Newspaper Page Text
(Special to The Richmond Virginian.) EMPORIA, V.A., September 17.— Mhw Margaret Watkins, of FarmvtUe. who has been visiting her friend and schoolmate, Mias Mary ■ Powell, on Main street, returned home this week. Mias Salt! Bailie C. Bailey left for the . Randolph Macon Woman's College, Vln Lynchburg, this week. || Messrs. B. W. Wythe. E. C. Fal ftner, W. B. Ooodwyn, and A. M. Pot ter, of this place, spent the week In 9 Sussex, camping and hunting. They liwturned to-day. Mr. P. W. D. Jones, of Norfolk, has returned home after a visit of several days to Staunton, and to his Another, Mrs# M. W. Jones, of this « Through the solicitations of Mrs. #J. J. Taylor, the Confederate monu ment fund has hfcen Uncrossed to , the amount of 112.00 by the contribu tions of the Petersburg traveling ^salesmen. ■W Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hardy, Jr., •are the guests of friends In Ken hrldge this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Gay, and Mrs. <?. M. Home have returned from aev • eral days visit to friends In Smith held this week, having made the trip In an automobile. Mlsa Vermon Hoge. of Baltimore, Is the guest of her friend. Miss Ada Brown, of this town. Miss Julia Rhein, of Halifax. N. C.. has returned home after visiting $, friends here. Mrs. Howard Moseley, of Danville, ■ Is visiting her mother, Mrs. T. J. 4 Vaughan, of North Emporia. -t £ (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) LEESBURG. VA.. September 17.— Mrt. Jss. E. 8tandley, of Waahing i ton, la visiting her alater. Mrs. F. E. > Saunders, at ‘'Lombardy." near town. Mr. W. H. Burke and children have 1 returned from an extended visit to ."if Hampton, Va. Mra. Speer, and daughters. Mlaaea Leila and Bessie, who have apent sev eral weeks with the missis Elgin, F have returned to their home In Wash f ington. Mr. and Mrs. Robert U. Walker I have returned to their home In Wat | erford from a tour abroad. While s in Oxford. England, their daughter, v Miss Cornelia, was stricken with ln t fantile paralysis. ,< Misses Nannie Lee Janney and Har. f rlette Winchester, are at Virginia 1 Beach for several weeks. » Mrs. Alfred Oawthrope. of Wll , mlngton. Del.. Is the guest of Miss Liliias Janney. Mrs. Oawthrope was < formerly Miss Belle McOlll, of Lees * Mrs. Fred H. Hobart, of Wash ington. Is the guest of Miss Violet * Alexander. Mr. Samuel Norris, « well-known architect, and daughter. Miss Han — nah Norris, have returned to their home in Washington after an ex tended visit In Leesburg. Mr. Frank Littleton, a well-known broker of New York, Is visiting his old home In Leesburg this week. Mr. Oeo. F. Lewis, of Wilmington. Dei., la visiting his staters In town. Captain W. E. Oarrett Is spending several weeks at Bolar Springs. Va. Miss Jean Lee Fennel has returned from an extended visit to Salisbury, Md. Leesburg Bon Air tw^vclal to The Richmond Virginian., 11ON AIK, \ A., September »r.— ^Hr. and Mrs. Ooggln, of Texas; Misses Mary and Harriet Cringan, t naries Phipps, of boston, ha*e oven tn« re cent guests of Mrs. T. I,. I'. Cocke. Miss Mary >riend. of Petersburg, anti Miss Marlon .Montague were guests on Tuesday or Miss Virginia bee Miller. A aeiigutful automobile party from Klchtnoud journeyed out last Satur day ana had supper In tiue tamp fashion on Sunset H11J. Tne party consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Mayo, Misses Juliet and Cary Tal cott, Lisa Archer, Evelyn Glenn, Emily Travatt and Gussie Burwelb of Baltimore. Messrs. Hamilton. Bae kervllle and James Ball, of Rich mond. . Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cox, Jr., left on Tuesday, accompanied by their family for their home In Richmond. Miss Augusta Barfield closed her home here this week and w 111 be In Richmond for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hotchkiss, of Richmond, are at “The Inn.” Mr. T. M. Kennedy. Miss Kennedy and Gordon Kennedy left this week to visit relatives In Berryvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meek and family are at "The Inn" for this month. Mr. and Mrs. Withers Miller were with Mr. Polk Miller over Tuesday. Mlaa Olive Moulton left Thursday for New England to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Bentley w ere guests on Monday of Or. and Mrs. Charles Robins, in Richmond. Miss McKenna Jones, who has been the guest of Miss Ettas Christian, re turned to Petersburg Wednesday. A well attended bal pondre on Tuesday at the Country Club was the event of the week. Miss Nelle McClure was the hostess on Monday night for a party of young people from Richmond. Among them were Miss Elisabeth Montgomery, Miss Marberry and Miss Mary Waller, of Norfolk. Spottsylvania (Special to The Richmond .Virginian.) SPOTSYLVANIA. VA., Sept. 17.— Mra Lula Hudson, of Washington. Is visiting for a week Mrs. S. W. Alrlch, of Spotsylvania. A. G. Spotswood, of Orange, has returned home, after visiting Mr. C. E. Gordon for some days in Spoteyl < vanta. Miss Mary Hansford, of Washington, is the guest of friends In Spotsylvania for a week. Mr. end Mrs. William Hansford, of Spotsylvania, are visiting for ten days in King George county. Mrs. Virginia Poiglalre, who has been spending the summer In Spot sylvania, has returned to Washing ton. Mrs. Theodors Miller, of Irvington, after visiting several weeks In Spot sylvania. has returned home. Mies Myrtle Jones, of Washington, Is the guest of Mra Annie L. Alrlch, of Spotsylvania. Mr. and Mra. George V. Shay', of the county, geve a very enjoyable so cial and danca to their numerous friends on Thursday night last. Coleman Hollingsworth, of Spotsyl vania. has gone on is visit to Front / Stars!) Vn» imp Buena Vista ------- (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) BUENA VISTA, VA.. September 11*.—A very enjoyable hop was given at the Marlbrook on Tuesday evening ! by the young men of the city. The ! ballroom floor was In excellent con dition the music good and everybody ■ had a good time. | The annual picnic of the Methodist Sunday-school was held In Ubaugh's woods Wednesday and was largely at tended both by the school and the olaer members of the church. At noon a bountiful lunch was'served by the ladles, and the day was spent In play ing games dear to the hearts ot the i children. I Mr. Henry Camden, of Fairfield, i was a business visitor in the city j Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Mills will leave j Saturday afternoon for Colorado ! Springs, Col., where they will make their home in the future. 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. I* Emhree return 1 ed from Porterdale, Ot., Wednesday : morning, where they were called by I the death of their grandson, D. Dean i Towers, Jr. Mrs. W. I. Boone, who has been visiting friends In Roanoke, returned home Sunday evening. Miss Mattie Prichard, of Peters burg, who has been the guest of Miss Mary Klfherson, returned to her home Wednesday. Mrs. W. M. Brown and Mr. Am brose Brown, who have been spend ing a month In Washington, returned home Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Williams, of Montvate. who have been the guests of their daughter. Mrs. A. M. Rucker, returned to their home this week. Miss Helen Moore, of Fairfield, is the guest of Miss Margaret Umholts. City Treasurer A. O. Burks spent Sunday and Monday in Bedford City. Miss Annie Xolley left Tuesday ..morning for Norfolk, where she will In the public schools this winter Mrs. J. T." Martin, of Farmvllle, 1* the guest of Mrs. A. M. Rucker. Miss Ella Arbogast returned Sun day from New York and Philadel phia. Mr. Henry Xolley left Tuesday morning for Ashland to resume his studies at Randolph-Macon College. Mr. I* C. linden, of Palmyra, was a business visitor in the city Tues day. Mr and Mrs. W. P. Blue, of Char lottesville. who have been the guests of Mrs. J. F. Stratton, returned to their home this wee*. Mrs. Graham Dixon left Tuesday for Marllnton, W. Va.. where she will Join her husband, who Is now located In that city. King George (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) KINO GEOROE, VA . 17 — Miss Huth C oakley. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Powell Coakley, of King George, was married in Washington a few days ago to Mr Roger Jones, of Colonial Beach. They will reside at the beach. Mrs. Julian Taliaferro, of Wash i ington. who has been spending some [ time with her slater, Mrs. Addison Hansford Urymea. has returned home. Miss Nannie Byrd Turner, the poet ess. U visiting friends In Radford. Mr*. H. 11. Wallace and daughter. Miss Ellen, of Fredericksburg, are 1 guests of Mrs. Wallace's father. Mr. Henry Byrd l^ewls, at "Clave," on the Happahnnock. Mr. and Mrs. C. Tieman Darling have closed their beautiful home. Cleveland." and have gone to Wash ngt< n for a few months. Mr. Darl ing Is preparing to sell this fine estate and will purchase a Rappahannock river fRrm. Mr. Turner Robb, who returned in June from a stay of ten years In Cali fornia and Arlnma. left on Monday for Washington city, where he will take a position of importance. Misses Louise and Evelyn Nindo, who spent the past six weeks visiting the Misses Ashton and other relatives here, have returned to their home in Fredericksburg. Mr and Mrs. Frank C. Fltxhugh and two children, who have been guests of Mr. Fitxhugh's parents at "Bedford." have returned to their . home in Charles City. Va. Mr. and Mrs. John Shadrick. of Madison, Wlw., who purchased a farm here on the Potomac, and have had a pretty cottage erected on It. have ar rived here to reside. They are ac companied by their son and daugh ter. Miss Lucy Lew is is visiting friends | In Washington. Bowling Green I (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) i BUWU.NO GREEN. VA„ Sept. 17.— Mrs. T. Benjamin Gill entertained ! Thursday morning at a porch party in honor of her guests, Misses BiakfV and I-awlea*. both ,of Ashland. Va Among those present were the fol lowing: Mesdumeg Allen. Coghill, Moueure and Mans; Misses Miriam | Coghill, Kthlyn Vincent, Louise Haines, Florence Broaddus. Bessie Butler, Alice Broaddus, Ellen Broad ! dus, Anne White, Ruth Barlow and Bessie Beasley. Mrs. Charles A. Broaddus left Thurs : day for the fair at Tappahannork, Va. Mr. and Mrs. H, W. Smith, of Mid dlebourne, W. Va., ard the guests of their sister, Mrs. I.. E Martin. Miss Katherine Elsorn. of Washfng 1 ton. D. C„ is wisittng the family of Dr. C. S. Webb. Suffolk 8VFFOLK, VA., Sept. 17.—Mrs. U. 8. Boylsln entertained very delightful ly at bridge on Wednesday morning at her home In Bank street. Three ta bles were engaged, the highest score being made by Miss Anna Mary Rid dick. Luncheon was served after ten games and those enjqying Mrs. Boy kin's hospitality were: Mrs. Herbert Darden, Mrs. M. T. Withers, Mrs. Rob ert W. Withers. Mrs. James C. Causey, Mrs. W. B. Withers, Mrs. Frank Wha ley, Mrs. Alexander My rick. Miss Ju liet Pretlow. Miss Mary Deek, Miss Riddick and Miss Km Jemes. Bans have been published in St. Mary's Catholic cliuroh. announcing the marriage of Miss Katharine 8. Lewis and Mr. George W. Crowder, of Norfolk. The marriage will take place on the afternoon of Ootober 12th at St. Marys the bride and groom leaving Imme diately afterwards for a northern tour. Miss Lewis Is the. youngest daughter of Mrs. Alfred# Lewis, and has a wide circle of friends here,.who will greatly regret her departure, p Mr. and Mrs. Geo L Borum have arrived home from Loudoun county where they have been since early sum mer. Mm Helen Borum also spent gome - as,.. time in the valley before coins to Annapolis where she visited Mrs. J. C. Uttla Mrs. Qeorge Barton has arrived from Chrlsttansburg, where she has been the guest of her sister Mrs. Spin dle Miller. Misses Elisabeth and Laura Bat le. of Pittsburg, Pa., have returned to Suf folk for the winter. Mrs. John B. Pinner and Miss Kath arine Pinner, who have been spending the summer at Mrs. Olbbony's, Wythe vllle, arrived home this week. Miss Mary Wtggln* has as her guest aMlss Isabelle Clark, of Tarboro, X. C. Daisy Murrey has returned visit of several weeks to Mrs. r. Howell, In Wilmington. X. will arrive "NellwooJ", KTAXARD8VILLE, VA.. Sept. 11 David Jacobs, of Orange Courthouse, was a visitor to this town this week. Luther Doffermyre, of North Caro- j i linu. has been visiting his parents. Algernon Mauptn. of Washington, 1 D. C., Is visiting friends and relatives in this community. j Mias Cutie Bray will begin her ! school In Rockingham county next 1 I Monday. 1 Ollie Morris and W. B. Cole, Jr., j j attended the Charlottesville Republi- i 1 can district convention, j Misa Mamie Estes, of Orange coun ty. ia attending the graded school In i this place. Woodstock (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) I : WOODSTOCK. VA., Sept. 17.—The j j Misses Walton entertained Monday ; j evening In honor of thetp house guests. Miss Phlla McGee, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Robert Graham, of Pulaski. Pro , gresslve games, Interspersed with con tests. were the feature of the evening. Miss Arlene Walker, winning the high- , ! eat score, was awarded the prize, a j beautiful book. The following guests J were present:, Misses Phila McGee.' ! Lula Magruder, Arlene Walker, Regale j Wander, Anna Williams, Kllzabeth ! Newton, Annie Clower, Mary E. j Coppedge, Cary Funkhouser, Margaret . j and Alice Bowman, Virginia Haslett, ! i Hetty Southerland and Eelanor Gra i bill: Mesdames Robert Graham. W. O. i j Ford and W. B. I-ager; Messrs. Stan- ] I ford Southerland. Robert and Frank • Magruder. Shields Chapman. Harold j ; and Hustin Newman. William Rush- . ' nng, Edgar and Waiter Wunder. | Charles Skyles. Lute Walker. Gilbert , Coffman, Philip and Clayton Wil- ! | Hams. Mrs R. C. Graham, who Is a guest ! j of Miss Mabel Walton, entertained her j friends at a bowling party last Sat- i | urday morning. The p-lze for the i | highest score was won by Mr. L. S. j Walker; the consolation prize was given to Miss Walton. Mrs. C. E. Walton and two children j I have returned from a visit to her par- j ents, Hon. and Mrs. M. M. Johnson, I : of Front Royal. Mr. Sumpter Montgomery, of Jack- j sonvllle, Fla., is the guest of Mr. i Charles < loner. I Miss Madaline Johnson, of Front Royal, is the guest of her sister. Mrs C. E. Walton. In South Main street. Williamsburg (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WILLIAMSBURG. VA„ Sept. 17.— Judge Beverly Crump, of Richmond, was a visitor here last Wednesday. Mr. H. V. Cole spent several days in Norfolk this week. Dr. W. L. Gatewood, of Petersburg. | Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.; R. E. Gatewood. Mrs. Vlrgtnia Christian and her1, daughter, Mies Emily, have returned I from the mountains. Mrs. J. H. Moss aud daughters, dt i' Richmond, were guests this week ot ; Mrs. C. J. Person. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jones and Mr. Henley Jones aro visiting their parents. Mr. and . Mrs. W L. Jones. Mrs. Lurch, of Philadelphia, and ! Miss Hirsberg, of Newport News, are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. K. M. Brooks. Attorney Frank Armistead has re- i turned from a \ isit to Richmond, Sur- ! i ry and other points. Mrs. Norris, of Richmond, has re- ; turned to her home, after a visit to j Mbs Martha Lane. | Colonel L. W. Lane has returned j .from a visit to New York. Mrs. Lane j stopped over In Philadelphia to visit! friends. Christiansburg (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) CHRlSTlANSBl’Ra, VA., Septem ! ber 17.-—Mrs. Faust, who ha* been visiting her sister. Mr*. Sydney Shelt- ! man. has returned to her home In Denmark. S. C. The high school opened last Tues- ] day with the usual good attendance, j under the prlnclpleshlp of Professor: Smith, who has held this position for [ a number of year*. Mr. William Stuart spent several J days at home last week. Mrs. Doyle, of Newport News, Is ! I visiting her sister, Mrs. John Miller. ■ Mr. Richard Wainright dropped i. dead near his home last Monday { morning. | Miss Evelyn Charlton has return ed from a visit to friends in Roa 1 noko. Miss Qrace Shopman opened the art tsehool In Phlegar building last 1 Monday with a good attendance. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Cabell Childress, of s Roanoke, aro visiting Mrs. MoIIle I Chlldresa Mrs. Simpson and Miss Efflc Simp I son spent several days In Radford ; this week. , Judge Ryle, of Texas, who left Christiansburg In 1874, has returned I to hla home after a visit to friends , here. Miss Phyllis • Dedrick left f<w Blacksburg, where she has a posi- . lion as teacher in the high school. Miss Bessie Moore and Miss HHIle Becker, both of Roanoke, spent Tues- i day with Miss Eula Walters. Miss Elisabeth Stuart has returned j from an extended visit to relatives in ' Charleston, W. Va., and other places. Major W. L.' Pierce left Saturday ’ to attend the Insurance Convention \ in Chicago, III. i Rev. B. E. Earn- ts attending Pres bytery. Mrs. Ham Wilson, of Pittsburg, who ha* been visiting her sister, Mrs. j. John Miller, has returned to her1 homo. r k Gordonsville ! (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ! QORDONHVTLXE Va , Sept. 17.— The Oordonevllle high school opened on Wednesday. County Superintend ent Charles P. Cowherd mude a short address. The school this session opens with about 140 pupils, ard will be In charge of the following teachers: Pro fessor Painter, principal: Miss Ellen Conway, first assistant; Miss Marshall Buckner, second assistunt: Miss Maude Rowe, third assistant. Mr. Thompson Booth, who has been I spending the summer at the Buckner i House, has returned to Richmond. Miss Margaret Christian left Thurs day to attend the Biarkstone Insti tute. Misses Marcia and Deane Scott and Miss Rosa Block left this week to en 1 ter the Harrisonburg Normal School. Mr. D. D. Martin, after spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Martin, In South Oordons ville. left on Tuesday for Richmond, ! to resume his studies tt the Univer sity College of Medicine Mr. John W. Martin left on Wed nesday for Richmond to resuirfe his studies at the Medical College of Vir ginia. after spending the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mar tin. Mrs. W/EL Clowes anil little son are visiting relatives near Washington. Natural Bridge (Special to Tit# Richmond Virginian.) NATURAL BRIDGE, VA.. Sept. 17. As the bridge has the great advantage of being an all the 5'ear round resort, each new season Is but a continuation of the old and finds no change of ar rangements or any limit set to the length of one's sojourn. The fall sea son is now on in full swing, and offers Its pleasures of time and place. The September days are perfect on these heights and are thoroughly enjoyed by the fall colony. Some of the days have been too cool for meetings of tne piazza club and Its members have had to take their lively chatter, embroidery and bridge to the cheering warmth of a log fire in the lobby. Riding and driving, swimming and fishing, tennis and bowling still make up the outdoor Ufa Cjuite the most stirring event of this month will be the meeting of the Acca Chapter of the Mystic Shrlners to be held here on the 24th. They will come two hundred strong, and will have a parade under the bridge with brilliant Illumination in their honor and later a toothsome banquet. A number of the summer colony are lingering here for the later season. Among these are Colonel and Mrs. An- 1 drew Jackson Smith, of Washington, 1 U. C. Mrs. K. O. McCabe and little daugh- j ter, of Richmond, are other summer colonists that still linger In these ! pleasant ways. Mrs. Andrew S. Brown, of Norfolk, and Mrs. Archibald D. Keen and little daughter, of Danville, are delightful new members of the fall colony. Mrs. J. Temple and Mrs. R. U. Todd, of Richmond, have spent a pleasant week at the bridge. Mrs. John C. Hagan and her hand some daughter, Miss Katherine Hagan. • >f Richmond, are sojourning at the bridge before going over to Lexing ton, where Miss Hagan will attend the opening hops of the V. Al. I. .’v;,' Hagan, of the V. M. 1., recently visits 4 his mother here. __ Mrs. D. A. Barnes, of Murfreesboro, X. C\. and her daughters. Misses Bes sie, Sarah and Annie, make up attractive party that add to the pieas- ; tire of the fall colony. Mrs. E. J. Glenny, Miss Ethel Glen- ' ny and Mr. E. B. Glenny, of New Orleans, recently visited the bridge. Dr. and Mrs. Edward N. lje]l. ol Jacksonville, Fla., delightful colonists of the early summer, have returnea here, after a sojourn In the beautiful Toxaway country. They arc accomp.i nled by Mr. R Randolph Meyer, ol Jacksonville, Flo. Mrs. C. :vt. voile and Master Cone, of New York, are among the fall visi tors. Mr. and .Mrs. W. M. Heald, of Lynchburg, chaperoned a motor partv that spent a delightful week end here. The other members were Misses Maude Caskie, Gladys and Jennie Heald and Messrs. James Caskie and I Alexis Owen. Motor ears lrom all parts of the1 country come In daily. Those or the past week were Mrs. George H. Weiss, Jr., and party, of Portland. Ore ; Mrs. Flora A. Stewart and party, ol Roa noke; Mr. and Mrs. A. J Ives and party, of Savannah. Ga.; Dr. Paul Mc Klhenny. of New Orleans, with a par ty from I^xlngton; Mr. and Airs. George Cole Scott, of Richmond, and Mr, and Mrs. Neave, of New York, who came over from Hot Springs; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harman, of Covington, Va.; Mr. Ibynaphan Owen and party, of Lynchburg; Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Mohler and party, of Charleston, W. Va.; Mr. Ashby Williams 'and part'1, of Roanoke; It. «. u Wiley and party, of Roanoke; Mr. A. ff. HlrK beck and party, of Cedartown, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Rinehart. ol Washington, D. C.: Mrs. McHenry, ol Louisville. Ky.: Mr. Howard Braudo. k and party, of Mount Pleasant, Pa.; Mr. Lyman D. Gilbert, of Harrisonburg. Pa., who brought a party over from Hot Springs; Mr. George Cameron, of Petersburg. Va.. and party, also from Hot Springs, and Professor and Mrs. W. M. Idle and party, of University of i Virginia. | Virginia Beach | ^Special to The Richmond Virginian.) VIRGINIA REACH. VA., Sepi. IT.— i The recent arrivals at the w'averly are Mr. Robert Mills, of Baltimore, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Bland, ot Philadelphia; Mr. M. L. l>e,o, of Bitignamton, N. Y.; Mrs. Harry C. | Bnstck, Mr. James H. Buank aim Mias Jane Bustck, ot Baltimore, Mil.; Mias Mary E. Hjil, of Urewry’s Burn, ««.; miss Fannie j>p©ck, of Harrisoiiouig, Va., and Mrs. K. T, Cannon, of Balti more. Md. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Christian, of Richmond, Va.. are shopping at the Eugemere cottage for some time. Mr. Jack Waterman, of Norfolk,1 Va., spent the week end at the oetu.ii. j air. and Mrs. M. Evans, of Birmtng- 1 ham, Ga., are spending several weeks at tne Waverley. Mr. ana Mis. E. V. Brown and Miss Olive Brown, of Charleston. W. Va., are stopping at the Uaroner cottage for a few weeks. Mies niiaaoetn Parker, of Ports mouth. Va., spent the week end with Miss Elisabeth Wells, Miss Georgia Worn We. of Bmithfleld, Va. .is spending the winter at the .Gardner^ cottaga ' _____ ( Mr. Kenneth Bakly left Friday for Mount St. Mary's school In Emrolts burg, Md. Miss Nannie M. Hoiine and Miss Sue B. Vore, of Washington, D. C., [ are stopping at the Queen Anne cot- J tage for some time. Mias I. W. Garrett. of Norfolk, Vs., ' la spending several weeks at the Wa- , verley. Mrs. A. K. Gordon. Mrs. Hilaon Lamh and Misa Elisabeth Gordon, all of Willtamston, N. C., are spending ten days at the Gardner ootage. Miss l.ella A Ivey, of Hagerstown, Md.; Mrs. W. B. Preston and Miss Caroline Preston, of Washington. 1>. C.. are stopping at the Kdgemerc cot tage for two weeks. Miss Jessie Nlemyer entertained the members of her bridge club moat de lightfully Thursday morning at the Pocahontas cottage. The prise, a pair of silk stockings, wa/s won by Miss Page Shelburne. Her guests were Mrs. William Shelburne. Miss Virginia Gance. Miss Helena Allen. Miss Kemp Keeling. Miss Eliza Hamlin and Miss Page Shelburne. Mr. and Mrs. H. Purcell Frey, of York^Pa., are spending some time at the Waverley. Mr. William Glennan left Monday for Emmttsburg. Md., where he will attend Mount St. Mary's school. Mr. William Parker spent the week : end at the Queen Anne cottage. Mr. Hurhert Nash spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carroll , at the English Bungalow." Miss Hay Evans returned to Peters burg Monday, after spending several weeks at the Wild Rose cottage. Mr. Clarence Thompson has .return ed to his home In Norfolk, after spend ing the summer at the- Victoria cot tage. Mr. ('. W. Kent, of Asheville. X. C., and Mr. G. A. Kent, of Roanoke, Vn , are spending several weeks at the Waverley. Those recently registered at the Queen Anne cottage are Mr. 0. S. Walton, of Norfolk; Miss Louise Best, of Ann. O ; Miss C. E. Best and Miss C. M Best, of Norfolk, Va.; Rev. E. P. Miner, of Norfolk; Mr. W. Eenn Hall, Mr. H. Godwin Parker, Ports mouth. Va.; Miss Carroll Simpson and Miss Genevieve Godwin, of Ports mouth. Va. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rogers, of Surry. I Va.. are spending several days at the Gardner .cottage. ; Bedford City t special to Thu Richmond Virginian.) BEDFORD CITY, VA„ Sept. 17.—Mrs. U. D. Buford, of East Main street, en tertained the ladies of the Fifteen Club on Wednesday afternoon. September 14th. The friends of Mrs. F. S, M. Bolling are deeply pained to learn of her crlt- j leal Illness Miss Josephine Holt, who is a mem ber of the faculty of th« Richmond City High School, has been visiting tier Sister. Mrs. Annie B Goggin, at Randolph-Macon Academy. Fhe left Wednesday for Richmond to resume her work there. Mr. C. Is Moseby. of Norfolk. Is In town on business Rev. Dr. Carl Gramtner, of Philadel phia, delivered an address to the young Students of the academy re cently. . . . , • ,.Mra Coleman, of New York, recently a visitor at the home of Mrs. Morris, left to-day for that city. Dr J. L. Bruce, of Julz-de-Fore. Brazil. a member of the faculty of tbs missionary college, instituted by the Methodist Conference with four Bra zilians who aro anxious to attend the two Kandolph-Macon academies, at Front Royal and Bedford City, in or der. that they may come in contact with American customs and influences. They have been prepare 1 for this change in the missionary college Barton Heights Miss Hester Lee. of Prince George j countv, is the guest of her brother, ; Mr. il M. Pee. Mrs. Charlie C. Broaddus and ehil-. dren left Friday for a month’s stay > with her father. Mr. William Walker, of Walkerton, King and Queen coun- I ty. Mrs. Bryant O'Bannon. of San An-i tonio, Texas, is rhaking her home for I the present with her mother-in-law, I Mrs. Flora O’Bannon. Mrs. G. li. Pease ley, who ha* been | under treatment at the Memorial l hospital for some time, is Improving' and expect to be at home in a few ( days. The Rev. T. M. l.emly, pastor of the Overbrook Presbyterian church will preach Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. He was recently elected as the pastor of this church for another year. Mr. Lewis Herndon, who was re cently connected with the American Locomotive company of Paterson. X. J.. has returned to the University) College of Medicine. The Easterners played a game of '• foot ball with the Westerners, Fri day morning The Easterners won by a score of 30 to 0. S->me of the players of the West Side were, badly crippled. The star player of the J game was Farrow of the East Side. Mr, and Mrs. Janies Armstrong, of Philadelphia, are making their home with Mrs. Flora O’Han non. Mrs. George W. Flemming. of j Lynchburg, who has been visiting i her daughter, Mrs. S. T. Pulliam, 908 I Lamb avenue, has returned home. Mr. Cabell W. Rady Is on an ex-' tended pleasure trip to New' York, and other northern cities. He will! be home during the early part of next week. Fitzgerald I-edge. a. F. and A. M., w'ill hold its regular stated commun ication Monday night, September 19, 'n Its hall on Wickham street. Miss Virginia Long, who had the misfortune to fall ’and painfully in jure her knee about ten di^-s ago, ts j still confined to her home, being> unable to walk. Mr. Robert Duncanson U quite 111 of fever at his home In Brookland' Park. The Rev. A. O. Berryman will preach at 11 o’clock Sunday morn-! Ing and at 8 at night, at the Metho dist church. Roxbury (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) ROXBURY. VA . August 17,—MtS* | Matte Nance Is spending some time with Mia Margie Taylor, in Prineo George county. Miss Alice Stugg, of Richmond, is visiting Miss Elect ra Nance. . Miss Estelle Hubbard has returned home afterdi visit to ills* Lotie Thorpe In Richmond. Miss Helen Dickinson spent last week with Mrs. J. H. Long. Mr. Alien P. Walker is spending some time at the Brandon hotel. Haste; City. Vs. Mrt Chas. D. Blnna has been oft on a business trill all of ibis weak. .1 Oxford, N. C. | (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) OXFORD. N. C„ Sept. 17,—-One of the moat delightful social functlona of the *ea»on occurred Monday afternoon when Mrs. A. A. Hicks entertained the Woman's MteraYy Club In honor of Mrs. Joseph K. Meadows, Mrs. Speight, of Raleign, and her sister, Mrs. L. C. Skinner, of Greenville. The broad and spacious porches of Mrs. Hicks' hand some colonial home, on North Col lege rtreet. were beautifully decorated In evergreens to represent the kitchen garden described by Rostand In his popular play, “Chantlcler.” Each member read selections from the third act of this play, and uuite a good deal of merriment was caused among the members by each guest assuming the role of a barn-yard fowl. Punch was served after a course lunch by Misses Lillian and Alliene Minor. Mies Mary Webb arrived home Mon day afternoon, after an extended tour of several months in Europe with the party of Mr. and Mrs, vVadc Brown. While away Miss Webb visited practi cally every country on the Continent, and also witnessed the Passion Play lb Switzerland. Miss Aniue Furman left this week for Salisbury, where she has accepted a position to teach' In the local schools there. * .vitrs Lizzie Moore, of Durham, is the guest of Miss Hettie Lyon. Major Charles M. Stedman, of Greensboro, arrived here Thursday ana Is reg.stered at the “Exchange." Mrs. B. K Hays. Miss Sophia Tay lor, James Bootn and Nick Cannady went over to Durham In Mrs. Hays' car and spent the day. Mr. J. M. Owen, of Henderson, was the wwk-epd guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Currln. Brandon Hotel imperial to The Richmond Virginian, i BASIC CITY, VA., Sept. IT.—Septem ber so far has been » beautiful month In the mountains and the guests at the Urandon have enjoyed many drives and ride* throagh the country. The hotel 1* still veil filled, and every morning the spacious veranda Is dotted with those playing bridge. The chil dren always enjoy their hour of marching and dancing at night, after which the young people fill the fioor. Bowilng and tennis are still popular, as Is a walk in the brisk oool air. Several automobile partlea have stopped at the Brandon during the past week. One party from Richmond stopped on their return from Natural Brioge, Monday night. Those In the party were Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Patter son, Mrs. George Massle, Mrs. James Pleasants, Col. E. C. Massle and son, James Massle. c, Those who have registered from Richmond during the past week are: Mr. R. ,S. Eggleston, Mr. A. W. Cheap Laing, Mr. YV. G. Moseley, Mr. H. W. Moore, Mr. Harry Huber. Mr* W. J. Glasgok. Mr. T. D. Grant. Mr. YV. V. Boone, Mr. fv s. Rice, Mr. YV. C. Blan ton. Mr. and Mrs M. C. Tatterson, Mrs. George Massle. Mrs. James Pleasants, Col. E. r. Massle, Mr. James Massie, Mr and Mrs. YV. Herbert Rice. (Sjieelal to The Richmond Y'lrglnlan.> RAINES. VA„ Sept. IT.—Rev. Dud ley Boogher, of Farmvtlle. preached to a large and attentive congregation In the school building Sunday afternoon. There are a few Episcopalians here and they enjoyed the rare treat of a ser vice. There is no church nearer than Farmvllle. Mrs. Elisha Madison and children left yesterday for Lynchburg, where they will visit relatives Messrs James Sliger and J. L Swooi>* are attending Presbytery in Bucking ham this week. Blanton and James Badgett have 'teen spending a week with Mr. Grymes, hear Richmond. Miss Georgia Swoone, of Botetourt. Is visiting her uncle, Mr. J. L. Swoope. Mr. Sam Amos, an old veteran. Is still extremely 111. Mr. Gray, of North Carolina, was the week end guest of Mr. Sam Badgett. Sunnyside (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) SUNNYSIDE, V A., Sept. 17.—Mrs. Nannie French left Wednesday to spend tlie winter with her son In Cali fornla. Rev. William A. Wright, of Hamp ton. Is a visitor at ''Goshen" this week. Misses Fattle and Margurlte Clarke, after spending the summer at their old home here, have returned to Cen tral College for Women at Lexington, Mo. Mrs. J. B. Phillips, who hus been spending some time with her daugh ter in Powhatan, has returned. Miss Marguerite Dawden. who has been visiting friends here for the past two weeks, has returned to her home in Richmond. Radford (Special to The Richmond Virginian. > RADFORD. VA.. September 17 - Miss Mary Ingles Entertained this afternoon Idlers at tea, i'riday even ing. at her brother home in Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sayles Bullard leave Sunday for Annapolis after vis iting relatives in town. Mrs. Lewis Ingles has returned to Roanoke after visiting Mrs. William Ingles. Mr. J. E. Walters spent Sunday last in Bramwell, W. Va. Major and Mrs. 8. Heth Tyler, and two sons left Saturday for Norfolk, after visiting Mrs. J. Hoge Tyler. Misses Etta Sharp, of Norfolk and Elisabeth Hill, of Charleston, W. Va.. are guests of Miss Caperten Pres ton. Mrs. J. T. Maginnls, and son, Wil liam, are visiting friends in Rich mond. Misses Evelyn Lyle and Louise Mc Elrath, have returned to Virginia In stitute. Mrs. A. Irwin Miller and son, of Eustls, Fla., are visiting Mrs. Wil liam Ingles. Messrs. Thomas Jones and Fred Harvey left Tuesday for Bedford city, where they will attend Randolph Macon Academy. Mrs. Rleg has returned from her buying trip to New York. Philadel phia. and Baltimore. Mr. J. Purver Richardson, Jr., has returned to Washington and Lee. Mrs. E. E. Price spent Tuesday In Roanoke. Mr. J. P. Adams has become the owner of the Rosenfleld home and will soon move his family from his farm to Radford. Mr*. WtlUAm T. Patton, of Roan < ke, is the guest of Mrs. William Ingles. ♦ The King's liaughters wlU please assembly in the Radford Library Monday afternoon at four o'clock. Scottsville (Special to The Richmond Viri SCOTT8VILLE, VA.. .September —M,i*s Isabel Junei, who ha* visiting at the home of Mrs. D. Power*, has returned to her horns Hlilrni'ird. ,> Mrs. John Graves has returned t® Richmond, after a two weeks' rlsH t« her sister, Mrs. J. C. Hill. Miss Hose Karrar is the guest at her brother, F. H. Farrar, in Ktcfta mond. •rot Mrs. J. P. Biair, Miss Luc* H. Powers and Rev. J. A. Christian, _... n.i moeung of West Hanov’e® Presbytery at Buckingham Courthouse Wednesday and Thursday of thtg week. H. G. Harris is in Lewlshurg, "W, Va.. with his brother. Judge John W. Harris, who Is quite ill. Miss May P. Davis left several day* ago for Staunton to visit friends ba» fore returning to Richmond far th® winter. Mr and Mrs. D. K. Brlggn, Who have been visiting relatives her* toT the past two weeks, have returned to Suffolk. ’*• '•&§ Miss Bessie Hill nas returned to Lynchburg to resume her duties a® teacher in the Odd Fellows’ home to that city. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGiloray and daughter. Miss Elizabeth, who hav® been spending July and August at the home of the Misses Davis, hav® returned to their home In Richmond, Miss Lydia Clowes, who has bean the guest of Dr and Mrs. Wlarn*® Wood, has returned to her home 111 Lynchburg. j W. J. Heath, of Norwood, wo# at hi* old home here this week. R. J. Wade, of Richmond, spent several days this week with his fan®* ily at Mr. M. M. Blair's. Warrenton (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WARRENTON, VA., Sept IT:—• Misses Nannie and Maud Colvin, who have been spending some time at At* lantlc City, have returned home. Miss Mamie Russell, of, New York, is visiting Miss Ida Evans. Mr. E. G. Michaels, oi Richmond special agent for the Dixie Fire In* surance Company, was in Warrenton on business on Tuesday of this week. Miss Kate Keith left this week foe Philadelphia, where she will spend several months. Miss Keith will bS the guest of Mrs. Cox. Miss Alice McCauley, who has beet* the guest of Mrs. J. D. Hooe, left on Thursday for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert, of Alexan* dria, are the guests of Mrs. Hooe. Mrs. Walker Spencer, of New Or* leans; Miss Spencer and Master Sped* eer, who have been spending several months at Eocugt Dale, have arrived in Warrenton and are at Mrs. Green’s for some time. Miss Edith Dee Butler Is at home* after a visit to friends in Buffalo. Mrs. John Dath&m. who haa beet* the guest of the Misses Fletcher, baa returned to her home tn Richmond. Mr. Gayior Clark, who has lust re turned from touring Europe tn a mo* tor. is spending severs! days In War renton with Mrs. Gaylord Clark and Miss Bettice Clark. Miss Alice Smith, who has heed spending the summer tn Warrenton, left this week for New York, wher* she will spend several weeks. Miss Annie Hllleary, of Charlottes ville. is In Warrenton and Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hllleary. Mis* H&ttfa Feilowes, of New York, who is well iementbered in Warren* ton. Is at Captain Carter’s Mrs. Walter Williamson, of Wash* lngton, spent several days In town thlg week with Colonel and Mrs. Grenville Gaines. MIbs Gertrude Williamson, who has been visiting Miss Elisabeth Gained returned to her home on Thursday. Work has been begun on the new Methodist church and parsonage. The soiree given by Misses Nelson and Forbes, to their dancing cltusk which took piece at the hotel on Mon day night, was a great success, and the younger folks enjoyed the ocea* slon. There were numerous attractive costumes, but Master Jack Hayes ad Teddy R. was probably the most orig* Inal costume In the room. West Point j (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) WEST POINT. September X?.—. J The WVrt Point High School opens ed on Thursday with a fair enrott* X mem. Prof. C. Clyde F. Green, oC T Page County, who taught here in the , I same capacity last term, is back tfcJt M session as principal. The faculty ra« mains the same with one exception* : 'Mias Olive Gault, of West Point, ,1| takes the position of Mrs. Kata itlchardson. Misses Lucy Fary and Victorln. ' Lewis left on Thursday to attend Sj Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, :lm of Lynchburg. Mr, Herbert Woodward has left S for the Washington and Lee Univcr* -i'J city, Charlie Guuit, for College ' at ' Ashland. Walter Hargrave for the Medical College in Richmond. Mr. Harvey Uruoks, well-known la V baseball circles, who has been away , S all of the summer, has returned to his home here. Mrs. s. B. Johnson, of Rappahan* nock county, the mother of Mrs. B, - ; B. Bagby, and Mrs. Ogden, of New York, a sister of Mrs. Hag by, are via* ' g I ltors here. | Dr. B. B. Bagby will leave to* M , Danville. Va., on Monday to attend | the State Convention of the Chrtps.j|l where he is appointed'*’!! : tlan Church, where he is appoiKtdt| ' to deliver an' address oh ’the ~*fK£% 1 sponsIMllty of the Preacher for the | Health of the Community." ;i1 Rev. J. Q. Hall, of Richmond, hap accepted a call to the West Point Christian church to preach the find, and third Sundays in the month jit’ | the evening, on the same day* that i he preaches tn the morning at Jerti* salem church In upper King WMlang 1 county. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett Lewis, o# ; Hamlet, N. C., arrived on Thnndap | from Norfolk, where they have Mggf ! visiting. to spend some days with their parents here, Mr. and Vtn | Herbert I. Lewis. Miss Mary Woodward will attend the Richmond Woman s College mm term. Mr. Charles T. Bagby ahd aiBBi I Charles, were the guests of Mrs. TftllSj 1 P. Bagby this week. He spent: 4Hw i rummer traveling in the west ap.tHH j as San Francisco._t&sal C IN THE li %nt Ada. will A FOR SJ ; Virginian I a biiynr, s