Newspaper Page Text
ISM" 10S5 MUSTJSTDflW Tow<d iii bv Strainer— Fou r Wo men «n Bonril—(fo to N or folk. ENCAMPMENT MEETS Pinv of Young Folks Return From Long Trip After Visit ing Many Point*. 1RV1XOTON. Aug. 20.—The tailing fer— yacht "Brflpee' i f Norfolk, bound for Carter* Creek, i arrted her mart off rear the imuth of the Rappahannoc k Wednesday morning about two o'clock It_la a heavy wind. i» the breaking of the maat the bow-*prlt and r.ggln were carried wiv, and the boat and Er occupant* were left at the mercy c>f the sea After drifting sonic time ; anchor was <aet until neat morning. | when a fiehing steamer the ileo P Spulre*. picked them up and brought ----- them to Irvington tin hoard the "Bclljut" were four ladle* and five men. with two colored men as help. The boat was taken to the railway here for repair*, the ladle* returning to Norfolk the next night by steamer Yacht "Id.vlwile." of Portland. Me., tu run into a fsw day* ago by Tom Kellam. of W'eem* while in Rappa hannock. and her *tern damaged The recommendation of the light house Inspector that a light house be placed on Tarpley'a Bar. Rappa hannock river, was not concurred In by. the light-house board at the last meeting, and It was decided to light the point without delay by placing a combination bell and gas-light buoy before the winter *ete in to erect a Strong nine-pile beacon that will w-ith-*tand the drift of Ice This l* good new* to navigators In these waters aa they have been needing this light very much Any cease! draw ing four feet of water 1* liable to ground i Kirkland Oroy# encampment near Heathsville. opened Friday l>r John Roach Stratton, of Baltimore, and Dr George W McDaniel, of Richmond. *111 preach. I>r. Atkina, will have charge of the music. Miasaa Anne Elisabeth Ryland, of Richmond; Emily Puller. of West Point; Sally tlayle, of Norfolk: Jutla Palmer and Annie Shackelford, of Saluda: Nellie Jones and Ruth Mar ■ton, of I'rbanna: and Messrs. Mav n*rd Street, of Saluda: Earl Reger, of Warner. Newton Weaver. John Cpton. Cary Jones! Carroll Chownlng and Eddie Shackelford, of Crhanna. chap eroned by Meadame* W. C. Palmer and M. F. Smith, of Saluda, and Meredith Bonner, of I’rbanna. have raturnad to Frbanna from an estend ed crutae of the Chesapeake and Its tributaries. Stops were mad# at Reed villa. Tlmhf. Fleetnn. Baltimore. River View, Annapolis, Solomon’s Island, Johnstown. CrisSeld. Norfolk, Ocean Viva, old Point, and Atlantic City. SWITCH ENGINEER F.n’ered Main Line Without Or der*—Will Sup City for Loss. RAI.EIGH. N. C.. August 2d.—The body of Engineer John Smith, who was killed In the collision batween a swttch engine and a passenger train on the Norfolk Southern Thursday night, was buried In Oakwood ccmr y thia moTtrtTTg at 10 o’clock Fire FLOWERS for dances and theatre par ties, birthdays and weddings, flowers to cheer the sick and comfort those who mourn, may be ordered fresh from the florist at the last moment by the Bell telephone. The good* will be on the way btfort you could have reached the first store if you had gone in person. Bell service may be used in a myriad of ways that are just as helpful. Anyone, anywhere within its sphere of operation, has ample opportunity to appreciate this fact. Local and Long Distance Bell service is accessible to 20,000,000 people. SOUTHERN BELL TEL. ft TEL COMPANY OF VIRGINIA. UNIVERSAL SERVICE. REASONABLE RATES. "JUJLXJL1H.. m TR! The Richmond Virginian Cadi Award Contest THIS » ALLOT U GOOD FOR 3 CREDITS. for M. 4 Ditkiel No. Good for i CradiU tate* iwSt trimmed and filled out if tent to the Conteit Dofmrtmmt of The Richmond Virginia*, by mail or othtrenu, Mom expiration efimto. Kfi pood tfim Auyuet s?th, 1010 I I I r i i HAVE YOU READ THIS BOOK THE WINDOW ^ sithe WHITE CAT Jt !>fC. W ,VOV£i BY MARY ROBERTS RINEHART . Jbttkor of THE MAN IN LOWER TEN iLJfe* CIRCULAR STAIRCASE. WHEN A MAM MARRIES tfctf ! m* man Hod**, of the passenger train. ■ was buried yesterday afternoon. Tha corporation tom m last on ha!d an tnveatlfatlon of the oaun of the ■ oolltalon yesterday, and from tha tes timony it steams that Engineer Smith, of the twitch angina, watt responsible. According to the rule* tha K»lton an gina had no business on tha main line whan a passenger train was due to arrive, unless by order of tha dis patcher. It seams that Mr. Smith believed he could make the run to the siding before tha arrival of tha passenger. The trains mat about n iiuartar of a mile west of the siding, and Engineer Smith was instantly killed, his head being mashed to a pulp. Fireman Hodge, of the pas senger train. «i» caught between the engine and the tender, and so tightly was his legs pined that It took the hardest kind of work on 1he*part of the wrecking < rews to extricate him. which was done about three nours and a half after the wreck. Though his legs were crushed and roasted by the escaping steam, Hodge never lost consciousness, and directed the ret • cuers how to find the axes, saws, etc. finally by cutting away tha flesh of one lag he «u gotten free from the wreck, but died a* he reached tha hospital As he » as a member of the local military company, he was buried with military honor* Hank I “resell re. Forma! demand has been marie upon : the city bv an attorney for the tenants ‘of two houses destroyed by tire about two week# ago. asking for damages for the !“•». The principal grounds are the failure of the fire alarm system [to work and the .weak water pres sure This is only preliminary to the j commencement of an action for dBm. i ages. j Tha McKanna Three l>ay Whiskey Cure has moved its sanitarium from Reidsviile to this city and wilt open for the reception of patients new Wednesday One large H-room build ing and three cottages have been se cured and others will lie added if necessary. The cottages are sot aside for the hopeiesg drunkards that may be sent by the various municipal au thorities for free treatment. There has been considerable talk here about the sulolde of Mrs. George Steele, which occurred early Thurs 1 day morning She swallowed the 1 poiaon In the presence of her husband, j telling him that she was going to end her life, and that ho waited over fout 1 hour* before calling a physician. Th* I body of Mrs, Steele was carried to hei | old home In Roanoke. Va.. Thursday i night for burial. | 1 r i DR. POTTER MADE PR ESI DENT OP ORGANISTS’ ASSOCIATION The third annual convention of tli* National Association of Organists ol I the fnlted States."held at Ocean Grove N. J.. elected as president for the Stat« of Virginia. Mr. Ben J. Hotter, organist . of Monumental church, this cjtv, The National Association of Organ ists includes among its mambershii nearly all the leading organists o' America and has nearly fifteen htindref j jpembrrs ■ijuj.'tt-g.iia.1.' ...I'.-1-. . icn. jj»jb.j;.uu"b .i ii VOLUNTEERS HIKE EXCELLENT RECORD Officers Pleased With Gun Prac tice—Old Negro is Building j Church. | (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NORKOl.K. VA., Aug 20. - After ten ! days of real soldier life In camp at Fortress Monroe the 'ocal companies of niait artillery returned home yes terday They made an exc ellent show ing at the fort and the regular army officer* apeak of them in the highest j terms No. 1 Company made a new record for volunteer* tn hlg gun firing. The company made mo "hits" In len shots with a 10-inch gun. which wu* more j then c-tiher of the cither companies accomplished. , Adjutant-General W. W. Hale wit nessed the sham battle between the regulars and volunteers Wednesday and whs nl»o present at a drill He Is well pleased with the showing made 1 bv the State troops. Monty for Church. An agul darkey, who *aye hit name is Rfi William M. and who Bay* that he wag a servant of General Rob i eri E., is in Norfolk seeking finan cial aid to pay for a church In Cul peper county. The old darkey hag a paper show ing that all but J90 of the amount . necessary to rebuild his church, which was destroyed by fire, baa been sub scribed. Some of the leading men In the State have subscribed, according to tht paper. He says General Her gave him the ground on which he wil 1 erect hlg church. Rules to govern the congressional primary in Norfolk next Tuesday were adopted by the city Decocratlc execu tive committee last night. The plans arc considered the fairest ever decided upon for the conduct of a primary in this city and every objection of M' ssrs Maynard and Young was met. WILL PRODUCE DAM AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC Public Responds to Appeal oi Young Author from Masonic i • Home. I The fourt act comedy drama. "Rea ; trice of the Cumberland," written l>> ■George Roebuck, inmate of the Ma sonic Home, and to l>e given for the benefit of the latter Institution, will h« • produced In the Academy of Music, Instead of at the home, as was at Aral planned. The young author recently appealed to the public for subscriptions t < help defray the cost of the production, and ITielia* met with many responses. Hall} I rehearsals are now being conducted and the play will be ‘'the thing" or the night of September 29. The opening scene of the play Is as the title suggests, laid Iri the Cum berland mountains, where the youni author euent a year with his fathei . before the latter’* death. The plol 1 center* about Beatrice, the daughtei a mountaineer, and a Voung physi cian. Of course, these two fall ir love and in the end. after a geen riv alry between the physician and "Bill} field," a ward of the Masonic Home the curtain falls with everything aa li should be. , Part of the scenery of the play de poets the mountains. Two acts, how e\er. are laid In the Masonic Home The scenery Is being painted by Miss Inez Kendrick. CITY CHEMIST’S OFFICE VISITED BY THIEVES Parts of Valuable Coal Tost in; j Machine Stolen from City Hull. Thieves have been busy in the offici 1 of City Chemist J. M. Whitfield, In thi ! City Hall, and have stolen putts of < ! coal-testing machine. As a result, thi | machine, which coat several bundrei dollars, will be practically vvoighlesi i until the missing part* can be re placed. The theft was committed Priday af j ternoori while Dr. Whitfield was ab j sent. He bad Just finished setting uj the machine when he stepped out o his office for a few moments, and whet he returned he found that some oni had carried off several brass tips, sonu • gaskets and a spool of platinum wire Dr. Whitfield, think* that much . newsboy is 'responsible lot the tltef and that the missing articles will In found In th« shop of some junk dealcr Oi'bgaln NoammI. I The following delegates have beet appointed to the eighteenth annua convention of the National lrrlgstior Congress, w'hlch meets next month it Pueblo. Col.: John M Steck. Winchester! E. D Cole, Fredericksburg; Henry Harrtlsh Chesterfield; Charles E. Bolling. Rich mond; 1. E. Spatlg. Ijtwrencevllle; J (Jordon Bohannon. Surry; Paul 0gr rett. Deeshurg; R H. Bagby, Ports mouth: Jamer 1„ Davis. Bristol; W. M ; Ellis EiUston; E. W. Carpenter, Her ; rtsonhurg; J. C. Ceatherston. hooch burg; William Kltshugh. Cape Charles I- K. Dookahili. Roanoke; S. WHklm ' Matheks. Oak Hall SERVICES OF SPECIAL INTEREST IN THE RICHMOND CHURCHES First En*IUh Evangelical Lutheran church, Temporarily services arc being held in the chapel of Richmond Col lege. Sunday morning at 11 o’clock the service will be conducted by the Rev. E. C. Oronk, Southern aecre tary of the Lutheran Ltyman’t Move ment, of Columbia, S. C., aaslated by j the pastor, J, J. Scherer, Jr. Westminster Presbyterian church, ] Rev. James Y. Pair, D. t>.. pastor ; Preaching to-morrow at 11. A. M. and S IB P. M. by Rev James E. Cook, of Baltlmors. Sabbath school 1:30 A. M. Devotional service Wednesday 8:15 P. M. All welcome. At Centenary Methodist church, Rev. D. T. Merritt will preach at 11 A M At 8:15 P. M. Rev. J. N. Ulham. D. will preach. Subject, •'The Heroine as Mother." Asbury Place Methodist Eptscopsl church. Preaching at 11 A. M. by 'Rev. J. W. Wliealton. No service at night. Sunday-school at 9:80 A. M, In Broad-Street Methodist church, corner Tenth and Broad streets, the Rev. Joshua Hunter will preach Sun day morning at 11 o'clock, and at the | night service lor. James H. Moes, pas tor of Laurel-Street Methodist church, will preach. A cordial invitation is 1 extended the public to attend these j services. During this month at the Central V. M. C. A. young men's Sunday af i ternoon meetings, Robert E. Speer's hook. "Things That Make a Man," is j being discussed To-morrow after noon the chapter on Truth,” will he presented by one of the young men members of the association, t'harles S. Trueman, and the chapter on "Purity” by Dr. Allen V. Freeman. There will he an interesting song ser vice, and all young men are Invited. The meeting will open at 3:30 o’clock. There will be a special meeting for boys. In the boys' rooms of the Cen tral Y. M. C. A. to-morrow, Sunday, afternoon, at !:30 o'clock. The speaker will he Mr W. L. Austin, whom the boys delight to listen to. All boys are Invited to come, and to come In time for the song service. flitAAt lior.tJof rhnrrVi there wilt be preaching at 11 A. M. by the Rev. O. F. Gregory, P. P.. of Staunton, V». No iservlce at night. The Rev. George R Eager, It. D, of Pouisvtlle, Ky , will occupy the pulpit of the Grove Avenue Baptist church at the morning service, No service at night. At I.sure 1-Street church preaching at 11 o'clock by the pastor, I>r. James H Mon. and at * 15 by Rav. J. W. Whalton. Immanuel Baptist church. Fifth and I^eigh streets (Rev. B. Franklin Bryan, Ph. P„ pastor). Morning wor ship at 11 o'clock, at which Rav. Wll liain R. Burrell, pastor of Fairmount avenue Baptist church, will preach. The lord's Supper will be observed at this service. No services at night At the Woodland Heights Baptist church the Rev. 1' F. Crosland re turned missionary from Brasil, will speak Sunday morning, August *1. and the Rev- J. T. Watts, Baptist State Sunday-school secretary, will preach at night. Bat-vices at 11 A. M. and • :1ft P. U. _ Rev. J. M. Rowland will preach at West-End on Sunday at 11 o'clock; subject. "What the Lord Thinks ot the Christian's Death." Dr. W. Asbury Christian, the presiding elder, will preach at night Services will be held in First Church ot Christ, Scientist. Suncay morning at 11 o'clock. Subject ol sermon win be "Mind." Rev. William R. Proctor will preach In Trinity Methodist Episcopal church to-morrow at 11 A. M. and *:1B P. M. Evening subject, "The gentle men of God.” Professor William Forrsst. of Uni verelty of Virginia, will preach at Seventh-Street Christian church at 11 A M. Fairmount Avenue Methodist Epis copal church. R W. Hartness, pastor. Preaching at 11 A. M. and «:1S P M Morning subject:' "A Comparison.” Evening subject: "Burning the Devil's Books.” Sunday-school at 9:*0 A M. Adjutant John Gourlay. of Balti more. Md.. divisional secretary of the Salvation Army, will be in this city Saturday and Sunday, and will con duct spsclal services for the army. Saturday at 7:30 P. M. he will be at Seventh and Broad. Sunday-school st 10 A. M. Idlswood Park. 8 *0 and S P. M. The public is tnvltsd to all these meetings. An sll day holiness revlal will be held Sunday In the West-End Mis sion. *0* West Cary street. Services will begin with a sunrise prayer meet ing at 6 A. M 11 A. M , prayer, praise and testimony meeting Sermon, subject, holiness unto the Lord. Text Heb. 4- 9. There remalneth there fore a rest to the people of God. 8:30 P M. meeting for divine heeling 4 P. M. old time revival meeting. 8 P. M.. holiness revival. Come and bring your friends. These mission meet ings are attended by those of almost all denominations All are welcome. C. H. Gootee. of Preston. Md., will have charge of the services. At T P. M. on the corner at the city auditorium an open air gospel service will be held Sunday by some missionaries for the West End Holi ness Mission. Services st East End 1'nlon Gos pel Mission. No. 1102 North Twenty eighth street, Sunday afternoon at 3 P. M. Open air meeting at corner Twenty-eighth and 8 streets at 9 P. M , and at Venable and Mosby at 6 P. M These meetings are undenomi national and all churches are Invited to take part, especially In the open air services, which will be continued at different places during the week. The services usually held at Alliance Gospel Hall. 50f! West Broad street, will he conducted at the big tent, rnr I ner of Broad and Shafer streets, at ,3:30 and 9 P. M. Mr. William I Evans will be the speaker. A cordial invitation is extended to all for these closing meetings under the tent. Rev. W. J. Evan*, of the Missionary Alliance, will preach at the Soldiers' Home chapel st 11 A. M. Sunday. CHURCH HILL NEWS (News Item* intended (or title column maj be left In person at the Church Hill Bank, or ’phoned to Madluon Ittt.) | Miss Hazel Hobson, of 3407 East Clay street, left Thursday for & trip to White Sulphur. Ronceverts and Hinton. West Virginia. She will be absent from the city about two weeks. Mr. Floyd Hancock, an old Church Hill boy, who has made his home in the South since early manhood, is <>n a visit to friends and relatives on the hill. Mr. Hancock is now living In Mississippi. He is thoroughly enjoy ing his visit here, renewing acquaint ances of his boyhood days. Dr. George Barksdale, of Chimbo razo Park, who has been touring Eu | rope for several weeks, will remain abroad until the late fall Mr. Wingfield Baker, of Chimborazo - houhevard. has returned rrOTn afi Ex tended Western trip, part of the time being spent at Chicago in attendance I upon the Knight Templars convention. Mr. and Mrs. Dutrow. of 3508 East > Broad street, are spending several weeks at Highland Park. Mrs. F. A. Mallory, of North Twenty-fifth street, accompanied by her daughter. Mrs. Charles Strang, of East Broad street, left the city Thurs day for a trip to 'White Sulphur, Ron ceverte and Hinton, W. Va. Miss Pearl Armstrong, of Barton Heights, Is visiting friends on the hill. [ Miss Hattie Bryant, of 1*1* East Orace street. Is visiting relatives In Roanoke. Miss Lucille Baker, of S00 North Thirty-fourth street, if visiting in Newport News, the guest of her friend, Miss Alice Cooke, formerly of Rich mond. Miss May Edwards, of 411 North Twenty-fifth street, who has been vis iting In Warsaw- and In Northumber land county, has returned home. Mr. W. C- Saunders, of East Bread street, it very sick. Miss Alice Kirch, of North Thlrtv. i first street, is visiting friends and relative!) In . . Hiss Orace Luck is visiting relatives In Caroline county. Mrs. Keen and Mies Bertha Dickin son have returned to their home in Atlanta, Oa., after a pleasant vtalt to Mrs. O. J. Blocker, of East Marshall i street. Mies Alice Ooode, of East Broad street. Is visiting relatives In North ; Carolina. Miss Lucille Clarke is visiting rela | tlves In South Richmond, i Master Mervdn Origin has returned I from a pleasant visit to Amelia. SOUTHWEST RICHMOND Mr. Jo« Ladd and family Uft Frl i day for a ten day*' trip to Cincinnati, | Huntington and Clifton Forge. Mra. Settle J Harper, who haa been vialtlng her aister, Mra. E. T. Wash, has returned to her home In Louisa. Mr. and Mr*. Eubank. of 201 South Harrison, who have been vialtlng j friends In Augusta county, have re ! turned home Mra Ford continue* very sick at her home. 1*51 Taylor atreet. ' Mias Maggie Taylor, of Buckingham county, la visiting her brother, Mr. John Taylor. 120* Dance atreet. Miss Caroline Sparrow, of Laurel street, haa returned from Blue Ridge Summit, where she haa been with her • 1 aunt, Mra Grammar. Mr. Mike Harris left Friday for a trip to Huntington. Cincinnati and : Clifton Forge Mr. Joseph McGowan left Saturday 1 for a visit to relatives In Gordona ville and Baltimore. Mrs. Howie, who has been visiting her mother. Mrs. Pullen, of Spotsyl vania. ha* returned to her home on , | South Meadow. Mr*. Lloyd Jones end children, who have bees visiting relatives In Buck ingham county, has returned home. Mra. Harry Tucker l* quite sick at her home on Taylor atreet. -Misses Elisabeth and Agatha bolter- , ; ty, of Lynchburg, are the gueat* of their aunt, Mrs. Joseph C. Heindl. 2001 West Main street. j Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Woodson are : visiting relatives in Roanoke and Buckingham counties. Mr. Cleveland Morris, arm of Mra. j i A. y. Morris, til'd South Pin* street, j who was operated on Sunday at the William Byrd Hospital for appendl i cltle. Is critically 111. Mr. Edward Lambert, of Ml Botith ; First street, and Mis* Lawn* Shaw : were quietly married Wednesday, Au : gust 17. at the Laurel Street Metho dist parsonage, the Rev. James O. Moat being the officiating minister. ! Mr*. E. P. Wash left the city Sat urday. to be the guest of her mother, i Mr* Martha K Fleming, of Bum peas, i ! Louisa county. j 11. f Mr. Sidney H Betts, of IftM West j Main street, has recovered sufficiently from hi* recently received Injuries to be able to be out again. Mr. Emmett Fleming has returned home from a delightful visit to hU mother in Louisa county. Mr. Leonard Simpson Is visiting rel atives in Buckingham eeunty. Mr. T. Robertson and little daugh ter, Bessie, are visiting relatives is Farmvllla. Master Fred Robertson is visitins hie sister, Mrs. Nannie Robinson, el Nelson county. Fulton News News items mag ha left at Nel sen’s Furniture More, or phoned to Madison 4T4S. Mr. H. J. Mays, of Mobile, Ala., U visiting friends and relatives here. Hi la the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelsen of Williamsburg avenue, while in th« city. Mr. William Routten. of th# Agri cultural College, Mississippi, who hai been the guest of Mr. end Mrs. R. Nel sen. has left for hit home In Belli Haven. Miss Josle Roger*, of Nicholson street, ha's returned home, after a vlell to her sister, Mr#.- W. T. Creek more of Othnerton, V*;—z—* Mr. and Mrs. Bates Veughn. oi Philadelphia, hav* returned home, af ter a visit to Mr. end Mrs. Henry HH1 of Louisiana street. Miss Ida Bransford. who has been confined to her home by sickness, Ie able to be out. Fulton Hive, No. 1*. Ladles of thi Maccabees, will hold their rsgular re view In Nelson's Hall so Monday night. Mr*. 0. B. Maine*, of .Seventh street ha* returned (Tom a visit to friendi In Amelia county. Th# Junior Order Of United Ameri can Mechanics wll) meet In Nslssn'i Hall Monday nl»hti * John Bowden, tips little son cf Mr and Mrs. Richard Bowden, of Dennj street, continues very Me* with typhoid fever. Owing to t.he absence of the pastor, Rev. y. w. Bar gam In, the pulpit ol CASH PREMIUMS In addition to redaeaatnc nr' BIGNATUHER cut from YC -lOABTEIJ C01 PACKAGi aw tom and COUPONS bamrmy my vritten njnaturm in I. 1. I 1-S. I and S pound Tin Pnakanee nt tbo rnto ol eno cant por pund. I wUT pny In CASH •110.00 to tha coneumereturniMlnthe Inneat number of my WRITTEN SIG NATURES, or COUPONS btanna my wnum lipuwwi by January lot, 1911. VlBcfwA aPMPE^r VOlfNC*"* ■■molt LMCUnt#* tMMaoniiaoli - *- C. VOUH®** •fOVOUHOE* In- tying my PACK AC K ROASTED COFFEES, you <■«» raduct pour grocery tilt and get It* wi baat ealuet an <Ae market A trial win convince you. I pa ok all trader. Tha pric*• of my Cofleet will meet the vlewa of all eonamnara. Inlet on havinn YOUNGER'S COFFEE8 IN PACKAGES, bearing 1L. C. YOUNG ER'81 WRITTEN SIONATUREB and aave 10 to 15 per cent, in price* Batie faetion auamateed or money refunded. Younjera Coffoe onee tried, if properly prepared for the rup atwayi need. For eale by all dealer*. If your Mer chant cannot aupply you. 'phone or write me and 1 wiN give you the name of s mer chant, who win be glad to fumiah you any Coffeca. Return all SIGNATURES and COU PONS to LC.YOUNGER IMPORTER AND COPI !•!, IM VIRGIN!, PHONE MADISON J41 Denny Street church will be filled by i Rev. Mr. Pettigrew, of Manchester, on next Sunday. The "8cout»" of Denny Street church will meet In the 8unday*echoel room oo next Monday night. The moonlight excurelon (tlven by the Methodist Sunday school on Thure. 1 day night was a decided success, j Mrs. H P. Oarber. of 3»1* Wlltiam* j burg' avenue, entertained In her home | on Friday afternoon from 4 to * In ' honor of Mrs. W. P. Turner, of Roe well, New Mexico, The house was tastefully derogated with palms and cut flowers and’ehaded lights, the color scheme being white and yellow. The i favors were dainty little Japanese 1 fans, and delicious refreshment* were I served. DRAPER TO TWIRL FOR ROANOKE CLUB Antomobilists Pas? Through — Brings Mammoth Apple. Work of Lutheran Synod. ROANOKE. Aug. 20.— A letter from I Keystone. West Virginia, tells of a j great game pitched by Draper against Huntington. Draper has been signed by Roanoke for next season. Several weeks ago he had a try <>ut hers but his exhibition wa* not very classy Messrs. Perry Beattie and Martin Budges, of Greenville, 8. C\; W. 8. Augusto. of Richmond, and R Reverb Herbert, of Columbia. S. f\; arrived hera Wednesday in an automobile on thetr way to New York A party of automobile tourists has arrived here from Bluefleld after making the trip over a hundred mile* of mountains. They were Mr. O. I. McCulloch and family and Mr. R. M Garrett and family. In Wsst Vir ginia they found the roads rough, but i In Vtrginia they were fairly good. | From here they go to Natural Bridge, Lura.v. and other places. Mr. D. B. Ferguson, manager and vice-president of the Ferguson Or chard Company, whose orchard of thirteen thousand tree* t* at the base of Bent Mountain,* to town Friday bringing with him a Wolf river apple twenty-two ounces In weight and measuring eighteen Inches in cir cumference. 8. 8. Snow, s stranger, and J T. Banes, -a driver, h»+t fight Thursday night. Two of Kanes’ teeth were knocked out with a pop bottle and he received a bad cut on the side of his head. In court each w*a fined *10. Eight hundred and fifty excursion ists from Norfolk and Richmond who have been here this week, left here yesterday afternoon in two special trains. While here they seemed to have a good time and all expressed themselves as enjoying the trip. Is Acting Mayor, Tn the absence of Mayor Cutchtn, who haa gone to St. Paul to attend i (ties, Mr. J. H. Wtlkerson. president ■ of the board of aldermen. la acting a* I mayor. Major W. H. Law!a, superintendent I of motive power of the Norfolk A I Western, hsa returned from an ex> tended tour cf Europe. While abroad | he attended the International railway congress at Berne, Switzerland, as a delegate from the Norfolk & Western. At Friday’s session of the I.utheran j eynod of Southwest Virginia action j was taken strongly favoring the work i of the board of foreign missions. Report of the Res'. W. E. Hubhert, treasurer of the disabled ministers’ , fund showed $100 contributed by the ; synod. Bynod voted to continue the com mittee appointed several years ago to look Into a plan for organic union i with the Virginia conference of the ! Tennessee synod. A committee composed of the Reve. j C. K. Hunton, 3. 3. Scherer, and 3 j B. Crelner. was apolnted to prepare ; a suitable memorial to the memory of j the Rev. W. 8. McClanahan. This evening an address on educa tion will be delivered by the Rev. F. j v. N. Painter, of Roanoke college. MISS 80LLINS WILL WED MR. LAMBETH i { Wedding of Special Interest^ to Take Place at Bedford City During the Fall. i (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) | BEDFORD CITY, VA„ Aug. *0.— i Announcement has just bean made ’of i the engagement of Mr, Samuel Bom merfletd Lambeth. Jr„ and Mias Madge Walker Bolling, th* wedding to take place in the early fall. Mr. Lamheth Is a son of Rav. Dr. 0. Lambeth, of the Virginia conference, who has made his horns In Bedford for some 1 years. MM* Rolling la tbf attractive , daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Samuel M. j Bolling, formerly of Petersburg, the . it e direct descondent of Pocahontas# I and In some respects resembles the famous Indian princess. She Is u< ceedingly popular In Bstlford social circle*, with which shs has t»en prom inently identified since making her de but here several year* ago. Education and Tcmpentnoe. Mr. I-ambeth, though a lawyer by profession. enjoying a large practice, has taken an active interest in Bed ford educational matters for a num ber of years, and for the last several years has held the position of super intendent of schools. Before selecting Bedford as his res idence, Mr. Lambeth practiced law in Norfolk, and during the prohibition campaign in that city back in the 9i.*'s took a leading part tn the fight against the saloon. Mr. I aim bet h has also displayed great interest in the fight against tha grogshops in Bedford. The result of this fight is a well ordered dispensary, tthh-b brings much revenue to tha town, and at the same time places a healthy restriction upon overlndui gence and the operation of speak easies. The revnue from the dispen sary Is devoted to the uchools and tha atreet paving lund. Mts. Howard Uould. who is spend ing the summer at her magnificent country home near here, was a pleas ant visitor in town on Friday, ^h# was here on legal business. sympalii) With J-ady. Miss Mora Hurley, who clashed wiih the local authorities several days ago when they attempted to displace sev eral an* lent stepping stones in front ot her home prcpaiaiory to laying ce ment pavement, has recovered from on attack of nervous^ prostration re sulting from the incident. The sympa thies of many citizen*, were with Mist Hurley, and a number of them did not hesitate to strongly condemn the au thorities for placing the young lady under arrest and holding her in tha lock-up until the atones could !>• re moved and the pavement put down in front of her home I Harassed sham Battle. Ofllrers of the Firat Battalion. First Infantry. Friday night called official ly upon Major Ijtwrerto* T Price. Plans for the coming sham battle *>n J.abor l>ay at the State Fair Grounds w ere discussed. Those present includ ed Captains William C Herbert. Wil liam A. Stack and J H. Stone. First Lieutenant Luther T. Matthews. Sec ond Lieutenants Thomas E. Johnson, C. A. Had" and Harry V. Levering. Lieutenant i'harl-s D, Snead, battalion adjutant, and Lieutenant Alva B <v>u slns. battalion iiuartermaeter and com missary. Ur. I>e» a Candidate. sylvania county, bas announced hit in tention of coming out as a candidate for the Btate Senate from his district, opposing Mr. Richard C. I* Moncure, of Stafford. The incumbent. Senator Frederick Wllraer Sima, of Louisa, will not stand for re-election BUYING LOTS SURE THING People who buy Lota in Monument Annex are putting their money into a sure thin*. The growth of the city west ward is so fast that there returns are not only sure, but swift. Big profits await investors in Monument Annas lots. Call on Blanton it Company, 1110 East Main Street, far one or more of these choice investments. Bathing, Boating, Fishing. Stum-Cur rt* Cottages OceanVlew.Va. Beat location on the water front. Two connecting cottages with nice large room*, each room haa three window*. On oottage car line, ear will oton at the cottage. Only five minute* walk from the paviilion. Bath house in the yard. Electric lights and city water. Boat free to our patron*. Home comfort*. Term. NOTICE. Purmaat to tbo torwo of* eenote roll* torsi 'ruol Dooooit A*iwt»eot of OmmIw IStK, 190V. >». Bonk Soto A. Truot poooott A*r«ra«o of rwmbor IStK bottom toe Empire Cool Load CorperoUoo of Oowano * Troots. Truotoo, ond Jo ... Eo«or. wo wHl Mil for took ot public ouctioo oo tho Sawfegm viWA 3ft ot 13 o'clock M. tbo followiot oooumloo: ” as sev&avasrjx art.srtSr r~ ” ~ assj*c2» 8S?f.;,,'U . tho por Toloo of S1N.M oot*. glaie, of tho por rol»o *1 IIM.W ooch. BANK or OOMMUCE * TRUSTS. ,. w-wjr. t City Coal Company. PENNSYLVANIA , ^ANTHRACITE. VIRGINIA ANTHRACITE, St •PIANT, |4.M Contract Solicited. City Coal Company* Lombardy and Brood Btn , 39th and Dock Streets. -ft*-)*.**