Newspaper Page Text
- == Wants Wants POSITION WANTED_MALK. tmmtr Twrwxsrr ygg ’xr gor-‘ lar. *»lt«r or useful non. Add res* ' ED- Mn.IJCR. - flSlM. core Richmond Vlr EXPBRIBNCED CHAUFFEUR D8 slres position oareful drlnr own re pair#. Address M. E. J„ ll«« Wsot Leigh Street_ EXPERIENCED, PRACTICAL* UP-TO dste farmer wants position as man ager; Improving wornout land thor oughly understood, stock raising, general farming and trucking, eight years In one place. Reference from same for ability, character, etc. X. B. KARECKSON. Stevensvllle, Md. WANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF good habits, and no clgahette smok er, a position as stenographer or bookkeeper, or both combined. Ad drese E. E. D., care Richmond Vlr glnlan, ____ WANTED—POSITION AS GROCER salesman; write for experience and references. R. F. D. No. S. BOX 41. _Wallace, N, C. _ PRINTER—GENERAL NEWSPAPER and "ad." man—open for Job, can come at once. Address E. W. F., 710 Washington street. Portsmouth, Va . WANTED BY GRADUATE IN MUSIC at Randolph-Macon, a position to teach piano; best of references. AU drsss BOX 10S. Amherst. Vs. WANTED—BY A FIRST GRADE VIR glnla teacher of several sears’ ex perience. a posittoln In public or pri vate school; Latin and music. Ad dres Y, care Postmaster, Poplar Hill, Vs. WANTED—A YOUNG MAN OK SKV eval years’ experience as trained nurse Is open for engagement for an lndeflnate time. Can handle any kind of case. Address G-S, care _ Richmond Virginian. MARRIED MAN WANTS WORK OF any kind belt lacer, rose grower and gardner by trade. Call or write P- Stanfield, «os East Main st. WANTED—BY YOUNG MARRIED man situation as manager on farm experienced; ran give references. Ad dress MANAGER, 1210 North Nine teenth WANTED— ALL- ROUND PRINTER want* position at once will go any where. married. All references. Ad dress HOWARD SHACKELFORD.. 1401 Ashland Street, City. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND general office man In country town desires permanent position In Htcn mond: sober and energetic; best ref erences; now employed Address Box 10”. Thomasvllle, N C. YOUNG MAN DESIRES EMPLOYMENT as plumber’s' helper; two and a half years’ experience; no objection to leaving the e!ty. Address R. T. B., ll South Allen avenue. Richmond Va. WANTED—BY COLLEGE GRADUATE of two years’ experience, position to teach In graded or high school; tas tomonlale furnished Address MIsS i L. HARDY. Reedy Va Torso '“colored* boy~~T» tears old wants position as butler or wait er Address CARLISLE SPENCER, Care Richmond Virginian. TorTH WANTS PERMANENT pMi tton, with change for promotion. Ad dress E S., care Carrier *0, High land Park WANTED— S1TI ATION BY REOlio tered pharmacist; twenty-one years' experience; tingle; best references, salary, 115 per week not afraid of work Address OPIUM *15 North 4’alvert Street, Baltimore, Md. Position WArH’BD b¥ v. ifjfR* mak rled man a* traveling salesman or clerical In store or like capacity, ex perience In mercantile business; best references. Address Box 11. Lebanon, Va. POSITION WANTED W TOt NO llAN in aruK ?iore oy oppirniurr *, u»»r had +tj>*»ri«*nce: position in Danville or some small town pr*ferrs<3. b««t of references, Address It, G., P. O Box <5-1. Round HtU. Vt. WANTED—BY YOUNG MAN. AGED':6. -teedy Job. with chance of promo tion; would like to learn Rood trade. Address A. F. B. 181& West Cary street. YOUNG MAN 19 YEARS ODD WANTS position: references furnished. Ad POSITION WANTED—FK1IUE WANTED—FAMILY WASHING AT home, or work by the day *0* Abl Kail street (end of Ninth street), Richmond, Vo, YOUNG WOMAN WANTS POSITION as nurse 904 St. Peter Street. W A NT ED— FAMILY W A SUING. North Prentiss Street. SIS WANTED—DAYS WORK APPLY No, 9 North Linden street. WANTED—FAMILY WASHING AT -Z North SixtH'streeT. TOUNG WOMAN DESIRES POSITION as stenographer. Capable, some ex perience. good reference. Ill* N Twenty-(lrst street. WANTED—TYPEWRITING TO DO at home; rapid writer. Rates rea sonable Phone Madison 6S17-L WANTED-POSITION AS TEACHER or governess by a college graduate, 22 years of age. holding a first grade certificate; best of references fur nished on application. Address M. VIOLA LT'PTON. No 274 Norm Franklin Street, Washington. Pa. fv ANTED—BY Y OUNG LADf; _ _ .. . Posi tion to teach In graded or high school. Certificate and testimonials. Address MISS A. care Postmaster, North View. Va. ITOUNG LADY WITH TWO YEARS' successful experience In teaching, and holding first grade certificate, wishes position In a graded or one room school state salary. Address MISS L P.: care Postmaster. Ran soms, Buckingham county, Va. ^rANTED^A“rOSlfToN TO~,rEACH In a private school l At tin. music, meYINHiatice and all English branches; good references Address MISS R., care Postmaster. R. F. D.. No. 5, Trevillan. Va. A TOUNG LADf OF EXPERIENCE desires a position to teach in pri vate family; oan teach the usual English branches and instrumental music. Address MISS X, care Post master, Rodophtl, Va Young wo man desires posItIon as stenographer. Capable, eorne ex perience, good reference. Ill# N. Twenty-Brst street. Position wanted as cook In some good family. »t< East Leigh REFINED. EDUCATED LADY DB elres position as companion to elder ly lady, ar as housekeeper, or teach er for private school; to right per sons services Invaluable. Address MISS M. R. J.. Lock Box «*. Seotta burg, Va. Cady with experience desires position as governess for young children; music and French a spe cialty: reference exchanged. Address A. B.. Box >4. South Boston. Va. WANTED—EXPERIENCED TEACHER (male and unmarried) to teach In private family with four children. f 'ana I tiFM M 2tO Wisa tWl M n«I _ stringed instrument*. Address sx perlanca. references and salary ex pected. Address "P. A. W.,~ Lee Hall, Va. Wanted — kxpbbibncbd'hoi’bk keeper for family of four; In small j town; state referenoes and waves ex pectsd. Address P. O. Box (I, Tase welL Va. * X MIDDLE AOKD WOMAN WAHtS . B" Ion as housekeeper In prlrate ■ y, or companion and nurse to . Invalid, cars of linen room, or care 1 of children- Address B., care Bpx 44, Chatham, Va W anted—position ab matron"; . an energetic lady of 40. Address E., Box tt. wInterpock, Va ; A CONTRALTO WANTS POSITION AB Singer In church or concert, or teach er of voice and piano; testimonials and raferences riven. Address Box U4. Statesville, N. C. Want Ad. Rates One cent per word when paid !n advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. POSITION WAITED—PEMALG. !3^Tofn!rOT!^^Trmw:TmE?rTO anil holding a first grade certiflca'e, desires to teach In a public school Address MISS "K." Box .4, Lilian, Va. TRAINED NURSE OR TEACHER OB English, French music and art de sires employment. Address EMMIE, care Foslmaster. Oulneys, Va.__ A YOUNG LADY OF "lit REPROACH able character, three years' experi ence in teaching, desires position hs governess to small children; can teach English and music, no objei - tlon to leaving the State; references exchanged. Address MISS R. C. JPANNiLl. Bassett. Va. WANTED—A POSITION TO TEACH small children In a private family References exchanged Address Mary k, beau Tunstali, Va._ WANTED—POSITION AS TEACHER In public school by young lady hold ing first grade certificate. Address G, W, JONES. Crewe, Va REAI, ESTATE FOR SALK lot; Highland Springs: will aell cheap on easy terms; nice little bargain. CASS ELM AN A CO. 7 1-2 ACRES; NICE ORCHARD RCli ning stream, well; vineyard: nice six room dwelling: *00 yards of car line, all in perfect condition, for sale at sacrifice figures, or will exchange for city property. CASBBLMAN ft CO. 1M ACHES PRETTY LAND. A BOUT half cleared; balance In cord Wood and Umber; two-story dwelling of six rooms. In a pretty shade. largo orchard, two other smaller dwellings on the farm; orchards with each; all within five miles of Westhamptoti, and on an elegant road, owner dead, have lust been authorized to sell at 115 per acre to close the estate; a No, 1 Investment. t'ASSELMAN A CO. ___ FOR" 8A LK—Nil'E »- ROOM COTTAG E with acre and quarter of land Shade, water etc., at railroad station, 21 miles from Richmond, or exchange 1U1 »:uj Junction. V*. HAIR TOM1C. pFn*o57?l^RXfK:^'^n7r~Tr~^r?rRTN the reach of everybody. large bottle only 60c.. arty guarantee too. FOR SALK. gyggrwft ba¥h ftotfffiAyrrrtn for the summer; that means good health, we employ experts In this line. VA PLUMBING * HEATING CO,, N. Ninth atreet. rOR WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON BROS. CIS Brook avenue. U>W~PRICE8 ON ALL RANGES. SEE ua now while the price* are low; all standard makes, which mean* a great deal when you want repair. \ A PLUMBING A HEATING CO.. 2« N. Ninth etreet. rOR SALE. JATH ROOM AND KITCHEN COM fort make a comfortable Bummer at home; we can eupply you with a.l these comforts; we are selling the Detroit Jewel Owe Range and other standard makes of Gas Ranges. De troit Jewel Heaters for hot water In your bath room and all those Inex pensive appliance# for bath and kit chen. VA PLUMBING * HEATING CO., 2* K Ninth street. V EA RE OFFERING UNUSUAL LOW prices on our line of Ranges. ManteD and tiling; now Is the time to save money if you are Interested. VA. PLUMBING * HEATING CO.. 2* N Ninth street. rOR SALE SECOND uAND BABA carriage, good condition cheap to quick buyer. Can be seen at 1306 _VV_^Tarv. street HAIR TONIC. fotnv awsTEt mrvt'irft druggist If not henefttted by Nelson’s Hslr Tonic. Price, 60c MISCKLLASRora. CLKANSfworvfi' frets urn. JO TO THE BEST PLACE IN THE West End. when you want your clothes cleaned and pressed; all wora ; guaranteed first class. J. R. BERK LEY. JR., Ill W. Main street. Phone Monroe 133. HAIR. IUHAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at Hughe’s, 30» N._TblrJ street._. CLEANING AND PRESSING. LAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, preseed and dyed by BRASEN AND RILEY; they make them look like new. Ladles work a specialty. 60f E, Main street, phone. Monroe *21. CLEANING AND PRESSING; PHONE I Madison ITU; 203 North Fifth street; lad lee’ work a specialty._ . StHRKMP—313 NORTH FIFTH. UMBRELLAS COVERED AND RE paired; expert work; SCHKEMP, The •FECIAL NOTICE. ixgrgrreare'ffEomt to«;k urm j complexion and nails when you can hare work done at reduced price#. •S3 K. Bread street, upstairs : I IPECIAL PRICES—ON HANDSOME , room# If taken this month—Private ; family; fire mlnulea walk to Broad ' and Main Streets. Business people Investigate. *0* X. 10th street. IEVEHAL TRUNKS OF DRUMMERS' ; eample trousers, special bargains; high-grade gods; bought cheap; sold I wtj. n. JAwDB PMUONAU. VE MAKE A SPECIALTY OP TREAT inf and curing nervous and stomach troubles; Mental Scientist: references. IM East Clay street Richmond, East Clay street Rlchmor sHoir* b>a1ri* «: •HO __ Trrisay'ggcg-ininrs-Bggaarr.r dies', »0c; children's, 40c and up. Every pair sewed. DIUBW'8 El.EC TKIC SHOE PACTt/KY. 714 East •treat. Phone Monroe 2*47. _ — rdriTT>VP?mTCTnTT ” TO*" SBOUiVr: drummers’ samples of hlgh-elaes trousers presents itself now: we got 'em cheap—so can you: but be quick. N. F. JACOBS * SON. Ninth, near Broad street. —HdTSfe AND THGir>AiSiw?j!r~ psrynaycexaynspME^rxfWYrws: decora tins and signs. call on Wil liams-Hewitt Co.. 105 W. Broad street, all work guaranteed. Phone, Madl son IOTA TTAiSW8fi?^a,®B"l!e*,!^ Tfwasswe'^ mrfT’KWIT' will not ohange the color of the hair; anything that doee is injurious. Price SOo. YANTED—MEN TO BUT AN EXCEL lent line of drummers’ sample trou sers: several trunks just opened; all ntgk-grads; bought cheap; to be sold (or a mm N. V. JACOT8 * SON, Ninth, near Broad street. 300HI FOR REST. rent. 71* E. Marshall Street. WANTED—A COtTLE OR TWO young men to occupy nicely fur nished room, heated in the winter; also hot and cold water In the room, and .next to balhroom. 2305 N 8treet. or phone Madison 72*4. i FOR RENT—FLAT OF THREE I room*,, gee. water and hath, eecontl floor. 3413 East Marshall Street, j overloking Chlmboraso Park, IS per month. Apply after * o'clock F. M. I FOR RENT—VERY DESIRABLE rooms, with or without hoard, by 1st of September. Everything rlrst claas. Gentlemen preferred. Apply 1 40^ East Main. *14 EAST CLAY—NEWLY FURNISH* ed or unfurnished rooms, special summer rates; phone Madison 2200J; bath; home comforts. !for RHNT— UPPER flat of three rooms, back porch and private i hath 2602 East Franklin Street. FOR RENT—TWO NICELY FURNISH - i ed front rooms, second floor, 506 North Seventh Street. ' FI'R.MSHKI) ROOMS. WITH ~OK without board, nice quarters; big. airy rooms. Apply N. NIELSON, 212 South Fifth Street. F<5r RENTS—FROM 8K PT K M H ER I. two unfurnished rooms and bath, with light and heat; on third floor; corner Laurel and Floyd, fronting Monroe Park Address .1 623, care The Virginian. NICELY FURNISHED KoiiMS HOME comforts. 14 North Sixth, between ) Franklin and Main. FOR RENT. TWO OR THREE LARGE room* and small room, excellent lo cation. Phone Madison 7649-J. ! WANTED BOARDERS AT~ THE Greenwood House. For terms, apply to Mrs. J. A. Wine. Oreenwo 1, Vj LARGE AND SMALL " FURNISHED rooms for rent. Apply 710 East Franklin Street . NICELY FURNISHE l>~8TKAM HEjCf ed rooms: double or single. Apply 317 West Grace. To8 EAST’CLAY~8TREET. CENTRAL: large front parlor. back parlor: newly papered; light and airy; large front room, second floor; hall room. *2 A A ...-ik FOR RENT-TWO ROOMS. 8 ECONO floor, control location. Phono 2547-J. two Large connectTnf ftr nlshed room*, board If desired. 101 IVen Grace. BEUOHTPCL ROOMS,’~N E W LT~ FCH nished, with 'phone, bath and tee water 506 North Fifth Street. FOR KENT-TWO ROOMS'AND RATH, suitable for light housekeeping. Ap ply 7J1 North Fifth Street FOR "“KENT— TO 'ONE OR” TWO OEN~ tlemen. comfortable, furnished room convenient to bath, with use of 'phone. I South Fifth Street rriRNIHHED ROOSTNEWLY-:PAT^Eli ed; also housekeeping flat. Apply 509 East Leigh. special Trice's on “handsome rooms If taken this month; private family'; five minute*' walk to Broad i and Main Streets; business people. I inventitcat. Apply «6» North Tentn Street. NE AT. PRETTY ROOMS; ONE DOLLAR j per week, handy to Broad and Main Streets. Apply 609 North Tenth Street. . two connectIno front ROOMS; bath adjoining; first floor: furnished or unfurnished board if desired. 30:i South Fourth. Gamble's Hill. FOP. RENT--TO GENTLEMAN~NICiT ly furnished hall room, electric lights, hot water and use of phone. Apply 215 Hast Grace. FOR RENT—HEATED. TWO' LARGE and one small room*, with bath, on third floor; no small children. At> ply 109 East Franklin DESIRABLE OFFICE FOR DOCTOR on Grace near Sixth. 'Phone Madi son 4*44. TH REff ROOMS,'~<Tr WILL RENT separately. Apply 511 North Seventh LARGE. ELEGA NT ROOMS; Fl'R^ nished or unfurnished; slnirle or en suite. Apply 30» East Franklin, WANTED=T~ORENT FOR A FAMILY ! of adults, a large, flrst-clasa West End residence N. W. ROWE * SON TWO L'NFTRN I SHED ROOMS; CON nected. front and rear; with bath Apply *19 North Seventh Street. Twd‘ Ttrnished roomsTTi and ! 'linos n X]ddv )!»»» J»«l ©Jit Adams. FOR-RENT—TWO 1AROE ToNNKCT Inir rooms: suitable for dresamakins purposes; on Third Street, near j Broad. Apply SOI Eaat Broad, up- i stairs. ST CLARE MILLINERY. FOR RENT—LARGE AND SMALL1 rooms, furnished for housekeeping. 914 North Twelfth Street TWO NICE ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR ' suitable for office of any kind, at 719 East Franklin Street. ] NICELT rt’RjflSHKD ROOMS: ALSO ; rooms for light housekeeping ; cen- ! t rally located SI? North Fourth Street. Fse phone and bath. FOR RENT—THREE CONNECTING I rooms, with bath: near Chimborazo I Park; house new and clean. el4>ctr:c and gas lighted, only quiet, respon sible parties need apply. Address 1*. O. Box 2*6. City. I FARMERS’ INSTITUTES IN TIDEWATER SECTION This week will see several F»nn«ra' Institutes In Tidewater Virginia. Com irflsttoner of Agriculture George W. Kolncr spent Monday in Bluemont. where there was a hi* meeting. This started the route which will continue through Wednesday over the Southern Railway. Wednesday night the com missioner and .party will go to 'Wash ington, thence by boat to, Norfolk where they will he joined Thursday by the following: B T. Berry, W. W. Sproul, 8. B. Hodges, B. L- Purcell and Colonel John W. Richardson. The ad vocates for better agricultural condi tions will then go to Sralthdeld. and Friday take In Gloucester county and Matthews county Saturday. C. * O. BUYS LAND TO STRAIGHTEN CURVE (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ROXBURY, VA...Aug. 22.—In or der to avoid an abrupt curve at Tur ner’s, the Cheaapeake and Ohio rail road. which Is just completing the double track from Richmond to New port News, have purchased a piece of land for this purpose from the old Turner place. The followers commissioners, who ware appointed to assess ' the land— Messrs. C. R-Nance, George Major. I*. A. Marston, Sr.. T. u Walker and A. P. Walker—valued it at VI,tM, —■.. . REDDY TO LEMIE OD WESTER! IP ,1 .. .. . ! Colonel Prepares for Tour Which Takes Him Across Con tinent. NOW WITH HIS FAMILY Will Be Guest of Brother-in-Law Douglas Robinson, in New York Until Wednesday. OrSTER BAT. August SI.—With | to-morrow ‘ get away day" for the ! contributing editor, to-day was spent at Hagamore Hill In preparation for travel. | Colonel Roosevelt did no political [ conferring to-day, beyond a < hat with Eongworth. who with hla wife had come to Sagamore for a short visit before the beginning of the i colonel's Western trip. There was a short break In the preparations when the colonel re ceived John R. Parr, republican nomi nee for dOngress from the Scranton district of Pennsylvania. The colonel talked with Parr about labor condi tions in hia district which Colonel Roosevelt visited on his recent trip of Investigation In the coal region. The colonel will spent to-day with his family at 8agamore Hill and will leave early to-morrow for New Vork. where he will board a special train for I'tica. New York. To-morrow afternoon he will address the Herkimer county grange lie will be the guest of his brother-in-law. Douglas Robinson, until Wednesday evening, when he will resume his Western trip. JEWS KEEP OH THE BIGHT SIDE Poliee Will Be Bury T!»is Week ou Kuforeing One Particular Ordinance. The city ordinance compelling driv ers of all vehicles to keep always to the right is going to be enforced in Richmond this week. Major Werner, chief of police, act ing under orders from the police com missioners. will station,,a mounted po liceman at the (principal street cross ings in the city, and when a buggy, wagon, an automobile or a bicycle is run so that the ordinance is violated an arrest will be made. In other words, the ordinance known as the traffic ordinance will be strictly compiled with. The edict went forth Monday morn ing and a squad of seven mounted po licemen are to be assigned especially to the work of reporting those who persist in driving to the left through the streets. The Ordinance prescribes that ttie right wheel of any vehicle must be near the curbing when the vehicle is stopped. Some complaint has been heard since the-ordinance was adopt- : ed, and_it is said by attorneys that it is defective in one or two clauses, yet a test will be made of it by the police. in Police Court a week ago a driver was arraigned for stopping his wagon on the north side of Broad street, near Seventh, with the left wheels to . the curbing. He claimed that he had to stop three times in the square, and that to comply with the ordinance would force him to cross Broad rtreet as many times and make a turn In order to place his right wheel on th# north side of the thoroughfare. He wan dismissed, because it was the first : time a complaint was made, but an j order was immediately made that in j the future there would be no more j acquittals. And this week drivers are.going to be summoned to Police Court unless they obey what the Council has said ia s—law, .4t will—be—interesting - to - note the many cases that are reported, i POWHATAN NEGRO GUILTY! OF ILLICIT LIQUOR SALE John Well Fined $50 Dollars for 1 his Offense and Three Negroes 1 in Jail Charged with Perjury. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) POWHATAN COURTHOUSE. VA . August 22.—As a result of the search ing investigation begun in Powhatan by 'Squire J. T. Crump and Common wealth’s Attorney Milton P. Bonifant John Wells has been convicted and lined fifty dollars and costs for the illicit sale of whiskey, and three other persons are confined in the Powhatan jail under charges of perjury in the investigation. The Investigation grew out of a fight which occurred at the Pine Hill Colored Baptist church on Sunday. August 7. 1810, between two young colored bucks, Ivey Randall and ; Aaron Dodson. On August 8 Lee Rob inson, a deacon in the church sought out Squire Crump, and had a war- J rant issued for Ivey Randall for dis turbing public worship. When Ran dall was arrested and brought to the court-house he told ’Squire Crump and the commonwealth's attorney that he had bought whiskey at the church and that it was one of the causes of the fight The ©Ulcers im mediately started a vigorous Investi gation. summoning witnesses, and subjecting them to examination as to their knowledge of the Illicit sale of ardent spoirlts and two other brothers of Ivey Randall admitted that they had purchased whiskey from a negro named Lucky Green. Aaron Dodson was arrested for dis orderly conduct at church and on examination for aald offense he ad mitted that h# also had bought whls- i key from Lucky Qreen. Green was arrested and Aaron Dodson and the j Randall brothers wars placed upon the stand as witnessss tor the Com monwealth in tha prosecution of I Green, but when questioned regard- j ing their purchase of whiskey they | denied having bought It, and Green was acquitted. Immediately after the Green trial Commonwealth’s Attorney Bonifant requested the Juadce to issue war wants fnr napitlTV ■ < n as U da.ll, Ivey KandaU, Aaron Dodson, which wm accordln*Iy done and the three defendants committed to jail for further examination. It develop de that Le Gaines had bought whis key from John Wells, and a warrant was duly Issued for him. and upon trial Wells was convicted and lined. FOR SALE, $6,000 Broad Street, corner Twentieth, Two-story and Basement Brick Dwel ling, 12 rooms and bath. Ix>t 55x155 to alley. This property could be improved and made a splendid paying investment. $2,600 West Cary Street, Two-Storv Brick Dwelling of seven rooms and bat h. Apply to HUTZLER REAL ESTATE RENTAL5 5ALES LOAN 5 IC.!3 EA'jT MAIN rjTR£ KT r^rur f j'i'l If You Want 8,000.000 feet good saw timber, stumpage that is well located at a sacrifice price, see CASSELMAN A CO., 1111 East Main Street. 2509 East Franklin Nice Six-Room House, for immediate possession; $12.50 per month. N. W. BOWE & SON, $60 Per Foot FOR DESIRABLE STUART AVENUE I.OT. W. E PURCELL, JR., CO., 100 North Eighth Street Phone or Call for X. W. Bowe A Son's complete RENT-LIST Monroe 343 FOR RENT, 110 East Main St. 12-room house, well located, either for private family or boarding house. Rent (4110 '_ N. W BOWE A SON. FOR RENT, 15 South Fifth St. 12 rooms and stable. N. W BOWE & SON Ivey Randall, one of the prisoners held for perjury, is the child and son of John Brown, who was eleeirlcuted In April. ISOtt. for the murder of Mrs. Sklpwith A meeting of the Powhatan Fglr Association will be held on the first Monday In September to determine the date for the county fair, and to make all necessary arrangements for the successful holding of the same. $;00 Skill be given In prize* and it Is expected that at least .1,000 persons will attend. There was an attendance of 1,500 person* last year and It was a great success. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fentress on yesterday. Mias Gay Miller will leave this week for a visit to Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Grubb* were the guests of Mrs, R. D. Tucker last week. The Rev. Dr. Tucker. bishop of Episcopal church, will be at Grace church. St. James and Emanuel churches on the seventeenth and ^ c i ,n the Bittp.nth and—seven - teenth Instant respectively. There are several persons to be confirmed. OHIO CITIES GROWING BY LEAPS AND ROI NDS WASHINGTON. Aug. 22.—The Cen sus Bureau to-day announces that the present population of Toledo. O., is Richmond Virginian s Commercial Weather Map ObeerraMone taken at t A. IS.. Eastern Tima. ___ U.' S. Department of/Agriculture.’ WEATHERlBUREAU ' WIULI SlL' MOOR C ISc h ief ^ 2a9 Richmond ». Norfolk .... Attaatt .... Now Orleans . Galveston .... Jacksonville Buffalo . ft Paul ...... IL LonU .... Kansas City . Chicago . .... Snw ..... Holt Lake City ten Pranctseo Portlaud. Or*. Mtmphla .... Pittsburg ... Cloudiness 1* report*.] from *11 Atlantic Coast station* south of New England and showers from >uth of Hetteras, N. C. Within this rain area showers began during last night and light to mod eiw measured this morning. There i# another area of unsettled weather in tb# North Central * storm central near Duluth. Minn. This storm l»- causing rising temperatures throughout most i ilf of the country, while throughout the West a general change to cooler is reported. ' He age ef Temperature. S A. » A. 10 A. 11 A. 12 A. 1 P. M. S: M. M. M. 2 P. M. Minimum. (I TO 70 7« 7T 11 1» TO RICHMOND. VA, Aug. 12.—Forecast for Richmond and vicinity: Showers to night or Tuesday. WASHINGTON. D. C.. Aug. 22.—Fore cast for Virginia: Showers to-night or Tuesday. rMm TO ONLY $20 PER MONTH 516 North Thirtieth JUST COMPLETED. Attractive Detached with all of the latest conveniences; comfortably arranged; large yards conven ient to three car lines, parks, churches, schools, stores and everything desirabl See us to-day and secure these special bargains. A. J. Chewning Company $150 Per Acre for the most desirable large tract of land near the city, capable of being cut into i small tracts, which can be sold to a big advantage, See us about this, i W. E PURCELL, JR . CO., 100 North Eighth Street, j FOR RENT, Broad Street Store Good location, reasonable rental. J. A. CONNELLY A CO. V. R-22-10. It. WANTED, Houses and Stores to Rent Our lint nearly exhausted. Personal ' attention given to all property, in our care CHAPIN & HUME. | • i Small Suburban ! Farms ia the thing to buy for HOMES or SPEC- 1 ULAT10N. “GREENS AND DUM BARTON " 5, 10, 15, UO and 50 acre : Tracts. Four miles west of city on R. F. and P. Katlaroad and SMAUL'TRACTS j on Charles City Roads and C. & O. 175 per acre and up; offers the best oppor- , tunities for both. .1 THOMPSON BROWN & CO. 1 ! 188,487, showing an Increase of 38.875, ; or 27.8 per cent, since 1900. when Toledo had 131.S22 Inhabitants. Columbus goes ahead of Toledo In their race, the Ohio capital having 181.,648 people. In 1900 the census showed that Columbus ha* 126.580, whlclk gave Toledo the lead at that time. Columbus grew much faster in the last ten years, showing a gain of 55. 598. as against the gain of 36,67 5 shown by Toledo. In the decade from i 1890 to 1900 Toledo grew rapidly, I gaining 50,388 inhabitants. GET ILLICIT DISTILLERY 13 OLD NORTH STATE Deputy Collectors of Internal Rare j nue O. A. Star buck and L,. Kirkpatrick ; I have reported to Colonel W. H. Chap- i man. United Stateg Revenue Agent : here, the seizure of an illicit dlstll ! lery in Caswell county, N. C., near 1 i Qatewood. It consisted of a one-hun- i -deed gallon »t4H and the eeeal appara | tus. A portion of the outlawed liquor 1 plant had been hidden In some nearby | i hushes, but It was discovered without j difficulty.__1 HELP. ... W YOU DESIRE A STENOGRAPHER. ! i typewriter, or help of any kind, use i The Richmond Virginian want Adm Rent Sp 4 West Carv Street, 10 roots*, bath 878 East Clay Street, 10 rooms, bath 2402 Stuart Avenue, 9 rooms, hot wi beat. 1823 Grove Avenue, 9 rooms. 308 North Meadow, 6 rpoms, 2105 Flovd Avenue, 8 rooms. 2407 Kensington Avenue, 6 ro water heat. 417 West Clay Street, 8 rooms. 4 North Elm Street, 7 rooms, bath 2 South Strawberry, 9 rooms, ba 303 North Meadow, 6 rooms, bath 2317 Hanover Street, 9 rooms. 105 North Fourth Street, flat 7 bath. 2012 Park Avenue, flat 5 water heat. 206 East Grace, flat 3 room? 504 North Ninth Street, flat 4 bath. Call or ’phone for our new List. Just out. BLANTON Real Estate Wanted We have a customer looking for Ji son Ward property. If you have w and want to sell quick place it in our In Goslan & Nash FOR RENT, Large and very attractive dweifil of 10 or 11 rooms, just put in thorouj order: rent low to an immediate tenant. CHAPIN & HUME. Another living anti Seven Mom Injured by Collision Xear_j Xorthtield. NORTH FIELD, VT„ Aug. SI.—SI* f men were killed, one was probably fa tally Injured, and seven others w«r* badly hurt, as the result of a on collision between two freight tratmC on the Central Vermont railroad at Northfield Falls, two miles north of lw«, yesterday-. All the dead awd'Ia-.j Jured belong to train crews. Only one of the dead men's names could be learned. That was William Brooklyn, conductor of the southbound train. The bodies of two others vrera;! taken from the wreck, but were s*Vf charred by the lire which started after ' the two engines piled up that thsjr » could not be Identified.