK p* Apples. Reaches ami I’ears Abuivl ant in TIibi Section This Year. jSKW SCHOOL FOR S'J V ART W$.: 1 mid Being Raised for Modern and Well Equipped Building. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EIaAMSVILI.K, VA., Aug. 20.—Kav - tug the very large crops of fruit in this county is engaging the attention of our people Apples, peaches, pears, etc., are quite plentiful. Une man on Shoot ing creek has a field of several hun dred pear trees, which are Just begin ning to bear. The outlook for a lair crop of corn and peas is more favor able simp the recent rains. Agricultural addresses were made in the county recently which ga\e much and benefit tal advice upon the subject of agriculture in its various de partments. Messrs. J. H. Sims and J. W. Bro gan both received painful injuries re cently. Mr. Sims broke an arm that had been broken twice before, and Mr. Brogan sprained his ankle so that he could not walk. Mr. Brown, of Fayer daie, after spending some time at the Patrick Springs, t ame home last week very much improved of his nervous trouble that has affected him for sev ■ara.l months Kevival services are being held by the various pastors of the county, which are reuniting in the addition of a number of persons to the different churches Mr. T. 1- Boss, who has been doing j a small dairying business near here for some time, will leave for (leorgla ! the first of next month to superintend | a large dairy. His brother, li. H : Boss, will take charge of his liusi- j ness for the present. .Stuart, the county seat of Patrick, end the community around it is sub- ■ scribing a large sum of money to build , a schoolhouse in the town. Mr. M. II. Akers is building a large I store at Buffalo Ridge, where he Is now doing a large mercantile busl- 1 ness. j Politics is rather quiet in the eoun- ! ty, but the speeehes that will soon be ■ made throughout the county will no doubt arouse the voters, and a large : V"te will be given when the day ar- I lives. NEGRO THIEF IS it; T ID ICT Urotjprynian <Him N \era) Squares and Then I’oi H'C men (jot Him. ■Robert tidings. u j.gru who has •'Mn working in an undertaking establishment, 1* now in jail and the ‘harg» against lilm c <>r attempting to burglariously enter the store of i Mr. G<*o rg- W Goode, 3520 i'iiist Broad street. The negro was arrested at 1.30 :rn>d«' k (Saturday morning by Polio- I tnen Jordan and Toots u ho searched for him from . arly in the evening.! Be was finwllv captured in his home, I . AUi Js'orth 25Th. jsireet Mr. Goode's store had been broken! Into several times and his . ash r.-gis-l ter robbed. Twice he had missed I groceries from the store and had told i the police to be on the lookout for j the thieves. Friday night the proprietor played detective himself and after closing the store made himself a bed on the' floor and waited until the robber ap ixared. Goings, the negro now in Jail, came to the rear window shortly utter seven o'clock arid tried to pry open the shutters. Finding that he could 1 not unloose the clasp he succeeded In raising the window and with a long! hooked Wire was pulling article* from i gliding when Mr. Goode raised I an objection. Rushing out through a side door' ;<h* groteryman tried to catch the i (thief, but Goings was too swift of toot and escaped after a chase that ■' .■ v :.e.d \ wants Fon SALK. BATH ROOM AND KITCHEN COM fort make a comfortable summer a' home; we can supply you with at these comforts, we are selling tin Detroit Jewel Gas Range and othei standard makes of Gas Rangfs, Do troit Jewel Heatera for hot water lr your bath room and all those Inex pensive appliances for bath and kit I chon VA PLUMBING .V HE ATEN tj CO., 26 N. Ninth street. FOR SALE—PART CASH, BALANCE monthly installments, one of the driest dxturod, best stocked ami handsomest drug store in the en tire South, now doing a paying business, being comparatively * a new etore and trade increasing dally in a business and family trade section, second to none other buslnes that must have owner's personal and constant nt attentlon, cause of selling a splcn j did chance for a druggist or one with capital to Invest that will ! employ druggist to manage .Store on the best street and best neigh borhood in Richmond. Address D 27, care Richmond Virginian WE ARE OFFERING UNUSUAL LOW prices on our line of Ranges, Mantels and tiling; now is the time to save money if you are Interested. VA PLUMBING & HEATING CO., 26 ,V Ninth street FOR HALE SECOND nAND p, MU, carriage, good condition cheap to quick buyer. Can be seen at 1205 w . Cary street. lasted for fifteen minutes and cover ed many squares of ground in the suburbs I he police were then noti fied and Goings wa* caught by of ficers Jordan and Toots in the early morning. He asked for a continuance "hen arraigned in police court and this was granted until Tuesday. EH TICKET WHS LOGHTEO AipI ( aptain McMahon .Deserved tin- ('igars for I he Trouble He Had in Making a Search. Captain of Detective T. J. McMahon i in the absence of any one else In I headquarters, answered a call from j No- I(J02 East Clay street, Saturday morning and Is richer l>v three! activity. twenty-five cents < igars because of his •Mr. Herman Ghoison, of Chicago, | reported that he had ..lost a round trip excursion ticket valued at *50 and was certain some thief had stolen it. t aptain McMahon made a thor ough search and found the ticket ill the coat pocket of Mr. Ghoison. He was rewarded with, the ctgars. "And that's the way many of those robberies occur” said Captain Mc Mahon. “People misplace articles or lose them and then say a robber has ! been at work.” • KIRKI.AXI) GROVE MEETING BEGINS I I UEATH8VIL1LE, VA„ Auk 20.— Thf> last of the Northern Neck camp meetings. Kirkland Grove. situated about two miles from here • in a grove of oaks and hickory, began yesterday under the most favorable conditions to last 10 days. 1’rs. John Ttoach Straton, of Sev enth Baptist Church. aBltimore, and George W. McDaniel, pastor of First Baptist Church, Richmond, will do nil of the preaching during the week The singing will be led by Dr. Adkins The first service of the encampment wa® held at 8 o’clock tonight. The meeting is in charge of Dr. Herbert h. Driscoll, pastor of Cua.ii nnd i'atrflelds Baptist Churches, The preachers of the Neck will he in at tendance, and a number of visitors from Baltimore. Washington and Other Cities will be on the grounds during the week. September 1st will mark the closing if the season of revival metalngs held n Northumberland county. August s usually devoted to the holding of hese meetings, at which time the armors are usually at leisure. Dur ng the season scores of visitors from he cities are in the country . The revival meetings at the various hurches In the county have been argely attended this summer, and the Tieetlngs have been the most sue essfnl in many years. HELP. TOU DESIRE A stenographer, I typewriter, or help of any kind, use The Richmond Virginias want lira | t Wants j HELP W % NTEI)—FEMALE. \ wa—avt girls to make paper boxes. Begin ners paid while learning. Steady i employment, light clean work anc good wages. Apply to TH1) DAN I lx >LPH P A 1 I: It Box. < •( > . Moss St. POSITION \\ A\TKI>—FEM \LE. WANTED—FAMILY WASHING A'J home, or work by the day. 906 Abi gail street tend of Ninth street) Richmond, Ya. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS POSITION us nurse. 904 St. Peter Street. I WANTED—FAMILY WASHING. 6IS | North Prentiss Street. WANTED—DAYS WORK. APPLY ■ No. 9 North Llndcrn street W ANTfiD F A MIL Y w a SHI NO AT home. 809 1-2 North Sixth street. f young woman desires position n.s stenographer. Capable, some ex . perlence. good reference. 1119 N. Twenty - first s treet. W ANTED—TYPEWRITING TO DO at home; rapid writer. Hates rea sonable. f’hon*1 Madison 351T-D \V A N T E D— PCS ITIO N AS TEACHER or governess by a college graduate, 22 years of age, holding a first grade certificate, best of references fur nished on application. Address M. VIOLA LEPTON, No. 276 North Franklin Street. Washington, Pa. WANTED—BY YOUNG LADY. t»OSI tion to teach in graded or high school. Certificate and testimonials Adflress MISS A^ care Postmaster. North View. Va. J A Y(>ENG LAD Y WITH-T WO Y LA US successful experience in teaching, and holding first grade certificate, wishes position in a graded or one roorn school state salary. Address MISS L. Iv; care Postmaster. Ran soms. Buckingham county, Va WANTED-- A POSITION TO TE A< ’i 1 in a private school leatin, music, mat hematic# and all English branches, good references. Address MLCS dkr-- wre-FeetmftHtei) -R,—F»--Ur No. 5, Trevilian, Ya. A YOUNG"" I.ADY OF KX VEl11 ENCE desires a position to teach in pri vate family; can teach the usual English branches and instrumental music. Address MISS X.. care Post master. Rodophll, Ya. YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES POSITION as stenographer. Capable, some er. perlence. good reference. 1119 N Twenty-first street. P< >KITU )N W A NT ED A S COOK 1N some good family. 808 East Leigh. POSITION \\ tMTU—MALE. ler. waiter or useful man Address ED. MILLER, care Richmond Vir ginian. EXPERIENCED < HAUFFEUR DID sires position careful driver own re pairs. Address M. E. J , 1800 WeU Jadgh Street. EX PERIF.NCED, 11RACTICAL, UP-TCL date farmer wants position as man ager. improving wornout land thor oughly understood, stock raising, general farming and trucking, eight- j years In one place Reference from same for ability, character, etc. T. H. KAKECKSOX, Btevenavllle, Md W A N rl ’ E t> B Y A YOLN G M AN O I*’ good habits, and no cigarette smok er. a position as stenographer or bookkeeper, or both combined. Ad dress E. E. D., care Richmond Vir ginian. W A NTEixUpOHITION.AS GR(X-ER ' salesman; write for experience and references. R. F. D. No. 2, BOX 44, Wallace, X C. P RINT E R ■■ - G E N E i t A L N E WBP A PE R and “ad." man—open for Job, can eorno at once. Address E. W. F.r 710 Washington street. Portsmouth, Ya A A NT ED BY^GRADl ATE IN~MlJSic at Kandolph-Alacon. a position to tench piano, best of references. Ad dress BOX 102, Amherst, Ya ft*ANTED BY A FIRST GRADE VIR ginia teacher of several years' ex perience. a positioin in public or pri vate school; Latin and music. Ad dr**.* V. care Postmaster, Poplar 11111, Ya, I A A NT K f> - ~ A YOU NQ~MA N OkI K\N j eval years’ experience as trained ! nurse is open for engagement for an | JmLflnate time. Can handle any! kind of. case. Address G-9^. care.I Richmond Virginian. IA ItltlF.D MAN WANTS WORK OK J any kind belt lat er, rose grower j and gurdner by trade. Call or write i F STANFIELD. 605 East Main St. j PR1NTE n —aENER A1, NEffgPAPE It and ‘'ad.” man—open for Job; can ) eome at once. Address E. w. K 710 Washington Street, Portsmouth, I Va. VANTKD—HV YOUNG MARRIED man situation as manager on farm experienced; can' Klve references. Ad dress MANAGER. 1210 North Nine teenth. I ANTED-— ALL- lt( It Nil PRINTER wants position at onee will yo any where; married. All referenees Ad dress HOWARD SHACKELFORD.. 1401 Ashland Street, City iiFNG ’’COLORED Hoy is YEAHH old wants position a.- butler or wait er Address CARLISLE SPENCER,I care Richmond Viramian DUNG MAN i 9 VK A RS OI.b~WAfPtS position; references furnished. Ad dress #01 West Cary street. J, I F L Wants Wants Want Ad. Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. i RKAL ESTATE FOR * VI. i wioi a\7> Home hargainb. 17 ACRES—A NICE LOCATION, with buildings and orchard; dose to Ashland. Price, $1,200. 80 ACRES, DWELLING IN GROVE, running water, valuable wood and timber growth, ten miles to Rich mond by good road, one mile to electric line. $2,800. 150 ACRES. WITH BRICK DWELL mg and valuable outbuildings, im provements worth more than is be ing asked for the property. $5,000. PROPERTY FOR RENT AT ASH land and homes for sale from $750 up. Wo are on the grounds; we know the values of property between Richmond and Washington. FRANK H. COX CO., INC., Ashland, Va. DO TOC OWN voril HOME? OCR plan of loaning money will enable you to be freed from landlords and become a home owner. $7.50 pet month, plus . [,er cent Interest, on yearly, pays for a $1.00u home in 10 1-2 years, but you can pay In full at any time, thereby stopping further Interest. Write or call on J. W. PONDER, 34-38 Cham ber Commerce liulldtng, Richmond. Va. Phone Monroe 580. FOR SALE—NICE 3-ROOM COTTAGE with acre and quarter of land. Shade, water, etc., at railroad station, 21 miles from Richmond, or exchange for city property. OWNER, Mosley's Junction, Va. MIM KOJ NKOllS. " Stop: i oc>kTvFthimc JOHN LA TOUtTIE, JR- NEW PLACE.] 417 W. Main; Monroe 1452; French I and steam cleaning; ladles princess) and dresses leaned $1.50; pleated skirts French cleaned, 75 cents, i plain, 60c.. gloves cleaned, any: length 10 cents per pair, gent's suits dry cleaned, 50c, French cleaned $1.00 reduction in all work. CLEAN IN<« V\1J PRESSING. GO TO THE BEST PLACE IN THE West Find, when you want, your clothes cleaned and pressed: all work guaranteed lirst class. J. R. BERK LEY. JR- 316 W. Main street. Phone Monroe 133. NEWMAN'* I MilRELLER STORK, Sib j E. 1111“ ad STREET. WE RECOVER UMBRELLAS AND! make them like new for very rea- . amiable prices, we have covers in cotton gloria, s 1 IVc taffeta and serge : silk* in black and colored. We do I expert repairing If your umbrella i is 1n had ehape come to see u», we will treat you rl^ht. Phone Monroe 2109. IUMAN H A lit BOUGHT AND SOLD at Hughe s, 209 N. Third street. FUHA1TI IIE AMU CHINA PACKINgT HJRNITURK. ' HINA AND WEDDING presents packed and shipped with ears. Estimates -cheerfully given. JACOB IMBUE, 706 West Main Street. Phone Madison 3292. - l.EE’1. LEANING AND PRESSING: PHONE Madison 3736, 202 North Fifth street; ladles' work a specialty. St HR KM r—213 NORTH FIFTH. MBRELLAS COVERED AND RE ’ ' paired; expert work; SCHKEMP, The Umbrella Man F<»H SACK. fpcrrm-Tr b wrnssssntxNrao*? £or,,Vh® •s’,,nmer; that meani good health —- - - - - health, we employ experts In this VA PLUMBING & HEATING CO.. N Ninth street OR WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON Brook avenue. OW PRICES ON ALL P.ANGE8; SEE us now while the prices are low. all standard makes, which means a great mV.uS.eS you F*nt repair. VA. E ;l.^B Nr\ 4 HKATINQ Co., 21 N. Math street SPECIAL NOTICE. SPECIAL TO LADIES* TAILORS. "K. „G1VE instructions AND YOU TO MAKE A FIRST charge m the latest im JI.RO'.f-MENT. STOP DOING THE }'VJ!K IN THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY. LOSING TIME AND WoHKV (J'OJOl K CUSTOMERS WITH SO many fittings, by using the GOLDSTEIN BUST FORM, WHICH ! ?4V£S-^,ATE,UAU LABOR ANDi r.NNEf ESSAHY FITTINGS AND I SKLESS PADDING, YOU CAN Tl RN OUT A BETTER CARMEN i I-OR LESS MONEY AND MAKE -MORE PROFIT. BELOW IS A LET •™K FROM ONE OF MY CUSTOM-, E1;\’; srrT WAS MADE BY I ■HE BIST FORM AND WITHOUT A FITT1NG. CLAYTON, N C„ AUGUST 12. 1910 MTU M. GOLDSTEIN, , RICHMOND, VA.: dear sir the suit received, tt is1 elegant and FITS BE AUT1FUL ->JHS. H—— IS MUCH pleas ed W ITH IT I AM GLAD TO IN WITll' rHECK FOR »*5-00 HERE WITH BEST WISHES, I AM yours truly. LADIES DON’T NEGLECT TOUR HAIR , complexion and nails when you can 1 wot-R Gone at reduced prices.! _ QL 1- Broad street, upstairs. LADIES. BY PLACING THE ORDER FOR YOUR FALL ANI > VVINI Eli ■ SUIT. REQUIRE FROM YOUR TAIL OR A STYLISH SUIT. WITH THE STRAIGHT LINES AND SOFT KF vnr1n1J’,»“VrHK NEW YORK ^,ND PARS!AN TAILORS AT THIS! I AM THE TAILOR WHO I KNOW SHOW TO GIVE YOU A SLIT AFTER THIS ORDER, AS i Ji^X^RAL OF MY CUSTOMERS CAN ! TESTIFY FOR WHOM 1 HAVE MADE SUITS SINCE 1 RETURNED FROM INSPECTING MODELS MADE BY SEVERAL OS' THE LEADING TAILORS OF THE above men tioned CITIES. II. LEWIS LA-i DIES’ TAILOR. 202 NORTH FIRST STREET. RHONE MONROE 2580. SPECIAL NOTICE—IF YOU NEED rubber tiros, 1 am still putting them on at the old price as I bought a good lot of rubber before the price of rubber advanced, so get busy and take advantage of tills. AddIv tn B. C Bristow's, No. 11. 13. IS, North Eighteenth street. SPECIAL PRICES—ON HANDSOME rooms if taken this month—Private family, five Minutes walk to Broad and Main Streets Rustness people investigate. 809 N. 10th street. iE VEIAL T RUN KB OF D RUMMERS’ sample trousers; special bargains; high-grade gods; bought cheap; sold same way. N. F. JACOBS & SON Ninth, near Broad street. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF TREAT tng and curing nervous and stomach troubles; Mental Scientist; references. 8u» East Clay street Richmond. SHOE REPAIRING. dies, 60c; children’s, 40c and up. Every pair sewed. DREW’S 'elE'‘ TR1C SHOE FACTORY. 716 East Main street. I^one Monroe 2867. _Bi:_SI\rc.«*S OPPORTIMTIKS, drummers' samples of hijfh-claas trousers presents itself now; we got ^em cheap—*o can you; but be quick. N. F JACOBS & SON, Ninth, near Broad street. N __ HAIM TONIC. son s Hair Tonic will do all that we claim for It we could not afford to guarantee It. Price. 50e HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. decorating and signs, cal! on Wil llsma.UaB-Uf iv ejr nr n_■ __ • I _ * ° , ,v* v*l| V/II if 11* liams-Hewitt Co.. 305 W. Broad street. TST.* guaranteed. Phone. Madi son 1875. Wanted, F or First-Class Tenats, three eight or nine-room dwellings on west grace STREET OR PARK AVENGE. MUST HAVE ALL IMPROVEMENTS, (HOT WATER HEAT PREFERRED TO STEAM.) J. A. Connelly & Co. ’Phone Madison 3361 and 3362. V. W-10-19. It Do You Want to Sell Your Home? Now Is the time to list it with us. We have practically sold our old list out, and we want a new one. Attend to this now. E. A. Gatlin Sc Company, ,, 16 North ijRhth Street. Sales Dept. HENRY 5 HUTZLER&CO BANKERS SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE IN ALL LINES OF GENERAL BANKING. interest allowed ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Wants 300MS FOB REVT. A'ANTED—BY YOUNG MARRIED couple. one or two room*. furnished or unfurnished; In good location, with private family, would prefer to get with some old or settled cou ple. and would like to hoard witn family, If possible Address 0-21, care Virginian. _flit* 71S K Marshall Street. WANTED—A COUPLE OR TWO* young: men to occupy nicely fur nished room, heated in the winter; ; also hot and cold water In the room, I and next to bathroom. 2305 X. ! _Street, or phone Madison 7294. for rent—flat of three rooms, gas, water and hath, second floor, 3413 East Marshall Street, overlolling Chimborazo Park. 38 per month. Apply after 6 o'clock P. M. FOR RENT—VERY DESIRABLE room*, with or without board, by i 1st of September. Everything flrst cla»s. Gentlemen preferred. Apply 402 East Main. 914 EAST CLAY—NEWLY FURNISH ed or unfurnished rooms; special i summer rates; phone Madison 221KU; bath; home comforts. FOR RENT—UPPER FLAT OF1 three rooms, hack porch and private, bath. 2602 East Frinklln Street. ' FOR RENT—TWO NICELY FURNISH ed front rooms, second floor, NOS I _North Seventh Street. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OK without board; nice quarters; big, airy rooms. Apply N. NIELSON, 212 South Fifth Street. FOR RENT—DESIRABLE' 3-ROOM _nat, unfurnished. Ill E. Clay. FOR RENT—FROM SEPTEMBER T | two unfurnished rooms and bath, with light and heat; on third floor; corner laurel and Floyd, fronting -''hnroe Park. Address J 623, care The Virginian. JICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; HOME comforts. 14 North Sixth, between Franklin and Main. Rrn rent; two or threSTlabuk rooms and small, room; excellent lo 1J^‘tloni^_Phonei_Madl*on_76i49-ji^___ . WfllNlCM WANTS. ■ ~ j WANTED—MEN TO BUT AN EXCBL lent line of drummers' sample trou sers; several trunks lust opened; all high-grade; bought cheap: to be sold for a aosg. N. F. JACOBS * SON. Ninth, near BnonA street. 203 East Canal REDUCED RENT Ramsay & Co. FOR SALE Ten Per Cent. Investment SOUTH THIRD STREET. NEAR MAIN* No bet (it investment on the market. Let ns show it to you Monday. BROOKE, MONCURE A CARTER, _Eighth and Franklin Streets. FOR SALE, CHEAP Church Hill residence, in excellent condition. Deep lot. One hhoek from car line. In one of the best locations. Owner is leaving city and will sell at a sacrifice. You will have to act quick E. A. CATLIN A CO., _16 North Eighth Street. FOR RENT No. 1101 West Avenue Twelve rooms and all modern con veniences. _J. T. RAMSAY A CO. FOR SAXE Wo claim to have the cheapest Building Lots n this city. Just the site for those of united means—who mean to acquire a H)iue. * * EDWARD 8. ROSE COMPANTj Real Estate A Loans, * II North Eleventh gin*, '■ v*' i '• Aiu.-.'J . ..1 ■’ '• ' >•' *t\' .