Newspaper Page Text
3T Wants H1LP WAXTKD—rEMALK. boses. Oood pdy, steady employment •ad light, (Ink worli. 0gfiun-r< sit. v&gsB&nggn im$. Rom Street. or«J) maid, holt day on Sunday; ret erences desired. Apply 191 Boat Qr»c« at root, attar » P. M. as* po'brrioa WVvra-itVnr YOUNG MAN DESIRES EMPLOYMENT a* plumber's helper: two *nd a half yaara* experience; no objection to leaving the pity. Address a T. B., 11 South Allen avenue, Richmond Va. EXPERIENCED BOOK KEBPElT'ANI > feneral office man In country town eslree permanent position In Rich mond; sober and energetic; beet ref erences; now employed. Address Bo* 191, Thomasvllle, N. C. , WANTED—BY COLLEGE ORA DU ATI. of two year#’ experience position to 1 teach in graded or high school; te« totnontals furnished. Address M IS,~ L. HARDY, Reedy. Va. TOUNQ COTA) ltKD BOV II TEARS! old want* position as butler or wan - i *r. Address CARLISLE SPENCEK. I Care Richmond Virginian. TOtmr -WANTS PERMANENT Posi tion. with change for promotion Ad dress E. H.. car* Carrier *0. High land Park. WANTED—SITUATION BY RKOIs tered pharmacist; twenty-one years' experience; single: beat references: salary. 111 per week; not afraid of Address OPIUM. *15 North work. __ Calvert Street. Baltimore. Md. position wanted by young mak-1 rled man as traveling salesman or clerical In store or like capacity; ex perlence In mercantile business; bee' ] references. Address Box SI, Lebanon. Va. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN I In drur store by September 1: have j had experience; position In Danville ‘ or some small town preferred; best ; of references. Address R. Q.. P. O i Box «l, Round Hill, Va. WANTED--BY YOUNG MAN. AQED iO. j steady Job. with chance of promo- ; tlon: would like to learn good trade. 1 Address A. F. B.. lili West Cary street, I rosmo* ttixwn—female, j refinedT educated Lady de- i sires position as companion to alder-1 ly lady, or as housekeeper. or teach- ’ er for private school; to right per- i none services Invaluable. Address ; MISS M. K. J., Lock Bo* 9*. Scotts burg, Va. " LADY WITH EXPERIENCE DESIRES; position as governess for young ] children; music and French a ape- , cialty. reference exchanged. Address ; A. R. Box #4. South Boston, Va. WANTEtK-^EXPEHrEXCED TEACHEu. (male and unmarried) to teach In private family with four children Usual English branches, piano and stringed Instruments. Address ex perience. references and salary ex-; nected. Address "P. A. \V," Lee 1 flail. Va WANTED — EXPERIENCED HOISE keepsr for family of four; In small, town; state references and wage* ex- i pected. Address P O. Box «*. Tear- j well. Va. A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN WANTS j petition as housekeeper In private | family, or companion and nurse to ; Invalid, care of linen room/ or care of children. Address B., care Box 44, Chatham. Va. wanted—position as matron an energetic lady of 40. Address E.. Box 22. Wlnterpock. Va A CONTRALTO WANTS position as; singer In church or concert, or teach- j er of voice and piano; testimonials and references given Address Bo* 1 IAS, Statesville. X C. LADY OF SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCE j and holding a drigt grad# rertlflca'e, desires to teach in a public school j Address MISS "E," Box 74, Lilian. Va J T RAI NED Ni; RS E OR TEACH E H O F ' English. French music and art de- | sires employment. Address EMMIE. ; care Postmaster. Uulneys, Va. A YOVNO* LADY *OF~l¥RKPROACH- ! able character, three years' expert- I •nee In teaching, desires position a* governess to small children; can' teach English and music; no obJ*c> ! Hon to leaving the State; references! exchanged Address MISS R. C. PANN1LL. Bassett. Va. A LADY “WANTS aNTTHINO lliK| can get to dj. Would help some one a part of the day for vary email PA> TO Wanted—a position to teach small children In a private famll> References exchanged Address MARY E. BEAU Tunstall. Va. WANTED—POSITION- AK TEACHER Tn public school by young lady hold ing first grade certlflcet*. Address Q W. JONES, Crewe. Va. 1 . rinfolff HAI* fOllC. sold in Richmond than all the rest combined; there la a reason: price; 29c. ercCiAlT NoTfC*. i.XniE-;™ = 1 YOUR FALL AND WINTER Itff AT A GREAT REDUCTION BV LACING TOUR ORDERS KARL 1 BEFORE THE BUSY SEASON SETS IN. YOU WILL RECEIVE YOUR GARMENTS WHEN DESIRED. AND THUS AVOID ANNOYING DI8AP POINTMNT8. CHARLES FISHER. LADIES' TAILOR, 212 NORTH THIRD STREET. SEVERAL TRUNKS OF DRUMMERS' sample trousers; special bargains; high-grade gods; bought cheap; sold sama war. N. F. JACOBS * SON. Ninth, nsar Broad straet. MAKE YOURTBaTH ROOM SA.NrtAiU for the summer*, that means good hsalth; wa employ experts In this tine VA. PLUMBING * HEATING all work puarantsed. Pbol nsrsrx! Antiseptic; price, I0e.; and ravSne «*|oM Mrroi n4 *U« tilts from nr, MliUw tnd rub *c JI-ll North- Bl»h 1»w)« CO.. N. Ninth street 6nlY TEN DAYS MORE TO SBtJUHK' HUMMER r RICES ON LADIES TAILORED SUIT. CHARLES PUSH-1 ER, *li NORTH THIRD STREET. LADIES DON’T NEOLKCT TOUR HAIR I >nd ulli whan you can i complexion and have work dona a ■trfctt. »*T E. Broad A LADY WISHES Seventh Btrost l ADiics rotTf at radooad upetalre. vm~c made Into boautli prices . upetal MBRoaB _I switches, puffe front pieces, pompadour*, in the j most artistic manner. Charpes eery' moderate, fit N. rifth * treat tto ■ nanPii&MBMSh lies’, (do; chit Every pair ee TRIG SHOE Main street Warner MAI .’a. rffeigaoKT/Bxnr _4. mended by.phyamlan* and drupptst*. and reds of them use It In loHi Ai.U* A3 -msst?—m?:fwrfnLTfL”~Fcti&. switches, pompadours, ate., made from you own Chi herpes very mo M*_* sm-. wtsmtssmig. *14 N. -Siiii-i .-.. AwSh., i Wants Wants ...—i— .■■ ■■"..""I Want Ad Rates One cent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. noon* for rjbkt. vvA??rF!tr —we Greenwood House. For tirmi. apply to Mr*. J. A. Win*. OrMBWoJ, v» LARGE AND SMALL FURNISHED rooms tor rent Apply 110 East Franklin Street . NICELY FURNISHED STEAM HBAT* «d room*; double or tingle. Apply 31“ West Grece. _ 808 EAST CLAT STREET; CENTRAL; large front parlor, back parlor; newly papered; light and airy; largo front room, second floor; halt roots, furnished, $5.00 month. FOR RENT—TWO ROOMS. SECOND floor, central location. Phone 8*47-J. TWO LARGE CONNECfiS# FUR nlshed rooms; board If deelred. 101 Went Grace. _ DELIGHTFUL ROOMS, NK t$'LT FUR• nlshed, with 'phone, bath and lei water 500 North Fifth Street FOR RENT—TWO ROOMS AND BATH, suitable for light hooaekeeplng. Ap ply 781 North Fifth Street. _ FOR RENT-TO ONE OR TWO GEN tlemen, comfortable, furnished roo«n; convenient to bath, with uee of 'phone. 1 South Fifth Street. FURNISHED ROOM; NEWLY PAPER ed; also housekeeping flat. Apply 598 East iAUgh. _ _ A GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM AND board in a private family. Refer ences given and required. Address H. C. R., care Richmond Virginian, giving terms, etc. SPECIAL PRICES ON HANDSOME rooms If taken this month; private family; five minutes' walk to Brand and Main Streets; business people. Inveetlgat Apply *0* North Tentn Street. _ NEAT. PRETTY ROOMS; ONE DOLLAR per week, bandy to Broad and Main Street*. Apply »«» North Tenth Street. TWO CONNECTING FRONT ROOMS, beth adjoining; Aral floor; furnished or unfurnished; board If desired. 308 South Fourth. Gamblers Hill, _ _ _ FOR RENT—TO GENTLEMAN, NICH ly furnished hall mom; electric lights, hot water and use got phone. Appl)' 215 East Grace. FOR RENT -HEATED. TWO LAROE and one small rooms, with bath, on third floor: no small children. Ap ply 108 East Franklin. _ DESIRABLE OFFICE FOR DOCTOR on Grace near fliith. ‘Phone Madi son 4144.____ THREE ROOMS. OR WILL RENT separately Apply 511 North Seventh LARGE, ELEGANT ROOMS. FUR nished or unfurnished, single or en sutle. Apply 899 East Frankjin. two" UNFURNISHED ROOKS: CON neefed. front and rear; with bath Apply 419 North Seventh Street. TWO FurniShed rooms; H ANl5 mw U .tlddv neaai jad 09 18 Adams FO R-RENT—TWO LAROE CONNKCtf lng rooms, suitable for dressmaking purposes; on Third Street. near Broad. Apply 901 East Broad, up atalrs ST CLARE MILLINERY. FOR RENT—LARGE AND SMALL rooms; furnished tor housekeeping. 114 North Twelfth Street nicely FUjuritnttfb roomT~foh rent. 718 E. Marshall Street. TWO NICE ROOMS ON FIRST yLOOlt. suitable tor office of any kind, at 711 East Franklin Street. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO rooms for light housekeeping: cen trally located. 817 North Fourth Street. Use phone and bath. FOR R ENT—THREE CONNECTING rooms, with bath; ^nehr^Chlmboraao and gas lighted: only quiet' reepon slble parties need apply. Addreaa 1'. ==HSSa=9H53»&aS*9*«S9S=SHH*®BB MUCKUaSIBOG*. stop: LOOK USD TUSK. JOHN LA TOUCHE. JR., NEW PLACE. 41? W. Main: Monro* 1444: Kronen and steam cleaning; ladle* prince** and drees** cleaned 11.49: pleated eltirts French cleaned. 74 cents; plain. 60c-; gloves cleaned, any length 10 cent* per pair, gent's suite dry cleaned. 40c; French cleaned 41.00 reduction In all wort:. ' MKHCRaNT TAILoitlJia. " TRY BRODIES MADE TO ORDER clothes. Special line of trousers made for business men at 14.60. Will be on sale September 1. everything new and up-to-date. Fit guaranteed. Your order solicited. A. V. HRODlll, 1? E. Main street. Phone Madison 5690. MOWERS AND BICYCLE TIRES. SF.E THE EVAN* HARDWARE CO., for lawn mowera and blcyale tlrea. We have the best In ths city. We have reduced our price* on bicycle tire* for two week*. <90 W. Broad Street. _ _ __ CLEANING AND MUBSHStt. ~ <30 TO THE BEST PLACE IN THE Weet End. whan.. you want, your clothe* cleaned and pressed' all work ua ran teed drat claaa J. R. BSRK. roar* ____„_ Ley. JR. US W. Main (treat. Phone Monroe lit. SPECIAL TO LADIES. BROD1E-CLEANS, PRESSES, REPAIRS and alters ladle*' tailor-made suits. Special attention given to ladl*s French cleaning and fancy gown*. A. V. BRODIE, 1* E. Main at. Phon* Madison III*. COLD'WATER PAINT. CALCIMO. THE ORIGINAL COLD water paint; easy to apply; *11^00} NEW! {NMUit W*gJ IW EV|»ty , nag* * or*; writs or phon* for color ea more Calclmo sold than all th* water paint* combined. ELBA HARDWARE CO.. Agents. Henry and Broad. Mair BOLD «i naaus—»i» Hi BUSINESS I drummer*' trouser* preasnt* Itself now; wo go* tak Urn, charge* moderate. Mrs, B. D. MOORE, Washington and I*eo Catn .. faded switch**, pompadour*. *tc. ;e* v*ry moderate *14 N. Fiftn Charge •tr**t ..... .... i--.,-..',, .'ij; -Vv''■ RIAL ESTATE FOR RALE ANDSON REALTY CORPORATION JACKSON \V A H D ’ INVESTMENT; Baker atreel: One eight-room houdt. one ten-room, one nve-room— the three rent for $52 per month: price for all. $5,000. or will well separate. AH in beet rondlttpn. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, CABELL street, renting for $9 per month, price $150. TWO FIVE-ROOM HOUSES AND ONE six; Oortdtn street. Fulton: total rent. $21 per month; price for nil *2.000 LOT 162 BY 19*. TEMPLE STREET, with six room house; price, only $3. 000. Big speculation here. LOT 02 BY 140, ON CAR. NEAR FOK e*t Hill, with new nine-room house, never occupied; plenty ffull; price, only $3,250, SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSETS, range, let robe, all modern conven FIVE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSES. HA 14 ton Heights, cheep: *250 cash, bal ance by month, gets one. im FEET GROUND, WASHINGTON street. In rear of southwest corner Beverly street, only tu per foot. ^ AND PLENTY OTHER GOOD THINGS all over the city. SEE US IF YOU WANT TO BUY OK sell real estate. See NOONANDHON REALTY CORPORATION. Eleventh street. FOR IALM. gAfir'Ragsr fort make a comfortable su*nmer at home: we can supply you with all these- comforts; we are selling the Detroit Jewel Gas Range and other standard makes of Gas Ranges. De troit Jewel Heaters for hot water in your bath room and all those Inex pensive appliances for bath and kit chen. VA PLUMBING * HEATING CO.. *« N. Ninth street. FOR SALE—A TOP BUGGY. $40. one at ltd. one at **5 and one at $2». Surrtes' from *40 to *25; runabouts from *35 to *100. See us If you want a good vehicle for a small price. THOS. H. DUKE A CO.. *04 Brook avenue. - FOR WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON BROS. *1* Brook avenua WE~aRe OFFERING UNUSUAL LOW prices on our line of Ranges. Mantels and tiling; now Is the time to save money If you are Interested. \ A. PLUMBING & HEATING CO, 26 N Ninth street. for sale Second hand baby carriage, good condition cheap to quick buyer. Can be seen at 13vS W. Cary street. LOW PRICES ON ALL RANGES: SEE us now while the prices are low: all standard makes, which means a great deal when you want repair, va. PLUMBING A HEATING CO., 26 N Ninth street. PERSONALS. INFANTILE PARALYSIS IS CURA bljr under magnetic massage and Mental ScJenoe Treatment Combined. MENTAL SCIENTIST. *07 K. Grace streeLs-JPhwe>M»dleon_iiii5*DJi_t>>|>—> --EUiiNEirw Ants. WANTED—MEN TO BUT AN EXCEL lent line of drummers' sample trou eers; several trunks Just opened; all high-grade; bought cheap: to be sold for a song. N. F, JACOBS A SON. Ninth, near Broad street. S9! 1 Stn fine in Sergeant Atkinson's Case Inadequate and Disapproves. In disapproving the sentence of the court-martial which recently tried Sergeant Frank L. Atkinson, of the Richmond Howltsers, as not sufficient to promote military discipline or re ' ernor Mann Wednesday Indirectly and 1 mildly ceneurea the court, j The court found Sergeant Atkinson ' guilty of the charge of not attending 1 the camp of Instruction at Gettysburg ! and fined him $2. j In the opinion of the Governor, the i sentence was Inadequate with the of ■ fenae and he therefore disapproved it and has ordered Sergeant Atkinson ; restored to duty with his battery. Governor Mann went through the findings of the court, of which Major JE. W. Bowles, of the Richmond Light Infantry Blues, was president, and Wednesday morning returned his de claim) to the office of the Adjutant General. COURT OF INOUIRY TOO COL. COHSOLVO Will H<» Held in Richmond With in Next Sixty Dave to In restigatc Delay of Pay. Adjutant-General W. W. Sale Wed nesday ordered a court of Inquiry to Investigate the delay In the payment of the Virginia troops which partici pated In the camp of instruction at Gettysburg, to sit in Richmond within the next sixty daya at the call of the president. This court was asked for by Lieutenant-Colonel Charles H. Con«o|vo, paymaster-general, who ha* been the subject of considerable criti cism by some of the Virginia press. Tbs officers named for the court are as follows: Colonel Robert F- Leedy. Second infantry: Maw A. T. Finch, medical corps: Major A. 8. Percy, ordinaace department; Captain H. H, Hunt, First Infantry, and Lieutenant J. Randolph Tucker, Richmond Light Infantry Bluea recorder. - I STOCK MKT - IS STILL DULL Slight Hally Follows Recession*, * But General Trading is Very Heavy. ! NO REAL IMPROVEMENT ! __ 1 Speculative Condition Fails to Re cover and Losses Are Great er Than Earlier Gains. NEW YORK, Aug. 24.—Pronounced | weakness was displayed In the stock j | market at the openlnK and In the; 1 early tradlnK to-day and losses were ■ sustained on first sales ranglnK from ! ! substantial fractions to more than two l point*. At the end of fifteen minutes ‘ a fractional rally was In progress. The publication In Europe of die-1 patches stating that Roosevelt and Taft will take common ground In at tacking the trusts was the cause of the disturbed conditions in the for eign markets, which was reflected In the market here. The heavy selling caused declines In the first hour i ranging around two points In all the * active issues. Little rallying tenden cy was In evidence, recoveries being ! confined to small fractions. In the late forenoon the tone was weak. Oovcrnments unchanged; other bonds : dull. There was little Improvemnt in the j speculative condition in the last half i of the forenoon, declines of two points ' j or over being sustained In nearly all i -the active issues In the first two hours [ ; of business and rallies from the low levels being confined to small frac- i tions. The downward movement was checked in the early afternoon and some moderate recoveries occurred in the later trading, due principally to covering of shorts. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET. 2 r. m. 33 M American Beat Sugar.. Am. Act. Chera. Co.... Allis~Chalm*ts... Atlw-Chsmberi. pfd. Amalgamated Copper. 64 %f Ameiioan Can... AH American Can, pfd. 67H American Car & Fdy.. 47X American Car A Fdy. pId.. American Cotton Oil. . *.. 61 *£ A me lean locomotive. 34 American Locomotive, pfd.. American Smelting. 67H American Sugar. Amer. Tei. and Tal. Co..... 134 American Tobaeco, eom. American Tobacco, pfd .. 93 Anaconda Copper.. 39 Vf Atchison. 9 Atlantic Coast Lina. 106H Baltimore and Ohio. 104 Brooklyn Rapid Transit.. 7ft Canadian Pacific. 1MW Chesapeake and Ohio.. 72 H Chicago Great Western. Chic. Mil. and St. Paul.. 120H Chi. and Northwestern. 144 C. G, W . pfd. Central Leather....... 33 Jg Colorado Fuel and Iron... Colorado and Southern. Colo, and South.. 1st pfd.. Col. and South., 3d pfd. Consolidated Gaa.... 139 H Delaware and Hudson. 161 Denver and Rio G., eom. 30 Denver and Rio G., pfd.. Distillers* Bee. Cor. ............. 27H Erie.. 26 H Erie, 1st pfd. 63 H Erie. 2d pfd.. General Electric.... 143.H Great Northern, pfd...134 Great North. Ore. Ctf*.. Illinois Central.. Int. Metropolitan ... ... I7.H Ini. Metropolitan, pfd...«»••«*» 47 lat. Mer. Marina, com fat. Met. MarineT pfd.777... 16 29 33 m CZH 8H 67 H 47 cm; 34 H 66H 134 93 ; 40 9'H io<m I03N | 7SN ! IS* TIN 22 j II« ' iok : 32 N 2»H ■ 127« 29 N 2TH 3SH 4J.4 14JH 1*3 S3 I2»H I7H 47X IS International Paper.. International Paper. pfd. Kuw City Bo., com.. Kiuw City 8o„ pfd.. Loufevllle and NaabriUe. 14i)d UuUHu... Metro. Street Railway. Mo., Sob. and Teaaa. Mo.. Kan. and Taaai, pfd. tlH Mianouri Pacific. S3 National Land. soi< Now York Central.. 1114 N. Y. Oat. and Weetem.. *0 Norfolk and R'cetera. Vdtf Northern Pacific. 114.1* Pacific Mail.. Pan nay I can it... 12* 4 People', Gaa. 1054 Pranacd Bteef Car. 344 Pranned Steel Car. pfd.. Rev. Steel as 141* *IN so io«N 33 H WN U3N 127 N 105* J 34* | . UlH j Republic Iron Mid Steel..,. So Vi j Republic I. ud 8.. p(d. j Rock Island. 8c>f» 1 Reek I eland, pfd.. Stoce-Sbelficid....;. SouthernPacific. ltS)^ Southern Railway. ^ Southern Railway, pfd.. Tummm Copper. UH Teaaa Pacific. 2e Union Pacific. JM United Stntee Rubber........... United State# Steel. *9H United Stntee Steel, pfd.... nstf Va.-Car. Chemical..... gild Ve^Csr. Chemical, pfd.......... . IT Id Wabeeb, pfd. 36 Weeteru Colon.. 139J4 30 2»H 1 U3H anH! a *h asH 104 ft MS *Sft 115ft 4*H j loft 36 , Rlt HMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond. Vn., Aue. 24.. 1816. t t STATU SECURITIES. Ride Aaked. : North Carolina, 4e. c. 181.... V*. J*. old C. and R.. 1838 85 . <Jt_ V*. Centurine f-l. C. nnd R., “5VT# 1 SO 1 . 85W *«K CITY SECURITIES * * Manchester City . Richmond City, 4*. R. 1*20- „ 1484 .. Richmond City 4n. C 4k R. 1938-1943 ... RAILROAD RONDS, A. C. L. It R. Con. Tr. 4p. c 98 A. C. U Ctt*. Ind C. and O. Oen. Mtr. 4bi.. too ' ■ llll. .113 Qn. Tac. let. *«. C, _ Oeorfla Sou. nnd El*. 1845 io$ On. Ain. Con. *». 1848- 103 Norfolk nnd Went Ry. 4s 1994 IT Nor. nnd West roc* 4a. 1944.;. Rich, and Dan. Cold fa. a. - 1915 105 Seaboard Air Una. 4a. mo 12 Seaboard Adjustment, 9a. .. 40 So. Ry. l«t t> 1494...104 80. R. Rev. O. M. 4a. 10$o ... Western N. C.., let On. C. 191* ....... 1.-.*-H06 8TRK«TfRAlLWAT BONDS. Norfolk Ry. * U Co. 5a. 1849 ..... ... ... ......, - - i-'-... — ‘ * -r—c. V*. RY. * I*. Co. 6*., 1834 »0IA STREET RY. STOCKS*. Par Bid Asked Sorlolk Ry it P. Co., 3* ... ... Vn. Ry. * P. Co. pfdNlOO. Va. Ry. it J. Co. com. . 100 20 24 RAILROAD STOCKS* Par. Atlanta and Chariot* . . 100 ... Atlan. Coart Lina, com. 100 10* A. C. L of Conn ..... .100. C. and O. ... 100 72 Nor. and Weal., com... 100 »« r. p. * p. dit obUB..ioo. Sou. Railway, com.100 22 Southern Railway, pfd.100 83 BARK AND TRUST CO. STOCKS Araarlcan National_100 1*0 Broad Street Bank.... 16. Bank of Richmond.... 100. Bank of Com'r and Tr 100 .. Capitol flavins* Bank.. 20 2* First National .108 100 310 Merohanta Nat'onal ....100 0*8 ... National Bank of Va..l00 170 STa. Stata and City Bank 100 170 ... Petersburg Sav. and Ina 30. Planters National.100 160 Saving* Bank of Rlch'd 60 «2 «S Union Bank of Rlch’a..60. Virginia Trust co.100 110*4 ... INSURANCE COMPANIES Va. Fire and Marine... 16. Virginia State . 25. MISCELLANEOUS Amer. Lo. pref.104 Amer. Lo. Pref. . 103 ... Amer. Loco., pfd .103 ... Va.-Car. Chem com.... 100. Am. Tob. ip. cl. bonds. Am. Tob., 0 p. ct. bond*.0214.. 6*. 1923 .100 . Va.-Car. Chem. prf. 8pc 100 119 Va.-Car. Chem., com... 100 8**4 Va. Car. Cham. 1st m 6 * 1923 .,.10.0 . BUT IS HIGHER January Cotton Weakest Though General Tone is Steady at Opening, NEW YORK, Atlg. 24— At the open j Ing cotton was quiet but «teady. 4 hlgn- j or to 1 lower. January being the weak- j eat. The room element and Liverpool; were leading seller*. Auguat. 16.50a55; September, 14.4oa 41; October. 13,66a6S; November. 13 56a 58; December. 13.55a56; January. 13.52a; 53; March. 13.57a68; May. 13 60&61. PRETTY WEDDING OCCURS AN OENDRON Marriage of Mias Caroline Morris to Mr. Haynie One of Sea son’s Notable Event.-. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) DENDRON, VA.. Aug. 2t.—-The wedding here to-day of Miss Caroline Morris and Mr. Luther M. Haynie was one of the most brilliant and Inter esting social events of the year. The bride is the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. K, Morris, and the groom, now a resident of Dallas, Tex., the son of Mlrs. S. P. Haynie. of Lynchburg. The home of the bride, where the wedding occurred, was pret tily decorated, and there was a large company assembled. Rev. Dr. C. W. Turner performed the ceremony, as sisted by Rev. J. J. Bradford. The young couple left immediately for Portsmouth and thenc e to Atlantic j City. Thei rhome will be in Dallas, Tex. One of the prettiest entertainments , given here this year was the recep tion last night from (1.30 to 10 o'clock by Mr. and Mrs. .1. E Rogers in honor of their niece. Miss Morris. The guests were received by Mrs. Rogers and Miss Morris. The rooms were beau tifully decorated with cut flowers, ferns and potted plants. Miss Bailie Haynie and Miss Mary Hepley 8peneer officiated at the punch bowl, while the dainty refreshments were served by Misses Annie Devaney, Emily Morris. Mary Holmes. Pauline Edwards. Bruce Velllne*. Alice Rog ers, Madge Goodson, Minnette Vel lines and Francis Devaney. As the time for departure drew near the guests assembled in the spa cious dining room to take part in cut ting the wedding cake, which resulted in Miss Mary Holmes securing the ring .while Mr. Willie Edwards ob taining the thimble. After this cere mony Judge West, on behalf of the guests, in a happy and felicitous ad dress. extended to the prospective bride and gtoem the-congTatulHttrrng' and best wishes of all present. Among those present, beside the relatives and intimate friends- of Miss Morris residing lit Dendron, were Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rogers and Miss An nie t'rciuha*% of Sedley, V».; Mr. Wil lie Edwards, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Judge J. E. West, of Waverly; Rev. .7 J. Bradford, of Norfolk: Miss Mary Holmes, of Ivor; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Vellines, Miss Velilnes and Miss Min nette Veillnes, of 8mithfleld; Mrs. Charlie Pond and Miss Annie Wilson, of Wakefield: Miss Pauline Edwards, of Richmond; Mrs. 8. P. Haynie and Miss Sallte J. Haynie, of Lynchburg; Mrs. 8. D. Barksdale, of Charlotte county; Mr. L. M. Haynie, of Dal las. Tex,; Miss Mary Henley Spencer, of Williamsburg; Mr. Ben Nelson, of Richmond; Mr. Harry Spratley. o| Bpottsville; Mrs. John Cofer, Mrs. James Edwards, Miss Elsie Edwards and Mr. R. A. Edwards, of Smithfleld. and Miss Madge Goodson, of Scotland. VICTIM OF SHOOTING EXPECTED TO RECOVER Doctors Believe That John Hen dricks Will Not Suecomb who »u shot by William A. Pace near South HU1 early Sunday morning and who was brought to the Virginia Hos pital Monday afternoon for treatment. 1» ported by the doctors at the hospi tal to be doing nicely. The ball has not yet been removed but the doctors In charge of the case state that the victim to the shooting has a good chance of recovery. RICHMOND, VA.. Aug. 24.—Foreoast for Richmond and vicinity: Fair anl continued warm to-night and Thurs day. WASHINGTON. D. C., Aug. 24 — Fore cast for Virginia: Fair and continued warm to-night and Thursday. The lo cal weather bureau to-da received the following storm warning from Wash ington: •Tropical atorms central near the south of Santo Domingo, moving west by north and apparently of considera ble Intensity, unsafe for vessels in Westsrn Caribbean and region of Cuba for next few dam" J V A c nag c ftv 11 A. M.,.■, ,.v. K3 The Weather . »4 . 24 . 14 NEWS OF SOUTH WuUifloa Wirl Item* mmd AiTntiwanta rttdtll M rtf|Wa J. W. Craae'a Stmrm, **• mt vtrMfr FARM DEMONSTRATION WORK IS ASSURED Senator Watkins and Secretary Owen Secure Appropriation in i Cheater field. Supervisors of Chesterfield county at a meeting held In the courthouse Tuesday voted an appropriation of $400 for farm demonstration work. Mr. Ben P. Owen, secretary to Gover nor Mann, and Senator J. B. Watkins j appeared before the supervisors ana i asked for the appropriation. Kaon 1 spoke forcibly for the tarm demon- | Stratton work and the people loudly applauded them. Chesterfield (ounty is the first! county In the State to make an ap- ' proprlation. Senator Watkins is hope- ' ful that he can get Powhatan and Goochland counties to follow Ches terfield's example. The three coun ties compose the district he represents j in the legislature. ROTS ARE SEN! TO STATE REFORMATORY: Harry Tomlin and Len. Toler, boys under seventeen years of ag" tv re oid- red to the reformatory Wednes day morning by Justice Crutchfield. 1 the testimony against them being to I thu effect that they had stolen pro- j miscuously from many places. Mu -h 1 sympathy was felt tor the relatives j of the boys, and Justice Maurice said he tvas sorry the case came betrtro him. but since a decision had to tie rendered, nothing was to be done but order the youngsters to the reforma tory . FUNERAL WEDNESDAY j FOR W. M. WILKINSON — Popular Young Man of tin* County! to He Laid to Rest at Winter pock. ilia Home. Funeral services for Wiliam Mack ! Wilkinson. 21 years old, were con ducted from the home In Winterpock, Chesterfield county. Wednesday morn ing. The young man, who was a student at Richmond College, died In the Johnston-Willis hospital Tuesday : morning, peritonitis nclng the cause of j death. He was taken to the hospital j last week and underwent an operation [ for stomach trouble. It was thought ! the operation was successful and that i he was well on the road to recovery when peritonitis set In and death fol- j lowed quickly. » The deceased was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wilkinson, of the j county, and won known to many in the Routhslde. MEAN NEGRO IS SEVERELY PUNISHED ... .. i Irwin Brown Will Spend More Than Twelve Months of His Life for Chesterfield. Convicted of attempting to entice In- ! inmates of the, Virginia Home and | Industrial School away from the In stitution, Irwin Brown, a negro, was fined J60 and ordered to serve sis months on the county roads, and in addition wa* required to furnish se curity in the sum of $100 for his good behavior for tw-elve months. He was tried before Magistrate Jacob at Forest Hill Park Tuesday night. on another charge. WOCXh-BE COPS ARK GETTING. RI S\ Twelve aspirants for positions with the Richmond police department will leave Washington Ward Thursday and pass in review before police commis sioners in the city hall. They will be asked about the street*, the ordi nances. the statues and the location of all the churches. The twelve who i live on this side of the river want : to be assigned to work tover here (provided all are electedl yet It it a question whether they will be placed in South Richmond or on the North side of the river. Council will. It is thought, make an appropriation the seventh of Septem- : ber for about thirty policemen and since it ia know n that six or eight 1 are to be placed In the newly annexed i territory there has been a great flurry among prospective bluecoata. The : dozen who wont to be policemen are busy among their friends and influen- ‘ tial politicians securing signatures to their applications. MRS. WILSON TO BE BURIED THURSDAY Mrs. Alice C. Wilson, relic of Thomas B. Wilson, died Tuesday morning at her home. 2#11 Hull street, i after a long Illness. She was 90 years . old and leaves four sons—John A., j Thomas R., Nathaniel B. and James ' S. Wilson, and one brother, E. T. Wil- ! son. Funeral services will be conducted : from the' home Thursday morning at 11 o’clock and burial will be In Maury i cemetery. Personals and Briefs. Six candidates were initiated In ; Stuart I/Odge. No. HI. 1. O. O. F„ Tuesday night. Mr*. J. C. Nunnslly and little son left Monday for Fluvanna county to visit Mrs, James GM1I. Under the auspices of Sacred Heart Catholic, church a lawn party ta being given each ntghrcm-thirlgwn at Four-' teenth and Hull streets. Mlases Norma WYtght and Mary Duval are visiting friends in Albe marle county. Mrs. W, F. Winnie entertains at cards Thursday evening In her home In Porter street. The annual meeting of the camn of Confederate Veterans was held Mon day at Chesterfield Courthouse and ■ It was decided that the usual picnic of the camp should be held Septem ber I at the courthouse. There will he | Brunswick Btew and enough barbe- j cued lamb to satisfy all who come. ” ‘ | JUNIOR MECHANICS IN WIUGHTSVIXUF (Seoial to The Richmond Virginian.); WlI(MTNaTf)N, X. [C.. Aug. S4.— The twentieth convention of the State i council or the Junior Order ol United | ■- .- ••• ..'y?'*" ■ •’' ■ V: -v American Mechanics waa called ' der this morning at Wrt Beach by State Councilor OoodWifc Kllzabeth City. To-day'a for session was a profitable one, a nothing of public note was acted. Ijist night the Junior* given a btg welcome at a social ering. The feature was an by Senator t^»e S. Overman, of J* Carolina. He spoke upon "1mm tlon” and roundly scored thlg try for lax laws. He denounced Influx of foreign immigration assailed the big steamship eompan fer promoting such. He declared Intended to fight the present grant movement Senate. Judge of a Pa vs Firing V Judge John H. Ingram, of and Equity, returned to Klche mond from his country home Wed nesday morning and entered decree* in two testate case*. --4 In the case of James h. ('Attftl^ who has recently become of uge, against Georgle 1>. Anderson and Richmond. ’•••*»« O'l*';* < u o UCVJCC V»| ur j Iiff war.yi dtrtrlbution of all funds now In banK';J belonging to the parties^ concerned -,M i a result of bequeathment. A similar decree was entered In th*J case of Annie M. Epps against Joae-"* phlne McDowell and others. Judge Ingram was In the city inly 4 few hours, return to his country home immediately following the dBN • position of the court matters '4 Wright I,o*es to Bundy. "M NEWFOUT, U. I . Aug. H.—Thom as C. Bundy, of Eos Angeles, Cal., to- , day earned the right to challenge, na tional tennlc champion William A; lairney. of Summitt, N. J., by defeat ing Beals C- Wright, the Boston man. and former national title holder. Score: 6-3, 6-3. 6-8. 10-8. With Seventy Followers Deposed Leader Flees to Costa Rica. WASHINGTON. Aug. 24.—Consw lar advices from various Central American points received at the state department to-day traced the flight of Dr. Madriz, deposed Nicaraguan president, with his followers, Irian, Ortla, Vasques, Chavarria. Toledo, and seventy others, to Costa Rica. Reports of disturbances near Co rlnto were contradicted to-day by (jiessages from Consul Johnson, who is stationed at that city. Johnson told of the release of 200 prisoners front f'audon Island, by order of Jose Es trada. acting provisional president. The state department was a (/vised to-day that one of the first acta of General Estrada after his victory wad to make a sweeping revision of the Nicaraguan tariff admitting free of duty food supplies, soap, quinine, pur gative salts and disinfectants. The department is Informed that Estrada propose* to use every means of restoring prosperity to the country in the quickest possible manner. Inspect State Farm. Governor Mann and members «*t the penitentiary board left Wednes day morning for Easslster, Goochland gpectioti of the State Farm. Tha party will return to Richmond Wed nesday night. Not One of Officials of Past Year* Offers Himself For Re-Election. Delegates to trie convention of tt Ancient Order of Hibernians elect* oBteer* late Wednesday afternoon Contrary to general expectation n< one of the former officers offered bin self for re-election, and an entire) new ticket was rhosan without OJ position. mose elected were as follow*: Pret Idem. Charles ft. McHugh, of RojM oke: vice-president, Mr. John T. Kg right, of Newport News; secretary, M Francis T. Quinn, of Alexandria: treat urer, Mr. William McDermol. of Hoai oke. The session of the Ladles' Auxillal was continued until late In the aftei non by a discussion of variott* beta ness matters, and the election of ofi cers was consequently delayed. MR. DALTON DEAD AFTER LONG ILL! Senior Member of Well-KlM) Local Firm Passes Away. After an Illness lasting aevt months. Mr. K. S. Dalton, senior mi ber of the firm of F. 8, Dalton i Company, died at the residence of son, Edgar Dal ion. Nc-. IKS l Hanc avenue Wednesday morning. The deceased Is survived by son*. Edgar D. sad Herbert S- WHi FMtiers! arrangements tmre- ngfc been completed, GOVERXOR DOESN'T USE . BIG STONE G„M£ Kamli Williams, of Big Stott# who was sentenced to thirty dayi the roads" by the mayor of that 1 for taking a skiff, rowing tt dost) Xew river and returning it short! forwards to its owner, was par# Wednesday by Governor Mann. J Dig Stone Gap Justice evidently no tsppeal to the governor. suajM'ctcd of a Steioajr. Charles Holms* .a teagttt, jl rested Wednesday afternoon bar tives Wiley and Cl*rk« and Mm