Newspaper Page Text
ants .■1 HASTKD—M\LK. .j’fl'WgFgfrmKCiw.var. furniture, optical. grocery Investment required with good J«ad» VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL 1 UM K. Main. ___* jlAVE AN IMMEDIATE PO Hot) open for a young men of neat annenrane*. Apply Monday morn* tSTviROlNlA INDUSTRIAL CO,. . lint E. Mein street SxPBRl KNCED LEAD GLAXKRH. steady employment to the right men, C 3. BENSON & CO. S2» North Cher]** St.. Baltimore. Md. tV ANTED—A BRIGHT YOUTH IN Wholesale rommlsflon hour*. Ad drear >*-l, care Vlrginlcr. HlCl.r WAV1KD—FESA1.R. Wg~mvrr~^'~m\^rvr;?--r^?r tton open for * \oung ladv of m at appearance Apply Monday morn inn VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL tO„ 110! E Mein street. tv anted—Fi v e first-class pa per hangers, w-agee 12.50 a day. Ap plv J. tV. SMITHER8 A < O Jot N Fifth street MTlATIOft WttTKn, SAtE. -zssrxn: ’^ersrtasoKsnm keep IP spare hour*. Address AC COUNTANT. A East L Leigh atreei SITUATION tv ANTED BY COLORED1 chef cook. In or out of city: KOO‘1 reference* Call or address »« Buchanan street WANTED. POSITION AS BOnKKEEi’- , er by youn% man thoroughly trained and competent posses master of ac counts degree some experience good references state salary offered. Ad- j dress R S B. Box 100 lloute I Buchanan, Va WANTED. POSITION AS BOOKKEKP er. paymaster or stenographer, ex perience. references exchanged. Ad dress 11 S. C. Box 89. Frank ill), hi A BRIGHT AND USEFUL COLOMBO; boy. who la willing to work, wants a Job 1 w-tll recommend him to any body will vouch for IBs honesty GILES B. JACKSON. c0« East Broa 1 street, dty. A YOCNU MAN IS ANXIOUS FOR work of any kind. Apply 1435 East Main atret t. \ RELIABLE YOUNG MARRIED MAN wants a position with a good dairy man, near Richmond. Va Address M. GAHRKTT, Green Bay. Va R. *• D. SITUATION WANTED BY COLORED chef in or out of city American or | European plan. Call or address SOU, Buchanan streat. CVty IRADUATE IN BOOKKEEP1N G wants position as assistant boos keeper. Address FRANCIS, 904 \N. Clay. YOUNG MAN, 33 YEARS, WANTS Po sition ia wholesale house five years' experience in mercantile business. Willing to begin at bottom and work ■ up. Can give good reference. X i.J * Bemort^N^C; MT1ATIOV9 WANTED, FEMALE. —crDT~^nsTm position as teaobsr In private home; no music references exohanged. Ad- . dresu TEACHER, cars Postmaster. Guinea Mills. Va — 'j EDUCATED. EXPERIENCED LADY wishes re-engagement to superin tend widower* household chaperon or companion to lady references Address MRS A. JONES. Louisa, Va. A YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, OF Are year* experience, quick and not afraid of work, deetree a position Address MISS HoPK. care P.»simas ter, Boecobel, Va. WANTED—LADY REQUIRES RE-KN- | gageroent at ones widower's house- i hold: companion or chaperon to lady; | reliable, experienced, educated, mus ical; reference exchanged. Address MRS. A. JONES, Louisa. Va A YOUNG WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE dealres position a* housekeeper. Ref erences exchanged. Box 3, R F D.. Ear ley sv 111c, Va. fYANTE5—POSITION BY TWjk oughly competent stenographer va ried experience; state salary Address MISS B-444 care Richmond Virgin ian. f ANTE D—P O S I T ION BY GOOD white cook In first-class family. 707 East Clay A YOUNG WOMAN OF EXPERIENCE desires position a* housekeeper. Ref erence* exchanged. Box 3. K. F. D. Karleysvllle. Va. •PSCUL KOTlCt. hajhT hIuSi'Kaih! A I*AROE ASSORTMENT OF AU, kinds of hair goods Just arrived tlS East Broad Street. PUFFS! FITRS! PUFS. ALL THE LATEST IDEAS AT SPEC- ' la! prices, 607 East Broad street. HA1RDRESSINU. MANlCl'fUN O, | sharapoollng l>y experts, 607 East Broad street. SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS REMOVED, also moles, warts by electric needle without pain; electric massage MADAME HKIDAT8CH, lately from Chicago, 607 Fast Broad street. HAIR. COMBI.VLS AND CUT HAIR MADE into btaJds and puffs. 607 East Broad street SPECIAL ATTENTION CALLED TO ' rellning ladles’ and gentlemens coats. New velvet collars put on gentlemen's overcoats, new collars and cuffs, satin or Velvet, on ladles coats; new bust former put in la dies' coats Also remodeling out of date clothing to the present stylus. Price* reasonable, automobile deliv ery A V BROD1E, is K Main St.. Phone Madison 56kO. •FECIAL TO THE LADIES, MRS M. N Lyne Is now ready to take your orders for your fall and win tar suits; ail work guaranteed Prices reasonable, 217 North Fifth1 street, 2nd floor. Phone Monroe 1 _1826. •FECIAL NOTICE—IF YOU NEED rubber tires, 1 am etill putting them on at the old price as I bought a good lot of rubber before the price of rubber advanced; so get busy and take advantage of this Apply to B. C. Bristow's, No. 11. 13, 16. North Eighteenth street. THE "fSek" DlSPENBARY ~OF THE University College of Medicine is Bow open for patients from eleven io one every day Several trunks of drummers' sample trousers; special bargains; high-grade gods, bought cheap; sold same way. N. JT. JACOBS & SON, Ninth, near Broad street. ■i-'JLUg'' .' 11 1 .. 11 .. FLAT WANTED. WANTED TO RENT A FLAT OF THREE OH FOUR ROOMS, WEST OF FIRST STREET; RENT MI'.M BE REASONABLE REFERKNCS EXCHANGED ADDRESS E. A. G CARE THE RICHMOND VIRGINIAN ROOWT WANTED. small unfurnished rooms, for light housekeeping. Oo<>d location de sired; tsmu must be moderate Two In family, no children. Address H P. O., Box 723. City. MISS WANTED. WXRTE®; TOi^aTrn¥rarr^''Tr round." also Southern Literary Mes senger as follows: For September, MM October, November aid Decem ber. 188&; January and December mm- pt - uary December 18*1 and June 1*64 A. city Hall FIAT WANTED. l¥fi*5=3r£X¥—3F—flTTtKT!—<TTi ir rooms for light housekeeping apartment house or private home Kwd - Andreas, - etating Staunton, Va, Wants Wants Want Ad. Rates One rent per word when paid in advance. No paid ad taken for less than ten cents. No Ads taken for less than twenty-five cents when phoned in or charged at the counter. Contract rates are much less. Phone Madison 1758, and Mr.Garrison, Manager of Classified Department, will call. ! HIHFI.l.A^Knm. «kum ATiTSiMtxBiTvf»»£r :utt E. UKOAD STREET. WE RECOVER UMBRELLAS AND n;>kf them like new for very rea sonable prloes; wc have covers in cotton gloria, silk taffeta and serge, silks In black and colored We do> enpert repairing If your umbrella Is In bad shape come to see ue. we will treat you right, l’hone Monroe :io». _] stop: look and think. JOHN I,A TOUCHE, JR., NEW PLACE. ; 417 W. Main, Monroe 1453; French! and steam cleaning; ladies princess i and dresses cleaned $1.60; plea'teil skirts French cleaned, 76 cents; plain, 50c., gloves cleaned, any length 10 cents per pair, gent's suits dry cleaned, 50c. French cleaned $1.0y. reduction In all work. LADIEft TAILORING. FI FELDMAN. 711 E. BROAD STREET, j FINE FU'ITS FROM IMPORTED, GOODS. SILK LINING. SPECIAL, $06 00 PERFECT FIT GLAllAN - ] TEED CLEANING AND PRESSING. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YORK fall and winter clothing cleaned, pressed, dyed and altered; we nave \ ou money. HOWARD'S DR* CLEAN1N GWORKS. 3 South Belve dere street. Monroe* 3173. _ HAIR TOXIC. IF YOU DON’T KKMOVK THAT DAN druff It will remove your hair; Nel «oo> Antiseptic Hair Tonic will re move the dandruff and nave the hair. HAIR. HI'MAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at Hughe’*, 209 N. Third street II % 1 It TO NIC. WILL Tl>U GIVE 50C TO SA VK VOIR hair? You would g Jadly give $50.00 to get it back when too late, uae Nelson's* Hair Tonic now ant! nave worr> FI RAIT! KK \M> CltHEA PACKUNl. FURNITURE. CHINA AND WKDD1NO present- packed and shipped with care. Estimate's cheerfully given. JACOB DM LAI.' F, lH2ti W. Broad St. Phone Madison 321*2. ft % I ft TOXIC. WE NEVER BEE A BALD HEAD that we don't think what a pity ho did not know of Nelson's I!a% Tonic in time, Sl HHKMP—213 NORTH FlFTli. UMBHELL.AM OOV1CRED AND RE paired; expert work; 8CHREMP, The Umbrella Man. ~ SHOE REPAlRINti. dies'. 40c; children's 40.> and up. Every pair sen-ed. DREW'S ELEC TRIC shoe factory, tui East Mam street Phone Monroe 2661 ~ PERSON'ALi. hly under magnetic Ynassags and Mental Science Treatment Combined. MENTAL SCIENTIST. *07 E. Uftcf street., ‘Phone Madison 1581 -.1. lll lDKSS Ol'l‘OH'11 NIT». ^TOTTMIWIEmiriWES quickly and privately We are spe cialists in business selling ff you want to sell or buy a buwiness, sue, US VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL DO.. 1102 East Main at reel. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Tu SECURE drummer’s sample* of high-class trousers’ persents itself now, we got 'em cheap—so can you, but be guieK. N F. JACOBS SON, Ninth, near Broad street. POSITIONS NOW OPIC N ; H A HD VY A i i E. shoes. furniture, optical. grocery, druk*. Investment required with good dividends. VIRGINIA INDUSTRIAL CO, 1102 E Main. real'Istatb foh malic. IT DOES NOT PAY TO RENT PKOP erty when you can own it for the same payment that you are now pay ing as rent We only charge 5 per cent Interest on yearly balances. You pay ua $7 DO per month on each $1,000. which will pay for your home in 10H* year*—can pay in full at any time, thereby stopping further inter est Investigate now J W. PON DER. 34-36 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Richmond, Va. Monroe &ttQ. Bl SIWKSM W\NT». YWvvwnyv*. wanYkT) lent Jin* of drummers’ sample trou ners; several trunk* just opened, all high-grade, bought cheap; to be sold for a song N. F. JACOBS & SON, Ninth, near uroao street. FOR « »L». BATH ROOM ANDiClTCHENCoXi fort make a comfortable summer at home, can supply you with ail these comforts; we are selling the Detroit Jewel Gas Range and other standard makes of Gas Ranges. De troit Jewel Heaters tor hot water In your bath room and all those inex pensive appliances for bath and kit chen. VA PM MBING & HEATING CO. 26 N. Ninth street. ONE SECOND HAND HIGH GRADE pluieton will sell for Worth the money, see It BRISTOW- WOR SHAM. 1417 E. Main. WE ARE OFFERING UNUSUAL LOW prices on our line of Ranges, Mantel* and tiling; now Is the time to save money If you are Interested. VA. PLUMBING & HEATING CO.. 26 N. Ninth street FOR WAGONS GO TO RICHARDSON BROS. 615 Brook avenue. SQUARE GRAND PIANO, tine instru nient ami in excellent order, cash or time. B. H. B., care The Virginian. MA K K Y6UR BATH ROOM S A N iT A H l for the summer; that means good health; we employ experts in this line VA PLUMBING & HEATING CO., N. Ninth street. TV To HIGH GRADE‘ LAUNDRY WAG on« that will reduce price on rather than to carry them over. If you need a wagon these will no doubt suit you BRISTOW-WORSHAM CO. 1417 K Main. FT»R SALK - 14 ANI>S<»ME HORSI; harness, and runabout H. H. B. IV*, N Eleventh street, city. LOW PRICES* ON ALL RANGES. SEE us now while the prices are low, all standard makes, which means a great deal when you want repair VA. PLUMBING A HEATING CO, 26 N. Nintn street. F<»]{ ,s A LE WOOi> HEATE R 1N first class condition, cheap to quick buyer; can be seen at 1305 W. Cary _street nooMw FOR RENT. _I>arIor; bath. i>hon>': central W A NT B 1>— T K NANtT'OH THItKE DE lUhtful room*, furnished second floor front; hom, comfort*. 410 North Twelfth *treet. f'I'HNIHHKh PROMT ROOM }■'* >S .»»»t. ,JW Koflh jtey«mth. _ NKWLT-riTHNTSHED UtHjMH, WITH •U «onreal»uc»». SOI Ham FUtu. 1 ROOMS FOR I«E\T. with u»*» of bath and phone. 710 E. Clay street. just 'open- hr “north ninth; newly furnished rooms, with or with out board NEWLY PA I'KKED ROOMS, “ FUR nlshed and unfurniahed; good table board Apply 32 J South Third St. FOK ~ It ENT— LA RGE FRONT ROOM, second door; well fumlahcrd; conveni ent to bath, private family, n ochil dren. 107 South Fifth street. IN WEST ENI" FI HNISHE.D “FRONT room, electric light, steam hent. TRAYLOR, 2321 Stuart avenue. Phone Monroe 64t>. FOR RENT TO A GENTLEMAN OK business lady, large, bright basement room, also furnished rooms 611 E. Leigh FOR RENT -TWO K( >OMS. NO. 10 SO. Cherry street. Ft >R 1 CENT A N iC E SUITE ~~OF rooms, with bath and heat. Apply $00 West Grace. FURNISHED ROOMS. STEAM 1IEAT. use of telephone. Apply 916 West Main. FI UN I SU ED ROOMS;^ STE AM HLAT, use of telephone, apply 1*10 West Main. FO R R E NT F1 K N1S U H1> H OC S K - keeping apartment, four rooms, pri vate bath, hot water heat; modern and attractive. Apply 113 North Morris street. FOR RENT—LARGE SECOND-STO U V room for storage Madison 350f*-<J C<)M Ft) KT A RLE ROOMS FO R KENT. 1229 Floyd avenue WANTED~TO RKNT TO GENTLEMAN or business woman, room on second floor. Phone 73&0-.T Madison. TWO ROOMS FOR RENT AT 1831 \V\ Grace street. Phone Madison 3671. I.A ROE FRONT ROOM AND HALL room. 124 South Fifth FOR KENT- FURNISHED FRONT rooms. 109 Nortli Seventh. ALL MODE UN CON V EN IENC ES; ) lO f water heat, rooms single or on suits: furuiahed or unfurnished. Table boarders solicited. 4 10 West Grace. TWO ROOMS, SECOND FLOOR. FUK nlshed or unfurnished. K»0# Park avenue. WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE or ansuiie also rooms for transients. 317 West Grace. FjjTkKNT OCTORER 1ST. TWO CON neciinK front rooms, furnished or un furnished; ronvenient tu bath. Fur gentlemen only. 302 W. Main Btreet or phone Madison 1352-L. FOR RENT. NICELY FURNISH ^D small room, for gentleman cheap Apply 127 South Fifth street. , FOR ItENT—30o“ \VEHT~ MAiN, SIX room dwelling. FOR KHNT- CENTHAUA LOCATED hall and other rooms, furnished. 60f North Seventh FOR RENT--THREE R<X>MS~-T\V< large, one small for light house keeping : water, gas. bath and phono t'all Mad1*on738X- L ■ for Sent —t wo ft hnish kI rooms for light housekeeping; good location. 700 East Olay street. Phon« Madison I CMC 9H H AST i 1, A V- NE1VLV FURN*IHH ed or unfurnished rooms; specla summer rates, phone Madison IL'OO-J hath; home comforts. • fi;h'n7smei>" rooms for ughi housekeeping: also two hall roonia i Apply 4 10 North Seventh street. , Ft) UKUNT-To GENTLEMAN. NICE J ly furnished front room, central loea lion, private family, bath and phone Call Madison 738K-L. FOR RENT, A BEAUTIFUL HOME 401 North Robinson street One's beer taken. Don't be loo late. DRINK A HD'S, 42314 North Sixth. Front, "second fla+ ; ii ear I Main; young men or business lady. | OWN E il W1 SUES TO RENT ATTRAU tlve eight-room house, 106 Fourth avenue, Highland Park all conveni ences. on car line For Information i call Madison 306-J. I FOR RUNT-CNR’ FUHNlSHF.b ROOM for settled lady. Very reasonable price. Apply 2X0 WAst Rroad streer. BUILDERS LEAVE .Member* of Richmond Organiza 1 ion Guests of Exchangers at Capital. More than a store of Richmond builders left for Washington Satur day morning to bo guests of the 1 Washington builders and luanufac i mrers for the day. They set out soon i after 5 A. M. by way of the Rich I mond, Fredericksburg anti Potomac in a. special coach attached to the j regular north bound traJu, The program of entertainment fn ; the national capital calls for an auto mobile ride, a buffet luncheon, a ball game in the afternoon at the Ameri t an la-ague Park between the Nor folk and Baltimore builders, and a j banquet at night. Those who went up from Richmond are as follows: W. i. Ragland, J. W. tlilnian. C. I,. Batkins, W. A. Ches lerman. W. 1 >. (Jordon. J. C. Drev.r, W. 11. Kanes. Chris Manning, Jr., I Sig Hutzler. Ned Rose, Charles Bar 1 gamin, Creed Davis, Frank Rrown, | W. Ben Davis, C. .M. Selph, W. J Gil i mail, David Bimpson, Ralph Blns 1 watiger. Charles Rose, H. L. Mathews, II \V. Stamper, Jr., Reuben Burton, B. 11 Sturm, D. C. Kennedy, W. H. j Campbell. J. c. Sievers, J. R. Phil I lips .Javi Perkins, F. Sltterding, Jr.. James MetJraw: Some of the-contractors took their wives and other members of their ! families along with them. LARNKX POSTPONES ins pkiulops trip | NIAGARA FALLS, N. V.. Sept 17. : Captain Klause Larsen has decided, | to make the trip from the cataract to ! Ja-wiston through the whirlpool rapids ' in his little boat “Ferro” on Sunday i afternoon. He will start at 2; JO o'clock from the Canadian Maid of the Mist,” landing Captain R. F. Car ter, of the -Maid of the Mist," who knows the river better than any other man, believes that Larsen will make . the trip Without mishap. At Carter’s suggestion Larsen has added 100 pounds of pig Iron ballast. ! Whole Lot of Dirt Taken Out of Hole for Sky Scraping Structure. After scooping out many thousand I yard* of dtrt In cubit- dimensions, the j mammoth steam shovel that has been ! I digging the foundation for the Vlr- t glnla Trust Company skyscraper on ! Main street, near Eleventh, for the ■ | last two months, completed Its labors ! ! Friday morning and steamed away up- 1 , town at a speed well w ithin the limit. ! I. J. Smith & Co., who have the ' contract for the foundation work, hope i | be able to give way to Contractor : John T. Wilson at the expiration of ! - about two weeks. The company's workmen are now engaged in digging i the foundation for the west wall of the ■ building, which will extend seven feet below the baserpent tloor level. The floor level Is twelve feet below the ; street. "A whole lot of dirt has been taken out of that hole,” remarked one of I. j J. Smith A- Co.’s foremen on Satur&dy, hh he directed the operations of a squad of workmen. Most of the dirt from the hole has I been carted away to Mayo's Island and dumped there. The skyscraper, which will be twelve stories in height, is expected to be ready for occupancy by the early part - j of next summer. BEGIN CRUSADE ON HUB SMUGGLERS Boston Board of Trade "Has its' Hutch T p"—\\ ar on Modistes. | Boston, MASS.. Sept. i7.-~Deter- j mined war against Bouton dressmakers and society women who seek to dodge i Uncle Sam's duties has been declared j by the Woman's Board of Trade of Boston, and the Federal authorities ( will have Its aid in running down j smugglers. Recent arrest of Bostonians In New Tork for attempted beating of the cus toms have aroused the Ire of the Bos ton Board of Trade and It Is to-day arranging to employ both here and abroad private detectives to gain ln i formation about women suspected of bringing Inforeign-made garments without payment of duty. Any clues these agents may discover ■ will be turned over to the Feucral au thorities. M’lNTYBE NltS DATE FOR MEETING i Col. Calx II Looms I'p a* Likely Candidate in Second Dis trict llac .•e. Major It. A. McIntyre, c hairman of the sub-committee named ty the State Central Committee to investi gate alleged frauds in the recent sec ond district democratic primary has sent out notices anouncing that the sub-committee will assemble at 1U o'clock Monday morning next In the Montieella Hotel, Norfolk, for the purpose of entering upon the task before it. The committee must re port the result ot its tindings to lac central body the night ot October I. in Richmond, and it will have to ex pedite business to get through by that time. Attorneys for Messrs. Maynard and Young, contestant and contestee re spectively, will tlrst lile bills of par ticulars before the committee and that Is expected to delay the work several days. However, the general opinion prevails that the committ can complete its labors if the lawyers do not put too many technical ob stacles in its way The committee has no legal power to summon witnesses and cannot com pel them to answer questions. It Is not anticipated, however, that It will experience any special trouble in this connection. Reports from Norfolk say- that Col. George C. Cabell of that city, is in a receptive mood for the Iietnocrallo congressional nominee. In case M ly nard and Young are both Induced to withdraw after the Investigation. Ool. Cabell has opposed Maynard twice In the last four years and st.ll has the congressional bee in his bon net good and strong, hla friends say. He is a staunch friend of former Governor Montague, and it is only since he began to cherish aspirations to go to congress that he began to consort with the so-called machine In Norfolk and Norfolk county Col. Cabell was at one time regarded as a promising candidate for Attorney ikencral homos in Virginia tlur-ng the Montagu, regime. He Is now city attorney of Norfolk. ilor Loads to Murder of Physician. CHICAGO, 1IX.. Sept. 17.—That' Dr. .hums M. Kainey shot and killed Ills rival and n'd business associate, ! Dr, lam V. Atkins, because of a con troversy over a matter of $b, was ex pected to be brought out at the coro ner's Inquest to-day. At the coroner's office this morning it Is said an eye- I witness to the killing lias been found. 1 A. G. Hansen, manager of Atkins' I concern, was standing directly behind i Dr. Kainey in Atkins' private office1 When ltainey drew his revolver and shot his rival through the head. I’ntll last November Dr. Kuln.ey and Atkins were partners In the James M. ltainey Medical Company. Then Dr. Kainey started a rival concern. Simi larity of names resulted in confusion in the delivery of mail. A $5 money order Intended for Kainey was de livered to the Atkins' lirpt, and Dr. ltainey went there late yesterday to investigate. Following the argument and shoot ing Kainey surrendered to the police. Permits were Issued by the building Inspector Haturday to the following: .. Seaboard Air Une R. R. tCity Coal Co.) to build a detached one story of fice building on the north side of Broad Mistake in IV'livery of Money Or Not Satisfied With the new house you have rented? You should not be when you can own a home that is not cramped for space in Beautiful Chamberlayne Place Don’t delay, but start to-day, and start on the road to independence. Own a home of your own. Don’t be a slave to a landlord another year, when you have a chance to get a homesite cheap, with wide sidewalks, water piped to every house, free sewerage, electric lights, street cars, and only twelve minutes from First and Broad streets. Every lot that is left a bargain. Suburban Development Corporation, JAS. B. McCOMB. Manager. 404 American National Bank Building. ! RENT LIST. Posession al Once. Per An. 104 E. Grace St., 12 rooms ... $1,200 202 E. Main St., 14 rooms ..... 720 3029 Monument Ave., 10 rooms... 720 313 \V. Clay St., 14 rooms. 000 1800 Grove Ave., 10 rooms . 480 1817 Grove Ave., 8 rooms . 480 2105-7-9-11 Hanover St., 8 rooms; possession Oct. 1st. 480 805 Virginia St., 8 rooms . 400 1S02 Grove Ave., 7 rooms. 400 115-117 N. Sycamore, 7 rooms ... 300 3 E. Clay St., 8 rooms . 300 2706 W. Main St., 9 rooms. 360 703 Virginia St., 8 room*. 360 202 N. Strawberry St., 7 rooms .. 330 1603 \V. Main St.. 7 rooms . 300 812 8. Randolph St., 7 moms .... 2(8) 803 Garland Ave., 6 rooms . 180 701 Barton Ave , 5 rooms.. 150, FLATS FOR RENT. '906 W. Main St., 7 rooms, 1st flat, heat. 450 j 908 W. Main St., 7 rooms, 1st flat, heat included . 450 906 W. Main St., 2<i flat, 8 rooms, heat- included. 450 905 W. Main St., 2d flat, 8 rooms, heat. 450 Bellevue Apartment, No. 1, 7 rooms. 420 | Bellevue Apartment, No. 3, 7 rooms. 360 j 1020 YV. Main St., 4 rooms, 1st flat. 270: 3012 E. Broad St., 2d flat, 5 rooms. 240 j 312 N. 32d St., 2d flat, 5 rooms. . 216 | 2615)^ E. Grace St., 1st flat, 5 rooms. 216: 2615 E. Grace St., 1st flat, 5 rooms. 216 ! 908 YV. Main St.. 3d flat, 5 rooms. 200 j 906 YY'. Main St., 3d flat. 5 rooms. 200 621 N. Ninth St., 2d flat, 6 rooms. 200 j 1.500 YV. Broad St., 7 rooms, 2d flat. 150 ; 1502 YY'. Main St., 7 rooms. 2d flat. 150 j Green & Redd, 1114 East Main Street. Telephone Monroe 2100. street, between Fifteenth and Six teenth streets to cost $500. L. H. Mundln, to repair brick stores N’os. 1606 and 1608 K. Franklin street, to cost $1,533. Gus I >, M. Sully, to repair frame dwelling. No. 1430 Moore street, to cost $.50. TEN ARE HURT BY AEROPLANE | Aviator Gets Poor Start and Flyer Swoops Into Crowd—All Will Recover. MILWAUKEE, W18., Sept. 17.—The ten persons Injured here late yester- | day when Arehte Hoxaey lost eontrol of the Wright aeroplane at the Wis consin Fair Grounds and swooped Into the crowd, are reported recovering to- , day. None was seriously hurt. Hoxsey made a poor start, and when about fifteen feet from the ground the^ machine darted down into the crowd. ; Hoxsey was not Injured. Qualify « Administrators. Mrs. Annie C. Robben and Joseph J. Robben qualified as administrators of the estate of George \V, Robben In Chancery court Saturday. The estate Is valued at $11,000. Judge Wells Is In the proceedings acting for Judge Grin nan. who Is out of the city. Hanover Street Property told. A property transfer was recorded i.i Chancery Court Saturday according to the terms of which T. Seddon Bruce. Jr., conveys to Elisabeth V. Lee, prop erty fronting 40 feet on south line of Haforer street, between Roseneatn road and Glim our street. The price paid Is $1 and other valuable consider ations A Nice Home for Sale Nine nice room*. Central location. fnnreuiant to School and Parle. Excellent neighborhood. $5,250.00. E. A. CATL1N A CO.. Sales Dept. 16 North Eighth Street Elam <t Funrtrri. Real Estate Agents. PUBLIC AUCTION SALE FOR DIVISION OF 309 S. 4th St. An elegant apartment with stable in rear. Total rente SlOoti. To be sold on the premises on MONDAY, SEPT. 19TH, 1910, at r. o’clock P. M. Rare chance for a paying investment. Terms: Extra easy ELAM & FUNSTEN, Auctioneers. HENRY 5.HUTZLER8.C0 BANKERS SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE (N ALL LINES OF ’GENERAL BANKING. interest allowed ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS}?.* $2,750 Will buy a Neat Little Home in the Wool End. Detached frame, uaw aud complete. Kan*p porcelain bath, electric lights. Thi» property i* well located anti can he rented at a figure that will pav an an Investment. JOHN W. BATES. 20 North Eighth Street EOR RENT, 425 North 34th St. mt *20.00 p«r month. Hu 7 Urge room*. K. A. GATLIN A OO., 18 North Eighth Street. FOR RENT, 3 West Grace Street A Urge Handsome Dwelling, with good .table on OUM XtMUM, A QttJ FOR SALE, Net Steady renter, growing Motion, tm (■client condition, the best in the city tut an investment or speculation $20,000 J A. CONNELLY * CO, V. 9-17-10. High Constable’s Sale. I will aril by Public Auction, on Moo/l* 19tb <l*y of September. 1910. at 3 o'clock 11 at my storehouse, No. 1300 Bast Fmiddle following property. to satisfy distress warrant civil executions in my bands: Bureaus, \ stands, Hat Racks. Carpets, Curtains. Bar Cows* ter, etc. TERMS CASH:' W. H WYATT. Jr., H. C.. C. ft. Price $3,000 Rent $330. Centrally located Brick dwelling: near City M Tenant of long standing. H. SELDON TAYLOR A CO. $6,750 Orare Avenue home, within one aquare «< Hm risen Street; B noma. Phone Madieon 1M0 ha partiaulaen causa aonea Hm