Newspaper Page Text
Mareellua Foster hat on* for the marrlag* ter. Katherine, to t>r Hi Motley, of Hinton. W ceremony will take place evening. October IS. »i • o'clock, at the home ol (12 West Oraoe street. Virginians to Wed. | fcltaabeth Giles 1-nnghorne. ol , announce* the engagement o! r, Sarah Morri*. to Mr. Wil ted Arnand, the wedding to „ at All Saint* church. At . the morning of October ttghome 1* a native of Vlr ^nd a member of the I.ang I family, famou* for the beano ice of it* women. She has _ Atlanta but a comparatively time, having previously made ne In Virginia and New Yore, Arnand is also a Virginian and know n in bu*ln« s«. musical ial circles. lie is owner of Music Company, and a mem mam of the clubs and social lions of Atlanta. I*artj at the Reach, tnoat delightful house parts is tn progress at the 1’ocahonuis (frit, at Virginia Heath, chaperon _r tin. Willie Dance. of Danville, Mrs. C. A. Woodward. Jr. • in the partj are Misses Vir Dance and Elizabeth Nooil. ol Iftle; Marie Harwell, of Jackson f Fia.; Miss Xietneycr. of Mem i Marie and Rosalie Harwood. of itnond; Josephine Wrenn. lirssie go, Frances Mayer. Alma iHennan, Ry Etheridge anti Pag. Sh»-i Messrs Tester Graves Mi and Kcviiie GU-nnan. Heath Ale^w Urice. J •«. Fivewait, Ht» Hume. Maui : Hrow n.-, ... hlngtod Jack Handle,. tleorgi ’ and t". A Woodward, Jr. Mi Week End in IticlimoiMl. „ and Mrs Nathaniel 1 ’ lltirris. tf Johnson fit?. Tenn . spent the end in Richmond, en route e rtdP-V* UuU vi-iv .r thot t.-Ul *... '.’I lilt of the former s mnlhw. Mr* wll be one «.l th< matrons ol at the Phiilips-Harri* wedding ’•dnesday evening. Boykin— Hickok. John Janies Hicli.ik ha* issued lions for the mart iagi ot hei *r. Mart Evelyn, to Mr. H un Godwin Boykin, tin* wedding ti place Wednesday afli-rM'i"i,, into. II, at a.30 o'clock, it; tic Second irisn church. iptimi nt tin- bride's boon FVanklin »tr*rt, will follow y To Visit in Birmingham. »«d Mrs. Price .Mi Kinney, ol d. O . will spend a part of N^o tn Birmingham. Ala,, as o,< of Miss Marianne H imilton McKinney will In- tin- center m •octal attention during her stay City, as it is her lirst visit sinn age several .veins ago. At Lucy Dwyer. Mr*. McKinney waj :e in Richmond society and it Cities where stie frequently visit was a beautiful Kiri, and tliosi Aav« seen her recently state Urn IS beautiful a matron. Approaching Marriages, and Mr*. Billups Phinzy. of Ath have announced tin* engage Of their daughtei, Anne Barrett Edward Hamtnund Johnson, ol The wedding will take plant mber 10 at the First Presby* church. and will lie followed by ition at the bride's home, wedding will be .of marked In in both Georgia and Virginia met people representing aristae id wealth in their native States fkiniy is tile eldest of the lovely sisters and inherits the beauty Charm of her mother, who wai Bcoutifi’l Miss Nellie Stovall, o Mr. Johnson is a lawyer am ;e his bride to a lovely home it engagement is announced by Mr Mrs. E. M. Tennis of their dangle S0fc*ce Irene, to Mr. John Hancoel r, of Richmond. The wedding: wil place in early November at tin i Of the bride, on Mil! I'reek, It th Pity county, Va t engagement of Miss Jeanetb i Jacob to Mr. John Stanard Ar , Of South Richmond, Is announce! lies Jacob's parents. Mr. and Mrs A. Jacob, of Forest Util. Tin will be celebrated In the lab \Cnt*rtainm»nt st Box Psrty. Harry Henning, of this elty jljl visiting her sister, airs. 1,. I in Birmingham. Ala., is he Bclight fully entertained. Aiimni affairs given for her was a ho: on Saturday afternoon, a lien tic included Mrs. Gardner, of t’o Alias ; Miss John Kile. , Mrs. Robert Morris and Mrs m. Vases r—Bsyly. tations have been issued by Mr Mrs. M'Kendry J. Hayly, o iown. Va.. for thi marriage o daughter. Nellie Estelle, to Mr Louis Vassar. of Richmond, a Episcopal church. Northauip county, on Wednesday. ttetoer l;t " A. M Meeting or Poiincil. Council of Jewish Women wll their first regular fail meetini in m/'.'ii u i o . ■» * i'm. ii school room of th*‘ A wh ial hour wiJ program, whuh : prayer, l*y K. X. Caltech hualmss and a fummarj done by the local Jewisl Benevolent A s«o Bam Cohen, Bell f «# Paeatneai*. Ulf aid Broach lal Be fcawa Uanacl valaabie *dvmi»g« «t| before Be arrive*, aad that hi* wrt eafti«t*4 Bwrt ea*Uy aad *ur«l?. i theeld BeeUhoat a Jar of tht* evader Mid Mm4v for Creep. C»uga*. Cadi, ■a. Vmt Btici, wut any stove We*t Broad Street mmsm. US THIS niCHBOXI it A4*. wiU briog jrei Don’t get left, but buy your heater here and have it put up right. We sell Cole’s Hot Blast, Alert, Comet, Royal, Richmond or Novelty Self Feeders, and they are priced low. Comforts, Blankets and Bedding. Jones Bros. & Co., Inc. 1418-1420 East Mam Street. Ababah Anxlliarj Mrs. Moyer Hirsh Hebrew Memorial Assoi ialIon. Miss Is.,line Mows': .fun I or Connell of Jew ish Women. Mias Sadie Hell.tern; 1 Julies Hebrew Aid Society. Mrs. S. J London; Council of Jew ish Women. Mrs. S Gaieski. \ ai hoIo, lMrs. Jasper Howe, accompanied l>> Mrs. Sig Hutzler. Mr Mini Mrs. Claude M. Dean are in Non York stopping at the Walcott. Mr,. Charles I'ana Gibson. who ban been th< guest "t Mrs. Saunders Hob son, left utt Friday for Albemarle eiHintv it. visit h«r lather. Mr. Chis { well Langholm- at "Mirador* Mr. and Mrs Walter K .lervey and . liUe sun. Walter, of New Orleans, who ‘ have lieeti spending the summer and earlv fad in Virginia, have returned to their home They were guests for a while at Mr Jervevs old home in Powhatan < ountv and s(>ent several months with Mrs Ji-rvfy s mother. Mrs nettle Cm-ki of • lied Hills' Fluvanna county. * * * Mrs Ashton Starke and Mrs. Henry Wortham landed itt New- York Kun Idav morning, after an absent*. of sev i era! months, spent I'hiefly in Norway and Svveedeil They are exported to 1 arrive in Richmond ubout Wednes day. ^ Mrs. W W Sale spent a few days the past week in Norfolk. • • • Mrs Walter Scott Copeland. who ■ Spent the past week with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Cunningham, has re ■ turned to her home In Newport i New s, t • • * Mrs George Martin has returned to Norfolk from a visit t.. her mother. Mrs Cardoza, of Richmond. Miss Anne Uoyall is the guest of Miss Sarah Osborne at her home in Orange. . . . Miss liossie Huge, who spent the | summer at Mrs Michaels* in Staunton, has returned to Richmond. * • • j Mr. Coleman N. Jenkins, of Norfolk, 1 is spending some time in the city. * * * Captain and Mrs. \\ G Kablc. of . Staunton, are guests of the latter." parents. Mr. and Mrs. I, It. F.nslow of Highland Park. U. S. GOVERNMENT SHIPS ! SEALSKINS TO ENGLANE i _ 1 As a I[.-nit Americans Will llavt lo Pnv More for: Furs. I WASHINGTON, <>rt. 10 —The cn i troversy between officials of the de * partment <>r commerce and labor am domestic furriers was renewed to-day | following the announcement that 13.■ i otit) government seal-skins were ship | ped Saturday from New” York to Lon don. II Jlllill fti Ulfli mr ,'iupiiirn j.« worth *500,000. The skins will b« < ured in England, anil if they art brought T>a< k to this country a heavy , import duty wilt have to lie paid upor 1 them. 'That's the reason,” said one fur Her to-day. "why American winner hate to pay double prices for sea furs ami Knglish women get the bene , tit of the American seals." When cured the 13,000 skins wll he sold at auction In London. ofth ia!* of the department of com : men e and labor said to-duy thal | there were only two firms In the world capable of curing the skins and thal I both were on the Thames river. Eng , land. New York ahd St. Louis fur riers deny this, and served notice to ; day that next season they will de mand a chance to prove their ability. SHORT RANGE SHOTS | FII1L OF THE MURK One Negro Shout- at Another at Four Feet, lint Missed— lJain- Do (i i a id. 4 ^ (Special to The Rcihniond Virginian.) EMPORIA, VA , Ooti 10 — Eddie I Pearson and Hicks Kraswell, of North ' Emporia. were brought liefore Mayor Everett Saturday and sent on to the grand Jury . The two negroes got Into • • an artrmjtton over 'Pearson's wife. | He tired two shots at Jlraswell at a ' I distance of four feet, both missing his mark, and one hitting a door about sixty yards from them. > T-he little three-year-old son of Mr. Richard Flythe. of North Kmporla. • | who died Friday night, was buried Saturday evening. ' The copious rains have .broken up , Ote drought here, an^ farmers ar« , made glad, because the rain will help tall seed* so much. I REQUIRES LIGHTS. ON ILl VEHICLES | Council man Batkins Frames Or ! dinanco Which May IXt. Away With Collisions. An ordinance requiring ail vehicles drawn by horse* to lie equipped with at least one light, placed on the left side of the equlppagc nnd showing white from the front and red from the rear, will Itc presented to com mon council when that hotly meet* at ft o’clock Monday night. The meat tire was drawn up by Councilman Claude I- Ifatkin*, ac cording to whom it* term* will, prac - tidily do away with night collision*. A traflh ordinance already In force ! requlrca all vehicle* to draw up oh the right. The new ordinance will allow driver* to gauge the distance they have to pa»s another vehicle. The ordinance also require* ever.' driver to hold llte rein* In his hand* w hen his ltor*e Is not in motion. Several other matter* of Importance will also lie brought up for dlacuaaion at the meeting, which has been car ried over from last week. The committee on relief of the poor "111 meet at the City Home at 2:30 o'clock and wflt Inspect the building*. This will be the first official inspec tion ivy tile new committee. The committee on electricity will meet Monday night at 7:30 o'clock. It will lie h regular monthly meeting, devoted mainly to the transaction of routine business. CHARGES ARE RENEWED AGAINST POSTMASTER ”I'erniciidi- ActivUy” Allpgatiuns Again Made About ( harles M. Kc£zcl. HA KRIS' INBI'KO, VA. Oct. 10 For the third time in live years Pont master t'harlr* M Keeael. of llarriaon burg. is under investigation on the Charge of “pernicious political activi ty.’* An inspector from Washington h« i here examining into the record and be j havior of Harrteonburg'a pastmaeter iti - ci.nri..,'»loti u-ith t list » iliulrli*! rAM - ; vention at (.'harlottesvIUe, wh«*ii Mr Keexol'a activity, in the opinion of the i nan rtf eniM, partook of decided pernl j ciouanes*. j The anti*orKani/.atioi\ members hav* never >et been able to make out case uttalnst Mr. Kecxel. but they h*» lleve that they have it on him thi> time. Hl» friends, however, say till: , inquiry will end like the other. SANATORIUM REACHING | OUT TOO NEW QUARTERS Present plan* of the Institution an to use the annex building mostly t'oi 1 medical patients and to utilize tin | main building for surgical eases. Johnston-Wllli* Sanatorium, locatet at the southeast corner of Sixth ant Franklin »treet, la preparing to an I nex the three-atory brick dwelling ad , joining It on Franklin street. Whet | this 1* done the sanatorium will hav ten large, spacious rooms added t< | Its capacity and will thus he able t< i accommodate the overflow of patient ! now taxing the institution. The two structures will be jolnet by a bridge, and it Is likely that tic contractor will start work this week The annex has previously been usei for nurses' quarters. The nurses ar now quartered in the residence at 6i Fast Franklin, which has been lease' 1 until next September. when the hos pltal will gain possession of the ad joining residence next to the hospita j upon which some one else holds i lease until that time. | HC8BAM> t.OIOS AWAY: WIFJF TRIKS TO KM» 1.IF1 Despondent beea use her husham i left the city against her expresses desire, Mrs. \V. A. Miller, of No. 172 Washington street. tin- mother o ! eleven children, attempted to esmmi suicide late Saturday night by drink ing a quantity of laudanum. Her lif wa» saved by Hr. Ilarshharger, of th CAUSE B*»t Optical service obtainable. augmented hy the unwillingness <»f tli woman to take treatment whirl would frustrate her attempt at self destruction. j Mrs. Miller came to this city abou i one year ago from Lynchburg PROF. BROWN WILL DISCUSS •SCIENCE VERSUS SPIRITISM For the benefit of the Sunday srhou fund. Prof. C. J. Brown will deliver ■, lecture at the Third Christian church Twenty-sixth ami Marshall street? Friday night. October 14. Hi» them will he "Science vs. Spiritism; or TTdckt^jtm^Tihcker^Ex^tos^d^ Don’t Spend Youi Time and Money Going around town looking foi cheap bicycles. It’s like stopping a clock to save time. .You car I always find what you want ir I quality and price at our place j Columbia, Iver Johnson and Head ing Standard Bicycles—Reading Standard and Harley Davidson Motorcycles — Juvenile Bicycles Tires amI Repairs a specialt v. VVc want your patronage. 825 West Main Square IIVjY of Monroe Park. Phone 4914 jT. A. Quisenbury A Nice Bicycle for S20.00. Try our $2.50 Tires. SCRIBE IS IHSHE PHYSICIANS $11 Ben Myers, Norfolk Newspapi .Man Who Tried Suicide Scut to Asylum! (Rpeeisl to The Richmond Virginian 1 Nt tltKOljK, VA„ Oct. 10.—Althougl I he has fully recovered from tin wounds. Itcn Myers, the local newspa ; per man. who shot himself twice In tilt l stomach at hts home here Severn weeks ago, has heen adjudged tnsam i liv a lunacy commission headed by l*r I Hlddick. has family physician, and wil he sent to the asylum at Williamsburg . as soon as arrangements can be mudt for his reception there. NATIVK OF HARHlSOMUKt. T \ li KS I.IFK 1\ ( IKIKUM (Special to The Richmond Virginian.; ; HA It RISONBFRO, VA . Oct. 10.— Hr. I lent ley O. Rutter, who recentlj committed suicide In Cleveland, O. j was a native of Harrisonburg ant | served as a Confederate soldiei through the Civil War. He was t j graduate ot medicine at in*' i nuer i sitv *>f Cincinnati and hud .served ai i superintendent of the State iniant I hospitals at Dayton. Athens and Co I lumbns. Ills book. "The Criminal Re I .sponsitiility of the Insane," was fre : fluently quoted at the famous Harr: ! K. Thaw trial. After his mysterious disuppcaranc* I he was found dead in a downtowt ; hotel in Cleveland. Ohio, having taket I a deadly poison, which resulted it instant death. ! MOODY TO RESIDE IN WASH IXGTO^ MAGNOLIA, MA8S.. Oct 10. Jus | tice William Moody, of the I'nlte* i States Supreme Court, whose resig : nation from the bench is to take ef | feet next month. Is to lent*' Magnolh to-day for Washington. « here he wil ' make his permanent home. Justice Moody will make the tri] to Washington by rail via New York accompanied by his sister. Miss Mar 1 E. Moody, and his physician) Pi James K. Jackson. ' When President Taft heard of Jus ' tire Moody's decision to return t ’ j Washington, he offered him the us | of the Dolphin, but physicians sat ' Mr. Moody was in sufficient conditioi * I to make the trip by rail I .. SAYS CHURCH APPEALS TO MAN OF BUSINES! | Rev. Dr. Lilly Deliver? I nitju Add res- at Methodist Alass i i ■ Meetinir. i f j Selecting as his theme "The Man an t the Church," Rev. Dr. D. ( lay Lilli • ! nastor of Grace Street Presbvteria “I church, addressed the quarterly mas • meeting of the Methodist Sunday J School Society of Richmond at Conte t nary church Sunday afternoon and wa f heard with deepest attention. 1 >r. Lilly said that the church is ap i pealing more•qhan ever to the man o t business, who must of necessity bar some means of diversion from hi weekly affairs. “The successful man of to-day," h ' said, “likes large enterprises, and tha Is one reason why the church Hppeal I to hint. It is an exceedingly large en i | terprlse. occupying a commanding po , | sit Ion throughout the world.” I)r. Lilly also showed that the ohurc * Is heroic, and declared this wa another reason why it appealed t tnen. “Its history is full of heroes,” he ns serted, “and no one can deny the ap pealing force of heroic deeds.” The meeting was marked by an un usually large attendance, and report showed the work of the quarter to b most gratifying. They had referenc ; chiefly to the adult classes. Rev. Dr. J. N. Latham, pastor u ! Centenary, conducted the devotions • services. Air, X. f. Scott, president o j the society, presided. HITS “ON THE SQUARE” SLUGGER LAJQIE SAY! CINCINNATI, O., Oct. 10.—“Ever; hit I made In the double-header playe j in $t. Louis Sunday was on th ! square," declared Lajole. of the Cleve j land team, here to-day. 1 ‘1 did not speak to a St. Louis playe 1 about my batting average; asked n favors from any one and, worked m I head off to make the safe drives I col | lected. i "After my first hit, a clean drive b center for three bases, the 8L Loui players played deep, expecting me t pound the ball out every1 time. 1 fool ed them the next time up by beatlni out a bunt, and, knowing that a bun would be the unexpected, every tlm : up 1 continued to lay the ball down and beat It out. Nut only was ever: hit I made a dean drive, but the 81 Louis scorers cheated me out of ore hit in the third Inning of the seconi game. With a man on third 1 buntei the ball down the left held line. Nei thtr Corrlden nor any other playe: could have handled the ball Ut time t< get either of us. Instead of crediting me with a hit, as should have baei done, the official scorer gave the flelde an error and me a sacrifice. Insteai or eight hits at eight timer at bat should have had nine safe drives pu to mv credit In that many tribe to thi Plate.” OEMOW LOOK FOR LAND-SLIDE Of Ten Congressional'Districts Only Two Arc in Doubt. i With the nomination of a Demo* | eratio standard-bearer in the Second i district, the Virginia Hat of congrea ! slohl aspirants will be complete, |and the aucceaa of Jeffersonian pri'n i olples bids air to be unusually gratlfy I lng in the State this year as lour of | the Democratic candidates will have no opposition, while four others will I have practically no serious tight on > hand. As indicated in the list by districts j printed below, the .candidates who j have an open held arc Turnbull, Glass, | Carlin and Flood. Thc-lr election is none the less certain than that of Lamb, Jones, Hay and the nominee yet to be named In the Second dis 1 trict to succeed Congressman May* |nar<L „ The Republicans, therefore, are re stricted to the Fifth and Ninth dis tricts, and as Congressman Saunders is opposed by two Republicans—one an Insurgent—his chances of success should be largely augmented, while Mr. Henry C. Stuart, in the Ninth, has succeeded in perfecting such an organization that it Is conceded by everyone that he will give Congress man Slemp the flghi of his life, and stands more than an even chance of carrying off the laurel. The list of congressional Jousters •>m Virginia district is as follows: 'Irst—Representative William A. Jones, of Richmond county, Demo crat: George N. Wise, of Newport News, Republican. Second—Democrat to be named j October 17; H. H. Rumble, of Norfolk, : Republican. Third—Representative John I-amh, I of Richmond, Democrat; W. R. Vas ter, of Henrico, Republican; Thomas | A. Hollins, of Richmond, socialist ! labor. j Fourth—Representative Robert I Turnbull, of Brunswick. Democrat; no Republican nomination. Fifth—Representative Edward W. Saunders, of Franklin, Democrat; Senator John M. Parsons, of Gray son. Republican; J. R. Anglin, of Henry, Insurgent Republican. Sixth—Representative Carter Glass, ' lican nomination. Seventh—Representative James Hay. of Madison, Democrat: John i Paul, of Harrisonburg, Republican; 1 Hugh S. I,upton. of Winchester, Re publican (party split). Eighth—Representative C. C. Car lin. of Alexandria, Democrat: no Re ' ' publican nomination. Ninth—Henry C. Stuart, of Russell, 1 Democrat; Representative B. i Slemp. of Wise, Republican, i Tenth—Representative II. D. Flood, i j of Appomattox, Democrat; no Hepuh I lican nomination. , | HUTZLER WILL SOON 1 LEAVE THE HOSPITAL i - Victim of Automobile Collision li Passed Good Night and Ha* Keen Appetite f Mr Charles A. Hutzler. who on Fri . day last was struck by an automobile near the City Hall, is rapidly recover ing from his injuries and ph. iclans at the Memorial hospital, where he *s confined, declare It is only a matter of days before he will be .able to leave 1 that institution. » Mf. Hutzler is said to have slept 1 i soundly all through Sunday night, and j , to have awakened Monday morning i with a keen appetite. He was not in I ternally injured bj* the collision, as J was at first feared, and Is suffering on i ly from bruises and from shock. | Eshman—Daley. 1 (Special to The Richmond Virginian.) |j HARRISONBUBO, VA.. Oct. 1 0.— | Announcement is made of the rnar | riage In Athens. Ohio, of Bernham j Eshman, of Washington, I). C„ and ; Miss Ida Daley. The groom is a son , j of Charles H. Eshman, for many years : proprietor of the old Clarendon Ho ■ tel here. i CHANCE IN SCHKDIT.K C. A O. RAILWAY. 1 Effective Sunday, October 9th, train leaving Richmond 12 noon daily ex ■I , cept Sunday for Hinton, W. Va.. will ,, be discontinued. Train leaving Rich - mnn<l s:3U a. m. neing oany to • har . lottesvllle and daily except Sunday to , 1 Minton. j Train will lvave Richmond via . James River Line for Lynchburg, f Lexington and Clifton Forge 10 A. e M. daily, instead of 11:46 A. M„ train ,1 leaving Richmond 5:15 P. M. for Lynchburg dally except Sunday, ln , | stead of daily. t ' James River Line trains will reach ( Richmond 8:35 A. M. dally except . SundayandSMSRliLdaily^^^^^^ 1 i s 3 Southern Railway. TRAINS LEAVE RICHMOND. N. B.—Following tnhsdul# figures published as information and not guaranteed: ft: 10 A. M.—Daily—Local for Charlotte, Dur ham and Raleigh. 10 45 A. M.—Daily—Limited—For all points South. Drawing Room Buffet Sleeping Car to Memphis, via Asheville and Chattanooga. 3:00 P. M.—Ex. Sunday, Local fo< Durham and intermediate stations. ft:00 P. M.—Kx. Sunday—Keysvilla Local. 11:45 P. M.—Daily—Limited, for all points South. Pullman ready 0:30 P. M. YORK RIVER LINE. 4:30 P. M.—Ex. Sun.—To West Pt., connecting for Baltimore Mon., Wed. and Fri. 4:30 A. M.—Ex. Sun. and 2:15 P. M.—Mon., Wed. and Fri.—Local to Wert Point. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. i Front the South: 7.00 A. M . 8:05 P. M , daiiv. 8 40 A. M.—Ex. Sun.. 12:55 P. M.—Ex. Suti.. i From w'erl Point, 9 30 a: M., daily; 11:33 A. M. | Wed. end Fri.; 5:45 P. M.. Ex. Bun. [ ; B E. BURGESS, D. P. A.. I 930 Feet Mein Street. Phdne Madison 455. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway 9:00 A.1 Daily—Fast train, to Old Point. 4:00 P. / Newport Newe and Norfolk. 7:40 A.—Daily, Local to Newcoit New,. 5:00 P.—Daily. Local to Old Point. 3:00 P.) Daily—Louieville and Cincinnati. 11:00 P. > Pullman. 0:46 P.—Daily. "St. Louie-Chioago Special." Pullmans. 8:30 A.—Daily—Charlottesville. Week day#— Hinton. 5:15 P.--Week days. Loral to Gordnn»vil!r. 10:00 A.—Daily. Lynchburg, Lex., C. Forge. 5:15 P.—Weak daye. To Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE RICHMOND. Local from East—8d» A. M.. 7:80 P. M. Through flomjSaaa—11 :*5 A. M.,«:S5 P. M. Local from W«t—*8:30 A. M , 9:50 A. M.. 7:30 P. M. Through—7:00 A. M., 3:45 P. M. JnmesRiver Lina >8:35 A. M , 8:15 P. M. 'Daily except Bunday. Ridusisd asJPrtantoK Electric Railway Car, leave Manchaetei, Seventh and Perry Streets, (or Petersburg: •6, 7, 8, *9, 10. II, *13 P. M., I, 3, *3, 4, 5. ••5645. *8. 7, 8, *0:10 P. M. _ 11:00 P. M. for Cheatet. 13:00 midnight for ^*Carrlnnve Petersburg. loot Sycamore Street, for 1 Maneheetm. . ' 6:15, Tis. **7:15, *7:35. 8:33. 9:35, *10:3)1. 11:33 A. M„ 13:36. *1:33. 2:35. 3:35, '4:33. 5:35. 8:33, *7:33. 8:35, 9:33. *10:40. 11 40 P. M • Carrie, baggage en eipirm.u •*Limiie«l, except Sundays and holiday. All raia from Petetrburg connect aith care lor Richmond, It makes you happy when you find something, valuable, doesn't it/ Give us a visit and you'll find Erices so far below what you expected they wbuld e, that you’ll begin to think you are finding Valu ables, which will be the case if you buy from us. We have a very large stock of new goods. J. S. JAMES, Jewe'er and Optician, Seventh and Main Streets. COURT TO TEST HOLE AS TO MAKIN6 CHANGE An aftermath of the police court trial of Mr. A. R. Bradshaw, who on May IT. 1910. was tried and acquitted on a charge of disorderly conduct, the complaint being that he offered J5 to a street car conductor to pay his fare and refused to get off the car when the latter could not make change, appeared In the law and Equity Court Monday, when Mr. Brad shaw tiled suit against the Virginia Railway and Power Company for $2, 500 damages. In his declaration the plaintiff de clares that he boarded a Ninth and Main street car on May 7 and when asked for his fare offered a |5 bill, the only money in his possession at that time. The conductor, he says, refused to make change and ordered him to get off the car. He would not do this, and the conductor called Po liceman Toler, and told him that the plaintiff was disorderly on the car. Mr Toler arrested Mr. Bradshaw and took him to the station, where he was incarcerated for half an hour. In the police court the next morn ing Justice John t'rutchfleld dismissed th* case, declaring that Mr. Brad shaw had acted entirely within hts rights. It has long been a standing rule of the street car company that conduc* tors carry change for $2 and no bill* over that amount. The plaintiff asks damages for false arrest and imprisonment OBITUARY Judge l-ainbcrt Tree. Judge Lamoert Tree, of New York, a brother of Mr. Joseph B. Tree, of Richmond, died in tile former city recently. William II. Day. Air. William n. Pay. oi Henrico county, died Haturdav at the Retreat for the Sick. The luneral will take place Monday afternoon at the grave In Oak wood cemetaiy. Murry Mason Mct.uirc. M.urray Mason AtcfJuire, Jr., six i y ears old, son of Air and Mrs. M. H. i McGuire, died Sunday afternoon. The , funeral will take place Tuesday af ternoon at t o'clock from bt. James j church. — Florence Anderson. Florence Anderson, ll\e-year-old I daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. Julian C. ! Anderson. of Barton Heights, a bright and attractive child, died Sunday ' morning at St. Puke's hospital. The 'funeral will take place Monday after j noon from the residence, 71S Miller i avenue. Barton Heights. Interment i will be made in Ktvervlew cemetery. Mrs. Florence Bradley-1junfoert. j Mrs. Florence Bradley-Lambert uiru euuuMi^ ouiiua* iuui um§ at tier i home, No. T West Marshall street. The I funeral will take place Monday af ternoon front the residence. Mrs. Bradley was stricken Saturday night, .and though physicians were hurriedly summoned, they were unable to save I her. She leaves ft husband, Mr. James | E. Lambert, and two daughters. Mlases | Lillie and Louise Bradley, and one aon, Littleton I). Bradley. of old Point. — Edward T. (.rates. Mr. Edward T. Graves, for a long while a resident of Klehmond. died last Friday In Brookport, N. V. The Itody has been brought here and the funeral will take place Monday af ternoon from the Laurel-Street Metho dist Episcopal churcn. Interment will be made in Klvervlew cemetery. He leaves a widow, Mrs. Mary J. Graves; two daughter, Mrs. Janies McConnal, of Milwaukee, and Miss C. H. Rowlett, and two sons, Messrs. E. ('. Graves and B. J. Rowlett, of Richmond. Mrs. Mary E. Galian. Mrs. Mary A. Galian, seventy-seven years old. died Saturday at the home of-tjer son, Mr. T. K. A. Burke, No. 1802 Hanover avenue. She had been III a long while. Mrs. Gahan was born In Montross, Westmoreland coun ty, in 1832, and was the youngest sister of Rev. Father Robert Andrews, a missionary In this city during the I Civil war. Her first husband was Major Thomas M. Burke, of the Con federate States Army, of Essex. Her second husband was Hr. Edward Gahan. of Philadelphia. Shortly after the war. Miss Gahan conducted a private school In Richmond and met with great success. The funeral, which was private, took place Sun day afternoon from the Sacred Heart ; Cathedral. Mrs. W. 1*. Sutton. AMHERST, VA., October 10.—Mrs. W. P. Sutton, who had been In fail ing health for some time past, died Sunday morning at her home at | Sandlges. Mrs. V. M. Douglas. LYNCH STATION. VA.. October 10.—Mrs. C. M. Douglas, aged eighty three years, died here Saturday. She ia survived by two sons and one daughter—John L. Douglas and Mrs. M. E. Tyree, of thia place, and C. A. Douglas, of Norfolk. John W. Hildebrand. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA., October 10.—John W. Hildebrand, a well known resident of this city, died Sun day night at. his home In the Holla day building, after a long illness of / tuberculosis. Hs was a native o: Albemarle, and was titty-four years ol age. Seven children survive him. t<uy Waters Gibson. WILLIAMSBURG, VA., October 10 —Guy Waters Gibson, of Chicago aged twenty-tour years, died briaa> morning at the home ot his uncle, \v C. Koosevelt, at "Holy Farm.” York county, ater a lingering Illness. In, body was taken to Jacksonville, h la for Interment It was accompanied by his sister, Mtss Mollle H. Gibson. Mr. Gibson was a relative on hu mother’s side ot former President Koosevelt. Colonel William T. Plippln. GREEN BAY, VA.. October It).— Colonel William T. Fllppln died sud denly at his home Thursday after noon. He was the oldest citlsen In this section, hefng in his eighty fourth year. He was a Confederate soldier, having been colonel of the militia, and after the war he engag ed In the mercantile business. It is learned that he evidently ex pected the end, for he had a few dajs ago selected his own casket and a burial place, which ts some distance from the family burying ground. l>r. Frank 11. OHinnscti. HARRISONBURG. VA.. October 10. —I>r. Frank Blair Olhausen. thirt> four years old .died at hts home, on South Main street. Sunday. He was a native of Pennsylvania, but spent nearly all of his life In Harrisonburg. His father. J. H. Olhausen. of New York city. Is a retired general super intendent of the Central railroad of New Jersey. His wife was Miss Vir ginia Payne, daughter of the lato Captain W. W. Payne snd grand daughter of General W. II. Payne, of Warrenton. and grandniece of Gen eral Eppa Hunton, of Richmond, both of Confederate fame. Mrs. Cartha V. Charlton. LEXINGTON. VA.. October 10 — Mrs Cartha Virginia Charlton, wife of William C. Charlton, died at her homo on Main street Tuesday, after an ill ness of two months. The funeral took place from the home Wednesday af ternoon. being conducted by her pas tor, Rev. Alfred T. Graham. t>. !>.. of the Presbyterian church, who was assigned by Rev. Charles Manly. D. D. of the Baptist church, and Rev. William S. Hammond, of the Metho dist church Mr*. Charlton was a Mis* Loving, of I.ovlngston. Nelson county, daughter of John 1. Loving. She wag aged slxty-flve yeara MKI.RCTS* AND SOON PASSES AWAY. (Special to The Richmond Virginia!. > HARRISONBURG, VA.. Oct. ID —Ar- i Miller. 31 years old. made the predic tion that he was approaching the et d of his life and calling his friends t > him lie selected his pallbearer* and shortly afterwards died He leaves In* widow and three small children at hit home near Hayfleld, Shenandoah coun tv. Death was due to heart disease. "Disrates of the Home.” Captain Jennings C. Wise Tuesday night will deliver the first of a series of four lectures to the officers ami men of the Richmond Howltgers on “Diseases of the Horse." This will m«iu§uinir wic " uuci **».*»» of the artillerymen. Councilman Huber Better. Following an lllneM which has kept him conBned to hta bed for aeveral weeks. Councilman Harry Huber i« now on the road to recovery, and will aoon be able to resume hta offi cial duties. Mr. Huber suffered a nervoua breakdown. DEATH NOTICE. ANDERSON—Died at St. lAjks's Hos pital Sunday. October ». at < A. M.. FLORENCE ROBERTA, daughter of Helen D. and Julian C. Anderson, aged.Are years and elaven months. Funeral from the residence. Tit Miller avenue. Barton Helghta. MON DAY, Octobsr 1(1, at ♦ p. M. A PF AX ACM AIN EXPOSITION. KNOXVILLE, TENN.. SEPT. OCTOBER IITH. 1110. VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Reduoad fares from all points on Southern Railway. Tic kata on sale dally. September l*th ta Oct. Itth. i#lt>. Inclusive. Final limit raturnlns ten days from, but not Including date of sale. For complete Information call on nearest Southern Railway Ticket Ag ent, or write 8. E. BURGESS. V. P. A.. Richmond. Va. The Richmond Conservatory off Music, MS East Ones Phone TfriffiT— THU FRANK E. COSBY, Director Mr. Denial E. Franc**, Director at vocal department. Catalogue* upon appjiaaUon. The Woman’* Gymnasium rOH RENT. A FOR RENT IN THE RICHMOND Virginian want ads., will sat ti v .