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Social News From All Sections of Virginia Oxford (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) OXFORD, N. C., Aug. JO.—A very delightful social function was enjoyed at the hospitable home of Colonel and Mrs. R. O. Gregory, on North College street, when Miss Fannie Gregory en- [ tertalned by giving an afternoon I "bridge party” complimentary to Mr. , A. 8. Lanier, of Richmond, Va. The' guests were received by Mrs. T. Lanier j and Mlsa Janet Gregory, who served ; ginger ale and gave a charm of hospi- : tallty hy the)r welcome greetings. The ! game of bridge was unusually pleas- ! ant, and the refreshments, which were elegantly prepared and temptingly served, closed the entertainment, which waa one of genuine pleasure to all present, and the charm and win ning manners and pleasing cordiality Of Miss Gregory and her guests of honor Impressed all who had the good fortune to attend. Tuesday afternoon Miss Hixle ' AVhltc, the charming little daughter of j Dr. and Mrs. E. T. White, entertain- j ed a number of her friends at a porch | party In honor of Miss Mary Fisher Hunt, of Smlthfleld. N". C. A number , of progressive games were enjoyed, i and dainty and tempting refreshments were served. The Invited guests were: Misses Esther Mitchell, Roberta Hicks, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mary Shaw. Marie Rurwaii, Carrie Harris, Sophronla Cooper, Julia Cooper. Lucy Landis, j Beasye Robards, Bailie Webb, Hessye Howell, Estelle White, Mary Royall and Ethel Hancock. Helen Paris, j Francis Hays. Ruth Talor and Caro- 1 line Hunt. j Misses Susie and Elisabeth Fuller, of Ia»nolr; Elsaheth Reade and Elisa- ! beth Moore, of Durham; Alma Whar- j burton, of Rockingham, and Miss Sal- j lie Love, of Greensboro, are the house j guests of Miss Hettle Lyon, on North College street. Colonel William Osborn, president of j the Keely Institute, Greensboro, spent several days this week with bis bro th*>r. Mr. C. D. Oeborn. Mrs. Htlda Bonlt* left till* week for an extended visit to Chicago. III. Mr. and Mr*. J. F. Meadows, Mias Rosa Mark* and Mr. I. W. Mangum have returned from a week's stay at Buffalo I.lthla Spring* Mlsa Roberta Morris, of I.lndan. N. C., Is the truest of Mrs. J. O. Hall. Mrs. Frank Whaley and Miss Mae Bally, of Suffolk, Va.. are visiting Mr*. i. B. Booth, on Penn avenue. Mrs. I/other Buchanan left Tuesday ' for Sumpter. 8. C. She was accom panied by her daughter. Mrs. J. A. > Stubbs. from an extended visit to mends In Mlsa Elizabeth Hancock h»« returned Raleigh. Clayville (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) , C'LAYVILLE, VA.. Aug 20 - Mr. and Mm. Winston Gills, of Rb hmond. were the guests of Mr*. Stella Hancock dur- j log the Middle District Baptist Asso ciation, which met at Old Powhatan j church on August 9. 10 and 11. Mrs. 11. W. White, of South Rich mond. Is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. W Wlnfree. Mrs. O. C. Williams has returned to her home at Woodland Height*, after aeveral week*' visit to her parents, Mr snd Mrs Joseph Urblne. Mr. snd Mrs. V. A. Pape, of New port News, are the guests of Mrs. Pape's parents. Misses Marie and Alma Hopkins, of Portsmouth, are the guests of Mrs. R. B. Moseley for two weeks. Mrs J. F. Stein left to-day for her home In Bel Air, Md.. after several weeks' visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urhtne. • Mr. snd Mrs Frank 8 Piedmont * of Portsmouth, are visiting relatives here Mr*. George D. Moseley Is quite ill at her home here. Mr Luther M. Goode has returned to White Sulphur Spring*. He was the guest of his brother. H. H. Goode, dur ing the Baptist Association at Old Powhatan church Inst week. Mr*. Stella Hancock and Mrs. Wtn __sion GUI »|*uR Sunday- wkVWta-R*rtb■ Wlnfree. Fork Union (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) FORK UNION, VA., Aug. 20.— -Marlbrook,” the country home of Mrs. Julia Snead, was the scene of e delightful dance on Monday. The two •parlous front parlor* were tastefully decorated with flower* and lanterns and from behind the row of palms in the old colonial hallway came the aweet strain* of music, which so thrill ed the tireless dancars that the time for the midnight luncheon came all too soon After a delicious repast. Interspersed with witty toasts by the clever guests, the dancing waa brought to a close by th* ever popular "Vir ginia Reel." on Tuesday night the young men of the village gave a moonlight ex cursion to the quaint and historic site of "Holmhead,” which 1* one of the most beautiful and Interesting spot* of which "Old Flu*’ boast* quite a number. Supper was served on a gra* ey Knotl ID me rniu»i of cedars, and after singing some old time songs and drinking a toaat to our dear friend, the moon, who was kind enough to show his smiting face, the merry party Journeyed home. Baseball games have not been among the least interesting forms of amuse ment, for much rivalry exists between the neighboring villages and the dia mond will long continue to be the bat tle ground of Fluvanna's sturdy sons. Quite a large party from Fork Union went to Carysbrook on Wednesday to see a very interesting game of ball between the teams of the respective villages. A delightful lawn party at Carys brook attracted some of the more ar dent searchers after fun from Fork Union, and the party were well paid for the trouble by the music, refresh menu and fireworks display. Fork Union attracts quite a few bus -insss men from Richmond who corns to spend the week end. Among these were Messrs. Wslford Sutherland. A 8. B. James, Duke Putney. B. Frisch korn, Charles Rose and 8. B. Adkins Those registered at the "Marlbrook' are Misses Lens Pollard, Rebecca Hardwicks, Virgin Cheatham, Jess McOraw, Elisabeth McOraw, Mr* Mary Wilson, Mrs. Gilliam and daugh ters, Grace and Judith, and Mrs. A X. Kennedy and daughters, Messrs Byrd Breeden, William Breeden, W. 8 Tucker, of Richmond; Mrs. J. N Snead and Mrs. Bland, of Birming ham, Ala. The guesU at the Windsor are Mrs 8. Frisch korn. Misses Louise and Jane Frisch korn, Mrs. Charles Rose, and daughter. May; Mrs. A. 8. B. Jamas •nd children* Mrs. Duke Putney, Mm ; ( B. B. Adkins, Misses Ethel and Uladjs ! Adkins, Miss Minnie Prayer. Misses Imogen and Annie Forenholt, Mr». E S. Evans and children, Mrs. Nlpe and Miss Willie Nlpe, of Richmond; Misses Sallie and Kate Robinson, of Peters burg. Miss Lottie Moon Snead leaves this week for a visit to Miss Emma Justls, of Chesterfield, Va. Miss Mary Whltsltt is visiting at Mrs. G. W. Bashaw's home on Ster ling Heights with her friend. Miss Jo sephine Mercer, of Richmond. Among the guests at Mrs. J. Mar shall's country home are Miss Kate M. Dunlop, of Baltimore; Mrs. Alexan der Spotswood and Miss Virginia Bpotzwotod, of New York; Mrs. A- 8. Baker, Misses Winnie and Edith Ba ker, of Richmond. Miss Arlene Thomas, who has been visttlng her friend, Miss Elizabeth Thomas, will, leave for her home In Charlottesville this week. Captain Edward N. Macon. U. 8. A., arrived the first of the week from Washington with his family. Captain Macon, who Is commandant of cadets at the Fork Union Military Academy, Is very popular with all who are ac quainted with him, and It Is with a great deal of pleasure that we wel come him to Fork Union, where he will make hla home. Scottsville (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SCOTTSVILLE, VA.. Aug. 20 -Mlss Martha Dtltard entertained some of her friends at a birthday party Thursday evening. A “hay ride," games on the lawn and delicious refreshments made the occasion most enjoyable. Those present were: Misses Rachel Beal. Eva Briggs. Sue Ralne. Del. Moreau Flor ence yoiiitt, Mariam Pitt*. Annie, Ju lia, Mildred and Mirian Jones. Mabel Bayltsa, George Briggs. Lindsay Pitts. Archie Briggs, Pred Starrltt. Robert Jones, Edwin Raine, Stewart Morgan, Philip Jones and Randolph Bayltsa. The Scottavllle district achool hoard has completed the appointment of teachers for the coming session. Some recent appointments are: Ails* Helen Harris, Glendower; Miss Marv But ler. Aiberene, and Miss Lillie 'Evans. Mount Alto. Mrs. A. O. Bell left Friday for her home at Altavista. T. W. Heath, who has been in Naw Mexico for the past five months, has come home to see his father. Mayor T. 8. Heath, w ho is quite ill. Misses Marietta Powers and Mary L. Bull will spend next week with Mrs. A. G, Bel! in Altavista A! aster Reuben Martin, of Rich mond. 1* visiting his aunt. Miss Ce lestine Alartln. Dr. J. P Blair was In Charlottesville Monday, attending the meeting of the county school board. R. 1. Wade, of Richmond, spent Sun day with his mother. Mrs. M. M. Blair. George T. Hogg, of Richmond, spent several days here this week. Mrs. V. C. Pleasants, of Richmond, is the guest of Mrs. Z K. Jones. Mrs Harwood and Miss Harwood, of Richmond, are the guests of Mr. snd Mrs. Warner T Wood. Miss Alice Wolford, of Richmond, is visiting Allss Mary V. Jones. Brown Powers snd Miss Ann Pow ers, of Richmond, are at “The Ter race." John Briggs is in Richmond visit ing at the home of his uncle. John A. Briggs. Mrs. L. C. Schuwickert and little daughter, of Richmond, are visiting at the home of Mr. H. Faulconer. Jackson Beal. Jr., left several days ago for Jackson, Ga. where he has accepted a position with Lane Brothers Company. Bowling Green (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) BOWLING GREEN, VA-. Aug. 20.— Despite the rain, the men of the town spent a most enjoyable day Wednes day at their annual fish frv. Accord. Ing to arrangements they were to have met at Buck Hole Bridge for the out ing, but as the morning advanced the weather became too threatening for such an unprotected site. Air. Brun ton. the manager of Kenbrook seed farm, came to the rescue and offered the use of one of the buildings on the farm. The crowd was not long In as sembling and the fun soon began. The iish used were not those hauled In seines from the Mattaponi, as is usual ly the case, but were shipped In ad vance from Norfolk. The cooking was excellent, the toasts witty, the Jokes pointed; In fact, everything was just right and the party broke up with everybody feeling that the day was well spent. Mr. Russell Robinson left yesterday for Roanoke, Va., to enter upon his new work as draftsman for -the Nor folk and Western railroad Mr. D. B. Powers, of Port Royal. U spending a few days at the Lawn Ho tel. Air. R. A. Coghtll returned Wednes day from & visit to friends at Center Cross. Va. Mr. W, Russell Broaddus spent Wadneaday in Richmond. me condition of Mrs Floyd Moore, who Is ill at Auburn, the home of her parents, Judge and Mrs. E. C. Mon cure, is much Improved. <SKRYBt'1nhr Richmond Virginian.) ivis. i S\IL.LE, \ A., August 20.— _ r*- H. Wilson entertained th« Social Club Friday In a most charm ing manner. "42” was played, after which ice cream and bon-bons were served. Those present were: Mes dames Osborne. Spencer. Fitzgerald Peters and May. The visitors of the occasion being Miss Hutcheson, of Drakes Branch; Mias Petty, of Louisa and Mias Roberta, or Chase City. Hi** Petty, of Louisa, gave a re cital Thursday night in the town hall, to a large and appreciative audience. Mra H. D. Peters, left Friday for a visit to friends in Chase City. Miss Mary Hutcheson, or Drake: Branch, is the guest of Mrs. Herberf Priddy. Mis Lydia Clare Petty, of Boson, is visiting Mr*. R. H. Wilson. E. B. Fitsgerald, of Akron, O., spent some 'time here the past week. Dr. Palmer and family, of Alabama, are spending the wek with Mrs. J. K Prtdy. Mra W. H. Crawford, of Richmond, who has hen spending some time al the Keysville hotel, left for her home to-day. v , Mr. and Mrs. F. Ollnn. of Richmond, are visiting Mr. German Ollnn. Mir. John G. Luce, of Rlohmond, ti spending some time here. Buena Vista (8peclal to The Richmond Virginian.) BUENA VISTA, VA., Aug. 20.—The Height* 1* very popular thi* eea*on. Quests are arriving every day. and by the middle of next week every avail able room In fhe house will be oc cupied. Boating, bathing, tennis, horseback riding and the dally trip to the Iron Springs, with Its healing wa ters, take up the most of the day. and during the evening the ball room and the card table come In for their share of attention. There have been several small dances this week, and on Friday evening the largest dance of the season was given by the manage ment. Considerable Interest was shown this week when It was reported that Baroness ITchlda, wife of the Jap anese ambassador to this country, was a guest at the hotel, but later It was found out that the report was not true. The arrivals this week are J. It. Wentworth, Mis* Lewis, Miss Kees ter, Miss Colma and Mr. John Forgo, of Richmond. of Richmond; Miss Maya Mr. W. Q. Molsette, Mis* L. T. Etheridge, Miss Nora Patterson and Miss Lillian Bon ner, of Norfolk; Mr*. H. James and Mra H. Davis, of Newport News; Miss Mitchler, of Danville; H. P. Osborne. Atlanta. Ga.; Mrs. T. H. Bond. Miss Anna Bond Stokes, Mrs. E. B. Spotts wood, Miss Lillian Quarles. Peters burg; Albert E. Smith, Baltimore; Ev erett Perkins, W. K. Gibson and L. D. Wilton, of Roanoke. V'a. The prospects for the coming ses sion at the Southern Seminary are un usually bright, and most all of the available rooms have been engaged. There win be very few- changes In the fai ulty. Rev. J. S. Engle and family, of the Southern Seminary, are spending the month of August in Alderaon, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Rowe are spend ing the month of August at Mrs. Rowe's farm In Bowling Green. Mrs. F. C. Nolley and Mrs. H. Eu bank returned to the city Monday. after having spent a week at fewoope as the guest of Rev. Holmes Ralston. Mrs. A. J. Warren and little daugh ter. Dorerthy, of Richmond, are tho guests of Miss Mamie Hodges. Mr. R. A. DePriest Is spending sev eral days In Wythevllle. Mr. 1>. D. Baker left this week for his new home in Atlanta, Ua. Hon. H. St. George Tucker was a ■ visitor In the city this week. Sergeant J. V. Stratto nretumed Monday evening from .Richmond, 1 where he waa called on official busi 1 ness. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Williams, who have been the guests of Mrs. J. W. I Risque, returned to their home In ! Richmond Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Risque. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Embree and Misa I.ols Embree are spending a cou j pie of weeks in Bristol and the moun I tains of Tennessee. Rev. A. C. Hopkins. Jr., accompa ( nled by Mrs. Hopkins, left Thursday to spend a month In Charlestown ,W. j Vs., and Hampton. Va. | Ex-Attorney General W. A. Ander I son and Miss Ruth Anderson were In | the city Thursday. i Mr. and Mr*. V. H. Coiner, who have been spending a couple of weeks ■ In Waynesboro, returned home Tues day. l)r. G. R. Dixon, of Flushing. N. Y.. Is the guest of Dr. G. T. Divers. Mr. Preston Paxton, of DaFollette. ' Tenn., is the guest of hls sister, Mrs. 1 Prank Steele. Mr. Georgs McLaughlin, of Salem, is spending a couple of weeks In the j city. Miss Msttie rrichard, of Feters ' burg. Is the guest of Miss Mary Rlch j arson. i t Gordonsville GOHDONSVIULE, Aug. 20.—A ; most delightful dance was given in | Memorial Hall Monday night by the ! young men of the city. Mr. Rederick : Cowherd with Miss Hagan, of Wilson X. led the german, which was tec a t iy enjoyed. Others_dancing Mr. Geo. Wright; Miss Du Val with Mr. harming Hall, of Williams burg; Miss Warrick, of Richmond, with Dr. Booth; Miss Emily Hall, ol ! Williamsburg, w ith Mr. Ruffin, ol ! Xorfolk; Miss Moore, of Richmond, with Mr. Shelton, of Richmond; Mrs. Thomas Cowherd, of Clifton Forge, j with Mr. Herndon Cowherd; Misi | Red, of harlottesvllle, with Mr j Jerry Coeby; Miss Panlll, of Orange, I with Mr. Ben McElrsy; Miss Besslt McKlroy. with Mr. R. P. Ooodloe; i Misti Addle Cowherd with Mr. E. E Hopper; Miss Homassel! Graves with Mr Will Graves: Miss Marie Kltt with Mr Jackson, of Charlottesville; Mis* Mamie Kite with Mr. Jamei | WWllhslt; Mins Elizabeth Kite with j Mr. Graves, of Liberty Mills; Mist Rosa Graves, of Liberty Mills, with Mr. Harry Kite; Mlm Jones, of Char i lottesvtile, with Mr. Willard Kite; Mrs. M D. Cowherd, Jr., with Mr vownera. stags:—Hears Hayward and Maurice Stratton. Reedy. Ron barn and Cook. Other guests were: Misses Campbell. Cosby. Clarke Good toe. Mrs Ralthls, of Norfolk; Mrs. Clarke of Washington, and Mr T. J. Cowherd, of Clifton Forge Ohaperiones: Capt. and Mrs. Oeorg< Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Rogers 'Mra James Graves, Mrs. Cosby ant Mrs. M. B. Schlosser. Music for th« occasion was furnished by Mr. Rubin of Charlottesville. Mra Hunter Rowe is on a visit tc her parents, Mr. and M$rs. B M : Watkins, In South Gordon evil le. j Mrs. B. D. Me Alexander has beer spending the week with her daughter Mrs. B. H. Goodloe. in Washington Miss Bransom. of Washington, li •visiting at the home of Mrs. H. H Sergeant. Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Root, o: Clifton Forge, are guests of th< latters parents, Mr. and Mra M. W McGhee, near town. Mrs. A. P. Gordon, of Oranherry Texas Is visiting her mother, Mrs Tom Baker. Mrs. L, E. Rector and children, o Alexandria, are visiting her mother Mrs Jadtes Goodwin, In the city. Mrs. Brown and son, Norman, o Washington, are guests at the hom< of her father, Mr. James Keegan. Mrs. 8. F. Bowls and children, o Jacksonville. Fla., are visiting he: mother, Mrs. Sidney Wood, In thi city. Mr. W. I* Davenport of Gladstone spent the week with his sisters li town. - Miss Annls Davenport left 01 Thursday to spend a week at Blui Ridge Springs. Mr. and Mrs John Reynolds, o Newport News have returned home after spending several days at thi home of Mr. R. G. Watkins. Miss Margie Williams, of Thslma spent several days this week witl Mrs. J. E. Drake. Mias Edna Hildebrand, of Staunton waa the guesrt several day* this week of Mr*. R. C. Hothead. Mr. Robert bneed, of Richmond, la spending hi* vacation with rela tive* In the city. Mr*. H. B. Owynne, of Baltimore, ha* been spending the week with her sister. Ml** Anna P. Scott, In our town. Mines Lucy Winter and Eckart have returned to their homes In Richmond, after spending several *5ays at the home of Mrs. W. J. Woody. Mr. Richard Woody, of Richmond, apent several day* this week with his mother, Mr*. W. J. Woody. Miss Annie. Thatcher, of Richmond, la a gue*t of Mrs. A. B. Waide this week. Mrs, W. Li. Bailee and son, Lynn, of Richmond, apent several days this week at the home of Mr. R. O. Watkins. Mrs. Eugene Dowell and children, of Richmond, are visiting at the home of Mr. W. L. Dowell. Mis* Lillie Smith, after spending the past two weeks with Miss Pauline Jordan, la visiting Miss Louise Bar rett, at Cuckoo, enroute to her home In Richmond. Mr. Tom Hawley has returned to his home in Richmond, after spend ing some time at the home of Mr. J. C. Bailey . King George (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KINO GEORGE. VA„ Aug. 20.— Miss Frankie Arnold was hostess at a 1 charming picnic and corn roost at a romantic spot near her father's ice : pond a few evenings ago. About fifty guests were present, and a mer rier party has seldom assembled on a similar occasion. Several halloons were sent up, and were mistaken for airships by persons who saw them at a j distance. Lieutenant Daniel Torrey, U. S. X., and his bride, who was Miss Alice Taylor Warring Buckey, of Washing ton. are visiting Mrs. Torrey's uncle. Air. Alien nmun, hi calming. Mrs. Harry Mill* is visiting In New ,York, after spending some time in Washington. Mr. E. D. Brown. Jr., of Washing ton, is a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. I>. Brown at "Sunnyside." Miss Janet McMlllian, of Baltimore, Is spending some time with Miss Nan nie Byrd Turner at the Proteftant j<Episcopal sectors*. Miss McGrotty, of Washington, is a guest of Mrs. Edgar Lewis at Mar mlon. Mrs. John Ruff, of Eclair, Md.. who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. IT. T. Berry, at “Biden.” has returned home. Miss Josle I. Brown, oldest daughter of Mr. W. W. Brown, has sufficiently recovered from the fever she contract i ©d while attending the school of meth ods In Charlottesville to visit to cou 1 sins, the Misses Washington, in West moreland county. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Brown, of Zachary, I-a., who have been guests of relatives here, left yesterday for , Hanover county to visit Mr. Brown's sister, Mrs. Wingfield, widow of Col. , Henry Wingfield. ! Miss Dora Heaton, of Waterford, Isjudoun county, is spending sometime with Miss Florence Ciaraett, at Spy Hill. Miss Sadie Taylor Washington, who haa been a guest of Mias Josle I. Brown, has gone to Westmoreland county to remain several weeks before returning to Washington. Miss Lucy Lewis has returned from a visit to friends in Washington. Mis# Daisy Welch has returned from i Fauquier county and Is visiting her | brother. Mr. Byrd Welch. Rev. David Lewis is conducting a mission lor protracted meeting! this week at Lamb's Creek P. E. church. Rev. Mr. Sanford is assisting Rev, H. H. Fones in a series of meeting! at Hanover Raptist church. i _~ Stanardville TTSpeclal to The Richmond Virginian.1 STANARDSViLLE, VA., August 20 j—Chastine Gibbons came home rroro i Washington this week. | J. Frank Hisey, cashier for the new ! bank of Greene, arrived here from j his home in Edinburg Tuesday, j Miss Elia Bray Is visltng her broth er. Sterling Bray, at Crewe. B. B. Eddtns returned from Hoi Springs last Sunday, whither he had ; gone with Mrs. Edina, who Is spend 1 Ing a few neks there for the benefit oi her health. A Sunday-school and missionarj conference will he held in the Metho diet church here nevt week, lastlni two days. Miss Anna Shelton was the guee of Miss Mary Neal Blakey last Sun i day. i Lucullus Shelton came home fron ! ljUJUquti i eli> L Oit l U» u» \JSIL 111. i parents on South river. ! Mis* Magnolia Shackleford is visit I ing Mis* Lutie Hlakiey at AmtCB! ) thl* week. I Professor J. it. Binford. of Rich 1 mond, and Dr. R. E. -Blackwell, o: i Randolph-Macon College, wil speak a •the educational rally to bo held hen j on September 3. j Superintendent E. H. Lovell. o Madison, was in Stanardsville las Monday on official busines. Hurt | regret la felt here on acount of Mr i Lovell's determination to give up th< j office of superintendent of schools. Sunnyside l (Special to The Richmond Virginian. SUNNYSIDE. VA.t Aug. 20.—Dr and Mrs. H. 8. Goodman and family ■ of Carey, Miss., are visiting relative , here. j Mrs. William Wagner, of Blrming ham, Ala., la the guest of her mother Mrs. Susan Brazeal. Misses Vaughan and brother, o Prince Edward, who have been visit ! lng here, have returned. Mrs. L. C. Ttmberlako and daughter oit Brooklsnd Park, She visitors a : “Goshen.” i Misses Ruth and Elisabeth DeBer ry, of Blackstone, are visiting here. ; Clem Goodman, of Boydton, wh ■ spent his vacation at his old horn , here, haa returned. Miss Webb Wilson, of Powhatan , was the guest on Wednesday eveninj ! of Mrs. N. R. French. Miss Mary Jones, of Lynchburg. 1 i visiting here. , “KU" Rand, of Richmond, is visit lng relatives The Masons of Cumberland Lodg , 1 gave a picnio at the courthouse oi , Friday. Among other good things ai "old fashioned Brunswick ster" wa , served. i Rev. G. E. B. Smith Is conducting a revival at Tear Wallet M. K. churc! , this week. ■ 4 Radford ♦ Special to The Richmond Virginian.; RADFORD, August 20—The Mueic Club Is now representing for a Cantata to be given In the opera houae fair week. With a large chorua, "The new flower queen." by George Root, will be , presented. Miss Anna Kenderdtne will return , from the Pocono Mountain! accompa nied by Mrs Fred Bullard, of Annap j oils, who will remain for the fair. Ml* Caperton Preston, returned home Saturday from Columbia University. Mrs. Strassel, of Louisville. Ky., Is i visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. ’ A Uelnkaropen at McCoy. Rev. J. O’Connell, of Wythevllle. said mass for the Catholics Wednesday, in the home of Captain Moran. Mra. Boggs, of Mateman, W. Va.. and Mrs. Atkins, of Williamson, are visit ing their sister. Mrs. B. K. Marlon. A very enjoyable hay-ride was given I by the young men Tuesday night to Meadow Creek. Miss M. Morris, of Monessen. Pa . Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. V. Noell. Mr. ar.d Mrs. F. M. Miles, of Fort ! Smith, Ark. spent Thursday with Cap tain and Mrs. Ingle.' 1 Mis* Katherine Howard Is spending | the week end tn Blacksburg t The dog-least order is still on, and Chief McS’eal says It will probably be ! extended thirty days. Mr. D. W. Peterman was badly hurt, 1 Friday coupling a locomotive to a tank. Mr H Ward was hit by a locomo tive Wednesday and badly crushed. Mrs. Steg and Miss K. Jiesen are In attendance at Woman's Missionary Convention of the Lutheran church »n I Wheatland. ( Miss Caroline ar.d Margaret DeJar ■; nette, of Norfolk, af.ter spending a few days with Mrs. k. H. Howe, are now In Dublin. „ , Misses Willi* Harvey and Dessle Bul lard are visiting at Frollnger. Mr. Henry McHay has a Japanese C°Mr. Oscar Miles, of Fort Smith. Ark., and a brother of th elate Geo. W. Miles, la dead. Pamplin City PAMPLIN CITY, VAAugr 20.—Mr. J. W. Franklin, who has been In Rich mond for Rome time under the care of Dr. Walton, has returned home much Improved in health ZU1R# tT**SSie VI IWUIUIU visitinR Mis Minnie Thornton. Mis Marguerite Watkins, of Farrr. vllle, was the guest for a few day* ! this week of Mis Flossie Thornton. Mr and Mrs A H. Prankltn. and family. of Lynchburg, are visiting Mrs. . J. F. Connaliy. Mr. Chas. Hlndley has returned home after a trip lasting over two months to England, the land of his birth. Dr. Lyle and Messrs. Gills and Bal lard. of’ Bedford, aro visitors In town this week. I Miss Mattie Thornton, who has been spending the early part of the summer In Richmond and nt the seashore, has returned to her home. Miss Anna Jones, who was the guest : of Miss Kate Franklin, has returned to i her home at Appomattox. Miss Eleanor Hoffman, who spent the past week with her brother has re turned to her home In Richmond. y in nuthric. of Lynchburg, Is vlsttlng her sister, Mrs. Iktalle N. Dog Miss Mary Beale ha# returned after a visit *o her mother, who Is under medical treatment In Richmond. Mr P. T. Warren. Is seriously lndte J posed A very erjoyable picnic was given 1 the young people of the town at the . grove near Mr. I. 8, Gilliam s place. Th* Lilliputian Marriage, which war repeated by the children for the beneut I of the Baptist Ladles' Aid Society, was enjoyed by a vary good crowd, despite the threatening aspect of the wreathes. WARRENTON (Special to The Richmond Virginian. > WARRENTON. VA., Aug. 20.—Miss Snella Coons, tuhe attractive daughter I of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coons, and Mr. Lloyd Anderson, were married In Rockville, Md.. on Tuesday, the Rev. ! Mr. White officiating Both Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are well known In Warrentou. Misa Ethel Ivy is with Miss Lilli* i Edmunds for some time. | Miss Helen Walraven left on Wed nesdav fur. .Norfolk.—where—alia—*11 i visit Mrs. Captain J. F. Hahn, of th* | cutter service. After the german on Frtday night last Mr. Beverly Wertheimer gave £ delightful supper to his friends. Miss Ida M. Pollard, of St. Louis who has been the guest of Mrs. De Lancey Evans, left on Wednesday foi ths Adirondack mountains, i Mrs. Col. Thomas Galnea-Smith anc Miss Elizabeth Gaines left on Wednes day for Atlantic City, where they wli ‘ spend several weeks. Mr. Roy Carter and Miss Ruth Car ter. of Orange. Va., are visiting at Mr j Albert Fletcher**. Dr. Joseph A, Jeffries and Mr. T. N Fletcher, Jr., went to Washington or Wednesday for sevesral days. ! Mr. and Mrs. John I.atham. of Rich mond, are visiting at Mr. T. N. Fletch , 1 er's. , Miss Virginia Vaughan is visiting ir ' Baltimore. , Miaa Gladys Ullerback. wm na: i ! been the guest of Miss Rosa Tongue returned to her home lu Lynchburj ' on Wednesday Mr. J. B. Grayson, left this wee! : for a trip to the Northern markets. Mrs. I. J. R. Muerllng, who hai been spending some time In Warren ' ton. has joined Mrs. J. K. Maddux, a : j Atlantic City. Mrs. F. K. Boston and Miss Floren<-< . ! Boston, who have been visiting lr 11 Orange, have returned home. Mr Boston Is at Hamilton, Vs., attending an association. i Mr. and Mrs. Z&ck Garnett, wh< $ave been vamping for several month: near Harrisonburg. Va.. have returnet home. Mrs. Garnett left this week foi a visit home. , Miss Mamie and Clay Brittle lef Warrenton on Wednesday to visit thoii [ ’ grandmother. Mrs. H. C. Bowen, neai j Lynchburg, Va. Miss Hawley Is the. guest of Mlsi . Eltxabeth Hutton. Mr. 0. B. Grayson left this week foi Richmond for his vacation, f Mr. Walter Aobertson, an old War . ronton boy, who is now practicing lav In Atlanta, Ga., Is In Warrenton foi § his vacation. , t . -* > Woodstock 5 ' ■ ■ i i .i n . . (Special to The Richmond Virginian. WOODSTOCK, VA.. August 20— ’> Horn* weekly dances are being held ii Lants hall at Massamutten Academ; 1 which are growing In popularity, thu | strengthening the bond of love am ■ j affection which the young people li particular have for President am »I Mrs. H. J. Beuchoff. 1 Mr. Hooper, who has been vlsittni i his friend. Mr. Carl Shaffer, has re k turned to nls home in Alexandria. Mr. David Haas, of Pittsburg, I l visiting hts parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johi i Haas, on Mecklenburg street Mr, and Mrs. L, % Jlory, of Elk ton, were automobile visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Clowes this week. Mr. Paul Hoffman, who has been spending his vacation with hts parents, Dr. and Mrs. 8. J. Hoffman, has re turned to his home In New York. Dr. Hugh McGuire, of Winchester, was In town this week on professional Buslnes. Mrs. H. J. BuchofT was called to Ohambersburg, Pa.. Wednesday by the critical Hines of her sltcr. Miss Jane Mahon. Mr. George Albert, of Dayton, O., Is vlsttng Mrs. Mary Albert and family on North Main. Mr. J. Leroy Ttoxley and eon have returned to their home In Markham, H. Grablll. Farmville I (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) FARMVILLE, VA„ Aug. 20.—-Miss Foreman, of Alabama, who has been spending the summer at Goshen, is in Farmville with her friend. Miss Gracia Saunders. Miss Saunders is also is pectlng her mother to pay her a visit j from her Florida home. Mrs. J. T. Smith, who has been vis iting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Howard, left Thursday for her home in Crewe, accompanied by Mrs. Fred M. Stuart. i Miss Virgio Bugg is visiting friends in Washington, D. C. i Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bartholomew, of : Perry, O.. are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Green. Miss Mattie Anderson, of Lynch i burg, is visiting her friend. Mrt. J. ! Vaiden Orange, of this town. Mrs. C. M. Walker. Mrs. H. Warren 1 Walker, Mrs. E. S. Martin and Miss ; Lizzie Ailstock returned this week from a month's stay at the Yellow Sul phur. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh have gone ! for a visit to the old home at Orange, Va. Miss Bessie Anderson is a visitor to Mrs. H. B. Smith, of Farmvllte. | Miss Libble Bliss has returned from ; a visit to the seashore. Mr- ttrrrl Mrs Giles P Holt, of Rich , mond, are visiting her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. R. D. Miller, on Virginia street. T. A. Henley, of King William county, has been on a short visit thli ! week to his friend, V. Valden. ; Judge and Mrs. George M. Hundley are spending the month at the White ! Sulphur Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Watkins Smith, ol Lynchburg, are visiting their father, I Walter Smith, of Farmville. j E. D. Lipscomb, wife and children i have returned to FarmvUle, after a I pleasant visit to friends In Powhatan county. j Dr. J. A. Irwin is visiting his son ! Dr. Irwin, of this town. Misses Rena and Estelle Gates, ol | Petersburg, and Hasel Pettue, of Rich ; mond, are visiting their friend. Miss j Nellie Miller. After their residence of eighteet I years In the city of Richmond, th« i people of Farmville await the return to Farmville of I>r. Paulus A. Irv>:i( ' and family with a warm welcome. Mr. W. Cal Brown, who has beet ] living in Natches, Miss., for the pas: «e\en years, arrived here Thursday ot i a visit to his friends. O ■> pottsylvania tSpecial to The Richmond Virginian ; SPOTSYLVANIA, VA„ Aug. 30.— Mr. and Mrs Luther M. Chilton, o: Washington, who have been visiting it Spotsylvania for two weeks, have re turned home. Rev. Ed. J. Richardson, field eecre tary, Is visiting In Spotsylvania coun , ty in the interest of the Anti-8alooi League of Virginia. Mr. T. E. Thomas, of Spotsylvania , is visiting for ten days in Orange county. Miss Beulah Crow, of Spotsylvania U visiting Mr. and Mra James JL Green In Washington for ten daya Dr. and Mrs. William A. Harris hav gone to Alexandria for a brief vlsll ' sylvanla. are on a Southern tour fo some two weeks or more In Florida. ! Mrs. Nelson Payne, of Spotsylvania I Is the guest ot her many friends li | Falmouth, Va. The Ladies' Confederate Memoria | Association of Spotsylvania gave < i lawn party and sold refreshments ti aid of the Confederate soldier monu i meet fund on Thursday night last 01 ! the courthouse green here. A gooi 1 amount was realised, j Mr. Lavert Graves, of Spotsylvania ! la visiting In Washington this week. Miss Maxie Marvin Pendleton wil | leave in a short time for Oklahomi i on an extended visit. Rev. Joseph T. Mastln. of Rich mond. Is visiting In Spotsylvania. Emporia . ! (Special to The Richmond Virginian. EMPORIA, VA.. Aug 30.—Rev. E ' | J. Moffltt, of Deltavllle, Is helping Rei , J. W. Heckman In a revival meetiu at Independence Methodist ehurc inis ween. Miss Leah Futrell is spending a te^ , I days at Ocean View. Mrs. C. E. Turner is spending th ' week with Mrs. C. E. Richardson, o Brunswick avenue. New paint is being put on the hig , school building here. , Mrs. A. W. Taylor and her h us ban have returned from a visit to relative , | in Clarkesvllle. Mrs. Willie Eaton and duughte ! have-returned from an extended vis ; to New York. * Misses Martha and Clare Robinso have returned from »tn extended vis to friends in Culpeper, i Mrs. William Moody, with her chi' . | dren, and Miss Lillian Hall, of Liar ! vllle. are at Ocean View this wee Misses Mabel and Virginia oodi ’ i of Danville, who have been guests c ,! Miss Douglas Peebles the past weel havq returned home. Miss Margery Mays; wHo liu bee attending the State- normal *• hool « Farmvilie, has returned heme Miss Margery Muya. who hee bee sitending the State normal school j I Farmvilie, hus returned home. -1 Messrs. Clarence Flythe and Ch> so gonus Krlenbaum have gone t . Richmond to attend the Massey Busl . ness College. r Mrs. O. C. Callahan, of Ruth„t , ford. X. C.. has rented the old Vaugb I an hotel and will open business thei , early in September. [ Mrs Katie 8. Brown and her daugh ters, Misses Ada and Katherine. hav ; : returned home from a visit to rrlenc . In Maryland. Miss Stella Huff and Mixs Daphr i. Cochran are visiting in North Can II llna. They will visit Spring Hop ' Weldon and Rocky Mount, retumir .' tha lotttr part fit Beptemhar CHASE CITY. VA.. Aug- ;o_Mia#! ,vv'°‘t*n entertained In honor of the birthday f her niece Clara Wot—'i ten Tuesday evening August 18th. Th* (Special to The Richmond Virginias.) CHASE CITY, VA„ Aug. JO. game or baseball between Rtct and Chaae City is attracting much tentlon, and a large crowd will h ness the game in the new baseball; park. Misses Ida and Annie Mason^ of . Richmond, are visiting Mrs. W. D, Wftdman. Miss, Sue Gregory is visiting Mlas Matthews on the Eastern Shore. ' i Mra. George Gibson, Jr., has return* ed from a visit to Asheville, N. C. " Mrs. Thomas D. Jeff reus Is spending the week In Clarksville, Va. «■* Mrs. Harry Roberts, of Texas, is ths guest of Mrs. W. D. Norvell. Mrs. M. U Boswell. Miss M. A. Box well, of Baltimore, and Mr. and Mrs, I Ballard E. Boswell, of Huntington* tv. Va., make up a house party this week for Mr and Mrs. Thomas Q. Bos well in the West End. Mrs. Herbert T. Williams and Her* bert T. Williams, Jr., are visiting I>tv .... R T. Vann, president of Meredith Col lege, Raleigh. N. C. Rev. M. H. Warren, rector of ths Episcopal church, is spending severs! days in Washington, D. C. MUs Daisy Huey, of Rock Hill, 8. C., was the guest this week of Mrs. J. Watkins Goode. Mr. Fred N\ Ktrudwlok. of Oreens boro, X. C.. was here for the week end. Miss C. Harris, of Xorth Carol and Mrs. F. Colgate, of Drake’!, Branch. Va., are guests of the Gib son. .Miss Elsie Edmunds has returned from a month's stay In Charlottesville “ toe occasion wu a bright «<ir clS,ttl m.u?lcal contest written by Mlsi t iara W otten for her guests and two musical selections were th* prizes for the favored winners. A charming; evening; was enjoyed—e closed by a period of most dainty re— freshments *,s Among the invited friends were tba followlnar: Miss Gladys Hester. Mr. ; John Taylor ills Mariam Yancey, Mr. ' A^hert Jeffreys Miss Elisabeth #*leld. Mr. Bascombe Day Miss Margaret. Hardy. Mr. Roland Wtldman. Miss Lena Beales. Mr. Henry Pettus, Mias • Laura Emory. Mr. George Land, Mlsa Eva Emory. Mr. Harold Saunders, Mias Gene Emory, Mr. Frank Roberts. Utss i Annie Robertson. Mr. Hugh Goods. Miss Gladys Roberts. Mr. Edgar Kobe art. Mlsa Alice Taylor, and Mr. 8. <_ ' Breneman. Miss L. G. Harris, of Nebane, N. ' C.. who has been a guest of ’Tht* Gibson,” returned greatly beneflttsd. to her native State Friday last. L Mrs. George Gibson. Jr., who has "|S been the gruest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Bancroft, at Akh vlile, N. C.. has returned much Im proved In health. Miss K. E. Gibson, who has been visiting her fathar, Mr. George Gib son, Jr., of this place returned to Richmond this week. Col. W. 1L Hughes and party of friends, with the sons of the Colonel, are camping on the near-rlver coun try with the valuable pack of hounds of which tbe Colonel ia the proud owner. The party- will remain In camp to* several daye. The prospects for a good opening the tobacco market are showing for September 7th. and tobacco meg are looking eagerly for the acceptable weed • and getting money-wUe for the sale*. Friday and Saturday will bs big days on the calendar for plucky lit tle Chase City. Her base ball team. The Tigers, will play two games with the Richmond amateur league and large crowds of people are expected. There will be a basket picnic Itt charge of the military company, who will also give a drill at »:S0 Friday. Addresses at 11 A. M.. by Col. J. Thos. Goode. Captain T D. Jeffress and Ma jor A, T. Finch, which will be a largo feature of the day. Dinner at l P. M.. and 1:30 P. M. a sham battlo on Mecklenburg lawn, which ia kindly tendered by the Mineral Springs Com pany for the ocaslon. 4 ■**a 'J (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SUFFOLK. VA.. Aug. tO.-The most brilliant social affair of the season at l1 Incastle, v a., was the Japanese dance given by Misses Gladys Dole, of Suffolk; Margaret Shaw and Regina Morse, of New Orleans; Phoebe Brush, of Richmond, and Aileen Berkley of Roanoke. ■ Japanese decorations prevailed, tha favors being chrysanthemums. Misses Sallle. Louise, Evelyn and Laura Twitty, of Suffolk, were among thnaa dancing in costume. Mesdames A. H. Twitty and Asher Dole, of Suffolk, were chapdrones w T.hf,ra„ i"11* * Suffolk colony at dellow Sulphur Springs, among whom are Dr. and Mrs. E. R. Hart Mra J. Thornton Withers, Mra S. E. Everett and Miss Katherine Brothers. Miss Nell Jordon left thta week tat Atlantic City, after several weeks at Tel low Sulphur. Hon. and Mra R. W Wither* are summering at Greenbrlef White Sul phur Springs. . Mrs. James I. McLemore, Misses Jennie Ware Pretlow nn/t wiSSz 1 r,MuL*nore are at tha Old Sweat i Aupit. j „ Mr* J K Nurn ay and Miss Mild gurney have returned from aev« ! stay in Asheville, X. C. f ,,,Mr8- A- B- Twitty and daughti f1 Misses Louise, Evelyn. Sallie i f Misses Louise. Evelyn. Sallie j ^ur* twitty. Mrs. Asher Dole an* i ; Miss Gladys Dole, of Suffolk, are iu&.i ; »ertng »l Fineastle, Va. ' l|^ -J£rar-3V A. Smyth, or Richmond, 1*31 S the guest of her parents, Mr. and Una George W. Nurney. ^ i; r Mr. and Mrs. John B. Pinner. ICUmbI t Susette Jordan. Katherine Pinner'11211 san Premia. LUxie Britt and Hsnt. ■ a Riddick, of Suffolk, are $ t popular summer residents at V*o3 j ville, Va. . Roxbury (Special to The Richmond.; a ROXBCJOW VA.. August 30 — t Joseph H. Long and Master Tin W. Long, of Jasper, Fla., are ’ 3 Ing Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. and i Thomas L. Walker. Mrs. Frank Mountcastle, of 1 - mond, la spending some time o his parents. Dr. and Mrs. T, 1 - ley. I Miss Knotts, of .Richmond, Is 1 - tng Miss Annie WhddUl. Miss Estelle Hubafd hag rets e to her home, after a pleasant In Norfolk. - Mr. and Mrs. C. Jordon, of Pal e Neb., are visiting Mr. Robert Tk s Mrs. Jordon was Mlsa Mattie f| of Roxbury. before her manlagi e Mr. J. Orover MteCafta Is «• «t i- cation until the Out of SeptsnMn a Mr. W. J. WlUlum e« MMMlS g charge of tha- C. and Q, 'tlnM