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Write or call at the Contest Department of The Richmond Virginian, corner Ross and Governor streets, Richmond, Va., for Subscription Blanks, Receipt Books and Instructions. Phone Madison 1758. “START NOW”—“START RIGHT” The Richmond Virginian’s $2,000 contest offers you an unusual opportunity to start a bank account. Think what $500 represents in real cash! No one should hesitate to enter the field and share in the distri bution of $2,000. The contest is in full swing, but no one has a lead that should cause you to hesitate to send in your nomination. Every worker secures 10c/c commission and is eligible to $500 or $700. Is it possible that the conditions are not clearly understood that prevents your entering the contest? If so, our representative will call and explain the conditions. L ^The next published standing of contestants will appear Sept. 1, 1910. Credit certificates will be issued to contestants to cover credits for paid-in-advance subscriptions, and same can be voted September 1, 1910, or at close of contest. Here is the List of Contestants in The Richmond Virginians $2,000 Contest DISTRICT NO. I. Isaac Diggs. Jr., No. 1108 Floyd avenue, Richmond, Va.217,245 Mr». J. H. Mots, No. 003 West Main Street, Richmond, Va.217,170 Rev. W, G. Burch, No. 1000 F.verett street. South Rich mond, Va. .. ,210,120 Mist Lula Kanes, No. 403 North Twelfth street, Rich mond, Va.205,205 Odis Hinnant, No. 200 Meat Fourteenth street. South Richmond. Va. .203,635 Mrs. Preston Cobb, 804 E. Main street, Richmond. Va.108,000 Miss Eugenia Haynes, 700 East Leigh street, Richmond Va.185,000 Master Richard A. Gaskins, No. 206 East Cary street, Richmond, Va. . 161,370 Rov M. Porter. No. 2617 West Grace street, Richmond. Va. . ..126,825 Luther T. Matthews, No. 236 South Laurel street, Rich mond, Va.73,435 Mr. W. M. Bickers. Jr., No, 504 North Twenty-fifth street, Richmond. Va..25.100 Grace Esther Campbell. 810 E. Leigh, Richmond, Va. 25,000 Miss Georgie Montgomery, No. llfc North Lombardy street. Richmond. Va.24,091 Hunter Pendleton, 918 Jessamine St.. Richmond, Va 10,4h5 Morgan Strother. No. 711 North arenue. Barton Heights 9,000 John Mosbv Berryman, No. 809 Barton avenue. Barton Heights. Va. 7.U* F. M. Sharp, 2208 M Street, Richmond, Va. . .5,000 DISTRICT NO. 3. Mrs. J. J. Gardener, Franklin street, Petersburg, Va. 235,555 Mrs. E. Frank Crowe. Blackstone, Va.135.745 Rev. G. E. B. Smith, Cumberland. Va.124.030 Mrs. George Gibson. Jr., Chase City. Va.50.085 Thomas J. Wells, MO West High street. Petersburg. Va.21,075 Clinton A. Moseley. Jeffress. Va.5,000 S. Edwards Hogwood, 107 South street, Petersburg, Va.18.690 Thomas Vaughan, No. 522 W. High St.. Petersburg.Va.12.253 j. R. Berryman, Berryman, Va.10,010 Mis* Effie L. Spratley, Matoaca, Va. 8,555 W illie Proctor Carter, Prospect, Va. 5,18® A. YV. t arter, Dillwyn. Va. 5,265 T. B. Wright. Smith!told, Va.. 5,080 Herbert H. Babb, R. F. D. No. 1. Ivor. Va.5,060 G. W. Shortt, 508 W. Washington street, Petersburg, Va. 5,000 Frank Storv Pace, Franklin, Va. 5,000 Mrs. R. B. Eanes, .-68 Wythe street, Petersburg, Va. 5,000 Miss Helen Baugh, Carson, Va. 5,000 L. H. Tankers ley, 14 South Street, Petersburg. Va.5,000 Roy Gary, W ealthia. Va . . 5,005 John A. McCraw, Nathalie, Va., - 5,025 DISTRICT NO. 4. Master Robert O. Minter, Martinsville, Va. 149,825 Miss Grace Leigh Guyer, No. 707 Colquhoun street, Danville, Va.147,770 Walter C. Akers. Auditor's Office Norfolk and Western Railway, Roanoke, Va.44,000 Hattie M. Ivey, No. 756Colquhoun street. Danville, Va. 11,125 J. T. Dixon, Lock Box 502, East Radford, Va. 5,000 DISTRICT NO. 5. S. Matthew Orrison. Leesburg, Va.9.1,545 Rev. H. F. Turner. Catlett. Va.,.28,141 Rev. J. Sydney Cobb. CraigavUie, Va. 5.04 5 W. R. F.akle. 811 W. Main Street, Staunton, Va . 5,080 Miaa Hallie B. Wingfield, Charlottesville, Va.,.5,800 DISTRICT NO. 4. Rev. C. E. Stuart, Ashland. Va. J. A. M a comber, R. D. I, Glen Alle ', Va. Miaa Louise Thomas, Fredericksburg. Va. Mrs. Thomas P. Bagby, West Point, Va. Miaa Emily Cornelia Petty, Fork Union, Va... Lutber Johnson, R. F. D. 1, Mineral, Va. Mias Vera Pettit, Palmyra. Va.. Frederic W'illiama, HeathsvIHe, Va. W. Z. Powers. R. F. D„ No. 1, Glen Allen, Va. Mrs. Wirt Lefew Todd, Fork Union, Va .. Mrs. M. Belle Bowers, Railroad Street. Ashland, Va. C. V. Snider, Carysbrook, Va. 152,725 .59,010 .12,80 0 . 5,180 . 5,158 o 5,045 . 5,03) . 5,009 . 5,825 V 5,888 . 5,018 NAMES COMMITTEE EOB THE T. M. C. A. President (Jordon Appoints Those for Coming Year's Work. The following committee* have been i appointed by President James W. Gordon, of the Y M. C. A : Executive—James W. Gordon, O. J. | Kand*. C. G. Taylor. Jr.. YV. J. YVnlte hurat. YV. I> Duke. Finance—N. D. Sills. I., M YVIlliams ft. A. Hawkins, G. YV Hahlke. O. J. Sands. Janies L. Anderson. C. G. Tay lor. Jr. Rooms and library—C. J Billups. T. D. Merrick. C. H. Garnett, R. S. Boaher, Jr.. John B. Minor. Departments—YV. J. Whitehurst V. J. Billups. YV D. Duke. K. M Smith J. L. Anderson. Audit—James Anderson. X. D. Sills, Jacob Fmlauf Y'acancles—John B. Minor. G. W. l’.ahlke, T. D. Merrick. Boys' Department—YY'. Ii. Duka. Jacob t’mlauf. U T\ Christian. Educational —C. B. Rlcharason, C. 3. Billups. N. C Scott. A. A. Booth. LEGAL NOTICES. VIRGINIA: In the Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond, the 1st day of August, 1910. Lilly Sponenberg .Plaintiff vs. John Sponenherg .Defendant IN CHANCERV The object of this suit Is to obtain an absolute divorce from the defend ant by the plaintiff, and an affidavit having been made-and filed that the de fendant Is not a resident of the State of Virginia: it Is ordered that he ap pear here within fifteen days after the publication of this order r.nd do what is necesaary to protect his Interest herein. A Copy—Teste: P. P WINSTON. Clerk. HARRY C. GLENF. p. q. | IN VACATION. I VIRGINIA:-—In the clerk's office of the. Law and Equity Court of the City of Richmond the »tn day or August, 1910. Angelina Williams, sometimes called Edith Williams .Plaintiff. 'Adolphus Williams .Defendant. The object of thla suit is to Obt-vm a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the plaintiff from the defendant. And af fidavit having been made and filed that the defendant Imnot a resident of the State of Virginia. It Is hereby ordered that he do appear bare within fifteen dgya after due publication of this order and do what ie necessary to protect hie Interest herein. A copy—Teste: P. P. WINSTON, Clerk. E. M. ROSCHER. p. q. -The remains of J. B. WIN WINTER. , TER. JR. who died in Dallas. Texes. August 4th. arrived In this city Mon day night. August *th, ifio. Funer al from St. Mary’s church TUESDAY. . August 9, 1*10. at 4:S0 P. M. Friends "7 AM acduhlhlances Invited to attend. ‘ Raleigh. N. C.. Newbern, Nr C.. At ar ffi*E3»sr>t- uss v-'.V G. W Bahlke. 8. M Woodward, George B. Wilson. The following committees of the association hoard were appointed: Executive—C. O. Taylor. Jr., J. H. Baker: Dr. W H. flUeet. K. 8- Simp son. C. Edward Crawford, J Daniel Taylor, Dr. R. S Oosher. Jr Membership—J. H. Baker. R. O. Haw kins. Jr . B. Lewis. G. H. Stlegler, F H Twining. J. 1). Taylor. F. A. Simpson Social Reception—Dr W. H. Street. John 8. Haw, <C Cochran. F. A. Sanders. G. H Stelgier Physical l>epartment—Dr. R. 8. Bother. Jr.. E 8 Simpson, C V. Robinson. W. Earl Miller. W. D. Coon. R fl B. Forreat. John B. Cary. Association Course—E. 8, Simpson. L. G Burruss. G. B. Cook. O. Edmond Massle. A. V. Booth. C. E. Crawford, ti. Harwood Bates. Roanoke (Special to The Richmond Virginian ! ROANOKE. VA.. Aug 24.—The Rev W. 8. Neighbors, president of Suiting College, Bristol, formerly pas tor of Greene Memorial church of Roanoke, Is spending a few days' va cation with the Rev. John A. Taylor, of Fairvlew. Misa Annie Robinson has gone to Princess Anne to attend a house party given by Mice Attwood. Later the will go to Atlantic City and New York. A post card received from Mayor Joel H. Cutchln, who has gone to 8t. Paul. Minn., to attend the annual meeting of the League of American Municipalities, says he spent Satur day in Columbus, and that he did not succeed In settling the street car strike here. Mr. and Mrs. John 8. Witt and their son. Master John 8. Witt. Jr., ar rived in the city this morning in their automobiles. Mr. Witt comes to Roa noke regularly In the interest of. his firm, the Lynchburg 8hoe Company, and he has a large trade here. He visited his customers In his motor ear. Mr. Lawrence Pierce, of Lynchburg, ie among the visitors here to-day. Mr J. T. Henry, of Back Creek, says that his apple orchard wlJTgive him this year the best crop he has ever had. He estimates the yield at 2,000 bushels. Back Creek is famous for Its Albemarle pippins. It Is near the foot of Bent mountain. A long distance telephone meaaagi from Staunton says that Mr. E. W. Staples It resting comfortably, and that hope for hts recovery is enter tained. Mr. Staples Is manager of the Eagles' Home here. While driv ing to Staunton in an automobile he had several violent hemorrhages, and at one time It was thought he could not love. Mrs. J. C. Krants died Monday night at Lowry, aged twenty years. Two years ago she was married here, and twelve months afterwards be cams ill, Tuberculosis developed. Mr. Krantl gave up hid business and went to Bed ford in the hop# that the change might prove benefleUI to his^wlfe and reatoar her to health. The funeral v •••« * . "Vii - . .... k . V•!. ' / was Tuesday afternoon in Salem im mediately after the arrival of the pas senger train from the East. The Norfolk and Western has in stalled & slot machine at the station ■ here, to provide individual cups for drinking purposes. Judge Samuel \V. Williams, attor ney general of the State, la expected here this week to appear before Judge Moffltt. •if the Circuit Court, in the controversy that has arlsent over the selection of a site for the State nor mal school at Radford.. After the committee of the Legislature chose a site in East Radford the argument was advanced by Radford that the fund under a bond issue of the town I was not available, the bonds having been voted with the understanding that the site was to be in Radford i proper. Mrs. Lucia Dleld. wife of Captain | Clarence Dield, Is critically ill at her ' home here. Blackstone • (Special to The Richmond Virginian. ) BLACKSTONE, VA , Aug. 24.—Miss Annie Bishop, of Wilson. N. C., who has been visiting relatives and friends here, will return home to-morrow, ac I companied by Misses Be Berry. Much interest is manifested in the fair which will take place about the j middle of October. It is believed that Stne counues represemea merest win nave some as fine exhibits as any counties In the State. Mrs. H. I*. Juatts and family, who spent two weeks at their old home, near Richmond, returned yesterday. Their many friends were Indeed glad ! to have them back. They have been readenta of our town about eighteen months, but have made many friends during that time. j The prospects for a large attendance at the institute is as good or even bet ter than any previous year. Mr. G. P. Adonis is having a large Quantity of preserves made for the Institute. He is a believer in "good eatings.” Mrs. 1*. O. Michaels and Miss Luette Michaels, who have been visiting Mrs. G. P. Adams, returned to Richmond Monday. Mrs. Michaels sung a solo last Sunday morning, and one at night. ; at the request of her many friends here, who always enjoy her singing. She also met with the home mission society Monday afternoon and made a very helpful talk to the members. The Farmvtlle district conference will convene here September t, and the good people of Blackstone are de termined to make It a success In every wsy. A large delegation is expected. Rev. H. M. Hamtll, D. ».. and his wife are expected to be present, and he will preach the opening sermon on the night of the <th of September. There hag been the largest fruit crop in this section that many have ever seen, and the merchants ssy they have never sold so large a number of tnrtt Jana' ....■ V Bowling Green | (Special to The Richmond Virginian V BOWLING GREEN. VA . Aug. 24. J — Mr*. Warner Peatro** and child, of Norfolk. Ya.. are boarding at Mrs T. B. Gill*. Mr. William G. Coghill is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edwin P. Wright, in Richmond, Va. The Hermon Baptist Association will he held at Salem Baptist church August ”4-26. The introductory ser mon will he preached by the Kev. j Mr. C. B. Crutkshank. of Calvary Bap- | list church. Bowling Green. Va. Mrs W. L. Broaddus has returned from a visit to relatives in Richmond. Va. Miss Eleanor H. Borum left Mon day for Sparta, Va.. where she will he the guest of Mrs. Samuel E. Pitts during the association to be held this week at Salem church. Miss Florence Broaddus is home; again after a visit to friends at ltap- j pahannock Academy. Mr. Floyd Moore, of Norfolk, Ya., I spent the week end with his family at Auburn, the home of Judge and Mrs. E. C. Moncure. Mrs. W. C. Boyd, accompanied by her son, William, has returned to Richmond, after spending some time i at her old home in Bowling Green, j Miss E Irene Lambert, of Selma I Ala . is the guest of Miss Ethlyn j Vincent. Miss Murrell Currell. of Iaincaater . county. Is visiting Mias Ruth Barlow, j Miss Susie Butler, who has been ( visiting her aunt, Mrs. Goodrich, in i Surrv. returned Saturday. I The lawn party given by the Young People's Society of the Bowling Green | Baptist church Monday evening at Milford. Va., was a most enjoyable af fair. The large lawn of Mr. C. R- : Dickerson, which was beautifully \ lighted with Japanese lanterns, was i alive with youth as well as old age. Miss Ruth Barlow gave two very in- ' teresttng readings and Miss Bessiej Butler rendered several ptano selec tions. The Milford orchestra dis pensed'music throughout the even ing. , The refreshments sold netted the society about $3$. Fredericksburg (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ; FREDERICKSBURG, Aug. 24.—I Dr. R. J. Payne purchased the house j on Hanover street recently occupied by Mrs. W. H. Fitshugh for $7,300. Mr. and Mra EUebre W. Carter, who were recently married In New York, have returned to this city. They spent their honeymoon In England, France and (Jermany. Mr. George White Chaney has re turned to this city from Hot Springs. I Mr. Chaney recently attended Wash- j Ington and Lee University, and passed the State law examination at Roa noke. He will go to Lexington (n a short time to reosive Ms degree. I Prof. Bralnsrd. if U» . Virginia , I'Jk\. vA ' • ■ * \l Polytechnic Institute, is at Captain R. C. Vance's farm. ■ Mannsfleld Hall." making milk and butter tests AMONG THE MILITIAMEN Pull drees battalion drills, followed by music and dancing, will be features of the coming season for the Rich mond Light Infantry Blues. Major E. W. Bowleg is now at work arranging a suitable program for this social whirl. Every two months there will he battalion drills in service uniform. Members of Company F. First Reg iment, next Tuesday night will com pete for the medal offered for the best drilled man. Tuesday night the Richmond How ltiers will formally open their ath letic building. The occasion prom ises to be an interesting one. Music has been arranged for. and there will be refreshments. Many invitations have been sent out. The new band for the Second Regi ment. but which will sene with the First Battalion, First Infantry, here, will be mustered in Wednesday night at the Seventh street armory. Everything is now in shape to mus ter in Company H. First Regiment. Thursday night. Though this com mand will occupy quarters with the First Battalion in the Seventh street armory, it will be attached to either the Second or Third battalions. EXPRESS TARIFFS ARE RAISED AT POCAHONTAS (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) POCAHONTAS, VA., Aug. *4.—Po cahontas was to-day put in the Stats of West Virginia as far as State laws regulating express companies are con cerned. The laws of Virginia requiring ex press companies to carry live pounds or under to any place in the State for Si cents and fifty pounds for W) cents were . revoke* by the express company coming into this place on ac count of the express passing through a part of West Virginia. The new- ruling of the express com panies will cause parties living on the Clinch valley line of the Norfolk and Western railway receiving packages from points In the State in Order to get a low rate will in future have to route via Bristol, Va.. and Norton, Va, Fortunate for the people, the express office In Bristol Is located In Vlrgtnla. A meeting of the board of trade of this city will be held this week, and a committee asked to wait on the State Corporation Commissioners and have the express companies live up to the State laws. —A— llrrartr. Died st home Ik Ashland. Va. Tues day. August Zl. Mrs. Rebecca Mont gomery Clerayir. widow o* S. R. Ctera yer. ot Frederick county Va., at an advanced age. Funeral from the residence of Mrs. P. K. Lead better. In Ashland, Wednes day,. August M, xi-4 e'etoek. V [NEWS FROM ALL OVER VIRGIN XltnrnT.K - .vr.miiinfimcnl ttl! made yesterday of the appointment of Arthur C. Humphreys as Mexican con sul at Norfolk, vice Juan Pedro Didapp who succeeded Mr Humphreys thre.' years ago. after the former had been Mexican consul here for six years. ROANOKE.—Daisy Meade and Emma Christian, negroes, were arrested here op a telegram from Chief of Police Kiser, of Norfolk They are wanted at Norfolk on a charge of stealing a large sum of money from a Chinaman. NORTON.—Some unknown i>arty or parties put out poison here last night and as a result six dog funerals were held to-day. with several cats thrown In for good measure. The town has been overrun with dogs for some time, and a number of citi**ns have com plained that they could not res. night for the constant barring. ROANOKE_I 8 Browning. of Roanoke, who has been Indorsed by the Roanoke cliy Republican conven tion. and by other mass meetings of Republicans for the Republican nomi ration for Congress but has declined to run. EAST RADFt IRD — Delegates to the congressional convention In Roanoke September 1 were elected here last night ai a Republican mass-meeting and instructed for Colonel J. S. Brown ing SO long as his name 1* before the L cMV^nuoa--~x-utnm.n* ■ mm my* | elected chairman of the city commit and Fred Kinstein. secretary. administration and Siemp’s ment of the party In this State indorsed. G<)VKRXOR ADDRESSES FARMERS AT DtXNDJ (Special to The Richmond Virginia KENBRIDOB. VA., Au(. 24.- * farmers' union held its Meeting Dundas Monday. Th* meeting addresred by Governor Mann. :,! apoke for an hour before a large at* dlcnce. The governor was introdu by Dr. IV M. Austin and spoke < progressive agriculture, and uuo statistics to show the vart ad vat) ment that is being made in all k| of agricultural pursuits alf over State. He laid special stress on the imti tance of boys' corn clubs, throughout his entire speech he tj? the farmers to continue to I proved methods in farming. H* sured every one present that Hot that was in the power of the eft executive of the State to advance cause of agriculture would be left 1 done. Young people could hardly spend $40 to $60 to better advantage than to take a course with us Phone Madison 2730J, or address has had greatest demand for its students recently in its history of 43 yean; these offered $100 per month. This is our dull season, but we have lately entered students from England, ’ Rico, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina | Virginia. BRING YOUR REPi WORK TO US Our shops are well equipped. We can serve you quickly and sat torily. Our experienced mechanics—masters in their lines—am waiting to repair all broken parts scientifically on special have. Let us prose to you that our work Is the beet—our loweat. .-• THOMAS! HULCHER -Vi'