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Capital, $1,200,000.00 ....> ,"r Surplus, $600,000.00 In the Selection off a Bank there are Two Special Features tottonslder: 1st, Its Capital; 2d, Its Management. THE NATIONAL BANK OF VIRGINIA Has the Largest Capital of Any Bank in the State. The Officers and Directors are all experienced business men who have proven t heir ability in the financial world. Individuals, firms and corporations are invited to Itecome customers, with the assurance of perfect protection and the uttermost accommodation. Authorized National, State and City Depository. 3 °/c Allowed on Savings Accounts. OFFICERS: W. M. HABLISTON, President. JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS. *. WILLIAM T. REED, ) Vice-Presidents W. M. ADDISON, Cashier. O. S. MORTON. W. H. SLAUGHTER,/ JOHN TYLER, Ass t Cashiers. H. A. WILLIAMS, \ JAS. M. BALL, Jr., / Banking House Corner Ninth and Main Streets. National State and City Bank Accounts ot Corporations, Firms, and Individuals Respectfully Solicited. 3 c/c interest Paid on Savings Accounts. Interest Compounded Twice a Year. OFFICERS: \VM. H. PALMER, President. JNO. S. ELLETT, Vice-President. \VM. M. HILL, Vice-President. J. W. SINTON. Vice-President. * JULIEN H. HILL, Cashier. DIRECTORS: F. B. Addison A K. Ellemon. Edward C. Mayo. !im«t H Andcreon, Joaeph M. Fourqurean. Edwin A. Palmer. .1 L. Antrim. Horae* 8. Hawr- William H. Palmer. Janie. D Crump, William M Hill, Granville G. Valentine. John S> Filet t. 8. H Ha wee. Stewart M. Woodward Capital, - $1,000,000. Surplus, $600,000. BIG FI CLOSES I GUEST SUCCESS T^well County Farmers and Other Exhibitors Furnish Best Show in Years. EXCELLENT POULTRY Great Diversity of Products Shown to Thousands Spectators. (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) TAZEWF.U., VA.. Sept. 17—-The great Taaewetl fair dosed Thursday night, after a three nays session. The weather was Ideal In all respects. The crowd, not perhaps quite so large as on some former occasions, waa suf ficiently large to flit all the buildings tad grounds. The Taaewell Fair Is made the occasion of family reunion and aootal gatherings, as well a time for amusements and exhibitions, und U therefore always a pleasant time, and looked forward to with much interest by all the country people. The exhibits this year In the agricul tural and fancy work departments were larger and finer than any pre vious year. A new and commodious building waa erected during the sum mer for the agricultural and fancy work departments, and the superinten dents of these departments worked hard to have a fine exhibition. The building was nicely decorated with colored paper and bunting, sheaves of fine grain, oorn In the stalk, etc., and she exhibits of needlework, silk quilts, tine rugs, etc., were .all tastily ar ranged. made a pleasing appearance. The Singer Sewing Machine Company, p* Great Northern Railway Company i . and an acetelytie light company each had sp£Ce .n the building Mr. J. A Leslie, superintendent of thla depart ment. haa received many compliment) for the success of thin the chief fea ture of the fair. Much of the auecea; all around is due also to Miss Marge ret Howell, superintendent of the nee dlework department, Mrs. J. A. l.esllt and Mrs. H. W. Robst, who Tenderer valuutHe assistance in the matter ol decoration and arrangement of exbib' Its; also Messrs. P. G. Baugh, Adan Ritter. Mrs. T. L. ShuHtabarger a nr Nfl W. Stowers. Blnls of a Feather. The poultry department was fillet! with fine fowls. The Judge. Mr. Sim' ora, pronounced it much better that last year, and as good as any countrj exhibit he ever saw. The racing was good, amusement) fairly good, accommodation in the waj of eatables all that could be desired Taseweil county Is taking increaalni interest every year In the growing ol line vegetables and fruits. The rich land of the county grows everything to perfection, and the display of tine corn, vegetables, sm«U grain, etc,, showed conclusively what can be done by acreful and improved methoda ol selection of seed and cultivation. A great feature of the occasion was the young people’s parade, which took place on Wednesday, participated in by boys and girls of the county from 14 to 20 years of age. Thii feature was Inaugurated two years ago to Mr. Leslie, superintendent of the agricultural department, and becomes more and more popular every year. Each rider wore a colored sash and was presented with a nice souvenir riding whip. An unfortunate accident, and the only one of the entire fair, occurred on the closing day. The secretary ol the fair and the man who had the restaurant privileges had a difficulty over a small amount of money due the association, which the secretary tried to collect. There was a mix-up, resulting in several bloody heada and considerable oonfuaton and excitement. No one was seriously Injured. A welcome vlattor to the fair war Mm. Watta. of Russell county. 8h« •nee lived here and Is very pojpulet with Taxewell people. A number ol ither prominent Russell county peo I pi* were here, as well as a number of I West Virginians. Miss Stella Stras, of Roanoke, j ' daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Joseph ; ; Stras, Is spending some time with \ friends and relatives here. The many friends and acquaintances j of that excellent lady. Mrs. R R. i Henry, will be gratified to learn that 1 she Is much Improved In health, hav- 1 lng been dangerously til recently. LIGHT RECEIPTS IKE j ACTIVE PRODUCE MARKET ldght receipts In the Cary street ; produce market Saturday and * fair demand made for active conditions. The price of eggs continues at twen ty-five cents, while poultry quotations temaln unchanged. Butter Is quoted at from 21 to 2* cents, while the price of apples ranges front $1 to 12.80 a barrel. RitiiMOM) mtiDtrn kirkkt. Richmond, Vs. Sept. IT, Chickens. choice. large, per lb.IT Chickens, choice. small per lb.19 Chickens, choice, medium. IS Hens, per lb. Roosters, each . Cleese, fat end large, each Cleese, ema'i, each.35 Ducks, large, young, per lb.13 Ducks, small, young, per lb.11 BOGS. Crates, nearby tresh laid ('rates, other sections. .. 35 Guinea Eggs, per do* ...IS uirrEg. Choice, family packed .. .33 Merchants' fair, per lb. . 21 RIVE STOCK. Veal*, choice to fancy, per lb.. Veals, fair to good, per lb. S Veals, small and poor ... 6 I Calves, runners, per lb.... 8 Sheep, per * lb. 3 l*imbs, spring, per lb. a Hogs, live .-. 9 Cattle, fair to prime, per lb 3 COUNTRY HACON—YVett Si Hams, well-smoked, small lb .32 Hams, well smoked, large lb.1» Side*, well smoked, per lb IT Shoulders, welt smoker, lb 17 1910. ® 9 « 19 © u $ 35 <« 80 6- 10 9 11 ft It | I* 9 l u 9 '« U 9 9 * Vi I eked. © n l» (•) is UIDBg. Dry Balt, per lb. Dry Flint, per lb. Ul een. per lb. Green Salt, per lb. Green, damaged, per lb.. & IS © IS I 5 « I WOOt_ Bright, No, 1. tub-washed. Bright, No. 2. tub-washed, lb .*4 Choice, unwashed, free of burrs .21 Choice, unwashed, lightly burry .II Choice, unwashed, medium burry .1€ Choice, unwashed, very burry .....IS Mer'no .10 O o © 11 FHITTS. Peaches, Virginia, per carrier .I 25 Pears, pre'Vg, per bbl 1 25 Pears, eating. i>er bci 2 00 Aprlet, sound. per bbl. .1 00 s i ;» © © 4 00 0 2 50 VK<» KTAUI.ES. Cohns <lr>, per bbl..2 00 Potnt-ce. new. No. !, per bbl. Potatoes, new. No. 2. per bbl.V 00 Beeswax, per lb. *1 lb .21 DRV ITU ITS. I>ry apple*, bright •. Dry peache*, pealed .10 1 Dry cherries . 9 ! Dry huckleberries .15 Dry blackberries . 4 © 2 IS oe C 1 25 © 8 4 © 12 © 1* V 17 V 6 BEARS LET UP ON COTTON CHANGE Market Opens Easier—Local Trailers Go Short ami Are Chief Buyers. NEW YORK. September 17.—The market opened easier, unchanged to 9 points lower. Influenced by weak cables. There was also more or less bear pressure. The chief buyers were local traders who went short of the market late yesterday and did not care to remain «o over Sunday. Prices: September, 13.46©66; Oc tober. 13.16©18; November, 13.16© 18; December, 13.10© 11; January. 1*.06©06; March. 13.13© 15; May, 1S.18©80; July, 13.16 offered. WATER rXIlKRMINES NORFOLK STREET NORFOLK. Va.. September 17.— Driven by a thirty mile northeast gale, to water banked up In a .storm sewer at Bank and Cove Streets last night and undermined sidewalk. The pavement sank In one spot about two feet and the wildest kinds of reports were circulated. '' W. The damage however was trifling and there was not tha least danger of serious Injury to life or property. t MARKET IS FIRM, j ADVANCES SEEN! .Moderate Fractional Gain? Noted in Majority of Stuck Trader*. NEW YORK, Sept. 17.—There wee utrong tone at the opening of the »tock market, price* ehowing mod erate fractional gain* In the major ity of lasuea traded In. 1J A. M.—The market held firm all through the flrat hour, although aome of the leading ieauea receded fractionally and phoned little net gain ! over yeaterday. Government* unchang ed; other bond* firm. NK WYORK, Sept. 1*.—The *toek market clo*ed steady. NEW YORK STOCK. MARKET. American Best Sugar. 36.H Am. Agr. Chem. Co. A Ute-Ch aimers. A’lis-Chambers, pfd. A imalgamated Copper. 13 American Can. H American Can, pfd. .. 66H American Car k Fdy.. 46 American Car k Fdy, pfd. American Cotton Oil. American I/jcomotive.. American Loeomottvs, pfd. American Smelting. 65*4 American Suagr. 117 Amer. Te!. and Tal. Co.. American Tobacco .com. American Tobacco, pfd. .. Anaconda Copper. Atchison . 97 *4 Atlantic Coast Lina. Baltimore and Ohio. 1C4 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 75 Canadian Pacific. Chesapeake and Ohio. 74*4 Chicago Great Western. Chic. Mil. end St. Pan!. Chi. ami Northwestern. c. a. w„ pfd. Central Leather. Colorado Fuel end Iron......... Colorado and Southern. Coloend (South., let pfd. Col. and South., 2d pfd. Consolidated Gas. 129 if Delaware and Hudson. .,. Denvar and Rio. F.. com.. f. ... Denver and Rio G., pfd .. Distillers’ Sec. Cor.. Erit. 15 Erie. 1st pfd...., 2d pfd . General Electric. Great Northern, pfd. 123$ Great North. Ore. Ctfs. IlUoaoia Central. In*. Metropolitan. 20*4' Int. Metropolitan, pfd. 64 lot. Mer. Marine, com. lot. Mer. Marine, pfd. Internationa! Paper. International Paper, pfd. Kansas City So., com. .. Kansas City So., pfd. Louisville and Nashville. Manhattan.. . Metro. Street Railway. .. Mo.. Kan. and Texas.. Me., Kan. and Texas, pfd... M issouri Pacific. 62 National Lead. 30 New York Central. 1121* N. Y. Ont. and Western. Norfolk and Western.. 96l* Northern Pacific. 1124* Pacific Mad ..... Pennsylvania.. 12A ^ Paeplt’s Gas. Prassed Steal Car. Pressed Steal Car. pfd. Rwy. Steel .com. Reading. Hoi* Republic Iron sod Steel. Repbuiri I. and S„ pfd. j Rock Island.... 311$ j Rock island, pfd. 44 *3 i A i 46 61M 37 63 H 117 3»H t*S 109 104M 73*4 189 74 H 130H 33 29 33 71 69 130* j ieo i 25 142 128* 55* 120* 21H 4 H 10 2* 141 135* 31 6IH 50* IKHi 40 MH 1UH m 107 HO* 30 dk>ss-Sheffie!d... | Southern Pacific................ 112 “4 ! Southern Railway.. J Southern Railway, pfd. 31 u Tennessee Copper. i4 Texas Pacific.. Union Pacific. 164]s United States Rubber.... United States Steel. 67 United States Steel, pfd... 1 ie Va.-Car. Chemical. 53 Va.-Car. Chemical, pfd. I Wabash, pfd. 35* j Western Union.. 54 H3 H 22* 51.h i 23H 164* , at «7H 1I5H S3H: U2 i»U 3SH RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond. Va.. Sept !7 1910. STATE SECURITIES. Bids Asaeu North Carolina. 4s. c. 191. Va. 3s. Old C. and R. 183* *4»i *5U Va. Centuries 2-3, C. and R 1**1 ...85 85 U CITY SECURITIES Manchester City . Richmond City. 4*. R. 1920 1930 . Richmond City 4a. C A R 1938-1943 . railroad bonds. A. C L . R . R, con Tr. 4p. . 94 A. C. L. Ctfs Ind. ] C and O. Gen. Mtr. 4tis.. 100 Ga. Pac. 1st. «». C.. 1923..110 Cla. Sou. and Fla. 1945 . . J06 Ga. Ala. Con. os. 1945 ... 103 . . Norfolk and West. Ry. 4* 1998 98 Nor. and West Pora. 4a 1944 S« Rich, and Dan. Gold «». c.. 1915 10* Seaboard Air Line, 4a, I960 82 Seaboard Adjustment. 3s. . 89 V* So. Ry. & P Co. 5s. 1934 So. Rv. 1st. os. 1994.108 So. R. Ret'.- G. 1' 9a. 1938 ... Western N. C„ 1st 8». C. 1914 . 103 ... STREET RAILWAY BONDS. Norfolk Ry. * I*- Co. 5a. 1949 .■••••.. Va Ry- * p- r°- 5*" 1**4 ** 90 STREET RT. STOCK8. Par Bid Asked Norfolk Ry- * P. Co.. 25. Va. Ry. * P. Co. pfd .100 70 Va. Ry. * P. <’o. com..100 21 Va Elec. Ry Dtv. Co.. 100 ... RAILROAD STOCKS Par. Atlanta and charlote. .100 ... Allan Coast Line Com 100 109 A. C. L. of Conn.100 ... C. and 0. 74 Nor. and West. rom.—100 98 r. F. ft P. Dtv. Obllg.. 100. Sou Railway Com.100 22 Southern Railway, pfd 100 51 Aft .. BANK AND TRUST CO. BTOCK8 American National ...,100 180 Broad Street Bank ....24. Bank of Richmond.... 100. Wk of Com’r and Tr 188. Capitol Saving* Bank..20 ... First National .100 *00 Merchants National ...1*0 860 National Bank of Va.100 179 Va. State ft City Bank 100 1T0 Petersburg Sav. and Ins 28 ... planters National .....100 830 Savings Ra.ntf of Rleh'd... 82ti Color. Dcnk of Rlch’d 50 211 Virr'nla Trust i\. ...100 114 ... \ Mereharte f- Median. .100 226 INSURANCE COMPANIES Va. Firs and Marine . Virginia State ..5 . MISCELLANEOUS. inner. Lo Com .. Cay. Chera nraf.121 .'a. Car. Chain Co.. 88 y a a..- .C4.0 11 34 305 175 8 American RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Our Steady Growth Own Story. fjThe highest degree of protection is afforded in its capital and surplus. flits banking house is equipped in the most modern and convenient manner for the use of its customers. €jThe thousands of depositors on its books are pa tronizing this bank because of its stability and its disposition to serve its customers as to all their legitimate needs. flits methods and the efficiency of the service it renders demonstrates the thoroughness of its trained organization, guarded by a directorate of practical business men and bankers, whose personnel and financial strength have commanded the confidence of the business community. flit invites a conference with you, if your present banking arrangements are not satisfactory. 3(/c Paid on Savings Accounts TheBroad-Street Bank ha.s purchased the business and good will of the Broad Street Branch of the Bank of Richmond, located at 303 East Broad Street, and has taken charge and is prepared to extend to all of its customers every facility consistent with &ood banking. THE BROAD STREET BANK HAS A CAPITAL OF $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS $110,000.00 W. M. HABLISTON, President. Ben P. Alsop, Leon Dettlebach, T. H. EUett, H. F. Grimmell, Andrew M. Glover, OFFICERS: J. W. ROTHERT, Vice-President. JOHN G. WALKER, Second Vice-President. ANDREW M. GLOVER, Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. M. Habliston, I. H. Kaufman, Raphael Levy, G. Wr. Minter, John Murphy, W. S. Rhoads, J. W. Rothert, Julian W. Tyler, John G. Walker, B. Rand WeUford. The Broad Street Bank has given out the contract for the erection of a hand some and commodious banking building at its present location. The entire business of the Broad Street Bank will be conducted at 303 East Broad Street until the completion of their new building. Commonwealth Bank 1] North Ninth Street. BRANCHES: 4 East Broad Street. Twenty-fifth and Broad Sts. Williamsburg Ave., Fulton. Active business accounts soli cited. Amer. Loco,*. Am. To, Co. pref 6p. ct. ... 32H — SALES. 500 Virginia Centuries S3. HI Cll MO Ml tlRAl* MARKET. Hlohnx ml, Va.. Sept. IT. 1310.' WHEAT— No. S red Western No. 3 red Virginia No. 5 Red . Steamer .. Virginia, bag lots . Virginia bag lots. (for seed) . CORN— No. 3 white ....... No. 3 white . THE BANK THAT PAYS Invites Commercial and Savings Accounts, large and Any amount from $1.00 up. Assets over $700,000.00. 907 East Main St., Mutual Bldg., ® Richmond, V*. 0rFICERS.-Joh» Gariawi PWliufa. Mtak Jonathan Bryan, VkaPtnaSaaC S*; Knit. Jr . Caahkri B. G. Procter. AaWut OuUn. DIRECTORS—Joo. Baaby. A. It Halladar. JtMkn km KatM. Ukr.It.. Xi fairbaok. John Onriaad Pollard, C. C. Piaakaoy. L No. 2 mined . St to <i> No. 3 mixed Virginia, bag lot*., O \TS-~ No. 2 mixed . No. X mixed . No. 2 white .. No. 3 white . Winter Seed bag lot* . RYE— No. 3 Rye. car lota No. S Rye. car lota Virginia, bag lota. 85 W V *> 9 SO 26 St *7 361* 36 3 St to in 50 i 79 70 7S American Sootier* Named. MARBLEHEAD, September 17.— regatta committee of the Eastern Yacht Club has announced the Amer ican boat* which have been (elected for the German TAmerican aonder races, to be held at Kiel, Q next June. Title boats are the Beaver, by George C. ttabney. and ol Beverly Tacbt Club, Buaeard the Bibelot, owned by H*rq Whitney of the New Torn Club, and Robert W. Haunt of the Vsverty Tacht Club. 1 Baatern Taott Club of Mbit