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Richmond, Virginia District Ns. 1, Award No. 1, $500 Award No. 2, $100 l $2,000 REWARD! The Richmond Virginian Co., Inc., will pay $2,000 cash to the persons receiving the highest number of credits issued for ballots and paid-in-advance subscriptions to The Rich mond Virginian. Contest Closes September 30th, 1910. . jr^The contestant resident of Districts Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 securing first place in the District and State (Richmond not in cluded) receives $700 cash. ~jr^The contestant resident of Districts Nos. 3, 4, 3 and 6 securing second place in the District and State (Richmond not included) receives $300 cash. V Pleasant, Profitable Employment The Richmond Virginian is taking an especial pride in the present gigantic Subscription Campaign. $2,000 is to be given away immediately after the close of the contest, September 30. 1910. In this contest every one has an opportunity to win a substantial amount of cash. It is a legitimate, competitive proposition in which personal effort and perseverance are bound to count. We are running this contest for the very simple reason that we want to further develop the circulation of T he Richmond Virginian. To do this, we are giving away ,$2,000 cash in addition to 10 per cent, of all subscription money received during the contest, to the persons receiving the highest number of credits in their respective districts. In considering the contest we realized that the prizes must be of sufficient value to create workers. We cannot understand apparent lack of interest. The field is open for workers. Get in line and commence to secure subscriptions and build up a monument of votes. The work is easy, pleasant and profitable. Here is the List of Contestants in The Richmond Virginian’s $2,000 Contest DISTRICT NO. I. Isaac Difigs. Jr., No. 1108 Floyd avenue. Richmond, Va.217,245 Mrs. J. H. Moss, No. <>05 West Main Street, Richmond. Va.217,170 Rev. \rV. G. Burch, No. 1006 Everett street. South Rich mond, Va..216,150 Miss Lula Eanes. No. 405 North Twelfth street, Rich mond. Va. ■ 205,205 Cdls Hinnant. No. 206 West Fourteenth Rtreet, South Richmond, Va. .205,655 Mrs. Preston Cobh. 804 E. Main street. Richmond. Va. 198,000 Miss Eugenia Haynes, 700 East Leigh street, Richmond Va. 185.000 Master Richard A. Gaskins, No. 206 East Cary street, Richmond, Va. 161,570 Luther T. Matthews, 256 S. Laurel St., Richmond, Va. . 75,455 Mr. W. M. Bickers, Jr., No. 504 North Twenty-fifth street, Richmond, V'a.25.100 Miss Georfiie Montgomery, No. 116 North Lombardy street, Richmond. Va. .. 24,090 Hunter Pendleton. 018 .1 essamine St., Richmond, Va 10,465 E. M. Sharp, 2208 M Street, Richmond, Va... 5,005 DISTRICT NO. 5. Mrs. J. J. Cardener, Franklin street. Petersburg, Va. 255,555 Mrs. E. Frank Crowe. Blackstone. Va.. 155,745 Rev. G. E. B. Smith, Cumberland, Va. 124.050 Mrs. George Gibson, Jr.. Chase City, Va.50,085 Clinton A. Moseley, Jeffress, Va.5,000 J. R. Berryman, Berryman, Va.10,010 Miss Effie L. Spratley, Matoaca. Va. 8,555 Willie Proctor Carter, Prospect, Va. 5,180 Herbert H. Babb, R. F. D. No. 1, Ivor, Va.. 5,060 G. VV. Shortt, 508 W. Washington street, Petersburg, Va, 5,000 Mrs. R. B. Eanes, . 68 Wythe street, Petersburg, Va. 5,000 Roy Gary, Wealthla. V’a . 5,005 John A. McCraw, Nathalie, Va., ....5,025 DISTRICT NO. 4. Master Robert O. Minter, Martinsville, Va. 149,820 Miss Grace Leigh Guyer, No. 707 Colquhoun street, Danville, Va.147,770 Walter C. Akers, Auditor’s Office Norfolk and Western Railway, Roanoke, Va.94.000 Hattie M. Ivey, No. 756 Colquhoun street, Danville, Va. 11,125 DISTRICT NO. 5. S. Matthew Orriaon, Leesburg, Va.95,545 Rev. H. F. Turner, Catlett. Va.20,141 Rev. J. Sydney Cobb, Cralgsville. Va..5,06' W. R. Eakle, 811 W. Main Street. Staunton, Va. 5.000 Miss Hallie B. Wingfield, Charlottesville, Va.5,019 DISTRICT NO. 6. Rev. C. E. Stuart, Ashland, Va.152,725 J. A. Macomber, R D. 1. Glen Alle >. Va.59.010 Miss Louise Thomas, Fredericksburg. Va.12.000 Mrs. Wirt Lefew Todd, Fork Union, Va. 5,020 C. V. Snider, Carysbrook, Va. 5,010 PROGRAM FOR FAREWELL SERVICE IS ANNOUNCED Mr. William Kllvf-mi tn Prc.-idi* at K\f’rci*o in Honor of I lev. I >r. Smith. Everythin* is practb-nil} In readi ness for the farewell service n> he held at Second Baptist church Wodneadaj night in honor ■<' Rr\ Dr tv B 1.. Smith the retiring pastor, wT>.« has ac cepted a charge at Chapel Hill. N. Mr William E Hyson will preside al the sen-ice. which is to begin at Flo r. m. The order of the exercises has hern arranged as follows; Opening hymn; prayer; Scripture reading; al»o he Miss-Pattle Isaacs; addresa on behalf of the church, by Dr. George B. Steel, chairman hoard of deacons, on behalf of the Sunday school, b> Frank T, Crump, auperiu tendent. duct, by Mrs Maude Porter Gunn and Miss McDonald: addresses on behalf of the adult classes, by .). I!. Guy and Joseph 13 Montgomery; <ni behalf of the college*, bv Tire Nelson i and Boatwright; on behalf of the re ligious press, by Dr R. H Pitt: ether short addresser, closing remark*, by Dr. Smith. 3Jrs. William 11. Brown Receives Fatal Injuries When Tur pentine Gel* Il"t. ■WESTMINSTER. MU., Aug .in.— Mrs Mary Brown, wif* of William H. Brown, was so severely burned this morning that she died from her Injuries She was preparing a lini ment of which turpentine Is an In gredient and in lifting the vessel In which It was being heated from the Stove, some drops fell upon the fire, biased up and Ignited the whole mass. mm. iA" ' —" i • Kll KU I'HOrilS VIA. NOTICE TO ARCHITECTS <( OMPE tition)—The Confederate Memorial Aa sociation has instructed its executive committee to receive competitive plans for a memorial building in Richmond, Va., to be known as the “Confederate — Memorial Institute. ' The committee has engaged a firm of architects to act as expert advisers in t he preparation and •ward of the competition Coat of building to lie $150,000 Prises ranging from $1.000 to $300. Architects desiring to compete should apply for condition* of competition on or before September 30, 1910, to HON. J. TAYLOR ELLY SON, President Confederate Memorial As- j soctatiou. Richmond. Vs. . Reduction in Ridge Springs, v a. September Room and meals, and •Mo private bath and other modem con fer two persona, $12.5 mate. Roam /and meal# V ni-- V plosion followed, ? tittering the corning liniment over her clothing, w hloh was well-nigh burned from hiT person before the flames vt-rc ex tinguished Her entire f»c e, the front of her ni*' k. arms. hand* brf?ast, ab domen and limb* »erp badly burned. 8he was attended bj lire. Thomas .1 Coonan and Charles R. Kontz. Mrs Browns husband Is a mall carried, and as the accident occurred shout fi o'clock, had not >et started on his route. She was thirty-nine years old and mother of eight or nine chil dren. SONS OF VETERANS ARE ENTITLED TO SPONSORS This is Killing of Adjutant of Grand ( amp of Virginia Veteran?. That the Grand t amp, of Confed erate Veterans has no control over the Sons of «Confederate Veterans and particularly in regard to sponsors for the latter organisation. Is the an nouncement that comes from Colonel Joseph V. Ridgood. adjutant of the Grand I'nisp of Confederate V eterans of Virginia Thi« question ttai rals-d when the Sons of Veterans indicated that they would appoint sponsors to tha ap proaching meeting of the Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans at Norfolk The Sons of Veterans of Virginia "Ilf t*e entertained by the Sons of Veterans of .Norfolk at the' meeting and they hate alreadv declared their Intention of appointing as many sponsors as they please. There has been no effort on the part of officers of the Grand Camp, ac cording to Colonel Btdgood. to Inter fere In ajiy way with the affairs of the Sons of Veterans, inasmuch aa the latter, he believes, comprise an entirely separate organization. (KKEK OVERFLOWING DIVIDES CITY LINCOLN. NEB., Aug. SO. — East Lincoln Is cul oft from the main body of the Mty to-day by antelope creek overflowing Water !• five feet deep In the streets The flood area covers a strip two miles long and six blocks wide, hundreds of houses being sub merged. Occupants, were forced to flee to the upper stoTles of their homes Rescue parties arc taking the marooned Inhabitants to higher ground In boats The police and res cue parties fear loss of lives, as hun dred* or people waded, and swam during the night to place* of safety. The rainfall In Lincoln was the heaviest In years, the government weather station reporting a precipita tion over 8 Inches. Reports from neighboring cities show heavy dam age. .. ~~ McFarland and wolgast 10 FIGHT IN MILW AI'KKE CHICAGO, Aug 30.—Articles are to be signed here for a fight between Packey McFarland and Ad Wolgast to be held In Milwaukee September 30 Wolgast while In - Milwaukee last Friday signed artieles to meet Mc Farland at 133 pounds before the new Star athletic club. Milwaukee, and posted 1500 forfeit money. The terms were submitted to McFarland here, and he said he would sign, to-day. HEM GETS LICENSE DESPITE HER THREATS (upper i\ing Uisregard- Avowals of Mrs French and Will Wed Mrs. Henderson. NKW YORK, Auk 30. — Despite the threats of l.illlan Hobart Freneh that she will "make trouble" for him. Fritz Augustus Heinze. the Montana copper king, to-day got his license to wed Sirs. Bernice Holden Henderson. Heinze gave hts occupation as a miner, his age ns IS. his home as Butte, Mont . and said he was born in Brooklyn Mrr Henderson hatl "no occupation," said she was divorced, and lived at the Hotel Algonquin. Then Heinze turneil over a dollar and was given the necessary docu ment. Ho said that he would he mar ried on August 31, but refused to say ' n here. CORNWALLIS SURRENDER WILL BE CELEBRATED Historical Societies Planning to , Commemorate Event at Yorktown. T.'nder the Joint auspices of the Yorktown Historical Society of the Cnited States and the Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the De claration of Independence, the one hundred and twenty-ninth anniver sary of the surrender at Yorktown of Lord Cornwallis to General Washing ton and his allied armies will lie ap propriately celebrated on October 19 next at Yorktown. Effort* are non being exerted to make the celebration this year even more notable than that of last .tear. The program for the celebration con templates ceremonies tasting several days. Officer* of the society are as fol lows: President. Henry Reed Hatfield, Philadelphia; First Vice-President, Oswald Tlglhman. Easton. Md ; Sec ond Vice-President, Henry Morris, M. D. Philadelphia: Historian. Rev. George VV. Dame, S. T. D., Baltimore. Md.; General Counsel, Conway H. Hhe.ild. Yorktown. Ya.; Treasurer, Landnn C. Catlett, Gloucester, Va.; Secretary. William Shields McKean, Yorktown, Va JOHN'S HOPKINS PROFESSOR AWARDED ORDER RED EAGLES BALTIMORE^ MIT.. Aug :id.—Dr. Henry Wood, professor of German at the Johns Hopkins L'nlverslty and one of the leading philological scholars ot the country, has been awarded the Order of the Red Eagles of the third j class by Emperor William of Ger many Although born In New Bedford, | Mass.. Dr. Wood has spent a great ! part of his life in Germany. Dr. ; Wood received hi* bachelor's degree ' at Haverford in 1S69, and the degree! of doctor of philoiuphy ten years j later at Lelpslg. Since 1*81 he has! been a member of the faculty of Johns Hopkins University. 4 .Y ID MILES BETWEEN IBB! ID WIFE Distant"/ tn Lend Enchantment «r Another Swat for Cupid Quicn Sahe' PANAMA, Aug. HO.—l rider the name of 'Mr?. D. Russell.” Mrs. Jsrk lmnamulr. formerly Dorothy Russell, daughter of I.llliau Russell, is stop ping a» the Hotel Central in this -Its. She came here a few 3ay» ago from I.ima, Peru, where her husband, heir of the late Alexander Dunsmulr. the California millionaire, is still saying When an effort was made to find out whether the 1.800 miles that sep arates her from her husband was the possible forerunner of another <11 vorce, the little a' tress replied that it was no one's business. She inti mated that she was headed for Broad way and a return to tip? stage. Insjiecl \U at Kamo Train. In order to make one inspection suffice for all of the commands in the Seventh street armory. Major Raw - , renew T. Pri . First Battalion. First ! Infantry, has requested Inspector Gen- j oral Jo Lane Stern to postpone the annual inspection of his command from Keptetn..... ig-13 until some date in October, when the new Company! H and Se. .>nd Regiment band w ill I be mustered into the service of the Virginia ‘volunteers. Colonel Stern j has made no decision in the matter, j NINE YEflB DEB THIEF I TAKEN INTO CUSTODY: An alleged thief who 1st only nine year* <>!d was arrested in the person I of little Frank Whitlock Tuesday I night The boy ua* taken Into rus- , tody by Acting Detective Clarke, on a charge of hating stole a valuable clock I from J. Stewart Bryan. When arrested the boy denied all knowledge of the theft but later the clock war found at hl» home, where ; he is said to have hidden It. (>n account of hl» youth, the boy was taken t the Associated Chart ties. WARREN COUNTY TO VOTE ON GOOD ltd \I)S QUESTION Warren county la taking step* look- > iTig toTlK building of a permanent j up-to-date road from Front Hoyal to , Cheater Gap, a distance of five and one-lyilf miles, according to advice* received here from State Highway Commissioner P. St. Jullen Wilson, j Issuance of bonds for the road will ; be voted on at the coming November j election. HOOKWORM VERY PREVALENT IN SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINL* Determined efforts are being made by the State Health Department to eradicate hookworm In the eoutheaet-t j ern section of Virginia, where the i disease Is reported to be very preva lent As many as-1.000 cases are believed to exist in Southampton coun ty alone, hut in the opinion Of the State authorities no great trouble will be experienced In curing them. In the moutaln sections of the State very few case* have been found. a -cording to Assistant State Health Commission- i er Freeman, who has returned from a trip to the Southwest. ORDKfl !)F ABRAHAM MAY BE SI KD ON ITS NOTE Indications are that the Order of Ahraham. a colored fraternal benefi ciary association, at Waynesboro, will lie sued for payment of a note for something like $8,000, which the so ciety furnished In lieu of capital stock to the People s Southern Cent Savin** Hank, an Institution which closed Its doors at Buena Vista not long since. It appears that the society desired to surrender its stock held in the bank to the amount of the note, and to thu* cancel the note. The Btate Corpora tion Commission refused to sanction this proposition, and now the matter Is In the hands of the Common wealth's Attorney of Augusta county. Hess than $1,000 in cash was sub scribed toward the stock of the bank, i BABY SHOW WILL BE FEATURE OP LABOB Off! Balloon Ascension Will Also Be Attraction at Fair Grounds. What mother has the prettiest baby in Richmond? This question will be decided on I'hbor Day, a baby show being down on the program a* a prominent feat ure of the celebration next Monday. There will be two contests, one for infants under two years of age and over one. and one for those a year old and younger, a doll baby will he given every contestant and two big prlxes will be awarded. Another Interesting feature of ths celebration to be held at the State Fair grounds will be the balloon as cension of H. M. Churchill, one of America's most noted aeronauts. It is likely that the daring wife of the i aviator will make the ascension with him, thus adding considerably to this , attraction. Preparations have been practically completed for the spectvular sham battle to he gven under the auspices of the Richmond military. Picked I squads from the boys' Sunday school} brigades will take part In the battle. KHPIBLICAN' MARS MEETING WILL, BE HELP SEPTEMBER 10 For the purpose of naming eighteen delegates to the district Republican oonventlon the city Republican com mittee Monday night decided to have a mass meeting in Belvldere Hall Sep- i tember 10. The district convention, } which will name a candidate for Con- ' gross to oppose Captain John Lamb, Democratic nominee. will take place1 at noon September 12 In Thompson’s Hall, No. 20 East Broad street. COMMITTEE TO HOLD MEETING ON TUG Members of the committee on James river Improvement will hold their I rtnal meeting of the present session t Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock oh I board the city tug Thomas Cunnings ham. The member* will inspect the harbor and river front gnd then, after a brief bust nets session at which the mlnntee will be read, will adjqurn. 1 NECESSITY JliSTIFlEO ADVANCE IN HATES President Ripley of Saute Fe R'>ad Says Railway Systems Are Hipest Borrowers CHICAGO, Aug. 30.—President Rip ley. of the Santa Fe. testified nt the opening of the freight rate hearing that the necessity of permanent im provements Justified the aVfv*hoe ’TfT Western freight rates agreed upon bj 202 Western roads and approved by the commission to take efTeet July i. hut which was suspended by agree ment pending a thorough hearing b> the interstate commerce commission "There has never been a time in the history of the Santa Fe." he said, "vi hen the pressing demands did not amount to three or four times our earnings. ” Ripley said the earnings of rail roads should leave a margin to cover depreciation in improvements. He said all the Western roads had been partly rebuilt or would have to be entirely rebuilt soon. This was ne eessary, he said, that the roads might meet the demand.? of the public. “Railroad prosperity is the great-st single factor In national prosperity," he testified. "Railroads, considered as a single business Interest, are the largest buyer and the largest bor rower.” INSURGENTS CONTROL KANSAS G. 0. P. COUNCIL TOPEKA, KAS, Aug. SO.—Insur gent* were In control when the Kan sas republican party council convened here to-day. but despite this It Is pre dicted a conservatively progressive platform In national aaffirs will be adopted. Whether the radicals want to de nounce the Taft administration Is a question, but It is almost certain that the conservative wing of the progres sive forces will thrwart any attempt in thla direction. Democratic, socialist and prohibi tionist leaders will also be In council here to-morrow, but little interest Is manifested In any save the republican council. The republican platform, so far ss national affaire ar» concerned, wltt ask a revision of the tariff, endoree the "good points" of the Taft admin istration, endorse Insurgent Senator Bristow and Congressmen Madison and Murdock, and endorse Senator Curtis and Congressmen Anthony and Campbell, regulars, for good Inten tions. Speaker Cannon. Senator Aldrich and Secretary Ballinger will likely get their share of criticism. The council Is expected to declare against the life appointments of United States Supreme Court judges MARRIED IX CARRIAGE AS TRAIN’ APPROACHES SUFFOLK, VA., Aug. 30.—With the train on which they had planned to begin their honeymoon due and fast approaching. Woodls Holland, a mer chant, of Newport News. Va., and Miss Annie Haines, daughter of Mr. n e> HE\T SPECIALS. 4 W. Cary St. I 0 rooms, bath, convenient in every way; see this for a desirable home. 2402 Stuart Avenue, It room*. hot water heat. 112 North Eighth street. 10 room*, bath. ■ tttS North Mradn* St . it room#, bath 10! Floyd Avenue, 0 rooms, bath. 106 Floyd Avenue, 6 room*, bath Avenue. hot water heat, *t room#. 2210 Stuart Avenue, fi rooms, bath. 4 North Elm St.. 7 rooms, bath. 2 South Str»wberrv .St , 9 room*, bath. 720 W eat Marshall St , Store, 5 room*. 320 South Harrison St , store and duel ing. blit West Cary St.. 6 rooms, bath. 100 North Davis St.. S rooms 105 North Fourth St., Flat, S rooms. 2319 Hanover St., Flat, 5 rooms. 2117 Pleasant St., t» rooms. Call for our new Kent List just out. Blanton & Co. k. Broad street. 'Phone Madison 3S;>1. By Virginia Auction Co., Auctioneer*. AUCTION SALE. or ‘TWELVE-ROOM H OUSE NICEtt FURNISHED WITH QUARTERED I OAK MIRROR DOOR WARDROBES. ! DRESSERS. BRASS TRIMMED IRON REDS. VERY GOOD HAUL. HACK. QUARTERED O.VK DINING ROOM ' SUIT. ETC, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST S1ST. AT 10-30 O’CLOCK. AT TI« EAST MARSHALL STREET We will sell at the above place and time one Handsome Quartered Oalc I Hall Rack. Oak Sideboard. Extension \ Table. China Cloaet with bent enda and ; alx Chairs to match.’ ten Bedroom* * complete, corlklsttns of. Mirror Door j Wardrbe*. Dre**er* and Waahatanoa , to match. Braga Trimmed Iron Bed*, i Spring* and Mattresaea and at) Bed l Linen. Pillows, etc. Sale positive, rain or ahlne. Ladle* Invited THE VIRGINIA AUCTION CO.. Auctioneer*. Price $800 Rental $120 ! Same tenant,' for aix year*. A GOOD 1 investment. J. A. CONNELLY & CO. I I V-8-27- 10-2t. | and Mr*. Charle* Balnea, of Nanae. mond county, ware married Sunday | afternoon at Nurney. Va., In almost record-breaking time. The ceremony was celebrated with the principals sitting in a closed car* rlage, while the clergyman. Rev. H. H. Butler, etood beside the wheels. The young couple Intended to wed at the 'home of a friend, but arrange, menta miscarried and they met the preacher at the station lust tn time. They will, live In Newport New*