Newspaper Page Text
Ml ELECTED I CUE CITE nil Selects Bank President to Succeed Bate* William M. ua Jouch. ARK RKPOBTKD .. Pellapra After Brief I" TIIiichs—Negro in Arrested |E:' j for Wounding. Haior of retrrwliurg. --PETERKBCKG, Aug. 21.—Colonel ' George (’»melon, Jr., was Tuesday evening elected mayor or the' city of Petersburg to ftii the unexpired term of the late Mayor William M. Jones At S:.tO o'clock Mr Carter ft. Bishop. ' president of the hoard of aldermen, called the joint meeting to order and stated the purpose of the call. A roll-call by the clerk, German B. Uill. found the entire membership ~or TBIfTy -three present. Mr Moore moved that the election of the major be deferred to Septem ber. when the new council will be or ganized Mr. Gray endorsed what had been said by Mr. Moore, stating there was no neossltlj for haste in the matter. However, the motion ««» defeated ‘On motion of Mr. Stratton, the elec tion of mayor was then called. Mr. Wilcox nominated Mr. E. H. Patter aon, and the nomination was seconded by Mr. Mulcaha. Mr Patteson nominated Colonel George Cameron, Jr., and hia uomina j. lion was seconded by Messrs. Mattox and Moore. Mj >5iay nominated Mr. ; Paul Petit. anu his nomination was seconded by Mr Iiavls. i Three ballots were taken before y there was aai election. Alter the :i second ballot the name of Mr. Petit wag withdrawn The vote on tht t third ballot resulted In the election ol pcjftr. George Cameron. Jr., the vot< g standing 17 for Cameron and 1R foi l Patterson. On motion of Mr. Stratton, second eO by Mr. Gilliam. the election ol i Colonel Cameron was made unani mous. K; Colonel George Cameron. Jr . the : new major, is president of the Na ■ tional Bank of Petersburg and a prom inent citizen. He was for hie years i a member of the common council of 7 the city, and for three years was chairman of the finance committee in | that body. He was a member of the I Staff of Governor Claude A. Swanson Death Notices. ‘V The funeral of Mr Alpheue Moody 1 Crowder was held Tuesday in th« 1 Grace Episcopal chur< h. and was con g ducted by Dr. H. \V. Barnwell, rectoi 1 »f St. Paul's. The honorary pall-bear I «ra ware Messrs. James B. Blanks, Wa verly Wilkins. W J. Crowder and K iy-iS.. .DuniiforiU AeUse—yb^-e,- 'fteimw I Sydnor, Beverly Mann. William Wib p adn. Samuel Elder. W. A. Brock we 11 It ft. W. Kruse. Herbert Tench and I Thomas Hearns After a brief illness ot pellagra Mist g Mabel Virginia Beaslej. daughter ol ? Mr. and Mrs. Jordan W. Beasley, ol ;j New street, died at her home Tues day. The funeral w ill be held Thura f day at 2 o'clock from the Market | Street church. Er- A quarrel Tuesday night on Old t- street la-tween John Pryor nnd John ‘ Connor, negroes, resulted In Connoi s iielng stabbed in the shoulder by Pry j; or and painfully wounded. Dr. W. 1* Hoy was called in attendance. Prjoi I has been arrested. is A* is the annual i ustont. farm I Woolrldge. Confederate Veterans, ol ; Chesterfield Courthouse, will have its 3, picnic September 2. Addresses are tc I? be made by prominent men of the -county and visitors. r Thursday Market Street Methodist | and the Second Baptist churches will c unite in a large excursion to the sea |; Shore. TOOK IODINE WITH SUICIDAL INTENT f. John Beach, Employed ar Jtockv Mount. N. (’. ic in Critical |P|. .r Condition. fSpe.tal to The Richmond Virginian.) .BFKPOUK. VA Aug. 2i.—John Beach, a native of Franklin, Va., and a brother of Harry Beach, of Suffolk. a*b© is employed here by the Parker Baggy Company. is in a critical eon ' dttinn In Rocky Mount, N. C.. from the effect* of a dose of Iodine taken with sole Ida I Intent. Reach Is nineteen years old, and was employed on the Dally Record of • -Rocky Mount, and was despondent WpMlPHr bad news from Franklin, f HI* mother there and brother In Suf folk have been notified. His recovery t* doubtful. K’ - - LEAPS FROM ENGINE . fe AND SAVES HER LIFE £,WIUt|RaTON. N. C„ August 2t.—A whit* child *t Burge*- was 1U sBatched away from death yes br Rag laser t>. k. Branch, at " attc Coast I.lne Hallway. En iraaeh was In the cab of s . train when a little white child i the track and stood there, hacd 1 danger and warning outcrle* ag that the onward rush of the evtad KB be stopped. Brand the' ievdr. Jumped from the cat chad /the child off the track engine lumbered by. and years beyond the spoi Until September First we will sell our stock of Furniture and Floor Cover ings at 209c, 33\c/c, and 50% discounts. Do not miss this chance to furnish your home at one third less than usual cost. Jones Bros. & Co., Incorporated 1418-1420 East Main Street, “The Store That Pleases.” PRESBYTERIANS WIN FROM THE BAPTISTS Latter Show Too Much Confi dence and Lose Though By Close Score. tSpei ial to The Richmond Virginian.) FRKDEHK’KSHt’RO. Aug 24.— The Sunday School League of Fted erickiburg that has been the, subject of an abundance of humorous criti cism. is still tn operation and the national game is still being \ cry re ligiously played. The tiaptlsts showed too much con lido me 111 their playing ability tester day afternoon, and before they rea lized what had happened the Presby terians had a big lead on them. This lead was too much for them to over come. and the Presbyterians won with a score of k to 8. The Baptists could well afford to drop a game, f,«. now their record shows that they he.- wo- eight and lost only two gamej. I With many misinformed persons ; there might rest the opinion that these games are "no place* for Sun day school men ' However, these contests are held in a most friendly manner and with a brotherly con slderatlon for the feelings, both men tal and physical, of all players, and especially for the umpire. Although there was a Rowe with the Baptiste and a Savage with the Preshyterl i ns. yet there was no sem | blance of a "row" at any stage of the game. The Barr that has done such good work for the Baptist aggrega i tion is only a catcher, and is not usee to rough work at all. as his namt might imply. Farmer, also with thi Baptists, showed that he had not for gotten the sylvan scenes of his child hood by driving a clean three-haggei ! to a clump of heavy weeds that oc cupied one corner of the field. The season closes about the 1st oi September, ami all conditions indicate thst these performances, as hereto fore, w ill be of a strict Sunday school character, except that they are not held ori Sunday. Yorxu BOV nR'OWXEl) PLAYING XEAR DOC K.^ WASHINGTON, N. C., August 21.— Major John Wright. Ho- thirteen-year old son of M. J. Wrifchl, of this city Kiver yesterday morning between and 10 o'clock. The little fellow wa playing on the Atlantic Toast Lin< docks, which are about ten or twelve j feet above the water line, and In soim ; unaccountable way lost his balance and fell overboard, hid ward Archboll one of his playmates, saw him wav< to him just before he fell overboard and tried to Have him, but falling, gave the alarm, and soon a large number o, cttlsens arrived on the scene and made efforts to find the body. which war not recovered until some time later Physicians* were summoned, and trie* in every way to resuscitate him, bui in vain BITES HER KINDER AND WON'T LET DC (Special to The Richmond Virginian.; 11A HR I Box 131 HQ, <\Ug,m*t 2 4.—M .« Rogers, of Mr Solon, wife of I>r. Rog ers. Is suffering Intensely from tnc bite of a kitten Apparently harmless hungry and homeless the kitten stra> ed Into the Rogers household, wher the sympathetic Mrs. .Rogers sought ic pet and caress the pitiful visitor. He senttng the familiarity the kitten bn down upon her finger sinking Us teetf | deep in the flesh. Almost fainting wiU pain and unable to free her hand, Mrs Rogers screamed in agony. Fortunate ly. Dr. Burton, a neighbor, was pass ing at the time, and rushed to tin home. The ferocious feline held *»r Ilk*- grim death Not until the kitten ? j teeth vrer forcibly prized apart win Mrs Rogers able to release her finger Bteps were taken to present poisoning i but she Is still suffering a good deal. I > Fl I. EG A TES ELEC'T E 0 BY BOTH FACTION'S EYNCHRTRG. August 24.—'The Re publicans of Lynchburg, in tnau-rnfft inns. Monday elected contesting dele gation* to the Sixth Dlatrict congres sional convention, to be hold in Roan oke September 1. The meeting, made up a fifty person*, loat twenty-two by j a l.olt, and a second meeting wan held. The bolter* to-night state they withdrew from the meeting, claiming non-Republicans and minors were par ticipating. and that sufficient notice . had not been given of the proponed meeting.. The moating, presided over hy i 'ity jf'hatrman Austin T. Quick, elected the 'following delegates: A T Quick. T. H. i fltathan, John E. Boze. J P. Malian, I YV. A. Merchant and S. D. Anderson The faction which withdrew chose these delegates: M. H. Dudley, Joseph ! A. Shelton, W. C. Hammer, IV. R Cook O. K. Nelson and J. B. Evans. Tills meeting was presided over by O. K. Nelson. t OM MISSION Ell Ml MT KKI-I.V TO CHARES j RALEIGH. N. C.. August 24.—A war ; rant containing four counts, has been | Issued against the five members of the i Granville county commissioners, all i Democrats, charging them with failure I and neglect to discharge their dutlea | aa commissioners. H Is alleged that ; they failed to publish uuarterTy state . manta, failed to elect- superintendents j of reads and rpad aupervlaors. it l« |alleged that the prosecution la politi cal. A Durham law firm haa beer (engaged to prosecute. The commis sioner* aay that they will be able to aatabliih innocence. ;.v .. EXTENDS WELCOME TO FIRE none Alexandria in Gay With Many Flags Preparing For Grand Parade. tSpecSsl to The Richmond Virginian. I ALEXANDRIA. VA., Aug. 24.~ Alexandria turned loose last night and celebrated the arrival of the Harrison burg, Lexington. Covington and Char lotteavllte llremen. King street was thronged from early In the afternoon to long past midnight Cow hells, horns and other nolse-maklng contriv ances were In abundance, and the Harrisonburg tire company band gave a concert, on the band stand in South Washington street, which was attend ed by many thousands. King street from West to Fairfax street is to-day a scene of red, white and blue bunting. The < ross wires have l'**en decorated and there is not a single house on the line of march that Is not flying the American flag. To-morrow the grand parade w ill be held, starting at 2:,'it o'clock. The chief marshal will be Sid Douglas, chief of staff, K W. Ogden; marshall, Arthur Warfield; aides. J. V. Williams and K. F. Downham. The following companies are in at tendance at the convention; Front Royal. Shenandoah. Alta Vista, f.uray. Cedar Works Fire Department, of Richmond; Harrisonburg, Clifton Forge, Covington, Strasburg. Char lottesville, Danville, Woodstock, Fred ericks, Staunton. Lexington. Newport News. 1’ortsmouth, Hampton. Phoe bus. Newport News and Suffolk. Convention ilium The association ouened its ronven thin In Lanno'H opera house here this afternoon. The meeting was railed to order hy President J. R. .V Putin, ol Alexandria. Mayor K. J Puff de livered an address of welcome on lie hall of the city; C C, Carlin on be half of the citizens, and John H. Trim yer. president ol the hook and ladder company, on behalf ol the firemen of Alexandria. Reports were received from Secre tary George c. Cummings and Treas urer T. J Williams, which showed the State association to lip in the best condition In its history. The Cear* Kir* Company, of Rich mond. reached Alexandria shortly al ter noon and received a hearty recep tion as they marched down King street to the headquarters. The fire lighters, the lire host he longlng to the Washington Are depart ment will give an exhibition at the wharf in Alexandria to-morrow morn ing at 10 o’clock. it is estimated that there are over one thousand visiting firemen in Alexandria this morning and by night it Is expected this number will he largely argumeted. The annual election of officers of the convention will be heid a! the ses ! slon this evening. A place of meeting j next year will also he selected this evening. OBITUARY Walker I>. Buck. Mr. Walker O. Buck, formerly a a guard at the penitentiary, fifty years old, died Tuesday night of paralysis j of the brain at the Virginia Hospital He leavea a wife and four < hildren Mr. Buck was a prominent Odd Fellow and for a long while was secretary ol | Patrick Henry Podge. I. o. o. F ; Funeral arrangements will tie an ; nouneed later. It Is likely that a large ; committee from his lodge will attem the ceremony. Funeral of Mr. Angel. The funeral of Mr. Orren P. Angel who Was killed by a fall from a seaf old while at work In Baltimore, tool place Wednesday morning from Chris Ban's undertaking apartments. Tht body was brought to Richmond Tues day night. Mr. Angel, who was twen ty-Hve years old, leaves his father three brothers and one sister. William Coleman Rrnaditua. . j William Coleman, eldest son of Mr ami Mrs. J. M. Broaddus died at neve: Hrirty.five I'. M, Monday, August 320 | home of Ids parents In Barton Height* ij His age was five years, two month; and ten days He Is survived by hi fattier. Mr J. M Broaddus, and roothev , i Mrs. Margaret M, Broaddus, and two f younger brothers, .tames M.. Jr., am Malcolm Broaddus. The interment was made in Holly I wood Cemetery at four P. M . Angus , !3d. Rev. W. R. I>. Smith officiating. | The brief Illness and sudden dea't ; of little William Coleman was a area shock to ills many friends and id j mircr*. and the bereaved parents havi tiie heartfelt and tender sympathy ■ ; ail who knew him Cltarles K. Sounders. Mr. Charles E. Saunders, sixty-five years old, of No. 702 1-2 East Lelgl street, died Tuesday evening shortly afler t> o'clock at the Retreat for tht Sick. Mr. Saunders, who was wel known In Richmond business life, hat | been 111 for more than three mont^g He leaves a mother, nearly nlnet; i years of age: one sister, Mrs. Salih 1 Hicks, and one brother, Mr. J. N ! Saunders, till of Richmond. He hat ! been a widower for eleven years. Foi (nearly twenty years Mr. Saunders con I ducted a grocery' In West Broad street but for the past six years was con : nectod with the firm of Herman! i Schmidt. Inc. The funeral will takt ^place Wednesday afternoon from tht 1 Seventh Street Christian church. In : terment will be in Hollywood ceme i tery. Mrs. Khotla Talley. ( fSpet lal to The Richmond Virginian.] FREDERIC KSBCRCJ. Aug 24. Mrs. Rhoda E. Talley, of Sunlight Spotsylvania county, died at her honn Monday afternoon of paralysis, aget seventy-five years. Three sons sur vive. The funeral took place fron the home of Mr. Nathan Talley, t son, yesterday. Mis* Mary Williams. (Special to The Richmond Virginian. BRACK STONE, Aug. 24—The fu I neral of Miss Mary Williams, wht i died Monday, took place yesterday af ! ternoon. The burial was in the fam I lly graveyard nesfr Blackstone. Mis: ; Will la ills had be]en In 111 health for ; j number of years. She Is survived l>; ; one sister. William boats Karr. 1 BLACKSBURG, Aug. 23 —Williarr i l.ouIs Karr, git years old, a native o Montgomery county, died Monday a his residence, Glendale, at two o'clock 1 Mr. Karr spent most of his time en i gaged In farming. During the Clvl w ar, he rendered faithful service wlti the Thirty-second Virginia, i He was a consistent member of tin Methodist church for more than 41 1 years, being a steward and class leadvi for many years. Ha leaves a widow, three sons ant two daughters as follows: James H Karr. Manager Pocahontas Collleri Co.; J- F. Karr, W. Robert Karr, Mrs Helen W. 1-Ink ops and Mins gable Nee Karr, Blacksburg. Virginia. The funeral was preached from tin home by Rev. Henry l’. Ilowlll, t>. l>. i pastor of the M. K. church. In tht presence of about 400 of Montgomery! 1 representative cltisen*, after which tin remains were laid to rest In the city Cemetery by the Confederate veterans IS PROMINENT - MMi Virginian is Secretary <*f Inter national Association r»f lire Engineers. .lam*** M«*Fhi»I. SYRACUSE. X. Y. Aug. 24, -Two hundred and fifty chiefs of the fire departments from even city of Im portance in this country and Canada. and even from far-off Honolulu, wer*' prcr.ent when the thirty-eighth annua! < onvention of the International Asso i iath'n of Fire Engineers opened here yesterday. Milwaukee officers are endeavorin*; : to secure the next convention for their city. The convention will continue four days and some of the subjects to be digcussed are: “Are ironclad build ings and those with metal ceiling* sufficiently guarded against destruc tion to be recommended as fire-re sirting " The practical use of th chemical engine," "An automatic cut : off is it practical and beneficial V" and the “The fireproof skylight." ) George W. Horton, of Baltimore. b j president; John Thompson, of To ronto. Uanada. is first vice-president i and Jameg McFaul, ot Roanoke, N fl : is secretary. AMUSING INCIDENT IN POLICE COUR1 I Mrs. Keipel Makes All Laugl While She Pays Costs for Husband’* Arrest. Mrs. Catherine Seipel. who Tups day night charged her hushand wltJ assaulting her. asked for a dismissa of the allegation in poll, e c ourt Wed nesday morning. and she was allows I to pay the cost of the warrant ant other incidentals, the total annum j being $1.20. : While she was pajlng the cost t. Sergeant Matthews she caused one o ! the most amusing sc enes ever en : acted in police court Standing he ■ hind the venerable keeper of >"i .x chequer and w ithin close proximity t< .Justice <'rutchtleld, she waved he: hands, made "noses" at her husband who sat on a bench in the corridor and dramatically counted the change from a $10 bill she furnished for the cost. Another case was being heard whlb ' she was paying the cost for gettini ! out the warrant, but this made n difference with Mrs. Selpel. I.awver forgot to ask questions of witnesses reporters stopped w ritlng and spec tators did not know that Justir. Crutchfield was on the bench whih | Mrs. Henry Selpel was the centra figure. STOLE WJITGH FROM MRS. B. M, HRWART .Nostro Thief Took Heirloom an< i a Went to Jail For Three -Munths. A little gold watch, Riven to Mrs Howard years ago by her husband then chief of police of Richmond, wa stolen from the lady last week an< recovered Tuesdav night by Detect!) Sercgant Forrest Bailey. I.i/zie Smith, h servant In the Con federate Home for Women, was ar rested and brought to Police Cour Wednesday morning, where she wa convicted and sentenced to the clt: jail for ninety days. She had admitte: j she stole the watch while she was act Ing as a servant in the home. ROCK IXG11A M PITLLET GOING AFTER RECORI (Special to The Richmond Virginian. HARUISONJH RG Auguit 24.— Ai amateur poultry breeder of Bridge water. Rockingham county, thinks h has a pullet that has made a world’ record. This pullet was hatched Marc 20. and by August 20, Just five month —she had feather, grown Into henhof ■ laid ten eggs, set on ineiu the neoes sary three weeks and come off the ne, a proud mother. This precocious pul let belongs to no special class, but I .proud to be numbered among the com mon people of chlckendom. Railroad ppoialmeata. NORFOLK, August 24.—Announce ment was made to-day of the appoitr ment of B. L. Bugg. now general agen at Norfolk of the Old Dominion Steam | ship Company, to be traffic manager o ! the Norfolk and Southern Railroad (Colonel H. C. Hudgins, general frelglt and passenger agent of the Norfol! and Southern. Is made assistant t i President E. T. taunt), and W. W. Cro* ton, assistant general passenger agent | is made general passenger agent. Tti I appointments are effective from Sep tember 1. W. H latndon, local agen ‘ for the Old Dominion Steamship Com i pany at Newport News, will be tern | porartiy in charge as general agent a ; Norfolk. Mr, Bugg came to Norfolk setyera i years ago from Savannah, Oa„ wlitr 1 he was agent for the Central of Geor i gla and Southern Railway. Goes to Maryland. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.; HARRISONBURG. VA., Aug. 24.— Dr. Walter B. Yount, who for elghteet years waa president of Brldgewatei College, Rockingham county, the lead' lng Brethren institution In Virginia has accepted a position In the eollegi at Union Bridge, Md. Dr. Yount re I signed from Brldgewatei1. last June ot account of III health, but has gone fai (towards recovering hi* forme! II strength. He w as succeeded at Bridge water by Dr. J. 8. Flory, long a mem , bar of tho faculty. f. BALTIMORE DETECTIVE L HIS TWS PRISONERS While Holdiug White Alan for Forgery Detective Bradley Kan i Acrosa Negro Wanted for Theft. I John Higgins. wanted In Baltimore j i for an alleged torgery. was arrested In Rockbridge county Tuesday by lie tectlve Sergeant Hraoley, ot the Mono- j mental City and was brought through ; Richmond Wednesday by the oltteer. The prisoner was conrtned In the Sec- | ond police station and the visiting tie- | tectlve entertained by members ol the detective force. While walking through the city hall in the morning Detective Bradley saw Allle Harris, a negro, who Is suspect 1 ed of stealing in Baltimore. He too was arrested and will be taken back Wednesday night. Higgins, the white man. Is about ! thirty yeata old and is said to have a wife living In Rockbridge county to which place he lied alter the alleged ' forgery In Baltimore. fsTAUFFEK WILL SEE MONUMENT UNVEILED I (Special to The Richmond \irginian.t NEWPORT NEWS, Aug. 2C- W. T. j Stauffer, a well known young attor- j ney, will leave Friday tor IVnnsyl- ! vania, where Tuesday next he will i participate In the unveiling of a me- | morial erected in the honor of hts great-grandfather, John Stauffer, who j lived and died near Mah&nny City. .’a. John Stauffer's posterity now i It. ,ng exceeds one thousand souls,, j and the John Stauffer Memorial Asso ciation, composed of his descendants, j is officered by a number of men tang ing from 70 to 9 4 years ot age. died ill 18 46. The number of his de scendants Is taken as a living proof of the verity of the Hi hie statistics j concerning the great Increase in the race of Hebrews during the 430 years , of their sojourn in Egypt. during which period they increased front i | some seventy souls to a nation of about three millions. It is estimated that had seventy John Stauffers gone down Into Egypt that Moses would have led forth a nation of not less than ten millions of people, taking the inc rease of the Stauffer posterity as a basis. HARWOOD Hi MOSS GETS REYNOLD’S JOB 1 -Newport News Firm Will C'nu -trucl -New Tobacco Warehouse Here. tSpecial to The Ki bniond Virginian, i NEWPORT NEWS, VA., August - i. —The local contracting nrm of Har wood & Moss have been awarded the contract for the building of the R J Reynolds Tobacco Company s w are house in Richmond at a figure close to $47,000. This is the third large con tract landed by local men in the past week. D. J. Phipps having been . awarded the federal building at Rome. Oa , at $4 4,000 and R. H. Rich ardson & Son. of Hampton, winning the contract tor the tianvi! *resby tcrian church at $11,000. THIEVES MAKE ANOTHER HAUL ■ Knmr Home of .Mr-. Merchants iu Fit-1 Man Street and Steal ■ •Fewelrv and (bulling. Robbers entered the home of Mrs. . i I- >•' Marchant. 201 East Main street, . Tuesday night, and stoic from bureau i drawers jewelry and clothing of the lvalue of $48.50. An old gold ring was taken and another ring set with an I opal stolen. The rest of the goods I stolen consisted of ladies' wearing ap —panel. j GETS HER DIVORCE ! IN TEN MINUTES I'Little Tiinf> Consumed in Cirant insr ecre to Mrs. Edna Cowin Cudahy. KANSAS CITY, MO., Aug 24.—Upon her testimony of Incompatibility, sup ported by the trstlmon) of her maul. Elisabeth Johnson. Mrs. Kdna Cowin k Cudahy, this afternoon got a divorce i from Jack Cudahy, son of the mil lionaire t’hlcago packer. The rase was 1 hurried through ami hut few people In the courtroom, knew that one of the ■ most sensational domestic scandals in social Kansas City had heached t's ^ climax. I The court proceedings lasted just 10 ’tminutes No reference was made to the affair at the Cudahy home several l ! months ago when Jack Cudahy slashed Jere 8. Lillis, a banker, with a knife, i What the amount of the alimony Is — 'and It is generally understood that there Is alimony—the attorney refused ‘ to slate. A friend of the family said that > Cudahy, Sr., has agreed to pay her '; |5,000 for the first year and *3,000 a year thereafter as long as she remains single. "She expect* to go on the vaudeville stage, where she will sing two songs, playing her own accom paniment." this friend declared. "She has an offer of & 30-week contract ut $500 a week." Mrs. Cudahy and her children left town immediately after her divorce'for Chicago. They will make a shorl visit to Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cudahy, pa rents of .lack Cudahy, with whom Mrs. "Jack" will leave the children. In Chlcaiit). CHICAGO, August 24.—Accom panied by her four children, their nurses and maids. Mrs. Cow In Cudahy, divorced yesterday from ‘Jack" Cudahy, at Kansas City, arrived in Chicago to-day and was met at the depot by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cudahy, parents of her recent hus band. She was taken to their suite . at the Hlackstone hotel. The children 1 are to rematn In custody of the elder Cudahy#. Mrs. Cudahy refused to make any statement. CASE GOES OVER TO AWAIT AN INTERPRETER Steve Soufkoska was arrested by the county police Wednesday, charged with assaulting and striking Miss Al len Soufkoska. The case would have been tried Wednesday before Magis trate Puryear, but none of the parties i could speak English, and it was neces ' sary to postpone the hearing until an Interpreter could be secured. The case le set for 10 o'clock Thurs day morning and will be heard by Squire Puryear ’ goes to jail roR j sleeping in ghanostaNo George A. Hill, a typical “knight of - Ut* road." was before Magletrgt* Pvur ,J ' r ' ■_ tr , FOR SALE BY GREEN & REDD Heal Estate Note* secured by First Mortgage on Richmond City Property bearing good old 6 per cent. $700 500 350 600 450 550 *300 650 900 $700 950 800 750 900 850 950 800 1,000 $3,000 1.250 2,006 3.500 2.250 3,750 2.500 3,000 3.500 $3,000 5.000 3.500 4.500 3.000 4.000 5.000 4,500 5,000 4,750 I year Wednesday, charged with tree- 1 passing on the property of the Vir ginia State Pair Association. HOT broke into the grandstand building and wns there when caught. He was sentenced to thirty days’ sojourn In the Hotel dc Kemp and put under a bond of $60 for sixty days. Hill says he can furnish the bond, but if he does not do so hi* term will be ninety days. WILLI A M S E X O X E RAT EI > AND THEN RE-ELECTED <Special to The Richmond Virginian.) LYNCHBURG.. Aug. 24.- The Campbell county electoral board yes terday In an adjourned aesslon at Brooitneal declared the charges against Wir; Williams without foun dation, and he was re-elected trustee for another three years. At a meet ing of the board here two weeks ago Williams was charged with malfeas ance and mis appropriation of school funds, but there was nothing produced yesterday to substantiate the allega tion. SCHOONER LS WRECKED nr l CREW IS SAVED (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) NORFOLK. VA.. August 24.—The New London. Conn., schooner C.athr erine Monahan sank off the Hatteras coast to-day. Her < rew abandoning her just in time, landed on the coast in safet>. The vessel carried cement from New York. A colored woman was among the sJTvtvors. Property Transfers. Property transfers were listed in the Chancery Court Wednesday as lol M .s. Wallersteln and wife to T. M. Hundley, property fronting 3k feet on the south line of Broad street, west of Harrison street. $10,302.50. James T. Kates to Walford W. Hard wick*. property improved with two story brick dwelling fronting on south line of Harrison street, west of Park street. $10 and other \aluable consid erations. Sol. Cutchlns and Thomas P. Bryan, special commissioners, to James C. Selecman and husband, improved pro perty fronting lit feet R inches on western line of Twenty-third street, between Q and S streets. $4,650. W. fi. Hewlett and wife to H. H Phaup. property improved with resi dence No 226 North Thirty-second street. $3,300. Carl Rurhrmund and wife to W. J. Gilman, property fronting 26 feet on south line of Grace street, between Meadow and Allison streets. $2,660. MAKE IT IN SHAPE OF SOUTH’S FLAG Si;ggp»ti.H4- TIhu- AtdhhhU- - ALor Rattle A Lite v lie A (lurried ami Monuments Erected. Among other plans advanced for laying off the grounds on the site at the Soldiers’ Home, which will be oc cupied by the Battle Abbey, is one to have tt represent a Confederate battle Hag. and Mr John Williams, clerk of the Virginia House of Delegatee, has now in his possession a sketch of this Idea, prepared by a landscape gar dener. Th plan of Mr. Williams is to have the Held of red planted in small crimson clover, with the bars of dark green, to represent the blue, while the stars will b<‘ done in white flow ers. Necessary walk and driveways wilt interfere slightly with the sym metry of the arrangement, while the i enter will, of course, be broken by the abbey. Mr. Williams also plans to honor Vice-President Stevens, of the Confed eracy, and the eight members of the i Confederate cabinet by erecting mon j uments to them, to be placed about the abbey. To raise funds for this, It is pointed out that each State of the Confederacy which was represented by a member could have their individual statues, while all of the thirteen could appro priate $1,000 each for that of Presi dent Stephens. The monument ot President Davis is not far from the abbey site. This is only a suggestion, but to those to whom Mr. Williams has ex plained the Idea It has made a splen did Impression as a line memorial to the "Lost Cause." THINKS COLONEL IS BOLJJID MAN Financier Fears He Will Cause Panic, by Rear Platform Speeches in West. NEW VoRK. August 24.—With the declaration that Colonel Rooae ! velt is a “bold, bad man," ana a menace to the peaie and quietude of Wall street, H. C. Duval, former secre tary to Senator Depew and now a stock broker, sailed dolefully for Europe to-day. The chief danger In the colonel, according to Duval, ta his impormptu addresses and dissertations from the rear platform. Just how seriously the ! colonel’s present trip to the West will upaet business conditions, Duval 1 hadn’t figured out. but he sailed away ; convinced that he was voicing the I sentiments of the country’s financial interests In characterising Roosevelt MS a "dangerous” mau.. 'fsivssam. H UTZLER REAL. ESTATE I 1 i N T A1 'i Tj A L EL E6 L ( > A N 5 ' • . f MA >. ‘A At f T rticrj' . ., • t. jii > li-WB-'f National State and Gty Bank Capital, - $1,000,000.00 Surplus, - $600,000.00 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ON SAVING DEPOSITS Inter eat Compounded Twice a Make This Bank Your Bank Wm. M. Palmer, President. J. 8. EUett, Vice-President. J. W. Slaton. Vice-President. Wm. M. Hill. Vice-President. Julian H. Hill, Cashier. ' Commonwealth Bank 1J North Ninth Street. BRANCHES: 4 East Broad Street. Twenty-fifth and Broad St#. Williamsburg Ave., Fulton Active businea* account# soli cited. HIT CROWDS AT Dr. McDaniel and Dr. Strut ton of Baltimore Preach to Barge A udienees. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) HEATHSVIRLE. VA., Aug. 2 4.-— Sunday #a* the first Sunday of Kirk land Grove Haptiat camp meeting near here, and those who attended were not disappointed in hearing the gospel preached in the most powerful man ner. Not in many years have the peo ple of the Northern Neck heard the word preached at Kirkland tJrove in such a convincing and soul-searching way. and from the start this popular religious resort seemed to he per meated by a universal Christian spirit. Baptists, MethodUta, Episcopalians— men and women of every denomina tion and station In life—are there with the ones aim to help their fellow men and get a blessing for themselves, while the young people, scores of them, are enjoying during the interim the social features of the camp. Dr. John Roach Straton, pastor of Seventh Baptist church. Baltimore, preached the morning sermon, and Dr. George W. McDaniel, pastor of First Baptist church, Richmond. Va.. preached in the afternoon, at which sermon he held his hearers spellbound by thed>ower of his preaching and his personal magnetism. His earnestness enlisted the most attentive hearing. At night Rev. Dr. John Roach Straton filled the pulpit. His sermon was scholarly and was a beautiful de scription of the cross. His voice was clear and could be heard in any part of the tabernacle. Dr. Straton is C pleasing speaker, and is a pulpit ortkj tor. Dr. McDaniel has a charminB manner of delivering his sermons, and he Is growing In popularity socially, being a lover of men. Rev. H. 9. Driscoll, who has charge of the meeting, is doing everything posslbl# (or the success of the meet ing. and large crowds are expected during the week. The singing is be ing conducted by Mr. Fones, Dr. At kins, who was to lead the singing, being unable to come. VICTIM OF HOUSE KICK WILL DECOVEH RAPIDLY ! Bernard L. Drawer May Not Lose Eye Injured by Horse’s Hgpt'. Mr. Bernard L. Hrauer, of 921 Mea dow street, who tfas kicked in the face by a horse Tuesday afternoon, is doing nicely at the Virginia Hospital. The physicians at the hospital have not yet ascertained whether or not Mr. Brauer will lose his right eye that was badly injured by the Impact of the horse's hoof. The fractured jawbone has been set and the patient Is said to lie resting easily. If the eye is saved Mr. Brauer wjl tsoon lie discharged front the hos pital none the wore* for hU eapart. . . . . ....... ... ..... . . .-^J. 1 ;