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(Special to The Rtehmond Vfrrtalan.) j WIIXIAMSBURO. VA- Au|. sr w *, *>S the hMk Of Williamsburg. is spending his vaca tion with has parents in BerIln, Md. Miss Sadie Mahons has returned front a pleasant visit to friends in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Klnif and fUrmtiv, of Doyleetown. Pa. are guest* of mV. and Mr*. A. B Michener at ICings Mill farm. Dr O. C. Brunk. superintendent of the Eastern State Hospital, has re tim’d from a short vacation which he spent in the Virginia mountains. Mrs. R. rv Wilkins and son are visit Ins relatives in Staunton. Mr. Thomas Ocdd.v, Jr , has returned from a 'lstt to a college-mate in l.u ncnburg. Mr. A. B Rolfe, of Surry. Is visiting friends here. Mrs. R. U. Spencer has returned from a visit in Bedford City. Mr" W. T Douglaes and children are visiting relatives in Basic City. Mrs. Vloia Ware left Thursday for Natural Bridge to spend some time with friends. Mr. J. P. Van Fossen left Thursday for Augusta county to visit his mother Miss Kathryn Oeddy Is the guest of Mists Palmer. In West point. Basic City fcMtJl::;:.::■ . j (Special to The Richmond Virginian. i , BASIC CITY. Aug 20.—-The Bran- j don ha# been unusually gay for tha week, a number of entertainment* be- j mg given by the guest* of the hotel. Monday night the children gave j ■erne tableau*, impersonating differ- j ent tongs, which proved very success- 1 ful and very entertaining for the i guests. Friday nighi a chaflshlng dish party | was given In honor of Miss Elisabeth, Coghill. of Fredericksburg, and Miss Ethel White. <>t El Paso. Tex. The "blushing bunny" was made on the veranda and pronounced temptingly good. Saturday night the weekly german was given and enjoyed by the young people of the hotel and out of town guests. An exciting bowling match was held Wednesday morning, in which there were ten contestant* Mis* Elsie Par rish. of Richmond, and Miss Bertha Ryon. of Washington. L>. C, scored the highest, winning the prise. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Habliston, of Richmond, spent the week end of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hablurotn. who are attending the sum mer at the“Bfandon Mr.--and Mrs. John.. Bwarl;woui, of .Richmond, and party stopped at the Brandon Sunday night on their way to Richmond They have been touring Virginia snd reported good roads and good times. Another sutomohile part? stopped Monday night Mr. and Mrs James O. Tinsley, of Richmond, snd five oth er* who were in the party enjoyed their little stay at the Brandon These who have, registered during the week nr* Mrs. J. K. Chtldrey, of Richmond; Miss M C. Chtldrey. of Richmond; Mr*. F L. «"had wick. Mr. ‘ Francis Chadwick. Mr. Hamilton Chadwick. Mr. I,ewtr Chadwick, of Norfolk; Miss C. P Emerson. Helen 1. Emerson. Mrs J B Emerson, New York; Mr. and lira. Frank W. Duke, Richmond; Mr*. J. MV. Marshall. Char lottesville . J. M. Carth), Charlottes ville; Miss Magic Shelton, Covington; C .C. Pllan. Covington; T. S. Moaeley, Virginia; Mr. and Mr*. William M. Vtahiist'in. Richmond; Mr. J. W. Mar shall, Charlottesville. W. W. Putnam, Staunton; T H. Humphrey*. Staun ton; J. J. Brherer, Jr.. Rt» hmond; Mr. and Mr*. P 1.1. Swart wont, Netv York; Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swartwout, Richmond: Gewia c. Grant, Richmond. Philip St. George Cooke. Richmond: Mr. A. P. Grice. Portsi mouth; Mis* Isabel Hill. Richmond: Mr. and Mrs. James G. Tinsley. Richmond; Miss Clstr Tinsley. Richmond; Mias Ju nior# Tinsley, Richmond; Miss Sally Miller. Hunitngton. W. Va.; Miss Pat tie Miller. Huntington, W. Va.; Mr. Gilbert Parke*. Nashville. Tenn.; W. C. Pearce, Clifton Forge; C. A. Dally. Pittsburg; Mr. S. J. Coffman. Albe marle county; B. Nelson Coffmsn, Eos Angeles. Cal : Mr. and Mrs. Heber E. «’asserr. Portsmouth; Mr. Edwin C. Bejer. Racine. Wis. West Point WEST POINT, VA . Aug 20.—Tliere have been several large launch par ti#* here from Williamsburg recently one of them, composed of about thir ty-five people, came early In the. evening to enjoy the festivities at Beach Park, and then w-ere entertain ed In the home of Mr and Mrs. Her bert 1. E*wt$, on First Street. Mr Robert C. Carden entertained at dinner a few days ago at The Terminal Hotel in honor of Mr. and Mrs Shel don Ware, of Arlington. New Jersey Mr and Mrs A. Julian Bagby en tertained in their home on Tuesday evening In honor of Mr and Mrs Ed ward Crane, of Washington. D. C., and Mr, and Mr*. Sheldon Ware, of New Jersey. Quite a number of friend* en joyed the evening with them. Dr and Mr*. B B. Bagby has re turned from a visit to the old home In Tappahannock. where they went to spend a few days with parent* Captain and Mr*. A. F. Bagby. and also to meet brother* Rev. Edward Bagby. of Arkansas, and Rev. Richard Bagby. of Clifton Forge. Dr Alvin Bagby who is appointed by the State Board of Health in King and Queen and King William, to investigate hook worm, also spend a day or two at home Mts* Ethel Eoving. of Richmond, who has been spending a few days wilh Mrs. J Welford Owen*, has returned to her home litee Bessie Dunham has returned to her home In New York, where she will soon resume teaching. Misses Betsy Byrd and Effle Giles, of Roanoke, who have been on a visit here to their Aunt, Mrs. Eissle Ed wards leave to-day, accompanied by Mrs. Edwards, to spend a week or ten days with friends in Baltimore, be lore remrnurs io iroanoee The Mluei Rarham. of Nashville, Tana., are* guesta of their graudmothm* Mr*. Jane* Wilkinson. of West Point Miss Katheryn daddy, of WlUlams faurg, la tbe guest of Mlaa lnax Pal mar on Fourth street These young ladlas with Mrs. R J. Palmar will leave to-morrow morning for a trip to the Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs The West Point Chamber of Com merce has appointed the following gentlemen as delegates to the second Conservation Congres to be held at St, Paul. Mlnneaeote. September «tn to *th—Urogan Treat, J. K, Bland and A. Julian Begby . Mr. J. C. Bland, of the wall-known Arm of "Nad Bland and Brother," has retired, from business, selling out to hie brother. Samuel T. Bland. Mr. C. T. Roberta. Chief of Police, who was struck with a can of cement by g drunken man. by the name of i Wharton, from King end Queen a few dap* ago, la better though attll uns . ble to move about In hla bed. Rev. T. A. HaU. pastor of the Bap tist Churek here, wife and eon expect to,leave next Tuesday for a vacation In Fauquier county. Mr*. Harry walker and daughter, atherrn. of Tort Worth. Tease, are hg guests of her mother, Mre. Kate Uebardson, here. Mre. Richardson will return to Texas with Mrs. Walker la October. Quite a Burge excursion came here title weak from Cano Charles, between ahaparoned gulls cansct The Patented Tin Foil Cana in which Good Luck Baking Powder ia packed prevent deterioration. “Good Luck" could not be aold regularly in eolid carload lota if it did not fully retain ita High Leavening Power. At your grocer’a. The Southern Manufacturing Company, Rich none, V». i_ _iim. a party of young people to Wllllam* burg this week. Mr J, T. Harwell, or Petersburg, end wife who wee Mis* Lily Johnson, of Went Point, are on a vtelt -to Mr* Harwell* *i*ter. Mr* Cbatles Pen mead. Mr*, lame* .Johnson, of King t\l!-i Ham i* also visiting her daughter, Mr*, i C. H Den mead Bernard Fary, who tia* been clera in the restaurant of Reuger. !n Rlch mond for eometttne name to hi* home on Wedn*»day on crutches. »ufrerlttg with rheumatiam Beach Park will done on next Sun day night, no far a* the T« 1-Llght Ex cursions are concerned, it t» unde” stood that the Terminal Hotel will not close at that time po**lbly it win keep open during the winter month*. Mr* Charles Friend, of Richmond. 1* visiting In the home at Mr. Hans ford Anderson, her iinck. Mrs. lAiey Stacy, a former resident of Richmond, ha* returned from IajuU vllle. Ky., to her present home n Walker ton Her daughter. Mrs, Will Jefferson had her splendid residence peer Louisville. Ky.. burned dntvn re cently. Appomattox APPDMATTOX Aug JO—Mr. R. A. tlodaey. of Lynchburg. ws* a visitor here Tuesday. Mis* Jessie O’Conner, of Prospect. Va. i* the guest at her c ousin, Miss Willie Stanley. Mr and Mr* H. G. Smith, of Fay ettesvllle N. C.. are spending their vacation here with Mr. F. A Smith. Mr. R. V T. Clement, of Newport Now*, spent several day* in town this week Miss IJusle Coleman, of Lynchburg Is a guest at the home of Mr. W. A, Mosser. Mr. C E Welsenburg, of Ky. was a guest In the home of Mr. and Mr* J. R. Attwood Mrs T. W. Mo*»er Is *ick. Mr J. W McKcndree of Richmond, l'a has been visiting friend* at Chap reccntlt Mis Katie Wooldridge, of Graham. Va Is spending her vacation with her mother here Mr. H. H. Fore and wife, of Rich mond Va returned yest’erday after a visit to Mr Stephen Fore. Mr. K. H. Matherson, of Washing u-n, J>. C., wa* In town yesterday in specting the governmentj demonstration v ork. , Misses Ruth and Currie Harvey, of Evergreen have been visiting friends here. . Mr and Mrs A C Bledsoe, of Tort Norfolk, who has been visiting friends here, left yesterday for Orange Court house. to visit Dr Wiley Bledsoe, Messrs J. O. Oberln and D. w. Knickerbocker, are in the State of V i* consin. buying up cattle—It Is re ported cattle can be bought very cheap there, on account of the dry w’eatlier. Rev W. L Murphy, la a guest at the home of S. L. Ferguson. Mr. M. C. Harvey, his sister, Mt*s Nellie, and Miss .Jac<iuelin Atwood, will spend s week visiting New \ork, Niagara, and Toronto. . . Miss Marguerite Campbell who has been visiting Miss Willie Smith, has left for her home at Amherst, 1 (Special to The Richmond Virginian ) BON AIR, VA„ Aug. 20.—Mr. and Mr*. R. B. Christian hate been the hoatesse* of a moat delightful home party the past week, including Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Christian, Jr.. Miss Louise and McKenna Jones, of Pe tersburg; Messrs. Beddon Jones Oeofge Haw Morris Langhorne and Ramon Griffith, of Baltimore, While here tha crowd wa* given a supper at the Country, i Tub, near Richmond. Mr* T. L. P. Cocke has returned i from a viait to her son in Chatham. Miss Edith Haren and Mias Bessie | Smith are staying in Atlantic City. Mr. and Mra. Robert Lecky and ; daughter are at ’’The lhn" for a month. I Mr. and Mr#. Beverly Randolph and ! Mr and Mr#. William Moncure and faintly left "The Inn” this week. Mr and Mrs, John Plnder are visit ing Mra. Kennedy for two week*. Mia# Juliet Talcott and Mias Edith 1 Scoffin were weed-end guest* of Mrs. ! T M. R Talcott. Mr. and Mra Douglass Wherry en i tertained during the week Mr. and i Mrs. K. C. Thomaaon, Misses Emily and Florine Thomason, Miss Carrie i Moore; Miss Virginia Potts, of Ash land; Mia* Emily Wade; Messrs. Card Brock, Fergen McCree and Catetby ! Jones. MU* Winifred Crenshaw and Mrs. 1 T. H. Bransford and Mra, William ! Bradley, of Fredericksburg, are with i Mlaa Carrie Moore. John Christian la with Mra. Ram 1 aey at W eat over for Sunday Profeasor W. D. Smith and wife, who I have been visiting Mr*. Jamei K.' Ha i sen. left for their home at grottsburg } on Tuesday. 1 Dr. James Kckenrode, Richard Smith j and Mr. Durrett were guests at the ■weekly dance on Tuesday night, j Rehearsal* for "An Evening of Song" are In dally progress. Heathsville (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HEATHSVILLE, Aug. 20—Mr A. J. Brent, of Richmond, Ts spending this j week with hU parents here. He has ; been traveling In the West. Prof. H»rpef Brent, and Prof. H. Mason Brent, teacher In Randolph-Ma con Academy, hare returned from Co lumbian University. New York, where they took a summer course ts super vision of teaching. Prof. Harper Brent will hold the position of Superlnten 1 dent of Teaching In the Barton Heights High School. Richmond. Vs., this ses sion Misses Clara and Edith Sturgis, of I vnchbura. are visiting friends In Northumberland Mr Clawson Slaughter, of Baltimore, Is visiting his mother, Mra X C Slaughter, at Lootsburg. thl» county Mr*. W. R Epps. of Salem. Va., ta the guest of Rtr. H. S. Driscoll Mr. O. F. Eubank, Jr., of Washing ton, la spending * l«* day* with hla father, Mr. Oliaa F. Eubank. Mlaa Louis* Winstead, of Baltimore, Md.. fa visiting her grandmother. Mra. Ollle Siaher. at Nokotnle Mra. Bants Dodson and non. Pits* liugh. hare returned to Baltimore, af ter spending two weeks In Northum berland netting relative* Mra. Robert Wentworth and two children and the Mtaeea Edward* of Baltimore, are the guests of friends at Kdwardavtlle, this county. Clarence Richard sen and wlfa. of Cape Charles. Va., are spending a few dare In Meethevllle, where Mr Rich ardson was engaged In the gents' fur nishing bustnas at one time. Miss Almsda Crowthar, of Avalon, this county, has as her guest Miss Myrtle Squires, of oCran, Lancaster county. Mr .1. B. Crale. lawyer, who la spending the summer with his mother hers, 1* on a business trip to Balti more. Miss Margaret Rica, of Baltimore, la a guest at "Svcamore Hill.' the home cf Mr. George Daniel Shirley. Leesburg (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) LEBSBURG, VA.. Aug. SO.—Mra Robert G. Burke, of Washington, has been spending several days in I.<e*e- j burg with her mother. Mrs. Annie j Johnson. Pr. A. Lee Pennel end daughter. ; Miss Jean Pennlck, left on Tuesday; for Salisbury, Md., where they will i spend the remainder of the month of August with relatives. Miss Florence Vandevanter left this week for Washington, D. C.. where she has accepted a position In the census office. Mr. T. R. Tillett. of Roanoke. Va.. vtalted hi# friends and relatives In Loudoun this week. Miss Kate Carroll, of Washington, is a guest at the Leesburg Inn for a< couple of weeks. Miss May Franklin, of Washington, j Is spending a fortnight with Mrs. Thomas A. McCabe. la the guest at "Lombardy," the home of Mr. and Mr*. Henry Saunders. Mine Zaldee Leith. of Washington, la the guest In town of Mrs. John (3111. Mrs, T Francis (ireen, of Richmond is visiting her parents. Captain and Mrs. J W. Foster, on the suburbs of town. Mrs. l.uther A. Brown has returned to her home In Leesburg from a visit to retatives In Washington. Mr. Albert Rivero, son of Cuban minister to Mexico, and Mr. Ward Mc Carty. of Washington. D. O.. are vis iting Mr W. Jack Harper, at Caradoo Hall, the country home near Lees burg of Colonel and Mrs. Robert N. Harper. Rev. J. H Wiltshire ha* returned to Leesburg from a month's vacation 'spent at Mine Run. Va. Mias Ida Ross Chamblln has been spending the past week with Miss Ruth Dibrell. Mrs. Charles W. Ooldsborough has as her guests In Leesburg her sons, Mr end Mrs. Edwin Ooldsborough. and little daughter. Winifred: Mr. Harry Bedlnger Ooldsborough. of Jacksonville. Fla., and Mr. Edmund Ooldsborough. of Washington, D. C. Miss Halite Talbot, of Richmond, ts ftie guest In town of Hr. and Mrs. Truman Parker. Mrs. Lucien Curry and children, of Richmond, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William N. Wise. Raines | (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) RAINES, VA.. Aug. 20—The drought here of four weeks was broken Inst Saturday by heavy show ers, and the crops of tobacco are now turning green and Indications are that the c rop will yet come up to the reg | uiar average. There never was a more enjoyable picnic than tha ona given by the , Sunday school at Stoddert last Sat : urday. Notwithstanding the indent - ; ent day. large crowds gathered and the tables were weighted with all | the delicacies of the seaaon. Besides j the stew, there was plenty of lemon j ade, which wa» passed around by the bucketful. The Rev. W. E. Hill, Messrs. Walk #r Scott. C. W. Blanton, Frank Blan ton. R. 1_ Baldwin and Miss Ruth win. of Dallas, Tex.; Mra. Hunter Baldwin, of Manchester, visited In the home of Mr. J. L. Swoope last Sunday. Mrs. J. M. Crute visited her aunt, i Mra. Joe Haxlegrove, yesterday. ! Mr. Sam Amos ts very 111. J Min Fannie Miller Is still very ! sick. Mrs. Jessie Crute and children, of , West Point, are v isiting Mra Ben i Walton this week. The Rev. W. E. Hill preached an | eloquent and Impressive sermon to a large and appreciative congregation 1 last Sunday afternoon at Stoddert. Harrisonburg 1 (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HARRISONBURG. VA.. Aug. 20.— I Prof. Harvey 9. Hooke, principal of , the Balmont School, Roanoke, I* here \ on a visit to relatlvea. Mr. Hooke ; wai for thirteen yean a teacher In the i public schools of Harrisonburg. He | is a native of Rockingham. Mrs. Hooke i Is with him. Miss Blanche Stone has returned to I Roanoke, after a visit to Miss WIiltette | Hopkins In McGaheysville. i Rev. H. H. 9herman returned Thun . day night from a visit to Front Royal. ; Mrs. Sherman is Just recovering from | a severe illness, and a daughter, little ! Elisabeth, fell and broke her arm ; while on the visit. Mr. Sherman is pastor of the Methodist church. Miss Trout, of the Staunton public | schools. Is acting matron at ths State ; Normal School, while Mrs. Brooke Is visiting at Woodberry Forest. Mrs. Frsrik L. Sublett entertained Thursday night at Stoneletgh Inn. In honor of Mrs. Joseph Caldwell, of Au gusta county, and Mrs. 0. W. Tim berlake, of Westfield, N. J. Lester B. Putrow, a recent graduate I of Washington and Lee University, ; has accepted a position as civil en gineer with the Southern Railway Company, with headquarters at Knox !. vine. Tenn.. . Mrs. wtttte warren and daughter, : Mrs. Wade Cothran, the latter of j Rome, Ga., have returned from a so ! Journ at Rockbridge Alum Springs. , Mrs. Owen C. Phillips, of Bluefield, i W. Va., la the guest of her father. William C. McAllister. North High . street. After an absence of twenty-five i years, Arthur Paul, of St. Louis. Mo., la here visiting his sisters, Miss Bes sie Paul and Mrs A. K. Fletcher. Mrs. Roller, wife of Gen. John K. Roller, and three children have re, turned from a visit to hsr former home In Nelson county. An array of temperance leaders will Invade the county to-morrow to be present Monday and Tuesday, at the annual rally of the Anti-Saloon League when ex-Governor Hanley, of Indiana, will speak. WINCHESTER. VA- Aug. 20—l*r. John M. Stock, of Winchester. has re ceived from Governor Mann a com mlftioii appointing him a de]®***® the National legislation Congtea*. Which will be held in Pueblo. Colo rado cdmmonclng September teth, j Mr. and Mro. William Jenkins, of Baltimore, aro netting Captain and Mra M. T- Rood . , Rev. Frank T. nidgee-ay and sieter. Htae Boealo Ridgeway, are In attend ance at the Doudon Camp Mooting. Mra EM gar 8nepp and daughter haro returned from a vlalt to rola tlvoe In Staunton, Va _ , Mlse Nona Brown spent this week with frlenda In Washington. Mra J. C. Eaatham Is spending some time at Rawloy Springs. Mr. Chaa. B. Dooley is spending sev eral weeks with Mr Id'ourgua Hook, at Hook a Mills. W. v». Mr. Ernest C. Sloaf. of Washington, la vtattlng relatives In this city. Mrs. Elisabeth A. Horsey and her guest. Mis Neale, of Richmond. A a., are spending toms days with frlenda In Went Virginia. Mr. Dudley Thaller, of Baltimore, who has been spending some time with Mr. and Mrs Albert C. Brown, has returned to hla home Mrs. Goodwin Baker Is visiting frlenda near ruree'lvtlle. Va. Mr. R. Gray Williams spent several days In Waahlngton this week. The tournament at Rartontvllle re cently drew a great crowd. Fourteen knights participated The succeesful ones were William Burtner. first, who crowned Mias Edna Buchanan, of Ha gerstown, queen Mr. M R. Strode crowned Mlse Anna Jolllffe, of Boyce, first maid; Mr. R. E Reid crowned Mlse Ella Jolllffe. of Bluefteld. W A a, second maid: Mr Charles Ward crown ed Miss Frances .lotltffe third matd Mr. J L. Carper made the corona tion address. Mias Anna Green, of Waahlngton. and Misses Fannie and A’lrglnla Ty ler, of Richmond. arc visiting at 'Morgan Spring, the home of Mrs. Florence Wheat, near Berryville Judge A. C. Carson and wife, wno have been spending the summer at their old home here, started on Thurs day for Ban Francisco, from whence they will sail next week for Manila. Mr and Mrs. Carson were accompanied by Mrs. Carson's mother. Mrs. 8. 1. Conrad, who goes to the Philippines Ith her daughter. .Judge i'«r«on preside* over one of the ln*ul»r courts Mr. and Mr*. A. F. Montgomery, ot Richmond, are netting friends in Clarke, a* 1* Mr. Frank McCarthy, also of' Richmond Rev and Mr*. \V T. Walter* are attending the conference of the Chris tian church, now in seeslon at Har risonburg, Vs. Mr. Charles Gray, of Memphis, Tenn . 1* visiting at the home of hi# father. Mr. Richard L. Gray, on north Kent street. Manassas tttpectal to The Richmond Virginian.) MANASSAS Aug. 30.—Flans are on foot for ihe Inauguration of an Agr' eultural exposition for Northern Vir ginia, at Manassas. Th» enthusiasm, which has met the announcement of an opon-air carnival for one week, be ginning September 5. ha* crystalited Into a design widening the scope of the enterprise and making It repre sentative of the resource* and actlvi liee of all Northern Virginia. A defi nite movement has been started to ward the organisation ot a stock com pany hnvlng for Its purpose an annual exposition and action will probably be taken on the proposition at the close of the street fair. The fair was prim arily launched by Mrs M S. Moffett, supervising principal of the Manassas High School to raise fund* to equip the new graded school building for highest development Surgeon General P. M. Rlxey, retired, is planning to convert his farm "Ben Lomond ' of 2.000 acres, near Manassas, into one of the most magnificent coun try estates In the South, and greatly enhance its value as an agricultural proposition. The plapa have tn view the creation of a beatrtiful park on an ideal site gently sloping from the resi dence to the Sudley road. Landscape gardeners will, within the next few week*, begin their work of laying Out the lawns and terraces. Burglars entered the Hardware Store of W C. Waglner. In this place Tuesdav night, and carried off goods to the value of 1150. The lost consist ed of raaors and pocket cuttery togeth ed with a valuable watch and s quan tity of cartridges No substantial clue to the robbery ha* thua far developed. Two white men and three negroes found loitering around the Southern Railway yard* the morning after the robbery were arrested, ** suspects, but ware released upon their furnishing satisfactory evidence of their inno uenee of the crime. J IV Ludv narrowly escaped death this week when a heavy portable en gine upon which he was riding Through a bridge, spanning Cedar Run, hich collapsed under the heav> weight of the engine, perclpitAtlng th« In a en I rte an/T TTff iWcupant *hTa trt« dream That Mr. Leldy escaped death serious injury la remarkable. Natural Bridge ‘Special to The Richmond Virginian.) 1 ' NATURAL BRIDGE. VA., Aug. 80 These lovely days of the late nimmei I are passing merrily In this favored ! land. The weather Is Ideal, and the 1 god of the open air receives constant homage. Riding and driving, swim ming and fishing, dancing and bowlin* make up the full sum of the days Of course, bridge whist Is a favorite pastime at the bridge, as elsewhere, ! and there are many expert playeri . among the summer colonists. With the summer season still at high tide ' ana wmi uuin auu *.«*«»«* v.®. ! flawing with guests. applications are already coming in for fall reservation*, for this is an all the year round resort, and la very popular during the beau tiful fall days At that aeaaon a num ber of people come here from the White and Hot and linger In the pleas ant ways of the bridge before saying goodby to the mountains. So the gaie ties of the summer will be continued into the fall and the full round of pleasure will he complete. Thursday afternoon Miss Faulkner of 'Williamsburg, entertained at bridge on the piazza of the Marshall cottage In honor of her sister. Mrs. Hubbard. A spirited game gave the first prize, a large engraving of the wonder bridge, to Mrs. Robert M. Hughes, of Nor folk, and the consolation, a box of candy, to Mrs. Eugene Mathews, of Clifton Forge Last Friday evening Mrs. Hechler, of Richmond, gave a delightful bowl ing party in honor of Misses Matthews. Benton and Ballanoe, of Portsmouth, The first ladies’ prize, a lovely brass candlestick, was won by Mr*. W. E. Ford, of Lynchburg, and the first gen tlemen's prize, a beautiful burnt leath er magazine holder, was won by Mr, Lloyd Bell, of Suffolk, while the con solations of the occasion, a peck of cards and a box of cigarettes, fall tc Mrs. J. W. Addis, of Marshall Tex., and Mr. H M. Lotts, of Natural Bridge, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gibson and Master Gibson, of Memphis. Tenn., art at the bridge white making a tour ol the Virginia springs. Judge and Mrs. George L. Christian and Mr. Frank G. Christian, of Rich mond. were registered at the brldgt this week. Miss Susie Brown, of Bristol. Va., is here under the chaperonago of Mrs Robert M. Hughes Mrs. J. G. Cress, of Lexington, Va., has joined her friends. Mrs. Adding ton and Mrs LttVictoire, of Chicago j and is a charming member of s ’charmed circle. Motor parties come in dadly and al most hourly, so numerous have they been recently. Those of lost week were Mr. Charles Peck end party, of Roa noke; Mr. X P. Ltwnan and party, front Rot Springe, and return; Mr. to. V. Weema end party, of Winches ter, Va.; Mrs. John H. Trent end par ty. of Portsmouth, Va. who came over from the Rockbridge Beths; Mr. end Mr*. W. R. Hinsdale end party, of New York; Mr. J. A. -Mshburn, of Roanoke, and party: Mr. and Mra W. J. Newman end party, of Virginia; Mr. James E. Donahue, of Richmond, ind party, and Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Whit more. of Washington, I>. C., end party. Virginia Beach (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) VIRGINIA BEACH, August 30.— Mr. Jack Stockton, of Richmond, was the host of a charming party at the cafe Thursday night after the dance. Those preeent were: Mrs. Miller Donaldson, Mrs. J. Stockton, Mrs. William V. Shelburne, Mrs. Newcomb, Miss L lisle Brauder, Misa Katherine Smith, Paymaster Van Paten, ijeRoy Williams. Dr. Charles Scott and Mi. Jack Stockton. Mis* Fanny Etheridge, of Norfolk, Is the guost of Mra Thomas Carroll at the English Bungalow. Mr. Marsden Dewis, of Norfolk, Va., Is spending a week at the Victoria Cottage. Miss Adeline Hogman, of New Tork, is spending some time at the Queen Anne Cottage. Mr. I* B. Ribble, of Norfolk, spent the week-end at the Queen Anne Cot tage. Among those recently registered at the Gardner Cottage are: Miss Iva Vance Webb, Mr. J. A. Shackey and Mr. W. I*. Bowan, Mis Minnie Bowan and Miss Ruth Bowan. of Bluedald, W. Va.; Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Carroll, Jr., of Atlanta. Ga.; Mr. Arthur Craw ford. of Norfolk. Va.. and Mr. Merwyn R. Hatch, of Columhus. O. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Marks, Mr. Williams O. Marks, Mr. Samuel H Marks. Jr., Mr. Arthur P. Marks, ot Washington. D. C., are spending some Mr. K. Walter Brown and Mr. Ed ' ward B. Young have returned to thetr home* In Danville, arter spending ten daj» at the Pocahontas Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morton and Mr. and Mrs C. H. Morton, of Cln• ; cinnart, O., are spending some time at ' the Waverly. Miss Elizabeth Parks gave a marsh mellow roast Friday night In honoi : of Miss Hosalle Tubman, of Philadel phia. Mlsa Parker's guests were, i Misses Elisabeth Wells. Bailie Kinsey, Dorothy Wilhelm, Marian Flicklnger Atfredlea Harwood, Margaret Delk Rosalie Tubman. Marguerlta Brook* and Grace Shelburn. Mesars. Edward I Temple, George Simpson. Brent Wells I William Parker and Goodwin Parker 1 Mr. W. I.eon Hall, or Norfolk, Va. j spent the week-end at te Queen Anne Cottage. Miss Dlcle Howell, of Tarboro. N C., and Miss Martha Howel, of Rn fleld, N. C., are spending some time at the Gardner Cottage. Mr. H. H. Dyke, of Washington r>. C.. Is spending a few days at th« Queen Anne Cottage. Mr. Herbert Johnson, of Smlthfleld ' is stopping for a few days at thi Gardner Cottage. Mr. Brent Wells, Mr. George 8!mp son and Mr William Parker gave i very enjoyable watermelon feast Tues day night, after ths dance at tn< pavilion. Those present were: Missei I Ethel TaU. Marian FHekinger, Re beeca Talt Sallle Kinsey, Eltaabet) Wells, Marguerlta Broke. Helen Talt Grace Shelburne. Mesrs Benny Kin sey, Borton Myers. Edward Temple George Simpson, William Parksr ant Brent Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Tubman, Miss Rosalli Tubman and Mr. S. A. Tubman. Jr. have returned to their home In PhU adelphla. Pa., after spending threi weeks at the Queen Anne Cottage. Mr. Benny Kinsey has returned t< the Beach, after spending a wee* «< Petersburg. Va Miss Margaret Delk left Mondal ! for her home in Smlthfleld. aftei ! spending two weeks at the Drlftwooi Cottage. Mr. Borton Myers, of Norfolk, li j the guest of Mr. Brent Wells. 1 Miss Nannie Reid, or Norfolk, spen | the week-end with Miss Augustin' Allen. Mr. W. W. Croxton. of Norfolk j Va., spent the week-end at th 1 Waverly. Miss C. H. Ellett and Mr. C. M I Ellett. of Richmond, Va.. are spend I lng some time at the Gardner Cottag* Archel Gravely and Mr. Eugen VoeJl of Danville, Va., are spandlnj a few days at ths Pocahontas Cot tags. Miss Marjorie Bell has returned t the Queen Anne Cottage, after spend lng several days at Ocean View. Mrs. 8. 8. Brooks, of Roanoke, Va is stopping for some time at th Simpson Cottage. Buckroe (Special to The Richmond Virginian. BUCKROE BEACH, VA., Aug. 30. The distinctive feature of this weal at the beach ha* been variety, ewlm ming partle*. beach partlee, melon spread*, side trips, all doing their dut; in the entertaining line. Bo many o the August guests being from a die tance, they And a special pleasure li the side trips to the places of interee near here, whose reputation Is wide spread. Cape Henry, with Its unlqu attraction and Its wonderful sam dunes. 1* the favorite with all the in land folk, and parties go over ever week; several this week. • The young set have been decided! in evidence this week, moet of the en S tertaining being done by them. Mis | Connie Fleming, of Richmond, one o the most popular girls here this sea son. entertained at dinner on Thurs dary evening in honor of her gueet of the week, Miss Nannie Smith, Rich mond; Miee Margaret Olleeon. Park ersburg, W. Va., and Miss Helen Pat teaon, Staunton. The color soherae o I the evening, pink, was most artlstlcal j l> brought out In the decorations. an< ' blended charmingly with the daint; I evening gowns and fresh young face I of the guests. A beautiful dinner wa ! served and the whole evening wa ' characterised by that esprit so deelr ! able, yet so elusive, which only “youtl and the Joy of living" can give. Cov i ers were laid for fourteen, exqulslt | little place cards assisting the youm | hostess in seating her guests. Those who enjoyed Mlee Fleming' I hospitality, besides the three guest of honor, wereMtss Cecils JantH, 8ai Antonio;v Miss Mary Ropsr, Peters burg; Miss IUma Booker, Hampton Marshall Bookar. George Maesenburi Philip Blackmore, Edgar O utter Hampton; Charleton Jantn, San An tonlo; Peyton Fleming, Carl Flemlna Richmond. The Chamberlin hop of this weel was. as usual, largely attended by th Buckroe contingent and to the feml nine eye was more than usually at trsotlve, because of the liberal eprtnk ling of naval men beloagtnf to th cruisers then lying In the Roads. Mi i and Mrs. Von Schilling, ef Hampton Mrs Joseph Orgill. of Memphis, chap i eroned the party from here- Amon; ' the dancers were Miss Fleming, Mis ; Waltera. Miss Gladys and Miss Sadi 'Neale. Miss LUa Willis, Richmond Mias KUkeaon. Parkersburg. W. Ve. Miss Roper, Petersburg; Miss Jantn ha* had greatest demand for it* students recently in its history of 43 years; three of these offered #100 per month. This i» our dull season, but we have lately entered students from England, Porto Rieo, New York, Ne*r Jersey, West Virginia, ! Virginia. Young people could hardly spend #40 to j $80 to better advantage than to take a course : with us. Phone Madison 2750J, or address Noith Carolina, South Carolina and 1 San Antonio; Mr. Hiram Smith. Mr. 11 Jack Brander. Mr. Billie Burke. Rfc-ft- ' mond; Senor Kamtrea, Washington. Besides the weekly hop. tha Cham- j , ! berlln swimming pool is vary attrac- j 1 tiva In the evenings to the young peo- [ [pie. particularly the very young peo | pie here. Wilson Roper, of Petorsburg, ! Is conceded to be the finest young ■ swimmer on the beach, and on Wod ; neaday evening gave a swimming par ty at tha Chamberlin pool to a num- i i tier of the children hers, lovers of , aquatic "stunts.” Buckroe steadily holds Its own i through August. Tha family parties; •till coming In for a long stay. Ken- 1, tueky Is particularly well represented this week, its contingency consisting 1 of Mr. and Mra N. P. Gay, three 1 children. Winchester; Mrs. E. M. Hume. Mra. Harry Chenault, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. McOown. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. McCown, T. D. Chenault, Rich mond. Kentucky; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Watkins. Miss Harbara Watkins are most delightful representatives from Louisville, each of whom has added much to the social life of the place j ; here, and made many friends. The Richmonders registered here | ; are Mr. and Mra O. A. Parrish. Mrs. j i Ryan. Miss Zimmerman, Mra F. A. ’ Kens. Mr W. 8. McCoy. Mrs. Bush Kelson. Miss Nelson, of Lexington. Ky., are among the recent ..arrivals. 1 —-- ■ The Young Men’s Bible Class are ! practicing for an entertainment, un Highland Springs I der the auspices of Mr. Barbara. Tor j the benefit of the Methodtet church. ; which will take place. Aug. IT. Music j win be rendered by the Highland | Spring Mandolin Club. Mlsaes Adams were serenaded Mon day night, by the Highland Springs Mandolin Club. Miss Lula Adams Is spending her vacation at Ocean View. Mr. Eugene Chambers, of the West, Is visiting his parents on Main ave. Miss Let tie and Halite Leftwtch. who has been visiting In Petersburg, has returned home, after spending a most pleasant visit with their friend. Miss Beulah Weils. Mr. Bovee and family will move to Manchester, aa It wtll be more con venient to his business. Mr. Stuart Turner and Authur Gray, are spending their vacation at Ocean View. Mr. John Rsltlebarh left last week for the mountains, where he will be engaged In buslnese. accompanied by Mr. Herman Whaekley. Mrs. Qeorge Gordon was the guest of Mrs. Jones at Glen Etho Heights this week. Mrs. D L. miles visited Richmond lest week. Master Clarence Buheler, Is sick at the home of his grandmother, Mrs D. L. Stiles ______ Daughters of Liberty "win meet Monday night at the Odd Fellow’s Hell at 8 P. M. Mrs. Emma Gale, who has been visit ing her sister. Mrs. John Glasgo ha* returned to her home In Richmond Mr. W. B. Rudd and eon. Granville, are visiting relatives In Caroline. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howard, of Flint. Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. R. Q. Moere. Mies Pearl Bonneville, of Reedavllle. Va., will spend the wtnter with ner aunt, Mra. J. W. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd, has returned borne after an extended trip through different States. _ The Odd Fellows met Wednesday night. In their hall, at the J» stop. Miss Nannie Lowery, or Richmond, visited Miss Bertha Adams this week. Mr. B G. Gray, Is visiting his par ents on Main avenue. f Barton Heights Misses Louisa and Ida GuUck left for their vacation Friday. They will i spend a few daya in Washington. D. 'C.. and then go to Loudoun county for a month. Mr. 8. B. Winn, of Montgomery. Ala., is vial ting his stater, Mrs. J. F. Stringer. Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Palmar, who i have been visiting Mrs. W. P. Veltch, have returned home. Mrs. T. W. Gardner, who haa been visiting her uncle, Mr. Joseph Ryland, in King and Queen, has come home. Mrs. Harvey Hughes is visiting rele t tives in Hanover. Constance Ryland, who has dlph | therla, is more comfortable. Hunter Talman is in Hanover. 11 Mrs. Mary GuUck and daughter, i: Lou, have returned from Ocean View, ■ j after a pleasant week's visit. . I Mr. H. 8. Hall and family hava come i j home, after a pleasant visit to John ■ ! ston station, in Buckingham county. i j Mias Virgin Long leaves soon to visit: r relatives in the West. Misses Bertha, Lillian and Pearl i' Hardaway are visiting at Snowden, » Va. - 1 i Amu, the TUtlS th res-£ ear-old eon . of Mr. and Mre. G. K. Millar, who; ; was painfully cut by falling through , a glaaa saah to a flower bed, is getting , on nicely. Rev. Mr. Berryman, who has been , spending his vacation in Surry, return ed to-day and will All bis pulpit at c, both services on Sunday, s j Mrs. Fred 8. Jones and daughter, . Margaret are spending the month at ■ Greenwood. Albemarle county. Miss Bessie Duneanson. who haa i been vlstsing at Frederick's Hall, . Louisa county, has returned. Mrs. Richard Anderson and grand - son. 'Julian Gray, are visiting In Ms t thews county. ■ Charles Denison and Miss Beulah t Denison, of Indianapolis, are the ; guests of Mrs. P. 0- Robinson. Miss Alice Miekleboro ban returned . to her home on Grove avenu* Rich Powhatan Institute tome School for Girl* and Young Ladies. Forty miles from Richmond, Va. Modern Equipment. Nine V’ears' Success. $150 00 pays all expense* in Academic bourse. A corps of efficient teacher* rain girls for Business. Teaching and I he dome. A graduate of thi* institution rill upon application to the State Boat 1 >f Education receive a certificate which rill entitle her to teach in the public ichool* of the state without having to itand the regular State examination Special advantages are given in Music, trt and Elocution. The school is religious, but not eecta ■ian. For catalogue and other informa tion apply to ' R, G. PORTER, Belona. Powhatan Co., Va. Fork Union Military Academy A greet school for born Strict disci pline under Army officer. Thorough natruction under experienced teacher*. Management distinctly Christian. Last Mission the beet in the history of the school. Many improvements being made for our text session. For catalogue and terms address. E. 8. LIGON, Headmaster. Fork Union, Va. SCHOOL Richmond 'college Offer* two-year cones* _in the practical braach „ of the law leading to degree of LL *. Location unea r paeaed. Term* moderate. Heat eeeetoo begin* *ep ♦etnber 33.1910. For catalogue sad information address W. S. HcNElLU Proftmr if Law, Richmond, Va. Cluster Springs Academy A Select Preparatory School for Young Men. The only school in the State in which every Master Is an Alumnus of tbs University of Virginia. Rates only $d50. Hampden Wilson, University of Vir ginia, Principal. William Oscar Ryburn, Master of Arts University of Virginia, Associate Principal. Box 34. Cluster Springs, Virginia University of Virginia. Head of PubUe School Syttem of Virginia. Letters, Science, Law, MedkiK. Eapseenaj Loan Funds Available to needy and deserving students. $10.00 covers all costs to Virginia students in the Academic Departments. Send for catalogue. HOWARD WINSTON, Registrar, University Postoffice, Va. M m EDICAL COLLEGE or VfWC,NIA atMla M mond. after a week’s visit with her lister, Mrs. E. M. Wallace. Dr. Kuyk will till the pulpit at the morning service at the Baptist church. There will be no service at night. Mias Grace Frltsaohe haa returned from a visit to Mrs. Emmett Poindex ter at Frederick’s Hall. The usual divine services will take place at the Epiphany church Sunday morning and night, conducted by the rector, the Rev. G. Peyton Crslghtn. — The ladies' guild will meet Monday Blight. v Highland Park Wood and Coal Co. is deliver- * ing it* everyday to its patrona. We have the only wood and coal yard in the town with a stock of all kinds of the very best coal mined. Our wood is superior. Service Promptest.. Phone Mon roe 1320. B F TAYLOR and E. T. LOXQ,