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waugmN&sm ‘ y .rnSPs ,^BjS 58k ^mm w k . ,- ' Hk "■ ^ Jgp |I1 MM j l| ■ m ■ ■ ’Hj If }Mra .1 1 v V ^Mk ■' ■ ' i JRW :BJ , • . =SCr WS-'Aiew;#. =±2= ai RICHMOND, V A., 8 A T lift D AY, SEP T E M BER '17, T» 10. _i— .■if C. R. WILIAMS WOULD BE LEAGUE PRESIDENT ijUi* i,- ' r ... ...< ■' V,** ' W-rA Hoad of Uoanoke/lub Will Op-j pose W. H. Luca? for the | . Position. '■ |IOW THECU'BS VIEW CONDITIONS , All Will Probablv Favor Same ! Circuit*—May Have Four Team league. f By T. O. BONNEVILLE. Although 'It l» very Mkely that another five-year contract will Ire sign ed .by the *1* clubs in the • Virginia League, It will not Ire «loue until sev eral matters of importance have been arranged by the magnates at the meet ing to be held In Murphy’s Hotel next! Tuesday. While all of the club* are j probably willing to continue, the! league with th»* same six clubs that have made the circuit for the past , live years, there are issues that will | take no little time In the settling. It has l>een stated that the meeting [ will Ire brief and that the magnates,' need nut cunnt on spending much time j here. But, as a matter of fact. It Is , very likely that some time will be eon- j «umed in arriving at an understand- j lug about a number of matters that must be made plain before the five year agreement will be signed up. Another Candidate OuL Probably the most important mat ter before the augnali-s will be' the consideration of the candidates for the presidency. President <’. R. Williams, of the Roanoke dub, is now u candi date for the place, and this will cause more or less confusion. It has Just leaked out that he Is an aspirant, and it has been considered before that W. If. Lucas, as the logical candidate, would have a clear Held. It is said, however. Jhm Mr. Wil liams Is very anxious W be elected to ; Hie presidency and that he wilt putd up a stiff fight for tit* Job. Mr. WR- | llama is an excellent wtan and has a j thorough knowledge of baseball and of | the league's affairs. < The candidacy of Mr. 'Williams places j the other magnates in a delicate po- : stlton- Even If they do not favor him as president, it will he a hard matter for them to oppose his election. He to j a general favorite around the circuit. ■ it will be pointed out. however, that • Mr. Williams, m a practicing' attor- 1 any, will not be able to give the league the necessary time. He will, of course, la- able to do much better thau Presi dent Wells h«* done, but the league magnates want a mat who will give his entire time to the league affairs and who can gc around the circuit to arrange difficulties at a moment’s no tice. Rome of the magnates may be expected to take the abovo view of the matter. Pays Good Salary. The league presidency this year w ill pay a salary of tt.kM, and It baa been expected that Mr. Lucas would come here for that amount and give league affairs his entire time. With Presi dent William* ui the field the mag nates are facing a delicate proposition and their decision will be watched with both interest and concern. Four-Team League. For several yuars the .Norfolk dub has been anxious to make the Vir . glida League a four-team organise- > tion. and titer will very probably bring t this matter up at the coming meeting, i Mr. Charles Consolvo, vice-president j of the league and a director of the i Norfolk club, has spoken of the mat- j ter many times. The Idea entertained by Norfolk is i to have Norfolk. Portsmouth, Peters burg and Richmond to constitute the circuit, leaving out Roanoke. Danville J and Lynchburg. They desire this step < for the reason that they will have a! compact league of four good baseball j towns and transportation expenses will be cut down to a minimum on ac- j count of the proximity of the four) teams. ' It is believed that an effort wHl lm made to drop Danville and Lynchburg, anyway, making a four-team league with Petersburg. Norfolk, Richmond and Roanoke. It in claimed that the ► ether two towns do not pay well and are a aevere drain on the league. U§uu Thaw StAftd. i The Jticbmhnd dub stands neutral j and doeg not care much how thing* go. There Is no fear of the Colts being dropped out.* If Lynchburg and Dan- I vltte wish to stay they will be strongly ] Supported by Richmond. ■ i Norfolk will insist upon reforms and , will probgbl.v stand out for a four! team league. They will also make; the schedule an Issue, as they have never been satisfied with the schedule Saturday games, tit j and wagt more home. * • 2 ■ - Roanoke will probably be satisfied with either four or six teams. They will stand by Lynchburg and Danville, however, if those two team* wish to remain. Roanoke will sak for a low er salary Umit and a good president. They will, of course, support Presi dent William*. r Lynchburg wants to stay and will not Insist .upon the terms. They like the present saiary Umlt, but want a strict rule on Its being violated. Danville la uncertain. It stands to reason that the Champions would re jaanr in ttve issirue. ana t»ejr‘wQi probably do so. They would like to see h strict salary limit an* a good nsf Who bee aoaltomed tha; rsport of Ms has come to stay. uplsss unforeseen happens.' They will accept tho action of the majority the magnate*.** sattefactory and * «ih m an likely that There hew umpire staff «• BiTii LOST TflJE COLTS Negligence in Filing His Contract Left Title With Fayetteville o and Washington Drafted. MANAGER LAWLOK WiLL NOT BETCRN Positive Announcement Can Now fie Hade—-Hove al Good Hen Being Con sidered. By T. D. BONNEVILLE. In spitu t»r the fact that the pur. • base of Bunting front the Fayetteville club #«i duly recorded with Secretary Fatrell, of the National Commission, the Colts have lost the valuable third sacker and he will probably never be seen here again. The most promising player on the team. Bunting was badly needed for neat year,# and his being drafted by the Washington club came as a severe blow to the locals Bunting's contract with Richmond, dated duly iS, was sent to him on thst date, but be did not return it to Secre tary Gregory for some time, and Sec retary Farrell, of the National Com mission. declares that he did not get the contract until after August 20. the last day on which legal sales can be made. Since the contract was not tiled be fore August 20, It was considered that the title to the player still remained with Fayetteville in spite of the facT that they had sold him to Richmond. Owner Bradley has investigated the matter and is satisfied that he has lost tb<* valuable player, but that he did so through the negligence of somebody. There is no reason why nearly a month should have been consumed in rending the contract to Farrell for fil ing, and had it been bandied with dls palch the player would have belonged to Richmond. On account of this, the local dub loses IS00 as well as the most promising player with the team. -"'ft, cun now be stated positively that Manager Lawlur will not Mad the Colts next year. This Information comes from an authoritative source and can be accepted as trua and final. Lawlor did not make a big success with the club during the past season, and it Is learned that a change was decided upon for next year even before this season ended. ' , It must be said, in justice to the former manager, that he did not hava exactly a fair chance, for the reason that he was incapacitated on account of injuries for the beat part Of the sea son, but his methods were not those that are desired here to bring out a fast and winning team. Lawlor has an excellent Idea of the game, but seems lacking in the mat ter of making his man practice. Bunt ing and Dobson were the only men of this year's team who ever took any batting practice, and thay always did so of their own aCeord and aot by Lawlor’s orders. The two youngsters betook themselves to a (fillet part of the lot every day before the game and had somebody pitch them over while ■they clouted the ball and got their eye on iL Steve Griffin, of the Danville club, had his men at the pork earl}’ before every game and the entire team was put through hard batting practice, with the' result that they had their eye on the ball when the game was on. No contract has yet been signed with a new manager, though several good men are being considered. There are some excellent baseball man who have never worked In the Virginia League, and there "is one who has seen con siderable service tot the league and who would doubtless make the best manager of those who are willing to take the poeltion. This man is a fast player and has managed dubs In the league and been successful tn the pen naat race. He it being very favorably considered and will probably come here to handle the Cotta next year. Immediately following the football season, a force of men will be put to work on the diamond at Broad Street Park and vraen spring cornea there will be a regulation grass diamond tn the place of the old shinned diamond that has seen so many years’ service here. Owner Bradley has decided to accept the offer of Scout Arthur Irwin, of the Yankees, and have the keeper of the ankeea* grounds come down to over. see the job and insure the beat possi ble diamond. Irwin oCsrsd tba ser vices of his man when he was last in The Tankers will piny the Cotta here on March I« and » and from here Stay will an to' Atlanta. The Tanheea w* to brain at Hot Springs. The Colts win report for practice on March tt. an teat spring. " ■“Tfftf ' mccod baseman k feaaon for the Colts, to Trenton. -• The con act wan signed several day# ago lay ton was assured from Treuton and i«i was an uoderatendiag -thay ndd have him hack If they wanted Next;; year Landgralf will make mthar trial for the position, and there e%A * saikm h aaha - t inf as' atkea - . mndnm — . Ag) HI WB »ww 'dPWw l|9lt Hi y for It also. Clayton was a good ddir andalgo^Uar. but on-'-th* p to tha ____ him a Bjihaf thy ~n-hegp U. C. M. FOOTBALL SQUAD 1910-11 '*** —— -P w Tnn utandiTnr_Liw uiiard Or&hatn, uuarter back; Wlllin, quarter back.; McCullo-we. end. Stahdlii*—-B?ackl»ton, coach; Coe. tackle: Butler, center; Huff, guard; Styles, right back; Xlartln, fun back; Hulch.r, h*lf back; Meredith. .ad. tackle; Hudson, imciK iieiidy FDD SAME ME Entertains No Idea of Dropping Out on Aecdlmt of, Two Poor JSeasou. | RESIGNATION OF THE PRESIDENT EXPECTED \k-Laugh!in Has Not Lost Heart, But Would Giro Up the Office Any L wav. (Special u> The Richmond Virginian.) LYNCH BUKO, VA., September 17. ! —Lynchburg will have a baneball team in 1*11, and also in 1913. 1913, 1914 and 1»U. This in spite of two rather dis astrous seasons which have coat the • local association some money and the” fans a good daal of, disappointment at various times. There are several reasons for the belief that the Hill City will be in the circuit next season, notwithstand ing several rumors to the contrary which have been going the rounds, not only among the tans at home, also in other spots In the circuit. Some of these reasons are pretty good in dications. and may he briefly sum marised as follows: First—The association la signing up—or is about to sign op very shortly— new men for 1*11. Second—That while the local base ball club has lost money, possibly something like four thousand: dollars all told, if the truth were known, during the past two seasons, it is not so far in the hole that one good season will not set it on its feet again. Third—The statement made by President McLaughlin that he would not serve as tbs head of the asso ciation another year is no indication that he has lost faith In the pos sibility of a winning or a good team and a paying proposition or that he regards the local situation in the light of a failure. He accepted the presi dency upon the condition that he would servo for only one year, and accepted It then only under much ’_ (Continued oaBecond Page. )' Is Matched to Meet McFarland and Wants Chance at Wolgast. * NEW YOKK, September 17.—Fight fas* who watched Jack Ooodnan, local lightweight. outpoint “Fighting D4«k'* Hyland, of California. In a tea round bout at the National Sporting Club last night are agreed that, his science hi a match for any of the lightweights. hut are In doubt ae to whether he haa a hard enough punch tor a champton. ^Oftodmna la. match ed to ttght Pncky McFarland and wants a match with champion WV>l gaab but be will have to show more than he did. last night before he can hope for victory over thee*. • The light was one of the .best or the mason and Goodman** cleverness easily oftsetHyland's rushing taettee. Only In the ninth round »M me Westerner able to do much damage to hle shlfty wphenent In a longer boat. Hyland's ruggedness might have returned him n winner. • Coach Long Will Make First Call for Practice on Mon day. SCH E DULE AX X()EXCED— OLD MEX ARE BACK Manager O’Flahcrty Has Ar ranged for Good Gaines-— AH Linemen Are Back. Twenty or more sturdy football warriors of Richmond College will answer C-'iKch feme's tail Monday afternoon when the first practice of the season will lie held on the Spiders' gridiron. Nothing but the lightest kind of practice will be ind-ilge,j in at this time, the first day will be spent in passing and falling on the ball and studying the changes In the rules. Manager o’Flaherty I# enthusiastic over the prospects for the coining season and expects to bring a much stronger team in the field than that of last season. Nearly all of the veterans will again don the mole skins. the line from end to end being complete with the exception of cen ter. Strlngfeliow, who ailed the [Continued os Second"PageT” WORLD’S SERIES DILI BE OEllfEO ore roneerned. for. twelve mot boll player <• lowed t® play any other cam UK bamball an ■fW* vArlf., CTBjHWnucr aratwhU* «*ht pro ‘ eoal operator, was If on the chare* ■ of It * cow within the root In the Jaf »«bt pjaturea iwn' at » local so No. f«l puta . thl. aort mm ILIUM MM Otmeh Blanchard Has Had Squad at Work All This Week. WILL TRY HARD FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP ; Old Men Came Back and Promising Ma terial is on Hand. WILLIAMSBURG, VA.. Sept. IT.— Prospects are bright at William and Mary this year ror a good season on the gridiron. Coach. Blanchard arriv ed here at the first of the week and has been hard at work with his squad every day. Practice started Monday and has j been continued at a fast clip on ac- i count of the favorable cool weather j that h*.< prevailed all week- Coach s Blanchard has succeeded in bringing: out a quantity of new material and expects to develop a number of strong player* from among the recruits. William and Mary will make A atrong bit this year for the championship of the Eastern Virginia Intercollegiate Athletic Association. The ttun was i not strong enough last year \o annex j the tropny. but the chances are bet- j ter this season, and unless some seri ous accident happens the eleven will j doubtless give somebody a hard race for first honors. A npmber of last year's best men are back and these are already in good shape for work. The new material will quickly be whipped into line and In a few days the squad will be going well. The old men who have already re ported here are Schenk. Parrlmore, Lea, Graves, Marrow and Goodwin. These men will form the nucleus of the early training squad and around them will be bail! a strong eleven. Several more of last year’s best men sr« expected daily. , Chech Blanchard has made a close study of the rules and will Instruct his men so that they will have a thorough understanding of the change* that have been made. Moat of this week has L_ tConUnw** on a«oo»d Page) t Cincinnati Pitcher Shows Great j Form and Will Stay in Big NEW YORK. September 17, theory that “they can't coma be lias b*cii disproved by Harry C MU, Polish miner pitcher of Cincinnati regulars in the opinion of those who watched the big south' paw mow down the Brooklynites ye*-, terday. Covaleshl has been shunted hround from team to team and league to tenure raaraiher dlsKeariSelni manner but Manager Clark Orlf flth is authority for the statement that he la now in* the big league to May. Covaleskl gained fame two seasons ago whan, a- msnaher of the PhUadeb phis Nationals by beating the Hew York feaip three times In oae week and killing off its pennant hopes. He fairly "burnt up" the Southern League this yepr and QrHHUi hi ■With a OLD PLAYLKS KtPUJ mm 4J NICIES DOT FOB THE SEASON .. ... % i V'1 y Xy* j Strong Independent Team Will Begin Practice in a Few Da vs. BEST PLAYERS FROM LOfJAL PREP. SCHOOLS Liue-lp Includes a Number of Well-Known Grid iron War riors. A number of fast independent foot- i ball teams will be organized in Htch- I round this fall and promise to put up some classy exhibitions on the various gridirons of the i ily. Managers are ■ now busy getting their men in tine j and practice will begin next week j with several-of the organisations. I Among the strongest of these teams i will be the Invincible*, composed of strong players who have seen ser vice jin local prep-schools and on different teams in the city. The Invlnelbles are now being or ganized under the management of parsons, last years captain. The man ager is enthusiastic over the pros pects for the season and is picking his material with care since he has a large assortment of promising play ers to choose from. The team was organised during the latter part of last year and without much practice went into the game and was not scored on. Only four games were played as the season was far gone when they took the Held. All four games were won. The First Regiment team was defeated In the city and the Invlnelbles went to Pet ersburg and defeated the fast team of the Riverside Club. Among the old men who will be with the team this year are: Cap tain Parsons, Clarke, Stilton, MeOree, Blair, Seldom Word, Wood and Wad dll. These players will make a strong neuclus for the team and oth er players will be picked from the most likely material to fill in the vacant positions. There have been numbers of vol- . unteers from among well known local players and manager Parsons wtU look these over and select the ones who are most likely to make a win ning team. The prep-schools turn out good material each year and last year’s crop will furnish some fast: The Invincible*’ schedule has not j yet been made up but they plan to ; i have a game at least every Saturday, i < They have issued challenges to all j I local teams and will doubtless have a Tull schedule for the season. The team has no regular coach but all of the meu are veterans and will be able to get themselves in shape and plan fast plays that will conform with the new rulea Practice will begin In the latter part of September, and will conttiAe at a fast ottp until ! the first game is played. The Invlnrlblea win pis.v all of tbelr local games at Byrd Parti- •.'Ib is likely, however, that they will play games with a number of teams out side the city. Ail of these wHI have to be arranged for Saturday, as the players are all working In this city, and cannot leave their positions to mid-week. More Room deeded to date Crowds for Bij lion Touruame Avia. Hlllllll SHIS ra lawn wit SEW YORK, September 17.—Five thousand addition) seats will b« added to (,he grandstand at Balmont Park to accommodate the enormous crowds.expected there durine the in ternational aviation tournament, October It to October It. A large force 'of carpenter* and engineers have begun work there and It Is ex pected that the structure will he re modeled and In shape before the opening of the meeting. It is believed by the managers of the tournament that the handling of the crowds is* to be their mast eerlous problem, and Allan A. Ryan, chair man of the committee on arrange ments. stated last night that every thing would be done for the comfort and convenience of the people. Application for seats and parking space are coming hi from all parte of the country, The Indications are that most of the boxes for the special days will be sold before the gates are open. The board of governor* of the Aero Club of America have given their dfltctel sanction to the, International meeting, and cablegrams ware sent to the club's foreign representatives assuring them that the meetlns Is bound to ha »: brtlttaat success. h James A Blair. Jr., one of the board of governors of the dote said: The Aero Club of America in doing everything In its power to uiahe this meeting something to be proud of. and, with the efficient Work that is now; being done by the. Ofganisers of the toturnament, there can be to question of success.” YALE TEAB TRIES OUT 'A ; NEW FOOTBALL BULES ' . LAKKYUXdB, CONN., IT.—WA^new foot hair -**» 1» denoe for the first Ume ilTOte ttmtnsry,. practice of the *52 baUjKtuud>ere thebrjtfdcof the line was directed- at the •posting over to-%rg(t! Sr1, 'A* new Manager Lawson and Cooke Are Optimistic ] ing Season’s Prospe STRONG NEW MAT! FOR WEAK POJ M. C. Va. Also Has pects—Two Games' for Champion the game*. Manager charge of the team last them through a succeaefi The old men who Kara who will make up moat tloaa thia season are; C fullback.; Butler, center; guard; Ruff, left guai right tackle; McCullom Ivey, left end; mills. Hulcher, right halfback; halfback; Barbour, left smith, halfback; Coe. fc end. Although the medten strong team in the «M men. they hare several who have entered ooH and some of them may J and strengthen it. Among the moat pre ngw man are: Oavtg., Carolina fullback, who last 'yean.' but whn l strength arid may he al strapping guard fls Mary, who will maw srfes'S&is fast. He comes well has a reputation s# its We player, Kelson, a V. F. |. trand, of Bingham, a candidates who win any may .gat poaltl trick plays that i the changes la the The coach Will tsl work next week, an tiaue every day un played. The men f ing tkeiMMtvfe# al the rules and have the code of signals CRICACM^